Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 30 Apr 1897, p. 4

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1LtmctvilaSrviust t-nes begun l u deret ,-nly wlia ha slong tise membera coflie nmmiaaian, aMdl vIleil , ý otAclly sttad liat the u1Sdta, a Modification o! cdi th le ralea nado hy Cleveland, here arm c»Ms lot b.llevin< thSai At W PresSdent licKWuer bas bo up hua mind temodify ta a conaierable exent, lamaI round ShaS anime 01 J"onsaam calcaIated te iwovrnnet service, ratier 1 i. 1-mo membeta o! the W taeouthilatnd lu cou- Wbiew by a Senata snia eernposed af Sensiori ,t 0 ). C.; Elkina, W. Va. sud j rtIa. Secretar! wtiaur. Mw th. exemption ai tie 'INspectura f Sie Agrteui- ouRtaent fronite Si. $i qas. becan>se aga and ex "" tuaI as necemsiay *M.sledge, to pieparly SIU àbe Se etSed'an instanceý os thse civil *erlSic corn. k a u ait a 11apecia 1 ai éoci'isso t uthimna f4"q yeara aid, yLto bad th amowemg ta Pesa h Iis, "ua.enirely lacktiN #%Mms oaded 10 perfora d 8e added 5hâ1 Pmel lali téc ii-Bervta, eWoMtdinc, sud tliaihh bes 15 eeaired. secreana ~,lletar 10 thesub.oOu gphwlag th opluai Ut KOcdte cral service ride ~qewtt adyauage la Sli sad eSpecilHy recuit IW lmtrducugab te a genlig Uie ~êit-~Cuurne Sc o hlea uli 0 uehed n9 n4ov n1nb 68 S Jelc 11e<r t uatr 1ui64g Jr g em converie V~b, mmp1610008vMet 9»,t ad SatvuiTI 1 àWw u bea tarpou ve ad 1 Wt -"f hé abn outerpxlsing muan la a ieip cL Thé more tnuney lie tas 0 %-lie boter for lie c the larger huaineaha but pitaer adsatsge la tie c Splaoecanol butl.upu 04 ssii s vide avaka pea absefl1 telite aurrount 1. boetia e thali dss ý sgrutfelentorprsisg me etli. sud fbavuaon qMlthPMetevions tudlsid ' l --W ýytoSralil Mban vtted Sie irosa doum aa k* be sSIShme 4000, lO! il t pboila t-glas1 oê'u la 1ROLLiNS. --------W An interestlgHenryrBaron vtited hotte, lut Su- ?GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. M l.Ji Winters. Of mandes., MRS. m. a. SHERMtIAN. Local Biter. lias n.trued to ofa. l £ r. hrani uhoie ee rrea Rfev. G. D. Heuver. v igMg Mtc Ewr agoforthe j lira. »Taanthore o r JvoibarttinasfCldOnVbr10tifuet FACTS AND FIGURES. KimasEdua Converse, at Fort Bill aUolutot -wflk. lMr. Harper, of Ci Vas wuOnt TeSlsoU1daSrPdl Changent'8jrought by Maohlnerv in lit. OrleIl Hiblard lia been b,,y Sunday 5<>shoot antpe. De <took lhome Te Saeoflo'm arpria > ndustrlaiL Uts--The Influence of palier isngiutan ad Lake te pont about seven or eigbt. fire t largekit tn tlic worl<l berause 9 hs. change_. oth. W.1fare af eek. lira. Boyd and son Perey -have re- thecures by Ilood'a Saréaparilla are the Wofflnuman. ira. 'W. P. liacLachian and son ured trainMitchigan, asun a,,uwouderfîîl, perfect. permanent. 1 COWM. apD Fmon "K WZK. A"a, of Chilcago, are spendtng tbta wtntea tay wp ill relatives tiiere. Hood's Pil are the best tatnily »UD. PaweOLnoAOUm oa Or Lamea. vweek vsitIng et MoUlus. W. B. Higlai and vtfe wt.ited Chii- catlimrtic and liver mediciae. 