TRIENNIAL CONCLAVE I O F Pi'I CIANS.C Me ImadedMembere et tic l'eu- owiles Asemble i aWsingtonm- bleaa Paris DasevKUIlsthirtyr *ptSse-Idtsns Air ValiraWons, p - C gre a or Detors d lie fouritinnial congre"aofcet ïtlcan physîiaus sud surgeon,; ci cenvcned Tuesdsy atteMnoon aetT olunmbia Tbeater. Tie rongreils n *s viii s business meeting ot the 1, bullve Comtuttet-, fliosing "ehiri tisiMrman oft le tcommitteae, Dr. Lau- et iC. Gray, csiled the genarat body to .1 «. At nigt Dr. William R. Welcb. 1% Baltimore, lie retiriez prasideni, de- e ri tie trienulal addrees, sud later a P 0"lou an given tbe delegaie by the i beet tbe local society eItie Ar-N ,$ee Ratel. Tie ongreas la divlded Ic e curtecu distinct asocation%, each té tiece pt"ndee sla ax-officlo vice jires- ir mi et tie cengrecs. Tiea..associa- oc .bldally sessions t ibeir respect- nautera, lu addition te the regu- ,IWedtlga ot the congres«. A large àbar et intereatiug and important pli- re rend sud dlaeusaad. A stue hi te Prat. Grass, tic eminent piy- * uf 1!Philadelphia, vasuveileul 4%iàtly aflernoen. The statue la t Oni la tic groundsftet icSmltbsinisn elhgtta. Diacuverles Mdc ut cel - 1<a iteftBswte %remise. -ir Camptrolcr ILaeortit, et Nev KR,,luWs Ch r ereolullenary Pu- là ~ bavé, becs iddeu fer a cen-P Il ltk Bute bouse, lias cme acrons ,traselt documensvifai are tic it ils asttolusd. and vbieh arcw 0torlialerestug a i tis tissa, as e "deletee ei s cceuts remaved t ieu ona retouy et <et t -betvean the jasis 1710 sud 1708. b léaeltas fer a year datlng h sertheis ctir. eoumy amounte là SIn tia V,000. wvilârle ex-. Ïuolhlleaut wviu eomparsdw retum enoutic traMfe lu 80.A»nther nid documet i té X15 Mrmort aiovlng tic **i*, Mta.aeaua7en megre i "'~ taga~ttiS faiaitodai i~lia seenut tor the ser- 10cm 1 talm 78 a total et t ,don tt S i ua sday, Il £Mg US12u, ItiiSau- Me," that thc romains et Wb&MRllla thc aiack e tbe #ancha sud Indien van a tipi Usta.tPaals Churei- . Yog'itt'ey su aeconpma--c _- teuo le a sMycrs fosh.t1r Jeu. meut- WtbtWMdtt oftbeclubs W. LU 8 iNewYTori... 4 5S '~.5 2Wss&tuo ....3 2 . fBlllvah.... 3 7 2 G'dRida . 2O6 I 6 S efuls..ue 2l7le, et t aberiadoantlu 91110, lopectadsud bl slrd 2U uletrmKansa laCise lu iis5es Xi i l uit 4ai5 a tic9vIli et aidnu e. l ie isiig a as air entlua ti aemutsuad sared aoi- ,YroEcr la laloi t" t tis 10> peeple l ttd *9 hi Ci pote vlcti mndhenil ot Tua &Doaes aia e u li ci **baser eltr inhartlu 1m gasnmiu structure. Iucluded lu verermadc enue. Amide MI,*6 e hlbesitiuudreds ver. injured. 'lan uete te a ftaiglit sireei ai ~UI la chartc et a vncckiug traia 4*ulMIse d., EBuiocr Frank *5 conrouteil vllb shat Irei 1Ï fatal danger bj tic breektage enbLagn* ralla . erusllil te <ire cab sud maea afatal t geuud Rda n eci, igbî atm eccunacut off Gindiencan hetvele'tic Britihsteamrsr M dgue. Tic Cellyne sank et ber crcv vere drovurd. besie retlr.d>, U. S. N.. vho e lait Wwnuou t or tiree 44Tbudny, aser au opera- Une Easet Tenue"a %euueriy show tiat s probably oreur dna'iug 'Is.lle«escftih ;mû ta Up #0lé -cpma thec Cil wp Puiec, àa Stua. lw lia eslnoson of a > W a"" Caie ty. Go%. 1111dérigim the Prtari Bills. vietory, inus «e u-ha" eau tuere- vers. TieSpandeh aeium.s irnouater- ad the Insurgent% aud attaëlied shsrpiy, relylus aun tisir saraier tres. Thé rab- els rcîrestad toward ticir camp aud suc- coeded la piayiug tiair nid triaet of rsv- les thre SpaslaIte au aminacada.tie. Castille artived viti re-eutercemenis sihile Raderignes vas euagIns the Span- lab audfell onu liasflasi. TePis lgiu iasted Bye heur,, and ilu hled, veaeded aud prisoners th. Spanisi lest 290 mou. News comast rein Santiago te Cuba that 200 veluateers, headed hy a pricot aud a prorninsut physicien, bave jolued the in- surgenis hecisti» hy vreau dimatioded ciii thc ceuduct oethécSpanisi indi-J ties snd believcdtbat Garda veuld sec- ceed in rnalniaiuiug hisesupruracy la thc easteru province. .Tic situationai tBancs eutlnuen te commnand attention. Feus croiser% sud scv"cragabeats have beau ordered there te land a fercs te march eu tic port tromis he direction ef HelQulu. Tb@ rebel force lu aud jue, Bancss uii- maicd ai S,000. <eu. Weyler camas quiet- ly boci te Havaua, &fier à six wesis' trip oe Sauta Clan, duuing vhlch, Il ha se- complished auyttriug f romns mllitaiY ataudpolut, tic tact bas beau ment effec- Lually cencealed. prome Matanzas sud otier iowns ln Havana, Sauta Clara and Piuar del Rie, comas ucvs tiat etarvatou sud diésae are on tic Iseran». 