Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 30 Apr 1897, p. 8

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M APCINT VFOR .- RQ.CKFORD# PHRN IX 'v-A'H OME COMPANIES. 'owesv. Cali or Write for My Rates. FULL LouaiM ALWAYO PAID.1 La . -LITCHFIELD, ,efeller, - - - - Illinois. there any' jestion aboutit Do younibink e are advertliug for fun, or do yon tke the more philoblophicai viev of the meatier, andi think we are stoing itfor nsoney? But vhen vo taise the money you eu depensi on it yon reeive rfor Tisatiqis vien va give yon a dollars vorth o! merchendiae you enu rely on h pou b ave a dollars vorth. rdo this you know Just ta Inorni paie ti e aeil goond goode chemper ihan any bouse tu thla locaiity. dmnlt do it Intemding-ta ask pou ta yay for ont advertiésing but rely ou lneressasimiles aI smaii profita. P;Esas te carefnlly, ansi pou viii 80 viso benefits hy ont advertiaing. GEO. F. CARLE, . llinois.1 Lire Furniture. A hrgeg Stock than ever before, for the &+gmdWindow Bhades sud a new fresh line ot te mi w*11 P&per teselect froin. Th is Beautifu I Ce nte r Table Sol id -Oak Polished ~ -~ ~. -Finish and Brase Feet Only $1.95 do not out p"ue. on my pools for a week or two at a timae and a raie thm for a long time, but always keep ou with the rock- $oSprîces. Qiokuads . ad siall profits. UNIDEà rINO A SPECIALTY. WILL KNIGGE, ~c4welle - - - - Illinois. AT THE Wau4onde Furniture Sto r. oom »eté, Aique Oak Finish $16 9Oak et,24içS0 German Bevel ee Glass-, ~e.BnjaaI5. s, Women Wlre « Xwed Oak, Cane Seat Chaire, s WAgons, FulltLUne es For A Short Tîme Only. LDgTAKNO 6.00 2.00 4.00 5.00 7.00 1.19 .98 .44 IMIteMry Litcift.ld vas la Bmring. $m ýWedaeiay. Dr. BLaSer, of Grayalaka, wuvanont DDtMU tOau t oe (40. F. Carise% ad la amothesaolunm. W. LU VehA"sd Prof. Eiakmzp vers iln ohicgo Suniay. Mr. DeciL, of Ohicagovisiteit ai ilue. Balyis this visâ. Mienu.Biueb ami IlsLmpe vere Chicago yisitOfl Sfld*y lai., L. B. Lttehflald and vif. apant Sun- day md lionday fin Ciicgo. Dr. IR.Iving and famuily are enter- iainmg <ests frous Chiicago., Reud LtchIleda ad on liii page and vhen y«nlueurs youer properiy get lam rate$. Milu Lqelia Biericiherger wva Long Oove vlsitor lait Saturiay sud Bemry Coudera lt.rn es at Setir- day troum a riait vtt relatives ai Qreenfleld, lit. Tises. obride wuvas nspTnesday sttlmng np selfbinders, "aisidbp an expert froni Chicago. Bev. Oooknian'a banseholsi goodi voes isppe eNidpt ebrasksa visera e bas a pautorate.t On Monday of tbf. veek ira, IB. L. Burdick tartesi for Valporaiso, lui., to visit iser deughter Mir. Veau Apnaley. Mri. WIli Fesdoiler ba Sgoue te tise ciy vhere ha vili ha eniployesi for a short tîme by a relative vbo la nager of a large restaurant. A fresh nev lino of oh] cloth aud floot matthng juat lu sud dont forget to spe i the large lueno!of ampie carpets ansij wali piper aitihe Furulture store. E. B. Boehme bhm opened a barber abop next door to Ltchflld'i store sud ai ha comnes veilirecomenended i vll no doubi receive a fair portion of tise trade. William ficrivens, Lewis Kautinsan, of Albany, Win., are nov iu our tovu prepsred to do paintig sud paperi hangiug. Wa undarstad tisey conteq vail recommended. Give ibent a Cali.1 Tortnrlng, ltching scsey akin etupa lions, bau nsd scaide are sootises et once and promptly iseïdes by DeWiwa' Witce Bazat Salve, tise beut knovn cure for piles. Y. B. LovicLu, Liberty-i ville, and G. C. BsaTs, Wanconda. 