du I Oued by Hoods Sarsaç the Great Spring Medic Sorous Sor. Log for 25 AU Sprng IHumers, ores, em- boils, pimples, etc., are ci Rood'aS SparHmWla the "kingo einu." Read theme letters: "C. 1. Nood & Co., Lowell, mauq.: "Dex SIr-Alter aufferlng jro ieg for 26 yeurs, fou Latter of Hood's $araapamî made a complete ou 880.1. log wouid lufiamm s dog days woudo mutinas to te mre un til bpring the so.. would heal a lttie and lx agUlo. 1 triait doctors and every 1 eould hear of, but aii failed. board o Hcod'* Sarsaparila and mre botle, aud it helped me cmom 1 bepI ou until 1 took four bo suived, Ile aon.1 healîli and wegh: ue. M. J. HlAITlKcy, Lovett, Ge no $are,, No £ryslpeint "C . Hood & Co., LoweUl, Mau.s "Dear 5,r&m-i want tosamy ort )ilud'tiSarasparili Latter cla,m for Il. 1 hai ""y more or Pryaipe M.2. 1 used Hiooda Su meveal yeazs*go1 mred ty I. 1 trust many may be by Iloot's 8arnaparlia am I bave -recoammend itl igly as a bloIdmi Mn&.a)iM.J. IAuTii zYLovett, G Hood's 3oé la old y al dru«ilsis Prîe SI r'o Pregerve thecColora or Thce îcral colora cf tlIe preservesl -It alintos i Iiîî 'bcilimncy after bentI icicl ougîtiy lu acil. Tte Gardent ly, atiet açuggestm Iis ahîlli for mauer-urlce ai-tîfl-il staiesli taithe Mina(,icile ec tbpMe lthe[ ibs sor1 1 i i t i e t w'hewrtuen vem' ensaged lest weetIla dumotalas a btarneon tII. Tbotpaon property tu Dobtia Ferry.- N. Y., tbey fourni celer the roof A i'atI Lparillu nrest wtlch wam madIe of greecbacks. icine The mouey liai heem adiy taom andP cheweil. but mlont cf I, If noi ail, las re- deemabe. *t Teara. Prof, Thomcas P. Thompaon. wbo Dow owsthetcPçoperty Banysate mon- ey wsm probebiy tidilcu nucer tte ýuptionaP bore flcor smci. ears ago by is» fat 1f5d bY et, Rtobert Thompecfl. teo began to tO of M"d- queerly leu188, ao eil ame po>s4semel of a fear of bauk%. lowycrsanoei cor- * pol-allons. Afler tai lie carcleilllts ae am lo noney about huen. lie aeidî,ii. IL ever. or bot"e aliowpd anyou i-i.but hitnîi-lf iv vîsît nusI have ttc tare. Mr. Tîtoîuîpacu lI. lidSept. 'ue "Y 18. 18M,.aoeil'Prof.l'tornpsoeaimotiher 8olmemond ived ouctil 1eceniiber hst. ig. Tien Bp ber s-il teseate, s-blet cou- break ont aliil cf $3.000.ccd ttc houge aui land. p remedy wattteta e dlvitit'dequaily bteen . 1 titen Prof. Tt.otpsogoei dliq broter. Ttc kd bongtt Profesisor tvck the bouse and iilus trt. mah tai er tire moety. le eqîilîy titi- îîîcey >t6es;la" founi ln the tnts* int belougs ticl'rot'. ;eorla. homiton.The rofesor uoablini cgi. miîaic-ltn lini lias cotuhicac a tîctîtter of!plilives. i:Tire total anouvt tof mouey lente nos more,t-tcitIt in ali rai' .etiîchugbtt i e aout $1,0001. iren'tirt tm4 h# slu $5. $10 oaid $20 bis.