25c. Them'bein« nBO te ta gulate hurbon" 1 BOY Stevena, of Waegmn, wlo lhma cago lionday for the purpame o rJusoni. wob a labor. dars vore fflloned lte fourteu lto beon taing at Camion Dolttle'n adsud patcimng a fine new ptano, the KreII SeutrJoet k.volaaia > si" bum &MPDO»Cotit Mlket ad ateningochol brehanrotrne moa. orie expertence intheti. andling of thxemoe bouta. paoplem .051 e n oq er ehol e.,liareure mke b~ila he Sonate, My$ the thef.a"ore bou ppl wekethse ,eik As ne.Mima COTE* Austtn tient te Chilcago Dingley bill tll flot get titoflit the 1%i nieie ol ~rfrtnevs M iieneAvis, lMauzer and Sheplierd- Ist Monday ta bc goule a rock hut tnt eoeJn 5h nt&t Kar Mas a L r and Capta** weilt <atmsont of Lake Villa, vtaited lita Etiiel more. Her ister Cairite JiOtned lir wtil te. nearly or quite a montb mter D *wbea * tlaorer lars down àa mpade b. Kapple Frtday snd open% the. aiternoon Frtday. Iliat for the Honne snd Ithe Benate ta tad hn stlefrtuat .rta sîtat ofviaîin eeolMli. and lira. Bulwinkie returnedagrit on thie anendiments. resden pee acpietasfne; anmCoprttielle Plantyof boys braved thble bd Totada 50 the cty lionday, sud Misases Aggte rendr aetes acaptaltha. bs cu prb the d. ance. eSPeter Etnga tlaturday aud Viruicli teuained lta prepare the. Lawrence l'orvet dted. at hts latte samol sti.e.. flensnc titas~tnugiti. Althougligirla ver. soutce. mHlcottage fur occupmucy. terttdence tn Oraysiake aI 3 p. nm. fr1- raenaxmes, taurauce aaatnss ire, . oo n 11uedmy, Aprtt 16, 1897, aged 85 yesrs, 6 1wbntlier the. mOt nas or flot.. The- proonge-da- £OOd titMr.sad lit. J. L. MorrîlI veut to monthiansd 4 daya. Ho wa born lu tlonut a labor dartIn -ew of tiaivasuSe,. Harris and evrai otiiers train WsikegmIl aturday eventng ta apend Tornpkina Ca., N. Y., Oct. 12, 1811 sud naturat Grayoh.he lilped un organisesa Sunday Buuday Illi relatives tliere, returuing vas decended front an early New Eug- el-s. DNsOBa TC LITE&4à») SELTE. Behool lir.s uuday aiernoon. On.eta lionday rnorntng. land faiarty, bltfhbet beiug William a Tier. bains ne 1ev sait elffled ver. s mfoUava: Supelitnd- Ritta et Sou are sgenuts for the cele- Forver, a native ai New Jersey sud a l- applitanansd provtding for proper ent, John (Jhriatiau; ecetary, £il ceibrat*d Bualinel Pillai. This ta the RIevôluttonaiy liero for moen yeara. Isantary provisions for fa-tories and siiops DoulttlO Ttemanpt, lrs. Wtu. Doo. îbout woodeu pip nt-ile mrket, anti ne came vomI ta Lake canuty lu 1837, theIontotelfe nd l1mb vere great. The. Uttle; Towealen, lira. Wtu. DOOilttle, before buying get tht-jr rales, whteb and tu May 1840 xartted Mima Maria. 4.tmoatulire vas laWon vti tUrt the. Mrs. Beak, lira. Clistian, lita. Bd are exceediugty 1a'a, Leame, oi Warren townshtp, viiose 0 temperatur.etevted. fresb air excluded. Dooltîte, lits Lots Cremin sund lilaspaetlidnte hr » ay u à sud aaiety appiîances sadir antia.V. Mande Bdvsrds. Presctxtng lta at lmany caes o!1.