LIKE the- price Of flour has 1 have a good sUPPlYI give you Iowei' prices thse man who had to stanld î the ralse. ¶ne LUne of Negliges and Wo#ýkn« Shirts. ABO AàlMC£ LMIEOr .àdes' and Gent's Summor Underwear. r:qui Teas and Coffees. Best Coode and prices Co niectlonery always fresh and cholce. aWM Agent for the Rôckford Fiue Insurance Co. 0et ,ny rates, before Insuirng your property. L. Wer LITCHFIE-LD, lier, - - - Illinois. Wot y ou, esioui W"e, aMd the Muaer tm qustion ourft11?PW. c"M they aie pw.lvgIy Thst -114 w, elalathat vo 51v pou lower prie« . ibsuM po u .ewhor. W. aneno' sefllg .eMSd gradefueihaudmisuauj in, a" Vheyou buy beiyou gei whai Yofpal fo, evérp Ure. --Abco pmckage Cotise at 15c per lb. ~A AKodlgar orn 25c. Nn ou n*d, Wi "Of'Tan.s for aunsmer. entisa Complote. Dbaduau a nv fIsllinoiof iThà aFish aneo Sml olOa eller - Finilanis ATTHE tf:rgmitlpre Store. eti. Antique Oak Finish a wortn 82. 25 flt Iron Boe 7.0X 4.71 4.0O 1.31 Id% r% hand I omIvglp vl! net . Oude o. h 04P pr'IM A Meort Time Only. Rdosai LtebâlSeIL0 Géoc. Eeasy vas lu Waekegsu Tues- Notice Crie'. e nov ugaotber am..000..IBardon vas o Chicago Visiter Tus. L. B. 14c1*Ld va IluChicago PVmssl l sud srily, cf Prairie VIev, op"eu Bay bere. Mille Eebberger boa beau quit. milbut la nov oc.valescing. B. . Omakitte bougltsud shippeti = ag qumthiy of ceaednring te pât Barmen KiL" i moke a trip la Ioaa-net veel tu visâi friendsansd relotives.ý Mr. sdM.. Peler Lilclo ed ot la gnd Park Wodnoady visiliug Mark Andrevs, of Dlamoud Lake, las beau painting John Ayuelys place the pressest eel. vi in ge liasbeen out ounte rosd tiia veelitb bis lamnons Boucebol seving Machine. Mu. B. Doolittl bus beau enierlalu lug ber cousin, Un. Bullirt, of Chii- m8go, "bis eol. Mn. J. H. Cronlliite visilel lier %la- t«r-iu-law Mn DartIetI, of Evanalon, Lb.e athe aeeol. Dewall Crners' goua s ili lie slip poi luna 1ev day. tu Chicago, vhere ne vilii mo"ebisfuture bome. Tom Mcunle hinIs taIunies. ho ta cdlr-blinIb.obamone cf tepret- tient bora. fiy-neeinuthie oounly. Several members cf Lb. Y. P. . C. E. of Ibis place ttendol the rally a Grayale sud repar a very succosse fui moeetng cf Entiavorers. Wm. litu l made s trip 10 Ci. moovulaalu et Ttuaday asud seuls belwod ltaI ho vilIromain Ihere, b.ving securel à deairable position. Mn. E. B. Barbu lias bal ber loua furiislid vitit lghtning roda, sashau aieoCitns, Gobsrn, tlie Bulingiot Lliattuinga Rd Co., ef Burtidgtou, E.,.Due, cu ue.petor, moisd DeconseU recornrendb y Mri mngo admirersad sud meeting wit]: 2 gond aucceeshore. ' Thte scitolar of Mies MBrie's rou aocmpaniel by titeir teachet, iooka ball day'a outing ilutlb. yods Tues day. Ail eauJyed a goalUime pcini foyerssud playiug gaines. WAUCON DA. Dr. Welisvas a ily viaitor Monday E. A. Golding la erecliug a nov bos Mrs. . B Etes bas bol ber hou Mme Wm. Mrble la vsting frieuc laliglu. L. A. Smnith la etertsiuiug frieud irom Elgin. B, Golding sud B. Jeule vent t Elgin Umcday. 