Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 18 Jun 1897, p. 3

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ftës FRUIT PICKI11.NG HOè1W MER CURIOSITY RUINEO THIE IIUMAN RACE. Ua.D.Taisa Proacbona ePiet- audlque bermoaa c. the. Ceatl la Pagadl.e-Mitnu Fruit tisat Doe flot noent ta vus-Fatai char»». Nother lves. Fall. A aoe iaberpi.etaliont cf tb, caîamlty In paradis@ la gîven by Dr. TaJmge ln rhia mermon, vh-h- je larlen vida practical les- 90".. Thre test la tiPelil iii., Il, "Arnd vhe be us-rura saav Iat Ilie tree va§ gond fcr focal ami that lb usas pleuaant tc the. ejes, ami a iree te b.e ivaireal ho maire ev ise. sibe teck cf the froit thereof. Md diii éetal anad glve aie note ber bus- baud avili ber. analihe dîi eat."ý Ili h e tilrar Sarurnlay abteiruoas la lIr nua*3 existence. EvPr utle munriae Adan hia haeu watrhing the brilliant patsntrt' uf v-irga asud scales ami elcuda. -la bis Oiral Jll.oun in zoalragy anal oral- tbclogy suri lr-bhbyulgy lire bas notinsa t the roiabns l t h- aur lia tv-o andl fiet flic iali auaim tii, mater in tuuod an.] tisaI tbe liona wuisk tbe fiere lu twa. anal in the mara realenua- cf thrut Saturdas aflernoa Ire talta off Inrtu slumbei. anal as If by alla-gcry tra teleii @Il ailes liar the zraees oab carthlîl i.rasna a arnii Nieeja, tsia parualluairai seîraaia deml Wsitt aia di.r-uvury rrt the part rab AnIaru cf a 1-a)rir-maspaiirrng inir-liiga-nr-e irrat laid- -esi on - rau-a tlanet. 0f tiie nacher rab »Il thle livingir s ek tIre iriat. the bair- et aîrd the Irait. A5'fnl ts-', I maise ira- a garaI.c. Irir tire patr". usrtl moîrr an lroess, an rr1 I aairIei vit liarta lrarrî t'a-)o a ird rîiaarion fr-rai.ila.,raau I lai.a aira tlIare arr- bair- tarira i irs rtr tIra urmaligbht andr p. ranI s Ilia rrý! tri. ,rarla r thle taddlrlin« rab thbe sina. I érailler mr- tir i fr--ru the Arna- non aindl oarane î froua lIa. Iranlîlc anald l r ar iI frarrr flou an. Ihere are v-axaII tra r rîIaresa-k-cI;nbnig or rte %a a irai uîarrral aiia-Is i1,raasling ileaa-;rrru tIre gram. I invite amI th~s tri-u ira- arks arda rte hirrari tIulr.-%, anal the. rabima, anal al] the iibr-al birula ra bha-veu. sud iluet unir the arr v-ith inIiaite chulrp anal dard. Anal jet tbe pla-e sn a a]esert OUled avith dark- nees andl uleth a. r-nmpareal auih tiie reai- dee cf thie vulait raf the teit. the. sua- Wet ofb ay stary. Neyer siuie hunve sur-b skias loarkerl douva through saorti icaiva- laito sncb un-ter! Neyer hua river vave boit set-h crrre andl aiean iId batik as adoer- rire l'liii. the Haiab. the (luhorr and th i Hulrlkel. enen rhe pelibles heirîg bulluan anal onyx strasua! Whlat fruits, yita no crrranilra Ira Atuni tn ii! V bat gears. aa-th noelaig tu gnav taie roi! Whai atmnoasphere. vida no trontI te chili anal uith nu hear te c-onsume! BIirght ceors langiel in thie graae, Perfume ini the air. Munie in thie alat. (;rat se*- ot gilnes anal love anal et'. Riglat there utader a banner of rîtf anal vine anda .sbrub occtlrreu the. iret mar- Sage. Adam roui the luan. rab thia rrn- maculae aaugbier of tirad anal pr.aaancmae.