iiiread oi> every week, you wiII flnd w Bargalstevery Urne you read it. ,We are silvy Iof witarggLi n s, la wihoje ber Coffee at 15 cents 7 lbs for $Iw.Itsabargain.' 4Arpey8 .pprgà. $.25 Ipw Or1*a niMolasses per gal. .25, oôf maths .10 r*timê.'fiaý,Must4rd, per bottie .07 Ifew o ~sizstof JMIsses shoes which fose out at 6 off from marked price. fwork pants ta close out at 12 price. ,nt Tobaccos .09' Candy per, Ib.. ,'.12 wH. LT1FIELDY, r. tl why itla. that Crede 96 ouéh business? The reason la he lai Cheaper thgh any of the merchanta in this vlclnlty, and hia Gooda are al- ways as repreaented. *Not ln the Arahlp, but the price has ralsed. We had a good auppiy, and we wIll glve you the benefit of our guid foi tun . For one-week we aell mrne's Superlative perbbl. $4.25 sack 1.10 bâts yen are cleaning bouse don't forget that vo oel 1 ËrITS, 01LS. WUITE-LEÂD. ETC. .PAin1s aré Guamtueed to.work, 0 K. or money refunded. QO.F. CARLE9 Ca fmlor in the Ulneo f Furniture, Oilcloth, aWindoW hade sd a newtfresh Unme of Prto seect from. Th is Beautif ul Center Table Polished Fiiseh and Brass Feet Only $1.95 ot eut prîces on my <coda for a we.k or two at a time and ostemra oti btalways keep on vith the rock. JNDERTAKINO A SPIEÇIALTY. WILL KN0 .Wm feler -I - lilinois. AT T148 tFurniture Store. A'ntiq Oak Finish 24 UO éèmat Bevel is- ovefi Wlre Oak, Cane Seat Chairs :rqeý Wagons, Fulilîne r4#,oer.A Short Time Ont $16.00 12.00 4.00 5.00 7.00 1.19 .98 .44 'y. ROCKÉFELLM. F. A. Brown and tamîl>'vois Wsoke- gan viaitorsdurtng Use Puai veek. Mms.Wlli Feddier sud son Arthur apeni BMaurda>' as Éarrington. Bev. Bnck and vifl eroeniertained st the borne cf W. . Morse ovor $un. day. Geo. Tundeonan, et Chicago, van the gueni 6f J. E. Holcomb part of tant veob. Mir. Frankt hbddio sud famil>', of Lethion, vlited relatives bere Bun- day as attended cburch. Mr. snd lirs Frank Knlgge froua the vicinit>' o! Wanconda apeut blut Hunda>' vltb relatives bore. Boed inlayemr order for val paper and curpetsannd get the gootis on short notice ai W. Knigge'u Foriturs Store. on Monda>'last Byron Smth moyeni bis famnly and housesholti gouda te Wsutognu vhere the>'y l noahe ilr future home. lirs. Goodman returneti Monda>' front ber trip to Texan anti Coorado where ah. ban been for a time te regain health. lins. SAura Kano bas moveti amie part efthie rooms over tse bardwvare tore vbere @ho lntends to moto ber home the comiag »maon. 'bthe ater etertainment under the management of1lira. E. B. Hartien blut Sundày evenlng vas more ibaumimgbt have been expected ovlng te the short thue Use>' hsd fer preparition. The bont usewvan vil 1h04and Il seomod W enjo>' the exercises. lira. lardon anti the Sonda>' Soboul are des.rvlng et mocb credit for Use excellent va>' lu wnicb tbe pregram vwas canried outi. HALF DAY UMise li maon bas retunneti rons Elgin. Bicyclsts are again oon on Our streets. Mir. J. Lamion lias been suferlng vihS Us. grip. ,Bevare ot burgiara. Tbey bave vin- ited Prairie Viev. Unr. Taoloti ls vsitlng ber sens% tam- il>' la