0. L. Merble vtaited relatives 1 gé maginlutiweel. Buperntendent Marvin vistel em mabou1lst veel. 0., C. Roberta in giviug lita store Dew ocst 01 paint. Q. A. Doula, _f MoHonry vas'g M IL.E, Hsrtoaala Jmit rooveriia W Tbe Nisiara ire <o., camne oui ig drill lest Mouds!eveiug. J. Freund bas moyed lt. the lion rmcmuiu vaeM liy J. Banger. Mr. 1. Omse, c Aura, maie I moter s short visit last veal. J. Douerbas moved bicliehusehu gouda into te Jobnson bouse. Ur. Goodman, cf MoBonry, P-s Ibrougl tii place lest Sunday. J. MCormick. of idborfliloasg ou reeýstte b. orf the veal. A. IL Johneon, cf Chicago, vau Ibis vicinti a tev das lu1maI eek. éauford and Lesilie Bennett, of Bi tingtoli, vers ou ou treets Sunds Ur. sud r. F. Tsggsrl, 01 Waul gaa, viisd ri, lovs bore1utmaiSndi Ur. sud Mr@. v. Evans, of Mlieni verthLb. gueulofV. T. imbail Tu day. P. Maimua andlJ. Smith, of Wau, gang vere ou ou stresta lb. irai cft goal. F. B. Green, cf Chicago, vil froendhansd relatives lir.s aturdai a Suaday. Mra. a. §T. Ladsud son Neti vent toChicago Sturday aud roitr Monda. Fred vynooop sud Fraul orton, Elgin, ver. Waueonda viitors Sot day sud Sunday. M. B. Goiding sud L. B. 0011 verecil! viaitoa atTueeday. Ehm brouglil a uev bile borne vilb hlm OURNEE. Ur. Austin boa purcbosed a fiue ti rouIgiifon. Mir. 0. J. Ormaby sud Mn. Yei ver. lun Chicago lest Mouday. Bai lmI etc Wates, vas lu Dr. Young vas lu Cllcag sud Si M«erdleltSainrdsion sinesa. 1. W. Gray sud amly enlertai compan! tros C~igolet Suaday T, . LSgry, ci Chica1, san Sundoy at lbe borne . C.Prndà MU..sud Mu. Appoeard viaisil tivq. 51 varreotn blitSurday The C. E. business meeting vas voey largel! allenledlulet Thur@ Titre.delegatea ver, appointe. 51Usd te C. . convention ai 1 m.ut u'dy, May 15. A gooal Mies HaUt I sliteun 6ity leso nu. WM, Cooper sud son ver. lu G~ golaut Mcaday. 81mw bohm are beooming 1e gent- msan Iis timte 0 Yeur.à W. oflen do more gool by o13 Umpatbiee tian by ou labPra. UminEdtb Tovuor sud uller wve i Cicago vietors lest batury.1 mru. N. Knut sud dangiler voee amoug Chicago viaitors Satnrday. E. J. Sabin bol te train bore last aturdaF enroule 10 Atiocb 10 visi hia parents. hv aorne of te gool bonacvivbav finiebel bouse cenng while ctbers have jet to eua. rougli ltaiordeal. Peuger «trsaflon lte Beitsud Central gonde le quite eMormnsflof laisextra cosoea esbavo beau ailached to ;lnortit bounli trains on tle central rond. . T*eas f te Dlamond LaIe 1M. M. obarcb yull give a SimvwberrY Featialwodueedy May 19 for the benofit of t.e churoh. TicÎits 25 Omite. Ail tutu oui sud have a good lime. The peuple mea ge. sroifrom hearinha&bout the airhMlOw salI a repoted taI fil fou 10 the grevuaia Uooeler. The report domaanf lg that aMy darnge vas e aed by anY one, s«ock 1111. or gardons domoliait- ed or witether the mouster vwa peeervel by lte otiusnaOf ltai loaity for fuue profil or not, Proplhey buliedlit sud no more e ili everlie seauor beard of il, asetin l belbelinto oblilon. goSe lt Ihrei. VOLO. ou Sundsy May 301h, the 0. A. B. w il bol lIeu? rogniez services lu Volo. kt Parliculers nei veeol. 