- ad the r.reniy vien lie sarrt, "liarir rat -my houe anal lih rat ra'li- A tar. biddpln t-e, stucs] in the nuidlt rab thar a- qoisite park. Eve, srirîîtrimg aimt once daj aioe". leankz op ut tire Irf anad se tie beiritiul fruit anal mondlera if it ru sveet anal uonaler if il la seur anal standl- ing th-re msoy: "I tiiik 1 wUl liait put uap banal upon tii, f ruit. il wu doetno damag, te tue trea-. I drill ne telke Ne fruit te est. b 1 vrU 10,1 tas. It damai lIo examine Il." Sic exaaiaea the fruit. BUne said. "I aie Dot thiak theye eau b. arr> barin in mr juat breakig the rialo ut rr elle put the fruit ho ia- t-i-tir, ah. taatr-l Me alloweal Adsam aise t1a raute thr fruit, *ie door cf tic fruia oIer-u-.. and tir nonaer sun entereu]. La- heni hi-anr gather Iriacklina. anad tre slnd, u..ri on tb. boinm of te Irilir.. anal caverais, anra desert, anal eerîb. anal sk juin n un long. deep. irel:-re[wling boavi. -Tb. mcmid id Beensis tIrai befure, mci. harniems and -full rat plat tant forth clay anal ating arr. - tid rtallaa. Birul v-et tiroir brais for prey. Coudsa trup in rie sy. 4hart thoeron shoot up hroagir nie sarft gras: biastinga ou the la-aea. Ail the -bre of thoI driat burinnt are anapasi. t lor thse briglitest hoame ibis world a-ver sur o«r Bret parents turneai ti. bacil. aara len forth on a pan thb serruav tire troken hein-ted myriarde et a ruiniea race. Bala, ta, C.ricelti-. Dn yon net see in thie Bret place thie da il *g.. cf a poortt' re-gularea inqumartmîveneai .El inated lu know hum lie fruit teit a d. 8h. teon ou, ut. a 6.K) yeears liai depilreal that unlrltht iii cnrriosnty Bealthful coriil hra. adune a ar-au dri! for letter5a foi. art. toi. 5i-tne andi fer no bigiora. Il iau gin. down utc tire deîaîbý of due carih sitb lie gecloiat anal sari tie Orst cbspber cf Genseais anritiei in rh, book -)f nature. illuatrateal uithtirgrnnira en rock, anal lb et"aa mith tIh. antrquariar .1vile b, blew the. ti-mmpet cf reenirrer,-tret o r burmed l ierrilanetri ana l Iamperi I freim thei. seépulcier there camne ui "fiaat anal lerrare anal amPhibatîr licaiful crioumty bas eniargeal thie telu acoplc virion of the ratrouemer onit voila. hidlen li the distant beaven a v trocped forth anal have icinedth e ci p yali"g lie Liarai. Plane-t veigise agalnal planiet andl mildeel coanetlaIsarro. vida replendent lemv. Heeltirful conbeitj bha Zene dovai anal fouimi lire Ii-acka o lis. elernal Goal lu lie pciypni anal tire sar à& uDdnaer thie a anal lie majeatu raf tir -gret Jeliovah encampeai umrder tira gar selle curtains cf tic dala, il bas stuc lsd lie spots on the sunt. anal rie îarvu il ,a hasch eif, anal the lght unuler a lir tyc ving, anal thie terrible eye glane, le carnir pitcbing trom. Chimaborazo. i bas stuidu lie myriade clf anumalculaý 6.1 moie up lhe phoaphereemence lu '~& yake, and due iigir> ma, e f sut and agderes anal constellationrs andl gala; lue dat blaze on in the marci cf Gom Sedttlfial curicaity bas alecal by lhe la Wator unitif fore.s Ilat mere hirdden til came te v-heela, anal levci.a an sud soltiea-forees tbat fly th oi-avion the «, ci. cleave