Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 21 May 1897, p. 5

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-0f A PolIar B uys a lot of Groceries, if you know where to take the quarter. The prices below wilI toit you where to go: 5 Ibs. Evaporated Apples 5 "Prunes 3" Aprîcots 2 Cans Salmon .2 " Apricots 3" Baked Beans 4 Cans Peas 4 " Corn rqts. Cranberries Everything at Lowest Prices at Truggs .& Taylor's Libertyvilie, Ill. Bring out the Wheels. Corne ln and Seo My Lino of- ' > fC D1. J A.1Wllleul MQBCIC& Repairing a Speclalty. Bicycle Sundries. C. R. Sherman Libertyville M.I pring mils 0 0 D Overcoats. and up $1.5 and ni, No troublai. show Saimpea. FRED CROKER, Over Bank. - LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. For or LUQ Deliclous Ice Cream Soda... Go to P. B.- Lovell's, LIBERTYVI LLE. 10 PluVtY 0CIPIONMIl M r PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. Local items oflInterest to Lbertyvllle Roaders. Arc t b"e «P N eauly 700 leude of dirt vere hauled The Bisehoi fafsory wv&aa old oz m the Park tbis veek. foreciosuhe sala May 10. The Chicago th Mim A. Dusenb.rry, of' Engievood, Matai Stamplng Comipany bid linlb.eith DaoOid PhilUips, ofWasshlngton D. C. Il 700 vontafl&à thahndvsgn rodbrep- rt.. visîlinfi relatives in ths vicinity. petJu.aie'an un hl, go0b For a beautiful bat M uMia..H.W9.a ugie. ftue gîa ba MI ne sud you vilI not dsappWSn..«vite idbn 32.34 té) everyone Ibis veêk. lItsa agirl asud M Mro. Leonard, of Somera, Win., in vsighed elgbt pounda. Wlit inlansi aiting her grandson, LAe Pink, and hppy u proportion. s 1fe. UmiesMote PeIEr, of Usage, la., la es Misn Lydia, Smith stteuded the Cook vlsiting ber Docte, J. Bl. Alianson asudhi ointy Tenhei's meeting ini Chicago faily and expectu go make un exteud- 01a îturday. col a&ay lu glbs vidity viiirelatives a The residence oif Mrs. 1114* Ellia on and fîleuda. go Par Aene i mchluiirvcd y he More uew dresad suait summer i arkAvnuelamuc I,îrov*diîyth nillinery aetru.= nie so. 32-34 . aitho.era bruoa te onra. or The Ladies' Aid Scidety Of the M. E. tî Tbo Coici ba li. cntrit ,r hurch wlll have a quilting in the lec- Bl nilding an aoldiion tii lardlen'a otel ture roofo the cburch Friday, May m at Rokefeller, 28, and will serve tes fron i tW18 p. ni tw Mrs. I1). C. Xuî,rade, of lieloit, Win., A cord ial invitation ta czteided tu a&H. w in speuliug a few iieeks viii, Jamies A. B. Cook la remodeliug the old Wotmnadfaîîîlly. bonne standing on the uortb nida of T Miao. E. H. Smith spenl Wedneedzy Cooke Ave. Ho la bsving s uew foun. and Thuraday lu Chicago viiiltiug ber dation put nuder il, andi t viii he eouqin, Min. John Sherer. occupied by 9. F. Hubbard and famiy. ol E. W. Parkburnt ln hnstJig around c. c. Copeland lad bis bock and0 with bis asseaaor' book, holding .rnaty log injured ?ueedlayy b bg ibrovu à iterviewa witbOur citizen. rom a wagon. lie vas drIving ln the r- 1 have ani 01 u ohirt valut&s vomis vhe bis ig &truck a atumpa resa éokirta, vp s, etc., tu 1* solà lbrovlng Mr. Copaiand ouit uâllting lîeap. 3is a. iora. injuries staie4i, wbicb are puinfuil. l* ,-A Vital ilubJeel' viii be 11ev. tbough net seriona. à ohn Lees Ihamne on nday minlg Acme Camp No. 17, IM. W. o! A. tgth lb. ehodist Epicopai charch. Wiitilgire a grand bal aud May Party a John Lee, lu atteruptlng t10 save nmrn th1e Tovu* Hall, May 28. Musie vii newlug machines In the depot lire Moun-baof nrnlshed hi O'Conner's orchestra *7y Biglt. received s severe hum on o! Chicago, sud A. P. glapies i i11s right baud, seorve supper lu the basement of boil. c Mis. C. B. Hayon-sold ber hiouseboid The Autioeh Nom . baS lu epnhiiah i ifects and lef t for Montana lenIt ri. the~ delinquent glaislest voak, I iay, wbeie sbe viii niate an extendod oviug lu an errer madinlth1e date of 1 riait vitb friendâ. - the maie, as given in ls@issus 09 lia" c . Luis aProtine lias rented the 5moite veek. Aun atlqîi nificant mta~ket if rooms recantly occupied by Dr. Canfond Mettra.1 Burke à StonrmauaI Smiith tn the ltnight biock anld viii kîuds of extra trouble notexliense. 