Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 21 May 1897, p. 8

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ï1 i. pouiiUvely the bot fo0ur. tb. market aud yau vill sa*; .: by buying of us. JUST BECEIVE» fP!Ia Lin. of Negligeo sud ÎrekawShirts. &IBOa aMes. Uus of Ladies' snd Gent'. Sim- ber Undorwear. Iot Ooods. Lowest Prices. Agent for the Rockford Insurance Co. Gotmy rates before insuring your property. La H. LITCHF1ELD, ftockefeIIer, Ill- - inois. Don9t Forget Itd Don't Forget WhatP 3jWby havent yonheard tht Carl. îs in the raceon 10w prie..? Il viii do ogod ta, top in and gel is pricea and compare ibem viib aibers, and Maca Jo. ih the JoUy fat mmnil nating more. Re vili hrast yau an tb. 0qç* asd give Ton istrictly hanemi gooda vhich yl stand camparing vith Below are a few of our Prices. 0» Ooe We Ib 31 E> iaulmiel OyteiCracheraper lb ..... ...... .0 0"- .j............. $1.00 Gol Japsu Tas per lb... .26,35 & 50c. gOU...P«arWg............... .-10 7 Bans 011 Coutry SOi&p..........-25 goUne".. ..........8 .. MoiherGaca. Sap .35.2 M--- 4ëboed Coffear lib. 1 8 o eOX SOap ..............25 Sfq> w-wu0.O............... .2 AU Spîos lu lb pekageo........25 IbiUktot pavler........... .15 Syou thilaibuyiug Keroen lubll aii udqutro prizo. ýSpMmttmsaba bergama lu eus sud boys Sweaters? SOcta 3 1.00. Thkey hile. y« are gazlng wond tae a bidsye vie« of the Overalîs, Pant. sud buM O taoui bargain conier, alec uboas chlm sud moues abae. it vll pmy ,ph ite baveotheii. flaslUne of Miam«, Lmdiee sud Gent. Shoes lu Lake ouaty: the nov Coin Tas leads. Cama lu sud luvetigate. inters sud Papar Rangersa"arewoîklug il ur ou lvuow. (lt your pati ge&* me alsao oey. Melr, GEO. F. CARLE9 ire.a - - - Ililinois. .Furniture. ÂÀlk««e Stock than ovor befare, for the Sprig Trdle Ânligyou may call for ini the lino of Fumiture, Oilath, Lioem, matting sud Wmndow Shades and a uew fîesh liii. af amples of Carpéta sd Wail Paper to select fîom. ~ This Beautiful Table Sol id Oak t Polished Finish and Brass Feet OnIy $1.95 lido n ut n p nu my gaods for a week au tva aI a lime sud theu raise lhem for a laung timo, but slws~ keep au vith the rock- botlom prices. Quîck sales and amal rofita. UNDERTAKING A*SPECIALTY. WILL KNIGIGE, ftockefeller - -lilinois. AT THE Weiuconda Furniture Store. ilodroom sets, Antique Oak Finish 'ouçbCorduroy $oid Oak Center Tables wortn 82.2 5 oe wortb'84;50 Wosv*n Wire Springs to fit iron Beds SId*ardAntique Finish Pulil une of Baby Carniages Con stantly $12.00 5.00- 7.00 1.75 4.00 1.35 .10.00 on hand. 1 poitively wil nol b. undeumold. .. These Pries For A Short TimeOnly. UNDERrAKING. WAUCONDA. B. C. Hill -laun b.eiosd selliug ligitniag iode.. 0 1ev. Mega viii preachinluthe Bapilt churc nei Sunday. Louis Gryvouor, af rayalsbo, vas ou oui shtrea Tuoaday. J. B. Piatsud W. Seusar voie Me- Henry visitais 1ai Suuday. Mr. sud MUn. W. D. Wetvorih voe clty viitora the fiat af the veek. A nov vire fonca la beiag placed sround tho M. B. church promaises. B. Harrison and Wmn. Brooks ve Waubogan ialtors ane daylest veek. Franit Wyukoop, ai Chicago, spent 1mai Suuday vith relative. lu Ibis place, B. Harrison sud fsinily vlalted rela- tivea ai Greenvood 1ai Saturday sud SuudaY. Mr. sud Mus. Wetvoitb, of Me- Henry, vlalted relatives lu ibis place lent Sumdy. miss