Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 14 May 1897, p. 6

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i'é vml mac," ead Ama- m lag IhîlratIer tiy. "I ,gààuowe sou. ime age.. and 1 vil .3evIlemm mmt tîelady. sud utopped er eye. uhicit legmu ta folme- lbu s elffleacbehelasmed @etesstàrml loeked etralgt loto 4 r. Armbvat." sud ber wgu a'tvat us ail te o 0dev loi taladmice you o tars.lm a reptatien for bewspLiu- q%, us i r slonld lare elel ilulo péuoucc If ve loiyenFou 90 - is. tome nov.sai Fo'ire par- MM is sTm îbrough tbat et the igli mmod ao bis acpebailbnDnow 1*4. bbis iii-tetuper ennugb ta iliclotabla varda vilb a sonder- sad UU, Armaîbvilite iilowed Ie yteld oilhoul mach difficltY pI bétryiug bis secret reasa #*oeMqusintgnee witb the inter- .4b rmli. Crasmaunt. hummnin au * ta bis cîgar v*d iotul or lua geiaalveice pI moke. Armthualte ex- , ', felingtht la pr tobacco 0»tb.he tub ielsurraunded Mre. t uquoli hlie aPraftaulng tb. «b goà s Thot lady eemed or ma etbis refumami.*sd, vtit a gracions qumlle, said M Idmotke lu the leait. ..aIta othe Ors betusen hlg i5tbsy vntneitotgo lote lIe iMàtIsas uilIàa oldy ou. ,ha viresuperstiteux lha benld «Y min thîe vlage tht thîs kê olsed hielm jil.. <'h5a" am yservant» n-euld elit Item e sboumaet fm is lb.e meninLi f b~ eramv beubet~" ibstait vas sbrsady kuavu hassa, erleleryed in Ma& té uvear Iy ber 4mPS «eylkius aet"la the qli t las ba erd Sm eesa lfe DotiF wlU viimile me se ht* a't e mle te 1sleep," - êémt.t u ésarnest en- mgemsr leu11 baad lea<has" le gléet4mDii," elle uê xeld-'-ndIl la Mee.4ta"c Ieai *it b dreedful ai ts.ymdabsently, la s polivIusaod traly muer ~uS4 eutIls u Cireturs r« - i th. Cemot. 'An1 m é* s au at brakas tme a ev "ILs mdaer ls me- limse l e enla ntu JO&way a «»tg .héDeor at on :âse ate gave efglae sudma a"ysut ie. P pineicen l onceiA et breakfastcbtres v mm.jak roiessan ts anbe aldem th e ong d ve lrs ait8te fnll clit t e Ins fr h t eht la, b sinite Icdead, tte 'ble otfthé garesa mmd m ,Meethepvuamrtns iu IFb rsted mysterlan a darnom a ethrlan w*ffe, daneo hesty, uc aevebase s e onal doe wo atonfaillru tre t avemt u te «ninnraaut at the g pte d yreusani f dasmiorktly nliau agecertbaIn doitu m egsat thedl I nertelsomoutnu île m& oud it lutillei of a oi 15u *0oumm@ tutim le si Deetu'aeOevh sthtms tat làsue u; lea Iar Il ler.avlaibS Whb veunbau hueiug vee u en. lte visiter one apmklns nov. "I toid im utir ual everYbadi cen me--tIel I arn growing itupid, nenveOs, "Ill! Wel, I i syeon u tnitfeuO are. Yau ven'i go out. Ouly lIe ther day yen vers eivtad la The Crani, and-" "The Cragat No. il uouîd do me ne gsod te go thers. Let me go aY. Oh. Nad, Ned. ]t me go saat I1aRO ne eoutnteb Yeu, onu a 5nrden le yen. Tny ae 1 mss. I au nohing te Ieu. Yen uillt treat me as a vite, er een as a @iter. O. 1 hure bren tryins for days A.nd ureka ta get courage te sata Yen, te rail hsck my aid spiriti, te lsiaft an hé- lau lrcated fairiy; bul my mnd and my wiltit e e bîtag avay. I Cannai lti t-bal hn ppened te me, bt I Illal I im-dyiug!" The bond rusbed auddeuly te Arm£- lbn-aite's brutu as thea. vorde, veak sud talat, but dlean as a bell, came te lia em Hewu n-atualdremins leova ltelnlng te thé plaintive autcmy etf a vit. Who tel, rgtiy ai nt that aIe had beeii crultY vronged. The verds tbldhl lIfntaI il vas the mans rocle Isbard ee "Dytus! Bluff and *eneie, i fln't torn gotura ake tri to-a me Yenralftu a martyr le rny cruelly. Wbat auneartb bave yen te compiain Of?" Thé austrer cerne rrry len-y. Aumiythe vards uer. dropped out eue by ane onder the oppreasien et lespair. "wat-have-l-to compiain of?" "Weil, n-e, I don'i prtend that Yen dld net expet a differet sert at lite batro hîe oeu e ead But circum- tane-"ý "CLrcumatanenesîWhaI cicurnilances can justi a mafer treating a girl as yeu bave dont me? I must spmk- munit spea; 1 In-tl e quiet enouil to-morrov, but to-nlght I Ami exdied, niy headtfela trange and ltghi-yeu mut bear us nov. I lare iomethlmg te £Bk Fou-" "Won,. ulat la tr" *,LeI me go and se. Dr. Pese.", "Dr. Putiet WIaI de Yen vaut te go 1 addse, hlm for? There la utblnt the 1matter vitli yen; if Feu IinI tIere là, Yenuea consail thîs Young feltov Arma- ibvalte if yeu ltke. I'n sur. le tales a edmépIntereet lu ye, amd viii preecilée vbaîever yeunbhave a taucy for; thata the sert et dector you vant, 11e aitt omen; a good-loellng tlleu la tuel Four polme, and looklolt o u oyes, aud vou yours le thlsmntsiinterestins case hé bu-ever roue acrema. 