Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 7 May 1897, p. 8

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W. have;a. fin* Une of Spring and Sumner Dres Goods. mal the lateat pat- terns and effee. Prints, inghamoiChales, Lawns, Calicoeand Piannelettes. VI .We Bel... Lâtest i Style, Itandsomoly made. and Warranted Perfct. Inspct themr. riUne of Gent' Negige. Shirt. lu Complete in Lateat Styles. Men'a Woekn,<Puat aiUIPrice.. oWu Neckwear in Spring sud Summer Patterns. AU %rces. L0 W. LITCHFIELDY 1*31e, - - - Illinois. r Shopin Connection. Recause wé re. selling at Corne n a nd see our fine line Sumner Droe Gooda, ailso ou r ovear. olEmAula1STOCKS.»ITE du ado auiures u tim Our effort. to sel OMT DS " boysiprotist. Oui entire* at. &u ar Mu u ltaoir tetrSt la oui inter- oit. We ihank you for 7ou esteemed p*tronuqo, sud hope te monit a qostinu- @mce. UOF--. F. CARLE, lois. Furniture. " 4 Steck dm n vez before, for fthe e$a » Qe tu the n ue of Fumniture.9Oilcloth, W Sbdu andaà nov fresh line of oseet from. This Beautiful Sol id Oak Polished Finish and Brass Feet OnIy $1.95 Ment pen oumy gooda for a week or two st a tirne and 10ien for a long tâme, but always keep ou with the rock- Mome. Quxck mael uJ M W ll rolita. INDERTAKING A 8PECIALTY. WUILL KMIOGE, ~fêUr - - - Illinois. AT THE tFornitùre Store. Antique Oak Finish 24x80- German Bevel won Wlre Oak,, Cane Seat Chairs, rpss Wagons, Full Line 'iooe For A Short Time OnIy. 4.00 5.00 7.00 ..Ge .44 ROCKEFELLEÉR. lead U ele as d. Wm. Goméel vau iu Chicago Mod»y. S. M. Eramer la enlertalning a nelce f ront loa.N Don't aklp Cares@ ad vhen you are r.ading a"a. oranépa Ayaley, of Dlainond Lake, va. bore Tueeday. lira. A. L. Iria &ud ohldren ver. Chicago visitors Sunday., . Mr& . 1. ramez expeote b moye te Chicago lu tbe nea, fuature. Wm. Derghor n sd famiy visited trieudsansd arlaiveo aiEgin recently.C There vii b.a ameeting of th John 0. lago Poot, G. A. R., Priday evenlng. May 14. A. J. King ham purchased the J. E. Sloomb place vhioh ha. been ooupied by DeWall ramer, 1 The Urne i.namet an ad vhen summer reeorers ig ii beglu 10 corne 10 ou tovu enroute Damoud Lake. leBo. M. Bneh ha. acoepted the oeil of the Oougnegatonai ohurch, sud viii b. our Dey pealo. W. e lcme hlm to our lovu and vish hlm ullmited so000f. Prank Bock and Cash bMaaon, of Pramre Vies', ver. lua llendance at 1 the Woodmsn'e Jubile@ Wednesdayà evening. AI ihe meeting of 1h. M. W. of A.b Weduesday four candidates for lulatis. lion vere condnted through the ceremouiee. The goal va. son In Tony King'@ shop "aDUngsrap iron Thuaday moruing, vhich seerned .dead eaay" for hlm at*r the bardt vora of th. nlght b.fore.f A learn boionging telMr. B.dmoud looh a notion lu mu avay th.other dayc and started around the.. block ac @vin Sait. Wbal might have reaulted inageea ma.h-up vwu preventeda yhe 4lk action of Ouri village Y. emed 10 have more speed Ihathe hors«. Thare Mems 10 b. a good deal o! compeition lu the lonaoriai business lu our lovE. A barber &hop la looaled iu 'Thot. lirde'.s@tore, one lu Lilboelda stW»ebuildiu, and nov lu ake maltera vomi Id. Payne le g o- ing b0 open Up an establshment for lhe beneli o!f.