1 Lait Sunday evening the Osis Fellova froini isre joluesi ibosa o! Urayaiake sud ail aismbled ai tihe1 churôL vitera they liatenasi toans lnteresling sud instructive sermon preparesi axpreisly for mambers o! that order, dallveresi by 1ev. Harris. DIGHTON. Mir. Auguat Sinisa la vety poorlp. Fumers are bnsy vitis their sprhng saeding. lit. Nlck Rosvent bo Waukegan luat Baturday. Louis LoMdeU visitei et Waukagan tn lestutulbgd - -. lias Rima Sinisa ln worklng ai Bau. Louis Luak's titis veais. lir. James Lana, of Long Lake, vaa meon onut$set londay laut. Mrt. Wm. Dove and biesaiter Katie vote Juisnsburg vîsitors 1eai veek. lit, sud Misa Galligar, of Fox Lake, vere sean Onturstreata lait Snnday. lie as iryFreundi apeut Satnrday andi Sunduy Ai bet home lu Wauconcla. Mir. Louis Droit, vho bai been vlslting friands bara, reiunuas to tise cip Tnesday. The ronds have beau acrapasi sud are1 aomavbat botter sitisongh ristili rougis ta mauy places.1 A nuneber Of Young people fromt tii place sttendesi tisadance ut voloj Weduesday avening. Miss linuteaMilesa, Of Chicago, via- ltad relatives and friands of ihia place 1lai Priday mnd Saturday. E. 3. Turner, of Compton, tio., vrites us that mter suferlng from iplies for seventoen peara, he conipletely cured theehy nainugtbreeboxes of DeWtt'n Wiich lissai Salve.XIt cures eclemna and fs.vara akin -isnnes. P. B. Loy- MLL, Libertyville. sud G. C. ItODUTSa, Wmncrnda. WAUCONDA. Hi. B. Borriti vas lunut.,eCity lust yack. lisliuggles viahites thseCiy tîsisb week. Bd Undervoosi bat ivo valuable hories lai wepk. lit. Pingle, of Barringiu, wssr on sour atr.,ets Tuenday. Miss M. GlyneS la eneusrtisinug guesta fromteityi. Mir. P. J. Gloameler lse onateiipiatinig going out o! business. Mir. B. Barleit, o! Diamnd Lake, vas on Our street recenily. O, L. Mrbleansd F. L. Cen votae McHenry vimioras unday lest. Ties rallrosi men are expes-toi mare Wanconda a visît ibis veek. lirs. L. A. Cole la spending a fev depi vlsitiug ber daugisiar lu Chicago. Edior Lamap andi F. Sodi, of Darringion vere plemant Callers Tues. day. B. K. Barris sud Will Barris voua Waukegmn vialtors theeti of tise veek. lira. Sbumvay sud son returuesi to bar home lu Waukfgau tihe tst of the veak. Go ta tis a Wuoonda furulinre store for Uarn. Notice thea iargain ad in tislsue. Tisa AhsuniBSoclietyhaemakiesg arrangemneta for a grand banquet for this 5$graduâtes. lir. Bay Paddock, of Voloe attandasi thesa riy nt thesa bo f a itr. Mlien lest Satwrday evening. lie eapeo.Une . -progreasing Usesami iili Vil Aare home fo ies ' vcat g Monc0i f Teofarinera bave #Uiahed SovIFgINIS libis localiée Mis@ Oookingisa. of Iitg Park, le vlaWalg ber stsatu lir. J T.Ayrs. Rev. lir. Wade viii *penise iisvaca- lion bor tsiylAg mi r. Gleon'a. A vainable bosse beiongfssg ta Ben"y Sehroeder died f ok ac estai eak. 'ths ev bwotal building la rapldly nearing conipletion. B. B. Pegiov la dolng lte vork. Henry Sobuaier la arectlng a uev baen. Contretor B. Eugehberry la dolng tise vork.: The Rater douce aitlieper'. Hall Monday nigielwua vli atiensles, ail aujayesi tisslves. lir. andlira. J. Richsards andi lit sud lias. S. L. Trtpp vent ta Glauviev; Sunday to attend tise funaral of!-Mr. Richards' strulits. hteed. -One Minute la el the time necessaryr ta decida fromn persoual experienca test Oua Minutie Cougis Cure do-fs visai lie usme implies. Sold by F. B.d LOVaLL, Libertyville, aud 0. C. Boss- Hais,Wucna VOLO. lits. WiII Burnuinlaspendsng this veek lu Wankegan iisiiing lier sistar, lira, Dova. A number of tise Volo yonng men bave gone ta vork on tise telepisone line et 126 a mouth. lits. 1l. Compton ansi lis. Mary Potier spent Sainrdap ansi Sunsiap vus lit. andi lrs. lien Comuannileer Lake Ville. Quite a large couigragation lait Sun-. dayaet the M. E. ch urcs. lTise pistor, lir. Clarke, gave e fors-ibie andi lm- prassive sernmon. Text -"Ye muet be Bora Again.