1'11 spea teim tlo-mare." *,AmidIvii go to-mrtev And se0 Dr. "But uly? n-IF? Look bore! be bon- emst And tell me ubat Yeu vaut toae t "Cas yen prtend te le snrprimod that t I vaut t eme e eman wvI as heu mm à guandi an ad friand oven stuc. I cen e- t meulien? Il la nearly thrre menthe nov Ms 1 Ibaro seenlohim. I lave net led a t tail uttbhlm aince the ninter legan." a "Wbat de Ien vaut te haro a tail yulh 1hlm slienfuir? It eau hoe ealy for ane 1- thilug lIai yen vant Il-to grumhle at the lite eu e don t me, on at somthlg" "Pied, yen nilghI trust me tlat Il lan't fr fethat. Wby, if I wanted te reniplain, c alalnt I laye begun befors? DhIoyn ens, hIlul uhat a airain npon me my lite han Iccu aven stuce tle day I married Zoo? IlsThe oent I1amw Lord and Lady Khldouan in the cdurcI lIaI niorning, and nothced the chage lu Fonr face and the iom oodie tfjour baud as it toeced mine, I kucu ha1ai ldmade a dr.adtulmis- -take, as lealy as I kueu i no." "Noneuse-eal nonsenset I vas nerv- an, natnmally enug. I ladn't kuevu àthey vare lu London, and I luey Ibmk ,j cumns meant Iba I munt itgre My mini a te seme drYbusiness on other, int«ed ef tetalIeepleaMrea mn matatny look@ for- y ard te ou Ibis uoddlng dey. It vas nt uny tault tht I n-asment off te Moacon- d that rery Lord Kldoanu' huât- maeaSs. Do yen lhsluk I slenld lare mat, ied yan t&Ili If 1 lad éxpeced te bave te go Off 11e that ai a rnement's mtte,?" 111 remember quit.e veli hou ty car. r- red yen avay nitb Ibru. and 1 lad île tamena. and spirt tlaialaLady Kildou i.fer l." yt "But you vers liard and cld teanie. eYen ald bitter things. Yeu veuld net -en glye me a vlfe'm gaod-bye. If yon bl beén kilder the», I ahould have but. je id lack le yen, and everiblng wouîit id havé been dtfferen." et "Pien, ne? Hon- could i le tender meand sucét te Youwn on ea that evenj le lgt n-erd thia lady uatd rored yen more 0than my teara? Il vas net lu humez na. le0 tois te bear tbat-aud ou ene's ueddluî ho dayt Al the tume Fou vers sai I n-ws etfuof remrea.that 1had been lard, but It1 knov even tIen tbat yen neyer theught t abouit it If yen lsd, uod yFou havi Midin Parst Ibm eebe after- yen: id business lu Russaa va doue, ulit a bride We Valtins fer Yeu n uEngland? 0f courg by "But I vu& lu Paris on business, yon bu Imev lIat. ilLord Kildenan.» "And Lady Kildonan. I frankIlyoui that &a h i e v, etod fit fer Feu ima yen ver. klud te me lu London and ésusa c- d se pesalenately, teverlily nxloa ht led marri nie, dted auay ont et my ber sut "lett me enîy iterir brt and dgn"d le Bt1 w« tonePrend tshowlt.Yu r& ,do meuler Ion- I recelred Four shame-taced s-. apologelle attempl at an oxplausation lIat th,. ft-t erenlug. uhen pour UneHngb, le tlng he muni I. avfnlly tnule uway- Mtleft es la lIe dravîug roem toetite." hie "BF Jeve, I dot f yen ad'jtedt tji me»A If 1ad been a dg, IlFou ho& mâ* on. appeal tlame n a vIte ta ber 5htù hae b aIsbonld bave tak« eu enta mrny nu anm*Fo mF se, ué. n * s Ton aftemm e w. éeWI*Idè1 bave loohd =J nd X ja ouly m ml «ye« *old, bat Vae. Hug's, Dr. Pmslea, eveYbedts»Ut we cm't go on 1k this; 1 thtmk mY VOIT premence emperate7Monov. Lot Me ga aumy-toe Mr hatb; aines I bave groe nosenervonsa"mmddepreasd it viiih easy taaMy that. Wheu YOD waq$ me. net » a ahdov te bannI tbe houa, but mea vomen ta equiet nurese ye%,if lt a a it, ta lOeaFou,.1I illl o0 ue beh'1 art&utly. But 1 camnntatIhee bétrailu Ot this lite Ray lonuge. I mut go.", Ow "No, ne, you shallDot, Yaumunet nt Thone uorda came so rmpldlY that Arma- thualte cold .caresly dlatiaulm hlb. ,'Wall, uat a 11111eubile. mnd it vIiiaili coe r nt. 1 i le ukinder te FOR, yem shail seDr. Feele, Yenua",ldo amy-1 thlng you 1k; but yoo uuat net.