-Grtppe" have lstely pset it ete ir serya aAccidents were tuant, and tpeoplebhâti a halupaStvoansd Suuday lichool been cured by One Minute Cougi' Cure. 1816. Seven chttdten bteamedl their vota ont aspct, tii niotalîte aitrvada.Tliis peparation seemB s epecimiiy Unton, lIv. ai1vliorn died tu tufsucy, " adaptout apect. tcure o! itits dieremre. rt One, Abert G., edied tn 18865 ard the amour bidrea of operatives twas double <teloth ue fhs iete iler, Emma Wtcke, ta the. anly sur. tblit arong the -btldren of ot.ier people. LAKE ZURICH. scesqulckly tia preventtng serions complications and baoi etecta in vîtch vtvlng chltî r.lansd lita. Wicks IL The. peraed of graduai adjUat- WaUly Wood vas an Elgin vîstor ttus diseame alten leases t.he patient, bave alwas made their home vttl G ri M"asa or ithe latter halleof tua ceabi m*r. ianday. P. B. LavEgnu, Liertyville, sud 0. C. îmgiuîeu tet burugllena su igitn -Drtng thus pertori the, Influence of ia .A th a haovsBaus acua tuetr declintig yemrm. When lit. Fot. 68mchnetv on the, condton of the. woking itor lionday. The aid ettiera of Lake ceuuty vor tirât came lie. lie toaktn 160> LI nmm u beau omeireainaand beaeflcla. J. H. ParbeS trausacteri businesIn especisily thase of thua vlctiit.y, vttiacreasaif<jaseroreut laud, but l'y Durtngtfile perid tiere bas been a t.-a<ty Chicaga Taenday. b. grieved ta learn of the dealli of patient tuduthy, boneaty mui frugal- tmurement lt ti i tdtion of the vok Jolin Kaivoakye made Zurichl ibîslai ra. listan Gllrnrre, ai ber liaine in ty lielias ccurnmulate<i 400 actes. Lannion. As it would not. be jumt. te lay &il nemsalau Iis veek. St. Jolin, Ktansa, Smurday, Aptil 17, moast of vbich ta tn Avon townsaitp- LI blamoe for t.lir bord lot In thei. itstPertind on Lou Wolf bioa maved thieTest af his 1897, ged 82 yeara, 6 mentbis and 28 Two brotiierg, Nebemiali, viio lvea lu a çnachineri', seI weutd net le correct te furutur, *0Chiago day. Durlng the years intervenlug Sontug Dakrota, sud John T.,iu Nebraska, te atttibte to maschtnerr ail thelInprosdalent.s fubscrib orathle INDEPINDENT and heveen 1842 and 1878 able made lber a staster. Jauri, viov of John Nelna, Tiiere are man, eloments beidos the ctetloutneya.kuow sud mucli beîaved. htuce filat tise grandclildreu-n sd sevou great-_ 4 .teoonte tbat det.etmin a peopt&e'à e ft. '%W... iil Iulney, vere up flime el ah.mdelier borne iti lier Son grandcilrren survive bit. Tht-y &H - d lon.trih. laiure te réogns.tagi s les rn ari-oBua.Frsuk, iu St. Joant. She leaves six itiseti bita sud %%Ilgreààtlt y bila. jsaob su mit of hepeteemueate Kart Marx and Lyman Anderson ls nov employed bidren ta mour the. loe af a kind, îles. E, A. Harris otteiaterr aI lis tiier socialteatand Itt nia, deed lte a by lb. Tlaphone campany. gond mulet,onueaofviiot, George