'Lasi Mouday ulght Cohan patriote catcrad tic tortlâcd nsaport of Tunas de Zasa, ralded lie place, sacked ail tihéstores and car- ried off a quntty ot punder. Tic garri- ion offered nu reuistance. uD05 EFOR SENATOR. Wlias tic Mont flemerahic Political flattie eorKKentucky. W. 3. Deboe vas ou Weducsday eicctcd llted Statut Scuator trom Kentucky. the vota atood: . Debe .........71 Stone .......... 1 Mlartin ....12 Blackburnu..iN Aller the officiaI declératiou ut the e:ev- lieu et Debue tiare vere sncb lond ilere- >ustratiou. tIrai aveu tic telagrapi offices la tie lobby had te suspend business aud oaly thc bare ballot could ha sent eut. Thec axcitern u* sintense, as it euded a easte: t t-te lu iagssinon let ra.Sesator Blacliburs and bis fniebirda alter Sigbtiug bard for ever a jear lu the reculer sud tihe xtra @naions, vaut devu- Vii la eis eIntr@s ytg. Theasilvar Dame- crois couceded tiair disaelstuct sud thc gold Dernecras joined lu tiec JliOca- Unis. ;rbere saver vas sncb a scene lu the Kentucky State Renne. Senater De- bon Preeeded to Wasingten ai once vlth is credentlais, te asait lu reorganiaiug tic UnitedBSttes Scuate. aud lu the De&- saf ot tie tarif sund other meaeure n s'hich tic lin« are cleaaly dravu. Vol ro FOUPANTISAItPURI'O5S. PNo«al Dapcteut te Ahelisi Nathal et lacivasy te lVarautgcsr. A practice tiat bas existe«I for nmre yeasf etdlîvsalugmalseaddresaad te terelgucrs lu tie ferelgu laier colonies et thé large dcitizla beli te salous and other places et geucra assemblage, there ta ha sortad er and iauded eut la the erevrd, Iustid o etdlivcriug ai tihanus adUitessa' la balisegcurally eituiilaied of. Tic cemplalutsasllegc that lu noe cie.IaseicButinai, New Yerk, Piladel- Pia, Plttsiurg aud Cicage, a carrier asquatedaithe tqragu eia n lenc ploecd, orie. kuovlag tic habita et the mon, delivea their mail te tudr iedgiug placesnd sud laidurlug the campaigu et lunt ycsr tiare wera instaucca viere ad- vantage van takeu et the crovde se con- gregated te maie partisan speeches sud etierwine anipulatiug poitices'whllcdia- trlhuiug tic letters.Thc maties bas vexcd tic Penteffice Departminsuad tic Civil ServicceCemisioin. sud Assistant Pestuactar General Heath bas about de- elded ou a atep vici rnsy put an end tu the trouble. Whent OutticaIk Per. Tic Cincinnati Prlee Curreut pubîlie thc tellovling ratier gleoauy review et tic vicat siuatien: "Wbcat rep uws i abont tic saesa lu receut peut as te trîutcr grain;t wbatever has devcloped te change average Indication bat beau lu direction of reduciun. Whtle preseci aituatien furuinbas nu reliable bouie fer asiimatiug nîtimate yield, ItIo stsons- bic te cousider about 300,000.000 bushels for wînter crop as extent etfppreatidi- stion. There in littlc mae, sppareutly, fer highcr roeule under mnt tavorable conditions llkaly te coemr encetarward. Information coucerulug sprlug vicat lu Northweot le tas tram belng satintactory. sud there arceldements et uueeriainty lu mach ut Min nesota sud North Dakota which harder un discouragement, ai- tiengh irstuatin icanuet ha regarded as à bopeleas eue jet. Tamperature bas bcen tue loir. and exevive moistute bas aise isdred pregrens, et sccdiug. A lent days ut especlally favorable veaiber are nrgcntly uecded iu that raglan. <Jais have beau sevu quit@ iargely lu recant peut sud are maklng a talnly good %tart lu rnuy section$, but te s large cient tic erop la belated, sud thc acreage quie llkcly «lit provo te bave bau lensaucd. i lalnterastlug te nota ibat ihere appears te ha su Indication et maintenance of area et cern tuis seasn lu mont regiont of thc West" ___ loia. Erwin Out 075.000. Tic Illinois senaierlal lnvestigating commiittea vhlch bas been probing the cause ot failure ut the