-Nes- York ca sianon Cocunnerclîil Ailvertispr. rampacihm anti was Fanctui Namea. a tecelitc-d Aîîerîî-c eau astow- îîuiy g-tnih le beei-.Iclt-nintîes tati-hifrmîti.nvi-ls. (l'ii medice. fiirnla -oies froin tiecoaie tirf airy la. kliigdoiti ln o Sptîistr rojiiitu,-î- of the :r If; eacly tsixteeniàt ietury. Tieti-ulîle-s mwI~ take lt-lir mime fronti Auliglizi, ai trli- asosagicory -slanudtiligîrlrtg lii Ittîiau six for là.legetîts ictinci-ted it tire wv oi- la: ay tolega f Salut Brî-cdou. oandmarIn- ili 0111v""50 ti- lottilt-ef tie -a rgottv:îSeai cr Catalati antilj-lIîc l'rul cilrtiii tt ttlrte-uihi cnd fouirteenth .li -ctulucet. Mcci ri-ti I li y oihmie it d tiri tke tis usine front a li-gethary <'cole miit thoiid l Irten-dI rtoiti-e-t ofLa very early îdate. Thitlaanît iof turatarin. o hiiaaally tii-wat liit'ti front Sanctit Pati- zaX s imigary Kguverecrîtlili. als i g u era e«,onttcmalta cf Lotiianteo; s-bue It le a tmot quesition wbttî'r tte $trait oerf Juan de Fuca ducs ettirîe Il.t niem-' - froin a tletoilohgîograpîltcal ro- ma ncei. aoLahider ilaggari. <it i'y ~< a tre,-k silor of quetellmi-lîa -. for lthe' la-ut-it of lier Malýttitr eai- (lé- tint ai V c-cii-cand itls occ - o-kt. -I lirazil' Is fouicltiariy I rîit ilegeitt as an lulaîtillu thlicA tianl i, o atdIt L4 O at iquestin a lit-etItir ii- iiip ire ni N..-- IrazIl deii i-lslIa riet-fron tthi- crcci Voc oLfte Celi- foe<y, or frotît woiu - front s-li-h a iye ri-st-i!lllutg lu onlor Vuriug eitiecos-a rîmadei. Oid Sctol Chema MeeL. t 1i- isa opupil aoV lictrou Ai-tii em-ty over forty yeara ago.' mald <Cli- ~5 5 grcsmmnae lillsru. tof i'allforcia, ai a g s Waastltiztotî inicer tte ottOr day, ici s-tm1I a osi ffiffei-al> att lit ted. !Î. ne came front Turner. lie wtsua Pas 0» bu - liglit,. ahii ted hli' fi-liv te e-.rîast 1 melsd si-oar I its hm <issqes, vecy quiektoi 'y"'* kare oeil te ort cf boy îLot every- body ga5 ot> tld actli ateouni t10 muilug sm.i-hy oeil b>.' ]lil ane m- 'a;ece lie v.staeuilasTte chier crmefroîi itut--kteld and Maa.iidi -s a yenr or twoc ycuigt'r. o litll Fl ceh.tluliby t-hapr wttîm evtrytKiîy likeil r lwr'We ail calcd itîlniJotcnle' Locg. lH ,ers masy te s-athe inîtrvei cf te aittolti Ltin. tir original le ihaitreanl Vlrgilithi-ui, and. o eiltr [oey l )-agi-ct dccl tf Il hi>- huart. liews a Pro'Monh- ande, lti.ln 1Lu1lîi gracnnar. Afler tic Pr,,ea se lefit liol I1s-cnt West aodilos hl lie-rs. sigleît !ii'n. Nos- Imoe re. e tuer île floi'iii la-r ofrlie Naval ConmlltcgInlli o lotk for lonne. iee lale la ai ttc head of lbe ýy aildtieit Naval Commitice le tire Seeste ane 0cr alîctîli 'Johnale' Long im Setretiiry cf t >r <IliaitdeilNaVY." Ttra @boul te ifted ccvrthe Abs-cc e as Roita 0break or braise ttc petala. Every îluk sud cranny acud te OuLed tithuti diaturbleg tte naturah poaltibn cf lIteleaves. Wbea te pan hafuand cvcry enevice lins been filirt aeldly the lis-crs are aloe-o edtp fuc severar dasa. i iu f tee fonnd effective to s-uinthets@Raciand teepte ltitricil fioeir ln sas-armieteu. Ttc Randi aheuldt bent te removeil. great iare beng taten nt le break or icar ttc leaivem, wihs-hilte very btli. To prevett the tardeune of lbe sut- Cutîsecens tismseofet ie i p andl ttc. obliiersiion ofte tain toicls. s-tii-h caus»e baldeea. use H41iVs Hair îees-er. Scesethim "z Wncts 'While. l'irai AmerceaIli iîtoudlyi-My daugh- ter laegagedt 10 iltsîti Second Amernleuc (wilb cocempi)-- Huumpt! TitsLOtctine. IMy iughter has beetîlvorced ty au eari.-t'Clvc- tond Leadler. [.di h. h . *-Osuba5ieeenteOaMeais 505 Every s-cntac cxaggi-cae-a a I~IIII' Ineotue w-len Mte marries hiuindi -bec shetesne for allnoy.