&1 vho are overburden- ed vilh an overgrovth of vbiskers andi golden bar, and bis prices viii be out a. deep a. the subjecta be operatee upon, so rumor msys. HALF DAY The nev hotel la being treated to a1 coat of paint. lir. J. W. Tripp ha gone to spend1 the summer vlth ber daughter ai Dovuera L3oe, Mie iaiton, of Muakegon, spent a fes' day. la.1 veek eaiJ. A. mason'a, &IBO Mis. Ple sud the. MU m rith. There vili b. a basket social ai tbe tova hall Prjday nlght Miay 14. Corne one and ail. Ladies bring lunch for e vo. PnotkX. J. Glas., R. Mulln", J, Bchiey, chans. GlIa.,KM. and lir. Meyer and otheri veme Chicago vilun. iaI veek. tYCe. lb y theIb ors. dead suys'ay, lhy.uei Uought go; but vhicb vas the deadez the acameti voman or Ils. boras? J. Rlebrn move t o Chicago Sàturday and P. Busch, o! Arlingion lieigbts, Lookipossession O! thie place the same daY. Lota o! blrtbdsys but uoi svery one gain bonoreti viIh a surpris. Party, ga lins. GI. tboughit an a number o! bier fulenda uheti lu upon lber unavares lb. eveang o! May 4. The yonng foiki alvsyshave Cornpany and gooti limes but th. olti onse are overlooked, so Ib iiue PartyWvàa sapeclally velcome ones%0saionley beaut. GAGES LAKE. Mis. John Jeffers @peut lioîday in Chicago. Mim Grace liaon le vlslting riendî lu Cicago. M. Ërsnk Clak va. Iu Chicago ai business lest Baturday. lisure. J. B. McCieary andi France, Mecleary apeut lluuday uaihier home Mile Ada Manchester, of Grand Ciooaiug, Ili., &peuttaunt veek vih bel parent.bier.. 1lev. lin. loîhover vîli beglu sere, O!revival meetings " lb churcb ou Buuday evenug. He la t( ba mastletiby 1ev. lMr. Vaualorn. The Ladieâ' Aid Society yl me. vllh Mus. Ueo. (ililmore un uaz Thurutlay a thc annal boni. AI member are requeatlehapiesen a. ofioes are tu bc eiecled for il, enauing yeor. IL abouid b.e made a mater of publl knovledge tha" DeWts Witch Raze Salve WlIl seedly cure piles o! ih longeai standing. IL le tbe bouasholi favoite for bume, "ade, cuit, bruta« andi soues.o! ail kintl.. F. B. LovELI Libeilyvlile sud 0. C. Ritaîirs, Wat Couda. ROLLINS. Wii D&rby ha. relnuned home froi Chicago. Ulm. Vau Duseu, o! Antloch, la vint ing relative. ber.. Le. Gilbert o! Gagea Cornera, sper SBandai, vith 1Leý Drury. The infant child t oMr. sud Uier di.dlt aInday, nlght. Mri. and Mia. Win. Hamilton am family, o! Chicago, are visltiug là parent. ber.. Mr. W. Rock, cf Guru.. liaibha Vary iI in lb.thome o! bÏs daught. Mis. Vu. Dooltls. 0 The Ladies' Aid Society met the home o!fMis. E. C. Edfards il veek Tbuisday. Croup andvbooplng ongh are cbi, hoodu *lurora; but like pueumoni broflltsandi otber Ibroat and lui Iloublis, oa b.equickiletie, aminge sMinute Oonab Cure, F. Lov.x, Liberlyrlle sud 0. Whot haubesome O! blg lIa. B. Don e i. iing at Vox Lake Ihis eeek. lira. B. Selp returueti broin Chicago Bunday. T. M. Foley, o! Joliet vs. hors lionday. John Kohl, of Lakes corners, vau hers Sunday. John Fortboawàvas aBarrington elaitor Mouday. Chai. Groom, Of Baringlon, va. a viasor be.Snday. Wm. Beemmu transacted business la Wauiegal Monday. Gus Preddler tranisacted business lu Chicago monday. Lyman Anderson, of Mclieury, vîsit- ed boe over Snnday. The village board hald thelr regular meetinug Moud"y evenlng. Chas. Seip sud vIle, o! Palatine, ver. vuiilug bhe.Mouday. C. Stationsansd Ueo. Baiker s'ere Barringion visitora Sunday. Wm. MoDoveil sud A. W. Hill1 ver. Barringion viettgre