à-eg )t thha ihfere mgk, r 4 pa-i as hnam Aie the lrplar Sîaoe [ma tette eu ni tue wvîtlaut de, 0ul a vti È weai va a sonai amoula ceurtail tique", m. tabi! a dcxci pme ou te ber 1 04 teim kt, mal 0wi un rem à *se Vi »411ta. dt; ai aut ti asd hi Rea t;as tin te arme t son sa sbavr the li op tue tg&i&lie bar.am mlv t tua ye on"e là tai aIv bate .- telh bn. bit tiit irai cors rtas tii. guen remi r. tii, va. ut the bireet sud aluplet kni; a . 1'ER vil. coupla of tabla. pilai] vti boks and pa tr asttop le mie lilde peMtsto or three tep ladiari tur, reaci- vay ilia Galien itil-ainid" as theiiibooukaias ibriry choirsm vemet andd ihaon- -HerassiiMLard IUteenau, leollus Pi1 nabvalte fit ihat tii. round hbleu l. heglosa 'vii a devn« ga" apirk and *pLntman-smile, "I apemd"I aead ~lMY time -nov. " tt troun tuai ut tue Very ottnai st OP hot tht nlgt with 1 auebuiug li houe.lu uy yo.I e m certan," sali Lord XIIl- LII *ilth tiprerions mght dota, oking t Armuubvalte vt mui M new A groat are Interet ithet gloosi, "uhat yen ire tut ba tned ireiluce, square yeung ftllev Dr. Peteleocraspoke bu me 1" g froinithe roof. and uiett, as ghoving a perfect golus for in- Pa tutt titrounb taînei vsigaion, su tat viien ny milady vas unî e atmor cine suni the broughti under your notice yen neyer rent- .e gitter. ubli. tht In-*tcd outil yen bi foumd ot nt ouljy a tuto ,i viiichevcr WaY lhe cause for i, but the rîgit caus."' ter "I vomiar Dr. Peela spolie su stronglY up imnîci tirongi tue sa but,"sai te Young doctrien oisthy. A irtans vii t t' "- Weil. tuat la bast viat I vint a .1- i Lreculle'1 bu Arma- toi to do, but it ias met vîst 1 can't geti l movemots ut a grey- Dr. Peele ta do. I iii yen vere sîmyhug s I ghlm aiunsa aPassage lu chie neiguborhood; I gioli rousui te y a reprodulcitinutf L yen, and pot your talents to thet tet" le touai the. icor ot one "About yourmlt, lord Kildonait?" kao au arc it p ut fpeut- "No. shoot myairwte." land Armathwmite feli a &bock, andibhelibis ie abotit bu rcîv-" bretu; net inee t tt ha biai tht leasi "Il 1spranalju tteot Ilita ut vhît the taris mlght b. upen te:I le. vhinh Lord Kilionan vimibei te cousut Wlt s moonintirelY lu te ii. tbt lie knew ai once cîst týe casaeit hie Loudon rol it vii oollibe a difficiult snd delîcaleeune. vuy te nd piosh-itiaoed *"ou tvo occasions lately,*' Lord Kilde- M e vises and Jkpanuese non continui gniveiy, "I have been tutu an ins anidied butnusies. audieuly iii trom teu close application te us]ý 1cabinet, sud a lot ut my tuiles. Ou ecriofttcee occasions d tes laies vti objecta Lady Kilionnbas bees enirel* pro- clos ,v"er or te auybody frtett for a coopte ot daya hy ber nxiety $te n ligureasermur Up liii.Dg MY acootprostreti ot u jb oy risi spgilfereut Parts, ' a i$tIul a4îodve s-argua ai %Liauucame il ue i Ifei*ucie-f aael tegravent appre- palsti each hndviduel bantions for ber. ion, ieiio.koto vwht h ha bi dreceirai troabush spirits iii. geuerally has eauunfiler-MIS r vmy btiier. Lady Kil- @temd boy groit tue change muet b.. Nov ti r vurda te eteayboiy, ih seens to me, slthougb 1Iamntouchai îy had d the. roues lu apparent il, tbat titre li sometbhîng gravely vrong clos me vh, u sDoittre. vien a brigit young crature lîke that, ien bai Off. eavlng A rmis- io trentoituletofhelt and lite, enu be..il ier marches outau dyne sudiely redurai te tht tusulmatlono et. etertalnneut bis bo- statue b h v coîtmuaives veli oly ! gneai He Passai the cosude, a trmlimg matter-te tcinporary wl %t lady Kîienumn ra- indspoaition ot a net very llrely bus- mi i th ar a 0offteband." fo elunt Z at:un,.ld et Anutiate asaebted. There vu hic la : s spa..os pa..,sometuiing grvely viens, rartaluly ahe id by bet pipes, vt a "Nov upeu Iuqnlry I