Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 21 May 1897, p. 6

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COHUPTER V-(Contbl5uOd.) Ine vas ovrpowcired by physeia tel fatigue. sud t.ii loa sdis eteep, frontWhic hob.wvue md hoecilug et s boosemalieaithi blron t W&»dlcuitauthe etabnlgbt lsnuary morilul, tu athe martels Wb" bai eMet *ienotice ai-e ho aitsa11WdsY- t Weivascareftu 0exmida.tle sd tound tbt itvaes M t *fr ooetethe Wall, lu tie «ener ~.piht trame ai bbc hesd et lié ~ Wabcuseai email emioussld Iton whti ere tbe bars cromed; Ibis *abyon s level iti the hoad of 11lu bhe middetheo oramnt anivsd hebiud thie bellov tees lthe Wall vhlcb proved on cane- Suet vine. This, Armithwsite debt, vas lhe epeulng le a tube, p'tnet tubes vbich, iluirdadtlug hiptctejephone, tormjed sutannions ~ tcommunication' vltb another M -le bcd jugt reseived. vilieut f ce or delihratien, be kcep is Pt tu1 inseif. tehen hhein rdan-0 Sk et a bisdoor, sud lbe voire et d Il ugbasekier it ho vue rendi for alaphiiev bas t e houot esily, aud Pj hie bareakfasod " M. Croomount se tici vont dovu abtire. As eam ete the li e tp of thoe tair- UM Crosmout met lien, cominsg '*a lecorridor frein lic hack ut thef Obe i. oed very fneub aud sveet.1 ~9dsgene, i suppose?' nsk.d hMr. ~loag.ago!liBens eing tu lunch Orsge, sud vou't h. homo liia lime," ce. sai.rd, auielh. led bte "I tig taom, wtecebreak- , a a&Wnice qMuoaleulArma- *lhmueh lut~ es, ite is ad-a ltbe DoiiyVaudounonsu adbî hie s aieursuce that M4lsft the breakt table and aet -the v,.locklng. ~~~ettp gllug, ie-grevlag lvy' eUhtw4adm vrgtreeua, sud 4t the e te II sore oet tehe f, S.e uU8Ii.ddm.17 soppai lu bondheu ose.aide la as ting t» ha muid; th e ddod aftto a ýring vblch a ort et dead <ain-r faDle. ufos hie ulece: "Bieigh-9 Ilpoie a&pin fer s memett, au- $XSlg1eg oeth ele clad coin. quit.e admoppeâ. ",anor' criai Uncleie la amitosshueut. "île sboppng m3 r et the site," suiAima Tben la exlanU stine.t=rne =»vister: ."tla l [dy Kidoa-lie et i bhnhaud'employr. Ten beh.gtad la me ber-ebe le quit.e a mtdbeasty." S.'4hve ses. ho," stamnienod Arn- 11113 etf imeoithblodbiedhd ruchai w0iube, bfa". Ai s.MCrusont look- ad i iil. lhoescw vbt seemed 1k s ,-$ of il.appoltenl coin. ove? her Uiftwe& n Te seat moment eh. tese lead- **0e a i wte lie dorglandaet thlie ta 5 te teli er.1 -t"ai S.te«"dà"udannnccd tIbs §à~ Wàà " in lutbbcdravlng ron. . i U «W eut. Ama valkod Ors.i, 11164 eacbed th. drawint mmroore, an gh. veut. chen ber povers mWk 1 tal ber, sud talllug jute silence, eh. Btond for a sec- w'l gdi lutent, luploring oyeo4, o p laIe the pouug doctora face.g Sre.nmed ber clf-comnand, sud te hlble eopen lie duer ton hon, ~ Khdesusbigtbvoice, eleging tu herseit, reached thoîirs. CHAPTÈR lrVI. im Il di more ton Lady Kildousu; ber. Every brilieut tînt ý*ilg, lie slveny sheen ou ber yei- luster ot ber bloc eyesl, sud oqee eelh b leb hah heed every s0gkt.laluilgt-hsartsd laughton, a 5ev sud mon daellug radisuce >Obm ~ hgtofetthe sua. h. vas ou h. fllor, pisylus vlîhbye ot e àk sm"rrychili: aud as she m pen th. etauce ofthbe minimese - beue, lie retriever bounded aud bafre pavc aas t ber waist In tat ber qulck nioveneul vas et lie gaine. 5h. vss dreused au s nan. lu- a talor-made - .4 -irlmu lobh, a bat 10 match, a 4"em tralghbt ealier, sud au eW« urenet eachtog dao tebeho S e t« k» a ma*'@ overcoatsud liard 'dl Adq* sable. The cost ewun»ut- *@W o a"mi irv open, duepimylug the qa 1esettaa llt figurein s perfect- Ip *mtta dree.. Rer rigit handifirou -col h. had dravu athe glcve'4rbile Pay- I«sgvltheh.doos v*$ vhitea" 4mM; t;1h. Ssii vs cov«ed hy as ldeldrivlng "Deu, .dovu, dova, [anc.,!" cie nid, am *a. cerne tervrd, brLmming overwvlhh *loIm"Ob. Mms.Croemout, "a a rie 0d. ber touet sndienly * te mock pilutiveneei s ai"0 bla hoM wfibiAima, and eurvey.d tho egepriosnglm- va tallady vore bouet admiration. '"Tonalvais A bietur: bel If* relly tue bard .t'a i d sivaim salne, 'Ipo de ike Mms.Croteucel? tisa yen maie yen, froci lIaIs chat a man alvcys S u W l'ieoveesd wliiltt bite auj bbatbeuus adboa-Isst Il, t u te"hbande vibb Wb*h.wu Mlllug upon her ldlet massier vb"chWvs.thc ftotr rom, abadote adoe- MW M» hammld te hmurt te choc 4Wt aiMpeu maie iocr ove potev oelend f a nedie, M à"t.Will ou wlhdrav secilpe« lha terebesi. 