@ha1 1 net go auay." There woma auese. IbM m.caeots aer tae ta enotburat lu a vonvmak vaice. -Nedi Nedl Wat doye«men? Yen do't care for me-yen aIneetbas Me. Why do Yen vmt me tea aLyp" 'Wby do Yen waat te 82810 a scauLdal? For yen knou it veuld he a scadmi, ubatever rameau a milt ive. WIatj "Oh. Pied! For heven'a sobe don't lt me thlnk you ely vaut te keép me ber* for-that t" "Dou't meke a mScne, for goodusa amk and 61l tIe bous" viti. W"alnmd greem ln tIe middlsetfthe nlgtl I Imy ta keep yen brs bécaneseu '.rigît md1 proper and btter for a vite te roainalinlu the @mre bouse with ber bnmbmnd, uwhat-1 ever their mutuel relations niaY hle.1I wmnt yon te tay ber; Il la beause I am1 hrssed and overuarked and driven, and1 if 1 amn loft te mymelt bers, 1 do net knev9 what wulU becomaetfme. Fer mercY'm1 aake, Alma. stay tilltheb aprins, and 1 wili ho a btter hnsbaud te Yen. 1 ssar it. Promise, Ama, Proms" Theme vas a long pense, and anoter qs of thons qulvering sghsia hb ld firet1 roused Armathwalte tront is aleep. Then, a sound Ilke a teint. beet-brokenl langb came ta the Yonng doetor's cara. "If I stmy tili the aprints Ihligel My change for nothins, Pied. 1-Prmia." "Theres a gond 'girl. Nov 1 knev Yeu mut hé dylag te get te bed. Yen lent mwully tired. Geed lÉbt.11 1.000d igt.", There was the noeundet a briet, per- fnctory kis, and lu e feu minutes à ..W. stepseaceéstemlthly miens the corridor Pest Armthwalte's rou. Agfaiu thé yenng decter board the len-drawn mgba et théenely vem-n.But he ronld hear It ne lenger. Underteudias by ts time that a cominnaicetlou ad besu e- teblished beveen tbe tue ruem8 ta en- able the ltlepreprieter et the boums ta keep contant unasen vatcb ori&a"yOue of bis patienta ubese cse rendemed such a precauttan désirable, ha ct the Com- municatien off by transtsrriag the pilous te the foot et the bcd, ubare he pemmed the remender et thé ulght witheut fur- ther dîsturbance. Bot lé bad 1111e mors et. The autonitint nature efthle reve- lattons ho had luit board, as Weil an et the accident by-wbtch thq lad reached htm, the emollonr eoumad% hM y thé pitiful teey, and the atartllng probleme te which it gave rime, kspt hlm vaketulu- til long ater thI ierslng Sun et a vin- teri memung bad OUled bis room wlth à dtm and mnrky Ilicht. (To ho eontinued.) SOME PENOBSOOT GAMES. "fjiz Thundor" TTel el Lare ne- ciety. Heu Vie, Plaie.- At thé regular meetng ot the Folk Lors SOCIéY lent éveintu Prof. F. W. putelan pre@lded, and théeinembors llstened te mn tntrnétlng and InforMai talk bY "Big Thunder," thé Imlédng man et thé Penobiet Iribe. "Big Thundér," Whe la Weil advancétt la yearn, elthangh et stbletic trame, live nèerOldtown, and erne te Beelon aI thé invitutimof etthe Polk Lore Secte- ty. The aubjet Wem "Ganrea and Cer- éenlamoetthé Aboale," and hé lad broght Wlth hlm meny curions Ob- pecte te illuatrate him 1*1k. Âmeng thé gaine whlch lie décrlb- éd vere thé digh gaine. tu whteh CeOnt- èrs tassa&bouien ua woaden bowl ar Uaed for gamnblng, much as dice Mr uged, théesildé gante and thé "blind traleee' gain,a klnd oet sPut sP-, tormmce. "Bg Thunder," ot Course, gave thé Indanu terns for thème gaine, but their Benliélei va1éntm vitre bat- ter undérstaod by hism anditers. one et thé mt ainusing et ail vas thé ."love<gain." llatium came, n-hou an indian yonh vlabèste psty ceurt te a girl hé bandmslier a atendèr ponted li stick, te whlch a bard lt ut o séc *ar hinlke a brush, te attached by s Icerd. Thé girl lunga the luit Into the alir, mam alt t ailltrietratcatch It; on rthe mil of thé sttck. if alie auccéeda &hoe caqnts ane pint, If aho taillathe *yauth bèglua te tom s m ut, amdne g thèy pay in turo, and thée Oe n-li » liraI mseas 100pinte vina ths gains it If a auttr la di@laplmmg te e girl aiter I a feu tomes liè bande lier lut ma" . stick te hlm nith ma n tmatIon lIai r she dué e@tMcire ta Pl"., mmd la cor- tesy lié la then obllgéd te lemve lier tO en-n devices. a "Big Thunen," -n