ituvn, for merc'ca sise; ve have a visit.? CHAPTER XXXIV.-(Contllnued.) Iis evenlu." 1 Erie [Ueveliy,.tie desd-alive. the mansi--Who la t?" Mortel nais, never tirting "er hm is giri-wife mourus ln a froua tbe dour, neyer ceasslg thc rousiaes .îdôVudeol4.1ala augulab; asud fer violai novament utflier gilterlua. fevereit eyOIs, bis uotiesr grsy boirs are tig (Ia o D evir movîna ber banda lutera sie as ta thé. grave le the quiet. b.nnome, pas, tlhtly presed theni ag*iB$sllber madli @tonate grief of the hert hial bas bout bsting hemL. bbiS>gb mure-thoan lsîxtiY eas r fthls *Why, vo bo hutitIIl b.?" Hestes' a2is, wvfflde trouiloîîs tîme-Erit, lAewllin, vIth ber licarticass hAtu laugh. "ýWbal aW*venud strotig. sud fuloufutvîgor audou seirthgi aileuo. ciild'f Are Yeu friaht- monicuda power. obter ha bo a vayri onestnc,,rbintiali e maller't*" elprocatil sithl cus's elrouilng ca«' "iarn trighteocd." puer hMeriel oms.s ramae$. luok»a aabo r'sti'tesili'asuitfeveri5i- tccbiystill nuites the @poil of the viit Il sil. Itia hi-rt Iungerina for r nober desperiýte,tuadt hope that boit leapei ni welcoine. lk a living thîna lu bier ire-astand bout 'Tbis lu C1tmragldeiie, is't I., iettle'!" la ber convulsed it lreat, and qivercit It le &eait. Iurriel). attud loukînga aionnd hem te-ered lipe. mince the momnent the sam vith a beviiiem,'ilglaitre. "Itlalusu ai-Klrvan irap ovar te Iedges ad coin tarait, i rau hîrîlîs reî-oaaala e l 10h Ie rushinttluard ber. gaspîng te biesue »ame pare. Aud vi-re la Morel, Net- vurtis: île?" ble wlîlspel'a. i voiî'e faIller bint- "Guaitaneya! God nevi for yeb, Miel "NHetîle. derm. îtiee s my pour ltie Mortel! There'a the haul o' guod ne-vs n vIter" ai te bouse fer ye. iss Muriel!" he l, te i- l dont ktîov vere sIte la"n i-aresrs lis nlll mhobrst- CfiAITEit XXXN' Ina miter lars ilas ie isu erbed "h.vh lit tsat bus ruine. fieler?' *gain on Eri-ti liesa.-"Oh, Erc! Erie! sic asit, boais-y lnlat b u gl'ee me a minute heture- Yen give Muriel for'lite .muomusdeuly luoii the reot et jour lite." arounii sîîd ade nivaland ber haut "Htl!dnlkeep nie lin speflie," ble cutchina tic tour. grows icy cod. - se.e udbio el ieu btgbeto M1r. ïarren." Ilester soswerr, coil:3 WÏSon, --uell me n-le-me Muriel 18.," WIy, vhslt'an rarth are Yeuu mîkitD "I duu't Ituow. i assure 700. Erie" Hem- snch a tragical Piece- ut bumiesi O! isa' ter'&anivers. îîuWetly, unbduinga berslf hi rival for'! 1 uever sUew bienas a partiet apavent ti effort. "SIte jlu ot apeading lar frirnd ut loure befure." tlla aeyeing vitb nume or ber fricuda. 1I "Did iIe bring an, ne-vaý'"Miuriel Pe netv;sted o tl i Iere ube v @jset@. pamaina by lber eemy's tennis un goîna" t idnt el u w .,a ntievait. "Didlie?! diii be'!Oh. Ilirmî «M"cuiherni h ave r"me areus the du bave pty on muer' «Goqdbonvn "Do barve Pib, ou you!" Ilester repent vas'ld. sud auu' Imat vaît be-e houtsInla itît merofnîi mirtluineas."Doû'hai *voi itfore- I use- ber" lie "iilangilli. pity ou yi.' and tel] 700uicheDcvi? We la lie injusticeeot ba fevemilsig. I hllere- is ucys lu liaI therehla ao "-Tou do'l sais feirnyor Pour moîber. -Erie," Nester gaysa srrovfuily. as abe lo!iAaui.nldivideibek&id Delt eish brus10 arebIt roin. e-a unpuo sute'n Sot ~'ucanil 'tuut etes.I s.sdv aut uar.Itr1 Riivmyjshale-V'eil! Whsl s the mi «Tn 1 dolacyci i,,)in1 "uant i vaur!"t!1r ilt jFon nov?'. lassai, bsee l'D, ,u wn e ,or a, the otIter su@of te ireplac nocmY vIte, to !"1 Murilees tt.cutaLu Irusl saie. a '1 wili go sud break te neya te pour aub.Iita ber face lt'tbe titi musi" Neltie ass, ie a loy. treiluaextrardinary -cntrtions f vt oireIs I9 valea of vel-sImuulstd tîrndt "sudit en rti.andti vbt bottbande heu nup, sa 1 viii go myoarîtqsattrur sud finit Muriel al e teer ilentlIy ackounla n fri fer yen, minice 70aY lenue uv tlic mauner, aussite tandu Itiuien fte «ut br!" aniidte-oroile avas ln a mie Stapieton'i vlew: and lu s nomne csois @ehuI. ber yuuna iistresruahes arrosa 1 UpesirS Itettie brek» te Jotuli nl evia, mkuockisna over sume ut lbe apin " s geutllia site ai. but sIte cannt quite legged. rnoaern-antique chairs reekiesi &vaI theicdisîresaîna peane Ibal ensnea aud in ilu Nsnaa's arma beote fieu ,bon sie brngs Erie ln sud the groy' perelvesta bumb îithal