8"e appore te nte "Iaaineyer forgtmur incident con- nectedl wtb yen," Raidbel bowlg. "Ileam murs laialeneatnt very prieut, eebot;obtabosut hait tlb. linge 1 de, se net isuci te My credit, -I fer- lhon ah. lurnai te Aima, sud irawing liaI lady'e arintua r ovu, lai bon te the sefi. ".lve called aithisuesrthii heur te &eh ye ousmetblu,," aeh.Rid, vlbb pretty serleueu, pauelng ber ov seit dae caru.slgly ove, the otbor-ladî's envllllg baud. "I've Juet met Mr. Croe- mont libn -vilsesd 'h. tells ne peu are peltiug quite lii and deprcseed because ion neyer go out. And se l'Te come te uni yent le lt me tste yen back te The Crags viti me telunchoon. We'vegel a fete peçple bhene nov, sudtbhough 1 csn't plesi that bhoy are hughly Iubenoablng. etli ieu'li bave the satisfaction et gîr- Ing tin plessure, ton they've ail beand a gveal demi about yen, sud sre vony ans- loue ta knov yon." "Tbiuk yen, Llady Kildousu," Raid Ai- ma, c-llh colduess vhlch could rot falite arsem outreriones fter the effusive ivarinti of the Invitation. "ltle cary geai et yen te, ink of me, but 1 have a vory groat ais te do d-dy, and conut saaitmy- self of yen, kinema" "Oh, don't h. se disagreeublel" criai Lady Kildonan, poutiug 111e saspolt child. "TYon neyer viii coin. aud see me. Yen are as tonnai se if vo vers byeoiod dete- agers. I vish peu wouldn't ho se dread- tulli dignified. Yen remini ne et vhat 1 ougbb la e ho ili teose regai aine et "Miy position le net the saines youre. if 1h dre, 1I euld net requine rotai aire slier." Elh. triea «Y t is le lytully, but Arn- Oibvalte, tebo knec, more Of thé. situation than suybedy gneeeedI detectod s heurt- armai break lu ber voire vhich broughî à lump loto bis-thmtoeI Lady Kildonen, who seenci bout ou conclllallag lhe ether lady, bried à diuRerent toa, sud apokc àgain witb a plaintive auto la ber voire, tc,. "Yonn position le, ai any rate, s mucb tappier ono thian mine," tee nid, lcoking stralght lu front et ber, vîi chlhd-Ilke bue eyat, lu a distractiug manuor. "Yen haven't Sot a hucbsud teho tliuke et noth- Ing but bis books, sud lookm st peu au if he theught Il a piby yen vore not bound lu SBie tonna ber oyee ianunily lu the di- moetion efthe gentlomen, sud ceelng . a numile on lhiîr faces, te. ol le laugblng utrlght herseit. "Nohody ciollevo I'm U' k jp; aud really perbams-thînga igbt, -e 'Ilo, abcemnid, gcdodhmorediy. "OnIy the vsy iu vhlch ion gide about vili neurutul ayse galas overybody's eynpabhy. sud moas meoseem vulgar aud bouuclug." "itles a question etfboluperamnt," outl lins, qulatip, "sud perbapsalaiseoe cli- mate. This lake country doeen't agree w1,11 me, sud i'm geins svsy ebonbly fer chaeofetasr." Armalivaito, tehe vs alkîug te Mn. Crosmont, but vibh eyra auders on the alert, esteastierca ligkb. lîke a flash sbruck traineel, daet ue et Lady Kildoina'n haudsome bine oye.. Fer a moment she maie n nesaen; lion, vili a bnlghî iaugb. so s ptanUu e o. ",Woil, I kuote illa sfet nue ton meoto say anythîngtot yen. But vheneven yen 11ke le comuinp ta The Crage, vo vili veirome yen like the floyers lu Mai.", L.ady KUldouan thon burned te the gen- tleenu. 'Unele Hagh, 1 kuov lblJe of no Use tesk yen le rouie te luncheon vitheut yoen '11111e eue.' I an dlsap- pointai et my prey ton be-day ai &Dy rate. Dr. Anmatbvaito," the bold out hon baud te hlm, "I Ebili hope ta e ou etaIThe Crage iu a day er bye." "Thauk yen a huudred bines," said ho. "But et this veny moment I ought le bc on ni vsy uorth, I vas detained hy su accident sud thon hy the kind hospîîallîy et Mn. snd Mrs. Crosmout. i vac mest Solugtbu sk for à Bradebste," Agalu bis eyrastoit impelled ta neet those of!'.