Radie Wella of Barringion, Yisited relative.s ud"fîiends luib tis placerecently. A nia. sol oak cane-seat sevlng rocker only $1.640 ai tic Waucou Furniture Store. L. Reynolds af Mclionry, sud A. W. Beynoldm, oai hmrvard, viitaI frieîîds lu ibis place 1ai M3nuday. Mr. Wallace sud son James, who iave been spending the vinter boero oed ta Libertyville thua veek. The Kiags Daugitars of the Baptiat cliurch bava purchaaad tires large lasthor cover.d chairs sud preseutedl thera ta the chuicli. T. V. Slacum han engagod Mr. Brouglilon,oaiCiceago, ta clrk In iei hiardvare store. Mr. Brongbtou is s tiret-clama ilumalul. Will Baeley,-vlio liu been vorking for J. A. Northloftbumai vcek for Har- yard, vierae lia sociVed eiuploy. meut lu a bicycle faclory. Flahermen frolu thia place and abruel, are ctciug largo uuuber of flsi ai Bauge labo. Fliigha been excellant the pont fev days. Tii. Wauconda pliotographer matde a plcture oaitho Ivanioe aciool lait Sat- urday. Tho picture la ane 0f the beei school pieturea vo bave seen. There voue no preachlng services beld ett ho M. E. chuicliuI Suoday. 1ev. CliTord lias taken a Ivo weeks' vacation sud gono ta hlm home lu lowa. Serviceas uual Sunday, May 30. The G. A. B. lima rentd a room in the school building sud vii vucate the roama lu thee hughes' building, vicl M. W. Hughes vili nov lise for furniture. On Priday evening, May 28, '97, 1ev. J. M. Greun vilI dliver a lecture on "uettisburg, the Sxteenth Duvisive Baille ai the World." Mr. Green coinot very Mhly rocommeuded and evory- one shauld como oui sud hbeaenhl The lectue viii ho lold lu Oakland Bail for the benetit of the 0. A. B. Admisioin 10c. Memaulal Day vill heobohervod ut Wauoanda Sturday, Msy 29. Chap- line J. M. Green, oi Chicago, viii de- Uivor the Memorial ddroaa. Memben8 of the G. A. B., W. B. C., teacliers ani pupila ai the publie achoola, and othor soietle. vilIfarinluprocession nomr G. A. B. Hall ai 1 oclock and mardi to tho cemetery, led by the Wauconda -Martial Baud, viere thie usumi Pout ceremouy vilIl abe place sud viii bc follrel liT decratlug ithe graves vilhi lavas. Thon ie procession vi] maicb ta Oaklaud Hail, viiere the pro pam v il]libe condncted. Meunoria servicea viii beholetaiVole, Suuday May 30. ____ ___ VOLO. Suuday achcal naîi Sunday ai 1:3 sharp, proaaobng servie. ai 2:30. J. Walton sud son are buildingà sommai kilehen foi Iseon Converse. UMsy ai the fermerasIluibrs-ectile yull ,fials plauting their coin til The sbaop shoarers are ai -Mr. i Paddocks@ and EuglilBras. tii veeb. Mr. and Mia. Henry Rogers and Mime Nell@a Bught vialted Vola and FonrtHI fienda over Suuday. The Sunday achool convention vil ba hll lu the Vola M. B. cbuich Ilt irai Suadoy lu Jue. Progranne:i ve.k. W. bal a big ralu sud bail tarir laiU ia aiterncan. i laatad abai ba abu.The giaud vas nomî eovaga ithbobalmicia éSot me, #11W , %:à VZIa tq V eau bu 1m111A whgCbé* - «bilicom ROCKEPELLER. Rend C as d. M"S. A. J. King la quit@ 111 aM preat. Winl Knigge's a la a gaod thlng to rend, Mir. sud Mwm.Frank Bhaddle @pent Sunday in tan. 9e« L. B. Lltcbfeldlt ad in aun>ther Oui mobool ciosed luti rdAy for the summer vacation. Wm. pedder entertained a friand from Chicago Tuaaday. Wm. noeai vaslu Chicago Tuesday attending ta biWlo. HoenrymiudMary Lltchfield ver. ln wsueonda 1mai