1 occupy Rme arn the near future. For sommer f va o1 i Protineas. Yu~lSdtelateag Niliiuer.y, mill e I Carry the styles at loventie. 32-34 Largeat. lent, an<m _1Peut stock of nil iiiery iu tovnX There are a fev, very fev, people i 112%U. S. HULLUTT. vbo proclalim vilh an assurance thastc JuS Moore traded borses Thuraday makes one"fbaleleve arn, th"au an1 joat lu keep) dolug snmetblng. Jnd alectrie lin, la 90 ha boUt troai Ruaj botb Parties &0 the le"lDinde a big iiai!ifl<lOii 10WaUkeffl aie .557 i tling. Eacb Sot the boeut o! il. montha. Wa give it for vhgat lt Worth; 1 F. H. Burke, of Batavia, Il]., q>eciai ig migbt 1ho vorth more. agent for the Fire' Association of A peculiar dîsesa tbat la baSting Philadelphla vas bere Wednesday anid the skill of vetgerinaraus ia preva.tling appointeSl C. H. Smith agent for that amofg the bise lu the viciniyof Companiy bib is locriity. BloouuUigton, sud bIlled a large Mr. Brovn, of fi oake, bas rentai number. It is 0f UicnatuLre 0fpleuro. I. B Bais cottage on School streete. pneumnie. The boises are suddenly sud viil ocate bere. baving seversi sîrieken, and lu mont cases deatb good boises W train on tbe truck. enanea in a fev bonrs. Itlila believed Prepratonsare nde way fo th tebe lb. resuit o1 tbe long continal erepmtionat sr ndrae frcthre vet veather and the andden changes 70x75 fent, on the land recently is H. Su. r~ a utrci acquired by the Sistera of Maey, o oueof sb H. a.iH l nt. Caîl s d e Chicago, juest otb 0f John Olneans fulllneoem. ý Ci adm fari and near the Bockland BaSd. A toa Weil vas dng on tbe proposeoi >lie by Geo. Ont and Cbarîie Ray, of Wm. FQ1ler tbe praomnt veek, anS Diamond Lake, laim 1the revard plans sud specifications are complete off ared for apprebanalon o! the man for the building. Evaon ou heiMs»ait onteag A. W. Waldo'm emtidance on Park Ave. r.centlî. oH vs recogIzked* fom a and surrounding grounds make hie ona aeuitioSHe s ento b tueObf of Of the fluent bousesIn Ibis couuty. TO Police o! Laka Forent mand oofieisof succesafully transplant large treen and gigat City notifteS, vbo imunediael bave tbam lîva le a difficuît tsk, but pioeaee lu Diamond Lake sand Mr. Waldo's gronda vii ha abadedard *tetheir vflan. by bard maple trees Ibis summar, vbere Tesna etn !teLbry last year not a trec axiated. The lavo vile Benlcmeet igif haehLbeony bas been seeded and by aîntber . ye svineuaybe Senlng aS tb Meh on viii be covercd vltb a carpet of green, Eplacoa ri urbgce ncheg aI 730. vhich viii combine with the numerous pwudcuh c me agt7:0 ('ther elfecta brougbt ont tbmougb Mr. 1I Addiessa, nul exceodlug ten minutes i WIdoe tgenity an prmen a ontin lengtb, wiii ha delivered by thce WleiaingeuNity n pet t speakers. Ber. ueo. Coleman, Lake ~iI.siii sîgt (ounty Bible Agent, viii take subis therne, "lTbe Bible a Plain Book for ! Plain People;" tueeaiîbject o!f11ev. L i'v e ,lib 'terin chuch iilb.. -The Elemeut 1 of Permusnry lu the Bit;" Rev. John lAe bMooi.' Lee, pastràof the Methfflttchureh, lasio lss, a, tmtýdllesiu npoi il pa oo- ae n h il eurd b HW*sPlIs.Tbe doiloirwor ýSocety- t tismeeting Mir. C. F. ~ 4 Wright viii preside. Card of Thanks. K e 'leWe viah lue @tend oui hearieit .asiy md ma.aY ~thanks te Oui linS friands and uelgb- Emut altela dISUai bora for floyers sud other kinduesa es. Ailubifàsa Pirai dby C L ood aàCo. O&ULdnring1the slcktonansd destb o! oui 7» QeIPMillse t EOOi51wu5Battufatber. Mn. MO) Man. Coàs. Saîrs. !Prices For One W.ek Oniy, We WiliISoit: Job Lot Gtnghams Worth .10.... .$.07 04 "Linon Coltars............ .05 4 deButtons, Worth 10 to 15 .05 96Wall Paper............. .031 Scrtm.................. .05 "Zephyr Gtngham Worth 12,.o El~Neck TlesWorth.35 .tOto.25 Straw Hats............. .25 " "Litdies' chitdren's and Misses Àhoes at s., t 0 i Sound To Have 15. The depot, vblcb babeau the eaune. of gomach barah comentnl in a Ibing o!f1the Pont, sud visions o! a nov brick structura o! modern design, vlth covered plalform sud nicoly fuiniahed valing rooma and orne. make tb. entarprising Llbertyvîllians glaS vith joy. «"It's au 111 vind thal hiows no ono good," la a tile olS m ad nonaer more foicibly lma- traieS than by ltatIMonday's iae. The nov building should ba erocted naît lu anS o! course perailel wll h.emain truck, vilb a truck saut (f it for aecom- modaiton o! cars ith local !reighl. This vould faciltaI. the bandling o! freigei and th. U"agbtly box cars vould flot Shen ha standipg In front o! tue dopo sa s aun avéidahle noces- aitî vilh the olS arrangemhent. Il la boped Ihaltute raliroad compay viii ereel a structure 1h51 viii aid lu lb. beauly o! oui village rather than de- tract trom 1h. »naînaadvantsges ber. fou" for sommer boues. There la ao quetion utth11e impression gainai fr0ouicar ilroad station sud it. sur- roudlas, hy strangers, bai mucb tu do vith aiding or retarding th1e growlh of Our village. Amotta MaunsooPe. Coder the joint management o! the ladies o! Laboide CaMetery Associa- lion sud represeutalives o! lb. Amel Magniacopa Company, of Waubegan, a novai sud vithai interesstng enter- tainuient vas producad ut the Union churcb lent fiiday, Saluidai sud Mon- day ntlbte. The magniscope la lruly a vondlerful invention sud presauls lu reaiatie manuar 'movlng pictures. - Tbe program vwas Inlerspersed a lit âonga,ý speecbes aud orchestra seiec- tionabi Amt's pbonogfrapb. W hile tua operalur axpeilancad some dit- ficuly vilb 1the maguicope, oving lu pour ligbt 1the tirst olght,Saturdai and Mondgyai ngbt a mnch botaeffet vas obi4n. .Whlia tho audiances vere notase large ne the enlerta lainent meniteS, s goodli suvas netteS by the Coeaeri Association. Soeamiscreaul !ore.S su entianes lu P. C. Smith a sons@ store 1lut Sou- *q~y. igbt, bot eureS but litile' p4n4ér. A coupla o! sweaters la tua aieut, àasnear as cao heamacrtainedi à! sii "-pick op.'" Entiance vas gai*ei lrough a rear viudov, a coopeo!holes aving been bored la th1esaansd th.ecatch turneS hY Mea» oi avire. The bran., bit sud vire vouefoond eart11e vindov. A amâil vatah dog vlth a large voie Ia genor. allî lett tu th. store but Sunday «night vas ai M. Smih'a bouse, anS 11eMis confident baS tue Sog hbeen la the stars no on. could have enteraS vitb. ont siirmcting attention. These petty robbarleoccur at almost regular n. servali in Lihartyvil. bot tb, offend- ers viii aventmallho hacaugbt sud brougbt lu justic,vbenutlile ienienni eau ha expecied. MMaiblFiesusua fels cerain thevWu*blsatmo!01local parties but ne Setermined effort bas been made tenSiscover Ibeiu ideutity sas tua&Mountistolon la sivais trivial anS tue»s sffering nsilUbia loas geenxay prefdrtte. materbe droppad. Their frequarny SM. S»07»«nae l bornaite u 4i pufehenieoo 11e robbais. Our buneffl mSbave about eMMnittauo00"4« patn a4u«'Ïl, ssa M. B. CôIby &-Co* House C len ing T Ime In nov the order of thîe11&Y, Ve have thie 900& 1 will assiat yotî îi n aking your lîoluea look' k4m a attractive. Plein Windov. Shades wIth liXtuirea ........... ....... .l A good Paper ithade with border, C!implele.............B Best Plain Opaque Cioth Shadea ..................... 