uveey Young w«emomde ae cemlor et bisIrtbe, am" n aI 17 lie teek au celli te CaMMEIt te a mèeéy7 thé traditena et Ie, Mmd t- le tell everythng jPot malt hâd hg> pee. tormerly Whliu a Penolimea Yeuth n-alu lové, h vould no te *0 * péessmkr"et hmbis le, am-klnglbe latter tae peak for hlm dé th Perents tt etthe gilt.Ifiich or deeply lalm, 14 b.ho UMd le nith hlm a Pl" et r. vglpmm ot 3,000 or 4,000 beado, nWorth $W0et $o. Thisa n-me givea bylm fte 14tIs guA'enmor guédlmm et theé gil'8 »e~dge of hM lm ftiUon, mA" V "o.esmkee" stthle same lime uqUJI ILLINOIS GRAND ARMY MEN AT GALfUBUUG. Wst Lever Ralrend Parces forn lés Neeimg-s.aetVetesame ont ILa- Eles' Oruamlmmieme AIme ta ness UA. o5eilmon fer Commander. ?rhîWses the DMme- The lts éG. A. R.Lé«campaient vwu bold at Gae*nrg, letlnMt Teidai. Ils Sens «J Vet#rue"imebld tbefr es- oammanet lImes, srnlg lieuday and gwtblgre-ovna ammlt;yapprancesb Pilasetytentaeanos asClleecam-. Pms 1e e ore vasiIdéal, and lIe tevu wuas sa" adel toaell deemtd, btl hblasebuidnsmd prate reidences. The orm at- tthe cty and mii the soelm ulted l lu stoulsils t gulaaed *Id vmmorm, sad evsrY dleglatien wvas moiet m the depuis hy reseplion-litl-_ Issg u lacrnlmgeeand brou banda. The grand'parade tbel placesati P. ni. Tussias. Gem. Clarkmen, commander-La- chiot Grand Army efthle Eepnlllc, unS aeIl 1hbusd oe l. e, ull Depsrtièent Commander Cadhran and staf ai tle boad et the third and tenrth diviions, lu vhlcI ths Grand Am, ponts uarchmd. Tveaty-nlno Posem ers epreeted by full delogations, end ethne voe.preseet lu lasser numbers. T'he cheft oyanît flte attemnoon vam the deSealatinefthlI corner atone et Loin- bord Tlhivruft gymnasions on thé collige mamp& u.Ti s uendier G. A. a. au- ple. Kuaoz Coll«e.u-as net te le ont- doms. for ber cadets tnueed Gem. T. 15. Caiki-a, the rommauer-iu-chlet, te go ta the collage clapel and deitrr an ad- drs. Amaitri Bodie Mmml Thle Beoa ot Veteranm and the Leadiea' Aid Sseely, anxillmr ta théeue et Vel- erans boidt!tm tu iitial meetaingsTue@- day-. Col. Dnsttm, thé deprtueut com- mander, presdd ever thé tormer. Gueste voes0. B. Alibott. peut commender-in- ciot, and Pat Division Commandera G. ]E. Huribut mmdPrank LU Sheperd. Col. Dostin'mreport shoued »senly-eight cammp, ith 1800 niembera, a gain et fountemu camps duriug the Yser. The cemmm$er nscommuedd the etmltlah- mnt o an ofiecial pper and et a coun- mltmeeta look atter tle inereetaetfthe organisation hetere thé State LegllatSre. v. e. ccRRAN, hE?. Co. lu lIs session of thé Ladies' Aid Sa- eWey reports uheved serenteen lodges and 3W meulera, lla Kato Grainer of To- lado, the national président, made an ad- Tbe Wemm'u Relief Corps coucil aise met anmd tte e ommides attended the big camp firselu the Auditorinu. Forrest P. Gole, Mayer, mae thé- ddres of velcoeam. patinent Commander Coch- ran rSpueaed and Col. Lavlér and mauy ote sfolleved viI reuilicncee. TIe vaut audience atîndlng the camp ore apphanded igorouely nnDepatl- ment Commander Gocîman derlared vele- mnir iyfor Cuban liberty,.mrieylg:"W'ile ve nov case bli 111e for van, Fit I cen se. trou lthe gitmuofetyeur eye and the glov ut reux tacs lIat ion vonld le giad te lift your arma once mors in hébli of thé oppresaed tla Cuba. inlng tibm libety and brotherbood.'" WnmiLover Fanes. Wadussday thèeevas a aenualional Iglt fer a laver ralroaf tara. I carme up over s motion ti heki the next meeting lu Streator. Betors lIha vas Put a motion &@king fer a 1-cent rate vas lttoduced. A motion Omealhy prevailted lIat lIe meet- inte héld at Streator, provided satlaf an- tery rallroad and hetel rates*enu héee- nured. Otlerula. lIe council ot adminis- tration ean eedèr thal iltlle Ield elseuheré or nt ut &IL. Under the lead nomination of offineru, A. U . Sclmpff et Peoris toid James O'Donéll of Chicago vere nominaied ton cor.miander. encampuént vas addressed hy Gen. Clarkson, commander-im-nhiot, vIe unged tls encarapmeut te protide for thé rein- statuimnî efmambera dlacbarged léenua. tIer auns eepoer ta pay dues, sud recula- niud tp leretir