. v Buys a lot of Grocerles, if you know where to take the quarter. The prices below wIIl tell you where to go» I 5 Ibs. Evaporatêcd Apples 5 "Prunes a teApricots 2 Cans Salmon 2 "Apricots 3 Baked Beans 4 Cans Peas 4 " Corn Lrts. Cranberries Everything at Lowest Prices at Triggs & Taylor's Libertyville,Ilil. G2..D OS_ Bring out the Wheels. Corne ln and 9es My LUne of IogesI. A" eIeeccI.[ Repairing a Specialty. Bicycle Sundries. LibrtvileC. R. Sherman Ii pring lits. a D-- Overcoats. end up and Up No trouble Io show mps FRED CROKER, Bank. - LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. m For Deliclous Ice Cream PICKED Up HEF LLocal items of Interest t lira. B. B. Egier laàspeudig a couple <.1 weeks wlih lier parents ln Baraboo.1 lirs. James Woodman apent them proment veek with lier parents lui WaukLegau. Darby brothero uold their bouse snd property on Divigion BIYI'51 10 Chas.1 Avenu tiIs veek. 1 have a nîce fine of lahirt valet« dreu sakirtas, wrappcrs, @e., s0ulie sold chesp. 32-32 MaS. PEIOTIPiE. Frank Krom Sut everal good neg%. tîves 01 the conietaute iu the races ai Wheellng Monday, one of the winner ln the A. C. C. race. Mns. H. 8. Huributt bas just recelved a ful i he of shirt vaaIss. Cali sud sec theni.t Evertt Matou, of Veeling, vas lu town Tuesday and vent dovu 10 the0 track 1t e.e Dusey" wurk out s Promlalng colt lie la trainingi for Mr. Mason. W. C. gauburn hmasaecurod tiog1 services of another talIor tu hlp oni durlng tie rush. Witt bhs brS Men vOrkiug lu bis establshment at present. Read the bergalns offerd y our varions marchante as noied lu iheir sasa. Yon eaui gave money by a close pornos. of tinsse bargalun bulletins troim week t'O veek. More nev drens gouda and sunimer millucry st lira. Frotiluca. 32-31 H,. L. Clegrove, of Antiocli, reccut- ly became proud possesor of à hackney colt, aud itni. a dandy. HIe *a vsin lrdby hie ijpfot* 4 hufMe? owned by Chas J. Ketri, Libertyvaie. Jndge H. G. Blond, of New York brother ut B. C. Bond @peut a levr day. lest wffek Vibli the latter. J udge bond va cuote tu Calîfurujat, lierc lit Li"s eltetive pruperty liitefcdts. C. J. Reini put up mollue attractive ali lietly printed poster anIst eek, about thec cuuty, descriptive of i. imported Uackucy tallion, lieugniater., Heta Ka aune borée, lucre bIiîg "neè better lunliia clans. The Ladies' AMd Society ut Uic Prebbyterlan chiuri, Viti gise a Stravwberry bliortCake Sociable authle1 ethurth tnidsynigit,Juiie IL. During the, cveulug a qulîtit lbc gîvenà by vote 1 tuMe mout popular lad>i. Luiicu 10 centu. Fur tsuinnier foot wecar go tu lir. Ilrotlne'n. ton vili anbd tic lateat1 sty le% ai lowest prices. 324 9 Ounr acloiotldrectors have cloiscî contracta villi teachers fon the sebool for tb. cusulng yemr. We have deltuite Information tu Ihat efiec snud that ail are tron oulelde Lake County. We hope 10 lie able toa uilounce tbeir names eil Veek. lira. F. B. Rumbasl, vhu vîihber danghter blanche sud sou Clare, hba been sojournlng lunuthe set Uicpuât year, belng located a greater pari uf thetine at Narlhtleld, VI. returned lu Libertyville lust Frlday, vhere il je thelr intention ta make their future borne. Prof. Emmeli J. Brown, profession*] harnse trainer, lias located ai the Libertyville Fair <roundu permanent- ly. Mr. Brownu ias a number of! formules@<f vteriuaryiedicineb ot uenit sud ln autlior of a bootkion diseuses f bornaeandl Iheir Irtatien Soecbis ad nexî t tk. Mauy o u i.,local cyclIbs epropose a li1ld day for Libertyville snd thjat races lie smranged !for Lake Cuîiuty ridera inuly. The Ides in al igbt. Pîîsh IL alîîg. No ,donletounr business men V.,ild contiute tuvard aîîtsll, prizeb. Finrsalicatitul liait'aI ou .irs. Pro- ti ne anil youwiih1 fut lie 'lîaappointed. 