-Atcblsutt Gobe. JI«tr s. 10csbutwtessIaier im -"MUl.t shako [etc Yoer Shoe. Âlien'a Foot-Ease, a powte for the foet.Il cures pahul. switleit. sciai-t- ing feet. andl ustantiy takes ttc sîlng eut ef ccrus andl bunioue. Iim the grentet comfoct alscovenyv of ttc- cge. nes- stoec ee cas>-. hla a certain cure for ss-entlug, calices andl bot. tIled, actiez feet. Try It to-day. Soti hi> aillt-ugglats andisitue.stores. Il> malti fer 25 cets, lu stampa. Trial package FREE.. Addrcss. Allen S. Olmalel, Le Roy, N. Y. la a Vear Onc Galired 20 Pouaudiq. Mca. Rut th oihuu, ttîo ocebei4WJ' -poucn. iil aI hec hotnte,-lie Igie'tY t'lty, l'a., n few dit> y uuî .Withint ibree ycarasite hou tieeietfcci 1-0 poutis ta a lufth cf a tpuî. Durîng titi at six munthio slite lnttlit-cii lute oeci story of lier hmite, benlg tîntatîe. ou oc-t-nt of lic- ncnorînunsslzî. lii get eltiner upt uicdow tout uin. Sue to-a onhy four fr-et lve Incites It i lîiglit. Silencer la ttcetolt of fouis, and une or thc tittuca o tttheise. 1 bliPe - 'isooo(tut--u int,- onIy- cdi- cutit, ttlNiiii cure co.utiittî.-Atîna .m la. WVitlintnitoîut. lt'a. Nov. 12. 'U. h hon cas o>- tt nuerl:ike. but tuoie tif- fclît t tfiniishli n lg. WISE kDVICE TO IIUSBANXDS. Thoso Wno Ravo Aflngr Wives WIII do Wolh 10 Âocept Il. Do net wnanghr -nd qnîarch, andl fnilly rush icto te courts andt te> t get a eparation frcm your tithful sifr; tbt jtt-t stop a motment andi thinh.! Your wile, s-to tt-au cvec-ternperd andl amiable, anti ail that %vas Inel>- v. ee you marrird ber, lias changed. Nows titi-lapecvish, iiablejeal- oua, diseoented oeil miseable-ju a word, mhitisuterino s- diarder cfsotme kinil. Las- le not ttc cemeil>-foc tItis condition, %liti-nois met- Ical treatmuet, hier uteine syttem iii ut fouît. My advmiiceuta yon l, bit town ontdorite o lelter tetat trIent of îvomen, lrs. Pinkhan, of Lynu, Mass., oIte tuliy and free>- te s-bole case ta, lier anti shc wilI honctly ad- visc yen toht to do. Cive your wife that o- chance, goo mac! If you do flot wihjob t srite about yocr - w-ie. bricg lber m bottir ot Lyiia E. Pink- ts am's Vegetabîr Comunont satt- tIs c-t- fecto, Votu s-I soon bce ttc beginniiig ot Mte lmpt-vrmrnt; then get ir anotbcc oeil reeplt up netil&ie ia restorncte Vyou. temanie lovcty womae you marriid ycarsao. FoUlosing iveret-laie tte ircumostacce.s of a osas Of tItis nature. lira. ME6LVÂ kLOUTOi, o! ..VCanuby, led., s51>s: - '« I bave ued 'Lydia E. Pinkhotes Vegetable C- nt eil fumd t te lu of 'great tenefitt o me. The dotrIonsamod 1 tad 1 bIe I hd It. headacte ailthb.Uime, alte a terrible backacte, @poisr sait rIabe. 1 ooked se pale that people voulut ask me *Isu*bMzmdla hia vay tforabout four jeara.untiR o. t'nu aboffoI Ila I. Pinhiama 4*.~uà. - ssab a a .assMr-, The Oreeks ao4 Tuks Meet in SDeadly Combat. FIGRITING IS GENERAL Th irtyto Fifty Thousand Troops Engaged. Preveaa Bosabarde lie he iii. Retes -Stlitan's Batteries Open Hilllties lu i Bnkieg lhe Gr.ek 11geer Ma- cedona-TurkeiY Notifias ithe PoWrs uhalt ecsla Fi'ed ta, Plahi-Dip' louiatltRelation. Beiceen the Two Nations Iormastit and Cespetely Severed - Contetanta Figlai Liii. I»emQna Wmr tas brokieit uîtt eent Greece sel Turki-y.ierce btilleslise be fouglît t Karts, ai MilunncaPu.