aocb provisionu hée mde;LIat Ié1pon net ulihé diselarged for arrera. Héeais reeommended thé formation et citlaenseraal uitl lIe Grand ry u si onet IL P. Bamu-nofe Wauketan a elect- ed suaisle.nommmndem. Cmmader Ceebrnlm'sAdds-e. Commande W. G. Cechran deliveréd hlm a»mI addrees, lu ubicl lee reued lIeevoeata ofthleYsear. On tbe snbjeet et ekesping np Ils meubehip of the ponse mid: Duius the @lvans My s0ection but on. Iateit NmrilDay. Howeyer ej. L m la peut fer thee rgklmtlan etman Umve a. ieOi apst d ae sdsIr a lu s mtanemu teaouerayarge- The X~ 0'Au, sUeeil te ils ens eto Vstemm etel lI fedels ctgcleus, Prialim --mi-M r . R.IL k, Vent fr Vies Pmss"mt-Mmnmary lss06611 CencI l etAdministration- (A- tarF nae 1 re, enir Mirt. N. feu Prinsen«: mndu M m uis Whlfen. lNe1i. Chiaof et Saf-MmMary Wasbhburu, Demtdateua. Chapietu-Mra. M. Rtack. Rock Island. lneagtor-mim Claudtia Georges. Sprius Mumielausuld liamltllng Offir-Nmus Nsitte Cints. Naut St. Léulm Tnmmmuer-.Mrs.Won. Wattera, Loehpert 'De t"t-t.iàee éNatioeal CrOrantlnu- Mes. M N. Bu sale. Prineton; atarate. lMs. Mattie Wilson, Dsesîmr. Diridle Deissate-lirs T. A. Doraut Auroea; alternats, Mise àïMgret KPOetay. Peut lit. Lenta. ThselVemmaRelief Carps prescuted tie premideni, lMre Mary 9.lacauleY. wtth a geld avaîcî alaf other fayotslu bem report aee ecammended that thé na- tonal convention ho aaksd te, admit 0. A. R. memberas tanasociate mmmbergbtp lu lbe IVemua 2,1sfCorps. Ver tb.etO- fice of premtdcint Mm. jeanle Bras and lIns. Carnie T. Alexander uoes omiat' id. romp Fireia the Kviaul. Ther@ vers, many meetion lu tIe evelà- lug. Tbe natienal and filate, éBéiers held a public receptian ai the Union IRateI larir. Titesbig camnp Ores teoeed. At the Audlterlum Natienal Commiander Dlarksen presalidedl. ddnrssals versmemde by Issue Clementaet Carbandele, A. Il Thalli4 Oak Park; J. M. Parker. Marmbail- leun; J. H. 811h>., Chîegel; W. B. Ram- liton, Quincy; Wilm Parker, Rock iglsa, and Mary M. lMacaulay, Oluey. At Ibm BamtmChurchB . W. Welbhoe Galesbarg ronducted the meeting. C. W. Haley etflieunt Vernon vam dliatrmn. Speeches vers made by W. A. Jarrei, Danvtlle; W. G. Cachroin, Sulliran; W. G. Duatin, Dulght; Hamace 8. Clark. liatteen; lira. F. ..Miller, Montîcello. Minute asuns uer. led hy A. P. Storer ot Pana. A beantifoal dtmmond badge avas prmert- ed te Commander Cochran by the coin- rades. fthiaipi for Coammander.' >Tboredar A. L. Scbimpi f tPeria uma madsecommander et the Illinois départ- ment oethle (0. A. IR. Héeame ecte n the Oiritballot, necerlng 4M18 rtesa, tle10111 fer James O'Donncl ar Chicago, vIe meved te make thé choiee unatnimOns. The «ncamnaient rlesed Thnrsday eras- ing and passned remlutians remplimenttng Gaesarg on lishaspltmllty. A greit deal ot busines vas tantactrf ai the clotatng sessions. Amens other thinga lIe salary of the drpar'tment commander wam redocéd tram 8$500 to $400and liat of the adjuta.nt gearrel trou $1,900 te $1,1100. Thé fellowlng représrntaltvre frram the meveral cengresional districts Je thé nas- tional encampuaient unie electedi: Viret. Z. A. meina. Chîcago: second. A. J. cheoey. Oak Part: ibird. Z. R. Winalau. Chicago; fonmth. J. M. Balley, Chicago: itU. i. M. Vernon, Chice; s,,ftatb. Johu IL Cadiin, Chirugo; #,,.ntb. G. RL Lon, Wmukegmu:eti th. W. B. Watson. Aurora; nantis. C. H. Noble. Dîxen: teuti.. W. F. Crawford. Tayierviiie; eteventit. Rebert Lin' fer, Rmnsem; tueifli. W. F. Kenaga. Kan- hases; thlrtréatb. N9. A. ]ta. Champalgu: fenrteenth. Ir. M. Grant, Castes: iftécath. A. R. Graduant. %uner;y: slteéth. r. V. Itedlay. Bunker-Nflit;asvente.nth. E. R. Bartiott priogé*Id: elgbteez laO. Z. Ztm. moerman. Vaudi +.utneteenlh. y O.* l'aimer. Paria; tuentleth. 