32-34 Ben H. Niiler 'san avarded the second plimie for excellent work lu the examilliîtion at tient College of LiV lust veek. lMn. Mîhîra Voit vasofa! character that made It bard 10 tiecîde as 10 bis dlaIm au ftrsi prIz., but &fier cusderable delîberatlon he vas awarded the second prîze. NEW SUMÀ AI LEN.- -1 re a 0sa Love rniling May hb.,uspeded but qE AND THERE. Dot stopped dorrl . hammloek L d e to Liberyville eaders. There Vas no achool Monuday ed s number ut the boys went lu Wheullnig $0 ses the road race. 19MW Lust Frldays progranti uhiwas, Albert Triggs, af Élgîn, vlalted his mostiy pâtrlotlc vas as follova: gongi father, gaaio TrIWggu eaday. by the achool; readînga, Iha Sandman, BarI Crieti, Lotile Lee, Prof. Devin, la___ Dr. 0. B. Nowe'. Dcxt appolntrneut Mpund Wbeeer, EBsaie Bond, Florence ut Libertyvîlle wil l e June 13th. Ballard, reciteétlon by Stella Aiici'tWN MIs ie aud 1111, <f Woodatopk, la sud the realng of the Siar. seil.< viitiig C. E. Saurd asuit fy arI Corletamye hoienI going t.o le- fail. wortb a million sud a quarter. He Cansiderable gravel lx belng shippcd myi e obasnithe quarter nov but the 11 W ra by lhe Lake County (iravel cumpany. million baai 'tgoihobe.yet. Wc ____ suggédtestebclie ngbtreat us but Horne ofthIe prîces affer cd by adver. hie ohîeel o n lbe grî'nj.d thal if lic Uster. are tbrowing tion-advertlsters open& blé; quater ln treating us isi Libee lot s trance. ambition go becurnc a ifihliiart Il l reprtedtbm tuerecet c lmglt becojue shattercd. Itlsrpre ha h cn od Wbat wvas spp" osedo1 a liesdvision are id $poil i dlttinjure the .'rap of grat- of the great parsils whlcb le lu Cake- ating essaye nov budinîg. place lu Lonadon ln celebration of the t An ntcprllngeaaeruundrtaerQena I)libday pasaed tbrough the Anetrrsn adýn netkrciy of LîbertyvIlle. Thuraday, May 27, date,ý ufers chances lu s bieycle raileIcta any 1897. It conduild of a vehîcle of tour vho use bis canket..Tht, ticket la vbeelta t walblcd eouslderably ou tranteruble. accouai &f the heavy ioad. 1t;rnovcd m d awlftUy down Miwaukee Ave., snd' Pondats (Gage, a former realdent of despîte the tact Ui the sîtîgle seated ud eli kuown tbrougliont Lake rlg vontalued four perdions âuother County, ta y e nconu paget.sdllakeled on Lîbetyvîî trîenda passenger wus taken ahrond ut the terni Ibis veek.Ave. 1t thon purnaed >a course soutb- SubJctathePrebytetanchuchyard. Little, more le known ofthlbe <ujet iIb Peayeranc unukuowu except that they uarruviy fu 1 usai Hunday mornlulg -"caverlug (),r e.cajed belng smlvdb Ts gins." In the evculug --The, Cuit of "rnBon"sdvea ved yanly by Characler." the llmely aid of lMr. Louis Sherman. q The cîrcus sesison in nov lu ful bloom sud Ibere are aI leasI s dozen Dêcoration U)AY. 11o0lY big show% ou e.&th" maling The momorial services et lb. Union We have a large stock of hlgh-grà glati the bouts of enmaîl boys Ibrougli. churcli Sunday vere isrgely atteuded We also have the cheaper klnd for outthb.land. and lbe sddmesses vers llatened 10 I Ethel Renford, dangliter ut C. E. vlihmncb interest. Staudînfi rooatm en u edontrco red Moafrd, uf Ibis place sud vbo bas vus a a premlnm lun the crowded beeu altendlng sobool at Jacksonvlle, auditorium of the churcli. Alter tbe III., la gpendlug ber simmer vacation exercixes 51 li chcurch the audience SHOES vibber parente. repaîrect eu-masise tu the