bas &aini hirsl moter laspe ber Soun te the bremot feated lber cruel longas te torturc ber thst uured hlm. But she letes mother feuseleis rival. s te hcîand sudbrnies avai lu hem "*Tu. me darli'! yis, stborer' Haent *wu reem,. loekssberseif il udnivnties uay,couvulivelî, bat ousina te the i witb hes demons of jeions despaîr &bdîle- vitIt Celie readinesu sud delii bsa'red tht are vanriiia folr ber sunl. "Whist, nov, hune-y! The best o' g "1conlit ilil ber. 1could ikilt ber!" th. nen-a for yeb, me citd, on'y uhe voult] mà la idly. as abe pares uP sud doueIcItyeh Iheur il as longa site eould k Jk s ragot tlgrenuL "Kilt ber? 1f vuh iilfron yeti. itbore! 'Wlisked, net pi, iou coud! 1 vould shoot ber An' taite Ihat nov! Au' serra bit o' l Il.abhe poion ber, it 1 coulii nuisZ evcer geliber lu torment bier an' brais b«tusrb iaforever snd everl But i heurtau' moise lutIleoutlber, sud teet «alst-l es't-" innoet svonut Itbr as se ve I Xtoe. e nnot.Sihe cnttkeel)EledFr'iuc yhconeIere! An' liSe1 faon lic vowninbe loves uit the vonunv! W ist, luedarlia'! lle'a o wba loves bin su desirii: ah. eaulul krp b ometo e , mila; bls Icouie i tisneasudes' sui more! A tev minutea. luteItë. me darlina' u'Ie's vaitin' m hleur il muaI, sud ilunlel andi ber lover ilails tir yeh, art' dyl' lu maat, 'wiltue rcuiit, lsever t. Part &gali us nhy se-ldu't lbe'!" l«ongs te icit shall live! "Mys huaband! lMy bubndt" te1 "At uailente le aboli yaltaavItile for girl gasaps. vill.trembhilua andi isugi là«. Sha @hall nal intrude oun uite vItile great lers roll down ber tace. firaS beur of bis rturnr' sate thinis,.luintannuab! lisaus hvere l e'!e bs, btter. useleus cancor sud jealosi. Erie-Esrie!-Eri---aI, nmi hushandi- @W seas atues ber flsbed fase., sud aPPîtea Erie, mi darlîng!" ,~ vvetifllina pondre de rose end a- Site tearu herselt truinIle-ar's ai Jcaber curling Wcku. ind g. dove- grlp andt Hsnas' crelilu arm, stlroutvsrdly scaltae s n u 8V-o- darits. swiftt se a unted hare, ot bbc emait volcno. sud gires hem odera te the passage.lnbeute hall. up tbe uI UsnatY Neili. suthe lBraI servant&site anA j' atina t lise door of Mmr. L i mets. ellyn'. ebainher, ere liester eau fi And' and overisSe ber. cles?, tumibie- iretions vilt an i nsltiar Btnt Ier. la à moment or bwu ut i air o u otrnptuous amusement, toutsseaere Erie et"rlpup lu open te door. ber bcad. vbile ber yetivunkle vith sîs the bour eili, standing outsiie, fets maliclusnsmaend triumph. au tcw crienber icla n onde-sperabe for te-arteu lu tbenomî. tbut iIyrie, ean twlnkle. lber heaeeblua banda or volcer.'and - Do leu uniierslandii'" IlesIer Bals, lus- beats sud bruines bier sfî paIme ut Ing ber tempe-rin a gual ut age vIticItie jpanels ofthbb locie door, aad crie-ai cannmetanlidue. If ynu dame lu diaubi my iy for admittstiie. itructlonsan sd îuy burin mcoftil "Erc! Erie! Erie! It la 1. Muril! ion *bail aniner for l! Du Yeu hear me, Muriel. Erie! Let me in,. Eric! oh, tat me nul sees sun ntleipt bu leare te onuiaet me la, Eric';" Orbouseor smd anynneîot uofte bouta@tu l'te m orErie's quivering ingera vîldly fiudt Ira. Lievellyn. or opait une %vomi te andui ovk te ilor iselessly lu bis r ber w bc It-due-ietua. ulil i sec Item tic bate. and ivhen bmopens l sbe sud breaiktbe ne-vs bu ber mYseif! Mnd. reiterates ber pilmius entreaty. Il 1 van YODnd 1 uii viitell (Col. Llevellyn r and ber, end thoul 1 bave varn ion, ad You ili hae1te crie& bearil.b ismoîra run, * bomne ityleur gosiping tangue frighlenu ting te do laHesier'a face asatl MlA.iewellyn bu deatIt!'" ually Iies lu follov tent. Aod "I1 don't keow ahot mi 'gumipla' LimyclYn tearfully bonnies ot 0 lonugue triteiilu'lier lu de-tb. Mina Sin- moun, recgnialu pur Mnrtei's i pietoii' Naenah mtotia louil>. "I inow nt last, and icaves lise girl sud Item w tisat toeboy's tonue basa nearly drove lover alune together. wtb ail the tisaemsîlbnhr teulber dcatb. au' niaIt bruis of earth paased as.y and aIltlite jc * ber hert au veli! We'ii be-t nt tmik paradise ber-ftot a ime et le-st. about 'tongues.' ILss Stapleton. for l'Te (To ha routinneit.) s loua one, a' an ngly une via t hegins ATlg'n otgu sv *--'peeiallY vbin lhere's sumeone corne A oe» anth Ase hanne teutientlie rigbtsana' the vmungo, À