* anti at I'rerî-oa on the Glf of Ata. Ttc mosi deserair lîstle was ftiiglil et îilontia l'ais, other i-n 2.0 menifoîîgtt mure thon tiri> tours a itiionnifoodtlor slî-ep. Diii loicatie relaittis bteiittht eo tnaitis tare beeti siveri. Tttrley insst t ti ticeeehan provolideil flic ccrby ber aireesite atilude oc the friielier of Marecliaj. On tte otter band.,lircece Inista thai Tincti->-lima benithc aggres- so. Crête. s-lich wonste originalticauac of the onllîci. eema Dn os- 0 e oserlooL. cd. t,'nhcaa soier of ttc great pua-ens inter- i-cdc there is certain to e te reatI ons of RING GEORGE or ulttzcE. tomme lîfe beforetuequart-elasttri Ttc-Qrcttcally antd tnder ttc precedenia of iternationcal iawnoue cf tc pus-crs cote- pri s ie te Euroittna concert us ar liberty te interenet iisrn ttceta-o combatmnia. Ttcea-ar is bels-eru hemevesandoil e- yoed lmt- encnt eff,îtotupreveet toalili- tics the ai> 'ollei vc"eti of pos-ers tas ne right t 10nuertene. hthcr ttc cattons sili defer nu thîn uns ctîcu las-. tosever. anti teep banda off sa a questiocns-tii-h lime atome conutecitir Eeren@ eeof the ÉMOS the suanimas douaisions, au that' purpo.. la an weli kaowe le Europe liai the. Chriatilanpowerm have dedllned 1g In- terfere forelbly la Torklh baffaira e esuée they keow thst soouer or isier uet inter- ference would inveive tem sittRusais., Tte agents of diaesar provotedthie mas- sacres ofte Armeelmes sith the tope andl expecisilon thst Englmnd, Germay andl oter nations would Intervene. Wteu they refuocil lu do go the massacres ces&- ed aud Ruimsau intrigutotogb sntier fied of acticn, wtici wms found among te diaconienied Cretaits. Ttc Cigtting Atîtuit. ttAtttt, B at-r îOP vUttntg. Greeks anti Tecks M'lot mate a btttî- grotild of their use provrinces. s-bletarr ntoriiîualy disloyal1. snl are urrunedt by n atioca syttse sympathies are citireiy omt here ccuica. anti the sultan kuotos rery s-Il tâ the tig psw of ttc Rusaias lesr islikely te fail UPOc himmai sY U--m WHEAT IN FAIR CONDITION. Average Iiiine eceutter Has Beu Reducel 18 Per C'et. 'tc report of the Deparitent of Agri- culture for April makes the att-rage t.n- dilmon of tietec ateai 81.4. againttist ou D)ec. 1h. 77.1 lat Aprii andi 81.4 at thi- saaue date in 1890. Lcading igtier 'nlira: States stot ve-rage% as filte: etnati vauja. Iti: 41,io, 83:;!Micihgani. s85; lott- ana. 6.5; Illinois 4(); 'ilaa.ui. iX); Kaunsas, 80>: Californis. 1 7%0insse ragenecon ilice s-as ibi.agaiesl 82.9last yier. 'rhe cocdtilon of tce sou aI the lime Of seeding usat faverahie throughout the c-ountry, a es. scatlcrcd ivuctirs rport- ing it ov dry or tios-et. notat by De,. 1 o t-otnccystandard twax iniicatid. rite faliuzoff ini- D--eii-.gremies! ini Illinois, but trongir attîtteijeeverY ni-eborinit litate. sud rnak;iug an avec- age if lm per cent tocrte ahole counîrY. ta due nu Ibe sharp frepzeaof cari>- s-la ter. Suit e uverinflg osaample in ttc it,,,-y Motnain lStates anti sesisarti. but elzetthire iv te frami mi as acant>-. Ttc deficiecY causet i tile damage aluez tbc Atlantuc lope, s-tr-ettcésinter wsm milil andthde fmvocable indications con- tinenco ImPunlant ws. tt State shos-lef s condititon coder 15. 