Saluiday. A. B. Michellsud Burt Duitin voe Barnînglon visîlor. liaturdlay. Geo. Wagner sud vifs, o! Barrington, ver. guesté o!fGuis Freddler lancs'eek. P. E. liavley va. bore Batumday iookiug aster bis crealery lutereel bere. Rerman Reliter, o! Long Urove, bas been busy hauiing lumber for is new barn. Herman Amdt sud Jirn Hensen. of Dunde.voie vi,,liors ai the Lake Snnday. The lire compaur vîlI have their tirât drill Ibis veek If the roade are favorable. ierun Koolman slopped lu Zurich ou bis vay home to shah,> bauds vlth olti friands. Oui Iruste., thouiti sec Ibat ibeme lis s cross valk put lu opposite lbhe village hall. Wm. Muloek, of Elgin, le nos' munlng thc barber ahoplu inthe Exchange building. Frank Moyeu returueti frorn Chicago vhiere heobasbeau visiing hiesater ate puât Ivo veeki, reeutiy. Borne of the old playrs o! the Wauconusbaud viii play s'llb the Laie Zuriceh bsud Ibis mummer. Fritz Richards snd O, Waliz bave reiuuued from Plunt Grove vbere lhey have been vorklng fur ithe past yack., Emil Frauk, o! Chicago, ha. ieased s lot o! Henry Beîp on IMuaitS., vbere 'ho intenda to builti a building sud ran s barber &hop. Tbs rosti commiselouers of the lova of Ela shoulti ride over thbe ronde sud Ise the condition &bsy are lu; but hae muie te, brlng your hast pulling teani or you viii gel stock lunlihe mud. Wheu a cold in coutracted, cure it ut oncs. Oua Minute Cough cure vii sel yu anthe roadti larecovery lu a minute. I vii cur, pneumonie, brouchilis, croup sudail forma of lung sud Ibroal troubles. Y% B. LOVELLO sud G. C. ItaiigRT, Waueonda. DIAMOND LAKE. (1,0. Ont bui employeti C. Hey la re pair a felles. DlamonidLaksie la boamlng, especialîl mf or carpeuteri. BW. Larnpke ban euuplayed E. Blowi 10 builti a oas'porcn. y Mr. Binsmann, aur blackeuniih, lm do ,iug a ruihing business. * Fred Turner isfilxing up bis parcb ueo. Ray la dolug the vork. liMr. and lira. Barry Kule, ofChicago *speut Sundey vitb frientis bers. 'r r. E. Blove ban taken 11h. cat, tract fur a large barn an Frank Day' li ra. EKi Cales, of Chicago, la spend ylug a tes'weeks vllh fber soni, lira. H Bartlett. Parker Ilartlettia bora. in veysie] ai premeut vriling, wbicb maies Par] teel prelly bine. Mir. sud lira. Henry Ost enterteine, a 1ev friends anc day sud evenug lap 11veelt. Ali enjoyed a lin> lime. )n WARRENTON GROVE. J. Chevalier, of Western, Ili., vieil> esrelatives bore lait veek. leAndrev i'belps bas moved <on ti idWelch feai neur Waukegan. e Mr. sudUs@. Fred OtîlingoAspei saturday vltb friendsinluMillbtiru. a Joseph Biienaky bas xnoved lie Chicago vhere lh. bas ublained ci t' playment. John Loamman ,>tertained a nm :to! frieuds fromnisukegan snd Chic 1, go Suuday. kl Ernesi Beade, af Waukegan, In visi ut lug vitb the famlly a!flMr. Jal le Beybuck lSr. Mie Katie Beckmau bas rettin lç bonieaflter a fes' veekm absene,- &el Englevood. ée Mr. sud lir. E. Metcsîf spent Su d dey boe. iih the faminty of Wi les futchinson. ý,Wbiie Chas. Browu, a! Gurue,,w eu drivlug cattle an tbe plank ro Satuiday bis bars. beceine frigheu sud rau avay. The animal raul ai aWauiegau befote he vas capture btrsuge la say no serions damage w 3111 dans. Whon th. aprlng lime cames, -"geni at- Ane," luke ail olimer senIble pernn viilcîsans. th. liver sud renovate t mut ayatem vilb DeWltt's Littole a Riasis, famona 11111. pilla for the Ili j. sud atomaoh ailthe round. F. LoXELia., Lihartyvîlie andi O. it onszas, Wanconda. his FOX LAKE. Ben Miss Aune Galiger vinited iet oi L. Bunday. --Mu.