Penuaylvila avenue Clalnra su' slan' op for tIm thut ca't dei dryman eelved a lelegrainlte limouvea, liles Stapîlon. The poor evenîaint orIDniiKblrn liat bis b youug imisteuis vîli lie toulit the gooii Lang hait been serlonli Injure uyu so hemrbuabanii cumin' bacs ares lu igisl lu theeCime-se qiarter in ber atome you're ime te sait il a' mison more. Tise teeatuin rend as folle il for ber. l'In afrared Y -cre ltonalaintise "Corne ai Once you brother b feld, Miss! Krvsn'a gone a quarter et bort fight asever qalisk." au boum ogo lu finitlier a' bring hem home The seader ufthIe imessage., flylu' tabinseîf." atna esal eghofU Andt Nesier kosuo nsd feels Ibrough rviutn reslOSite egt thI -eveni uerve. the bitter Iuli liaI ste lte evn n epis- tepl- I * folleit utterty Site valisa away eloviy sage, vltu ianutmuctlOutet get1 suan s litise empli irawn lg rouiswaer. Vcmy soonu theren.ter tIti for 1Mr. Famen lbasdiscrecli retirai tle sage va baniiet hlm lu reply: the spare etem here Nannah bas lit lie "Who viîp Save." * in d b ourbt hlm a cnv of tea. Tlie Baltimor'e teegraph cIer ab. .Sic lassdove gain lu ber chair by lic Chilaanitaîkeit Pige-ou Eni eplatI visItesnietveedeit-vîsiof erhe bînter ton minutes atter recelvl wr ead, sine tise man sate ba uvcd anaer, su great vs& bIs Indîga 7' e t r ellnov vîseli, but deepii ait WasiîngtOu Star. tiret-vhom site bas mourmeit for mie' Cut la lie SoatIs. eoccrfor thc timc hana--since hobasa Ts e ai rbn r netnraicifrein the grava, as Il ver-n.- TeNwYrkTiuepi s turneitat liteansd lu love, te the love of try tiseatier day ot a mati nI Mus'éi lLewelirn-Murlel Leveilyn, rbo phaMnet t. a bol pubicier tua ole nul onuli e mlstremsa o!bis hert, but tain bok vasnol properly bot théib vite ot i bouant taet belu, tuaI Itu pages vere1 And almoat as lie viciscit viii trncs et.'Tic manager ut a bok i .ber salaid, the door opeunesud Murll Chattanooga mtes: "Wc ha U#Wieellyn cntcri lie room-'enters quckly ayi ma xprecswt bu hat uietly sud nUll.and sutbut liaI Hoas- wih ueutllm xertbcasvt ter notices te blocdless Paleroer sa act, tvîli unuter ee. ttI b a sud tisa nunatural lutre o ber greant. iIv eevnaimtt dauk i utu cya.. the can parceve nuli' the nattes', bot send t lentielr à- unusai n theagrl'@ sppeauaneas quck ifwe cauilt tul'sie I L _sisiWtra dd heiw ~ baenet h! ethatil t tz a»cnesnt mesa- REV. OR. TALMAGE CALLS THE liou@ wu* ke9t lat,@lslb h io' i ghî? eltedy ilcrn b The E NATIO TO TS KEE& as nf ltl te t fike the eagle's beak, al, ltsefiaanclal, poltlcai &Bd moral 10" effl Loi NAIO T Ian sd perbapt thé worst dîsaster of cen- of this repuhle viiilb. driven listât and oral of! turies waâ svoidcd.' driven doive by the pro.pieritini that art th esta ne Olivs Mau1y ]Desss why W. There camne another criait, withlu th Dow 0n their W5. but which corne wltha Obeaid Proiy for Iho.. lit Autbority li wilas.w.,rîl anlve e ro~te d iud lufatlque dàea"1w, o go on rsded that Amreas var vessels sait lu. we wsu1Itrem ta e "t&- double quic." duke. -SIXies for the' 1319b Tida 0eto Turklah waters sud stop the atrocities By our proyera va mai stand on the George National Propril. ganst the A rmesia. The people at mounitailu top and bechon thein on, and a BOcon large have no Ides of the. pressure brought show tberu a shorler eut. Yen, lu anuvOf la 1861. Our Washington Puipi. OpenontunrGoyevumeit tu do this rashi tu onr prayers the Lord Go of ouits Mai la onuy This discourie' of Dr. Tairnage, thlug. Missionarieu sud ther prorinent froin the igh heaus commnrsd them for- won a1 delUvcved befure a rihlty trant, Ajuericans in and «Bonud Constanltinople ward swfter thsn mounted trouva aver Poltien. Sons forth tron the capital, callilug the siiernbled aithelbofe of the Aturîrse le- teck the field et Elylau or ÂAterlitz. vhere nation ta ils kuees. Belote beginning hi@ talion sud demandced that ont minuster lu1672 Holland vASasaled. fier peo-forma,, sermon Dr. Talmage made au loquent plenipotetiari cable ta Washington for pie prayeîl mîshlli. The shîps of ber en- testl appeai for Arnericn aid for the suffering United BStes balt fvar, sud îhey ug- enfles walled for the hlgh tîdes on which rsn millilons of ludia. Eighlî millions are af- gneidthe. word, of Uthecablegrain. Nid