Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 18 Jun 1897, p. 1

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a lep ' Vol. V. No. 36. Libertyville. Lake County, Mlinois. Friday, June 18. 1897. Dr. Charles Calloway. Officoover Lovel'sDrug8tors no u lU P IO N 1 I o 8 A N DI 4 T O ô . mN * Libertyville. - Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Trggîs,& Taylorle. -noces--- 1 to 10 Ia. n*i2 t tsud o. id 8 p. nm. Henldence o. Broadway opposie Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. ýOffce over J. W. flutler's bldgf toro 02E .sd110.n.DAILY. Libertyville. II. Dr. E. V. HARVgY, DENTIBT. -OFFICE 11OU1111 stoiAli. itooasidltooP.1. Craysiake -Illinois. W. E. SCHAEFFER'S NURSERY: o"a miw outh id Long (irový . .O., Lake Ce... III Frut.Ebadeand OriisintIêTr.,oir- vinéesan&8mallFruits. (jet My pri.ou .Iuion dutt Dr. H. 0. B. YOU NG. Physiclan and Surgeon. sEaMEMU OPPOSITE L&BUAN MOTEL BLDO. Gurne, - --------llinois. 0. F. Butterfield M. D. C. VETZKINaBy BUBOEUN AND> DENTIST. Dr. A. L. TRAV[S. - meula =.LL M à. a. 1 To 8 "0 7 TO 8 P, M. specw. attention pad 10 the treaiment of Chuonle lthenmatilm. Rockefeller. -Illinois. PAUL MacOUFFIN. Atorney and Couallor ai Lau. NoTARY PUBLIC Sapec at atention siven Collection,. and CupeyeYanD. OlFiCen WITZ ARIRCO11rBANK, LIbertyville, Illinois. W.H. MILLER. TuNSURAL AJ. n11, Wben yOU wani a cleau â bave or à good haîr ecl auon "Bill." CnoicE BRIAND$ or CIOAR8. lIeit door to W. C. Triages 8kàü 810-o on Sijeague St. hoj open oeri, day1 osntaaîad undîîy nioruluga. Have $1.041 tU, $14 1141 b let. see me for Joma, farni hargaîns, lnsurimce, i.,cheali. Wo..d (<o , Wlacotiei home». John J. Longabaugh, GRASS SEEDS eJOa SALE AT WHOLEIIALE ANID RETAIL ÂLL lINOS 0>1 ti~re Clover Seed, Tim- othy and Red Top also Alfalfa, Aisyke, W.iIIet and Hungarian Seeds in season. Try my Seed Corn. CHAS. STEMPEL, LongOrove, Lake Co., Illinois. oWàpplicatlonâ LId ail lproiuptly attended to ,When-. or where have you seoen Sud> baruai,,, in Hamnes ? T b, Ta THE NEW TEACHERS. Prof. R. Scott Miner To Be Prin- Cipal Of Llbsrtyviiis Sohool. Aller carolully coualdering a lauge number 0f applications of more or le !nerfs, Our fichool Dînectors have con. trscted vlth leaciiensauas ereinallor meutoned tu teach the comlng sebool Yer. lt ba been their endeavor 10 scure the beai possible talent oblainable for lie salary afforded sud Il one eau j nige by "rocommoudalions' thotr endesror bas nos beeu ln vain. jusl vhal sUccees ileventnslly crovu tbeir efforts, ouly lima ean ul. Prof. B. Scott Miner, lase Principal of the achool ei Table Grove, II., bas beenau ecred as principal. Prof. Miner te a young man,ummarrled, 24 years of age snd a member of the Preabyterlan oburch. Be graduated as Knox CoUlage An Jue, 1894 viii degree of Baciiolor of Helence and dnrlng tiIs moutb expecis 10 obtain degrea of Master of Science ais sme Insiltuion. H. maie a apeelal st.udy of and la recontmenied e exception- ally proflcieiit