1- Thero bacboasome very worm sud pleosnt veather the past wyod. MaDY iofte farmera lu ihiasecotion vili ls plant tou c60«nh15 yodk. N. Arrangement& are belug made to itol a unudaY achool convention lu ie ibe Volo oburc eticriti Aunday iu w June. More particuars laier. InMrs.Lauta Buson came borne lasI 14- Saludsy. Sitelise been svay fou montit. vieling ber daughiera. Mra. d Dr. Williams, of DosMoines sud lMr. rluasoil lu Chicago. l-,we expeet 10 bave M. Millert he Agroal singer sathie Volo clinrclitx aunlay afiernoon. Oui pastor b-o , securod litaservices t10 aslanluthe a meetings ai Mcficnry nei yod. sAU ceule sud bear the renevu singer. ig Tbe Grant comeiery aoclety meel- iug wvicl vas bell a# lira. Wate's vs. a very pîcasaul gathering ibero vote Lirly-ivo prosent, a number from a distance, Mitr. Oven item . Guruee a sMter of Mr. Waie, Mt. sud at ilire. J. Brovn, cf Grayalale, a number fromi Fort Hill. Ail veto pleased to lemeetia. Fox. Aller suabsence cf manY years site bas reiuned 10 spend a ieg va eeke visitiug friends sud nelgibora. lThe ladies of the Grant CemeterY Siocety are dearvlng great crodit for la lte work they bute doue lu beautlfY- ing tboir cemeiee. 3.50 vma aled e to thoîr treasury ai iboir 1lut meeting. Thir pext meeting vil lic the tirat In Frlday ilueuneaithe readence ai Mra. John Twedai Fox Lake. A cordial invitation ta exeudel te ail. Ur______ DIAMOND LAKE. F. Gicale enietainel n frîend frein on Barringion Sunlay. Mis. Stola Maxliam ban a nov îg vhool Misud , nride h toe. Mrs. Will Cooper and alter Tillhe for vere Chilcago visiiots Moudsy. Mta. Zlusman lbas nel reininel fret ]e lier vicAl 10 ber parents, but li expected soon. hie Mr. Fred Groeoe, moihot aud ater, of Wauconda, callel on frlends r>11 near ibis place Runday. Ou people ane getting ready io ,e accommolate the sumtnr ot lioso vbo yearly infest ibis village. on Mark Andrevs nit bis patiner Malt Ray, are pain g ai Rockefeller. lu Tliey have colleflralile vrk oau bote Ont mrchant la dolng a rushitig la- business. Evrybedy lîkea (George vy. blcb accounis for hie lilieral patire km- age. La* The, Ladies' CemerY Aasocîaticl My il meat ai the home of Mrs.0 -7 Mitchell t to -organise for the corni lsyear. Ail mombets aheullic proacut A geel rnanY of our People vste( ik- tho cemetcty Atat unday, therel, tie demnutraiing ihelr InicrestinAutbg verk beiug donc by tAie Ladiem Al ied Society. and Our ladies are lnviteid te s quiltut ai Mary lows on Tuesday. Tie quil 'WJ A io e be a prosent te Mns. Ernesi BlowÉ nuid il boing thotirai auuivetaary oet b vodding dey. et o Mr. Frank Ray sud ivo sons,0 tu- Lake Forent, "vwheeled" le Diamon Lako Suuday, aud vo are Iiorme Ung Frank baid 10 valk homo, evlng te mer punclnred tire. * Our creamlety lit lu fine tunuii crIer, doing a big busines.. The are making boih butter and cheea vhicb are of s vry superlor qualili iev Tht. apeaka voli fer Ou nov choe maker, vbo cornes bighly tecemmor( nng ed sud ham proven himmeif te lbe a ine; tborougily conversant vih bis bus Ou noam.Beita a favorite bore, makin honts of ionda by hie genlal du nm- position- Aller a sucoasful ierm of! 011 .i.amonilis, ou eflcient teacher, Mn. Je@ Sabin ta &bout 10 tale à vacation an th lb. ol vili close until semetime1 lait September. Itin a 0 o b opel t] s. ciool malageient viH &gain secil vol&- bicservicea. Il bas bonvih gra sud salinfaction tbe parent@ bave noe the remarkable alvancenut 01ftLb net oildren. Mr. Sabin la au carne Iday superior leaclier aud vo believe voul be deirimontsl le the be ~ 0interest 0f Our scbool sbonld a chant dale be mode. iLake Q ET SC R ES ue-- Frel.ondbr reba l l«W un th oriea Apply to gi.