tocmrne aswuer ta the prayers ut- gava nl fecteid by the famine. sudnunlesa Arnerica mir aipa gens albto a v aters thecsris fered te dtde, ane yer belte, Wasl detain- retired gemerouli cornes ta the rescue militons of of foreigu nationS. c, veriattiOly JeRlous ed twelc hourmand belote lt.stwetvecMarrie( Iliec viii e garllred. lis test vas 1. of ne, wouud haire bau. turned against unr houri hîd poaaed a hurricane ivooved up- bath,a Tiaothyi l., 1 *1 etburt. therefore. fihat. ehipping, and ounr faTi withlu s few years on the enernîc' shihis aud destro7ed tbern, Durhai a am ocf ail. supplications, prayeri, lnigr- becorne respectable in pover, would have and Roland waas »ved. If Oil detained *lie gWi.l *casmions sud gîving ot thanka he made for crawied beekwsrd la disgraee. The prop- te hlgh tide lu anavef ta prayer, -i11 bhslumen aIl men, for king sud for ail thal airelu oiiîA t do what could net be doue w55 mot hasten il lu answer ta prsiclr? Bure- wa, t jautbority." turciully vlthdma. 1, il ha% been loy tide long enoulà. MOI mon&, Tint vhich London la tu Eugland. l'arisaT* ls ugt Tinta«. the Lord baiten the hlgh tlde Or nationalhoge > te France, lierlin lta rmuy toa b There vili net b. a Inuir belvecu nov vîltare. Arnerican ctzen$, unrbeat bold onth ltaly, Vienne 1a Aus(ria. St.'l'eterglanrg aud the neil tveatyears vheu thune ni on lJod. We have aIl ienf amilles l ID h il lt usiia. Wasinigton ln to the lUited Who are ln sothoit7 ill netiflotued the prayer and churches lu prayer. What ve ed bit 1.States republic. The peuple wlî' live here "uiduce ofthebcUod of nations. tbd oniy isaut yet lu inl thla vbole uatiO it is kuo- mea more ufthlie chi@f men of the nation visut tel the rîght time for nations 1tudOil,, . God marc lhe United States of rapilci tt tban £07 whn live aîîyvhere ehie tween the right thior. Te do the riicht thiîîr ati.Xnerical Amen. wben aAtlantic asudl'a(-Ite oeeana.lifageSastur. the n rolî tîrne sle uad a.sta do th,-_________ be wn or' member outhe Hallute ou t tt-îreieuta- 55rang îhing t soi lime. Cuba vili one Short aavssnns. ut tbe lativea, or Supreine Court Justice, or Sec- dity bc free, bt it wiii be atrr elleebas Modern 8clenice.-T1he tmly sieutlfic the. olc .4 retarY ot thp cabinet, or representativé ut clown lierself capable of free govel'uiiett lud la humble aud tdocile, nut dor- thea p foreigu nation Pilersa apublic agserutly Te, ackîîowedge Cuban indeîlcie0W natcadaroat îtasvî eaitre un aIn y ther ciiy, bis comng and gonug wuld be tuachuowiedge vhat does notgo neMy use li arerernarked lupon. and unoînalIpdferen-e edi. The tirne mal Côrne lien the lia- te %wecome Dent llgbt. ouemigli la paid ta hlm. luntis capital there srt-eo ,, ilian Islande mai hie a part oft jr,__- afe'ly put solde the tiionght that there late di mani poltical chieftains in our chirchbem., erument. Bt it vill be wheu they have 1, uny reou couulet betvecil the Bible whofl Our treeta. unr halls, thtthievlueingdî'idedIy expressed the demire tfr aiiit.x- VIIl i modemuscience, and may hoflor tbu Lord1 and gour make nu excitemiî,t.. Arttissmien. ln ail national affaira dthee ia lioly Scrlpture anmd bunur amodemiosc- & rePI or, turne. vhea out public ulen have before cloek. The bands uft that .-I.,.-k rt, Ii t'ce by evertur boti sud by truallar Plat. n e t e-Cutorntoa resr laîaC hy humait eytO ii aiBut I __ C. C. Hall. freabytelitn, Phin-( d' train appalilurde-icita. ainuit the 'iilan se"s tbem, nt onul te hour haut, bui tBrooklyn, Y.treme l.questionu.and the.arbitrationu ,1estion. sud te minute-baud. and wblen il,, Itandslan-sb au-o asgvnu many deparîrnenta meni are îsiig in- nounce that the rlghtbt oo ao -ne the ltesponsllt'Gdbagin O 119 portant poition»whlch are ltalieiu newcw î-k wiii aftrlie. and ve ougt ti.,en cadi talents;;lie bas endowed us vitb ,r sud unnricd., j .ould like to quî,îe My text isîening altitude. "The ~,dreîgtwih. fr'eevIlla. the trcedom wblcb makes u- vitit s whuie tonnage of .ni liais corda Let filePearth rejolce; Iei il, iMultitudes u, divine. We arc free cther t0as- wrltten br the aîarred in,..îoary ltheu the lai'es lie indi therýot." sist or defy Gad- Toelach ut us tic t- younurthelogian Tinihý, 'i cabori. on are _there are ilwasy4 ioplaces of Ielendid gf trespotiibilltY la given. In, titerefure. taI. irst ut all. 