'lite condition of tinter s-test i. report- ê elalo averaze ite reat Briajn, France ant i illacil. ecause of excessive raina. but favorable in central anti easteru Eu- r li. a sothei Rusia thietu have been WHERE THE BATTLES WERE FOUGHT. Ra@howinz the Viral Engagementintle .WIsc Retoree TurkeYand OreCe. 1 i.c.-.,4--f '. n3z f»Lý N Ar l114 The teave dot oun te oths-at rosi iedcstesthe location ef Prevesa. s-teesthe TntMlt fer- mlmtoasere situait hc su i reeae isolonsd eiat wes-r utequtly tiestencd ltribe Gr ca atut Teecoatknd dot On te ison d iahenvrBuee rentier tetwéean Kiassons sud Léri.am ded#natm mesMa5 notfthe ryCating as MitonnaPsa& arget- Europese pos-era la more or leus extensivet-cos-legs.btthIe s-et tecatter directly interesiel le tie affmira cf ttheba sedlayed lCd wos-it-nlawestern En- Levant. t-eps ibai Vthe apriez s-test ares s-lu b. Gt-cek @objecte la Constantinople s-lu greatly eut las-p due stot-tage le Francs prubably reensin uler tte protectionuo! sions belez 750,@6O acres. M. Terreil, the Amen-snu mînîster. A diapatet te ttc Lndon Chreni-le WANTS TO BE A MINISTER. from Atens aaya thc Greets bsve C cPtir- el Mena afier severe fizttitiz. Tte Thiei Lady Wlslcea te Represeal Uncle Turtiat luss" es re vcry tes'!; ttc @amin lethe lfspubie of Cotoualuha Vit-et cornpat-tiveiy ight. Ttc corre- lira. Marlls Marks Rieter, tthes-cil- pndentt muti: 'Tte Greet Cleci tas detues-e s-emsu aycc of Washngton anti tryed taîf te fot-cales aI PrevesaandelDaier, N. H.,.basa matie application for ellenccdte guis. Ttc G recta have cap- ttc peuaIef evoy extcaortinary sud min- lurcil andi helti il ttc positiona excePti lter pleiptetntiary tte United Staîris Ana ant i Mlouns aloeg the Tteasalia of Clmtîs. luec. Eunepean pus-crs have doue outil- Mrs: Ricter wss bore le Durham. N. lez ton severai s-ects, because ttey bave H., ie 1M4. lu tcr cat-hyiLe &ate s-as a topel that Greectecult i teeithcr Beau- cdally rmmcd o un4iueliy eaten ty tee kcp. If Tut-tcy gts Laiuaabc teih re- main there oul Creecc cvscontes Crele. hi wsaaGcnmauy that urget Turtry te ti- clore s-at-Y Dues Net r-eek Conqueet. Thae crrespndent of ttc Associai-i Press undertands titiTurtcy baa nu Idcm of tetritorial ceequcat, tecana. att. is as-arc thait tce ps-crs s-oul eilscoiiont an alvanre to Athena. Ttc Idea la thal - ste will Brsi aitempi te capture Lanissas, ~-- mnd iheti martchou Trichais sel Ptaeaci. --i ILfteseaise are rapiueelTurtcy s-outl te le s position tu conîpel Greecerte comn- piy s-it ttc demanda of ttc pus-ens. Tue Turtia eet. tos-even. la aiilllenttceDar- danelles.,tetere il la litely te remal asa long na ttc Greeka continue active. ht la neprteil thait te pus-crs. o ant frotu bluctatiiez (iret ports, s-ileven silos- Col. Vasiandsithies mm>-elu e- turt-inGis-ceeIf te lecides te do ae. In auy case, te(ircet fieci weeld te able te MR$.MAT&ILI.AARKSEICKEIi. tar-s» Turkcy ai eîaey