Suaday. Thas. Mefride vau lu Chicago Weduesday punhmaig nev stock. QeogeY. Carle has lmproved his wagongoy hvin a ver put an IL 1 Mr. sud Mra. Peter Lichfleld vislted Moinda at Long Grave l1tmaiturday. Waet" l. xt Isue of the INDz- ,moYTm for Tho.. MoBides d. It vill be a simutler. Mr. Bler and vii.. forinerly of Long Grave, have maved ia 1 h rooma aver Berghoa's store. -. Lindeman vas ere thia veek auperinteuding the vork thatinl beîug done an a baller &andengine.. The haume rweeuy vamted by DeWalt Erazner 14 nov occupied by A. J. King sud family. Frank Brovn sud vile accomniued by Kra. J. IL. Croukhite ver. visillng lu Wankegmfl Weeay. The Christian ludeavor vil give a Dime social ai th. Chapal, Fridmy :eV=n, Maymy 28 1?.£vawybody ordlll i"ieltaattend mnd patake ai dongbtuits mand foe.. QuiO a number ai the members of tb. Chimilmu Endeavar af ibis place, mteuded itme<lounty convention et Lako Bluff l1"maturday. u They report s very emcueamn caven on. A teara belauging la Wm. Goasel ver. irijteued lest Saturday'-by a pair ai tam. pigeons thas alighted ou tbeir backs. The. tam rmau vy aud au. ai them vwu quite, serîlin-l Cl LME R Wlbur R. sud Clara B. Morse called ou Anson Wlio lei and famlly luti Suuday. Will Amumus. accoinpanied by ils mother, toob a loaàd of 081 te Cicago market luti veak. WIII Bealey. viii a friend voe plemaau caflers at the home o! Fred (ircas luti Sunday. Henry Scbuarmmn sud August Scenunran dhave ta Lomard, lIl., at Saturday ieiurning Sunday. Tiey lirought home Witihoun a fine vstcb dog Just Impotal from Brlin. Tramups and piaulais lu the future yl do vol] to make theunselve. scarce &rundlthe promises ai A. G. lichuer- Msu & Co. Piaf. E. M. Aveili, ai Ivanhoe, calied an friençk lu lImer let kuuday. Be va susffoilng coniderable pain froun a base bal vouîîd on theo bIt tblgh. Hie àaeaHaisa Payne on bis ilgil Bido vhlcihocsemmed te, beau viii a goal deal of complaisauce. We trust to soan hatof Mr. Averlla entira iecavery. We ueauly lorgaita mention tual the Profeasor vas huntiug air sbip Telesc. Be expected te meet viii great sucesa- lu lie vicluuiy 0f (lmer, Rockefeller sud Libertyville. The ueddl*g of Henry Blere and Mima Katie Umdonstacbk took place lent Weduaaday evenlngi Bey. Stark, af 1Long Grave, afficitIlng. Misi Umden- stock ila voltsud fsvoralily knovu lu tuan place belng a nister ai MBru. Fred Lembar wulhi hom sale liaslived for muci ai tietilme the pasi year. Mt. and Mi&. Biero uill mabo their home at Rockeliler ubere lM. hiere lise secured s position vith the Wisconsin Central railroad. The young couple have lie boat vîshea ai yo scribe for a long IUfe *ad mucb liappineset. 9 Bineat Biley, of Wauconds, ban bien secured tta abocharge af aur creamory. Hie uili ho aamt.d by Arhur Oraham fraun the mme place. We understaud 1thst lioth af liese gentiman are (proficienuiteu profession sud vo àtrust tbey wyul give gaod stsfactio.u dWa wlaii tle nov oterprise mucb %aucenan sd the vuy ta make it a ,succeae ls for the faruiers ta bang ttogetier and :go lu for succens. -'Notbing succeeds lîke socces especially ln ronulng s co.opratiou butter iactory. Bring al Tour milk alil hotime sud got semsuy more 10 jolu yonuna you can and do not ho overlaaingiy kicklug if thie faciory 1s net rinnJmci ecordiug ho youî ovu nnoion. HALF DAY