tGtuba Savînge Bank et Chicago. sunmoned Miss Sarah LuenaErwin. thc stenographer vhnse nome lins beau se frcqueutlj coupled witi the affaira ut Presideut Spalding ufthte bureted baok. Uic told tic cemmittea tiat Spalding bsd gîven ber cash and proerty te tbe amount ot *75,010, and lhat be bad promlsed te secure a divorce sud rnarry ber. Spalding bsd embestled tic tondseofthtec Sate University. sud Mien Erwin bas ratundad ail sic atili pus- nsed et vhst badl boe given ber. Ne aasLynch Negroe. For tha ooinrdes et au old man lu bis dotaga, a chlldIlis Dosage aud s voman la th i tt Oug et Young vomanhoud, thesaulitofuttwu Yong girls, tie buruing ut the borne et tudr victime, lieu et tic bodies belng coumed lu the tartes, sixjeounangreo« vere fThurtday niait sentut eisduem hb, au lntnrlstcd cas "mOr par hui" - A th* t~ veap utrodueedte tiebléalean eilais, via gave aasursec et esiasI e-apera- tien lu sur môvenzcat for battering the mutel luarchange eor Urcultura lie- d Mti ILLIONs ILS A FIBIL l'ittsiuig la Vitaut bv thc Warst Dîas Simen 1845, Thc greetest ire abat iras vlated Puist- horsg, Ps., aines@i meanersbic eue ut 1845 etarted sio'<ly aser midulgit Bun- day lu 'tic immense vhieale groery establisbment of Thomas CJ. Jemihins. Tire large blocis, extandlug trou, Lib- erty te Penn avenue sud front, Flfti sirecitoteSiaiti mmccl, bave bheunrednced te armoldertng ruinaTic oosvii ex- ced 84,000,000, sud la wel evercd by inanrance. Among tic ,bulldluge de- etnayad arc Jeniua' vioenae grocery establiment, lBorne'@sisx-atory dry gouda estailliireni, HRnns oee build- ing, tire Duquesne Thaer, sud the Mctiodist Book Coeecn. Tic lire stant- cd lu tichellar outhei Jenkins building, lie a pile et barrels !lled viii vaste pa- per. The damnes v;ere dlsceyered by Watcbmau William Hunter viie malt- lut bis rounds on tie third sSer. Ha bad gmelied muiee arlien ln lie evening, hut baileved tiat ht came from tic omtalda, sud isd pald nu attention te it £iSAJtE CLAIMUD MANY. Lees iy tic OuthiaFleood Stili Mat- ter of Ceeleature, Dayllght Tinrada>- morungn in thre Cot- tonwood valiey tound dosens ut peuple @titi rliuging te trees, ovcrturned bonace or tinibera lu positions wblcb tiey bsd anstalued ail durins the weary ulit Hera and tiere positions inovu te baye been urcupied vien darinescame oceta ulgbt were smpty in the muruing sud tie ouly concluaion te be dravu vas that the lockiets victime hsd dropped loto ttc river durlng the nigbt, drovned an& tirat their bodies had bren swept dowu streaur. For mites -aluna the acene ot dcysstation 2,000 peuple, homeles% a, Iratliftonm cx- posureasnd iungry, passed a munerahle nlgbl. Dnniug tic algit thea vater bad xeeeded rapid>- sud tic vork ut escuc vas mare easy lu tic mrnonng. Wbat the1,image te Ite and property furiber out la thq eomnwan vili ha kunovu ouly sien vine anti' rallvsj traiu eu-u- muulcaiion ls resumed. DRADLT I>TNAMIT& stseet Sîplie luan P" aivuder Murs MXLY lpersona. Panama diapatei: A terrifie explosion ut dynaimite lu San SalvaLdor Frlday re- anlted lu tic destruction outwo Oiitira blocka of the day sand caused ticlos of msny lîvea. Four wagons vere beina driven dovu one ofthti principal thor- onatfarea ut the clity. ecri oade viii sevaral barrais ut dynamite. lu nome un- explained manuer onaeofthtichormils ut dynamite expioded with a deatenlng crash, lu an instant every Cther barrai on the wagon iad bloien up. Tien. viti an avful roar, tlic dynamita on dia tèr. ottrer wagons, vbirh vere near. explodad slmuliaueuly. This test explosion vast toiiovad immadiat4y -by (tiecrcashboft int- ber$ sud tic ivo biockaet buildings oppo- sitë el aa ide ut C-oncepon streeflit ave>-ic e usea ut carda il une. DIED OF A FIENt>. Nor-th Daietos mon Attempte le Mur- der a Fadiy. Near Larimere, N. D., Anguet Noran Saturdny ulit eut tic tiroats et tour cildren ut Kute Rfltead, a tarner. aud aesapeul. 