'IîPpietions. auliorty unbalanced nmen n i.. want unr. WA - n i sut aur cyes te this reapufi- r.prayera. îitrceioni and1 1ivllg 'of thanke bheaume they do nlt reedise ssat war alllt, u ili be- called luaa bie made for aIlitin.a for Lacs sund for ail or tiler are desîgning men, syll, oait iar y utw 'ta tiat arc ID aulhoritfit."for the same Tesion thait wrý,k, erluke strict accoueI forILt-Rev. F. K. Stone, vit Dlessous for Prayr- hurricanu eand toundering ahîipi. ,u.ause Ctol.Cmrde as If i bave the lime and' do nul forget Of what 0a1 tient abore troiu the ri.iig. Therée la No fleti.-Heaven and hbell aIt nmre of lie-rn. hefr 1 get tbough 1 wiU Tn eu e that men vhu &atrwnara never are a utue »oui ot man, sud uberever g[au oafor rlire ressuas wby te peu- seniie e ut lymot h ahe ua~oduce vltb Uic law orut ,t- ot ic nied Stgtel, uoghl lu make speeches sud otheri make tic self sacr-Cdb i idbueadwece carnest and continuouslîrayei' for those l ices. To r rve the pearectil ecilpisebedoeitnt1w e îilnbll cmluenî place. dwhicb auCh nene.dlsturt.ung. ve ueed a htlw èwi fnbe. divinThe baien ,g for vhicb ail good mna l the splru1,.vlcw death la ut nu ud l'iraI.becanse that viii put ns la proper ou bath iided the se-a ought tlulbe cran cusequenite. Il lia ne reallty. God 1 len attitude toward the succeistul men of the o 'h lvn, and flot- ut mn ntion. Atter you bave pmyed- fora man dy rsiu.latheodo.tiCI.n ad ion viii do hlm justice. There in à bad A Nîshir ervice. lte deid. for nu man eau die-C-C .X- itreak lu buman nature that demnde ns Agoin, prayer lua(Jud for those lu an- H. Eatoi, Vunvarlabat. New York Ci. aro luoaseail those that are mure succestu i toriti ie unr ouily way ut beinguofa&Dy Nu 11eaveu ot Bla.-The bellef Ibat ltt Ibsourselves. ltb sows bituelibbood practical service tu tbern- Our persoutal deatb usbers mis a mbaunshule ot the uhen thc Lads, &Il runuiug ta get their advice vould hae ta> lhem, for the mont lsiatoaoM tab diuo. idie ride on tbe hsck of a carriage7' snd une pari, an impertinence. Tbey bave ail the Man malu heo b cudt ionw rldctluis o4li. gteta ion, thosefiling ta gel ou about to tacto s wm e ait have tbem, and they he aluteues bis o f maoudîi ereveta ber li riv. "'Col behind!" Cnsuecasisfae the aubjeet le ail lse sriugs. and ve hul i nvr fmndsral de- Bien seIdole tItae'who ilanay depart- con be ut nu belp taultaen excepitbrough end wiii a perfect embodlaient, be demaent are encrels fui. TIte cr7 ie, "He.ins the supplication that for teSt sdvlaes. lu muet commence by asanminar imacîf poitlcsl accident!r' or "He bonght bis vay thal vsi va may ha infinite re-enfore- tu be perfect ad bld lu iluti ha t a-' s] mas up!" or "It jait bappened gu!" and there ment. The mlghtiest lhiug yon eau du for cornes trasiust red lnto thc nev re- Cath bat. leana Impatient waiting for inlu corne as[mou lna praî for hlm. If the old Bible glme.-itev. F. E. Manou, Christian cj. iCm Uiht. dovu more rapidly than ite veut op. The lie trop. and if it la net true il bas been entist, Brooklyn, N. Y. lisI good hest cure for such cynîcisine rayr. the only imposition that ever blesscd the t ion lda't Perpleittes of Public Litei. worid. buroir barbariann lto cvilisation The Sabbat.-A mou la a mnu, sud cep AnIte iOBo ~y wsbuldpior orand tyrannies into republc-l sayiy f lte bon a rîrbt tu develop bis rnnood. o ent tlh rla tent lc aIcas b od Bible ha true. God anavers pt'iyer. bot h. cannot d ltbshabanse wel' bave încb mltiplied pelpexities. TIis Uod does nul lu ail cases aaaver lu the day lu aavea to commune wthb bis sa- eh'il Ciy at this turne boldos hundreda of meunain those who sent the prayer hopeîj for, vinr. Tbe Sabbatb l9 necesari for the ber who are expectant of prefermeut, sud but lie lu ail cases ires what li aked for existence ut the cbnrch. Tliosae Son- the United Sta mail hags, as never hatore, or something halter. So prayers veut np tries vtmere Uic Sabbatih l kept ara on icen are full ut applications. 