triequîit-s lun bt.ting varda ieset F Squetion If net the naturat effets o! Frsuk Boney abîpped a car load of A. resîdea aI Gge' Cornea;Ivnt-ani loîve. six tf is aid trteuds snd 19machineri' would te as Ithen-a ei)cmiste5 stock fron ie.tliia eek. g--dr - lde. ohiier- rr- wîl-rsxu ngeLuur men ver. li- ry SUPPOme. -anc de- ohghre-er ht sxvuge e vor h n- The retives tatuaetftthe Indastrie lasss Aapacial meetingoaithie ire cornpany logy en the. demi departed could bc a-tiv, .0b-af, hati hmS, ia nov uaruutonablr csuperter tu tirat vsledBwrdyeetg ritten tian the tteramee of one of retstui kitîlly inottîer eartr, vwhite lita ltfInlt premacinery perloi and machlet J. H. Farbes sud Gu@ Feddter were lier sous: 'Mtiiers truc Chiristianisspirut-it. b t nt tat t flts isloseti m thelr prorose machtnery bas erlainîr Barrington vistotsMlondsy. file lasa livtng recordl ilttrd vitb goarlut!-, u, ur-r't'tll luin iuy offly two le wrougt or made possible. Tii.e Ifue-ncerof John Douaisou sud Wite, ai Gilmet-, deoda, anti vortliy af eteulatloui. - Neiu.turthe, istt.i tend, n- aWhtaery on the. vorkinumaua vewllare. ver. Zuricli viallors lionday. The Lake count u a~rnrterty contfer ___ "te direc or Indirect in sen Vick Wtuner, o01liapte Park, bas Suceaof W. CT. U. vîti b. ht-Id ai Ifie Tht- INIRENDCENT plthîlabea mare! LrIx TREI lcumEÂ5ýkIN5? ac 'N opaned btms cottage for the seslsoni. Guru.. cliarcli, TbursdayMy1,'Cnt NwQliumyîtirpar taTicseparatton ltetwecn the. verktnuvns Henry Bradvay ettended the ueraI earnmenciug ai 10:30 s. m . snd con- In Lake couety. Doas yoîîr netghbbt) and su i.employer, sud the, beîug tirovu ai J. H. Bapp tu Chicago lionday. ttnuiug Ilirouglilte day snd evenlng. knav filet! Tellt hlm inupon bis ova rescurcea bas promoted th,- Mima Emma Meer and breller Frank l7ut. Janie Ormaby twtll deliser lhe ad.- ID rwthu of the votkiagnua tudendpendono., are vsting thert mter in Clilcaga. dreas aof velcomer. lira. Jousle Brave h es fe ine il lu Db eatleu obuto neUin illon vill b. present, giviiig short. TeBa.AerDnt-P. Theetoseqenteomintio hut Uion BRy Lampiiere, af Wanconds, vas talka tlirougii sud s lecture lu Htuad*t Pilla aid ditgestion, preseut ly bas enaiet i hm te vrest.a ats unimar oeen ou astreets th i tiro f Ilie tle eveuing. Do' fai ta, heur Mrs, that feelintg oai fuîmes. or disîreas. sand priviteges from emptufers. Ciirrflr amon veek. Billon, as you vtl b. eit repaid. gentty, yet tftrctively, amistt th te as- thueeoted ptvieislle shortened bouts Gus Feddter will psy yau cash for MBn. Villar Wels, Supt. af Mothers' slmilato auid digestion otf food. ef- baler. btter ,ducmttunaiopportunttea.yanr praduce. lHe keepa a trst clam Meetings, Ioabaiseexpéelo at IIres- They du otalgripe or pain. sud they do more power lajotlti-s siandatarg'-r saat,-market. etsdocîysprinn i.tleulvaeulehd.