Waokegsu. Mr. Shuier cemonenced veort on bis nev brn thon voot.. MiUlm Emma HiaecUf bas a new piano a-d te taklng esasens et Prof. E. Renile. Mir. John Johnson ta Improving under tbe carse ofDr. Travia, etfickefeller. Mr. Heur>' Meyer han been ver>' slct witb ipnumonie, but la nov conviles- cing. M. and lir. Biter have moved ente tbeir tenu andtinitend farmlmg ih ibis Yeur. UmsaNette Wolt rame home front Chicago luti veok on accoont of Ili hoaiih. Tbe Enter exrcises beid ai the cburcb len Hunday evouimg vore ver>' A. W. TrIpp la treating is bouse te a coat of pint. E. Shopter le doioog the vert. Mir. sud Mms J. A. Mano vialteti lira. Derby, vbo la ver>' lii ai (rays.- lobe ilutwvent. S. L. Fnipp bas had fort>' tous of bey halait. Hayon Bron., ot Liherbyvilie, .114 the vert Mir. D. Speara' famii>' viii oceupy W. MuLaughlin's bous. untill tbe ne botel la cempleted. E. B. Turner, et Compton, Mo., vrite@ un that mter sufterlug frou plies for s.,enteen yeers, ho completol>' cured ibem b>' nin g ibis. boxes et DoWitt's Witeh Rasai Salve. It cures cserna sudevere atm udiseuses. F. B. Loy- xu,, Lîbrtyvillo. and G. C. RoBxoove Waocondi. Mn. (Oeni anti bride bave movesi ente . Rocheobocha ftoron. The Apiakliie boys gave tireur a charivari. Chas. H. Smith's lusoronce adver- tisemontin lmit eeta INDEPENDENT tatea tiai vocan net aford tu hloni te a Mutuol Inaurance Co. Thai tbe lilliburo Inaurance Ce. coat $19.85 foi tbe pona ivBe years on S11510and ihat ha would Imaure 8$100 vertS cf property for 115.00. That vorili> gentleman dees not ma>' hovever, thet the $15.9W la to ha peid te him vhen ho mesures yeu, but h la dusen ihai day nover- ibelesa, vhile Use lilîbur oin-m panys agente viii oui>'unit yen $2.00 te insure ycu sud yen have the rost of the moue>' for nme Sirne, sud Il C. H. Simith vili ite the trouble to do a litile llguring on compond ionterot foi lve yezirm. ho viii flnd Ih yl mount ta, more thon the Miliboro company bas cet, and If vo are lneured n tlb idllburn compan>' vo re sure of get ting our ful onounit oetinsiirosue vbich voare netin nome empanieg WAUCONDA. iraiclma photos at the Waucondt Studio. E. L. Harrison vas a liclenr>' vIsitei Tnday. C. A. Sioxen vas n Marengo Thur& a>' on business. Il- L. Pi.hm, ot Labo Zurich, vas or our airees aMonda>'. F. Grovoner, et Grayalae, vaas or .car treeta Tueida>'. lira. A. Nichein snd daugliter retu ru ed traim OIcago lent veet. . Chas. Lnmupbere ts stoppuin Inii viciaii>' ai pisent vrlting. B. G. Shorman and John Sievso vere Mocfenr>' visitors Sunda>'. Mra. A. hUiard eniteinod a niesi tram Elgin a ev deys recentl>'. L. ir. Ray, et Dlamond Labo, vas oi aur itreete the irai et thewveot. Mina Lililea Aynloy, et Dlamon Lake, vialted frionda la Uhs svicini Sond>. lira. . M. Hill, et Chicago, lavieil Img relatives and frienda in tb: vliii>. Mir. Moft, cf Chiongo, .ts visiting à the home ot Euguno Jonte at preen vtutlng. , lira . Dlor Amen andi dauglter Enui vois plemannicahiers tun ilaplac Saturde> let. Herber sud Umseoe aWollo,c H@1aflesil, vore gnustlr. Wm liarble Foesdny. Notice M. W. Hngbe's furn tonea lu iblis ue. Wauconda in the pla- te boy turaiuro. Elciao Jents bas receivod a ftîll in c1 eoufecicseay otc. Shc aollcis part cf your patroiiege. 