hie mata in n.L lie earlh jura anal roaras ax Uua aarcek"v anal booms wiola etraufg et "4dgso b.muq.ig. faon ~ wév t mi at aM se adrmute, butf- m - j tala trou.uof mystety bow maziy bave1 plucked thehr rmini Eleetion, ageiacy. trlithy, reurrection-lu tiei dlmesic oft the...subjecta linndredsanad tbousaaadoft peuple initheboutel. There aieumen wbo1 actuaUy ae been kept ot of lth. kint-< dom of henven becaune tiiey could nt a-i dei.tand who 1Melchlsedec was Dt! 9 Like ie.d Men Fru. 1 Oh.,l-cw many have been dstioyed by1 an unheathful rnqulatlvenaas! Itlanseen in ail directionï. There are those wiho1 stand with thi.e yeatai..andl mouth tape1 of curbuly. They ai.e the frstIn tri ar &a falaeiieod, huild aiItbe ethi. a i.yhv irhad twr, wirr.gato It About cHier peules 'ap- parel. about cthir people'%s business, about otbur peoplea blinnciai ýonrticii, about cther popeas affakra, tiiey ai.e over-anx- JoUs.. Every c..piec. cf gnaalP stOP. t thela dcci, and they fatten and luxarlate In the. taletia round of the gret vend cf titti. taffle. Tiiey Invite and .iamp- tueoldy enteitaln Ktt heu. bom. Conel Twadie and Slquir ChWthat andl GeV- ercor Stnalitalk. Wiihoever bath au n1Vu11 endo, wboever bathi a scandai, whoever batt a aluabIe svie.thi. conte anad sariOce it 1te ttisgodde.s cf spIitter.j Thomnucé.of Aduxma and PIteecclo uotbung but et fruit thet does nt beleang te hein men quit@ waall knewn a. mathematirlafis failing in Iits compatilon of moral a- gebra-goca@rsea.plua gond bre.'dtuî, malnus uurnoity, equala mlondhn ur 0ui w»i asfa !?a! Then. bown, any yonng an-n irona rurio.ty go thriough the. v'ioie reatlm cf Fi.cnr'h uoveltosee wiitbei.tbeY are ruaI1- ly aenau bal a oalista bave pronou»ceil thri Thry cone ceai. the verge of the ,picle lubt te looki off. Tbey -vntl ru ue.h,w far it really in cown. but tii-ar laetlîir balan-e while tiaeY 100k aal 1,11i 1Crmdlaaruil, or. catehrng them- saIn. amla'r rp, i,diirg andl ghatly. ,,n the rock. sibberiug. with ori groanina roffeaitual prayfr. By ail men .cvurnraee l.eathfnl Iuquiativencss by .il meana dtacourage illregulated cun- Oviry. Thia ralajr aIse impremIe me witbh e fart that fruita that are sweet tu the teste May aftrwid pctiace great agour. For- bialaeetfruit foi. Ere wa&an 50pleasat mii. inriteal ber luband ase to latke cf It. But ber banioawirut .f rom parads. ana <.00D'yeura ofc orre.and wretahedua«i and war anal wor palal foi. th*t luxuri. gin msy b. very oweet at thie tait. and it may indué wroebedies aftei.- >werd. Tii. cap cf vin taà.peklla at the. top, but tiiere lané&-tth at tehre ..-- -I trae'cz c hm Vgent exIaiamtiOn foi. a wble. anal it filipa the blond, anal t mares a manl a..liv. amar whei., chiera -an sae xily one tar, and lIr makea the pour man rail, and toma ebKeba whklare a. white d ..a oss.But ejIal about the, dreamta thet coin, oter. when ba en»emefaUai f rom great b.igbta or i protrateal b cdi- e fgancrid sastersaMaalthe. perspiaticn ttand. on the, fore'iiad-tlre ailgit dew 1o0(eve.Isaling darkuaem-and e l. grounal uaer the. horrible hoof cf cîgtmaren 1shrreking wirhii Up. lia crackle wtii ail rlrsomng torture?'