*A. Ts'eed viaileti Chicago Fai hapn e ur fr 15 ia 0 5Ptka VIe hemalipa. gm or a. gof18 :;i: las- lOPa.loasth 6#W. lrr Who un the udlb bsiness. wis D-iele rZalousevark. OIAYg ORUT=LEa vllov *sbepberd 'dos vIlli wIte baai naes o W A H T o ue D - E l.1vo u e , v l u v 1 . place ouLa ami. Iuqur e 1.oi. FI OI AL-Presb bard-wood savdns.s FHan Day sas' Mill. W. D. BAlLBY. _e et WAANTZD-Pirst cas girl for asueru Vyoumevork. linlufamllr. Tôsuch lb.lgbai age vilbe pald. Mas E~To.Derl. x 2 1U Flmprovsd land. oneMlle s'est of Proeute Coter. Terme and partioulars addresa or Oni ouC. Loovus. 12f EGi ALE-Uot Sele lnU Lberttvllls 'villiage. Very destrable location. tuait drainage. Can b. bonulht <hem>orcah %fI or Sddrosé INn:Psm>EIT ouïie. LLbrY- W ongtscavenger w2ai iowet Ailvho are lndebted 10 1he.brirrnof Deinlein & Phannensliel are reque.ted to callat ire. (C. NBebker'aStorue or et J. 8. Deluleinis realdence and s.ttiesa& once. J. B. DziNLEiiç, Frernoni Center W. nos' have ou sale at the station here Ton Ride Bearer Commutation Tickets, for beigeen Libertyville sud Chicago, rate $470. E. L. DuBoîs, Agent. The Great Produclng Staillon GEORGE 0. 2:21' No. 970 1. standard undey both trotting and P"cla ruls irdbyLakeland Abdaab lii Tu bRother tu lArold air,>oftMaud IL) by HambltonunIo: bsm. Panay iB. a tat paglu a mreby a »o 0f eo. M. Patchen George 2. je a obeatnut horse, a sers food C etter an 0le bred a. nea" ditsGeorge Wilkes thgçe i of trottera,« as l epossile to aleg .j h ir" etelhi lu the 11.1 a snd a aumber of otbdmr 1 in ustand George 0. ai MY Place lu cah 'Ir dci ,1 êtI.,0 evleKaafo proving lu font sîide euttled tu0a5 lUtri sessaon. The ahove pries, la fiual. brend tu a bora.l that bas îroven hlmself Wba trotter ani îrodueer. Feed Mill. We wyll do custom grindînif Tues. tdays, Thîîrsdays and galurdays. We 1 have a large nDs' Coru and Cob mMl athat grinde very fa.t. (4. a. seÂiwK & Hom. QRGLE .co» ma uovlEOUlmES Bird. of fiue Heckel, Lobe sud Comb a speelaiy. 1 have takmn iret prernumunY Leghorns for several years. Since September lait have aoid 26 maie bird. and silîl have fewto »sI ai 1.00to 53.00ý each. Eggs for haichlng 15 for 11.00 60 for $300 luvestigate bef or. bnylug elsevhere. J. P. WILLIAUI, Libertyvîlle. 111. I2 Voars Experlence. Sine maklug my lust îîprovelusntq au my re-actlug s'beel, i viii dig sud brick a common nited well, 100 fest or les., tiret 2ofi.. 5t cents per folt; udt 20 ItL, 75 cents: neItý 20 ft.. 11.50. Praspecting vih 2 or 3 inch auger, no charges unies, the ovuer alupa me fl'om dtggiug deeper. For cleaulng out sud repalriug old veils, 5) conta per hour, furnishing my owu belp, aiso board- ing myseif and help on auy job near borne. Those vbo caunot board the beip. vili pay 25 cents extra peu foot for the irnt 20 fI. and the diffsrence ou any amount more or leu,, accordiug ta a the aboya prîces. Prie. for sb.arlng and tylug vo-nI. . 