fni," Lord KIl- ed i a ciatai ga89llry ai doani vol.e besointe tremble, "tuai * tii se-plai erouldi uer. have heee rimes lu lber ftilly, v- o ,IXWIYI D anho 1y laluggmote rartalmly. but noue t.e leisrail,ef voi, îley a aa blnh seaus tometoe*crrespond Ik vie vua fetr botter =rrb l vlI h theticsymptus I bure L peanetxcapt Arme- ntc' a hn;Il'a bea«,dises-" fi.laez h Viuyuate ton taé por'vIehr uthe lut von; the arteil i mid lll-aiped anS chou- auasatei vas tee horrible fer celu con- mi n lte ti.he slr3'te aderîtioîb Atter i peus. b. «d ie heue Play uy. iii .lstbroat ami vient ou &gain. 'tNow if this rte ber, vas rilttiug le no, vthe systmu1Igo opon it bher-ut 13 vies lhay bath eangflt allovina halir every inueront axctement 1 sandig lf-hdiai hoh lore-is net only vrong, but danger- 1 semmrvaery. eus. A trfing accident te the itonies the pi s«y Kihcuai sprhngflng drive., a hItu la uter-eelon at tennis, or eé t exciasset.a horst ut excitametifIt ah. Ins a gaesetu t cime torvird. matlen tmihllardeauy etef tbese tigsm mgit km etood loblu nt hil.torlb. ftal te bier. Nov, untb. faceof ethith j4 vili a hst apouiavful tear, la It possible fertma te rau O ad aa* 41]u1008 xPra- coulainte i ii Dr. Peel' ssaunrances aie10us tia get tit la iial right, tuat here la me canse.J îveteglie. afeclugto alan., tlinitte casesot fhuart insgue ce ,etmcogaia lla liertfamlyaremamint, ad me motBe ev lot avimily intent ou bas mt even se.m ber t the limues I speak bc uret ftalk. Arme- u, tor site, vltb a natural sud brave io- as is ettlm at une crner sire mot ta mie vbat @he ratils'a fuabc cea ho eaî lokb0h u about neuing,' r.tusii abououtaly te ase- Loy ad lite te court hilm on hotu thons occasions. But I rau- isappear ogeti- ie- ..net rest unoe that. 1-» neie mtd, ~a s greva09e amelilas egand m ot sente pleasure cam u t bitbs ci 4aid triadti ltaret face-be bai laid dovu bis statues on en- ci m. Sins on babyw. Juat teriug the dakeuti roon; gins ltate Ot met vias cued lathte ouvî1amifotcaution te tha Young onteMnoe t0151 ait , 4doteér. b. opeueditand imitted Lady dm mils.pand wearimg binte iinnv gaucei trialtee ste 'I m tiecrent gr.ti au the other viii i quîck perceptioa o e tu ' ha àmdicu heuin the tact tint tuey litad been talklng about ber. th àMnai lua toust pas- "WeILl, hat have yen bagu congirtus t. about so longl' @saked as ber hiabimi a s muet inlutlsiopen ber patter ber affectlonately ou te gmuleir.w a aseaut yen hlue, but -Yen have beau tlilisabout n. l's t Am I oheiy'? Are Eu certain. ami I yUl fui ont viat t*c cou- Il ntilus te yen'?" pirucy in, or pcisb lu tue attapgi. lu m Rta's mini usbed te re- lb, mesutime I have rouie te isi yen,"W a peor lady vho biaisar- sud *lie brnai te Dr. Armthailte.*"if c «gladmiraculousîy, te sou vihI go ou te Dr. Peles unoir it ni aveu befora e enouiti Ne Crostuont. vie hall bis glg ai theoù aelf viether or net lie icor Iu go tueItnanksome, or vbathir yenou , bIs tlIk.vih migit vilt vit an houor ill these people are al aine ligt onute myslery gott. vitu i1sab. leahIe ta driva enuI wite&,n"ostlon,lite boind. uner f tysaîf." P ie ausver lu tue manus. Luc'lKildonan aghed guod-humoredly. I clearer, thriller toues.@. Dr. Armativaite, yuun.r more rai ut doîng my pres- honorai tian . fier Imperal majeaty 8 nid somehoiy cte toh'" volinul condecend bu drive me te lias- ,sngryinaudibe speech. nitre this afternoon." s i1dun'. svira agin. "Weil, 1 waau't gongstat vy," e tven't i maie use ot duc- sai viii al prettY IPeut. i ?Anver me that!""' It lavery geadiudneed et yen. Lady f sonmetbing, te hilci sic Kihionan.