(ulecnrr ltii.heprodacte ot taber. n n cip oto ftefii owaeteoy uhcnrr ut ~ MLTPIJATO5 roucton Henry Shah et ta bact- i l id po. wvtî ter deprtrneut vork.- <jean hey thave a stretigthenng asaimtt- ou .MLLCTii nrosIONcrse lu RS. sitian intha ctil tan for lhe rail- mîusic flapromiSed by tht- runee irn tfiert. Tht-y rrusr the îvo, pt-e- ILcauaedt a fait ta prtces. This fatti luprtussu company. yrînng people sud pienty oift-asurivent stckness sud c-re. atk beadaclie. bas atablott s larco number of worklag tJame iaod calmly fe. eeby lie ladies af the union. I oIl'lils at-t- ptrely vegttable, pet- ~~people te ebtain conionts wiiktuformet-Ir Engteood, liave returued lttehîe Larke Brittg 'luneh. Don't inrget tht-date-. frctly iiurmtena sud ma ie b. asd asfely ad nte ttebiedthotra. G tictuie ioteuof e e ifor a short vîsît. FER 05085 OF COauT-T-EE. hi' rieecatevotuen sud clildreu. oidtuuaty tahoret-. jati of et uplin Theri.oireaIlutlie victiti' of (iI-- Clay SCTer oceutury sio. tuer a sa etret:nier lisve purchssedth lecreamery of it- alèead of theobar watt thera are ptturea. F. E. Uavley & Ce. Dr. 0.MhIB. Dr. lutleatiof etumsy bememMead 1ire thet-t- The galf playera vers ont II SaudyTet ain.K8lyad ucsifyB are gaseotal faiturr vrongit romersnt. but te Ss eshr et t rudy8lI~JLTrmsaiuîiat'sdacesut lie-raa., vaaarier lefI 1h. groanda ty tile istest appraved metioda &aIlm ta 5 OES lcasa t bad shape. No vame vast played. - eroule ta The vorklua c-asses bave more wiilth Win Ernttug, oi Long Grave, vasR WE ItaRAsEs ofthlanugs, heurt, tlirtat,T 2 than formori,. Tii. tucetas. cf mener in Zurich deiveriug treea hits 'ueetk. By Dr. il E.nase, tarnacb, ltver, kidueya, boweis T aaueatbe nchmelisansd tmtidle <U"55bhsIf you are In Bud oi auythiug iu thîs w. ombl, ant mi eaI trgana. itama atet. AccordingmteMal. He kan mverk- SaI is rîurzssuaectema, ahinglea, et inlasesinl Eugiad pommssemd la lasas ilue ieli rIt eeusipi muai.b veath &-as tho venkiug Classes tn 'lou en.ECZ EMA. sltrlieni, s-aid biad, tetters, woudas. dueifthie tira weaitb of ft- psertaris capitîta.paariasie Sycosis, Iot salion batiheen untht-lt-banda. Sic tm.LONG um-tV n.. barb)ets ltcii> ring varm, herpes M, il baadoaiie. B tiei. clama vi ttcm. ta M. Kutte, of Wlitelitig, nid hturisss ~ î ati rmts t-. zsesdalfrî !ctaeu 01 oser $14e but kotsathsu gait(arn omth ht-eet- e m ek. nuu-ah-ut t, htilI. -ernîrtinn, blotclit-, black ht-ada,etc., remiddle clos. tiien ovet-$M tase ihuici lama Henry Mille-r bs rinrutericl outhti tiI,- e.dt, .wtit- l-,mf.A a me ue noemn an sd thoen aadur $7»the wrklng Iâés. tiiere grouansd wul seuon rt-rt a liaidsîieu- for. t- îî rtte- Duc ma A-hante].McuESl tNmI, nth. F'LI8 II la au clmathal bshmaIcreat-tise miglt as neterni rt-siuhenceu. le,.lasit-Il it the,- uîu-ti-tend ai'lCrt lte.removed ivtlit pî lain ry elrt: -)Iygio tbe Ors. Tii. lacreiae oet hht c-leasine. Mal Uuiiutlet-ustcik rtoietes a gusdal aIrl)uuîucii atlir utrrru t --t-uIuua.tir'-Cuire guarattet-d. font tala Engiaad oser »%r-'. Tht- tnt-t-nase alîtirujtr-eros wr-lt rar clai rrtr-trrr îiuruttsfirii.