Mr. Foote vilI give a dance ln tho nov hotel lu theouseri fDare. Bermau Peglow in suffrIng vIi a veiy @ore baud. cansed by hie cutilg il sevreiy iii some horne shas nails. Ou nov otel le aompiotad.I la oneofa whlcli Lake C ounty may elb prond. Manager Spoars vi occuPT l the comiag voek. Tie Hali Day Bugles, chamupion bail leaun ai Lake Cauuty viase pisTera are undor ixteen yeaia of age, challenge auy baIl nino lu the couînty, players under tbat go for a suilable pures. Oui boys can play good bal sud meun business. MILLBU RN. John Thain ia recovring froun a long ilîness. The subjeeit)f-kaývled ioads la hoiug asgltaied. Miss Jeasie straug viii speîid s fev veeks viti friends at Evanstan. lMra. Helen J. Slraug died May 12. Mia. Straug taught a clama ilite Rab- bath achool for nearly fifty yoars. Rie vas a noblo vaman sud yl ho missed by lue viiole comumunity. ' Vie Magncope eniertaiumeut vas veli t.udod. M r. Sidney af Wauke- ga, heeao lcpeoole vitk fine violin oeadhome talent under the direction of Mr. Slmîkvoilmr, r.rmderod vocal munie in flrt-cisa style. Admnltratrs Notice. Clarente N. Dursnd. at±rneî. 913 Asl l Block. Chieia. Countiý ln the eStatet, aty Court of TAke Gu (î.î . ai oftheOfial settlemeit thei. an Caliuy. deneseed. *hunst. lora Dymou, Brion Cmb. Edwin Coîbi. (Cmr oBCoui Aima Coîr,. Mari B. Yab. Nelle Coîtti and tbaL ou the 124h dia? f âmte, A. ook a. mon sue soon thora. "teoi0 e a eard. the under. eejttcLthe Unntu Cy ourt et place w-e«iY. Mra. IL Anrevs entertained fiaondsasdrltie ody lAt 1mui Oui riuy seamuan e nded sud the. veatho! la fiua &gain. F. Geiake sud Clark Hunt vere Chicago viaiaora *edueaday. lise. Miaula 0Ott.baa gon. ta Nebraska ou a viilt W ber Parents. There ilasi a Stravbariy Social ai Robert LiU'a Wadneadmy evenlung. Mr. Bairatov, ai Wankagan, pimool tva nev mounuments lu 11e cemetery1 Mia. Leurs Kano reiurued ta bier home at Rockefeler after a prairacted visit ai Beloîl. Mis. King i. quite 111 sud vo are Barry ta hemr there la not muc linl- piovoment as 701. Ourisacioaiclasseilon Frid&Y lentan id vouud np vitb a picule vbicb vas hold in Billuabia grave. On account af the vaatbew Ihere ver. uot many lu alteudmuce, but a goal lime la report- od. The.recitationa voie by aciolara aud vera lioned to uitb interest, belug veli ienderod. itrealimenia vere servol. Tires primes vere avarded, W 111e Leluber carrylng aff the fiat, Leurs Ylovner tlid second. Paul lRay the hhrd. DimnulLabo la becomlng a noterions resait. Bunday ws tie aceoe aagreal demI of confusion. Il began ta le uhlspr.d around Raui- day thal the man vlio coîuitted tie iuurdeiaua amait ou lie aguad Svaulau briathers nt Labo Foront vas woikiug ai Georgo Mitcbell'a. Bewvasprtlally roeognizel by Cha..Ray vbo lied kmoyn hlm for several yemra, but ua Charle liad nat been near euaugb ta ltin lie certain Il vas the right man, hoe kept rther atilli until Suudsy, viien ho commuicaied bie bllefta (e..Cet via o nt ta Mitchell& sud tonaithe mau tllled exactly vihli lie deaoiipiota sent out by the Chief of Police of Î=k Forest. Olliceis ai Lake Forest voie telograpied for, vho came sud faund thei man mllking ilu ho bain. He made no roistauce but tald the afilceis ihey ver. more nervaus about the mettez Itho vie as.lie was tabou back ta Ilie scene of bie crimeu. Cet