*, saiti Armitbwaite. "But i t aIspr. bavlrg apparenthy om% sorry tu a! I s1hah IDt lte bale le avaitl tl she migit b. uverbeand; ujnelt ut youor kni uffer tu drive me, as te caugil me von miore, 1 realiy muai oui delay ont moment long- ici ut their voes cime le et. 1 ii ai Nin. Crosmontif' ie h. iii o tint fer tiie mout ev faite nme."a au7l they bahuJolined n m He adae isii artu thanks te hotu. es et vmining tht group b.- they nacompaniti hile, bu the bll, viiere Killiomin, wvi esel]tiai- Ned Crosnont vus getting reudiy te tart.1 rcoverti her usuel mmm- Tic trnugot Impresion leftIupen Arma- >ung doctor tuat le smuet thvmlte's mini, as. atter shiking ibsnde b.e imrudite ber bu. vit. belihoutiioand boslts ami rarcliha ,ed ber dovu tii. narre, thelr assurance@ tutt tiiey expereS te se" te th tennit court, vb.re, hile &gain befere Iens, b. gel juote ig egronp wbci aurreunniai Ieade lhe agent, vis tuat Lady Kildunan e tripp aiiy te hîîm, ami vu e stly annoyeti by iii.cooesing te go a vlthim bI. ld imth ie nOv rater than viit te b.e rivea by han,4 lsitor t tee- il., viie vsanti tint e@von tilue seinsviiai Utle1 ai as iicait. amdinltre- feminimo vengeance upea hlm for tuvirt-1 wate, vbo vas stupefai ilas ber heuptable, caprice, If avar ah. ou t the, sppecrance ot abouti bave the ffotulnlty. emanntr lu vhich ithe lat-- a. CICAPTER VIIL le cros-grauei. vîtierei- Tie vay te Bt'auksume, vièn the dam- bia it been led by deftMp- geronas'jonctilis et tue iilsiaç and lover ie savà atIrtbd-oul- roada mIslegide v* aipaeî4tiPflevai elutti mai. viii ment aii gooi, aid thay rescehi t i$e teva' utain Brotcii teture. iabat eor tha hiantsowevfeth$ te pdnqe h e vitiiait expresion etfaillaitbeini ithle.W&Thay leei a tu- u.aa andid Ùt.ill ielh lBuste the lofI t O ti thevu. ts 110pans- le fa»in trrilblattrsc- ai a number et pretty lttlvllhq6 d«acl- i aid si-dtachai. ci thah vW e th@e tem vas over, Lord Kil- dorion's, itely askedi vitle boy "W. skiait h. ihere lh vo mInutes uDOv." to amuse bersot îuriug tbite miiCreusent. vbe bal baus apu.ly i- vb.tbev ch, sveu drive lait tut' soine time.,"l'Il Pt FM dOvIL Planmere, vnre ha hall UMt tile ue ettue houe. il pasdo't 2iln, for I doet vaut te 0"aa oftte.. id i vicupir cautr' sie a- Thia datot' hures ozl ievtu i1, pimi;c 1 am axpertins the ins- resa.sh. W ivte lae d a t 0 e vae ta b.e eut vii.. tubrc- nd L ieIsdaugitt1 =lgly'bqe.t *xFord wvoli rut me ut' - hkeo Mt lek. On a.ed'tieegiý,1 Ml Grcydai or Aui Tiie- tbough," ho vcii ou. Subie..»', I - de Seti tta ti te yen," Puesrdbotter cmiiLaid laesl pri 19W vae. lHe drev up aI it hgarda- t. t0 -0»,t nassa nthume.['il raprety liutile geu-dec ,ibu., à-e~ovd, .aiSt « the t ltei peibvai et vbiec b d ie bave u mie vie1-r Ms ai- bat mal hoi Ieeate*ftlyIimmaIL mb- figure, iti a rtiadla 8 i aZ Ià bho t r ferWmorud. M»,1PÉia ghag forebaseuil as" eu i asu am et tnrn.d ip ns ue0tiLt h saluai te %w ber upper lip vltb It ezpsslig te ,tant ,iev a row et prouineut i»d na- ,« baeah; aid hbecomplexiezvas or et saflow kîni to vbh os e eercie îngs a becomingflash, la spite et II et dîsaivaotages, AzuimWilte, vie immii she wu th.eiy deugbter reten- dte, fait ubat bo sheuldiglii.tii. girl [sa Dr. Peele ai bomrasieS i, raie- bi hmbat "Yen, but belle 11, and cau't se iuy.00e. ca &froidi. Ist that Nid Cromout eout irr.' ob ahiskei, hla àlouder voe*o, cou- g a at.p forvird. "Ia& Boy do, N.lle? Beys the doc- le Dr. Aruatbvilte bu «M». au the yl trou London te ase. iu," a.nr aid ah., M ioob op la Mur- e aet tiie rous eliow, viemed a sot baie bar. "Axer.e ceamlu, 1% Thaaahs, ne; 1I rut leave tue mira. ut give them both my kind regards and unsi love. and tell ithe douter 1 hope iwe ali me hleuagaîn wsnu." But vbla sAima couinât te maus? apa'. alvays i*lig atten bar, aui caî't lersami v hy the ioauttcou." O'(h, she's got a coud, and a bai sura oat and 1 ien't daro lot ber cone s w ibis venther," sali Croemoni, tainlg pthe. reins tu &tort rustiviîte beard tuis explanat ion iih attention aid surprise. "Wehl, tiien. 