0. C. Robetsteo mating groat lm proymonte lu the appoarsuco o! th, binienico! ofibis Drag store. AiSib.el eetion Tuede>'the tlle. 10< maiomais ere eleisi: H. 2 BunlBPzssdeat cf board; K.V Ww*la,.VIIlge lei;. M.A. Golding A. 0sur,1' e.gb«%UU4 Mues. ~~*,.dbavaia Unemd. C. W. Gbmauew bippel a cogen et, pressait "y to Bvn»gon laut Econdé>. Mn. J. -2. bracher aai son -Burt vere Ïn Ohicago lunt Saturda>' ou huiai. Doss. UTr. sud Mis. F. J. Munaro are rejoielog over the arrivai ut a s.on, born April 15. lire. John Mlure ad Mina May' McCulflougb vlslted An Chicago Miou- day and Toesday. Mr. and ira. lHenry Westenfeld vent to Chicago lasnt v entonsdy vbere ibey expoci W live ibis sommer. R. J. Thora ls lmpreving bis property by grading the front yard and rebuilling the porcs efthUe bonne. A large crovd wa preseni m4 Emotor services lant Bonda>' moraing. In the evenlng the weathar bepi many avay. John Mc<ierva wili occupy his nov bonne. ln a few des. Mr. Appieyard bas rented tbe bonne vsoated by Mir. MeGarva. G. W. Bicbauber van r"-eected school directer bore last Satnrdmy evenaing. There vas qilto a content over the motter. 1 1 One Minute ilail the time nocesary te decido from personal oxperience Usai Orne Minuta Cougli Cure doeB vbst its name impiien. Sold by F. B. Lovi.iL, Llbortyville, and 0. C. lien- EOOTS. Wanconda. GAGES LAKE. ias EditS Witham As vltiug friends In Chicago. UmeCarnie Chard. oftCicago, spent Bunda>' bore. Misa Viola Phelpe, of Chicago, vialteti lira. Bensen luat veek. Mis e Rvia Gilmoro, et Chicago, spent Sitnda>' vtlier lparents. lira. Frank Edlc, vbo bas boom qulte il fornme Urne. iaovi>' improvlng. The Ladies' Aid Societ>' vii meet wlth lira. Bumerski next Thurada>' ai i 'ciock. Iiev. Mr. and lirs. Siothower are tbe happy -parentset os.ababoy boy born Fri]dso>, April ifitb. lma Ada Manchefier. et Grand Crsaâ- lng, spént a couple ut daya q4th ber parents bore last veek. UmeMaelGlIloiore, vbo bâa boon vimlitlng friandinl Waukegan the pet 1ivo veets, reinrned home Sunday. Torturlng, ltclng' caiey skiaierupa tiens, burna and scade are sooihed ai once andi promaptiy boaleti by DeWlttaà rWicb Razel Saive, thoehtietknown cure fcr piles. F. B. LoEux., Liberiy. ville, andi G. C. Renswrsi, Wanoonda. FREMONT CENTER. Very litieo sodlng bas beon done. Schooi opoeed Aprîl 7tb vith Miess J0551. Bock as teacher. L. J. Lyon and famlily spen t Wedues- day visltiug relatives lu Waukegan. Frank Flary vialted friends in Volu luet Saturday night. Mis. C. A. Traut mepent Ist Tuesda>' 0 iaiing in Lihartyville. C. P. Thomnavoie a Waukegan vis. Itor hast veok. à The dance ai G. IL Renie's linda3 'niebt vas vWelatteouTed atid osgond trne voisroported. y At Our echooh meeting satiurdo3 nigbt tquite ais interest vas tatou ¶1'euty-tivo votes vore poiled. J. Bl Ijeinlein vas elected