%ra. Cnosmouî, vieRaid lina soft voit-e: "Ami Dr. Poche?" "Youi are goiug te sec Dr. Peele?" broke iu Lady Kildouan, hrightîy. "Thon I eau do yen a service afler ail. I un Soins te Branksome nov; I vii drive yen le tie docter's. Nov, no excuses; I amin i a he- nevoleel uiood thie meoruiug, sud I abse- luteiy muet ebige semebody, elîher viti tueur viii or aguinst iî. Go sud put ou, 1 yur ulster. snd preoue v'lleouee: for 1l've kepb mi pour poules waiting bro long, suad I eou soe biat ive vora eut lMr%. 1Cresnout's patience, Armatbvaite thanked ber, made s cour- teous speech te ihiesteesau,sud veut jute -the bell lu eeareh ot his evencoat r Thon the draviug moin deer opened. 1sud the ladies cane out, toliowed hyCUn- rIce Hugb, cho accompauled Lady Kîldo- nan te the gale, sud heiped hon Into bhe sleigh. Arnaîbvaile otelnlu eade ber. sud uobiced as h. did se the figure aud eaik outhbbcgroom, tehovue s alie @lin. lad of sevonteen or elubleen, Lady il- donan tes cleve n ugh tu penceîvo bbc look Of Cnrlosîîy lu ier conPaulou'4eoyes. 1, "T.on look as if yen thought yen bad icovenci a crnet," she Raid, ieuuhlrj, su sh o ok the reiue, sud the poulesh. agan le descend the hill. 4"Doctors are men to bh. rnneare voail kmcv, se I don'I mlnd counfeaît Ial if I bave te driv, a elong vray atlier dusk, sud vent a more 0muacalan pnotectov thon peot llte Marbin c ouli provoenlu nenergency, 1 gel Ned dCreemOaItle meeb neetaIPoggy'e cotgse, and ho bonrovu Mantin's ce.taI Sudg. viti ne, vhille the lad Iulne hie bc4s even s jnet fbeer MI %v. coins bock efrsn, Tou Meo, lu s Place 111. bile, aillthé nei&-dbonu' vouhd h. agspe il poor Ned vert reoguis- ad drlvlng me about albbougb ve've been playfeliovs ever miure te vere mitaislu r ferairrve of about boit au beur alsdj Kihdonan. polnting vllh ber eblp te a handeetue, modem, wanm-looklug, rred brick honte, boult lu lie Tudor style, standing hait vmy up s steep bill dbich àth.y bhai Just begun t e cond et a gabop. "l*That, oh, sîrsaen. s lathe pirate'& lair! Bp.vlh i m «eau onuli taI taed oetak- riug you direct 10 Bysb5e, i bave hrughb ion round the lake te The (.rae te, luncheon. And lb le of ne une ta Iry te proteet, hecause bbc deci le doue." Iuoeoadetdrnlg utralght up le, the liât de" olWWerfrot ber eshie teeb.e ne wleDMthe pretty che*z rastie cwk- wsndl, fer @h.vosesenovoY ea outitul, sad ret wossoeutrashttorvsnd sud sici- Pie, thst the action pertnrbed.blu ss" msde hie gwu usuner sellE sud shy. 'You cau soe Ned Crosmoutu bous fri ber%," she eaid, watcblug hlm. "«What s pretty teemmu Mms Croamont le, leu't aer, 1Y-'.,Isuppose $le. b," lâ.,eed Armativslte. "And more luterestlug tbau pretty.", "Yes, sa111.too lacnterestlug poor Ned bu found ber. 1 uuderstsud that sma sîlowauces muet ho muade for the 11111. teoman, ls camroe@ of su eccentrlc foin- tir. But Itlas s plty oh. doesu't put 'ber fauey sud crgfnaikty mbnevetc"]&or poents or soeotag ot that sert, for a ts.cful sud originlusi viteecomes ratào, trytai sometimeu. I'S sorry for ohd Ned. 1 have aivas beau ver fond et puer Nod,." a coutinued, traukly, tnrnlig te look lut" the Young doctoru face vlth as mile. ..le they lisd let me, I tbluk i vould have marriod hlm once. But papa vonudn't hear et 11. Ho hied gréât: notions abost the rlgblesuad duties et property, sud other thinge 1 didn't care a etrsv shout. Se ho terreted out s steady-golug gentle- man et hie owu âge, who might lho eop- po.ed te look voli sftc, the tsmiiy acres, aud 1 vas thrown lu te close thé cou- trsct And oc Nod married semehody oes, sud l'in dresdtuliy atrald hoieu't happy, though te do hlm Justice he nover toils me se." $lhe tld It vory prettiiy. witb juat a note or a glauce note sud thon le suggeut si deeper feeling ot endores or regret than teas hetrayed hy the teords themselves. Armsthwalte vas tenched. No mnucouid have lletened te ber. webed ber, aud net toit that it ores au Infatuous tilg that tbeee dalUng charma et yonth, besuty and brlghtnoes s boid hoietvsted ou au avaricions sud insensible mau tee old to plato, aud tee much abeorbed iu hie bokeu te vslue ber. But ahc vas tee happy bi nature te luduige ln sentiment long. Wlth a lionrlsh et hor long wbîp sud su en- ceuraglug word te ber poules, she drove ou again, sud sweeping round the lover aide et tbe park et a galiop, eoépulied up