1 suppoe arve asut se h other agaiu?" sali Croassant uraug >hlm. "Ton eau Joi the mainlin.otru er as weil se trou Couime.., you nov, if you're auxIons te gai un te fret-. c i vtiout delay."' 'ye. that is ileat 1I bthter d," til Armatbvaitc, sa. atr apelogislug M]is Peste., érau bark te shah, bais liii hlm. "Thank Yeu again for yeur id iiospltality. 1 shall neyer torget the lu in bhI bave beau relaibon." bils Prealaitii. vay luto the boue, id passing tirongh a uarrow Utile hall, oerei hlm loto a sinon, almply fomnlsb- àbut roay broking slttlîg rooup, viii lsei foldlng doori ai eue end. ÂAlnmp oid ou thte table. and iy its llgbi ithe inor rAsva lady utf ftty, ot uatreuiy, ut., sitting by the lir. engag.d lu mée r'o et tht 'plin amid aostir hisi. e lcoked op and i lpriyei a face wich- gbt have beau banisome lu tii. mae. Wstyle batore long sesrs uf diatensblp adin<aie eagieeyes, boobsi nom and 10»1y &ibut month su o'rarpoeenngly ero. tuai .rmathvalte alimetbinkai, id glauccdinlu ameek amdilliks vay tlitile MIas Pietlé for protection. '"Htres i agentleman, mmsmu, vhe rueste etepapa. is iMe ls Dr. Ar- astbvaite. and hé bas roues aIlthe vay rm Loudon," sald illeII, iooking good- imoreily op at ber bilg rompanlon as it to underatooi bis trépidation and enjoy- Sthe joie et iL "D)r. Peale la munii too il] te me a ny- I ody ai présent." sai Mrm.Peele, lu the lIca. vlt i bihéherouted lîttle bors i.e a rlap of thunder. l'Wall, mamia, let me gouop and se bat h.osmye hblaf," snggeutdMill. (To b. couilîcai-> AMIO ARCTIC UNOWS. Flow ExpIoeraPeay ibaisted Whhle a*u31la Trip te tie Tosa North. 0 Lieutenant Paarl, viiemebniliu tex- pluta la tie fat nerub have ouiy beau tlpaed thua fear by Dr. Nuiannbae Imparted a fev ot bis ideu la bonne- .eeplug li theinctlc régiona. 0f cenre the mainstay uft he laitder lua n lppuy tf cannai articles, sncb as presal'ves mmm,ý biscuits, vegatbis butter, tee, coff a', chocolaté,ocos, and, Inabsort, very variety of foud tiLt la capable of beiuppra.ervedInlua ciaistar. Sncb upplieare, of coursa, mostu aUmmon ,oaz*tha aMp; during aleiga johIrpffl la i, hbeever, différent. "Onu lice. aid Parl, 1"tiere mueti he i tnnat, limpliclty ln the maiter of foui. Te changes vhlcb I abould makinla»i thou- axpedltlou's aiga eequipmMK vrol beha .llb.thedirection of eu leva the. raricty oftfod supai ['baerebOJuttfoliethifl in laeb. vi of provision@ lit a bould taes, aatà tboa, are pemmician, ahipe buscuit, tes, and coniau aiti. A fifikartile woui ha furulabed In the shape loi 'reai meii of amy uni tiLt Wi uight; kli ou the vay. On .7 previona Jour- aey 1 touk a great coaur thlnga tiLat. wr otaet onily usalena, but voume, bo- cuse tbey mercly aiddi aght te thaï ideiges and thns vasai oue etraeh bnnacessarlly. If a min cannet get aloug vlii pemmican a"d biscuit witii tee te drink. the arctlc refflom an. mu place for hlm. He muatn't crpacttbe Inauri,. ot a buiel dînlier. "Pemmican ls beef mixai vlth a cou- siierable quamllty oft antI t 1Mthe, stapid arctlcfoui, amitIlnet Lt ai&dsà gretable te thetinte.it la Such cou- premed. One Pound ofut telaequal te tour pounis ot uriary maLt, no tbat; tht carrylng ot It redoras thie ieo welgit vcry much. Oue Poundiofut la tht dally ration for a main. 0f the.bard ahlp, biscuit une poumi la aise a dore alowanre. and ut tea, about a quart., Tic,. raiouns are consumei alital- viy. luinvu iittla, vhlcb iretgal va bave trne tu sytop for ou alaise juS- Delà. "The tua la Icempresaei, quartai-ý peudcaL-vs, vuch are tur rmar- et! off, somewiat lii. a calte et choco- lat., loto littIe divisiens et à