8. I9. Watson. Mount Ver- non: tuenty-értLewin Rrnghoff, Nash- ville: tuenyscand. Charte@ O. Patter. Cairo. Niew Offici Reter. Theme officers uer. elocted: Dc rtment Commander-A. L. Bchîmptf. Senior Vice Commander-N. P. Barnu., Wanbegan. Junior Vice Commander-». W. Rulaker Galemb r. Cheolain-Re,. A. R. Tailisa. Lewisteua. Mdedcai Direcor-J. R. Corbua. Chicaga. Canant let Admlluisttae-Cbarhm E. Tebbettsi. Chicage; A. D. Caduallader. Lia., flun; R. R. Hamlten, QaImcyý Themme W. Cole. Rocktenit: O. V. Avery, méetier. Repreesnt&tiveaet-mtus te, the National Nnaeempmenton Il. WlexRiglun; R. r. Herringion. Toerille; i. 0. Burdiek. Ceon- tralm: A. T. Darnes. Biéomiagteu: C. P. nox.Rock lliad; C. A. Pmrtridge. Wau. Ik=itau Adjntant General--C. Bl. Wilsaon. Chicago. Tb* Ladies Voe. Thé Weman'a Relief Corps eleeted the». ,fflm: pre.t-mi Jeante FBrae, Morris. Senior Vice Proddotnt-Mrs. Elizabeth MORDm& Chicago. junior Vice Pre0sdent-Mm Jenle . Packard. BlOoemigtoo. Tr.murerHete1 F.Brisol Bear. Berlry-M Ide . KYIa. Chîngo. CbP an-X sam5We. ID allmi. RILctive BordMms. Eiy .1 iO iangh, Gesaur; MM£1N1m i th Dvoe. à reF;lMie. Bules a. Sten l.Mm araUP, ottaus ;mm An Vck , ]lis Z. Nidentug. Morris. lnmtailug omr-NilmUitas,.Pecaton- Deietate-t-iarge te PNatienal Eneampuent -Mes. Laum NE BEaus, TmYlorvtlie. Desllate te National Ceretlan-mrs Miartius K. Raxten. seriaglId; lira. Eme IL MesmPiBon a teM a n C t.a Chicage; Mm ly Dutfy. Chicago: lIra. ouisde elr.Monmouth; mmRe80leJeu. kîns.Pentan: m uiy Wheeier. Pau Pau: li-eJila Al"utc, Grand Croisait : mes.* Clama Andrews, Ch icage; Mma. Carets Sheridan. Biira The éofflees ragre lnatalsd by Pest National Premident MmW.£mm alae Mmr. Fie J. Miller oe toiontel vu lu- dored tan national preeldent. Major Cadualladen, lu addnrsslng the conrentton, appealmd fer tbe United Ktatos ta intervene tn behait et Cuba. and wue cheered. Thé Ledies of ths Grand Army @eeted thonee officeral: Peeldeat-MEa. Cslherlae Page. Anrara. Senior vie preedent-Mus-. Olive Ratover, Ju iVes P.1edeut-Mes. Angudmil i. ter Reebilbe. &~émre-m-Mt Adle 3necioet 5aretary-NeIlie Wadé"On.Acria. Obepla-Mea. M. A. fleude.Abadn Cesaela-M5.A. R. Hove, W&cao ConeIl etrAdfmstsmtile-r.C amrls 1Barlu. Gàivat MMJLJil-il, Cflonmgs; sud Mite. Mary N. vaELb, IA.5, jCOnveae glati."a rstiU-Mrs. 5fh Wnu, Wmu dkstt1 t insutiet Mbal lnà . B. doue, Chflothe r.tlrins liaI ba one.presiden, vas pnesmtad viii a geld pont Lrodocmom Atdaparîmet prident's badire, lir. Z. R. ""urbeuseluWlnmou, Chicego, maltng lIhe ddieea. tieeabthse.ini ' ermn exét ba- i utmte u no as mste te. )tIe pest@ almil- Tb* 15m1 nnehbUe coud»rec » à* siSitLar <fa- *. utativ comu' Isoa d auîytoettie dmel, vida n-«sexaibled lie- mey, fie aan"tons*0 Paris 1 lu u173M.It n-m este tasslber, e- smte mI ember. et ustusmIm,"& d, n-hem fa luMe- About Sf17 bareuhîeisstnaheyrod '0 ",4ng t'lis wftig>ed tt, and sMe a" d drnk b aisilies s ng Wped. PontdUmoreo15 ie@Mid ttIpI ~~ ~ ~the precma et digestiefi mecaMred on rtyes v la them ule somâch. Tls édter héreot agsved.sowe WhmM thel étal rI=e. wllemud n-e zesly "Icase lt.efoed muest mir -t-have lien dmsnve lby- the aMd of nh mm se nFr .Itth a Telivid 'I. o014 St t ttIsVacme hi t. =11ts.88vonder aO,"yIl Miseb. Ik». em bu a-y là'aeh el lUy MUOedu*coulil b aye become t& i hseVfl.a bdtl v«e-~~7" bru, l, se Uv, 4ucleaa kata MWîl the lleu. m _______ SHOOKINC ORIMR OOMMITTED NRAR WAUKCLfrA. vilim km ajoru@isthe noesulse tiriet s. Former end le ville atm -Vires Oer air Wumlel- RaPed Ipea e iedie. A IleIset Narrer. Wtllamu I>ecb, a faim baud, WhI ee givre lodglns am" taod et île reidance et Alexander Harrta, eavealtby farme, §ve mle, trou Waub.eha Wla., Thuri- dey ulgIt, repeld the Miadames rlda moralmg by killu bis hbmailnd faesiy venndlg MmrsBarris and tuée oevmtu. The victimueft le trmgady m#s Alexandarr ilmnts. sed4a yei. lira. Harris, agad 44yra. Nelsoea licHeit, farm baan& geUM roule. Helen Veshach, aged 23 yesrm. Prrom ai acecents I usa a mcm brutal sud cold-bloeded doed. Ail île victime vers shot atter havlng tre&telPané la tle mant hempitalla manner..TIe Iv. vomen uer. shet atter tley lad pegsiei uni. L"D id". ARRER Ponch à breakfast, durnna whlch ho joked with bis vctime, uhile the other two bo anppomed urre dead lu the barn. Red Vornerir Lîvef Witt b >m. Thé murderér worked for Mrv.' Harris tuo yearm mgo, and uhen ho rode np tu the boute on