direetor. W Ileinsurprising vbat na*'veo bit et i ibing' con accompili. Sick beadaeh, constipation. dyspe.psia, sour .tomnel 38 andidiuzinese are quichi>' bais.ed b: 3rDeWitts ULtile Rarly lieere. F. B Id Levsnr,, Lîbertyville, and G. ('. Itou ;'l ENvOI, Wauconda. * DIGHTON. Atsevdtoo bs.t..for fassi vek lt Fermera are buey petiug in ibel 1. Hubert Couper han gone tu Chiéag r-on business. rT Louis Droti. of Chicago, i., visit.n 9finondsat ai gbton. e lira sopbua filmes vas iin (bieg )r on business receut>'. le liatFreundi, o! Waioconsin, wae Ce rY on oui s.treets. receosth'. li ra. bon Dove andi sou Johniver Chicago vlaltera last veek. li ra. Droit, et Chicago, avasviltin frientis of tible place recenth>'. lx Auyene vlabing for llrnt-o-isss voci tf lestions caii on MiseEbtie fimes. [l.iM. andi lrs. Geo. Himes. visite aber sis.ter ai liciloor>' hat Suliday. ®r Misa Mary Freund, of Waucondl ntcoînnienceti ber sprlng termi Aprii 5. eMis Itie Dowve reiuneti home Abu Sonida>' froni ber visit lIn Watkegia. !, Thoeieectien lent, i oesday vas a 8. onterenling ahIair ln Grant townshbip. We have a firsi-clans boxing cint Anyone visbing trîlul g calA on Chai Wiliey. Ju A certain oid gentleman suppose hoe svwite airsbip, ih vas. notbing bi yor alantern. Dell Newman and ieI lady trlend. ýs- Mcfienry, vore pleaat ratiersa Thar day ovening. os The party oit Gus fims' haut Thur day ovening avas vei attendeti. A ,n reported a goti ue. Mese. Douglas Dsliizll andti W Herbes toot a tiying trip to Wu( Ce., WIs., lent veet. ai Maseter WllUo Blanes las retturut froni Chiego vbere hoe bas bat art attonding sohool this wiister. Tho Ganuîson Brou., ofNipperaîn entortaiaedli r. Alberi Willey vil ce Ins.trumnental mutile recont>'. Misses Mary Freund and Erno on filmes ver. lu Vole Monday oveni d onbusnemsanti E. Richardson ente idtmined tbom vib bis gramophone. yBiackétainli Hmos muai ha reapli in a gond harvent consldering il tnumbeuefbroken rîga te bc îeen lis bis mbop. ýýiA mndose net bave te haeceme t crank un adventiaimg te de busino and w j«ur~nnd Ail n tête.m fur 20 nflta 5tuoi tu mnaetemlPasif odsnew. IVF YOUII HOBBES TEETH-NeeO fixing 5th.re bm an old foilow at th C(inIY Farm who underotands tle, buaine..o. S TuA VEI)OR STLU a llov shepherd dou with wviite reast. Ausvers tt namu of Touser. guttiabkrowsrd wilii W given. Joux LAwiaaucs. tbertyville. Ilt W ANE-yyo cmnwlllbs7to iiik: F ISALX-Freai. bard-wood aawdust, at FIlalf Day snv Mill. W. D. BÂiLEY. Prop. WIANTED-Flrntet cas gilfor gen.ral Vliousework. FIe, Aln famiiy. To nuado the à bihrat vasewili 1w, ahsi. Mat. C. B. Eko.Deerile d. 111. 28 2 F RSALE-lo, 2.40e. Ta or 117 acrem of gond Foimî,lroved l.anc imii., we,.t or Fremont Oenter. Troami partiul.aro addrnn or calA on (C. LovTuq.ont FO ORSALE-Lot 000020 ln lUbertyvijie 8village. Wry demirabie loeation. good drainas.. Can bW bougiot ueasp for casb. le Ior addreo.. 