'Lt me s y 1 trontbe North sud the South et the tirne a blgbcr plane soiltali, and the chanci g thathaveno smpay wit eiter te ut utëd our tcivil n-ar. and Uey vere ail au-Iolafa etrouiin.W lev coe or prluted sneer at vhat are callcd 'Office avered at Getysburg. Yon Cannet mske tIs le f ar arcoti a WeabChitie backokckrs." If t bsd nut already receired me beieve that Uod ansvcred onîy flie tiereiath ucb a tiolu asoa Crlt ie- bu .sc IP dvnteta istrpeioetayNortieru prayers. for there vere jusl aiu oaab u eioodntîyt e a autrain thre hlgh court of heavea seever devant prayei's mssvred south ofMasaon atome a, Purltantil SabItl. --Be-v. IL. .a'miniter of te gospel bs-and 1 ad et aud Dixons Une as uortb of il, and God Thtomaa. Cougregatiouiist, Boston, rigl Peine mi hack s fsmily for vburn 1 wiabed tu gae vat vas aiked feor. or iomething lisse. bilig. acieve s irelihod, there la au employer as nuci more valuahle as a hbone and Mude-rn lrncle-s.-Mae-a uov arc able, wW 'Oh, vhuse service 1 woul mene seek than lot are vorth more than a sheet uf bunsic. thmuugb thcir kuowie-dge of nalursi Oh. City, Elate or United States Govemurent. Thera la nt a good and intelligent man lwt copihtig he a 1-oh, Those govemurnts are the prornpteut lunIetveeu tha golf of Mexico and the> copsbhîgvlbmy their payaneuita, payiluf mît as veil in, Lawrence river vho doeî nul believe- that veil seem nlraculoua. or.vondcrs, ta> iigs' bard tirnes as lu gond limes and devnnt Oedl dd the hast bhing possible vhen lie others. There are lu the sirl forces and sommer vacation as dnriug vînler wo tood thua nation dov n lin 1WZ a gblousn-bIt-b sonetimnesa erei tluexerclseansd aubBeaîdes that. nany of un have bren pa7ilu unt, neres' lba reit util lte waters ut vbleb arc nul unde-mslûod. There sre fair. txes a cty nd Sâeandnatin fr te 0h10 aud the Savannah, te Hudson mea vbu bave the- pover ur hcullug. airs, leaeste ed ile arSae ad atiofor ea nd theAÂlabamna. ae licked np b hie andsoume outhIe greate-it phyîlclanis are 0110w pretion sud vle . acthetefrvîUic long rd longues ut s world on ire. Yes! tmen n-ho bave- a de-grec of tbla abillly. là ndetedtane or heboLfltsupor weOl omemties univers prayecis ou a large île-v. William McKiley, Mtbudlat, d la b i rnde ed i rl itego1 i s su porst a v sca e .. s. P a u, Itian . lead haaruee l o ihiceat inl 'orse predicamini lnstion neyer oas su earacal sud cumpetent mna vo appe-al 0ti aio nlt taks le-aven and fiel-I-If ell vere se tht t Cty or Stale or nation for a place lu vork. ohthUicleralitish aino tebtk stay But eîthee e Bd se-athe rattlng ahieîds and terrible as many creeds, churches aud 1 tyBthou lu hen n igh pace InCil the llecattering hat ofu »oversrhcîminic peuple- teach. 1 IbinIt man would ha i * ab ns d btabe aud ution are t ibeir vils' end b ot ater t ui. Ai a m y couid juat ias warr n e id la le avlng Il onut o hl b e 'I the lu kuovwbat ta do.,n-heu for nomne places &lywdtrogthAlaiccon mad- Ilere are teu applicauts and for others aà li ie ortghiW tluieoea. itgther. 1t ilak bell munt hondredi1 Perplexitles arise frorn the tact fron New York telivl.îtxîO, as lte-la-ogyal e- thtciics iu etinn iintrtramelites tcould hve %iadedltîhrougb the Red bave- an 'existence lu somne form. 14 wail oulits waters ta thiere ls s heaven. te-eIs9nturally euce. lu the qualifications ut the appli- al.e.oh ir i l. ilow nos te Cross- a be-l. Oae could Dnulo-lIaI viout 1 cetfor tUicplalces a:îplied'tor. TniluT fe dg' By ra3er. Exodus xiv., tie nîber. but the Bible duesnuil teaci l ý foan- theappicationbease thc appicatlais15: *"Ad lte Lord saii utilueMoscs:Ifuta brimitOle bell, but merely by lm- h ieeiifor e tcb bvenoualviatnats herfore lerleat thon unto me'?Spakpllcatiot.-Ilev. John W. WestUuck, itîlI heinbae thailicatod. amnoto sraeî. that they go Christiani Chnrch, Omaha, Ne-b. IF [th e ba pulasnn" at uhaa orvard"-thnt la. "stiop 1ray Inganod take gI eagel," *heu bbcy effet the ponrent mate- sae. n bi u waters began Thé' Service ut sîn-Mea May tbe- li , b t' rial possible for angelhood hoori altin i the ans e. n hnfl ille se- lut ell oeg aac sebu a eagtated and oang ibis waYad urize ahi tbei vIab about Ibe- power outh~ dorm a.le en andm e ihoopanacesne ebsa-îî a ir ,and te ia3alua Iost ddineut god, butounr natural tbent Ia In ltear-' mi of the dorscao n autiar ut be oin taiueven gel Itiir teet nel. Oh. what s God vice ut sin. Olum naturel beart Inclines bc fletio watin tulieconulsta eregntbey hsd 01Or1I iink t will change that tu IL. If left ta> ourselves, ve toîlow ta veisla tepof raaudillîtait thcaablelof r a e--and aay, What a (Col ne bave" L.We-arc net cumpete-bt ta jndge vby In >ed1ru rciral h amo rhga Whst paver put ils bauds pn sarno- (bud bas Ibis n. Ta follov sinO requîteS g( v .oer phy aud syntax, desiring taliha-putbinte 07 tPositions wbere inuit outhbb work la doue my lu Josbua'a urne Lad tmallefbbc sennno trnggle againstwvîlI and destre. 