a wheel and saked fur a nigbt'a loding on the pe* that ho did net lke ta ride in the lght ho.usa pleasantly recelyrd. ne sept ulth Mefloit. te hired man. and arome wlth hlm htuesu 46 and 5 o'eloek. Mr. Harrie and MeHoît went ta the barn ta mUti. Tbcy uer. sc- companied by Pouch, who talk.4, and chatted s':th them. The ulîking Wall lu pro gresa wbeu Peuch gbat Harris au ho mat milklnh. He tell tesd. Hefore MliIt hmd a chance ta turu the murderrr ahot hlmi thre times. the bale taklng effort lu the* hèad nd neck. lie frît nnenacious. and Pouch. supposing him deaid, dragged the bodies tojepile çtrefuse Itud covered them Hwalkrl to the house. uhere . . Harrisansd the servant urre preparing breakfast. Mrs. Harris told hlm toa it right doua ta the table, whlch ho dld and &te a hearty breakfast, tlking ulth the uomen. Wessen Aime Fait Vctme. llaving tiisbod, Poueh rose and with- eût a word ired nt Milas Veshacb. the bOll taklog effect lu her bond. $h e filtot the flur. and Pouh then abat lira. Harris before she realimrd what had happeurd. li. ltrdagain asa ah. frutbath ahots bit- ing ber la theed. TI 'he marderer atartrd for auother roam ubru the girl uHItp. yTEiMURuE usas COMMITt5D). etirrmd, end, turning. le abat ber agatu lntae lbbai. Appsretliy convinccd that botb nerr desd, Pouch turned lis alten- tion te nidiug the bouse, lu thé lape of fanding a large su of mouey. In tis ha vas not succensful. nà ait le foond vas a auom that vas ta m pockethooklnlaaneller oom. This he took and ibreu muay the prleibool. He n-ms seeu hy Nelsan McHoit, the hlred man. uho badl renived sellently ta drag bimeit out of the manger ubere be hatl heem Irovu uli b e body et Fermer lHarris. t>rsperatly vyeund.d and saîlufied ibat be lad net long te lîve, Melloit trawted ont te thé raad and iragd himtif lan the duit la the farm bouse otf.lueob Wagnerr 100 yards muay. CHARGES 0F BRISERY. Lerilultorm at Sprinfiod. 111. Bave a Genoine Sensatioa. There was a aensation at île Illinois capitali-riday mnrang. lIe cause of' ubieh vas Ibm alegatiou lIai a mon ans- posd la he a member of te Heume vas offered $2.0W 0 1 vole for the Humphrey hbis. The perseu rharged utth maklug lIe et- fer au hehaîf et the: street rallvay nomn- paay people la W. C. <larard, seflary of thé ftâat emetardetfAgriculture. The accusationnls made IF A. I. Hemilten et W-rt Cicago, publialer et the Jounel a vcekty paper. lin. Hamillens hbuinesm at opingoeid la Ibat etfcenk fer the comuittée of vhirh Charles Page Bryan te chaîrman. Acrding te Mr. Rauli tans@ tatrurats, Mr. Garrard anked hlm A. L. SAMIELVON. 'Whe Mfsr-d élaian aftamped buibaty. ta rate fer île Humphrey bihîs, udu îlhe Impression lIaI le vas Beprssetatlve lannîgan. g bn csned to ai ltn thîe seelet Landrigan 'apprescled hi.m ad sai lho vanl.d le s»0 hlm ontide. lMr. Ramille i ual knov enalor LAiMuinia.=butge op and talavs i l srqo seator ..mdam 5a Iéamie."Mr. Bns The voice of théermater la nov lu fIL. blae.-CaclmatiTrIbus. The Phihaelpble han beau endemed ta Esuhi. Pieu, Henelulu, yul yen le *aet.-Nsv TYork Pres., Tbe KansmasLegisiature adjourw aitlent peaomin a lauéalnt approsolwo tla.-lieuphe CommerciAPPUIl. Thes**lat trimmlusm"esebat beem de. etded la Ploiladelphle, Iut It remaue a eamnu lelli lu muet Chicage tuWiie&s.Ob cage Tribuue. The bicycle la said!ta hleclemlu the le atem la Pieu Tranmd il la malin hui usos dot is al» Ite esmeterles-Chl. rase Tribune. O0» itrous peila ltseofthcemegle Who dlaim ta, bave suMnthe aililp sla & lt lus uet au yel app.ered oer Ken- tocky.-Clevlamd Leader. Ladieos vie marry fer thUes ougIl ta fe. member ibl sttillJte examiner netiub qulte equale a v.l-rgulmted pattc@ de-i panlmt.-Ban Fracimco Examiner. The time mey cornte hen -the plane, grapl and the masrie hantera yul l e ude exlaaily euough lu the churel te de suay vitI choir rgîn-hcg Dlapatei. il la a peculiar cotucideece tIat the mm:ý Who "bates ta nse bléname tulate PR" ,' se alvays lIe eue ta drav attention te lhe fact tbat il la tler..-Nev Yare Commer- cial Adventmer.. 