lu arllbmetie, algebra, phystca, cbemlsiry, botauy, pbydiology aud zoology. lila Engeule ShA,în, of (iggavllle, III., yull tesct h e thira Or grammar noom. Umsshlun graduated front the Dixon Business Coilege, at Iion, [HI., Aun1892asd lu May ISSi neceived a diplonta fron thOe Chautauqua Llterary Sotiety Crdalu inaddition 1W ber regular bigb achoul course, front wbiéab hegraduated uAtb honora, 51 Origgsvle. She As a incuiber 0ut he Cougregational churAi aud 29 jeans of âge. She laspeclally r,-commenied su teacb readAng, apelling. vrîting. EngliAi grammar, geograpby ani- metic, pbytiology, t. S. blstory. book teeping msol commercial arithmte. llitheenid or lutermedlste mont Miss .eaule B. MacArthur, of Cses City, MAchigait, viii toea-b. Bus1 graduaisi frointheii.Cam (117 11g11 "CsolAu Jue 1888,afler uhich sho ta àtitres jeara course Au the MAchAgan Stas Normal, grailnaiing la FebrÙuary 18v7. isba taught b.the t sud 2itA grade lun1the Casa City achool lu 1894. lu Unied States, Europeau, Ancieut. Med1wal sud Modern blet10ry ah. As sipeclalby proficieut as leaeber, Maso lu Engbiob Language. MAs. UseArtbur Ji a menter of the Saptiat cburch sud te 24 years of age. S111.has a brother vho As as preseut Superinieudeut of achools nt Omnaita ltesorvstloit under CUidStates Civil service. Mis ulb B. Smith, of Lafayette, Ill., resigned, alter bavAng beeu birei 10 teach as Carlyle, II., 10 accept s posAtiou as prAmary Leter Aun111e LAberty vAlle achool, as tbis là nearor ber honte. She tangittheb,4111 grade lu tue Carlyle achool the pis year.* Misen Smithgraduatod fron thlb Nonthem I Illnois Normal sehool 1lu 1851ý, ltler teachAng th1e 2d sud Id grade. et Galva. Ill. 81e hbasatudled uoder Misa Burt o! ChAcago, wbo bas von no lAttle distinction an a kinder- garlen teacer. liasSmithbJlaa mombeo f tiiChristisu churcb and 31 yearm old. 8choolulîli e opeued A liguai IOth tbis yeax. The dîrectors vill psy Prof. Miner $70 per month and th1e othen beachers $40. On the Shore of Gage's Lake. A number of youug men of Chicago and Wsukegan bave incorporated the. Sunset Club sud wyul buuld a cinb- bouns at Gagesn Lake. A leadlug member of the club la LouAs F. Muaon, son of Bensior Mason. other pro- motera are Wallace E. Shirra aud William O. Stroug. Armny Worm in Laité County. A report tu lte Chicago lnter Oren, of laid Suaday ststea thal 1the army worm bas maielsa appearance qunise exteuuively iu the vAcinity of Volo, thus coluy and in dolng cunalderable damage 10 vegelatlon there. Onur Volo correspondent uotod the lact lest vwe thal tbe aloUgha Ou J. W. Gale's sud G. Ilugon'a fart vere belng devastated i.îo Ibis pent. Weekly Crop Bulletin. The U. 8. Department of AgrAculture seuda ont 1the followlug report for veet ending June 15, for nortberu The temperalure averaged about 8 Sngle Raru$6.00 normal, athbougb le ietrat fthe uet 6 daiugla, Iitatibon RubLor vas coli sud the lait very vant; ain- rintmed Bannes, 8.00 rat Vas ligil, beiug beavies inl . 