- Ou Friday afternoon Aptil 30, tise Grant tantetery Societp vili salie tee wististeir Prasidant lits. <,*osrge Waiia. Alilintereetasi are cottlsally InvItesi, visitor vili bc velcome. On socouio! tise frequani sisovets tisa farmaers have beau graailp hinder- a inlu getllng thiaiéeeding doue. Tise people of nortisaru Illinuois ougiet nos Sc compiain vLan tbay reandtise accunt of the floosis andi destructioni 0f property vest andi Souih. Thse telephona lins front Chicago to liadison, Wla., la belng rapidiy erectesi. Tisy expecita reacie Volo on Tnesday o! ibis vaek, et present1 writing tisay are hiasting andi seiiing polas soutis of Volo; froni bore It viii go go licHiani'y 8 on to Miadison, Win. A nuinhat of men stayesi over Sunslsy lu Volo. RONDOUT. P.J!. Dufiy sud business lu Chicago Mondap. lira. D. Lancaster la vlsitlng oid1 fimie friands. M. Germant solsi a fine horne ta Borace Bnlkiap teceutly. lis esKte Devine bai returnesi front Chicago mteraa xieudesi absence. Faily goosi veatisan sd faxmrne a busy itilng tise grounsi andi naklug ready lot seedlng tinte. SUsu Jint atiendesi the lest baill given by tisa Star & treect Club ai Llharipvlhla ansi reportsis grand urne. lire. F. Bathaway vas in Chicago one day lait veak, bes-smlog a membiet of the Daughiers of St. George withe tisera. lit. audlira. Jouhn Lancaster wsers caliesi o MeGregor, la., one sIay lest week ba siesdeth of lira. Lancaters father. lits. Lancaster isan tbe apmpmiisy o! a tisont o! frIande ln ibis iocalitp in iser bereavemeut. Itinl surprlshng visai a --vee bit of a tisng'can accomplis. Slck beadache constipation. dympepeas; ont atomnaci ans izziiness ara quickly banishasi by DeWites Litle Earlp Blisets. Y. B. LovELL, Libertyvilie, aud G. C. RB- ZRB, Wasiconda. PA LATIN E. Franka Quentin, of Cblseago, ha viai- Iug aitlit. Umhdensiocks liys. Lanra liane returnesi home lassi waek frsntmlber vîsit lis Palatiue. lit. andi lrs. ifenryy iopet ipess Sunday vîtls relatives sin Platine. Wa nnderstaud Dr. <Owen vii lix bis track fsor bicycle raclssg ibis Susinser. Mrt. lirockway andi Miss Ausuie Matiser vîsiteti friende lts larlngton tescntp. Mir. aud lira. Evsnson,us!f Wemei i- Heury, vtsitsd aitlMr. hlilks'oser Sis. siay. therlen Bis-lIol, whsle atteusding m'Ir. Mixas fuinrsl, vms bisuly kickeuf lis the heasi. lire. Nicolas and i Ier dsssglier Ilirdie retîsrned front a trip te meet a friensi Mondep. lieas Maitiss Coiby, of Diastsssd Lake, in ln Palatine wvus fuscuis at pressent vrting. Savatal o! ont cycliste are content- plattugjolnlugthe League o! Americen Wiselmen. Tisa taliroasi cosnlany hblsen mak- lng vautI insrovements arounsi tisede. pot o! laie. Mies Blanch isiberditig retusrned front bar visit lu Evanstous andi Wauke- gem Saiutdap. lit. sudlirm. Knooves ansi Miss Mabel Lavis viaitas i t . Hastings' Mouday eveaing. John Wilson la prepariug a caravan o! bors« vitisha v ili place in tise muket vaty acons. lir. and lira. Wriaes ansi li. Siran- shelm, of Chicago, vialtesi et Colonel -efton'a ovar Sundap. lira. Vie. Sancy, o! Long Grove, vis- ied relatives ansi cailesi ou lira. Bastings lu Palatine recently. lir. Erone la vary pcorly. Sisa vill place isarblf undar the cars o! Dr. liergier, o! Chicago, for tramtimani. Robert liosar bas purciseaieiscote. bination tandem visicis isa viiirani to pstaibis ha Uner; a bort