Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 11 Jun 1897, p. 7

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ur-vuu iusw a -o ~ - sunbe ou oIe f tb. je eW Bat. - W~ n~ ans' mp~evory' *ma le. i ii ddf~%uh ~q Bu &",th "0rhi- ate ho'1e Wilb.e I * -,lE *11rlala.- ont Vas The. mat s É tii it *ag eDow.- Set trom Il bb r q *a reroliritOC! boig liseticai, ulht liaI9e*Ibore- la Peor tmda5fW5a"4 viii iaIla t h. lb. M.aUetUMlllsaiveei-awpgyards. th a m la lie hipoprêteoj b brasVIUehAiSel sncb t t" soisl 0Qde"n bill A d Sif be lu"e la ghtem.1*1,Orr a ~ o rsisa à d iet tso te tvenyth »Uiel mii te bav e ho..matie by the5 th , 1 p Isbohevomi dla tie î, r ptoigctieu et paustea. Irev negroeosbut belere liat tic ieft b bhodl teest ra graer ra nbt la a t tchez, et gond Inck. sud tbe supersti-'e - *aUtIauM>«aient hevWite race- A Nr l orth Caroilua. vieL muke b aqligur et rî" obB aia, lias te- 14sf M lriî 10%000 of sud? fote k 71The native placeofetbtepoituSio Is l ns. eps.question, but ts pneibbw thie tropical raglas et Aurlea. Tiêre la s tradiilen -laI lie vines euée grev te a.aetrou Jéze, aboi onthle '"belle'_ vsga et the "bôor emaeletia" UMd et -thnt lime hoh routea 'vre net tuhffl, tie à ,siftedsui, parte grovlug amoug tii. SAn able lavyot usetite saus ae ua'o8 rffellireelitsfor Seing te liv voe tm a l fmber, sud he summed lieusi up 55 felovs: Fîrsl>', plenty et Mou-t ey pniety ef patience; tthi- Ir. a goot case; tourttly. a geoil, alle- a lIeMY Str-. llttly, pleut>' of moue>'; iithlj, a gondi couusel; aerenthiy. i gobati vt- uus nets.: oIglthiy. a goti jury: alatblY. aa biii> gem! judge; îeuthly, peury. oflmener. It voniti ha ltorestIug te kmev bio tih e rt "bey," wiib la lte cia racler- a or lattenane of aiany %mai l lanis lu tlb. M Ps». owwbw merkna waters,.»buolalibave bwsn IL creptseo tar aorti as the toast ot Nov ~a~ Jcur, vbot la un,lu Key East 19 1 Ws. ii e ordle frein lie -v-- mni fot s'qaa a,!it aieara ame luldredg ut tlion haleen IlbtiuIa aid ti ýst efBout> Amerte. kie Juh i(lbeart. P'raeskluen Uôyâal Secle et ofPalotera lu Watot oloet GreiBritgînbas net soi4 amy etf bit vmier cler or -si: palntinko " orroniuuy years 'pau intnuilute wo- bud a gale>' for- tieu sud presont S galery mand picures te lie public. 11% boI a. s edulitte icuate lie pictitrea .3 extb "Jxihipule Art gallertes, ami tue 1, ce pa àa nneun«ed ibis Iientien fa sud etrr âea-e el ehablo collection te <Ot h a e ivîdeti auong tr9 sletelu lie 3oWlff prIncipal clles o kilurdm., es: Fer ltfheie lli ny I mor. dont- .>rs7s s o eli po mugit.lespet necu9 usai pauai tiougi on eft le ineVoolsanti anehiier. &Il golng te wllh tond. Tieso Oig- ndvre ,sodin iélb.gret Me - ~aAup t halsait o eCty vsa ,- oie, sm"aert Iller tie tM *0 beaie--the Mormon r oeuSty >ebg "Deetlet," et Utley jbse"-er lie »ds, vileli a Oseet the, - et îi' base- u~e AsiCkànohimatiingesamar 54 , peoisa. Tliove upeu jhe. lirai oet are pltd vîhigo%& ,os th. sneond trîit brglit ilerr, ou -hth tblOser vlth i xkdmdsilier, mati thé»a on the top iOece are of antique A Ibousani voenncigar-niakera la -Naples veuton euie beeause, anmng eotier gievancos, tboy vote requrei t 'en*.ke cimrs %vtieit tbtoco. sighI »urdrti tieni marciedta te oMer'- or>s eunies anti publicly statedti teir troublies. EBad t"àSouWvna giron te thon'. 