4 and-ade Imiatin Su). oxtreme forth couaties front ioDaviena ortRaimad ine. malinmRn .00ealvari; generably rm i l much mn mlnnte Siglcarusa 0.0> eoded. Corn bas grovu murerapilJy 7 inge. Hand.uîade Nickel minice 1the vsrmthband the tiret cultiva- rimmed Horuoace .00xc ion la motly doue, but fields are 10 Facy SngleMarnns 1.00 ieveii oulng 10 ropaullug; potatoes 10 FncySinge HLYnns 1-0( udgarions are generaliy good, ness la Ranes. iinAch tIrai',. ij.oo beglnnug t10boet! shorh; rye blooming: poshtures sud meadova nefdîng min, ta Fart Barnous 1l A. trace 24.00 eÀover bloumAng, tlmoiby iteuding; fruite sîil lungoud coudAtion, strav- CHAS. KAISER, bernies plenlif ni sud of gond usltly, bertyville, llinois. cIernie, rîpeuing rapily. _- - -_. . _- - 1*--or threeyears y, bave neyer besu To Whom It MaY Ccnoern. 'vithout Cbambrlain'a Colle Choiera sud Diarîhoos Riemdy lutIebis m," 311 s l e..ll CIbe attention of 1e laya: A. R. Palier, wvîh B . C Atkina & Ibtal lb. W Iacifnaimî Central line.s Co., Indianapols, lui., and my vite a tvo faut trains islly belveen u ld as soon thuA0of being vithout Icage, -St. Paeul. lIljineapolîs, flour ad a belile of tbis Ilomeiy Au the sud d dDuluh. loucbtna il lie; aummar aeason. W. have usd i Awvlh Diraàuls u CttndWisconsin, ail lhra. o! ont chilirensad itAhbas heompany bas lionsauds, nover faled 10 cure-not smply tOn :f lâme larmng landtinlupoin, but cure aisolutely. It1:2A1a VI amafr suis. Foitlîit, oui auyoaa vio tris t vlE Sud ceth"iii-A.ble t u o,, et asiY" blu B.IL O*uMI, -. I Prohibition Love Fée«a. The I*ake Couniy Prohsibllonials held Iheir annual prolimlnsry con- ference ai Grange Hall saturisy, Juna 12, '97. On acconut of tvo ueraIs suad s achool pieainliahesasea lime t ihai loealiy, 1the siteuanc0ea not largo, but tbe thirty-ivo prenons v ers enthuatteA, Jolly and bopetul. Aler a besrty pieule iuar, arvoi lit the ilnlng hall, lbey repairai 10 lie msseambly roolntabove viera liay wyoga enieriain.d vtth patriotl o aogs, temperaoce speacites, reciltatona @tec. Miss Ada M. Gebingo, of Liierlyvilla. renierai ber prise recilaton -The 1Conivct'a Soliloquy"' lu bar planniug istyle. lir. Walier Dnnlap reitd sud sang ,severni cholce sectlces. lir. Perry Poraona, of Waukegam, made nonte teUling remmke, ater vbich 1ev. J. E. Coienonr, ponter of Christchburch, Anioci, ielivered th1e sidreas of lie day. He in s forcible speaker uho ioua'$ @loup ho ipolilcal irivel but lits sanie. Re preseitisi a plan for couoty orgase,-a hoit vhch ho voluuteered soi vas lnsirueied 10 carry outinluAbtoi township. Mr. sud lira. .nry Shephari ably aeoonded hyl Mr. sud Mr%. L. B. Morne, G. W. Siciaubar, Mr. Ferry sud olier spoale of prohibition are saut nes Ialui t iis tSane a ever and aIl expr«eed uci encouragemont and confidlence lu tbe ultimata triumph ut Prohibition. The Ezocutive comamitha.arngei for lbe usn talmler cssepaign 10 celos. vti a grand Fourti o! Juby pieute. Trouble for Fiehormen. A bibI relalig 10 fisilng van pnsaed