0OthticvidIma, Thomas. aget 13 montse, snd Oscar, 4 jears olul. are dasd, vile Peter and Adolpi, sged 15 and il jeara rcnpectively, anc net ex- petd me recover. Norman veut te tic Hillutead home lu tic cveulng sud saicd te be sliuvad te rearnn ai nlgt. HiU- stead vras net at home. About 1 o'cloci ludie, mornulas Nermn«unociculetathle duor ut Mms IUiiutecd, vie faled te re- spoud, aud hecomiug curaged Norman vaut up-étames, vier. ibthebhldren vere sleeping. sud atisrcd lieu, une afttr an- otiar vîi a raser. Mir@. Hlillntcsadu ivo amaîl] childrenacaped tram tic bouse. Fcvcuty Porlsad aitSsa. Serentylilves vena lest by tic tounder- lag of the Frenchbrbigantine Vaillant, sui co llided wvtbau iceberg 150 mils tram BSt. JIohn's, N. F., AVril 14. Tic Veillant vas hound ton St. Pierre sud haut ou board a large numben oft Oshenien te acultinluthc snmmer'a crudfiahlng off t1re Newtouudland cosit. Seven men eceap- cd trom the eakiug vassel lus a dur>-. Tbay ver. vîthent food or ivater. The second day tva uft iha uccumbcd lu their mis- cries. Tie next day a tird perisheul, sud tic tour miserable surylvors resorteul te eauulhalism te Me te ur llvcs. Tbcj ver. pi cked np iy suotier French veasel liaI @amiecvculug sud arrived at St. Pierre Tuesdsy nlght. shere tbey sera taken la a bonoital. Ticir condition le terrible, sud thcy viii be mairned sud af- flicteu for lite. Ail tour are terrib>- tront-bitten, teat. arma sud cars babag affcted. No0tai Dcstroye hbirFiee. 1 At Milsaniée. lire detrojed tb, i &mîdi Hotel, à toon-etory building at 123 Huron atreet at 3-M0 ucioci Tbura- day momiesg Cbieaga-Cattle, common te prime, $3.50 te 85.50; iogn. shîppîps grades, $?.()()te 84.25: asiepfain ricolca. S2.00 tu $5.50o; vient, No. 2 red, Tic te Tic; corn, No. 2, :?Ac te 25e; est@, No. 2, 11k 1te 18c; rye, Nu. 2, 33e te 34c; butter, 1 iolce rmamary., 15e ta 17c; eggs, tnesh. eSe te De: poistoas, per bumiel, 2ie te ,30c; brouta corn, commun groti ta Chice 1green hurl, 2e te Cie pearlM. - lndlauatpolim-Catie. abipping. $3.00 te 15.25; bogs, choece lgbt, 1&.00 te $4.25; aieep. commun te choies. 3300 te $4.50; vient, No. 2, 88e te 90e; corn. No. 2 Rwite, 201e te 27c; esta, No. 2 whrite, 21C 3te 22c. St. Lenl@-Cattle. 83.00 te 85.50; bote, L83.00 te 8425s; aieep, 33.00 te 85.25; a'iest No. 2, 97e te 98e; corn, No. y Il ellos, 21c le 22c; est; Nu. 2 v'litc. 18e Pte 20c; rje, No. 2, 33e te Mie. 1 Cunciunii-Cauule. 8250 te 85.00: hogs. tENNESSI1E EXPOSITON 5501148 Préaci voeuiy ra««se c tC Con rettift thecCeateealai Wbiacie àg*etc-Dsatifal Vcms.ces Mak Paiicsteîy %Moaasse. Deas ]gier ete tic 8tstc,6 Tic Tennessee cantennial exposition la oeante tichenrd. Au clectrlc spani tram tic tcicgrapb iey lu tic Whte Houas ai Washington set tic vheeln lu motion at noon atnrdy. fit vas tic proudeut ion ur is ebistory et Tennese aincestie tate came loio tic Union &ud caumad liesstar te ha seved lu tic upper rlght-iaad corner -eoftic American flag. Atter six yeas ofetplanning sud oeayear et building, ail lu the face oet Snual tiapresslon, the White City efthle South la ready fer tic people ut the United States te admire, sud thc crawd that sent the turustilca miticheceposition gateà vtiluiing for the firit time vas gcnre shbe te geM lualdc tic exposition pari. Tic Whitc Cii ty ftic South, vsshed vilas by tic raiua. lnaied froni the huis, vicre the eiiy of Nambylîle stands,, Bisaa group et echuol girls lu white dressa&s sttlug lu a greeu amphitiienten ready for soeafate, sud tbc red brick bouses o eicTceneceecapital acros tic valley a mile sud à aiat may iooked ltu audience waling for tint teta tu bcglnt. Audvi au adicnce ttut waited for Joux~ W. THtOMAS. reietTembaemCiatansid FExpostIon. the epening ot any festival vas ever more r yl dressesi iLan were the r*d brick ouses of Nash ville ln honor of the dedi- cation of the expositbun. From every quaint nid Soutieril mon- ion, from cvery public building. from er- M7 store, sud front the windows of the bumblesi cottages dosa nd bannpeflot- tered ln bonor ot the openlog. 