21 by urrapodenc. f dvin Itîp nd sud menu stand sti11? Joabhua x., 12 u u cd lu sny place lante worîd. Itla ls tle oie apake josua unieote Lard" yI h-pl h eaat e r. paces vbere patronage la dislribntcd.luPayer! As a giant vil1ltalle Ivo or four itructlon sumoth and easy. but itlàl ,et. yai oe yafu isae lhvebe grest globes ad lu asounduirg way swing plensant- It la folly tlitofut he e lan. yarsgoneby wfulmiselle bae benIbem, thla vii or tai.or Itold Ivo ut thein gond béîng alvays happy. Ne-hum Ie ý lirmode. Ou oud, who made tbe world out t a rm'a Icugtb, suilIte Omnipotent duces cicr ara we roce froin the adverae t >rouie? ut chas, cold. out t tihe crowded pigeon- sb îivttlt ratob fvrdfre b u s.-Rcv. Dr. Mînulger- t e lu aIleolà orubi mi, evopy Amigîrcal ils vheeIing constellations nnd circllug cde. Eplucupaliau, Leulsvlîle. Ky. I reBoit- ts. for l Ibueisnraston rai ÂIigilgalaxies, sviariur mousi star sroupid star,___________ Bat- c frai hsel sttrl.asr tosscd alter star, orso sund moun Great Sktll Requîa'ad. ivi: Gotebuthe Rene. - - bcd ouI t a rma lenglt. and pe....... be hll Thon tisere are tbe vater perpicittîrs stili, as le anavel' tu Joâbuas prayer. Ta Prbpalte mont blgbly kiUled and oftunr relatioas vit forrigu goverurents. Gad the jertent world la a pebible. boat paît men lu bbc watci makilug , &tlor For directions lua ucb affaire lbe Gcdert . alghteossIfitabnss. business anre bc tehbadjustera. me and nations ahauld hae implored. The ilernsnd Another resson vby wr shuuld obei the Tii. aijuster'o work la one of tua ie mes- o!the peuple ila mietirnes su hcsted, 5no Pouline Injonction outhIe test sud prayIimportant elemouta ot cent lu tbe nak- an - unvla, tisatitI muet nt be heeded. Hark mes--hsendu fruni mach aut o voprosperili aud happi' competeut te perfect suy vaîch, wliat- the Âmcrlcaseaemer San Jacinto i shotlinsessar nvolved lu tlîelr doinga. A self- ee i e ayadcosl. acros thabow ut the British maicant atresn ou57 T-,bt a rlgbtcous ee~îed'lii a stamer Trent Nov. 3.,1861. Two ditîn' luin-aon iikey tIt 1i;jete ulle fh ajsrt ' sali lhcd Sontherucma, witb Ibeir secretarîes slawleh lada rion b tl la lie bnslneUthbc adinster 0 911611 te aud familles, are on the svsy to England take eC&Met îonr uwn lheslhsdpeev aasuwnsthsdcrfig rng thc id France ta officalli eluistIbm for'lbthe r oua l e.Praîîro a grlfeul ser hail tepati, falin g e ugtert ilo.- uotbei'f Confederîci. Af tes' mnch pro- meanis prosperous 1.ople angds btlcvlimîh ciltdt tnatIsiomns-oer, h hd-_br- overumeul meaus a dAmingcd people. We keep dîne accurabely to the traction of .mmuss l r i e ,~ t~ Duise etrLeds, n'bo, wMihsue orit Aberdeen au Governar <3.8 Canada, aisuneitheb. file and îlte orthlIe tamîli about a Yeau the deati ot bis rallier, the mînti A, The presýent duke's naine lu.-tblc eGod oîphîn Osborne, sud bla le II id sou. Hia eider brother diat Sal 1. The future Guvrnur General y34 yeara old, bal bs alreadi promlne-t ame tutrbîicisef lu Goldena ý1 fie bu abeen lu pamlarent. lth enttilea' aitfor tAmbetb. Ne vis lre."-_Aet» IL' Iy honurcit wltb the ponl of Gentio ter ut the houaeboId, wblchlibe Suihject of ie up accordlar bo custom, wbcn lbe dThe ~ dfrein parliamnt.I~ n 18Mblme ut td cd Lady Katberina Francis Lam- Bthcu'softb a daugblem of lte second cari ot hiat lb. d& am, sud tbey bave four preltlit-11' o dictent isade1 rs. Tic dulie, vIteale vas lui par- bly) in the yg? ilt su lic Marquis ut Carmartben, the» exzles te yuuugesl member la the coin- Acts bas and thc yonnrest lookîna unl aveuli cen vw s beard. Itle stoud ut hlm liaI "liurch autnd eday of bis eiectlop nome une suir- bren aln;tdylni ta: "Snay, -boy. dues yourmomther Iliase WIto vW ryuu're out?!"