at th1e sessIon of the leglalaure Juig cloeesd uicinlaoflinspectai sleonet 10 everyone uest dellghla nthbe purmuit of lheAienny tiAbe. The lau ls a very severe one sud iuould be uebl for Bashers b atudy Il earofully. More la ou. section ltai vAi eveu prohibiOie boy@ front spearlng suctors a tli 111e ereek a Auhlis apring: Tha ilt ail be unlautul for amy persan or parnsons, ai su Ae, te cateli en bAi &ey Sihn amy of the rivera, ersieka, ponds, lattea, aloughs. bayoua or othier wager courses vilAin lie juuAsdletAon of fhua tato, by the use of fine, apear, aci, meiletl or chemicat compound or expEosiven. This sectiAun abeolitely torbise the u» 010fa apeur liu My tomoe«"ite aMy titi .of voler. But bor@ la sathar1 section th&aI yul occasion auy aseount 0f kicting: TbslAs ah&Ialbe unbavfnl for amy persoi to 0catch or t.lll sy 11mb lu or upon any of lhe ates or rivers a ilui th1e jurledctlon of Ibis atesiet auj devAce or menus uben sucb vaters aret coverei wA1b tee.c No more flshîng througi th1e Ae nov. The power of lte viola alate ofÇ IllinoAs wulîl Li, afler offendors.t Bers As a section tbal provides hu large lAihmuet be Af ofiored for sle. Lsch tlul of le n ut b, 01 bese lenglis:1 Bla. Bas nevu in:he Whie or triped Basa ....... elght Iites Rock Bansa.. ...... .elght achesi Biset or River Cropi. elght lache. WhtetnCroppie. .... ... ane taches Y.,Iiew or ltlug Perch....... egbt lucea W"A-eyed Pîke or Pîkc Perchb.hfteeu luches lire Plekered.............. eiableen Ines BUIiL'i . ... ........ l.... teeit Aches (iernian Carý................ th rten luche. .ativeCarp ... telve luches1 Subtml.. .. .........A&iltches lIed-eyed Penrh ..... ....six lnches -a I- .. .......thîrteeu luches Whit e 1reli .....................tnnltche, (JferAngIlisi for saie of les englia thitnlie above subjecîs 1the offenier 10 severe penaîlAee.1 t The peitallies for bresting aliy of! th1e sections of the lau are fines run- uing frum $256tuo $0, or troin tetan sxty dsys lu jail. go Ihoevho love 10 Ubh il! do vel 10rend thia lav carelnlly, sud then guide Ibeir actions accordingly. Thistie Commissiorier'a Notice. Notice An hereby gîven liai persoub havlug Canada th.11.. 0on lisir property, are notiited thai Mme muat be eut or deeirojed and fnot lefi t propatgate or go 10 seed uoder penalty Of a nlue of nlot leua &han ton Dor more than one buads'od dollars. Thiis nobles appllesalaite te pubilic lgh. usys snd rairoad right of uaya ln Town of LIbortyvAlle. The. hlghway commimionor. beimmg lable for the faidul performance or theiu sub- ordAas loUgiha Ine. Tho ponaîy foru no-bervaoeo0ft t. lau lu sncb osa.. provided sourar&orada la more severe, uhey boea Ihable te a fine of not leni thmafty nor more&atis io iiuidred dollars.. W. IBU"MEEIELD, Thîtat. Commissioner, Township of Lîbertyville. sept. 1. Millet and Hungarlan See". I bave a good supply of Mlet and Hungarian Bond for Sale. J. a. CEONKEITE, lBoekefllr. 