quarter- ounce ea.nh. On.etribis. makea a plut ut tai, a" i hla strenger lieueSe gu- erally drinks at bhrné. Thei. ce4i ihh la the ordlmary article wiltlb y"i tee avaryviiere. It transe, etofeurs otten perfectly suBi, but liaI Soie DO Impair IL.Ceute, la »« tkuc aur la chocolat, or cocue. vikcPa inca. Ment idme JuieI- falti lu Lt aIl, aigandi eyoffi gý Il tesan. It leasaNuS lbeu tbeqie f»ac 1 ar t à,utrit tm%àabitasse!l& rot àu 71 i 15tr pbromsee Dy sumes auns, tra À Tehuh.etues iesme .t'-eue lIs ao .areawiteauswinters ancy, Ti.wIl.pp e b mi.Tii ueai nd a satcsen.cll hi tee.i la haut, ig.eye t.lni. weL 'Seath, sutherm ski*s, la site@ sil. Put va y tint le Goda a esto lor vur and age bava terttheir vs Tiiay rtvasi l ong:su aime. rotupain,- 'i 'aiti ad iidltsmv rot biRevelystesthe vetelai.Te ogi raàto.viiiaeisblc tiot scîdier amesir! And prnuir etic cli, voredruzm. TRevenUs othiir hatoomehisai itia. by hie ade-a« dnuluer brus- hlm au tua âit un fseet Aid so., perchne. le wvtàthet desd And troupe utfi=9îy hiidrcdhbeur a aslion@ by or dais te cous, (beinovi te man, but kuovi te GO&i. Their tribut. te tic BoystaluIe. Ou tommides merci viti hlm to-day To othèe b appier fate avore sWith bade unoveaci. ianded 16w, Along the. marrev village atreets, Reposa tena.ih ten native elime; Tii. psy the. 0usd te valor due. ~lait cf aitis negimeut. Ainv amunssev mrds isserayer.the glialstttr mIe odIenraeiii vision greets. Anda ou eget fsd tgthee. Preaboalatu Ibet, t àl ut d love an&-a t trancha. rude tiair boetts 110, Ani glting stars loue vigils keep. milevIng cyes ubeir graves are vsti-htd. Thp hsent ofatt is rginnt. go mure the bugle Cati toeiama Aidovlng banda tond ourringa irit e Ait bho e b litspss.n ,P.. iMalt roe tiim rrom tbeir ireanlesa 0f PosaiIllico, vrleats. Tie hant otftt raidArmybhat 84-P. No ftrar movers dock hier et Kisg. For Dtiest'grltu harv efaoo$all r ripe. DECORATION DAY. 11, and beip Mon get readyY gAnd ifRob- beenu;m~ed "eorion Dy." i Rus vii'? Why due. bc noistar Lt home vlth land, ire permtted te go to the grave-a of A Story for the Lttle Onea. un'? Dues't ha love un au! morel'?" thon i cthai aldiersanmd place floyers open E bigh Budaymamina vonld draw her boy te ber and, thent. 0 ~NR rlat Sunday Ingber arma around hlm, and lookng hto a.D. loomgl Arts bsloes ab@ wenid Baal."Tes. mCy BrhoteD the telegraph vire. darling, ho loves us, bu t be muai go. Our t roe u te ns ut t of iea strnge cud be ard .- country uceis hlm, and you and 1 muet b. metrai dre, ciii. m go , ut nvatho conld ~~ proud that ho la ready lutedo i duty." mr a h. eae g.vinti peatlug the "me Tho Robert wonld go te hie pay, vue- @ouni of ebot and @beli reui the silence thngea&l over theieri,, hat il metat, just &Aiyos ndiiipaseof the. beautiful nmmmer deys, land. "nec, tic; tic- would have vundered if yeu bai beau aid thace vis a vacant chair linl.. home tic; t--r, tic. tlle; there. ot every patriot lunithe land. Then the. tic, t-I-c, tic; t-I-c; Tien came the terrible, terrible bittîca, soldiers ver. *vldedinlto two taetiow', tic, t--r; t-i-c, tl'Cmore avtulthan anythîng you ever ithe bors lu bien and tiie b.-7 in gray. tl."îiy caled dreamed of. lMeu ver. abot down by Nov tbay are sati lu ose baud- nue. t.and the drowny thousandi, and many wbo did net lo.. liai are let-Aud tbey are ail boys in tolu-rPh oPeratoni their %Ives bai! a lug &hot off, or an arts gray. Timssa. given tii-m their uni, et u i n îbeîr 00 cruahed tuat bai te b. Cui off. Stiferrm. , chairs &a.il startled they bravely .truggled on. It va. for Tibe v as mIînglet vlth the. skies. hy the. Word& tiie beir helovei country uii.y ver, igig Aad ve vare hboys lu gray. vIsas ver. syi. ad for It tbey ment b. viliIng to sufer. Southaru