7%e city vras borled ini a rainbow. whlch bad vari- eelored shoots spreadlng tbrouabout huai- sess thorougifare ande pike rond. P~rom ,tic diamantled and gran@-grown heigits et Fort Ncgiey tu the blue mist ibat bang, oser the bil beyond the edara the stars and stripes cast the red. wite and bine la the air and annonced to ail the tri-I TRE AUDITORIUM. WHERE ALL suph oftheIrcld voinuteer Suite sud uhe satire South. Every train tint urrlved ln Nasbviiic Sahnrday irougit spuetatorsansd cxiubir- ore, sud alung the Tennessee turnîtiies. la apite ai mud aud treqnent wawbouus. came caris sud wagons bearing virile familles sme out Ieni fron awn>- p in the Cumberlandl huis. It toi evcry Pan- s, liai many ut thesc tamilien cotili ecrpe together for monuba ru Cet rcîdy Cwoflatet iBureau oft l'ntitcty au 1 Promnotion. for tic journey, but tbey ruade it ini spite of alinost Impnsable nionotain ruad&.. Borne ot theae tamnilles bave trienda seat- tored &bout the Naubville environs. wbere tbcy stay vhilla îbey taie ilu the wonders or the xipodition. Many 01t teni broughit thaîr food along with thein and wiil camp untîl the food runs ont or they bave nu more money topensa the turnseilies. x- curslon trains bronght thouaande to Nash- ville Batnrday morninc lu time for the dedîcation. The hotela were forM ! o c rovlde cota te accommodate their guestag. ut the binges of Nashville's doura swing boti vaya and thora vas gond naccomur- daton. Wien President McKiliey tonched the électrlc initon lu Washington the big ehecîs in tie power bouse noved and an exposition of the worrl'n welh was spreaid bafore the publie view in more complete forrm than In any other national or International dlspiny. The exposition la a deligit snd a surprise. Th e remonlea of the day were simple, sad ;et net lacklng of dlgnity for the oeeasiou. The nierbera u t hbouses ut the Legiaature. <Jeu. iguaclo Garcia. pastinatar general of Mexico, and oeues idflaibcd guette asseld ci the- TUNNESSEE STAT'E CAPITOL Bt'ilýDIN(. AT NASHVILLE.' tic executîve and other coromittees. pro- Th'itilirauial condition ut the 8uate r- eeeded te tie auditunium, aisicre senlt dnre thlIe, qrk durlng ithe firsI yesr ot bild been reserveil fer the Invied gînar lie projcet au n-ili tuai. Davidseu an d er famuis.t'rtutly starneibithe ball îîiiing by Pub- ledr eftic S xerclas. cîrbng $W1.000 ani Individual subît-rip- Tic exerciseni tie auditenirum inom-itts aigraduaIl>- lu. 'Tine tale Leg- meneed eaIil ouciock. Itigit Itev. Thtus. isianîîemî-taean apprupriation t 8of , F. Gaiior, coadjotor bishoîn ut Tennessere, mMe. Peuple ut Nasînvilie iutruttd the opaeedute protccedlngs viitprayer. I'res- t-ily 'Ofietli. by a pnptelan vote. ite Isue dent Thomas tbon dî-Iivured an îddrea-ttîaI(M),K)Inlu harrulafîr exposition iitirriosca. onu ebait ut the exposition'- Alirnoaiever>- tI-undt ofutinui,rrritce ter whrih(luT. Taylor sselromeul lie i- it tht,' Suite rtrtltnntnbltcd. Itrs on baîf ofthe tic tle. Majur E. C. ['1w t-t-utmatnagemnent la jtlat tien Lewis. direetor gencral outhebe csîosltiott,. yia riiM. bist: lite vorkitvieh Iha» lippu toihoweulsiltir s few remaria. euthe lb'rose smiruliilndsrcrI 11tile a monrument ut shici bc bendeul tic ioyt l ltii tlo tie csirtenc>-outi visrlum ot tie exécentiTe Tiomns. After receivina tic icys aîti fartce, Wonk oas begin in te fait o tau i ven signai. nord tras abeul ouir ItC, but tront, the atarI mire bit'nofthie the nire tlithle Wlhite llire and h'mcui- dent McKinley pri-aseu the buton tat set tbe vaut lmachiner>- lu morion. Pros,- dent Thomtas thon det-lareul tic expositiuon open ta ti. rid. Ilelveen t-rnrb aîdrt'sa hamioie aIre us-re renider" hylth Ie bandt. Ai lic conrclusion oethrie exercises et the auditorIluthe muimberautfte voun- sa'@board andtIhein frietu. stt-nbi,'u su the grandîti ttiaiin, iu fronr t o ibe uoorana building. tir. W. L Duditliey, dires-ton u t aire. presenîti thaemceulp fer to.8igeer-Miretti, lu %ira. Veet-r Kirk- man. Iresideor ut the vumans hboard. anîd Siguor Moretri bandes lfrin. Kirkman the i.>- siti shici sice starteul tic tonnimlu.