cenielery, ledt villi y John (0. Ragean Pil, 0. A. Rl. Iu Corne In and se if you vaut Mythîug tyliali andtihlb.proceaalou 10 'Ithe ccmelery tbera u o-o prelty l in"es' ud childrcu'a bâasgo eealrenmrofhidncry.ou jb-t c t0 lira. H. S. Hurîbutt'à for theni. vr s~ ubru llde ar.f he. "A le icboîs Eisopl lireinigfIaga aîîd the efleet. vas prettyabafnecie.,T 4t tdeyMrnolng lb. levo h impressive. Ater placlug asfing;sad prilpes h av yulda p rion lb.ateci "M Johngee rea un graOeo et uld suldîcra l.thben pa k wil praebon he ubjct -Malugprocession broke lice. Iltirs eds be a Thluga Acordlng go the Pallteru. . g uite a large alenauc owfl an evening theme vîi li e --A 5h11 Slimitlsurrauudîng lowna, vhere exî'rctise mIlpuprs Volce." Laâd becu hcld durnîg the mrarilng. wl upiey A garnie ut "scrnb" lurivhlch several ut ouîr profes.ion&l sud business men Tlie raille for a munie, box ut M.îx vere canspicloun watt pulied off at tbe LeBeans cîlgar store laut Saturulayj fair groundsa Mn,.'lssafternoon.. l...ht" ' ' '"" "'Alil the flnnds *dvers'ed rskrsu*ar crealed al klnds fun, disputes, grand. liac;ulhball been envelgled lut stand play@. etc. purchaablng a ticket and dame fortune Agent, DuBios recelved a Commnunicn- decreed li ho buud avu the box. Paul tIon tblis veek listing the St. Paul aH. bas" religions acrupies, wbîcb may cial ie addeclded tu erect a depa ttbîes sem trauge, but 'lis Ivue. aud jual boy place, counslsUug of leu vmîîîng roumi, ho eau recoucelle aid acruples suffi. lisggge ruom, trieght room, snutfie cleuUlu toaecept ofbils gond lmet vlth bmy wludov, la lie lucated an puzzles ye edîtor. W. know no botter Rame Rites the old depol. vmy Ont ut bis eubarrsslng blînation liany vere the expressions 0t cuin- pothadofurhaven lu thebis, Egunz Of meudation heard aI the cemetery las posdseoc"vdgotifebiIEs udZ Sunday for the effelent work of Lake. acted a-ccrdlngly there voiild becu side Cemetery Association, ansu 0nu ueed outIbIs ununec'cssry publicîty. Ihuse lhu have workcd su unceasinlgly T his shouud nul lic regarded tu the t'O accornpllah the notîcalile improve. lîglit ut cosrcluu. It la jlist a prîvate mnns ihere these candid expressions opinion pnbleîy expressed. su uuiversally expresscd ly s gratetul puliei mu8tI havi. been sas gratifylng as VOLO. tbey vcrc descr'ved. Coul seatlier, 'ilth rust uearly every lillllnerY, uilliui.ry! f carry tiie uight for a wcck pai. Idonday moru. largesl, Itent and ebeapeaàt stock of lug there was quite a scale of ice; gar- luilllierýv lu tovu. (len truck loos aickly. Mauy farinera Mas. il. S. HUrLBUTT. have 10 plant theiren o ter. Liberlyville Vas veli represcnted lirs. Chanlcy (iranger la very low amung the speetators aI thc road.rmcs'. wilh paralysls. over the Whcellug course let Monday. Decorlation service@ vere fittingly observed test Sabbalb afiernton in the Surne vent on bicycles, whie a large Volu- cemetery. The 0. A. R. sud W. number preferred carrlages. Several R. C. came aven tramt Wauconda. Ap. o! oui lady rîders vere aMong th,,,. propriate songe, readlnge sud reolta- wia rude to Wbcellng, and tbey vers tluns were reudered, sud lHon. Ga. M'ait, o! Vlu, sud Simon étoffel, ut able to came hack vîlbout the aid a! Mcifeury, gave splended addresaes. 10w lines, as Vas the case on a former] Tht, Waucunda Township Sunday oî"alon. Schoul Convention wil haolield in th. Volu M. E. ciiurch Suuday, Juue 8, Now ls thet ime tlu cautraet to grweunmenclng aI 10:30 a. iu. Tht, fuiloV. :îiîg pragrani bas liecu srranuged: clicamber pickles, as the plantlug PaenalïmSag Srs,j, .....a. s0oBCK season ls near e a baulContracts sud 'Ra iVe aseSonda) i,î,ITeaeb,'rg aeed at i.l. .