lho- fore the deer ot the bouse in a very mas- tonly styleof etoachmauahlp, lluug the relue tb the groom, and spraug te the gtrund ne lgbtiy s abird, simost before Annatbvslte lied tino te hoid out hie baud te holp ber. "And nov," shoe aud, "ton the oucbsukt-.1 ed palace et fogydoin. aud s peep int the resin et duliu." nhe rau up the stops wlih a laugh, sud lntnoduced hlm tatabbhebouse vith s deep courtesî. Anïuathvslte tollowed, tull ot intenest sud curloslty. (Taobeho etmnuod.) KARAITI'S £XPERIMENT. Upe.t Hlm e ih la the Truthfuaee Set Ille Prlssd, Tii. volume lu vhIcý tue ucaltoned sketches of hie Boutlilea, cruises sud &di@ulures by the lamentai Robort« Louis Stevenson have recenly boon collected tla for et hanm. epirîtsud humor. 'Ilbe authior. tee, de net liko too many travelors lu wlld regleus, de- pict tbe natives as meroly gontle or flerce, ai thc case may lho, wlth ne fluor dlfferqncoa et characten. Inatead, vo are Iutroduced ta e vide cîrcle et lui- endors each as ditlncly drswus a charactor lu Dickens. One o; the mIner pereonages is lie cNlet. Karalti, dis- tingulahed mnaluly for havIng, lu a land remo$e fron science, once undertakea a aclentlfic expenîmneut. It dld net. hoever, sllceeed. Karaiti posesed au bnquirlug minci. sud had gatihered a good deal of selon- lsblug information concernlng: clvillzed lite frein the captainq sud traders et hie acqualutance. They bad told hlm, for oee hlng, et the mauner lu whiei Eurepeaus and Amerlcaus emptey herses on theïr tarin. Iu conséquence oft Iis kuowledge-- sînce lu bie lalmnd the haullng, carry- lng sud generaliy the beavlest labor talla te vemen-be eeuefudod te eaUl tbe ladies etf1hi@ beuàebold herse@, thougb tebether as a terni et endear- ment or conteu>pt seema deubîful. Ho neyer, bevever, became lîke soene chiots, a lester hîmeeîf. Ou the cou- trary, hc was, ays Mr. Stevenson, "alert,smillng, jovial sud ludintouu, iaborlng bîmseit Dire a slave, though fercing bis peoplo e taboaicr like a slave- driver." He teek an lutereet also lu nev Ideas. once lho came upon Gorge --a trader trleud-readlnir a newesps- per, aud George tol hlm about a nete- iy Invented flylug-inachlne, of vbich Il contaiued an account. "la that truc, George?" ho nsked. "1 Ila luthe papers." replled George. "Wel,' thon aunounepil Karalti. "If that man eau do It wlth înaehlnery, I eau do Il vthout." Accondlngiy hie deslgued and macle a pair oftlinge vings, strapped thon> te hie shoulders, and going te bb. end ot a long 1>1er as a gooti etarting-point, launcbed hlimeli' bulklly Int space. Of course, lie Cauleclownu itb >an op- palllng flp ansudeîlash jute the tses, where lhe tound bim-3el!sa ii> xîuiibered hy hie great Invention tuat hc could neot swlim. Ho would pprlips have drowuned had net zooveral et bis talutul "borses," teho bad! been wsîching the experiment witi avre, leaped lu &fier blu>, fer ail native wemen svi> like fisbi, aud tote- cd hlmsately shere. As lho pausail drlpplug up the beach ta bis bouse, the beîlraggled vingn yet drooplng frein bis eboudera, lho met hie Intermant Faeta had been teoerauch e for frlendshlp. sud ho pauesed a mo- lment te address hlm, wlîh reproauÊ aud Indignation lu bts,%olce. 1 "George." lho uoid, elimpiy, "yen îil" a* George bud net lied. Net every sel- outlfle eiperlmenter lu lIylag-machlnes ba. emerged freibie experimeuts, liko pour Karalti. w'ltb othing worse thon It._,,,peopaa' very much on their couutry, htu bride. lu «Ma gowns, metie heé das. heyareturu- couducteras aAl thteharacwtoraup. lng thoir faces longlngly towsrd the poo@d te prenat ho..elvo là the. eUflUe-Overg hopefunI inther'. son aud couru, ef a railway jeuruy won .- dangbter of then aIl. lu ovory town yersonated. Fetd mmou f the pine and bamioet cty sud countrymide ofthe threteaed, but did mot ucslp, sad siter nation EndeaYorers ablde. ruuulng the. gauntiotet eventesud dan- The youug Enjeaor'ers want 10 cone ger% ee ..zpmbutil travelm s WT together laý a grand convention, and Isudedln a defflgtfuly lpr.viued Usa, .srnblt, oves if lncidentaily, they' Fraclmc, wbaue. 