- The members outhie soutan'à boardl piayed au Important liant au the upc -rg At the close oethebe xerrcb n t iehaudi-I luniiiqu et-er; member ufthtie board wi, Zornenu th e oouana building tea asalat -Mrs. Kirimun sud other ufficera bu roce s-- ing them tnrienid%. Admissior, to ticevon an's buîildinîg plinontu 3 ociori 'lathe et- terîuou sa b>- invitation t-ardu oui>-. At- ler tlat rimerie douswrne nin-l ru te Nius. VAieLBU SISSIAN. publie. Prosideut Wemanus Dep"eta. Tit. dedicry r-exorcises t(îr rie cib- drein', building s-umuenced et 3 ort-bn ekitrrpise n-êea tjnvluced liai iu stoulul n itb addmcaaea h>- truuetnile tir rîruitite the grouintri sud ot Edinritlon Gilbrrb suad Dr. tG. W . F.ttili intritne for lie trtsldane ot Priv'e. Iaîriotie senti b>- 1it> ridren or-it-rig. utiti.41àr n -asltt. 1i lNtMI.t ne ofth tiW~est Nui l is II.up, aî'ooi usrn. aIs-,ari-t-r hart rtînul Le t-i erni, opu- given. The larria Qîartît ot Tullaitina rhn,- lrittti lya> ant& t-tinjue ais rendereul music au inlertais dnnîng lire tItoniis. titi,, -r;t:g ri.'adsîntage ut dey. At 7ýil0out-beirbcre a-as a IcPlxarte th*-t' 'îtbnî- utromir r'airr, rai tat nart drill by tic pupila oft Dr Pice sie-itul. uîrnti fag and ilte sLbovfrr-izu- at rIe onder tihe direction of Mla l>. entd. ('onuatlntiy tcie s ofiruettu A brilliant dispis>- ut iren-rks wîa gis'. the dte utftipenrng t Mu>-1. 1897. vas - ilt-lttIly' rr'ed anti t i it letof rt ti in stt-telranoie muni tInh utrtntn qtîetiie utfte pîrtltoncýncuthe saira n ashut tvîr-anilarge as urigintui înend- etI. Tic muigttrstitu rîcr-its.trtuipise on the graudnofthleoirginaslainit- aary. Jonc 1ltasud sIrtre thtat tiep a inni an> rmet isoriicu bas be-in u- pio>-rd dlitsurd niait lai creî'lîrg lrd- lnta. t-t-. Tht' noajorir>-ofuthrie Statesi lusse îeartlvco-ri traunsuatm. ut rlretr buildtngs. tat îrt New Yorki. ire artiotie In desîgn. ITht' grunds - are but one mile trouaite ritl>-muira sud 4. 1I(X0frtecu bivu-e .lerel outhelit-ty. TIre Gove,-mont building in on an peavatlon, - andrdrntm ia rouf asusrte>-aithrie cuuntry for miles s&round c-mn be hita. 'Mie wn- ans% building. lie ciildrea's buidinîg. the commerce andl transtorrtatruu biuigs, sud the fine arts building arc ail deid- e-lr eh- renitablc structures, sud lte ex- hurbt. are flinI>-orprtu lie sMandarn t fthe * C <iv.igr exposition. E-v er>dy ut tir- - - posirinrilulibe giron over ta soune spa t-tsI denotnatration ilu nec-ton siti - different aocicties sud ordera. Theme potmably bas ne-ver been sul mut-b roai. tranlih patrlotiom miosin b>-tic offii r s u armhl arge publie suris. Ev- PUBLIC ASSEMBI.lFS ARE HEt.D. ert-rnc bruttic dînertor geouerai and c-iefs - ot depnrtmeutailan oriiug vitnbuusal- en on t. shores of Laie Wiutauga, ex- ar>-. sud tite> bave ailI iîiLrssd BeSson leuding front the riaito pait the ftr o ikt o hmele u aiin n lte urgrit building uo tic boat landiauton ties fan în'mel, ne C.rîd fanlies. fli lie vesi ot tic laie. A grand sa O ir-'r, enrleEg'ean-eie i i nouned th comenceent.adthe su-gpiuuaor thr-expositien. lic R. a allant roundinga vere ten illuminaled ltrn ed itteOaw II)gbed.sda and green effects. A ligbr utfnrtcketra sa lnîie a dollar go familier titan asurît an>- observed troni tiete mmii t lte hiri bc ur,.îHa:bu ouery ta ote irn bind- Vanit>- lair, sud nerial pie-enof ot nthe- ge i.Thte omnmison- dazîliug apiendor acre sent ni) tronu tbtî er gent-railiai. A. W. Wilfl. la une ofthte poina îhorngoîr theevennt.alîMent moi-n luthie-Setr.. lie as pont- Tiinsrug bit xthebitiin ie-. 'i i-manter ret Naîlivillie onder harrison. aud ni.-arasa folluned by as iiht ut blatt ing 'a. nof rthre beste itr>-hasver badl. pigeonsansd n-eeî,ing uilluv rockets. mai 'Ta linn lurgel>- du. thi tecarl.glisa Ingas gorgeuns displa-. 'Ties. after a tlimes of otier Statensand uîtiutr rifii-Ile series ut ouber affects. was glu-en a gigan- bave maurfeatinlutire î-t,-àiual. li"r tic portrait ut Johnu Setier. wuicb waà a.-min -.ti la lter-ief ut tih umeàutf lnted byutbe ascension outrti-r-uioretl sheil. îromutiîrî andtI trtiirr>, sud lua a ratohlu bouquet rockets sud peanock tiiome shela. and "the pcrtunming acrobate,' a mecbsu n C- - icai deviceaIlutire ot mary- ioua beitnty. ~ ~, - Otier' exhibition pieu-en nere te "Kaleidi- ~ ' naoe," thre "Enubleni of Ennm- Kuighti,' thre "('rest Seuil of Tennetsee." tie ~Bicycle Rider' sud tie "Fan," tlt- latter belngouneofuthle estpyrotech-iter effeois ever produnccd. Thourgb the îrrî.