8 cents per head. Estimaie. furnisi0.d for clearing upitland or any otber joh Work. Al vork doue iu gondi shape muet ha settileti fýr by cash or due bill, Al -letiers asseued an short notice, it flbull partîculars. e JAS. P. WILLIAMS. y Box 141, Libertyvîlle, 111. A FINE UNE OF 'n te FURNITURE. y- Emels, Picttire Prames rClock Shelves, Boom moulding 'yW&U pookets, Paints, Paper holders, 011., 'DI Book cases, Vamishes, Center tables, Glass, aExtension tab's, Pntty, Dining chairs, uta Rockers, ia" Couches, Md Ohauter esuit. Bruahes, Minora, cou, sprhwg UUERWTYVILLK, ILL When the Question of Buggies ls taken Into con-s sideration, wouladn't It be, wlse to think the mattel" over, and figure out the real valga* of a good Buggy? We &ean, when we saY "a good Buggy" a -veichie that will not, after à year's work look as though It wae a fit subJect for the s old-Iron pilie. YOu wilI find. If you Investigae thatthere If a difference ln Buggies. Come in and lot us explain It to you. 4k f WIEBELLOr 1 ~ooi~o. ~ ~ RIGHT &SONO ~ SpingTrae. 4ýe Prairie City Seeders. Keystone Disc Puiverizers. The Hummer, Sulky Plow.. The X;-RElys- Su&y -910ws..,P David Bradley Plows. John Deer Plows. jKeystone Corn Planters. Bradley Corn Pianters. I Steel Lever Harrows. SSta ver and Abbot's Carrnages and Buggies. Fish Bro's., Wagons and Trucks. FTimothy,*.Clover and other Field Seeds. UkIH.Schanck & Son, *LIBIERTYVILLEI ILLINOIS. FASTEST STALLION IN NORT HERN ILLINOIS. No. 414 in R. A. P. R. Foaled November 12, 18895, Bred by R. H. Pooler, Serina, Ili. If you want speed and endurance breed to a horse that has got It. TERMS: $1500 to Ineure live colt. -A^i mares disposed of after beling bred. Breeder wiil be held for servIce f... Ail colts to be set-, tled for soon as mare has foaied. Mdnight va. sireti by Nigger, h. by Plymouth Rock 2:30J. son o!1 111% Biaekbavk 2:31 à, sire of Ethan Allen 2:26J. lildaght's dam vas by Slarllght <pacer> 2:171, son of lieKsy Hors. 2:316, second dam (pacer, by bing Pharaoh. ir. of fRicbball 2:12j, Bas'ley 2:18j, sud otbers botter than 2:25. Thîrd dam by Ettisu Allen son of a110 iaBackbavk. Mldnight il 1-1 kqeooai-blak.hors., standing 15f bauds, veigbs lié pounadi, la very heavy biimed sud strong rnusoled. Ho la a natural potier, a fiai@ mover, and bas a kind, geutlis dispoasiion. Hl. base pansdai mile In 2:08, bai! tu 1:08, quarter lu :31. a 2:04 gage. Sis coltsanflu cetry cony are neérly aIl psr.ers, large sud smooth, sud ohow' gra% peed. F. W. Ohervooti, Midulghtsa former owuer, lu a Te. cent lelter sayat "la. ha.drit ed aTe' idts lu Minsouri, and 1 lainât for nmre of them ta go lu tIi', 2:25 list or bottert Iis year. 1 staied i dnlgbt lit 441 races lu ail. vlnning 30 tirât; moteys. 5 s.conda, 3:1 iîlds, uîîplsad 1 sud dravu uns, 'uakiug a wonute fai iùnwing, sud2 winning a nicesn o! ofmoaey. l)îrîîg bits raes i started hlatnaaminetsncb nolti i o m *_ çVidai 1:%J4. Storm 2:08j, Jordan #:Ili, Almont iatalîe212j, Rlchball 2:12j, Chamois 2:121, Lutin McCunrdy 1:14J. and WilieI itusool 2:16. 1 arn surprisd lh bas îlt g,.i a record of 2:10 or botter, ms ha bal upoed i,l 1enghlir.qm-t"eolv il vs»vith lbho rses aboya meuîleîel t&but 1 gavq bila bise record at 2:17J. sud coulai have hlm 2:l boit i vsbed. Mie noter litnishd back ao!fbirai place." TItfre. of Mld*iahb'e colle louk fOre presslla i lieMclamy ouly Pa's'aILfand. s r8 s.eem et Li. Comly Pie, a*utut lbgad f ol%.*y vg.sIm Midnight, 2:17,3

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