1NosPtnoaRTo 'Et,, fLbrti- Cucum ber Pickles. Contracta and Seed can be had at M. B. Colby &Co's,.Triggu & Taylor's, F. C. Smnith & Son'a. Contract before ygp are toc hâte. I. W. STAPPORD, Lîbertyville, 111. Notice AU vbho are lndobted tc, the Dinmof Doeinluin & Phannonaaiel are reqnesed te cai it t r&. C. K ebkers Sogre ornet J. 8. Deinleina reaidenco sud sottie ai Once. J. 8. DEOINLEiN, Yremoni Center W@ nov bave on s§ale ttbe station bitre TOn ide Bearer Commutation Tickets., for beiveen Libertyville and Chicago, rate 14.70. E. L. DuBois., Agent. The Great ProduClng Stallion r GEORGE O. 2:21' Standard under botS trottina and, pauinu bruesred hVy Lakeand'éKbdajiab 30(full bth Wtou arold, sire _91 Maud 8.) bY iiambietotian Iko:aa,. Faim o'B. a fami pacinc mare ho' a non utf Ueo. M. Patebiia 2.23'.b George 0. lea a cstwi.t borne, a. aure foal getier ala A red a» near lite George Wikes etrest sire ot trottera, s» ill asPoeibie tb get tiseR oeorge O. As tOhse air"0f eight An the ILL a rand @on la 2.1904 and a numbtr of othsr» 1 vili stanld George 0. at My plane An xMii11.1 at 640 per mare à fable la 'bor ut eb ilA at tionoof serviue. s»eàn Dot provinsglanfou]J eiiA Le ,ntitied to a retuen, meatou. The abovc î,rlcc Ag final. Breed tu s horse that bas»iroven bimenlf both à t.sotter and Arodue r. Feed Mill. We wili do custom grlnding Tues. days., Thulradays and Battidiys. We have a large ne v Corn and Cob miii thut ernds very tlut. 04 . S'Âiv&HO MOOezCO"U SOWW LEfflolm M. lirda of fine Heckel, Lobe sud Comb a Opeclaty. I bave tak.àoî tiret preMIo ni My Logborne for several yearis. Since Septeonhor lent have solti 26 male birds and atillA bave fevluusellet $1.00 te $3.00 each. Egga for bateblng 15 for 11.00 601 for $3.400 Investigate before buylng elsewhere. J. P. WILLIAUM, Liber!yvlAle. Ill. i2 Vears Experlence. SAuce making my lantiomprovemont on rny re-acting vbeei, I vil ig ond brick a commou msized volA, 000 test or ln, Oiret20 fi.. 50 cents per foot; nexi 20 t., 75 cents; neot 20 fi.. $1.50. Prospecting wIth 2 or 3 Inch noger, ne chreunless the owner stops me from dgigdeoper. For clennlng ont and rep..irlng ol14 voUs, 501conte per boni, furnishiug my ovn belp, aise board- ing mysoîf and belp on an>' Job near home. Those vho cannet board the help, viii pay 25 cents extra per foot fort he fifrt 20 fIL and tbe tIfference on an>' amoint more or Ams, according to tbe above prices. Price for shearimg and tylng vool. 8 ceun.per bead. Entimântes furalshed for clearing up and or an>' Cher Job Wrk. Ail work doue an geod shape munt bo seiiled ftir b>' casb or duo bil, Ail loters ansvored on short notice, vuSh full partlcnlars. JAS. P. WILLIAMS. Box 141, LlbertyviIle, 111. A FINE UNE 0F FURNI.TURE. BEs, Pioture Framnes Clock Sbelves, Boom mouldiýig Wall pookets, Paints, Paper holders, Oill, ýBock cases, Vrihs Center tables, Glane, Extension tab's, P-Utty, Dîning chairs, Brushes, Rockers, mirrors, Çoucheu, Mattreusea, Louffles, Cols, Sprlngp ,CGbom»r ais h. h Coileu Rauf 1- S'P Bness Collog AND Teachers' Training School, Wili open Monday, Sept. 6. 1897. at Libertyville, Ili., Wlth a Facuity of Three or More Competent Intructors. 