vomen gare te our conutr A"yiooker ontrould or, te dle. Then the men vio hsd not MmoalD -t ouc o' hava so eau ttsethlng ireaitul wL. been killai or vho b.d net dled oftbteir Alabadca. who poi triiute te their moi- est amongt tii.opttorg tremblai. ay ieo ihs sdmn h Then csme tii. mpld vrtting Ot Ofthii ay.iaoncucte.sdmiywo The iret formai services ,us'omme'mueu- fearful words tbit tht alender vires bai tieof thtii soldiers wbo gave titeir lires aitered, the burryîug lu and f ru. and mes- for the Union vas on lMay 5, IWIti. by sunger' boys ver. seen fling te the grtat order of tien. John A. Logant, vhe va. neapaper offices and the homes uf the - - - et ihat time commander-lu-chlet oftheb unirof uttha cîties, and te tha chutiche8 Grand Army ofthtei Republir. vier ii polevetaleaybegninlo:The firet Oite te taite legllative action te assemble. For the deep-ioued 5.1,- o Meniorlal Dey vas NeJrsyad bath echnrnh bellehih ui nutiie steeples New York vas tiie iret Stât. te make il bad boee ringîng out their welcome te al, a legal hoidiy. Congres adjouned as «esanthe. trangers lu their ,nldst. "Bit.e, a mark ut respect to the meutory ofthte baum. hlim,", they sang. which evrryboiy unen wiio bai dîci igiiting titeir country'» àuav meant. "Coma to churci, deir peu- btls ple. CJme, corne, rome.-" And the Peo-~ On tiie tiet occasion viien thê orier pe strolled lelsurely aiong tuvard the -w- as general for an observance of the day, churches..gose uaitaily afier anuuiiet vhich was tiiet prorlaimed by tien. Le- sied ;uto ther peva,' wyule the orgaulat gin. tlttre vas a greai dlsPIay uf sol- plaz.d snc b oit. aveet muieî tuat evet!- ~ - diery. sud muei patietlr seceins ert vit- body fit iothei and quIettaiby IL - essed, for ti.*crviout ar vere yet la maiy of tha cherche* the. prayar *au fresh. At Arlington, viiere 15,000 %nol 1 vstheii.morulug brusbai been %nuit, diers reposai. (jeu. Uarfiel-afterwirds l, weo a tlr and initIa at tie door migit " Preient ofthtii repubhîr-made an ora- have beau oitd.a. the.mesoenger beys, lion tiai meltai ail vhu beand It to te&M ie ndOtl s brmihaad luirI was net ouly a magnificeet tributs te aid onvluest etheber. bndi oethe dead. but i lassir and ratorons les- &id then ather rond the message, and sou ot encouragement bu tiie iiving. Il fWes gem. u t heu esripad lu a ipebsi 'TOUIS PAPA 19 OObNO AWAY, ttC A." was on that occasion thai i. uttered tuia vhispathe votds, "Oh, Godil Ias it knew tut they ver. disablai for hite. But grand.peroratio,: »Ma te tbi5T -they bai savai their coutry. And tuai "if silence la ever golden. lu muet be And ail iookd vhite amd ave-strnck. vas reward enough for heroîr hearts. ber. hOtide tiie graves ut 15,000 men, The b.ad naher burried trembllngly duvu Tlhongh uany a vldov turuai Ber nasd vios. lIves ver. moresisgttîlcant tiir 60h. su ad. vithuiiei aiting for the. face away vhes tha crovrd valcomai tht sp.ecb, and vhoae deabh vas a poem tu ~lggmas tomfinih reafilug the.aossue- reiaralsg soliers. for a.ku.v tut ber munie ut hlnb rau neyer b. sunt." mm t rtha veak.laid the. telerm uopen lovai oee vknet i0t ithe.. asud ma I o iaGayeeotme tepqlpIt deL ilttlee.bllir.t l.aruedInlutîma thai hy .týoOtLer Ma u ry e ad of te tea Tbi clergyman. .omnevbat .urprlfad. dciearAthesrs vouid neyer retors tetie. "t -eotnbeslit tht vber glutsd ntaitue paper, stoppai, gaaPed. Then by sud iiy the peuple sald: "Ounr Dldîi@re.iien tuey have appearti oi 4holding on te thent, s If b. bai beau chîiren monit grov np ioving and houer- parade, asu Pon Décoration Dsy," $sil t imqeck a bloe by sm ussesn baud. The ug the hernic men viio gave their lires au observer, "vwhy. boy manY Young met ciggti e ual st omtbln terrible for tb.lr conur!." 