-uiv-uluiiîciîh.- iuuF.0 -ENRO5ltE o! h e lussewbouetaoinne la -aurhaut$75) lu suri srtks fur the- tub-t-tst ruf lits ru-ttii-i _ uî.t-.yultluuert- ifmuila-niaNetirlhheuia, loctrntoîat aaa, pro. tht, ouI, 15%. Ths Srttaly shotettthe t, rit-e. foilt--,r-ia ut tialng th frun tutrugre8sive punalyis, beadache, neuralgta, »CL Intentoese Iniveltb dies not ail ango t b"-t-b, lin, Chaa. Stetil et tîrtaitur-d bs lite iti- stauiîltu-îlnI. aile] uftlr1- trlriit-tisciatai nsoimnie, ePttepay, cnred by Sfor If liteehatnetlbt-rn an cnet-moumCrts lnt, daughtr, ter htursîuu Wi. Er-krt atu tu îi lt-.îjuldt airi happty ri-vîrs it-r î-German metbod sud electrat3'ala. "il oatliameaz our wvuitkinugmen.vtur-tr--gsurtIirrî,a ts. or-k ot-uirty mth,Is bail frotrire-rs rc-,n n- REUNATIS]E sente, artîcular, mUScu- âIli taI mener ther extur-uttion lrîo. t-seraiofyslai w-tkt-uiiuu r! allruutali E-r-mt ritu'inr. lr, tnflammmtory sud theutatte gant. w owt wtuuriq ii-u- r-i îon a parasi. a liugpoittvely coredl i' a nev and aut-ceus- the Stosang hamues caosfatie ra-st ovîi- Henry uit-te vas airlei tht -(-rutaiii vrii btlasi nfeeted rt portiolet ftire fui Praceas. Cure gnsrmteed. len 5h.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~yu aaiigIedauraofb.iatrarthe- tract îur keepttîg tht- Shultz aisu c ih ,t rnuuuu ~ uuuu !tts-it 1of tw.e ieadngasebal.l rtilts coutiuuruiud ekt..r-slforîrîler tue cuauuuiuug yearoftfleiie-ti ,od for siarts for titeIr playetrrm sîe.raa. A bu ui ode il te mnt u ai. fleWhlufimlr aîxiir fror yuarsundl inalty ixbtrd X-RAY APPARATUS. ut-a.e nit . . a.. fraui-..lgb.jubvtiiuiu ewire-,itt-utUTor tt. nîrar llierudul Dr.Bey. lias s comptete clectticai u anreds ut men. agooi, Part etfvtiom uieotsrb'tustt sw-han purtliur rulitihebouyl).'lit ia utyrîiasr lt-0ho ceer 1 id Portlipunoert uarned a dollar boautoi-. cqrîainted ailI cvet-fle caiutrt.y i""r u-lY iinrtii-ff,)utli.-- s-at-tt- ostîl stays lu.lround uu ulit iciig te clba eau ite palacue cars sud travrî t îdtr,da et clu-tk la kept so ur tsy itatlr-tr ait intillftitnyiflg Il. Thte Eczirnatoiruutfruies Meyrovilz ltoetgen Ray Apparaînafor Bili. es vîwtars I. A theasari mîlliln yett 5tt-fthe-rvtty village rot vallitre. mai Vt-y lt-sm a saigr-unîîy. s-aIr. Y!I-l.a adlagrspby sud Finatoscapie Deron- dollars nonnuimetifor lîtuot- mud a million Tht-rt-are limterrnsrelresuttrîr- at--i teinein îti'usr, vr-rpîng vîltir iuhnîrîr atmitiî. iiimeaus otioe.onderi ni ?tO mor for tobacoand riayingcardat. Thert-lu-h ti-etrrtr tîrîil trî lciily uniurrig tht- uîat-kr-îî uuranumatutrsymuitons. Tht. fîîrnuecontrivauces lie doclar In enaad tO> Lkes, classes par thoir strseofths ne doutt. but rretoai o s hidli êr- twuut tIilictit fîi- or ,a--iigucai -rr1at--zllîexplore tuie innerrost receas of Ithe arn- te hutk o! thise exirtettarea ari male hy rOffice tva at the- luttel and uotiutr moltr iruit (u-itipauîtî'iis sutrIifu I iz4-- Witt'nanrel auiiwat sud me ttaie a1ds the worktng men. Sut-h ndatat-ti.,andmuidatht-eteaunt-ti'. arurilu u,tlr-tr. Tiîî' atirle ,Ylilddeu or obscture. 