*"Tes."' prumptli troglou Sa cd lia yrînthful polîtîclan, "and tis hr thc votes are counted tot-algbt anesorel for ti -11 uo tar I." T e farUy aup tl te dukc-the Oshornes-lu une utfaa.,,heiirm desI aud mout amiatocratie lna ah chorrb at Autloeb- cerage. They ver. ae-aled cen- titis leason. That * ago lu Kent and we-re dîstîn- renter of Chrisl âd lordu lnanaclent lImes. Tic .. 'berî,-e, sud dlie bad acittal limoîbers, tva ufthtIe places nanici ti vere ramns cburcbmea. RBei01. 1p O initI)leia Sidney Godolpbla-Onbui'ne csmued narrow tplain betv putaîlon as a worklflg pi- trc aisasdarthe tbM ville Rev. Lord Fracis Cdol' aad ineiiding lie cit. LOshomne n'as auted for bis ex- d,,it. ('Stils vas tbï. sn Icanlug toward rîtusîlsn. lHe kuoo ,y tiat nan1« reaîlily lorabed oisa 1* li;îg tuar bte anglea Syria bruds sharpiF lthe coaitt of Aais as far north of vas the 'capital ou, and a fanions cuti. the Roman Epr, mnerdiai renter, trin lthe ft aeut uowned for ils, - vbkt as Cornu word to ne but îiabnrally eaeuedi- salern hafora uMW' a tendeaci 10wîr# "Cyrcue;" fi' leua rlgId lu Ibeir rtine. -"S'pahi aW gbould bha "Grekd~ repraienlsa awoit' apeablng Jeus, or a, latter, (ires W *Ezhortai t lem, Un i es hes.rt tier wo.lw DUIM 07 LZEDS. Lord;" Baruabas kae* ervrd tormally Joined le fRomanuouraita ouMw1 tbolIc cinl'ch. Thc duolu s pp91i102 tuuded lu lhe wOq- aiber ut tic Hanse ot Lordsansui futasvariait Chile îelevatlun te, the dslUngnibed pal' g- o1ifie of Goveruor Geneal rsi t aaçile 2.0.daou 111101 * tmuci of a surprise h-those bhoflanc. on ami mals ow lie luide vorkingecf thse goy- Uic Lord." lment BIs vite js armibuf von - Tu saak - nb!;r 1 net bca utlfoh lu person. Ove o s ix yeuns b hiveit Wncomàa*atVçl. TACHOMETEA. years of the lim vag thuah watpaae 4 Le Ridaer Mar AlwaasKaow Wist formed. The.=IB 'Timesa aWieal la N.k[sU, given te The tachumetr issau Instrument liaI 11'.w. ma dicatea minute variations lu the quecit acierIle Inalg lh* tihe bicycle. ItleIsattacheditn10the %imuv su lutla. ght-baud foton hia nest cland sut ov muei thse 10W in bc swung ia or 0out ot position lke la bavesa rfui t1 lie ridimit. A amail ubeel le brougllât Âuch. or e?.. e id olsureh tlie, veitU snch as udosibsdyi tou. 1Ho* v. uisolo - tiug about* am -that swapt t- brealicit into tEe bas its citisesaa sntiU. Ina for forglveso ild nul thc deslge et 06 give a "ompWOteblaSeS of Chrlstlanlbi. "0s a slino there, lu vh li volumes of annal& er lu bc wrtteu. )ofuthtie lita ut Jeu î have onulb. mthe t ortuppeit by nulie5 .10 contact wîth the ce-nIer ut the tire; celi, reigtiogus. tQý i.s viseel operalci a baud an a tuaI, aval, Iitdiol &0, 1 Iici shows tue rate of boum. If, for tu ît, the pr«ecleq$ islande. Il la 20 miles te bia destins- muother. No MA16I lonan suieapedala fait enouab tu hohit eau afford ta nul d se liaudle aItithe20-mlle mark, h iIsue.ltaI they N*g' rencb bis deatiuation lu e-xaclh une miidIte conld net. hot. 1h la buli a pie-aure sud ali Tlhe .levu îrted le I tue rider 10 aee lte varions changea min Catisolîr C ln apeed, and Islate best tlme-kiteper The estabhlisod golua. Il costa 11111e, ad velgh.s abouit cevecai counla 2% ounces. rwan loa, AdvsulsNe of slaep. Cod vwomis tu lu repli tu tbe question, Ju it vIse readi 10 re for a manutlu dui>y blimse sud gel Nuthinil No s &long vîith a fcv buru' sleop s da, true relirioS 04 Y.religions leaders a> do more vrork! Tesha, the great elec- povwers anit ui trîcian, la ssld tu tare repled: "Thal musamnikne B ie s great mîstnke, 1 am çoûvueced. A fui uoft heill mn isa JouIsu 0mani houri ta hcauni t ley sest'ha avake, asuithb.fever ofuthce e ues couverts et AUbk ap eacb day, th> more dayu tbey wvîl ilbIcpart es- telleve that a man mlght lire tI u n- hunleit up SO dred ycasaIf be vouli sloop monl t of u do oeenso* te Un. Thot la vy egroei often la but on. lire ta advancedt eld sge, beeause tbey jeabtreueo ca sloop su nuci. I1*la salit that Glati- ediia.tionma @tous, sloopus eveeteen houri creri Moodi conld »nM day;.tiat la vbyis faculties are stihi The usina unimpaired Lm spite of bis arcat age. used, va. oaoe, Tic Proper vay 10 economize lrltu,1bitter, raie sloop everY moment tiat la flot ncces- Ihose Who s mary or deslrable that yu sboauii b happy, iuinsib' avaka."those -Wos