1th" sli, anti ta uen lie> atnnod la bad elcigaza ls' ere mulet- edi cf uer vagostes et mfalgod boad ori- WIOi e. Iâoauco letes .#»y veeexpeciti te inokc 000 cl- gars*,This la lb. tesson." &&idi eus "via>'peouple mnte cgareatufeti ioh tew andhota tees»&" Il te selà aacl~ite K aplas feluti s ciggr inUsft* titilla wioo. aft, baspfhdtb *a aue o h ft MsiTinceet it f . u atoe5people Ihioait *e aIsrttesubo se auGld o"n g thle Unas t, neut e tu , blasoi lb. at etias tne mi. RI bleiteA. ours be epao troc ti.-latetorted Vulas bsuem cg0 testae bi hepof theni b. s okîr, w»serimialti io'eitIea y ma md wlsbnet, b prootra sud s Wea i.dy tit hi votlm lasueglit tes slaur. Temart won tFresateluberhome et a aionbe booansd es- elime. Ie bbuta!oret lbriant Dew dar, scfremusse.sbult!-by CIae fouibt if li(Oas "ic Mitchell. as aoe thebo heei remlin od ta01th appear a cni Tic dînesu ea-senute brem. o b. rhas d ereioude, andbShéaiff 01- poo ai tii.ctpion, but on acceIlt et hog feelncas e era« t.te oecnu ofi tw lic saulesgbor slte eelg. tue by the grand jury,-Iit splan ot guhlti sud tho sentence vers ail reeorded wvihhin tour boers Thtrsy «vrais«..1nie sentenice rs b te ty iyenra .luprisoumeuit, aud oe vas te abos etaeesfrein lbe Ur- aona ali Vx'liy 'te beglu lbe tenu. Thaaradsynignt theijliiwvas srrounioi il a tbremteaL-g maib. Neofetinl- sais" attsck un the prisuner rendb"i *i okra etfithecourt j in tteme, ai bey calleti on the. Uuve.'uue fer militis te proect Mitcelel. Tii. local couPsuY s erdered eut, sud took aip loiginga n- -derortui luho JgiL At-00 o'çlek Fr1- ley môeniur s mohl atteeked tb.elMi vlf juge bemuera. 'The uiltiuti mt hi. tb. crowd. kllllg snd veu"n issesor ti. atteuking parly sud repeiling ths mesut. At 7:10 'clek lu the. mornier a coin- ,py et militmeu srrived trout Sprinr- "ol, 0. >Tb* croovd, already enrrgd et' the* 55thodltiOm raled for, mucticer at- lad osthejali. lIls .tii. seaaiiaovtie matit su eistance. Noeuefethle mes la eb'I lSdbithe metate eder suether vol- ley turusi mieotoithe odieo-9t o uvu- mmn. Thienegro wvs hustîc eut etflais rail sud hangeti te the. ucareat tree lu the peesmae eo aboa-ling snoii et 2,000pet- msema e e t vona vere vouen. Tiie fssullmgI.Intense saluaist lia.eberilfe fr miloviug the. nateonal Guards te lire cen the. people, sud there in a vers genorsi approvasif et iiwork o et itoll. l3 PATRIO1ISM DYINO? CerttsIg MInvene coovd Iut iSes.otei Jodigfreonlithe nswpapor reports and etier spearsucea Décoration Day Issu lest its ctarlacter sud sigalgicauce lu Nov York, uritels William E. Curtis te the. Obicago Recurd, viieu telliugf