no aele abilai Mt lis s*dmi. v M.K ie ) en reh oil.5 -0" im# m' aMe ii.mwi rmeeoed Udly, a-4 01 thep baye aad upos as' A la aesrly a^ the du"les ". t1m cof, le dseffl* ai là& -" t» - a.lke& citer Na (larele. asi A y oc iam"ei ~ li l.. tasfie l. w abl. - 1a.ilhe Dmada. xeao le.d1ou- W~~Nlfla go.wllv muea iam lu.Iak Ooaly Doa ou igbo l~rovelyai? Tei bim. 8"mbookaV. ài e *R tO.d maebamoare d ny irq uq 4le piocnneL ofl ha morye1o '5ya5WýT ova mayohe s Si bavegRod prituring.loi hoi1aesanad nul. RM. Fr particulara adreas or caIl reaJl4 OSr1la onis OUA@m. Svbîu'z, Long Giovo, i]. ne of bhm betal baeau 3ý Atimnlatratora Notice. a"- NOTICE ite înuby riven thatthe ow..beri adaatrtheo Ue octe of tgvgpv ae~ed iitend 1the *M ~a.p~ow Oa bou«Mai aI i, 'U.u"rt.t i.tcuau l ut** eilit*Mt bilaaidCOuti oa theo irst oe ~ ~ W y mae~W ~~ nexi. lm. w6en and vinere aslrealuaemnat @aïi .,.oad d entesten te present on mmobo e te l. "IdCort oradjudication. 0 fh 4, '(baviý . dicjiouaratrlx. ~ ~* cf xeouora Notice. 1 ric Wée4 hi. brother this M ~ Wokig tu Long es. ~va#W loirmana 1*5'et 14ke Zurich - DUdaee. ar SI é eail u réons #4 M« i1*n arsome le"mehii.g r, et Long Oro*v la 0 lad coffledon lia. WY. 1% asd fauSI..of JAue #W. Shoa lvsa aI Of f%è. 1mI5aia bia dama hai111. , When the QuestIoayýf Buqrgies is taken into con- sideration, woulde> It be wise to think the matter ,over, and figure q*_ thereai value of ai good Buggy?, Je mean, when we say "ia good Br a v elchie that wiii not alter a yeet s work ook as though it was a fit sub4ict for the NaWlils old-iron pile. You WilU findI f you Investigate, that there is a difference ln. Buggies. Corne in and let us expiain It to you. r «E SELLW e', Co" Bose ut ulins bok vlnllatill VlIght Blood and Nerves arc very closne- a m td C un. rrth inofrSt T'rulteainu or Wil. aun i Knnnxu frint( ]y relateil. Knep tihe bio)d rich, pure y gairt lmvwoen Md inore "I Wininet Cali for "rn.litnkunnn ha dgOWamnaflnet aald calau- 'u'111Koox hbai ceeu ia n.y nnn" anîd healthi', wiîhIîlood's Sfrmnnparilla UOff t peâtth Ad .tur W III.armat, feryin& d o hl ave 3no nervouceesa. t x eonutrlof thlesut W« -u t" nfaiId deeeagnmn. H<i5Et OOd'1 Pilla are bout alter-ilinner Wakeae 32d.u-37 piiic,mid digestion, preventconctiîuation Exeoutorae Notice. Hundieda of tbousando bave be OVOSLl taCE i. b.ruh aveu that theo induced te try Cbarnbei'Iain'a Cough ( a taeooaed.l ernedy, by reading vbatItilhann (1011 ,1ity. o elounuata for etinera. sud having teated iths ~bojaajteCennhlaemeitifoi iberulvesanareto-day its' DOXI. lUthv î w& vrmeat frieuda. For sale by P. Ji. e me n. te0 Loyaux, Libentyvlh, J. R. I&Atni, foraost enret te Gurçea, L. H. LîrTCupîxu, IteCkefeller. ie mdtetaiuea of eau de- *e *y ir d. lcm.and"" imam Il. GI, , - , 7 1 Mill.d MS S . i =11,=a.1mm betias la &utbrud 07q arjlnP'm adpe. Aloirte IUJ>Epz.i<ieNTao ie= t are vithstood iladiabet, flece and onionsa lvaya freuit at Kit. *Son'a.. lilasCor. Anain ha. recrited traim ~e~i . vin the. city; but axpecla to Ë& back again aslon dweill a003. oiwlkvlpc, Meure. Win. Biafer and Noil, of %ruvoe dînciey, Chricago, &peut Bonday vith theI loring ry. former& ocuein Dr. Bbafer and famiiy. )UN lilira. Enaisard, or Harnmond, Imd., iust '"doidnd' wva.tbe gueal 0of beraibter lira. . ind. Vsntvood, tif Druaea Lake aven Sun- Ctteatroit. day.' "çdned the bill Mev. ad li». Pair are atill holding adeodrnoengcin the tant on lb. aboie of B ond;. Iblaite.The. lattteaulster ham corne hr or.. bicago and maclaIs viib lb. labruint. aînging. Wou, <30W. Caion Bitte & son for gardoen bolb = e hln<k and abolf bardware. !ed 11(gb The Ladies Aid cnciety vaa poiîtponod boavuni a .1gl. furtive gîonèe1n front Wedneaumay to Thurnnday on lumatares-. account of th1e deatli of Mr@. Rende. over, ue lira. A. W. Harvey will entertil the t uulMue ladies that day. )f nieu.The married mena nino played 1the vain saon ingle me'. nine ivo ganea o! bal round.ecoration day and the latter voe victorlona in hotu. Thie airied men ed amr. lbed ti go out hy tbemaelveg and C y.t),ar, practice vien no 01on lae I ingb, a. agalu al:Inelr.. 1the report la that they voe almo8t turo trac.,iewshd Mp andi Mut. The W. C. T. UJ. vili irold their Bay'. convention lu tire cburcb Ibis Friday [p i inae âmue 4111. lioying aeclon beginisai ndad&' 10:30 and afteinon asession ut 2:(W0. a10u1ce1;. Uood apeakeraii bo pir nt. Dirîner1 est cots, viiliebo aeved 1.I i letcroe room of rit d church In0tboae vbo corntefront afar. vluîd. An eariieat invitation In oxtended 10 toiea te e., al 10 bpreent. Itnov i'our (ici.. For a ew days pork cinopsi aindi nnuts 6r and wlie. t ititta .& soi'a 8c lper Il. ,ry ide: r yOu. The Congregationial chnrclieo of hadjtinefa.n.l. Lake connty vIii hold their annual .as ennt. convention lu Bockefeller nuit Tuet- blet Wi Il day ail day and an Invitation luq oid b111 luday Paunta extended to ail tbose vho are membern tnt yourbanfo. as, vol asa tboee vino are net't10 coine r __d.-lu111alu nd faite part. Theo peopleo f oui <i mignt mIter village are alwaya houpitable i h anda T exM endorisi aurvi e a i ld. I te sbennk .1 arbool houa lait Monday voe I de d (Mte very fine casting gresi credit on li nnau.r. r i. Ieeker and Mii Minto vljo apared f0 manent pains tb mule thee oxercigesa anucesk. rip Afler they voie tiinlcbed th1e bandi ned ship- 1pîeded 1the procnnion to the ceule ,are tory, vhere th1e sebonl chljdren y eut d..posite.Ifloral eento n 0th1e graves '" ou, bt of the old soldioru asud again foirned In andi n'eut line and narched up 10 1the libîerty et id4 II pole on theo top of vhieh the village thi.' r lag vas iiotng toth 1e br.eze and 4 50011 ne m'nr, lInsie disperaed. A large nunt r or lad frot, oor. citizen. and parents veto precent at Iws test, the exorcise, and tboy ml i biglly <oued praed th1e effort. of brtlîtoucýherm W bueý lun.'noned and pîîpill. da y. Threvnuh<t zrievbh iegan eat 10 a. Me., alten vhlch tbe pro- ceasIon vas fornent