1 expeadlturu, vas impossîibe a ontutr age. Droîp iteins initht- lNtîEi-EtututNT lalii. i-tîrtiJy s-uts hiîh att- -'aitrl> Tot-uotr TATIiJ MACHtINE FOSADIC 1 ni- 4 nîMNUoTION OF TERPUPEsLCLASm8. lewmvbohutatht- P.0. anrd tht-y ti ueit.0iiiu. t rti orte i-rlateb-mt y eîal,ý- ADGu.'u-ATEIS n a]kid 'it- Tiers tre a t-tat Maurypourot-lermorne receive due atentioun. Atvaya ot-,i ilt- , otî, t-eia îog-tîîîr, îormiuiodig no ALAsic adTERSaud aistku.da ing - tior eltvl h oo eenvryoer nainer-onuit. utt-rirly fruit ihcs- oft Vu u arioens uasi-. lsfvoiements lt a sst i u narrisiug at àa iiug 90poor m totlay. houel ierar net fluut etas a ;îtedge rtf goari failli. ,-atItun I-r tirefla-. e. cliba*t and -h-t.correcî disgnoais af any disesse sud 1 han formetrsud thiir nuaînitt-' blit May Iluiut-on a5Crvo uut-ttout e b-ioduy. teruccnlrameta9nola iage dunilaiea. Tue pourlit fEnglgtid lu t QUENTINS CORNERS. Tire-ltnuiot mîtlh Ing et-l-ftwhrui th,sud uricl n in day nt sur lat-r ttan sesenrt-a- gi- Eaeraeri sesînlai, tîntpatîrnî - ovi-aiteti. l'-lit- as'.lu d CuBgca. the thongb tbe population lIn tliebshstacn urn h ps uu ya- eni:taIIy suluu-lltas l vtb nto muark"-irr lmglee ysri doatedtWt'meie hvr.aInneo pu urn tepotforupti're.eln f h si. u t_ riGfit-.1s operalion <Teutamy.) Éluais toedWht er esrre3rfe oplai ptnerstuic.H. L. Brukelmnifsu basircrlrl -rtgrutesri.bttl,--uti XOmasIeDES (piles) cured i vthout ~te ier i e Pratiseaonlauléela lm )manager. During tle mînthu oftMarcli o! lnilltratlon, 5iil.!b n-semiu'l' a uiîutlutrf.panful opersteon iumont cases, or Mon torawereonly ive utios fint nube. te eiseri "1,414 liatrfi tnlk an-d lesîrun. ea rj uies a the la relation to the population flhc nambet- o! paîi ot $M9Ot.0l4 t-saliividniste, ,Anottui- fuît-i o! parstIltE-e-ma tIr vhliu delay ICOCu buaermus. ycue b lit taut<t> epepe eday la lues a iever toi a uyhr-brtel et. rustatîr o-ers.- nov method. befote. lit appuar laner beesuiso publie lt i-,,tmisetco-detblseuthe legsuancf th- fr-l HDOEEAr)HSII ueivt co»fid-t eL edeatit soienti lles s-heu you vaut s sparul tflhrr-ad fuvat'ile odiions o fletht- fti-srr -,ilyx 1 YDOXEADR NI ue hoi neuisttor tender.tîî asd ladîtcet- eiclionauQeontin. Ilflhe basl't t a at ibooks. Thte, ees, wvilthâirve- exteted furt- ntoperalion or delay froin business. liait a onutent mg. youu aut iustock hoiet-utelepliont- ioryeat-s endîr seoit a îplattons linternt-nalriAts reTu oSsdiabucoma ane. Il vilI tuly ot-aI 7.60 for a tret-,imeiicjation anti bandsginug. 