etii observanceofIt Mé orital Dos. Iltel me longer an event la revire patriotim mair thle menteries, but la aiment viiel- l givs up te atbietie exhbiitions ami MMols.Ti. olti batile fOags are boncied. de h. Is and @tripes deat frein every public buildingaid trontshelii.uldous sud reouli et may rWemo. aud the.Griit AMY Pumaa a rsi isck> ith imptur stops te lb. eomatel, but the. grost mata et tise people do ne givs s moment's theuglat ta thoir dt 4te the temi. Tbers, oers «eoneuet the.toiiof et o. Grant si oreemveed. sud at ether $tient camping greade.viiere, aaumnol retorse remark- e0, his e utaooms hall. put ta ed villa Ê' 111104111but the. participants ver. amestiy the survive?. ot tic sar asad tii. udows sudi orpiansoetIls demi i..tepeople st the. celunserico nuboroti hnadreiis. wvii *ver .10.0M mvlHowsard Meautvie the. Brooklyn ihandicap; 24.000 sa- sasoatbahl geate beivoon the. New York snd Pito- borg tenus; sàlIniier crowd-wituossod s best ruse on the.Harlnmriver. snd orery besucet ef utdoer sport bsd soelespécial attraction teacoebrate the boliesa. No%pm raare s'tait Index of public lutorost un thines.subjete. Ticy give s patt g s»@«Wtig Intetlligence and s colun te tbemeniseles et Docoration Day. lu oes paio, 1 conteatvonts-foitr couaiait nl lti ithsportsami tour columuns te th seldlers' manenetansd cointeries. Il 13 s sortensquestion vletber the i* ltie elgnificance ot thi e ldsis te bm lest, sud uhetier the. public mindin ie h teiierase sished vit athletics. gaineg sud turf romblutinttIt cantiot devtt -i dmy ln tiie yesr ta the expression sel ouIlvation o etat 11 5a Tis seen ae hoau adinirsthle ilecad! du pritit e ocetariee.-Cloveland M'ail Dealer. The lateat diagmusis le thut Ile,- ie Man et Duepo s rot the. tip.-IlouIei Poniepo Russeli Sagé le Jumt utoriu; av s goed big luberitanco lai jolie e1 oeuebedy--aeleînd Lesior. P.niisps if the.pontesa wonu gu3esote tins lne, Col. Hsmid caa le induced t tube Qecs on scoouat.-Eiinlra Telq 4Wii.a -te Uniedlitotes deelies ulion Calma'Wpolc. hier. viii beie notrouîi sIas <hoerL"--Cuu *IWevlupeueyl0*a4aresaicite but hbW* 'Q a"eoqapmnj 1Mm." The cou ffly sorsie "W go, but tisIilaouiotlt way leuw uhta abollihlt.-Bufalo Et 1110 011 .~ W -prrWlli ai ebsabet le.. Wl s~erm i h* pesesd lalmU loette e U515 - MoKhIqàbnai Bs the bgm m0O> -lioqw O *iW i dom W. SOSar. seuthe. bffl et au eer Who eut- nabsd limau as commendiht eSer. Wooatbh i bMasa £brillant seldiet and bu »sma mach servies lu the. West ne las raold. fne came out eta West Point, vhs ho vas .22, a UecM lsutemataieuns»banied, offte the Wsn at ne.. ne arrod la Wsblug-0 te. Tertitog andi vas on tiie Paift cmenmthu l e»r came. Lité Dow bega. te sa. a brlght bue for hi..