80 lu village adtitreZae among thetu! but that canuot b bs ue uedmitheir baal15sss»@»0 te tovue. aud cilles, monuments viert bulît sl ay years longer. Tiiere are stil mersta d b.ta r e h.vlutiai to-Vasi t bosor0f tii.mai vii.dledlgbing for l .sau nlu tii. mu" nubers of mei ct is wotds. thelr country, And oue day ecriYear comparatival!y ronug la aPParaur., ibu "ILI peopie," ssi he, lu a slow, d.lhb- wvas ct aporitoekeep fresh ana green the 1 vas .irtlek on tantDecoration Day b, erw at.u, as I.It ver. au effort tu steédy memory of the brave soldiers. and îî bas tie number vhu hav, nov grovu gray. r4 .bvoici b oldinlu y band a messaga 14 trou the proeiut et tue Uited State.. 4, Thoan is, niesdroppai to lbe paper vblch y e b bsohhld, aud nov bis&role raug ot cimes m»d lond as ha raid,"Oseur 09ha. d bau fired opus. Saety-lve tbosaaud '0 trope vaitei ai one. Abraham ALn- 4 *Drini the. uej ive eeks ms camse iii., burriai iiiexcted, tobhuit op lav 'piper., or to, siralahten ot deais, aaylug à. la Snêeaeid * nae ethe paleticai IL. voues. -1"invIU7 ~te baveailhommalesi Rt mttits atgalht hafors I go." Tii... ver. 't e soernauntRtiui etvaai buebauisIl le and wv wftli.h esally endi ta the m.fathtw elas u t, stmmani s @idulêfl. and tie .o*oe, dry.ayed, -but vîte qnlv- ' t rsMu%*.IU..U t D'W5 11- r ~ ~ isr5bar ova roue.vîth - :puaei aà ie d bti ev.ug ~ i'are ue tbedqp la ithé tovi halls li a l eoebaseMad a ho b an i et a bstt. i aiumr1v '.' ý IV »-. -et. .. -#.d" k- him steme. IL et IL to ,4F it da be m, un he un on tid en be tili ien MI by mii iieticlily dtsd mhre tIls, excepi ttlit hcouter. upearmunli~ palitim tuehev6w e omgret frîcs. a- elons fer tkrty-flv. lusteai utrfi rs, &ai auberises a &-rani tire foeethe &t'et i er*uniy, lustrait fthe tai. eru. The gis froutage bill tallai te s. 21 te 17. Tha Sanatenial appor- tommaent bill causai au mngry alterca- un beivean 1ýr. Mahouey sud Preaient Pro Taupore, Jisher, ami the. fermer callail the latter a lier. Tic giasconsoi- daion bill vaes ietested, 28 te 12. Tii. loueconcurredinluthe Sonate resoînile. taijegru sine die lune 4. ThilIn l- creaslug Suprema Ceurt Judges' salaries fllet] te paie, The illluteragulate the. sa and manutactura et beer, aleasac§ porter vas killei; thill,1 te regulate und probhbisensaitona] or tala. sirev- isements lunanvropaperi or otiiervîse, vas passai. 100 te 0. lu the. Hotse Tiiuvsday the Senata ill proring for tii. apltelutmnmioet ree upervîsen utfassemeuis iu Cook Coqn- ty vas smenied asud erai to thîri rening. anid senea ot the grettesi ai- citemaent.Tht resolution lutroinrai ra- tntly hi the Cummittet on Mimes end .Milung vas reterrei lu bte C'ommittee on Appropriations. Thee Sanat.Ilbel ill was advanced bu second readiug. lu tle Sanale the gai fronlsge bilI vas mai. a spoclal onier for Tuendmy. The apecist cesesmeni bill vss passai. A resolution was sdopted lndorsing lie llinois Mon- ctectury Exposition ut home proitîcîto t se held under bthe tonagtewenl ut lia Chicago Exposition Company aI the Cul- sacut in ticîcua., Sept. 25 te Oct. 16L The buttercue bill vas pasod. Among lic other billa psaed %vere the fuilov- in#: Irovidinctr hat suits in the justice courts uf Cook tuunby shail net b. itrougit morethtan lifleen mlles froms te residenteeufthbie defenisut, ami liai wbhcre the plaintif f rils tluni-cuver he saol puy ail cuitis: bthe sutit flot tebu i calied eanlier thsu 9 o'clork in bthe tLnontitg. antI nt lster titan 4 o' inltht aterno.,n. lu bhe Ilouge Fnmtey morniug ail gis qutiet sud ltat-etul ateir thc stornty ses- sionu ot tic dsy lrfore. The .cii-tti-rev- rtoue blil l ixiqg a standard ut nai-stent ut rieacstsf snd personîl property. af- ber the defesu t osun mnememulprovtd- lntut"fi'the ass'enttit ofcent mines i the. Stute Board ot Equ alaion. vrs or- ieved lu third rebdlug. Mr. U'1>onnel mureithat bbe retenue bill b. rei'shied for nittenmfb. Ntrt'ociiranmonci lu uty bthe mtuioni ounliie-table; .srnietl- yes. 6i6i, uys, 51. iabrîi-t psrby vote, the hteîublans rotlng lu lhe affirmative. 