and murcbe oh ie emetery k) deenrate th1e grave».. Cbarley l'artridge, of W'ankegau , va oui and cpnnke, andI an tloy pasaed froun grave tW grave lie gave a ahit acCount 'if n'uni, annlter. Oesrnuî one year only $1.90. Town' of Grant Special Election, Il oday June 7, 1897. MATHIAS UTOFFEL, Town Clarkc. For .l,îstitee of theo Pene (to tltiivaceuncy> EMATHIAS STOFFEL Far Conetallen, - tfi l Vadeuindea EA. L. WILLIAMS ILJHUBERT CASPERS Drt. bliIea er.. Pluatie for mn.umaa CoititEiioNn>E5Tm ~ANE We are (lesiro us of securlng correapondeni. tn every tovn in th1e cuunty. If .Four vliiuity la flot reprenented vylite fur terre,, or annk nomne frIend te do no. Fa BAIRSTOW. M anufacturer of Marble Granite' 0. B. HOWE, M. D.,' SPECIAL JET IN CHRONIC DISEASES. Until further notice %wIli vlalt Lib- S,> Il or OVERCOAT, etyvuiry à%à% Sunday May 3Oth. rà%lLOfte *ne OINTS PuRN1SHe;Is Kaml aie*, Libertyvilie, Illinois. Complete Uîne of Fancy Siik Vesti ni on Hand. Office: Trlgga & Taylor Building. SOURS- 1 te t3. ni. H Ln.loca onn numn for duA t'.n-xt vicit. Aldrs'ss-Woodetock. Illinois. More Remarkabie Cures. WOODSTOClt, ILL., liAY'16, 1897. For theo paint eigilt yeara i bave muffened fitrn a ebornacin troublo wincb ' the doctors i rsI called dyepepuaaend rny trouble grew !vorae and my anffeong became ao g et ah ime. thit I tbongbt olten deatir vonld bu a blenning. Borne callod rny diseuseo cancer of the îtornacb and ail of 1the niectniravbo liad treateni me for years sit 1 could not he llelped. lu thia condition 1 plaet rny casne in theu bande of Dr. 0. B. H<nve luit Noveniber and arn able to aay no* liai uncior hie treintreont rny mnlary va peonllly neiieved sud for theo pasl; Ibree montina I have enjoyeni perfect bealti muid arn Patistied tinnt I arn curod. Moreovnei Dr. itowe cbnrged me loue forî hua services than any ther tdoctor vile ftreated mo and 1 dosire la express rny gratitude by apemking a gooni vord for Dr. libye every time 1 bave au oppQrtunity. Ronpectfully Youîa J. L. WntLIÀMS. LAKE'q 4 COUNTY B.AI'K ....» Wrlght, Parkhurst & Co. Librty#,,flinoia. Issues Interest-B3earing Certificates Payable on Demand. Ni ont u rmenteo. CEMETERY WORK of EVERY DESCRIPTION, I~~ Coriecoondene luoenee t Sale FIgured. Pongees' Po jcabaorpUliaund adverlimaql1 1? ob îitin. Ciion ber for ras.. 9 The commutflty vas a boobel luit Tceaday 10 bin cof eunezpoa 1dea th11e night baeée ra c lra; Eal 1 Hndee, :a voman veli kubvu A-m much lovedin thia viciaitl. BDeb" basa111 but a.1ev day. am Do1nueb"d 1thougbt ahe vmà iu a aerioua condilion 1until the blov of death came. Ste va. buried wedneady la Wanoo"d by the aide of ber faher, brothera mand vho b.d precededbh o thelbotbaler venld. The luneral cemoea voe held lu lte churoh at tisi.pla aand thre Royal Neighboia oS i Miab Camp conducled the. servicesasItle cemelery. Bey. Harri. preaubed lthe aemon. The. largo fumerai cortege tomealled thlb great oateem In vblch lthe damuasa WaS lîeld. 