~ proved land. oDe'll geaiof in Bt tJner. Terme sud partionlars addrea o ,lon b. Loavus. r1le S LoAt 1Sxi0 An la bertyvl hnb o god vak. d0aes Offri LouRMs a WALLSND5E. lA yvlfle, Con, Plantera., Koyalone Planter@, lbree stlela, Snd the nov Bzadley Planter; alto seel lover barrOWn.. (. B SCuÂLa& hSON. We nov bave on sale si the ilation lier. Ton Ride Besier Commuaton Tickets, for between Liberlyvîlie sud Chicago, rate $4.70. B. L. DuBois, Agent. The Great Produclng Stalllon GEORGE O. 2:21'. No. 970 1. Standard undeoih trottina and pacilng rubis. aAud by laksnd Abdallah sa& (fu brother to VSorold. sAis of Maqd .) by ambletonlau Io: Dam, Fauany a. s fssi paclns more by a son of Giu. M. Patchen George O. lasa betni hoer snur, foal getter sud Ae bred as nor l George WIkes theavaL sire of trottera, a. t s possible to Ge re .1.tesr fegtl h Ii enonn0. Io th sudtaeof ber u thesa seonWB2.4 ube fohr I ilsan eog O a r lceA 1 Henr #III ir0. mr a yablte An e e .I ebilA ai lme opurvan = neso carhvIns nfo Al. of ervesled oa t -pronlaThewabo:: pricelinai, Broe n shsethat bas prsvn hmmllt bob trottr and produoer. Eggsl Eggsl ÏEggél NOGLRCon "D" vUMQOUN .I Brds of fiue Hackel, Lobe and Comb a speclslty. I bave nu more brds for aie, but vili selI ogga for hatchlng 15 for 76c., 6o foi 1.00. Invotigate before bnying elsevbere. J. P. WIL"lIÂM, Libortyville. fil. leli O a gno cShowshonno 12 Yeara Experlence. Since mallng rny at mpiovefieni on my re-aciing viieci, 1 viii dig aud brick a commun slzod volA, 100 foot or lem., irai; 2o fi., 50 conta pertfoot; nexi 2) fi., 75 cents; neut 20 fi.,$11.60. Prospecting vih 2 or 3Ilnch suger, no charges unies.& the evuer stops me fromk dlgglng deeper. For cleaung eut sud repairing o11 vells, 50 centis per bour, furniahiug mY evu help, &acsoboard- ing myseîf sud help ou auy lob near home. Thoase vho cannot board tho belp, wili psy 25 cents extra pet foot for the lirai 20 ft. aud the differeuce on au amount more or les., aecordlng te the abeve prîces. 5 Price for shesring and iying vool. i 8cents pet hed. Etimaie8ftrnishod for clearing up aud Or anY Other Job Work. Ail vork donc in good chape tmuet lee actled f )r hy cash or d1.btIlA, AIll letters ansverel on short notice, rviili fNUlparticulars. 1 JAS. F. WILLIAMS. Box 141, Libertyville, nII. A FINE UNE 0F c FURNITURE. 1- Eapels, Picture Prames ,_ Clock Shelves, Boom rnoulding ktWall pockets, Paints, a Paper holdere, ORS, il i Book cases, Varnishe., ýeConter tables, Glass, ,d Extension tab's, Putty, Ir Dining chairs, Brueshes, It Rockers, igrai, ce Couches, Mattiesses, Louinges, Cote, Springe Chuber suits. Etc., Etc. tg .A ISAAC HEATH & SONS * Liltertyville, Illinols. .0 Ciarenon N. Dursnd. Atornet, ai3 Aehlaud Blück. (Jblcago. Dd State of lliînoisP là coqnty of Lake f Business', ý Teachers' Training Sohool, WIII open Monday, Sept. 6. 