'lh. approtpriation blill vraitcrdere.l prnnb.-lauc mande s speciai order tir a hler day. Theî blill enabliug lthe î-ummlssiouers outhtii Joliet pcstenthary bu Oz tht salary outhle crsrdeu el not exceoding 1115.0W11)per su- nutm vas amendai by making the. amouni $4.000 aend maie àaprapi ordtr for Wed- neada. Busineslu ithe sonate vrai rue- inedtiebudvanclng appropriation bille trotu second ta tti-Ir.asing. act-urding te a prerlous agreement. leîh bouseas i- journai te i5 u'clock lfosy. Witen tite Houe convte.pl st 5 o'cloe-k hlouimy t2iairman Allen of ute Judtctary commitiec maie a favorable report on tbe Sepnate bill stlowing vavebuemen tu, boy aud oeil grain. Mr. Alleu muved & suspension of tic nules bu bave tie bilk rect a seton1 lIme. 'Tie moOt irevaîl- ci-yes,. Ir.;tcsy..24. Thill wa1 s bien milvautec tu thini rcsding moi made a apecil ar ur rTuesdmy iv. r.Bock- ner's 1bill atprupnîsting $75,000 tbu îîi tle eipOlist ut forng paradle gruun.ls and ercbirîg su srmury ton tht une outhle Illinois National (uan sd tsîioued lu Chi- camgo.vas advanced 10titidreainug.Mr. Avery'* hill relatinttglufraterual beueý iciar>' volettes wvu on motion ut Mr. McEuiry macle s apecisi orier for Tueo- day ou third readlug. Mrv. Bnckutr's bll, revisus lthe tilîtary sud naval code vw» resi a Ibird lime. but bic veo on the bill vas poutpoued. .A oumber ut apprOpria-- tion hbil@vert advancetd on thie caleniar. There vas nut a îquorum prte.ut lun19 senate. andimmmecliabeiy atter the rendlnt et the joural ant stjottrumeut wvmslton. lu the Houe Tueday thei- Snate hll& h, shoýw vareouuc'ueu Iu huy aud selà grain wss pamaec. 10)2 lu 27. lin. Ant- .iere,éon's resoiution cs.liug ton att inves- tIgation hy a cun"cte ofut ive ut the riobous cendurt ofthebcmouchera the otier day. wvican auit bbiile vss uirrîvcet the Speaker and a fret-for-mil ilgit va. amnt pre'-ipilate.passeiti Thte bil rslsing front $7'.Mk0 tu 110.4fflthe aM- aries outheicjtdgea utfbte Circuit ani, Sti.riur Courts ut Cook (ounty tilai rt, pax,. lat the Snate the sas fronit- m ac lbiivas reeoudered. ami pamedi. a wseaxism, the gaz consolidation bill.tSen- auor Cnsbill autioriaiugtute (>iiicagu wefft 'ark ijomuthuloneri te lie(0. (0) wonrtit ot bonis vas usedO. 4The i. Mhcoeu a a IeLorive. e totu yesrs ugo Profeseor Ebreuberg 8 us entpioyed by the Pruielan goveru- menitu tetreagigate a case ut skint- Sglua. A cah bai beeu up;?ede, valu-, ables extracbe!. snd tht case repacktd and ahlpped onvari bu lisdestlnàthon., The only tlev bu thte rimhtntls nus tuat ethe. uupacklng muet hure item doueaLb mu&onit of tie customu bouses tirouguý la blhch the gouttepassai. t.To nil appuananeethe ie mlcrmopinh ILbail a bopelees taik. But mot au. Eh, :0r.nb.ng touomutanofthe mini tint had Fbeen usadInluthe reperiug, pluec iil L nier bis incroncope und rerognlsei a! peruilar sperimeit ut turamîntferai Tint animal vas tound mt onlyui aplace lu tht vorld, eand tuhi just vierW ýuthe crime had been comuitaid. Spiders ne Pets. Spiders are moi gcuarally popuIa. kacreaturea vît olttiar sas, Yei a ladyî' )awiter affirma tbaa thay cant ha mai. id he"icirau it 118e pets lu thevorlkL-' -aSie telle boy site colleotai a comuoni ne gardenapider ami kepi ithe aveat ai lit under a glass tumbler fer tira. ve.ksI eu Sbit atcbei ber "bulbabr bonse e t smuvy .11k" miandfâuily,1 and, say tewrtie, IaO lai vie rua lent Wb" 1 gaveina" f naheaven Dda." Tins areLad«Ii,à