*"Rejoue. O young t&a, in tiny you th, and L ert ty heur cheer I-he iu cf thy youth! But know thon that for a"ltii.., daia G od wyul flring iii.. into judgmet" Sweet t tii. atari, horrble aIti.theet. Goc bto that liall ofrieveliy. wblem eunxodly mirtii tgg- ra an&d baspheinc. Litento ethe. ame I1ai gabb4e. Sm. the last trace cf irleilU- 9genre di1ed out f rom facs made in -G;do iwnimage. "Aba. aha!" My* the, trennrg bebrte. "Iftia z. oy foi.yenu. * kilîi iarh your copa, my boys..h drink te * at' avfe. mimery. analmonchldens rage, lanal rat'Goda tiance." Anal le knocav trat tbst a fienul mirs the. gubet inlbi ami tuat adaiera oneoil fron tthe Ira1"" and tbrust lier forked tongues 1. b:aing tlrouch the froth on telimna. Tii. t, phiarrtnes jeereal and Iruglhedan ad about- -1art Samson. Oh. teY uniates! i tu * make p,rt fer.tbem. aed he made sport *for th.-an! liow brbt andl gay wa. the. d a,-n. for a little avbiP! Atter awhile the C. gant puis anne banad againet tOila pM2ar is andl ie .,tbîr Iacal againat tbat pilir and troava limuaIf, andl 3.0"merrymah.era are d naabrd lke grapes in a win. prass. Sn ij rapatrro aet tiie tart, awfu i athteilait. C. A teerIng BlIw.. * Tnet ou Edecrie tranagression did net *a-a-m te b. nuch. but it »truck a bleus 4 wlrîr'bteo makes the earth tagger. n Ta, liraI ot tbe coneqoene. cf that one 6v %n you wootM bave Ioromnzapel the, worlal d to thrair open Il liaslprison deors ami dl& i- pay thre crime,. andl thtr.navopen ail ira hos.- ptaia analisplay th ii, raoa. anid th-roa open ailthie iouaaii, auylums and shaow the aretchealira. andl open al hie sliul- rîQieiU nal ahow thie d-a. iand open ail the doors of theIi, at aril and show tiie damlna-]. TIrI ailneEdeîc itransgression strehrlrad cbrrds of mimsry aroes he hjr .e-rf rthe aorld anal aanirk them wuith ala,rîu ai arnîg.and t ha vo-tuealthra plagtjrrr-vunu the arr. andrdtiabpwi.,ckr opilrtire iemilla't. airi fauoreid. like a e ,h famîine te the, heurt of thetire .k and ryrrg rnationas. Beautrfol t tir etert, ghorribe at thre lent Oh. bow mont' lavr, Oexperienceal ir! Are ther, here thoo~e awho are vîtartts of pleagure? let me ver» t'eU. MYbrotiler 'P leur plaaur. Ioat is far froua shore, ana r.your Kummer. day rn ending rouoglly. fea t u he Iviidsantd tiie vir.,ar ami.d voir,,,] ilanal the evercoxrais eloud% are ail uvritla te anal ageam aili terrer. Yon are pat the ,i Narrown, andl almoot cutaide the, Hock, danal if lhe Atlantc lake tbee, frail morela] tho tbu hat never gel tershabe.agaln. Put ty bark, reir wiftly, saifter, ewiflei.! Jen üffron thteshore, asteth a rope. Ciaap it Ir quikît', nov ci. never. Oh. are there net n ocle f you whaa are freigtingâail your ,-love. ami Jeya anal hope upen a veaue i whicb n"X never iresh the port cf be., In tune Thon neareet lthe break,... Oce ' beave upon the. rock@. Oh, alitr«an awfal il ý cvi as thait Antiier luttge May cria. ttii.. bneath tise apara or ernd tay boue« lete poirder amial tie torn'timbei.s. Over- a boaral fer ycur lîfe. oneboari! Trust net ne tbt I~. plank cor att.ulpt -thie wvn Sbut