ý MWi ho van mode Ont leutenant. He tookshuhiisllstot New Xorkt, anti va ordored te Obi*, hlm native Stato. Thon' b. erganisaia ma Ry, homeaoa ap. tain Or voiuuteoea and Marebi osf te the. unr. laKm&sthon a 7ear ho vws lat emmuni t a briuade. téter ho vasf Spineeon e."hJota« et S-n.m ecIllan m svseI&l it ni4slar sud.Mary- ,-We nefoubtpllaétb îè ct~ udvsberetedf ajor la tbe «Muy as a rovarti. lu IBM ho J~ ui in. Sheridan on the 1 Petoc, vau made lieutenant colonel1 ani lnoie~ Z onerai of corps. Ho vas agala made brigadier generai o réunuteers for brave vork et Riehanonti aandBbonandesk, and la 1805 ho was a captai. lu the. roglar army. He te- ,mlued vltii Sheridan for smie 7.8?. &fiter the var, ami lu 1M0 ho vas pro. auotod coonel at Fort 21107, and Ister giron a brigadier geuoeslablp. He la a .011er oet lue proe. suad hla astrict dscpluatlau. AND IT'IDWMT FALL Nov asBaig Cbhasoy vas Nered .Nosumn1.m0 Wet Tbere are 4v, vays of. moviug a chiuney. oCm vay. an t at eauaily fueile1 te tosr it dovw cnrefully &14 robuild in uthe . ind iplace. This utîlsee ouly Ue brick anti uai. a great demi et lboir. The otiier motli od ot mrlug a chlnaoy 4a te batdie il uci mn àsa bouse veuli ho handici ad te me.RItbedliyasd ltitoot tsar- lug It 4ev. by puttàng Il ounsaffs. 'rhlatliter, otiiod vas follmee by a ir. of coataactmor eBErdgeainpmon, N. y., la moving a chiamn>W'tfer 5ma- aset IrnprovemtiComnpanj ut Ms- bonne ,N. T. The climmrn a 5len ot hb &W 7 l Tfot squa t the base. It vowelheaulj 100 Ions, sBd jet il vas niea a distane et 950 fot over rougi rerude and up an liiidv steep -graisavtboul lnjury oet Sednt. But mli non vere toqiest tedo the vorI. (%»nsbone atohedt tea vindlnosfui- nlibedth le needeti power. The. aceomupeylur picture. mais trau. s pietogt'otla epndueed tlathe Scenetille Aicans, shoiws the style or braces used adtheort ont t@W on vbleh tie ebimnoF van roved. Ths skitis ver. e e gmsed osthie bottean, andthle.raIe ot pregna8 vas sa ta tiat bat tino dasa lapeeaitractmthe Umre vork vwas. bogfl «untheb.eirn- uey vas securel>' lecaletion Ils mou rcaudatitn. Bondy-Made Moulllma, A quack vie basnmai. bie fortune. by aoliUg Influenzasboney1' la ensefthe1 ebaractere ina arecent IVteb ert et o fiction. Hev i. preduced Iluw« a, fellovo: .Theo bees vre kept 1la*plargs eoisserve.I0?7, or, eaI amy rate,.adoir gbms, oe tiat thi.>'could oeay patsà on h l overs pronieifor liu, sud et course tiiese wve cl efr <bei modleinai proilertls. RHoe.raas- matie pbyslce t thé-mout delleluas Ima w«s garanes. This uns laugbsi at as as-extsraagant Iavention; bat il van amoiquito e surtian Mmorne thle erit- tus OmarUso. Beekoopets Intesst Ob prosetiitusàaluzury areonuny More end me. iieti toeoxperiment ou "ialiulms.Tbo diSctlyrhy les tu sincahiff thie poit. uPt the. average ceusurnr, te wbons boe e, is- ael> lonoy, a breokesot taile reliai, nsrying la qult, haraly more lia. saIt. "%y buab"a teli0ho eat conlder- ste amusa the0 viw i" 'la v»W usyl" Tlhevs sIas QteEaw Uaie f15 s isaMblabslb 4usd. ll IS. i4y 6 ne pear miter the deoth ort be 0051 a., ;lg Jaoie aperpanont lova vas 't &bUlnbsd upM l. And the Orst gVet ., haptor la <ho hltory oetueI.tov uas la sood