35-36 Now Is the time to plant Cucumbers for pickles. Plant now and pick crop in isix weeks. Cet con- tracts at M. B. Colby & Co's, F. C. Smith & Son's and Triggs & Taylor's. AN ESSAY"ONMAN. Ediior of a Wo~Bn Poper Telle Whai 4eKMWlev . lb.Mal. Man tharis basa et Fos»eaj afeu of days sud fuIl cf àmIebes.The momient he bita liesrtb heta for lagrave, sudthe. longerhoePSuals lie fauter ho gasa. Rit vlibbo tevd lot long deys of labor Mdi nigiS 0f uMlklng, iba floot ulig a toUetbbaby lissu epitapi bo cs't readaMi à lombeloma ho iceent usu. lts-Oral of the neveou age neas licbad, th>etic1hi olas nagkmlacelad lethe li cer. boAtaà ttsnglm erialyiam Ueiieoum i eiid-nakar--a vauWho uoni tond to ior oun bmunssIf be doms mot mary bis fina l habll alWays vii bo bai, sud if he dmnbell alvays vieahohabaini. Tel %0mmnever fol.. lova freedonta Oag fer patrtiant (and a pension) vili bali lie enlhinamn tbal ha vill irag the rei, vhta.aui bIne %bat contîlutées thabenner of la- mals beasuy. Ne yUl bravo lie lAon lu bl@ den, fee lha baaming canuon, treni lie ocasu tom ieumasie isfeai sud yet viii tremblec le a ialfSne, sgg-anebing iuek vie. ha la cafled 1 000ut by bAs vS!. e mbis eoenseas. R. gaeforth llicemaaimg go plov coru vii a crcmmeed aimle snd 'cen aItes,, orta bard ail day, aMdcomse hone te inigis i. finibisesven bal!- clote cildren bnngryai heure sudj no 11madinluths bage, and bis vile over 10o ne0f tha noighbofu 50 bornov a bat 10 veau 10 a cburcb cia. froy (,Kes.) rime».9 RONDOUT. 8. Tulley calli on frioas Suuday eveniug. E. P. Moraus anly le reyorlei on1 lbe sick lsI. Unr. F. Hathaway visitadinl Chicago oua day lait veek. miseAna Devine avinu g frinds lu Chicago recently.t Miles Comvay, 0f Cilago, la visltimg1 friends in Ibia place. Mise Ombiudo Bradisy Fisted fnonda lu Chicago recently. P. Soeridan mode auot a!on hie"aisSnday aig C. B. Wlckvlre,0fBdalo, te viait- lng selatives lin i p This veathor remis4 et lb. lact th" semmuer lhm om et lira. J. P. Devina, et viitai frioasa lia orne MailTuuter'Vh beau 1A, la reportai muai beot. Mus. Chas. lTueins a daugItta are thie guesta 0of Mu.sud Mn.ra. Deineym. Misses Della and Lauret Bradley, uho are atonding écbool lu Chicago, aPeut Suuday viti t liir parenta. À greot mauj fonturYoung people At- iouded thie picole aI Deenfieli Satur- day ught sud report s good Urne. Weunuderalani liai; W. j. Marchant, of Waubegsn, bas rentedlMus.Lac- lors "-Mdanit imdastsrtg a brancb store home lu lie itear future. Hitudreds o1 ibousaitis have boom induced W0 tmy ChaMberlalna Congi ilemedy. by esitg abat t hiudoue for otiters, aud hâving eteileb merits for liemueivesare laday ils vsuntsh rienis. Fornsaisby F. h. LoTELL., LiberlyviUfl,j. R. BaAcauaa Oumuoe, L.R. LrrcBrlELu,ItokeoAon. Grand Picnle. Ivanboe Camp, No. 1253, Md. W. of A. are unaugAlig Io gAve a malnmotit plico0b theModern Wuodmeu 01 Lake eounsy eI Sinisr',,Grove on the Lanta of Oayalab, Jtly 5. Tii. varions contmitleee are vieAmg vili ose anoihon te Mabe tIis tla gest; and beai plcnte ever b.ld lu the couniy. Martilal