1897, at Libertyville, MI., With a Faculty of Three or more Competent Instructors. colieuef Sindeuis vho have completod the lghth Grade verk CoUaga f he Iliums public seboola, by %kng Onr Academle Prepariory Course, viili e littod te enter the Fresbns clsa of iIany 6co1lle. lire e omor le", accordlng to previons I attalumet ntssd genersal ablty. schooAl'yeer vili comprise iiraea terme of thirleen veeke oaci snd a uid-summer Toachera' Normal DriAl of lve veeks. PeFr yer, Cash in Advauce ............ ....... $W 0 <0 Roaiesof l'uitos er ierm, ...... ........ 0 0 per teck, *..~.... . . vii lie Antructed six veeka diering July and Angust, Special Gaea 1897, Ilia sufliiclent number Join tu pay axpenses eftibis speciai terni. For further paticulars address H. C. PADDOCK, Principal, Llbertyville, 111. ýe Spring Trade. Icý Prairie City Seeders. Keystone Diac Pulverizers. The Hummer Sulky PIow. The X-Rays Sulky Plows. David Bradley Plows. John Deer Plows.I Keystone Corn Planters. Bradley Corn Planters. Steel Lever Harrows. Staver and Abbot's Carniages and Buggies.i Flsh Bro's., Wagons and Trucks. :Timot hy, Clover and other Field Seeds. G.H.Schanckç & Song~ .LIBERTYVILLEI ILLINOSj Midnighit, 2:174 FASTEST STALLION IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS. No. 414 in R. A. P. R. Foaied November 12, 1885. Bred by R. H. Pooler, Serina, Ili. If you want speed and endurance breed to a horse that has got It. TERMS: $15.00 to insure live colt. Ail mares dlsposed of after being bred. Breeder will be held-for service fee. Ail colts to 4~e set- tled for soon as mare has foaled. Mldnight vas sirel by Nigget, ho by Plymouth Rock 2:30è, son of Hill'b Bialhavk 2:31j, aire ef than Allen 2:25J. Midigbi's dam vas by Atarlight (pue.-r) 2:171, son of McKay Herse 2:311. second dam<î'. by Klug Phanaool iso f icbbadlî2-12j, Bavwiey 2-15j, sud alliera better than 2:25. Third dam iy Etbau Allen sou of BillAs Biackliavk. -,* Descriptive. Mldnlght As a fiene allack borne, standing 151 bands, volghs 11401 pounîs, la vory besvy b.d lanil sircng muscled. iel l-a naturel pacer, a fintetuover, and lias-a kinl, geuie dispoition. He bats paced a mile in 2:08, bahlu 1:03, qtîarler n :31. a 2:14 gaie. fl la oinluMoleuticouniy are nurly al paeerst, large sud amooti, and sbov groat apeel. F. W. Shervood", Mlligto former evuer, lna a re- cent lettersayis: 'Ho bus sîrel aatev coltsAn MAsoîî sud 1 lolk for nomeofaithora ta go lu the 2.25 liâi or botter ihla Jear. 1 staned Mîlulgit lu 40 races lu ait. vinning 30 tirat moueja, 5 seconds, 3 tîgîrds, utplorpI 1 sud dravo one, maklng a ou-enir-(-il rqbowlng. sud vnung a nice nom of nonoy. 3.trnag hils taues 1 sarted bue agalins&sncb nted hirr - snse FAdol 2:04J. Storm 2:08j, Jordan 2:11j, Altunut IirA. 2:121,lictaili 2:12j, Chameis 2:12J. Lulu McCny,iv 2:14j, aSud WilAJo Bosil 2:15. I ae aurprisevi fielia;-tnt gota srecord of 210 o r b o tte r, a s lie b c d asp e ela u t O oral rë u q e t i od e i. h vas vîiti the hersdes abat, meutiru.,il tt 1 Igave hlm bis record ai 2:17t. sud onuld have inarket lhlm 2:12 b.d 1 i viho. Be nover tAnilabo bock eItbr,1 place." Titre.etfMiduigi'.- colt. tout lirat pnemlunti th lb. Mc8nry Couutj Vair lust tell. anaO5~l aso L ut dbConnty Vair, lincompthtios ' -lir b 85140<f Onan1. Tb" ere miovai byE.A mu ., Ir r t -. tu