brotiere mnl Chas. Ray wîlI cilm the revard offe for hl» appîdien- Sion. The Great Produclng Staillon GEORGE O. 2:211 No. 970 1. StandlardIinler hoti trottng andl pmons roàues.Isr,,d Atllab h dotl(10 brother to Harold i sru of Maud 8.) by liubitoultuiiIo: tban. FaniB. s a (a pslug mare by s mou of <lea. M. l'slohen 2.2415 George 0. t ele s iectoarse, a sure tal gtier aud ie bmd &B seaer like Georgce Wlkes fie iv sire uf lrotte, a*. usIo 1,poisible 10 Gkeorge . Ia tht. ire Of cigltithltis.a csUd 2ou lit 2.15o54 and a numirnlof oth.3re 2..40 I ilI csîl 1t.Gere My Placeil ma r li.eo .vle o provlux lu foal yl l bentltled 10 e returu seusaon. Thc bov., uriwr lm final. IBrfed th a boise that bas ur,,VL.uhlmwlf bt Aa trotter and rotIiier. Eýggs1 Eggs! Eggsl Blrda.ol fine Racket, Lobe and Comb a Spocialty. 1 bave no more bîrds for sale, but wilI melI eggs for hatcbing 15 for 75e., 60 foi vi.151. liveKtîgate bc-foie buyiug elsewbere. J. P. WILLaAMa, 12 Years Exporlonce. Since ikiug niy 1tat nprovement on uîy r-ctiug vioei, 1I yul dig aud brick a common Bized WelA, 100 feet or leas, andl ulli furolâh vater anid every. tblug ieceeiialy except puiup smi ycesa that will surprise anyoue vho la ln need of a good voll and board unyself and belp ur Do puy. Cleaujing out oid vWls Dot loclnidod ln the above. Price for sheaîlag and tying vool. S cents per loacl. Estlmmesfurnlsbed fer clearing Dp land or any other Job Work. Alil work donc in good shape muât be nettled f iii by csah or due bill, Alil lettern auswered ou choit notice, wltb fulil partlcuilsa. JAS. P. WILLIAMS. Woi 141. Lit)oîiyvllle. 111. A FINE UNE 0F FURNITURE. B"ols , Clack Shelvea,. Wall packets, Paper holdeir Book cases, Conter tables, Extension tah's, Diuing chairs, Rockers, Couches, Louages, Chamber moits. Picture Frmaes Pffo ouallg Painta, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Brunhes, Mirrors, Matlresses, Cote, Springs Etc., Etc. .AT.. ISAAC HEATH & SONS Libertyville Ililinois. Exautors Notice. Clarenee N. Durand. Attorney, aM Aahland Bleuit. Cicago. cunty of hke f ln tie CoutyCourt af LateCount. ln the mater of the final mettiment a f the sateaOfi j Oa ,de9~~ To AI r ïidne in as-b h il Mairia Wilson. Bberiod.mqaaad Je&&@ valcoba, boirs at ai 1 3mc reiury ueunpaid lega eofr"id deoeudent Taiebottes tai on the 154h day cfmJàne A. D.. lm?. mile ooriOca . m. or as mccu ibere. Alter as tb mattOe an heo hard the under- sli ipoe u tzt lb.Counly Court at th 1un useln he ityofWa ~egmn lu of iaid estate and akt heth ins tae proved; th a state tdeciared sett d and the undorslgnodidlsnarUed fromn their nallonIe. t wbleh Ume and place yoii are not lied to be t If rou so deaire. Waukti Uny y1Mbt. A. D.. lm,. ira B1l iant Jeob Bodine. xot, of tic estale Of Jane 0. lRay. peaad i-sl Etxacutore Notice. AND Teachers ' Training School, Wili open Monday, Sept. 6, 1997, et Libertyville, Ill., With a Faculty of Three or more Competent Instructors. CoUuga Prapavlerw FR»NLàpm 1for&renng dapS "4 'w1 $ha ~ntem for 769etio Mata pagod sd new. I3YOJit ?