lu M06, oIy feur jemes Siter » second Chahls plcked up Ia ati- se battered crowu. Thon. Nov Am- to W" .passeti f tee>Duteb laie go- -v 1h bandle, a&Bdvaurechrlsteued for hM oi Duko et York tvoaaty.eno est«e bt>. m.h bs.sugnetegoret. Il s the sec- o bd Jsame.Thomue *tisrer taukard bii *0 Seiuylkll famlly. asal %vos te tiacir mlicostot by. Quee. Aune * e hotook ove Mohbawk cblefa te ýW1t ber la 1710,1la by no me»aus elle fearly Few.Tork. Who thinka et st. Sernberg as atypically modern 9 &v 1 Yet l» 1710 St. Ptersburg bai Dmn foubded ocly bal( a doses yenrs. HÙuguenots camen.e invtb eut Orst i suers, sud moro sud more of thès lu suceoodlng yents, misa n Irer lu the Century. A largo propor- e. et the ao-c*iled Dulci> thenOfW i «re Fleming. or Walloena of dUaiC.c bln anid speech. Bugilahmeu, Scotch Ld Irisameu arrlred beoe* Great Iritaiu offilally arred; Portuguese, vwise. Daneslpaulards, Ovedes, <Get- man, egvoos, West ludlans ho<rt, ce mnacrape etfnatlonalîties ibat lu IM, when Peter Stuyrosat rued over oume 1.400 people, tiioy conrersod, wo t teld, lu eflgteoa dîftmat tonle. Do yeu wouder t151 lu the yeat 1M0 tie piapils ef s certain public Scheel en the oint aide of Nov York siiould have aekâowiedged a quondoel le- Ilance. personal or pa:rental, te tvonty- line dîfferent lands?' The ensuaIThig te Il The cotree habit lIoflot as bei e, tthe lquor habit. but It lat the oeilt tbng le IL Coffe sud hee drunkarda are get- lung te ho a ucticoablo 1type. Tiiese ber- ages lnurneboti thenore. sud the. digestion. Ferreus seuses are o.ten »d ue oialvayasggrsratbd, by la eou e fl a"eud e. lTotpeo- is faney tbey eclt get lo,; tions dnilk..Perbape yen tblak no.« f ry Grain-O for s change. -lit testes 11we coffee. It la a nteolfudeink. mado fe Impure grains, Tt la rful et eh"et. wartîtbasd nouriabuientwth mut n psrtlcleocf uarctic stirulaut. The old, the nlidile-egeti sud the ecul- dtou eau drink Grain-O treely. dey or alght. Use I avbIle sud yeu vili vant ne more coltee. Aud il coots euiy s lu&rtor se mucla. Asir yonr grocer for Il. sollIlle. aud 25e. packages. A Grsveyas<l ot Pers la Gouidiowu, N. J., lites a unique character, who aatiu, perlaaps. the strangeat burriug grouud lu the Uli- ted State. .Ho Ia s recluse uamed Bi- lan Starlk sud his burylng ground con- talus a quarter of su acre of lan, inl wblch at proeut tiiere are 147 graves. 'nheme are tie graves ef bis pets-4ogu, cota, cocue, foie@, pigeons, rata, ral- bita, etc. Hie la always attende,! by an armiyetf homocreature. whîcb, ho says, ara the only truc tîtends man possossea. Wbeuauy oft lem, die ho barle thoa witbcnm-easd oreets a vooden slab et the bondmi eaci grave, beatlug a sultable epltspb. Ou etici ot the graves iowa'? grov sud tiiese lu smessnStatk cures for. lu the raid- dle et the. plot lesa vacant sac reset,- ei for Stark& grave. Ho ays e vanta te lie dcv. for islent atep suen towh b eto bis dnest frtesaadsdur- lug lite. oStte lammor