-rt o ot inut tic co-r- tennial vitu, a civir antI Staté praradecw as aiarrdoued. ru tirilant arma>-ofthtir KoZigita ufthle Anvi-eut Eusenie t)nîer muarcheul tlrnthe slc treeta Sittnrrluy ir the rentenniail. Tic inistita came troui ail parts of the Unitedi States. Greut Showv's iîstur. Ou nrme 1, 17M,43.George Wabtgtt -mriSNsuuîuu isued the procliamatiotn natttbnîg tirtîthule main. IlIt'bas ûonu ueul ut the ia-r-. ac- tact tuat Tenrirearee tits atlînitted tsan ueligut r imil-aces eua State ta thc nets Unionu. Tennuessee vnas iruîrrerîp in ltestuc-resc ufthlicenuer- lie sixteeuth Statetrulire saioîored. itise. HcelaxenIanker and catttantîs. sud .it.ide ftram lie thintt-uuotriginial Statt's, babeen ltentified ,iri h inucinl masti- V'ermonrt aud Kenuckyu>- ere tic lutin- tirrions ofthtir cil>- ton a irumber ut y.'îra. dîste pretta-eaaorîuof Tenunesee ini pu- Mai. John W. Th'omas, îtreidt'nîut tira trnthue IUniou. centennial uomuaniy. la geuterai nmanager l'atrioliaii Oown enn'-essee iin migity oftificNadluuilic, (JIaltotoogur and St. rivera, and se tireipeulie outhe titaîr- de- Louins haiLun-. and bas aiva>-a becu cided tri culebrale ia cenreunial ssithtitiaru oremoat icvî'ry puble enterprise affeet. expciitr nrîtwuuldOtluas'u-nute-iugth tale andtIhtbc ity ut Naubvilie. orale lie histtrie event. Tba iden tuf a. Eacbaecttirofuthe titPtte la represcut- P eaicriiug lie itate's a pssrrg cenury cd b>- a vicr- pru-ident. Mjiddhle renues- see narepresented h>-V'artLpeur Kirkman tutfNasivilie-. Ht iTennîesaseb>- W.A. Heudersfon ut Knitxv-ille, snd NWeei Ten- iesab>- Jutn Overtour Ir.. utfItamphlé. - Tht'>- tre al proumîtnut rnîd neaitl,>-men, -- - wlst-clatleul lu heir positions. ic Exer- - uive Committce l% compoaculofuthre van>- boat men Inrte Statc. Altuathier ticerreineRcec ceutennial uwnstuss urý-gn'a t trithe rryintluy ut - . moue>- axpenrîc, u.lit lu the ecirclul diapo- altion ut tic fula irîlruîaled t l li.S ciela b>- te peule utthe state. Grecat Pire ut Neyport Newa. vox& <s - - At Newport Newa, Va., fine broie ont lu tic Chesapeake sud 0h10 Italireail ma rssbons a.&th i hrslpofIa oney- ompaays »pIes Na, 5 at sua arir hour .m non»«ùI k..a.-unAan,.Li'.5 s.. lm t., .Te mma . n ifl the su.U . **£AT WAII. 0orWATEII-SWS TrHRQUGI4OU11414u1 ma.ypeleasicDrowevuldactrOlui w e ht hytlioCetteavo Ivn. UaaYlet nain la tic Territer,'si&z tcry-Ccoreset Fermes Bvept acew Avfuli Btory ef Dovaitatles, A terrible foued in the CotteuvaiorIc c sndIdenly ingulted Wlest (lutie, 0 .T. abortly aller snnriae Wednesdsa çmorille A deatening urwvent ti, as the vaMI crusheri Iros sud drove the peupla rc tif bomnes. At the Birut rush arery belli and bridge were aswapt awray. Ail WMl- Ouîthrle was suinmerged, and tvautl 41$] tie business bonses lied testfeet et vat4r In the. Tie river ruse thirty feet a Va,; ordinary level. IHundriols uf peuple me. )e8- caftr>nlu mecs. MSeraîi men sibo verg tryln n lxairu the turrentîte urfei Oui vomi-n antd a baby lu a îree nere carrW4 d sae>. .A noinu vading ftram ber boulet vîtir a i.aby on ber besd vas sviept away and lust. fis la elicsed tint mure Ilian a score or negrocs %pre drownintohie negra setia- ment anid persona wio estaîied frein the Otitiacthat <miii>- ut>- hersons have been rr.r,hm. Ni., ipeuple ver e eva in drowu ai tiihrie; taru vonen and a ebji wpre carriedi away on a bridge; 000 mariand rto sime-în-iereu abouse eat wben it wentuteh, iîiî'c andl tht-y peri.bed. A girl îliniîig gia î&'ach Ire,' forrhboum ra.up andiii 1 0i1it lin rie lter. fti m b,-ii'ed duit mari>- iTe cauht in lbed la surail hitireai andi tr.,,nid. irirnie dri armage hira sicri in thel u rouiiir,-. $kplit,în ,rek bus, vaahed away score« of ftrioux-tî andI ,inerai tanne peole-ore îtr.,wed. Douen I.ches eofItalnfai. The 1 -.-asleaî rai,,in veurs teil mirougiry oui ili.