points, teaides inaetoui tracter, anti to-ile in this occupe- addition teeîîing open ttc supply cf Pro- tien ste marrîid John Itut-ker. Twenui- visions anti munitions for ttc Greet aruir, sevra ycars ago toe drc. Snce is lesth The loai stalvîces frotAta as-wthsi Mm .Rîcter tam tudicil las- faittinhiy te neine bavc bren folios-el b>' hrrc and te excellent purpume. Ste la permit. lays of bt.t fine tiecther. aed te river, ted te practice befure tce Supreme Cout Aratptos. wticb alune acpacates ttceop- of the District cf Columbtia, andl shie poaluz st-mica. isnopîcli>' atning. Ttcsh ie dlisaiuc ate stotdulofinalei hil rulaareic1ncvttlnincocites i casa of nicrîcen s-ho couipeiculfor tie luai this point that thr sevenesi antid dat- tuner. Herc lasmairs trere al] met. lient figtting may te rapeclel. Lter @e oas appuleteul Unitedl Ststem Acother question of lemicatiez hnflu- rommissiere anti exminuer in chant-ce encclan ehether tce(irceka eau ceginser bthe tcSupreune Court of the district.In su uprisiez lu Macedouixand eiltcSpo- S ec ani-înlac t t a rades Islandls. Rusais.andc Germacy are1le h "eadisotetebrf meaus-tile content te ae Gi-cesant I neIHo oice Terkcy crîpplioz eeh other for many Hnnvenu t rt, n tihs-rtepfoli years te come, se long as thc otten Balkan calrrtisri tecWcatalgoe pof 18 Statea are tepi quiet.clatce uigtecmag f19 Whet War WiII mesnu. organisiez a woma'a htcpmblcane lub i Tbe wr beweenGre el 1.nrkei, Marbaltos-e, Is-a. Durhng that yp. m«»nsmncb more tisen apparu Latalise@oo h tm ana abd sewffper iilsp«ées, anti, lttbeiionl -Mont. ________ .4 ~. -visai 41e1f!t $vima I I bê maeacou laL d.i ~EUMÀTSM ÂT GENERAL DEBILITY.et >N0V5 Me. New Ira. fssmabura. 1" ma., Mira. Henry Nelum liveg aitgunmata, for lad., and a rery COSY bonne §lie bas, toe. tbA A reporter rscently caiid on ber and tlu foued ber looklug atout and weill show- e ng no indications that &lie hadt 5,cr ex"er Uerienced a day:p lUnns la tet lufe. But îer ftory, asMc aied to the report«., proved quite diffaient. "About toro years mgo, ',msdit!ra. NO- man, '" won taken W Iwith saulechien- ge matimui. genecildebilti .al tenti. UM wcakuesa. My citeeks teesmne thmn mMd tie palç, ail energy left me a.nd 1 tell off ne rapidiy lunfleah. Ihen à wsienthat the -hellmmtmm troubied me le my iower itube.one attack &fier suotter came on. growlus wiorne, each time. tili I coutl nut walk ai ail. 0f1 course 1 could do no work orbile le this condition, which made su île irely a turden to tme. MY aPPetie tmiled mue and manY a nightwos apeut le aleeplemanesa. Varions remetileazI rled hl ail wlîbcui avaîl. wbhe1Iwas sdvmed by b M"m. Heur osing and others to try Dr. Wtlliama' icnk Pille for Paie People, the mediciue bltngdoue ibesù anet a great alm Lood in similar troubles. 