qnlckly claap the. feet f Jesima valki ju!a on tho vatery pavement, ebuting ut- lItle bénirernii ."Lord,.saave me or 1 peî- or ý1 R E"beautîful lt the, tart-ob. boa ad Wud dbtrmafnl, at the, lent! Tii h» Isdover wvilh àIlelada you itI.botoca f~ ruit lt offers to your tate la plor. Spomise It makea ho yen la a lie. Over t- n anq nmeet theýkeen rwtard of of f. f 8ot@ýma. b« ar vomp. DUlfr ta e prodigat.. thi e . aBil- lai. Tii. gowaca t Catherine H. of Rua. nia only smesforth ia mos.. isavrfnl cao- traitfir.unappeae ambtion. 1%0 trantiaialbef ronait t, Gree andl 6e Latin by Ellaafait.i nal ber vombei.f i quaUlO- cadiounsfor. a quessi Mal.the. More de- goetng ber capricicamneas ef affectIon and ber bot.... cf temper. Tii. greeta... rf Byron'a mitral urkea dz Ume aarmuraf Byruis senail. [et ne on. tink thaI i.eEnemn.nt cf nmaner or cf tet, or an- perierity cf education caiaamy vis. apolcgrze fer i teuper, for an epprescive .iarit. for unkndms, for auf klnd of dii. Disola.alience Godwaard andl trunigr«aIa manwai.d eau give ne excuse. Aeocu- pllshment heaven hlgb I ne apology fr vr, e lldeep. MY saubject &Mo Iluprea.ea me vithathe "'aJi ifance cf voman. Wiieui1 e Ev. vklthi ii powrif i Influence ovai. Adam and ever the genermtons haut bava floweal, lb iggtte ume t6e grest pww- ci. ai voum b av, foi. gond ci. fer cvii. 1 havr no synuiathy, nor have jeu, wth dm hollow dfattealeas csoeeeaupon vonian f rom the patfcnn andl tse îtage. Tb.y meal nothkng; tiey are aceeplcdas a mli- i. Weman'a neulity conaiste Ia 6be expeise 01 a OhrietlaqiInfluence, Mud ache. I se. dii powerful Influence cf Ero rîpon ler buahaaid andi ouenthe wbole bai- cran race I Male up My mmDd hbat tii. frabl arm cf vaunau cn trike a bloir irbichl viireseund l biougii al eternaity dvn samong the duagemu. ci. p ameets the bianne.. 0frcnte. I arnm otapeating of repre- sa-tanllve wveue-ef Eve, wbo ruinai the nar-, hjouie firalit ddkn; cf Jore lie arove a spie t1rough theIbond of Biaera, the, wmrir; of Ester.,ulso aveo e 1,l-r i; of AigaI, vie sbtppad a boit Irt ber caviabeautitul'proveas; cf Mary, irbonunrseultic vcrlffa Savieur; cf tlraaiclnier-rLois, iiamortagmzd in ber graicn-o*mhlu':of baalotta tindaj, who d arove the alunr dirooga th e ot f4 theassassin cf ber lover, or cf Marie Antoinette,.vi bj i.byo eokf rom the. bal- cuuy cf lier muét.eqieteal a mcii, bu- cy au-autld te tlriocf torgivenàe..andl wmily eurags. I apeak not cf tdca. eltraerilm" arlions, but of tdose voua, unumbtions for poiticoI pwer, sas ivea ami moheuu andaliterseanaldangltersa t- tenal te th tousanal avet illei..of home. wbon et lait w cuime te cilenlade 6 foe.. 6.1 decieth e etilasy otnation., il wMliehafooi 6.1 he ie nleatand grandt Inlunce came frain home, au er. 6. ilfe nIlearetI np dspolidency anal fatigue ana laorrov hy ber ownesyni- pariiy, analthe mther trainlealiber mluld fae. beave", .tartint blimIIe st on the irada ao th e eidal Citp, andl lie @doter@ by thuir genteo. refinealthie mainere cf the. icother, ami th<aiaugbhtens voe6 (aol- Kenit lia tueir bknne* totie area, tlirnw- ing yi'eAtIre cf bledI n cthe