811e viiib. greatly ,nl.aed lîy ber »ialY friend. but tbey are co)niforted vltb tire tiought, tsviwat in thoir ]ose laelber gain and .11 ia veil. IVANHOE. GO t0 A. A. Payne'a for dry gooda and grocerlea. Mia. Hawkins ie vorklng loira. J. J. Porteoua hia veek. Mir. Peter Payne and con Ivan vent te Llhertyville Tunday. W. H. Abbott bas aecuredj the princi- palabip o!f1the Grayalake school for the eonhing yeux. lira. Henry Gralpbe attonded the funeral of Willie Liuhfild, of Rocke- feller, Wednesday. A large numiner frozu bere attended th1e lecoratin eexercicem at Liberty- ville hunday alternoon. SLig4ht Prl ier yd.................... 0 .06 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . Summer Corsets ........................... Ladies' Ribbed est................... Childs Scotch Plaid Oingham Dresses niceiy Trimmed....................... *'- **** Ai Wool Noveity Dress Gooda 38 Inch per yd TERMS CASH. F. D. BATTERSHALL. Grayslake w06 .00 .081 .35, Decoraion (AY w- -seIellwnoiSUD Care fui 4 Thought muet tel» You that we are sel ling you desirabté goodisat the right prices. The following prices are for your benefit-take advantage of them. One Week commencing May 319t. Ladies' Fancy Shiirt Waiats $.50 66Leather Beits ........ .10 300 yds Remnants of Prints per yd .................... o2j Mens Ali-leather Bicycle Sho.s per pair.......... .95 Men's $1.75 Congress .98 Brooks Bro's. Ladies 2.25 1.69 Pheips, Dodge & Palmer Ladies 2.50 Shoes ........ 1.49 Brooks Bro's. Ladies 2.00 Shoes .................... 1.57 Brooks Bro's. Mens & boys 1.50 Shos ............... .99 Ladies OX Biood Slippers .98 Boys 45c. Shirts............ .25 No shrewd buyer can afford to passlgthe above offer. Fa Ha Kuebker, Brick Store. GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. Iseil TOOl 40.00 Bicycle Repairing a Specialty. Complete LUne of Sundries always on Hand. E. B. Sherman, GRAY'SLAKE, ILLINOIS. See Here!. Ail You -Ladies and Gentlemen. We cannt refrain frirn teallug yeur attention k)o 0e as liI v feel aur. lhuare bave lie .prettiel looking, bacle duawe and eonem ba Lun PLA ME IL000K'a STOVE .uil.e ar.taScte as PdalPrisai nd sudt pnes itin rmachil ail 1, &a, we vii ar.tîn fnn,îib, Whuet iey 1maI, as alher Lilieryvlji. ar Wa~ or a ahip iOn 'Iireui 'n onnier, -iRnnmPI.Ce lc, Pluai iyi"d .v..rea4y %l, Kat disenner aile, tnt *nuiiy $8 t". Thély il pronluce a ul glemui visin th ne al on <ac itu "Our lampea sId aiboam ue or aiuciloua, bit more I li feai, auidy. anmd leave tha aveu off. Laugbi' S birn. We ouly eorga 1U.76 Witbàl* oveu. W. buy our aove. 'utbih Mme 10v. viiea va aisai ou BLACK and TAS I0O0T". a" SuHons lchanar oonua an. rlvng mi u o couda. W ed fyepie. p fbolu qulty ad prj., tlas., Y ble Ileit hand l Saragal S- 'mal blaeka sd mmAi, m= bleycl..MdnIaur$ieo or GOorge 94Wanona. bau rein liai WtLf3JLS Corne in and see the Monarch for $38.(oO Fowler for en e. IQf< &"SON, f L89*"YVILLC, ILL. -P Satines « . .............. rint» 64 6ée Illinois.