'ph.tIeb ciSsi long lu vitit Caiforula, the El Derado youag Chriatia daulu lu Orientai of their dresus. Pity 'tis tbat with coutume weleomud thon te oau expur- udit brotherly love sud trlondly long- gst.d edition of lphinatewn., lng should ho ulxed tb. uordld noce.Tbe rosI Bu Frsuciuco, by the way, slty of countiug theo cot. Money, pro- bad bestbe op sud dotas, sud gettlug sale, uncbrleia dollars, sud a goodly liuface wsed aud ita hair bruhed number of them, muet buy the rlght to for thst Rau. Obriatls Nudeavor con- 'partlclpate lu that convention-at leait vention. .ln the fleob. The Cbrietian Endeavor Socilety of. Wbere there le s wlll there la a wsy Mamoorie, lu far Indic, ba& beeu par- -for brlght snd euthuaiastlc young hape inogt tsrslgbt.d of ail lu pit>ars- folks eomse s suin wltb whlch to tra- tion for Ban Irsucuco' conveution. verso a contiuent sud hock &gain. wllb Dr. F. E. Clark. preeldent of the u- IncidentaI ipys galore. The scheines. clety, bas beau vlutlng Orientai coun- botb Individuel sud collective, for roie- tries sud orgsnlslug brouchai made uj> lug monoy te psy expenses to sud front ot young Cbristiane et mauy one-tine tbat conventlou would 1111 severel tut hesîhen nations. The. Mameool people volumes. 0f course Endeavorere are wero buzy wlth thelr plan, however, uueelflsh. That gees without saying. betoro Dr. Clark weut to, viuit thon. That la the reason thal no msny ut They wrote hlm lu Boston of s marvel- themi go to Calîforuls udxt July. It lu oua block snd gavel wblch were bplng ýanother exemplificstion of the "'uulted wrougbt for tbe convention. Tbey are ;'vo stand, dlvlded we fail" theory. Not of native woode lulaid wltb liver, snd every inomber of each of tbe thousande of rare workuianshlp. Dr. Clark teili et societitescan even dare to dream b. duly preeuted wlth tbe graceful or- ferlng, sud telîlbrlng It wlth hlm tehon ho goes to Sautlirancleco and no con>- pleteu his, jouïney sround the world. SIBMOP DOWIWAN TIri. P.iarch et Ch. Nethoiet Este. eel Cbmi. lshop Thomase Bouman, lt.ej"tri- ' ai'cb of the.Methodist Eplucops Churchà, le speudlng the. evenlng of bld - ~ lire wthhie dsughter lu Nesueton, Ill. * ~Ho e wIcontinue lu vear thetmndte of ecceltaçtcl authorlty, tu ho tth. senior member 0f1th. admlieitrative couneL, to &et no sdviaer sud a ebaucellor. H. - sud th. donomlnatles vilI celebrato, - h~ieselghtoth blrtidmglu July. Hie place lu the. eploogcy wUl hoe bonor-, Du. FRNCI i. CLARK. 517 rather thon sctve-4b.oeatvlty hi- Prooldentftee b. rlilu- EdesvorUeoiety. lug advlaery sud reileved of the trylng labor oftheii direction of the.coufer- of attendlug. Every member, though, OScOs. He. viiioint.lou the boucb of cau "'bear aud"n&'sud help to inake îî theb. bouuOf MetbOdia-thO dietin- possible for the. .oclety to sond ou, del- gulaiod revard for ai vouderful s bslU egate, sud perbapas &"oral. century ef religilot< work ais ay mn Tho e wys of raielng mouey to Bond ever gave luemR church. This work dolegatos are ai uorous sud au vs- coaipaiaod thé globe, penetrated China rled ai thoe ocletoes thenseives. Young and-Jap>su lua dvsuce of clylllsation, tolite are porbaps aomowbst alike the toncbed Norway sud Steedea. loft MOn- world arouud, but certaiI 11a that the umeste lu Geruaay, Italy snd Mexico, plans adoptod la varloue locaiîlea bave butlt churchos lunIla snd dedlcated SERVI2(G TUA 13 OBIETAL COSTUME. s ffaver of the soUl, sud lgit turisi epfotcarlas lu every Stato sud Terri- oppotunîties for the tudeute et ocloi- to«y la 1h15 coualry. The. utory of hb& ogy t0 deduct noeo ise concluiteon&litef.embraoe. more tIb meelue Iu Nec- Hampabire, for Instance, lie average mua ta tan thousnd. netbod ot precedure le decldedly char- Thi.e ibo preseied bis fOnt sermon actenlte, sud ruggedly simple. The c-heu he c-sa21 peare flrst plan la thîs: Cambridge han, or hellove. charge c-as s hersel>ci mission ueven- ot bai, 100,000 people. sud suy quan- ty mile, long am i îesnual siary tity of local pride. The Endeavorer as-i$100 cash, tront whlchc-a s oido-. vaut le seud as msuy delegabes as Poa- îueted the hospitalfty of the Metho- ihle, se