o! a llvery arrangement. Bitînsan Brou, carry a fluaelina o! aboes for bots <test ansisaial, ans Iif not no maup tisay ara o! the hiest ansi aucisllu ai they bansile. Sisoppe Bros, carry tise mnt cote. plate lina of Ladies', Gants, sud ciuls. reni shoesao! any tirai lu Palatine ansi seili t lovait prions, lir@ aiaiBchmondi ansidaughter Ethel atartasi Monday mosuing for Canada, her former bomes, calasi tisera bp the evere ILUnesaof lbar sged tatiser. Miss lianie ftlsmsuo! Rltzmau Bires. viiileava PaÏatina for an ex. teudasi businesstrip ta Chicago. liay lot., andsiMisa Selma Torgier wviiitea bser place ithie nesantime. Lin».. Zla .sa IL Is- be disi Aprit ~,WrETD:-ir!l forW lhouseeorh. ;me of Touu et. 5uitberw De fl gven. joat 055C.Lietvih t WIANTED-Pfr.t sias gdilfor eneral VVhoumework. Flys, tus amnlly. Toi ~oulghstwges¶JIbe sisid. Mati. C. Ili, ~e 2'no omll un (C. Lorrus. .m1 FOR SALE:-A feounl elghi'yssr nid vr mur" e.Wl7j5heoist 12254. (Jwnrellinemu COR SALE-Lot t oxi5oeIn Ubertyville ' 'lag.Vry, debireLbls, loation. good drane,,,tas t.,bossght oeep for omais. Notice AiU vho are ludebbed to the tiri mof l)einis'io & l'bannenttliare requested to cili et MMts C. N< nebkers Store or ut J. S. Delnlensa reNidenee andi settie mi once. J. S. DEINLEIN, Premnont Ctnter We nov bave on aie at the station here Ten Bide Iiearer CommnutatIon Tickets, for between Libertyvilia andi Chicagos, rate $4.701 E. L. Doiî, Agent. The Great Produclng Staillon GEORGE O. 2:21'. No. 970 1. Stand aridsînsir bth iitrottinsaanmi ssecng Ir,sss.rtoHrsls . ausi 5;.1 b> Hiambletonlan igo:bam. Fant1B. a fIe usassiusx mare l'y aà.sonof.! s. M. Patebssn (iesrâm. ,lecsatsuut lijuiea sure foal gettet sud le brui as suer lte . org. Wilkes tise sov trebs s-f trottera, ase htusmssaibIe to ast t5em. 5herge O. le thf. cm c f ,lght In thse ist. a f-Tnsi"onIn 2.52tst ansi a nsumlr s-f sth.,r» Il lstand (tesuge O. et uMy in Mclicnrt-. M., as M usr 1Issýar. 'yable lu cash orut 1, Il ufit lim, o!f rviS,.in. nest pinsIn lua-l yl l Ie rntltlsd to e r-Suris viséo .,ho bss's e i b.teflui. Ltreed to a bs-rstisai bas srssv'n limself bots s trotter ansi crs-duer. Fend Mill. We vtll do custome gtlndlng Tues- dape, Thursdays ans i aturdapa. Wa hava a large uav Cornssud Cob miii test grinda very fait. G. B. ScHAiscK A BON. UISOLE CoNS S rU M09LNSRSMME. Birda of flne Hackei, Lobe andi Comis a Specisity. 1 have taken tirat; premium on tep Legborns for several peurs. Since September lait hava îoid 26 maie bids and stîli have fev to sell at $.00 t$3.0M0 easi. Eggs for hatchiug 15 for 11.00 80 for $3.04t Investigate before buying eisesisere. J. 1'. WILLIAX8, Libertyvitie. 111. wflIMONg"lQ6 Sbe 8198%D 12 Vears Experience. Sisses- msklng ny iat lui provemeni ou ny rep-acting wheel, 1i yul dlg andi hrIck a esnîs, Izesi well, 1050 feet or Isus,., lrst 201 ft.. 54) -ssieper foo"; Dit 2l f. 75 cenots; next 20 ft.. $1.50. Prosî>s-tlnýg wlth 2 or 31 inchs aniger, no charges un lenu the ownsr stops me from digging deeper. For cleaning ontansi repalrlng s>id veils, 50 cents par bout, furnisshing my own help, also board- Ing myseif andi help on auyj ob near home. Thoge vho cannot boarsd the heip, wiii psy 25 cents extra per foot for tise Oi 20 fi. ansi the difterence ou any amount more or lesu, according to tue above pries. Price for mllearing ansi iying vool. M ents pet ead. Estlmateufurulshed fer cis.arlng up landi or any other Job Work. Ail vork doue lu goodsi hape muet lue seitIesi f)r by cash or due bill, AIl letters enivaresi on short notice, with full