îî,Jby & Ca., Smith & bî". uwr .crî ulIîîkb.ard. a. a. îi.cE 'on or 1 rlgge & Taylor'@, fLibertyvlle. sonü-*, .....,CHIRus Il. WI. STAFFORD. Aîn',-"uvedî ueiat Sciîoul ln Rtural Dîcrit"..... O'.. i ,£.W ÀITE &*y to Opérate PIl.. ............. ..... NE1LLIE sAtUGaT 55V to 'Tlic Prcpasin of Siiiday siloIîulLs&uns 5 wge~.sas~ H'ow and Wn'u -....av.j. a.CLARaK Ares~ispssDsioBOi~Pilla. uU la.'"The Teaclier of Suidai Subootl Lsaons" qj»,as.. fieal tberouil. mosema,, ..,........ .... .... KV. Ma. SARIS S n ......... .,.... , ,.................... Illusrated Primary Le.'eou Tajt...h.......,. lllustristed Prlunary Lcnons ........... ...... r ENTLEMAN FROu itItiaOOD »u"W: eoeve Reporta tram Suprlntendent8 ot:Difflerent bave lttu a PM Un t1 Itelau A 'd'.00 ",-:-Tîe lut erest lu. ..Su nday -8 âo ol- «v«." 26e. aC. I. Hod àO00, Work lu Lake COUutY".aUPaxaraxNDZNTs pçorielnes. lvAwi, F11 Thés enly PilCola t ie vi bd.kMUt.Unclalmed Lattera. Folluz la a lat of icîtenarsnmlntng lu t he Lbertyville, Ili.. postoiflee. June i, a O D S lm. uuelamed. Wben calUna for &&me amy 0J. W. Colx2« Mrs..Etta Cu 2 A. IL Caultîns. G«e. Fisher. T Chrinlotaber Grimes,, 1ev, WUIiam lndail, Fred <Irsuli (Forign). -~~0 - , *GH.Ssc s . . 17rru1iime pricese Ladies Jersey Ribbed Undershirts. Men's Gauze Undershirts................... -C ood Balibriegan Undershlrts ............ Dress Straw Hats ...................... Ail WooI Sweaters ......................... Bicycle Caps .............................. Fancy Hose; ................................ Eight 7 ln. FIag Siate Penis............. We have a new line of percales, in l.ight which we are sel COME IN, SJEE GOOE i.051 .21 . 25, '37 1.00 .28 .10 .01 For Sale. Cholce full blond youug Colliez, one 10 tv dullare. Alec gaod youing boras. L. H. BRYANT, IVRnU11e. I Notice. There wlll lic a grand picutle sud renulin ut lb. if. W. of A. tof Lake Conuny lu Sissers onuve a& Grayalake unîder the auspIces ot lv*iQiioe Camp No. 1253, un July 6, 18917., A complete prograr n lunext veek iague,'s JIn i Wlliam@rns enroule lu ChIn via Page & Whltmlores Weil. Be lan164 ft. duvn sud sîlu golng. bies lis ad lu anotber oltmu. f Iawn shallies, eu"C-PMÉI it and dark, iling right. Now ls the time to plan# Cucumbers fpr pickles. Plant now arid pt keéOp DS ln six weeks. ,OCt con- tractas et M. B.. Colby & BE CONVINCED. Co'*,>i.'Q. Smlth & on's - - ~and~1g alr, of id; il. B. colby& Libertyville, 111... SHIRT IYiLISTS. We have Tu.n&r recolved 10 dame. Lsdjeun4giesq ShIrt Waists. sites 32, 34 aud 36, wehi made of âne, perrale, ibey are botter quallty than masi 75c.La We have dlvlded thora up luto Sire lots mas scm U sulld yon ecan isrdly notice l> sund villh»UeU tflutla$b Ste our nr e of 43,,. Lanudered W&IiaW.i Agate Collar Buttonst for StkIrt Waistm lu white, 1ik or veme§d tops per dot Fine Leather or Duick Belts large varlcty of Boit Baueeanmde Beltiug. Fine ahi .11k Club Tien sud Boys Fine Percale Club Ties Soc Summer Corsets 76e <1gb Bust Corsets Ladies Whlto Lînen Clltais Ladies Wbite or Black Sailons, fiue s51mw, lîned %s$ yitb Bîbbon Our Pearl Studs and Shirt WaïIw are Beauties. A fine Unpe of Fancy Shaps Flowers and Wreaths àt about haif price. Also another -lot of those ÇCIico Remnants at 4à, c., 4et brande. Hamilton's àand Simpson's, ev.ry yard guaranteed fast çolor. TI "o. Over Soda. . Go to F.B. LorveII's, LIBJ3RTYVILLI3. ~Ii!TOL5ifl~ .~ fi ROCK j'lit Li 119 %AJti%àa RUVOIF b$Zbquu dnuuvqu 4al .1