tbey are sellung votes. To listeaslma theti.rde sud lie filfil douai vote for a delogate cotte but 1 cent, sud lion partie. c-btch ver foçced upon each tht. 100,000 luabitaute hlm. lThe 1Blhop bis doéc5ted more viii ho aseked tu vote ai eariy sud ot.. tan ,1Wochlureheedurlog hie con.L as bis disposition Iprompbe or hie ânua- i'hm jý li ssetrlualie ces permit. Many young people have tnieudu ebo vould glaili centrîbute a part oftIbelr empennes, sud thie arrangement maýço- It poseible le de se lu a dlilcale sud u offensive mannor. Eudeavorers et Iowa sud other, States et the great West have appar.. euh ly ed le outdo each other la brlght Ideas for raslng funds. The soclotlee et bie tovu cf Decatur bave foundm original sud eatorprlilg wy-perba the élevoreit pet reponted. The n deavoners gave a sort etrtuedifed chanci fair, c-iicb served the double purpose et creatîug an luberest lu lie conventIon sud provIdîug tuais for tie> us. of delegabes. The enterbalumont c-se calici "*A Trip te CallfQrna," sud lbe population lurued eut on masse te meoILb.Bo t~repeentd ho vrt oe pointetnterat long the route. Thty teore mont arllstically goblen up, sud curlos sud souvenirs vere offered for Sr. 58m vUONs Soc-VAN, mie. Peanut voiere, candi men mm desonlntO&U viehobai come nos, te lie objectiouable "sews aente" offered t lengilet14lMo ho tu Dr. ives, sud tbeir wes., dobtisse dithoir se., Urvos -"inMM, the d.dlst"ot eumeid neus rfetlsiatence. As ~a qembww. tor retreeinet, he vet eferd ios1- lie UOaltWt dWlulnn oni sss, et UtmlIii i e~ t W *li esý;ls SOLOMON AND Tu"£*N TWISTED TO SUIT À mooERN rnAD L lb.n Wledem 461 téiêSa««.suaithe it et the Haie.. Uv.the Wee* et the ,KIiEseaa'le«4 Are agola uth iuI- 2'heî A,*e PemaisiUpes ter Asthoe. &m4 Aiverileese,. Wbatier Salomen inventeda isieprov- erbe, or gathered thm. fron Mau source, vlth sa Deruuse tfpermanient Worth thou Mr. Tupporer ed lua bis later Compendium, le &bd ever viliehoan ePen questIoi. Solomuuscopyright ran Mut long bete Tuppeesrimaut, anud hoth are nov pogisd Won vlth Impunit' bl 5~~~~~l- -lse'to uhs îdreto. But, taits y hp tiuu, p»»%ohe ll rovay Sfrelaletue. kejudla et «ehue- egy flud la the. ppv«e.t tie difteet rat. th. clearest prota ot théir eauI char- Scttletlefor lier ases lieobwdmansd ro eton nt as e.seoudi of thaîr daliyllts. Judged b he s cmlarlos et th» bi-17 lYieomgs iiniW t tad itbaIail nalonu areeor nes lisr ese oo elnu cemun Dae.acomnespaetis.lOansd seeklugsialierreliets trom ton sud le- bar. 00 tb. dustiest abelves et our Il- brarles Msyîlho touad collections et ail the proverbe cf th. dîfforeut nations, Qut. s large proporiJonuoethle cork hai- I«g reèalted froin the Intenet hich mis- ulenrle.« have talon ln their earneet studeos o heu:trct.Ttpeupes vhom the sek t lutrut. hattheshrovd sings cf the Scotch or the bright ait$ Of the Iish uhould lie csretuily collectid givrsa Ile cause ter aurprise; but a ol leoio f Abyssinien proverbe.e of lnse of the. Tamil langue. of lc.iaudlc lore, ofthie Ssnscrlt, Bouth Boa.Islande, Chin- es., aud Hottentot Boomons aes excite curloultr. The miselouarlos have tennid Ir a Plaaatut se lLas s profitable tank. It delves deep lb.theidiome eftIhe Ian- Vstae. telle ,vltb nnerrlugs ccuraci the Menaîl sudency of -lie people, aud by lu- troduelug lie torsiguer lttliefauer lhougbt ef botihbegesud tde shows hlm bis rensI ll.etf ie. Wh. adopt thein ose evey-dar expensione. lb la impc.ehilq turend the veil-el- iebed proverh tit b. V Cinue vithout rèellmlg liai a hume litsexictlea uthat flovery hingdos vhlcb rivala thet of msuy more lvllluicouatrios.