partîcuiers. JAS. P. WILLIAMS. Box 141, Libertyvîlle, 111. A FINE LUNE 0F' .FURNITURE. Eapels, Picture Prames Clock Shelves, Room moulding Wall pockets, 1aints, Paper holders, 011e, B ook cases, Varnishes, Center tables, Glass, Extension tab's, Putty, Dining chairs, Brushes, Rockers, Mirrors, Couches, Mattresses, Loïmae, cote, Spings Obaiaber suite.. met, 5ne Teac hers' raâining ch WiII open Mondayq Sept. 6, 18979 et Libertyville, Ili., With a Facuity of Three or more Competent Instructors. colle1 Raie Hp, fSîanats viso bavaeosuplaiesi the Eibtb GradeuW o f1 the 1111n1018public achoo1,014by tatine Onurm4il Prepartor1 tCourse, yl ha littai ta enter tise reeisuaa any collage, lu lierai pear or loe, accordîng topevs tatîsinniants andSi eneral mbility. Schoi Vear viii comprise r4tbutrnsOf tieiteen wmesk ab mma unld-suamer Taachers' Normal Drillioo! Ove wesha. PertYser, COsaisluAsvance ...... .............. on, gre of Tussfoe J Oterrni, ...s...........U FePrvwesk, . o . ....... ... viii ha Instruciesi six wesks dnrlug July and Auge" osiai Cltas 1597. If a anlilent nunihr oito apuy expenfis 01i (aspecial terni. For further paticulars address H. C. PADDOCK, Principal, Libertyville, IMI I * S pr i ng Tr a de. 41 lm ý- Prairie City Seeders. Keystone Disc Puiverizers. The-Hummer Sulky Piow. - -rhe X-Rays Sulky Plows.- David Bradley Piows. John Deer Plows. Koystone Corn Planters. Bradley Corn Pianters. Steel Lever Harrows. Staver and Abbot's'Carriages and Buggies. FIsh Bro's., Wagons and Trucks. Timothy,:Clover and other Field Seeda. G.H.Schanck & Sony .LIBERTYVILLE, ILLUNOM S ýI e3 Midnight, 2:174 FASTEST STALLION IN NORTHER ILLINOIS. No. 414 in R. A. P. R. Foaled November 12, 1885. Bred by R. H. Pooler, Serina, 111. If you want. speed and endurance breed to a horse that has got It. TERMS: $15.00 to i nsure live colt. Ail mares disposed of after belng bred. Breeder wlll be heid for service fee. Ail colts to be set- tled for soion as mare has foaled. Mldnlght va sairasi bp Niggsr, lie by Plymouth Rock 2:304, sou o! ilim Biackhayk 2:31 à, aire o! Ethon Allen 2:25J. Miduigta dam vai bp Sierligis (pacer) 2:17f. son o! McKay Borne 2:31j, second dam (pacar) by King Pbaraoh, sure o! Bîciebsil 2:12J. Bavlay 2:18i, andi othera boiter than 2:25. Tird dam bp Ethan Allen son of BHi'@ Biackbavk. -**Descriptve. e- Mldnlght la a fine coai-black horse, sansllug 155 banda, velgha 1140> poundis, la very heavy bones ansit sirong muscolai. Be la a maturai pocet, a fine amoer, andilee kns, gongse disposition. He bas pacesi a Mile 4n1:0%1, hall Iu 1.08, quarter lu :31L. a 2:04 gaie. aiaula luMoiHetrp coantp are nearlp ail picora, large sud amootis, sud ahov great speesi. F. W, Siservoosi, lildulghi former owner, lu s va- cant latter mapa: hne hmi airesi a faw custs la Misoiri, andi 1 look for nome of-tisaute go P&s tilt, 2,25 lus or hetter thes ear. 1 alarbes i Mdnlght lus40Oraceiim.Jl.M vinning 30 dura monepa, 5 seconds, 3 tibirs'ds, uplaus 1 aud dravu one, mking a won le -E.41sttQVsimai - vlnnung a nies sume o! money. Ditrlug bistas staries i hm against snch notesi bornus u ivrPisSt11.0" Storme 9:06j, Jordan 2:11j, Alusont ltsslvt:lw2-1=' 2:12j, Chamois 2:12J. Lula Mliurdy :l#, asi millie Bussel 2:15. 1 ai surprimsi .baisas«lootéi&a reeffl of 2:10 or botter, ainlhe hall ipessi su i ensinreece tedo Si. itvas ithehiorsai bove menlsuni Is #1gvat bisrecord ai2:17t, ansi onlsi baa irksu1, ltin it a&", i viahesi. Be navar fin~~t !tin lo, -- Tismea of! Mdnli *ta~r VOL Off ic s LI uý

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