~i~ tEBý-I4d -et- whoaunderiada the buiness. i BilDayam aU. . . Al!.Pug. F RSALE-le. 30W. laîor 117 mores0cfgocd Fi mproved land. ane mile wvomi cf 1remont Conter. Tras and pearloulars adOre.. r ei on C. L re.1,1 FoSALE-Lot 80.150 1. Libertyille Fvllage. v.'ry destrable lomdo aii god PWa LE-A souwd elgt yr ad me Ivelab 1240lb.. rIssigeodob. Jas.aNJono. Raif Day* it FCOR SALE-I bave 50 bushela god OMea &e bus1 C. H Av milBuDy sa We nov bave on ae aI the station here Ten Ride ilearer Commutatiion Tickets, for beiveen Lbertyvllle and Chicago, rate $4.70. E. L. DuBais, Agent. SrhooSl ear 1vill coprime thresterma of Uirtaen wvekb sciihsud a ~ mld-aum e aac*e.rNorumalDrill of iOve veeba. Rcgu,,aof Palias Sperialcî lae. Per tawm, . . .......... 190 e Pe Fo vek, ......'.........- 1 OM wl vil h latiuctad six veudurlng Jualy sud Augusi 1b97, If a suffiileut number join ta pay expeupea of Ibis .pecialtara. For further paticulars address H. C. PADDOCK, Principal, Llbertyvllle, MI. Midnight,:2:17 3 FASTEST STALLION IN NORTHERN, 1 ILLINOIS. No. 414 in R. A. P. R. Foaled November 12, 1885. Bred by R. H. Pooler, Serina, 111. If you want speed and endurance breed to a horse that ha» got it. TERMS: 015.00 to masure Ilve colt. Ait mares dlsposed of after belng bred. Breeder wiII be held for service fee. Alil colts to be set- tled for soon as mare bas foaled. Mldnlght vam islred by Xiggew, ho by Plymonti Bock 2:3%80 ofau i RuUmBlmekhmvk 2:31è, sire 0f Ethan Aie,9:5 .rdug thaev. y rlgt p2ir am7I:cbrs bierthn :9. hîd dmo- Et Allen son of Hill& Blckhmvrk. Micnlght le a Sase borne. standiug ii banda, velghe 1140 poanda, ln vaiy haavy baned and slranu ualel. na la a natural pacew. a fine mover, snd bas a kinI,souen dispositioan. HR em u eV a mlle In 2:08, bahll u 1:08, quartier in :31. a 2:04 gae. Hlm cuits lu Meflenry coany ara nemly mi piru large and sincaib. aud ahcv gros& apeed. P. W. Sierwvad, Mldnlght's former oanr, ia s re. cent lattai maya: "Ne bas sired a fav calt@ a ii mbauri, 1u Ilcok for nome af ibem la go in &bc 2:15 liai or botter ibis yea. I Mrtiel Mldlgbt in 40 races lu mil. vinning 30 rsi mone y a.à seonuds. 8 uhîrds. nuplâcel 1 and drawnoane, mablng a viràoniiea sowiug. sud vlnnlng a nias sum cf mcnay. Duing hi. rates I siartad hlm againai sncb natledbaroes se idai 2:%,4 stormx 2:054,Jordan 2pli,. Mions Bsmhmw :i,aeài j 2:12j, Chamais 2:12J. Luis MeCuwdy 11:14k.and Willie Rk"ums315.Iam surpria ond basuat gui a recor-d of 2:10 ar baller, sa b. bal sP"<d sU&daoisu e do l. Itvas witi ibe hors" mbcve mei@omeulth"i 1 gava blm bis record mi 2:17t, and conta bava morkmsibiem 2-12 bal 1 vlabad. Re nover lilabal book of tird paoe.» 'Q Thie of Midaflla calte ioob tiretpromeni ta e Meierx cou» Vir 1mifait and frai ans' @nm b a» p emeky ognbolU q»patii t, lirso 1.4d betW - -et ~ absows hy IL A. a etfinvod 1 Spring Trade. I Prairie City Seeders. Keystone DIsc Pulverizers. The Kummer Sulky Plow. The X-Rays Sulky Plows. David Bradley Plows. John Deer Plows. Keystone Corn Plantera. Bradley Corn Plantera. Steel Lever Harrows. Staver and Abbot's Carriages and Buggies. Fish Bro's., Wagons and Trucks. Tlmothy,«Clover and other Fild Seeds. G.H.Schanck ý& Son,, SLIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOISI »4444444 -44 ------ ---------- a tudanla vho bave complotte ib£ihb rada vorf ofa the lMao a public ochoola.4 by saing aur Anadmulo ICourse, viii ho 0h01 l a et.!rlb.eViaebmm" ohoI f my euoollage, tu ibre. remua or ie aecoidiug la proiu @. tilnmoutm.mud genesil bilty.

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