d briesbonds ulU bc n atteflance and a fine stilged baud il furnisit nugie $0 an i vihjng te dauce iuring lie day and aetnigil. Gamsseaof every deacription vili pris for vAuners e e nteallng lanras. A gante of hma bail betuon the Everetregularsansd FI. Shetîdmna for a purse of OU i vi loesplace in the altamnoou andIo. ortsgalMe vwil ho éon% akymari u intee oeun. Addusea viiiha made by HOn. C. A. Whalon, of Madison, Win.. W. Wbltmore, o! Goed Fellovship <lptp, Ciicago; C. T. RÎeyiocbem, W&uba sud ohuera. Dînner viiibe Bovedn lie grounds for 25 cents. A oont. mitbee aving lie matter In charge bave signiffiai Ibsîr intention o! ereclAng on. of lie bargesl sudhe dancing pavillions In Lobe (Oonuy. Ivaubioe Camp nover dose a ings by balveeansd vbeu it comas 10 pîies ibohyre aboya par. Xvery- bodj plan to hake lu the Woodmsns PienAc. You voul ho diaappoAiged. 1 S"- . Nov s inte lIme 10o outracl 10 grou cucumber pctIesa, ai theplanlîng aseou te miar atbaud. Contracte and mad st M. B. Cotby à Co., Silb à Bon or Trtigg à Taylora,4 Libenlyville. B. W. STAFFORD>. A 00aci Buggy. Wtt doubla coller Steal Aules Siprings 10 Snoba. long and varraieï Nousy'boitsansd clipa. Body 54J ilu. long, round omues, .soli vooi panel meat. Weels averu or comaprmed, baud trimmiugs. eloi or leather four- havai top. Prîce w4tb Itou. rubber bop $42. Wightj loatiter top "S5. Witb f Il lealier top SU2. And&a surrj to match the buggy. G. H. SCEANCE a SON. 36-4 NotIce. 1 ulab 10 sunounce 10 my frAnds. patronsansd the publie lu gemerai tâtât lia pbarntscy lau requiren evety1 piarmacisi fol ho leave biie rg aobu. ithout a regitaed phnnmieclau Charge, bh o1I&M Obbîeg o gAve Up ontoAde praecicebutl vi i ontilue praoicig aI sMY bonte, n caeclion vîit my drg store. Tbamkiag my PM=& uor Peu avons aMidbcçing go regain your futoure patroag1 rmai - ourmespeotull 15.4% .KNAM. D. A VAN HOR. R. Payne made a buialusatrlp to t1e ciiy leit Tnosday. Annie Dorgen a tayiu%"g vitb lira. J. J. Ponteous, of RochofsUer. Mir. and Mia. M. J. tarie. oi Wauke- gan, visited frienda bore lent viet. AilAc@Smith sud liants Condry bave g one 10 Vlyaralao 10 attend sebool tbis aummen. Cbtldren's day vas approprialoly oh- servon lest Suuday by a we11 renderecl progyss. John Bensouger, of Wadsvortb, made s short col on relatives An Ibis place lest vesk. Miss Joeieck. of Fremoni Center, viaitei her cousin, Nellie Hawkins, the finot!ho eet. Raft Deoker eloaed ber @choo) St ausviile léit Frtday sud la spending be r vacation et home. Thes C. E. Society elected th1e follov. ing oMc er thelb. onaing sib Months:* PreaidaulAr Joies, Vice Pre«., Rich- srd Duidee; là«.. eeNeillAsHaukins; Cor. Soc., Ceona Dea; Traos. Vernont Vmplew. The Iaaaoe bo asell1 nine utîl give a saavberry and cake festival au lie scicol lawu Ssinrday evening, June 1%. Suppor, Inclnimg staerri ee . cre amindke=..AIl b.caerved for 26e. Ail are oniially invîlsi. MILLBU RN. Wifllla be la honte ou vacation m Roobeter, WAn. liAm Josulo Barris As very huay ui ber munie papta. Mir&,haler bas boeumlanWaakogan a fev isys vilira. Lorr. ai»s. Dogo, 01f lilukea, basbeoa isitnlgra. D. B. Taylor. Mam sore Bat& spent a fou deys ai Sont.,, Win., recontly. uMsesJeoule Strang and Neilie Trotter have raiunua front Evamalon. Ei Jamison andUEo0. Anderson, o! l.