'A Kentucky uldeu bau just raMfed eff M dtstllary. Widou. rafledolaleolry: bho" thia csuhination muet bave mppealnd th th* gallant aud îhtrsty Keutuckimnl-BuS' tale Pixpreta. A billbas been tntroduccd in Iowa te compel every man over 21 te sbae tc tu every mayen deys. Il la évident thatsoM barb)er bas bren elected te the Legtisiaturs ln that State.-Rcmond Timnes. Ie Supréme Ceunt et Kentucky hem declded ibat etectrictinlapropert7. Peo'- ple teupl.d to pick up a Ie vire lIai dons net belons ta them aboutt tmk ea- LDg..-Bhésbn Grik. Almeat every day rasdetvof wf-heio are rsponlmd, bat the uhtpptag poil, uhilQ vai re-establlabed for the exclusive bese- it et tIrs. brutes, la ueglerctd.-liaii- more Amderlcan. Greek sud Turk. The Turkish soldîr n 'uilgbt. erremt tlry do wear bloomers.' Boston Gloube. Cireece alremdy has doucenough fiahtiDg lu a ueek ta asnt Cuba *aut ten Yeas-j Chicago Tlmes-Hcrald. The raloroua Greeks bave flot givrenuP yet. Tbey atill bave a chanîceéoaf illiaS their klng.-Ltetroit Free Press. ()mman P&a v;<Ilgel t tabthefront îmt lime te annez ail the glory vithout une af the dangem-l'Ittsahurg Neya.. Women are arums ta fight the Turkd sud a long aigh of relief iâ going 9P thrgnghout the ottoman Euplre."-Cble case NeovS. Pom. et the tirecks are evîdeutiy de" termlurd ta Nel the better of samethiag.q erren If t's enly their aun govrmment.-- Choicage Pott. King Gearge's vay oet muling bis turbei1 lent peopile m pparcuily simply la sit bâcla and let Ibm a,,aveheir aun vay.-lut-I tala Expresa. A remankable tfeatore of the recengi Orrek ,o'toriee appemes tels Itbat tIr fnl-1 laviug dsy the victoris nanally retreaL--! Chicago Pont.1 If tboe Cuhenerrespendeuts vi ihy ay tuay froni (irefet li. Ca k -ép 'a unIl iuformed an the progresaatEeof '5 baatliite.-Chirsgo Jour»a,. To Coi. Ab Baud and King Gearsej Don'l uorry about food mulie,. Tl1 United States bas plcntY et evrrYthiusl ta oell.-4-hcago Time-Hereid. Turkey amys Grecee trted it. (;r"e sea Turkcy ularted Il. bolt rom ti le of the' uster hi ook@au if the pouces d pI ped lb. Oias for thé lightlng te hegin-.- Baitture Amertran. If lhoe Européen figltcrs slonld emeri mun short et aMMUnîien utbcy rnigbtc ste, 'harec by hrcaking a feur chuukl Ibeir Damesand tIurllng ttans aI the tes -Clevland Leadem. A cabié dispalch tram NMacedenas ays, thsI many of the tirektIrregulara le l10 hlding dnrlug the daytimc." The carte-! @pondeuts gaem ta be lylng Iy day aud lhyl nigbl.-Oblciago Timca-Herald. if tle GreekaeonlId perfoethe appen-ý ently :mpemsihie by givîng lIa Turksai terrn Ic lanhaaing, Old Glory aboutît bu rua la the top oft lerY fagataf, luit0aM generaI prluciples.--Cincinnati Trtbuna. Pelitcal PetpeusrL 71. Ohio mun continues ta keep bti front fret lu the îrough.-Beaton lcra. Thr hon-t et a diappoiled politicien La about as effective as the chllenge ea f detraied prise fighter.-Nev York Jour- Dai. if lbe Cougmematanal Record evr alerte; a spomting deparntJ obn J. lugmila li thé umantarun it.-Cinclunnti Commer-' cIal. hou mnurh bélier rreryhody wuld bc. LM people would tltnk more eft Iei puait &Bq lem eitiheir pqiil.-Hamntsburg Stam-lude'i pendent. 'rbs ncw Kentucky Sroator han hema derlor. lauyer aud nacho teaclen. 1%04 lu a bord combinalion te béat, andit lemdal natnmally Inte Politien.-Balimore Amer-t W. inter trou David B. Hill'a nerbm t'bat liter an liles bis lntmPtlon ta emgsm- la. an expedlition ta recue s M rons orer-gerred condition. - Wasblugtoa1 Pott. Thé majenit7 ot Amertenssympama wilb timeece mieas beamtiiy sedoe sarnAllen, but vrry féeft leumab sudc a mlgîty noise about ILt-4 Mt.m Ilepublican. Nov that Rager Q. Mille bog'ij. ve bts evu signature lIaI Senates J ae macI, ue may expect a serieneot15gmd excitable apeee lainde"iaofethe senim- tion.-Cinclanati Commercial Tribuns. feu et tha oid-etyla, anl-of-date un yse mesoftheuavy. Barsela Agod ees ton soue Ofthle tn-acre SeWuIlAm dg s republics thet are geltlug nsaiy fer em othen revolutien ta suppey Ilmamie. ti cat- ------- 1Neye.

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