1 purchased. a su. bo of our îlruggial, Bi ruey & Co.. anti before 1 tati taken it mil 1 tegan to feel ni miui-et ter and tlfe painsbegmu lu case. 1 i.ontiiiiied 1takie ttem. tuying a second box, and wten it waa uearly zone 1 wam able iv smlk atout as well as ever, and hai-efot teen îroutled sinice. -T1he Medicine acerea baie dorie mach goo i n thia locality, as tuY o f mY neighbors speak favorably of it and, as foir inyseif Icoume artily indorse Dr. Wi lîama kulik Pilie, feeling confident thai anvoe afiicleil au Iwas couiti easily te resiurcd tw iteir usual bealtt by their ToX substantîste lher @tory, Mrn. Neimnan gave omt as ta ira. truth. the following teing the gaalof a cotOn public. CvoUiy of ltipley. Sîste of Indiana, sa. Sworn and mubacritedti te efore me. a uotary putbliclu and for Ripley County, in ttc Siate of Indiana. iSeal> G. NW. BIGNEX. Nota.ry Public. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille contin, iu a condensed fore, aIl the elementa ucces- sary iu give new life andl rictucâ a ut1i. blond and restore ahattereti cerves. TtcY aire alec a opeciic for trouble@ peculiar iv femnales, suct as suppressiotis. irregtàlari- ties and ail foirmeacf seokucas. They tuild opî ttc bloond. mcd reivre the glos of healtt to pale andi aallow cheeks. Iu men they cffeci a radical cure ijeailces arialoz from mtental werry. oiecwork or excessea of ivhatever nature. Pick Pilla are oild Intoxra Iever ite buse lbuik) i a 50 cents s box or aux toxes for $2.W0, andi may tetati of ail drugginrs, or direct ty mail frotu Dr. Willia' Medicine Cote' pany, Schenectady, N. Y. Mec..n a Chance for Typerlter Gtis 1 There la a rntand fertile fiel* for typewrlIer girla le Chinoacd Juon. The innovaionIo la opieaseg oe. acd tan takee lmmtesely wlth tte Cbîcese uterebauts partlcitlarly. A number of Acterican girls wto bave gone there duriez thc pami year are now reporteil marrled or eegaged. A Denver atencg- muther whc bf t at November aiready wrlies that abe le engageil ta a Cinese miandarin. Iiong Kong, Shanghai acd Yokohama are the cities tvliere tte Ainerican beauties catch oenVthe test. irrigation lenfDakota. la causiez tat muet mmligned @seton of tte Western countot blossaot like the rose. Qotingz frotu a publiabcd article on ttc mubjecti. tl insteil tbai "Mencvill are accustomei to faming in cue-irri- gaird districts are aslorut believe ttc reports of ecurmua yields cf mil kinds of farai produetslunthose sectionsaofthtt country v.here irrigation la praeticed.- An irrizmted forly-aere fea, produces greaier and better remulia tbon a 640> acre feam cultivated in lec ordiuary way. le a Les. sceka tee tope to te atle Vo pub- liat varions items frot differeet iedivld- cnla givieg their permocal caperiece inl irrigation fmrmiez. lu ttc meactime «end for a free cep? of nu illustrateil pamphlet le refereece ta Irrigation ic Dakota. publiabed ty the Chicago. Milwraukece andSt. Psul R'Y Co. Addrem P. A. Miller, Assat Gcn'l Peas. Ageat Chicago. 111. Nusmeilealaak Note.. Ail liaied States a bok coles are pricteil lu steeta cf four cf one dcccii- Ication ou ech tsteet. ajtd are nuetter- cd acd leitered twice. Ail notes cf wtlchthttc umber when divideil by four shows a remainder cf. eue, thaie ttc letier A upon tem: a remnaleder cf twc, tte letter B; cf ttree, ttc leiter C, oail ttcee wtict bave ne remaleder tte letter D.-Ladics' Home Journal. STATE 0r OHItit"Or0VTOLEDO, LCsCOlJITT. sa. FRLIIIKJ. Cuaut eshes «osti t t hoh.