ék.Forent, a@ant Buay Atu buru, Mir. and lir. Robert Slrang have beau YW1aihing ir eildren eas inors, Win. WiUliA tchell han tie bonor of iaUHL le Êtresi eon 9gtanseifor lbe rodis, ine a'--n is t ront of th. Post Oses. Om l &on Id 11e follovoi by lie ouner or dri ver of every lassetan tovu. PA LATIN E. Mir. Henry Doper vialtai lwi frleaeotlaPaI&ln»eeenuty. - ir. sud lMma.B. C. Maihar visitei rinonda la Evansi.. Ibie oek: Xia Pink ta entertatinngt:finonda front Chiago aipenonstvrUngt. ise Id& hwlakuyer,outiglsait Win., la viatttng relavtiv u S"iisplas. Mir@. andMUn. Out entorteimei lMr. sMd lima. hekwayovor Smaiay. The B5gb bchant Alum»Isavas gives tie ns of th, Village bal JUnO 25 Mr. andMm ir.Brockway and lirs. Out made a trip ta Chicago Monday. Miell.. Porep *mtantaiaoi tAienia front Chicago anidarrTinglo, Snniay. Mrt. Masan Colby mad «ister Lilas, of Diaoni Lalle, vasiAula laime lMon- day. lmFrac ryebas added go hie Ilg stock ivo mev earrtages in aie Iivery stable. Tii. Ablette Club will give a pieute on Jniy ICt11and wullatetra alarge crowd. arry les, Rosem Bawyean d Angilit Boiste art home froin collasge on $noir Vacation. lira. Sciappe_ entertained lMma.Wm. Wilson a a irs. Border Mouaday eveaing. »Mis Once Henry la making an exiended visIt 10 Chicago ai preesn vritingf. )ils Matile Roberts, of Stephon. Mien., fi viaillng frlends An tli place al; pissent. M»r. J. B. Schierding and danghier lfache made a business tnIp lO fflicgo ffiday. Rnmb PuLnam hms purchaed a ne'. moidalgent preparatory go golug out camping neoitmonlh. Dr. Owens dîidfron thIe kAck of a bore ?ueday, June 9tb. Inierment ai the cemoier, la lira.B. W. LytIe vas eatentained by 'Mr. and lir. Edwin Cook la Liberlyvîlie Maturday and Beniay. On Friday evening lia Rigil sehool vili iold thear gradnallng eoercisas In lhe X. E. cinrch, commenclng at 8 0,010Lk 'John HApvoll and WîU SaVET viti Ibasir vives vieeled out from Chicago ta Shi$ place 10 viaut frienda over S&luriay ratnuling home Bnay. Mr. andMm ia Brockway returnei homue froin t eir bridaI tour lest Mr- dal, ovealag andiho. ul resume his diates a" go0t0 ouesoptng Bom. Cupidis laiii aboard«. Anotiior Yonne lay otOpur village woër a iamond engagement ring. Of coures cW, veudlog akes vmy for anotier. Arn day ozsnciaea on ithe achocs .a*ip as Ooseecing at 8 o'clock Thuimêi> v«ag. hoi.eigh1h grade classa« elerotés w ili ho heli Tu.aiay An the 1M. R. ce t Mt oelck harp EVERETT. The giHlamad Parka defeaad 1the Everetts at Everett Bonda, 117 a score of il12 tLé.The teatures Oflb.he ai. vorte .plloblng 01 Wlgg. 1thebaltine et the Parka sud lhe superh holding aI aNabb. The score: .J5p eu iP11à verett. BEBPA B jrimf as0 .ore 9l 1 0l 0 Fr pab>a11î ibS4: 1 J. ore.2ite àua o kas fio M1Tllnai oito i o en lam31n71bes .0 dm çros.tb..e i2 3 02 Q j urM.0 1o 0i er.l..