etsk. bâltel- lgenee, and, udit te bis pots. loe@ gond books. Hls.hoee ta atova vtb books freni top te bottoan, andi ho ou- Jota bimeif hast viien, lu summot, b. also uoder su apple treo lu bis bsek yard, Wltlableds ou hi.siebulders, bond. kuces and chaâr, aud doge, coau ad otiier fetar-footed freoda spravllug at bis toct. eh"*eloge Toue SI. -Q Allon's Foet-Ha, a povder fer the foot, Il cures palatal. evollhan. mart- lutg foot, sud lnatanly tatue e tit eut et cornaasmilbandes& l,$ the mreatcst carafont disovery et t» sgs. AUeWsa Veot-EsO. mates lgbt-tttig or nevaoesfel oui. Il le a ertaïu cure for svoaLting «Ou"oanasd bot, tltcd, aeiug foot Tty Sltet-day. Boiti by ail druggots sud omstaores. Dy tuail for 2M cents, Lu stsupo. Trial package FREZ. Addros AllmEL n ,Oianstod. Le Roi. IX, X. A lavyer wus asked viat he irould do If ho bati loaued a mnirOe hundroti dollars, sud lb. mon boid Sert the. coun- try vithout auj aeknovledgmont. "Wl»-. ubat'. simple; Jupl write hlmt te vend an ucknovletigmest for theelive tbousani dollars yen lent hlm. sud ho ii lldoabtleassrepli atatittg Il vas only 0,0e hundred cipliars. Thot yul aufice. for a recept antid yen cau proceeti agaluat hlmin f neesmry.11 Try Ouais-O it, 2"ousitiOl Ask yonr grocor te-day te showyen s package et GRAIN-O, thlis fo od drink : tsatltkes tbe place etfeffle. Tii. cul- itou .uay drink ultiont lujury as Wel se the. sinit. Ail wbo try It lkli.IL. GIIÂIN-O bas ibal rich mosi hrewpef PMoche aud Javs, but il la made tron pure gralue, snd the. aost deliente atout- sola recelves Il ultiient dlptrees. ue- e<ourtI et the price tof leo, 15e sud 25e .por package, soldiiy asu grocora The Jspauose language ia sait] te cou- talan00,000 veds, a symbol for eaci being requlred. A vell-otiuentoti Jupe. nos. la faumilir viii about 10.000 et 1thon symbola. t Tii. menutemPeratuteorj tie osth itaeous a nwbole la 50 dezrees F.. andi >the average anuna alitla tblrty bâche.. a, Cmaam. , .., --as lýoytllk Otieflo biany right eaf 3bihl Deeosunetiar " lI>'Auxj à mnu vIs blb o& b~i t te lb avsals a NOTUlE Yoen u ul>'u,.ae eme"h. t lu« Se, w aid her .1.4 gloerny vli forobodiar4smid limai no he 0"i ailisan pi i~~ u lJ 1 e frheaiI sU!arly, tin vite te mm a, Ik s aLYna asm aMi jeu viii reoin. a ,prop ol1.15 seMf la the. msaltims lb. Vegetabis Compoumi 5l for - ei'. bo es ap the avs sysinua. lnirdet the body', sudthe. "blues" ssihofefre It sduel mmom setroam the aullghh. Yoem augel It etl a rellable drsgglsl'e baro been troubleti vriltalU»g ofth. erni> for yqO vos adinsi ho hala.Lydls NM PlIMUa Vogi0 Compoan ti. ok thirteen boftles .Md recired gem boeittWioatlbeU«Ms Mr change ofliMa cme 1iMW foed a groat deal it f aiutusa i pitatiaw tlb.em 1or. gel ose hotts et the VogatablCoi poud asam ofe e let E miteuril&M ami seroi"l Inn Peopleý thesdsgbsaskah % 'l 'wà ýwe àm br6d leaud te be ibueuLlbecu is acum in 1 4IPdeomtebag = dom gèci4

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