%to Bolo- mca, no deecendant cf Abraham. euid oclIPse the trade proverbe of tqe Chinose. TRiey touch on triade wlth a keenues aud tboroughness vich provo@ ibetu te ho masters lu al eceMaol. The lbaser Ile ef the Hottentot, tht l~eosereaIsefthticgel- lah, lie lndePedcut spirit ot the Billon. sic aiU crysatliedla their national prov- erbe. lunBgland sud raer other esuivles il wase tonterly vcry seul for a trades- mas 10 select son. ,provcrb go his mote. sud tbus pont his principle plily oe his &hop doon. It reualned, howevor, toi au America soe. 10 spproprlt. tb. Proverbe ot the venld en mat.e and use Ibm for blair own dvsnceuout. New Yoricrs vbo ride on the .icvated ronds, or people cho inluoise tvoped bocltitu satm jou &long lu the alow street Carsare familliert Uh lie bIu nsd whilte proverbe vhlch procîamnths e nrteof Rapollo te lié corld. Every omnibus lu London sud alinost evcry "tram car" lu Eugland la ohmlarly adornod. Tbsy made their ona ppearance ou the Broadvay omnibues«. vere gathered eut ot er 4,000 pages efthle wvend'. colle- tions, sud twiated te suit the case. Many et lieu are beyoud @May recognition la their nov dresa, iny are eutircly orig- inal. but thes. are sie pinted between iuverted commet, cbîch leude a glaneur of autiquity te lien. To-day aie src toid liaI *ver 20,000 cf tht. bIne carda are dluplared lu public conveyancea carryiug ever 0,000,00 paseogers daliy. Condeai!d lought generalîy requires paddlmg te maie il Intelligible 10 the mmrne..JuSt se lie semeh etthe borne. mustho dutended with bay te make the notesdigest re.dni; but w-oh proverbe il la quii otierwlmo. Their popnlaieîy je ouly fflchod hocaus.tbhcy bave pas.d motter au helut ciosr tii evory mna. They tell lieïr stonY vith a djnectuiensssud brev- I17 vilch piesses the Public, as tète dir- tiouary did the oid Scotch woen--Thoy air brsv stories," te. nid, "but unco short." Turned te telilie precticul stery cf Bapollo, liey otten acquire nov Inter- est. Who meade the advicf, "Be patient sud Yen dli have patient children," vith- out au ioaste respect for bhe sdvice vbîch tollova, net te fret oer boune cloauning, but do lb eailiy cith Sapolio? And cho cas nepnee a malle chou the Sapoionic artist pictures the patitui t transd the impatient teins iotying lie proirerb? But the molier wvu ho ban smener H eh. toi- 1ev the aivice. Oar familier "-ne pot calli e keli, black" baies a nev inter- eit lu 1hs Italien tenu.Tii. pot myps te lie Pan, "KooP off or peu'hl Muci ne." The universel bell of lie vor nhdens.a preseion lu lia, catalan phrse, "Where vllb thon go, Ox, thai lieu eult sol plougr Almoal ail nations possessa proveshs vhich declarsi laI "if yen fonbid a "ool ain, liaI h. vili do," sud vitb conafieeinliaheod cl cof lie public the advertiser of Depolio putea illlubile torm: "ll'orbli a foui a thinisud liat b. telli do" Bo v.e sy for !arlebp: "Don't use âffUapI-but lien pon"e ot a fteI." "A beuci et nature tehici moas. aillie vorails"bu" pringaeout oethle qualult the th tht'L"A neede, Ihengizaai.d ;leclin sotelirs." Who oaboa, lb .s.e m vr .se e ie ettiont recali. img l? Who talle tu recogu»lplpiture lb uuggese o f bis aid glveu te liapouer bp tie peur, sud oethie belp ich le every, whoie gainai trams the bumbleut of seeist- auto? Wbsb eau ho more practical lion the statemnt Ihat "a heune à a gea lit, but net teubave dih," vilci uBal- urslhisuggte th le prope ue ot Sipolie. SI aut neyer rau ho oouteundaiei proverbial phrases. Il seoems aniversal, but it la uerolp s local foots usai toesc- pros alrasient bat pepuler idoa. Yeins eue, vies sageuerai ruaihaIthbel bsepEng reenltsinlumsay sMares. lie sluï ra: "Iwo a Véry geai mai, but b.oea't hsep à b0tw" . AU scigphrsese ane S"m "A *e. d~ e laf o-fd te u e.e uthe usaiet,foît ue . bulIg uiet tarulture, areQut lut laurini Bu.tmeue.,Webellots. liaI no, refereme*stee dean hmesseele eau b. enealalethet Lorsu er eve n atle BibIe, excopIltat o et la ouas vie seepI th» bouse te lad ber lm 1coln. Bhaiep«»rerather slights tht sableel, but, vhether b«cau»e k vas me t ieemed Impms tantlia thul intle«eual but dInh a&geot borins. isoseazei te grander tlinge, vu viii nol dieces but th. England et ta- day velI nie etf home, "Tht dleaner 'lis lb. couler 'tie," sud eur Amerlcana"ver- tiser Impreve. lte opportnlt te aid tbst humbl, bouses maie brigh ithIMSpolls are boîter lise bavdry palaces. As, for lie theugbtlaeeae of the mm eWvo forgol te saik vber hie brida nmd sda- polio The BStch preverb record@ hie cae»: "Te ba. bledsa kut tel' yeur langue ye vinna boa, el' peur teeth." TIMING 010 PROJECTILE&. Hec