î 1 0 0 à .11yab 2 11 1 BhbtuIf.. à 20 e ! itgem. p..o0 - ~ilinac...oeé0 Totaixsil i il 17t Total&aes*7 mû 4 avolat..-à......i 0000. 001)Q . I -I Barusd uu-Httlauid Park. 4; Fverett. i; Stolon Bae&-Hlgbiand Park. te- Evenetl. ; SsuIi li Ht-Bibland Part.k. &Tva-has Hlle-Cceloct Waren. Thrae Dam Rit- Comstoct; Pmsad SlsLiA.1; lIn& . WUd Pitob-lIga. feli. Virat haison Bal@ is RsItamiPark. 4; Eveet. L itii 11 Pilcisi Ds-Ds a i. Stawik Out-Sy Wim. l ia ille. 5& Double Plays-Mcllsbb to lalmall. T1m~i gama~i:aa. Umpirs- SPECIAL9nisi . AT WYNN'S. Childrens' Jersey Ribbed Vests While they last, each- Buttermilk Soap 3 cakes ln box, per box Beautiful Towel 18x36 in. white, each Men's and Boys' Caps To close, worth 25 &35c 1308t.Dairy Butter 1 A Pound m 5c. Sc. S c. -15C. 12C.- AT WYNNXS, Coi. (ee. and Washlngton StU., ViÀUKEGAN. The Lake Cou nty Academy Business College AND 1COU, Teachers' Training Sohool WIII open at Libertyvtllo,,.t- Mlonday, A ugust 30, 1897., With a Facuity oft1hr.e or more Competent Instructors. inudenta Who bave complaeted lie Dlgbli Grade vork 61e! i.IllImo aPublieca"booim, by habAuf Our Aasfise Prepardory ~Conrse, vil b. fited Ioanter the 'Fw55uhlOa otm5c I sy collage. tu ibres yenan Aor lmaccordlag tu previcus t atatseonta aui genaral abAbAiy. 5 s<.&uos v..-ur » comprise élira, toma of hhirteen weveuh .h ami a mnid-uummer Tmeaer' Normal Drill of fBe weWw. Pa ear, Cahln Advanm .................... 00 Raes of Tuitidit Par teRe,.......... 1ote Pprwse." '" ...... . ...1d vIU be instructed six veoke durlng July aud Augus Spo-rial Ciaa ~1897, Il amufliclent nuraber joAn 10 psy exponssa of Ibis ope"lalteri. For f urther paticulars address H. C. PADDOCK, Principal, Libertyvifle, Mi. GrnUite IVare Tm'n Vare P'nc",est 2cit Granite Basin........................... $ .10 " Sauce Pan Long Handie........... A0 5,.~ Kettie.............................. .25 Large" Dipper ............................ .10 Tea or Coffee Pots ................. .25 Wash Dish ......................... .20 Granite Pie Tins 3 for......................... .20 3 qt Tin Watering Pots...................... .15 2 ft., Box-wood Rule .......................... .05 Large Extra Qu;ailty Pint Cups at IOc. per dozen. Ail Goode Strictly FIRSTS and Warranted notto leak. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. voaeriaary offie ai tb. Liîbertyville Race Track snd am.prepur ahown lthe rabost coilection of morbid %pecimen of borne astoîmuy on eartb. (Beebig bis.) Il yoD linkyou have aontethlug tapeedy sud wtâbhtoitest As morfla coule andi a..Brownt. t » Il you bave a cola jonu iab 10 aduqate brlug him t oa If YOD bave oneo la tirely nnmausgel, &bat ta jai Brown la looklng lor no don't b. atrai t%0co03a. FI XI NO MORSES TKCTI4A PECIALY Ail Consglitoi ret w al

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