1 "Bordeîed, or Fringed Shade, worih 60e .................S 60ct Lace Cuitiaina lper pair. .......................E $125 Lace Curtaina ....I...... $2.411) Extraleiîgih sud uillthCutalum ... .... Large Chenule Table Covers... ..... ...............E Beavical Cheue, Beantifol Paiteraiî, cbeap ai L ...I $1l50 Funey Lampa ...........I..... Fsucy Ciuavaie at about bal! the regula;r iAn. »>Ont fail 101ook ai Oui linao!f lassware. e a. , 144 11 Md V Yon vould oouslder thone elegaut uev pall.smobu* double tuai pries. IThora la no utour, cleanar, or botter 'Xitchenwïre » il Granite or Sfi naunled Ware; We carry a fuIu » 4 jr Have yen s»en tuceeLarge Framed Fruit PictreaatWU4 UM~ liSmalîar oneeatai76c? The Trames alone are wq >. What do 700 thlnb o! that Enameied Photo-]PraM, E % ad Mat for 10c? A Quarter vouid be cbeap fat %W a". 20, 26 sud Me cgrade. 'Our 40e Fancy Walipocbels seli everywbere 0el»f*r le, We Mlo carry CIocb Shelvas, Bracketa, (JIocks, LeeUl l Bogs, Poney Baskets, Dustare, Broolas, muid D*NP"6-0 Useful, àK elias the Ornemental. tOur new Dry Goods and Shoe Wtili beia tFrtday or Saturday-they are Up- to-dah In Style and Price. Libertyvil4, - UCMoôL NOTES. The electon o! the Star Dehaling oci v ill hao11.14Ibis affel'ooo. eo boys aIl vant a girl for '1 ai use. They 111mb il voouldho ofui aie lu bave a girl ewscot tbm, W h. reatruni. The girls ail vant a or for they (th1e girls) know by perience. Lest week va tasutioned the f act bat tuera vas a atrong suspicion alluat bt a leu o!f1the jurymen ln the enut lavsuit voie "fliaS." The spicionwvas ua groundies for one jthe attornays for 1the piceecution * adjplti ihat some o! the jury- su vais informaS beforaband. Mand Wbeeîer,£essie Trlggsasd [d1th Colby visitai the Rockefeller chool lait Thisaday and Olaylun ifplos, Bari Corilet anid Loule terman visitadit il idsy. The boys id girls blielatnded tlu go together but th1eluabililti of the boys 10 tain a rig rasulled lu .ach going doue. Tbc pr<gram IltFridav vas very god. <lau. Luik rosi] a place about a ange wlicb Iut uanted blm. Ueomg. dwaja id i ke mlem. Ernea;t Uage ruS a seléeliou sud 111cm came tbe 'bo by Aile BoySain, die Fleke sud boule BouS. Il causai mucb marri- xint. The service o!f1the Sgit. ai Arius une requiied teascort the actresses 1w) ioii places as the Omgan. Wbheu Ibis Vas aceom00plished tuey gave a short sleetioaentiied Peter Peter a'umpklu Rater, vbIch vas be@Arli applauadai. rbey objecteS 10 givlog another aleetion unie» the Sgta arma rouIS aglu ascoil %hem te their sapmeive placsa. Fr0. appearanues on. would thinI%1h51 111.7ratber Ub.d tc ho a sone oeciafliby a bandioe youug fman. Prof. Davis maS s poes, tben Clava Priere"aS sot o! perody on the mani. Basai Soud radIteS a very iâne place, vbicb vas folloved by tua readlug o! the Star.Asteavssmlie.11if àspelling match vas InaugaraleS. leo.LusE andI ls a bdman vera appoiuisd as leaders and Walter Bond as manasger. The resuit, vas a île. Deoration Liai Services. John 0I. Bagan Pest No. 742.vilI ibsrve Nemniial Day ln a nitg, bhongh unestentaicus miner. fBer. yies. ili t>. 11.15Sunday fiernoon, May 30, nt i 'clok intu e Union chnrch vbieh the lPost viii attend in a body. -Bey. John L«a vill Seliver an aSSie» appropriate lu the occasion, hie subjaci haiug «-ene«" (lantsa Ldvlce." Aller tbe services ai tbe ebnich ithe posl viii maich 10 the oemeltery anS decoraevitb loyers auS vreatba 1the graves o! Ibeir Saad omrdm. They extend a e«r"a nvitatioteluthe public te, participai. .1111 $hem ni luhe1services, and thers sbould ho a large atiendance, to nonor th1e momory o! oui dend tbercas. IT PAYS TO TRADE ÀA I. B. Colby & COs. Se. Their Bargains i GarpotsCi*erlasWaiI STRAW HATS. 0f AIl Kînds at Lowest Prices. IlEFRIGERATORS. ('ail and see sur "New Perfection"i Hardwood Refigerator. Utiarcoal she.théd, DBy Air Circulation, Hlid . Bronze Automatie Lochs.' Leave your or".r befo I hot weui*r. W. viah luo eil your attentioni l 11t (ilaseare, vhIcb vo have lataly recelve& Joal tae*aà loubE l windows, anS sec the bondsoma Magnolia JardilnîsMdsaiWaattt,, Fine Bicycle Shoes $1301 Jw

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