1 S t ente who bave COMPleted Use Hgbth Grade vc* we e1tibe Illimo a public sobpoo, b'byMiug Our AoesUl Prepartory J('ourse, vill bu iltted le enter the 'Frsebmum' clan»< I BO> collae, lu threes yon or loes, oocording tu pr&viOSi - attaimmenta sud gsnurai abilit>'. Srhooî i'îur viii compris. titres terme o! ibirteen vonka eech sud a <mid-ensommer Teachera' Normal Dril oetf ive veeks. Per >'ear, Cash la Ativance, .............. ... . .lm le of Tultisos -Per terza, .......fe d <Pervweek, .....10 viii boînnitructeti six veeks durlng Jul>' sud Ange s ,di ciunnun 1897, il a sumtcleni nmnoer jolu tu pa> expeuses 0o! ii spociai terni. For f urther paticulars addres H. C. PADDOCK. Principal, Libertyville, I111- Midnight, 2:174 FASTErT STALLION IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS. No. 414 in R. A. P. R. Foaied November 12, 1885. Bred by R. H. Pooler, Serina, Ill. If' you want speed and endurance breed to a horae that huis got ItL TERMS: 01500 to Inaure live colt. Ail mares diaposed of after being bred. Breeder wlll be held for aervice fee. Ail colts to be set- tied for aoon as mare haa foaled. Mldnlght vas slred by Nlgger, bholoy Plymontbt Rock 2:3%j, son of Hilîs BAokawk 2:31à, sire of Elihan Allen 2:25j. Midaighi's dam van by Siarliglot (pacer> 2:17t, son cf MoKa>' Hors. 2.81j, second dami (pecer) b>' King Pharaoh, sire c1 Rlohbidll 2.121, Bawle>' 2:118j, and others boiter thea 1:25. Thord dam b>' Ethan Allen son cf HO'. Blackbovk. Mldnight inà fine coei-blnck borne, mtanding 155 bande, wolgbs 1140 pounde, la Tory hoavy boned and strong muuoed. Ho la a naturel paer, à âlne mover, and han a kind, goutte disposiion. Hie han paced a mits lu 1:08, bail tui 1:03, quarter in :31. a 2:04 gâis. Nils cute in liclenry ornai>' are norly ait pabetxa largo and smooih, and show grispe lO.L F. W. Sborweod, Midigb'a tormpr surfer, ln s re- cent laiter soya: .He boasétreit a few su sAis lu Mianouri, and 1 i ob fornme o! ibeAn le go hIuli-,215 liaior, botter ibis poar. I aiariod Midaight lus -141 races linsmi. wlnanm 30 lirsi mono>'. 5 seconds, 3 Iii'te. nnplu-ed i maddrawn co, m4klng a won lmefil ýuu log, and, vtnnlng a nioe Oum cf mono>'. tu ios i races 1 started hlm égaantisncb notait bor-s oam.VIdai 2-64j. Storm 2:0%, Jordan 2:11j, Aimontslusbaw 2; tit. llobail 2:12J. Ubamoin 2:12J. Lubila cCuri>' 1:14è. and WiWle Rtussll1:15..Iamn surprisei b. basnons gut a record of 1.10 or boiter, sa ho ble p.ed and endoireuee ta do Il It van vith tbe homies above mentioueo 41 Ce! roe lia blé record at 2:17j, and conid "aemarkil John2112 bAld i winhed. . nyrlllbdbokc hitl 4pla*.» TOues t dltdaighin oclie lou*, g SSpring Tad.e. Prairie City a4ers. Keyatone Dise Puiverizers. The Hummer, Sulky Plow. -- The X-Rays Sulky Plows. j Davld Bradley Plows. John Deer Piows. Keyatone Corn Plantera. -Bradley Corn Plantera. Steel Lever Harrows. Staver and Abbot's Carniages and Buggies. Tmmoh Bs, Wagons and Trucks. TimohyClover and other-Fleld Seeda. G I.H.Schanck &,Son, iLU BERTYVILLE9 ILLINOUS,ý e