é aeniorpartnerof htillroLfP. J.Cumawr&Co.. doln ez um eeale the City of Toledo. CounIT and srale aloromaidd Ch t sld Ceea wltl1yth auem of ONE IIUNDItED DOLLARS r=b snd cvery Mme ut CATÂaaRthS t a anaite rnred ty Ithe tce of HALL» CATAmIN CUR1E. ! FRtANK J. CHENEY. 1- SworeLn teforeeansu aebed leumpros. 'aece, dt th iday uoftbsomber. A. 1D., i= ,a REALA. W. GI.EA9ON. i No<a." Pubgc. Halls Cstmrrn Cure la taken lntercmily sud acta dlrsrtly ou tie bleott sud mucous surfascea of te avain. senuilfor tattasa.fre. F. J. CHEN KY IL Wt.. Toledo, 0. iN-SokI by Druggiatm. 75c. Smaa àAucient Copper mine. ýd Tte acîct copper mines cf Shuai >r uhve been re-expicreil. Tbeme wcre "workeîl Iy lthe Egyptîas, or teir slaves, tontanis of years ago. oenl arc bellevedin iohave teezi obacdoced atout- a3,000 years aga. A Specllc Cnre for Aathma. It tvpuld aetu lntl a aradical ecud ce- tireir aîîecific cure for Amîttua tas teen fouc t an st. A clîcnoally prcparcd coim- Itoundt exîracieri front the African Kola pisntindmciati ngieniirely uothettcblond, ia a positive cor,' for Anthîca i lua i stages. A large sei,le of ttiis reuiedy la meut fre ivail oufferpesfrotuAathmm by thc Kola Imipotinig Co.. 11(18 Fourtit avenue, Newe Yor, tmtaovies- of getiez the rieilyicla general use. WoioWn~ nartio.a The Ladîy cf theIftuse-W'tîîbreke ail ttcoe ites. Arnle? Annie-I lîi. numr. Stre, iln't yclt tolit ne wtciî i irsi caine w-i-n tteard liteiloor liepi ti re verlilicg-Yot- bhla Otto to5efit la «Vol, jint " aad or the body b, ttaslé? olS Obe. aç> l.nclaa the. ascilst t a lor chau"a M. nef mt tii mirestthe ti adg?. dmth" &y taalty do, wlth H3outetteas tomet Bit- a. a profeaslilli îtbontleated eente4 ithe agolilng comatuSt. Becollect that wmimta eced oftlen mte a lte- me. or abrîpl terelaSten Il *heu tte lady &t4 tacaie.hesrt. The Bitters aisa tedic chilluand Laver, ,dyaumepai and liv- complalin.B U The Péret @top. *'What'a tbe lirai htep toward the dl- eticu of the food?*'akeil the teacber. wpveut the tond of n hlaek-bnlredlit.- fe ellow. who exclalmed. wlth eager- aso: "Bitp It off, bite JI off!"fl No-to-Bao for 11f ty Cents. >,er 400.000 eurel Wby flot bat it.To-Bme mrlale or roe vyur deaire f.r tobacre? r.. moncymake. tsa sd manhood. Cure uar.aeed. hoc and $i. mll drugalt'. Il le dorîbtfui Ifthere ln any mnuwto la ot ai acrue time lu bis life been n epocfite.t ura. Wlaaowao ceyu« fore <'h ire thls aisens the aim.rfflca1t.ennht.. ana . M mers ld oa Boma.., bel . va eue ml5 or sSiia maa Comme. «"Y0f C N "r ote gunrs mi e US M ;; Il Dh hUT5 E 'JKNERALO IDY(cm ~- 09 "The Best Is Aye the Avoid Imitations of arn stitutes for SnARQU RIPANS T14 01 am uslng thoseTables iy.. temmM wo<aU ot Le withotttbe m wlor my a s' day lait wu&k I matt ~e ag «Party aa slap-oat io'cloek. I Ladit aqwd&ai fint Laff dos=e Talu4ata tbat g 1 h cf My dywdaplb ~ut I tdl .. v» IlU1 day. oh 1how ** i aaa MWita&u they brought me out ci Led tbe aime day. ont af u aCh MC4ean d felfne&a A assaij ta- d'yalu the harest Sttoo ttà "maW. lt f W@ l uarida toia=& ar. Aldema CMlC~ CO.. aWa.5meami KooUMtenai ""AP fiwi eTuic s&su95s~c.s Don't but "à tlie os psid. sudlmyen1 it s-blet ce joUE. 0 Bam