1have st-i eehn aeg oiencoe 1 tya. mmvtma EOUBING minutes tui hk N .ium ily e pcboue, etc., removeti by aurgical le aT he svitisN.oY.w sudiiteniflen tospet-rîtîryeured hy cli- parasitie aplittua- eeain osea 'beatllaic meha ret-atte bau bud ta pieae s lta ittntrir utBany' îî,ui'ýh DEsRMITIiirScorrectad sud btrtli vWitit vere Setait. Tom..showlt.heres offireloeso cnulstvir 1 tory itfiniîattte mrsruoeib icrl on vorklug nmen te bave grett Improseri. Thle patouns tEla cresnuery r1c(re1rlsiseli0i srs ltc et-at.Tht- iri f maret kosULTATovedbyelecrls A!)s <1 't Tbe. namiet- et peopte tbat iled I one 87 paret@ Iatlb. forttheir Match nuifut-e-of ultie t othr tps . E-t-a. CODNSTI.AIONt meielueNDfr beI- 10 a ressebas teadiy deureiaseti.The namber vhich wvasix cents pet -utmrSai ortmbav e oornitr ypstttc vzastîr utt- IL Ai eiie frile ki bIthahttedlatlveitoss mtnueasd. but they voaid have li-en pairi b5tShey ie-ty.di ttui-noeu-îtîeorv-r f patients. aSic eu ha b5f a taridr a ho. ve ivedahipped ta tie city beside tley bldonthece-llular structure of thet-kat covr-rlig _________ in titUrs an~d fout .,lakta -mn rnarllîfnsofart ta haut ibeir lteleslu-th-.- _.t..utintilh- Hammering-Down Prîces! For Vour Benefit. Flou r per Sack 30 Ibs C. Sugar 91Bars Maple City Soap 1OBars Klrks Soap Prunes per lb Raisins per lb Currants pèr-lb Corn Starch per lb Mixed Candy per lb RolIed Oats per lb Tomatoos per can Corn per can String Beans per can Yeast Wafers per pkg F. D. BATTERSHALL. rayslake - Illinois. To Suit rHI-cTIIMESi or the following very 10w prices wewill seli: sve-.t (Cornt, 1»rt-tuti Stic'k ( nt 10t-r 1, .. . .. . .. . .. . Lu-in Exîraut tr - sttte .......... . liattlteAxe T rt 11, Climtax It-atutlitum..... WattlItaper tat-r roll Lales tOxfordlTii-a . ... .... ... .. ... Bt-tua Ken-uctîky Juatu 'altt t-ttha-i.iLwiirs l Su-tt i ug Pr-r yu (il (lii F. H. Kuebker, rick Store. GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. 7he time is near at hand when you wiII see the Merry Wheelmen spinning through the country. Are you going to buy? ~ Cail on me and get my prices. E. B. Sherman, GRAYSLAKE, mes mes ses sessessem meesse semasse * Af Tb et fi ai wý Sc RE YOU u1~~_ ,INKI G OFBulig z IF YOU ARIE DONT PAtL TO CALL ON ~-WRIGHT & SON - or their estimates. Close figures giv- ' n and extra fine lumber.' We have a neiy assorted stock of lumber on hand 'id can suppiy your wants at any ti me. Ve carry a full Une of bullder's hard- rare. Our stock of nails Is the best as- orted and cheap.j SYSTEMATIC IMPLEMETS Are now being sold in large numbers in Libertyville, by that "Uusystematic Siocum," Wood and Iron Beam Waing Piows 2m 8. and- 4- Section Lever Harrowsa 6, 7. and 6 ft. i5Imç > - izers, 15 tooth Cultivators 12 and 14 ho! Corn Planters, Check flowers ý F;;; Wagons. Trucks, Road an d Mik Wagon*, and Surries., bus%~ "E $1.0 1.00 .25 .25 .03 .05 .05 .02 .05 .014 .06 .04 .05 .02 Tri, Corne See N %W Libd Fi mi ý ý s ý ý i ý ý ý ý ý s ý ý ý > ý si ILLINOIS. U rè

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