- r,'rr.,ry Ttie.ata. and a o-ntinui 01 o e uuilxaur kepit uit ton meen coonre i-tr ltg leortg ll,îîdtd. SoUtirvet tif Waterlit a %satî-raitiot oc-irred, sud liait s titzentt arruaVTs i-n iatd. Niar t liftorn. t t-,ln t rr>. ton-a fertmes hna t e -rwavpI ,of r,,r, ,and ti by t'ame tju i ltoi-s tlrîwni.t. Neur Cuîh. lrlg, 1îaý lit ' itrni,. ,ltze ut of euple bar*- beau driven freim their homes ybilai vrstîr. tri the a-cati-runliat of Legs Cocu:>- wvprsit4ro. bridgea gie týc (Ui- arroît andti 'ott.tnwfud rivera bave beau abatiiti,l.ant itrains lnever>- direction-r are deis>'eti hy waahitî. vrite I 41a.irnd bridge î,ver the North c'iaadiea. 1u l-en,-ralilncfec outi ttflin,-, tIhe- ater ling uptlitkle railis. At l Fi K.ît itlrltiinrc t rrtik the 'restry- t-riait i'bîrclr %pire and rhe negro arbuel hou-s. kilruLing ibl!ldni-ti riglt ut d Icti. tli ilitinne.'Te total rainfaitasince Itatortiay nOt,n iii i-tlrenaa> inrnlig aituui rîteil t il jt O -ba SHELD<JN CAUSES A CRASH. Lads&,-* ,icde~Lette,- Lea te maux V.iieiree 1,la iliautfe andl rhe i(ti,tiary, or- the lake. and Iliaý..hous.it4the lattr~ sirîte Johtn 1 M. ettti.t- leîlînc banier of l-aIill.. t lii, t îrîiîtt fr!iî-ut and attorney-). Joîlie Il, Mttff.-rt. The ret ?fIthrie letter in Paxton. a here îNgoffpttlivtes. vas folitureti y h>lb i-berna ofth-liextiing ltaqk if lida. the asaigritrterit roftour ofthl irg bfi-l ne..aa irita. ninidiîtlttii asrgnmenss b>- as matit of lie lesîlirît -itizeof thte il o %v. Ini addliin. itlta sauit. Banker i4helions intua-stroulinvttive tie tonds iteigte tu he arct riatte -c5 Losarownîhim, uatd that trut!t' ulatea. Invîiv inau bpenerru$2i5r.t5t> aitnd ttii st'nutidri tin tht' gi-traicrasah. 1u tt-iearar vblh à. eft Sîeld.n sssrieu lai l it. plrtiart>- i Aia t'. ',liila, israo r-aîe. Thet. salînucîîras made ton tie louitetut tifî-rr-dttrxn. ntivi t acre dired-tiouîrrt u tr'-otiaIttritrivtirei tamîl>-Murlias.h.ft. utfn> tuf tir' bank- ens% votais- attý,r thet i n-tlitrrs tseresastis- Iad. An. au-utuit ritwlýe saruut-îtheluame intu nt uiru vnss il- mugo li erbui. messui-n ku t iul t Wsearaandi Lodsn. M)IhloIti asrit -d initht-C'hiCao luni At 81ediuia. ,l.. at lie-ut l'uniuinesa lu iuda #-as e mci n'tîitii-ie ulrd bàuke ton uwnteu are. arul hie buirness, ex- letîdetl thrlugtittît ai- cu ttuit'. vaë c'Ilo-ly cirted îtrrwvitî hen inatitrt-louu. CRI818 AT ATHENS. Public Prelînir ittler Towsnd thc king aud l"à. Fsrliy. i'îîiîtt bsn ti'i n Grci-r-e mut ia revrulutin irun ti altur not srepnlii. Tbe ciienx aire greitl>- rxncethe tcravela- lions made lu>-frmeunrninister 1151h as te thc î-onîtîu-t outhle -sulîigu. Large meat- inlugebauve benmiii ldand lier>- haranguée* have ber'î îelivec'itny veil-inownuns- tors liîîruntnitn ofut"thoac n-ho vould beIl-, rt'-r"Tht- uliofuthrie miuioiry ta mgarietiascertain. A di.laîhrci ris'et nt ouie-orthtireutm- basiesn l.rittirfrontiAillent aga's liai King Gieorge ot timect-e iuuunt ai aujmu- mntl lue uieicl or ansassînated, auj tiat tic snob a liiel> tir taie posssasion Of lie rit>-. liaructIslegrowiog and tice kintg nilI be tic scahetont. Tihe cv aud tumtu, about lhe Larissa crumpalgu ai jrîst beomintkiruowu. and cause lu ail C16la a aufeel cing ut ludigilnailOC aUd morrov. Peuple go tu extrme ansd de-, ' chant ail lie Itunanecg out the van vasa cometi>-girl Ut)b>- the Guverusseul sudt king.'lTe wvrr treasun la treehy ueéd; This la not lhe opinion outheba IrcaeU - < bIc. Liii ot t.ic biter ciane-at eue, la Ibis instance, with tic magss et the peu- pte. - Ahli e farts aboni thcMdet ap~roye lig-' lie tault les with the staff laeing novi- etîge outrte businessaoet van sd phuci la danuger. The ebiet ut wistf, sapumttsàI.~ wircul lriday aniug eave tu vltidsavoâ bis tnopa fronitihe finitiu, -lcl uhougti h nas imposaible te defeu l. , inguanswered that Il vas ianpoaslI& silos or terbid, as ayants conld i*,t jndged tront Aibeuls. spaonnabit liai Ire vould taie AUl lhe raa aud ltnsug iered -lie hat'n Recemi!x "'tnut.eewig.' *D in( *b am et îI tcabi îeempli vae have lits plae set Lu tir be outil t la ailar ýI tant .ed a cyous hmeti srp t ý c a et tiat l ad Dot -sc th e n ~geut i ltiga. but s5 pre fi g Qed *adots elt uftt beau bave thr toeu nd -ut. 'ae.-% sud nt. uer bn sud eue Ind Ita. tmoyeu ut ut 1,5 <Juve arien shoot t w oIec i ulder stit ce ut *WB, snia Sa Chisi ita Ir y, b er ked wit