Tb*otu Initial Volociti la Caieu. laIed ia Test. To lie lapna oeef the lnterestiug fuatures la s big gon lest la lhe meth. od by vblch tie liital veioclt7 et lie projectiles la caiculata. Wbem bc boa,, liaItle.modern hlgh-pewei gun e as xpel a abot et su initial velocity et- 2000 teet a seond, a rabe tint If unelaed coui umenua mile iu thre. second, ho nallues the dleulty of<caklculdng lb.e peed. Au onduace officer inuit have secorate kuocledge of lie veloelit fa projectile liaI ho may predict ita rng. sund pefetration sud deterim theliaaccuracy oethe gun It lea s oeparstlvelp emeW Matter, hoetet, vil lie nov Inatrumonta te calculate accurately the In.tialveluc- lty of »,.projectile, sud ap oue vie la tortunale enough lu vieil Bandy 1100k cheu big <uimmare Lug lostel uuy »»boy Il le doue. Tv. opec frrnn.e are set up 150 feet aven lau front of the. gos. Wlres are etretched baek sud forth seraus theeà fquin.e, aklng a acreen liroWgbteb the shotuit pais. '1%e vires lu oaci screon foin a complet. electrir circuit. tehich lucludes aleo au electrir hattery and au elera'emusgnoL Tht projecui1%a aflen lesviug lie gun. files tbrough the c-Ire l ite BraI ecreen, lutermuptingthe circuit sud releasing lthe armature 04 the nugiet. Ia aspace of lime op Mu a l' ho handly concetvable lie pro- jectile bas covered lie disbance h. tteeen lie Ivo trames and plerced the c-Ire lu lie second, luterrnptlag lie electrlecurrent snd releasing the arma- bure of Ils ruigel a Inuthe fret cse. The luborval belen tie drop of lie» bye armature. reprosenti the. liee apeut by the projectile o itrvavg 160 tetIlle thue e luidicted hp lie mcbronogrsph lu the laboralerynos, bp. Wlrsenrua trou eacb acreen te lais oratory, c-bieh la fllted up wili bak' terles aud sc-ltchbosrd. The armature efthe fiutal eoctrotanagnet la su ires rod shout lire. foot long, c-hlcb le eoepended vertically. Tue mrd talla c-bus toefBrut acreen le plercai. Tht armature ofthe second electro-magnet le placed s Ilttle belowtehle finaland tebwen lb le reléeed Il aces n a kalfe. sud, strlklng lie aide efthe fa"',n rodnalmakes ight mmark. Tht <. taurefet ii cct or mark titan the oui of tho rad idilcates lie diataure tbrongb tich bai 4roppea tehile the projectile la passin frein oeescreen b aaother. TIe tomes lit uni« for th. calculion ofthe projeo- tiles velodlty la feet pur uecond Non explosivesand lb.çoteer <uni have lncre.od the InftWalvebincly otpruoso. tUesmtoudertulli la the luit fe io7". Projectiles mai b. expelled note tiff a force that viii make tison effective aI a range tar beyouil ordinsry ey7tu ighl.-New York Sun. Portra IL on IL&ai lu 1891 on 18n2 If my meinory la soa ai tani, lie eîghlh vonder oethle worli c-ai boruaai Rosaerg, B. O The f reakla question was a baby, bori toto thetauily oi Clark O.born;s -el knoten merebsut ot the toc-na=oyI sud lie oddity c-seasnatural poatuaN lu the baud ofthe Iilo eune. Thfus c-ho made a crtcal examinalion et tif tbaby's baud ai soon ai theecnlout- c-aid<ecvered ssy liaI the portrait uni the tmp pea viethat ef a cbild a>~ pareatiy about 8 vens eid. The fosi turcesvere ciea, cul sud distinct .ad appeared to e hoeeof a chui yled souni aaleop. The. dolicatly ti*Me lI"Ps o -paftiy epen, ehovlus fou pearly Iceti; lie oye. c-ors tlghtlM cloeed sud lie cheeke vere fulil, rad sud naturel. Wiou lie motier fijt dltgoyund ihl miraculm uIsuprint 'u p -br darllng's isnd &h. feinte& «10 1 pat Sl, k laenId, t e e act thi-«*pe trait vie su excellent ilieees t Ibm fale of ber lite 8-year'eld dsughtasý c-ho died about tiv. ntha heie. Tebacce and Wekçht, A médical jounal bes made em e garerai inuenda"loie $mm#o loges of New Etn& wni,=v (I 1 t ata a udents vho do and une tobuco tais volg haI.~o end eglrth ot chant trou 10 lu 24 M r enai 1f.lur Clun lies. teo ciete or snobe, 1Tht devebopuent ofthe lIlWUMIf b"l >authortty le correat, ta e ulyr.- tsrded y hé e ohacco hmbt Ur. J. Claytol lu a commuuieatim e.4 Natmrerefera lu caretul amemmuefi h. bu a a viti sycamere, glIn, éI dleend liait te aui gttd na front.

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