rliat leauidafaier anal motier dewmathe teep yeiu. Goalbiens o ur homte.! Anal may the home on tardie hCe vestubule cf oui. home n béeaVen. lan alhie place nMay va ail meet -fada-, motierson, daanhter, irotbae, siter, grandtadii. analgrandl- motiier aimd graa&ibid, analthe entire group cf preciocua cnes cf wmiin evamnut amY in the v-ci-aiof traraprting Charles We.ley; One famit', v. daeil in hlm; On. chrrci above, haeaeti. Theungh now.tilviahealby the trei- Tii. narrov aetra ut ofeehI- One.âarmy cf the living Goa, To lde commanal va bow. Part cf thelieut have crossiealthe flIces, Ami part lire croudg nOv. ShortfSer-mca.. Chiaslt and Art-Witbout Cbrlatlan- lt' vire, woului ha oui- art of to-day? If Clilt-glvcn lusjaliuiin bati tc gideal tire drlrel of the sculpter anti lhe brouir cf lie on-ist, oui. daolecest gemia of art wonîri Ie unkcwîir. Tii. exquisite laeasfrein wlcb tact' aa itateul coulai neyer bave teell conceciveai ln the mid of the, un-Chrlettatn artiat -Rev. F. J. Barry, Oarhollc, Rerbury. Divnil-Tbe relatons of Goal vti man are Irmpartal; n neeeta tartet! ln ie algit Let lie iglaIofCh Oret ahlue on iranr nature anal ve beceme the liglt cf tho moitai. TIre luman lien beceanes divine. Ticé <IlIne spirt la aLmrat'.rigiilanrd unentlng le Ita op- cration. It la a fi-ee W-VlI offerlng cf thc heavenit tatic-r beetoeea tpori bo- rianult. [saq W Wa Quaker, Biecia- ill-d, Ont. Lack et Gret Yn d il, it7Y. muat, lb. lack of great men. It la a gremî century. Better lie coming ot a recent utanlelni han a lonely perfect man lare anrd licre. Better many tait anal tonrg tinone huge Alis. We are cenuoleai lu the lack of prodigles by the Lack ut foula. 'l'e imîu of lie taorlai art, manne ca-uit'dlatrt-bu loti, ted goc<l cotaduot linflt a monopy.-llev. M. W. Reerl, Indépendant, Denver, Colo. rThI irlpt-The pulplit hba àgl- . cus future. If unîteti lu effort, It coutla e1 have anyting Il manteti now In na- tional, State or muaiddîpal parlt'anud rWibeoneffl. lta greit mia la tliaIlil tla diluidei. îBut lu tire tv-entleth cen- story lt la etIed tcl10ec re thaLn even tabeforelIre rulng tfactoir lu lie cr>stalli- 'tnation cf publIie etiment anal In ils d holti upon duc mnd of the public- -Rer. F. W. Anderson, Meticallut, Nov iYork Cty. Tabenis o f fihver-Men gîve te G-ad whal tiiet have ne une for lie aselve.. If thie'coanale a profit by omttlna ,treligions services liet' omtthden. The' ètalents cf aliter muet b. regardeI. -Tb.y reprenent se many -thîngai. Glvig lion op fer mre spmr- - tual culture deà nrit pay. Nevennlhe- l em, tihe trindi forover romaine liat, -comparcal vîd tise aare Inteveot.liey are moine than zero-Rer. J. W. r tlrebp.. Mtiioditt, San Francisco. t Ressc.-Thits vori la net a playa- -_ grcund lawhlch manla te diport hm- self for a ltij vhite andt len e deva an atdie. Man la netmadie only ofthe doit of the. vend. He ln a easonable helcg,. H aendovedti Ilacancelnce m te dlturtblulm le lie enjoymtnmt of it o Iftl taualitymw«amn lina con- 1- science. t distunla ia lu thie enjcymeaal ao cfLIl? If lite1f la ail, tnan'a hgIiud i ft-9 are binriances, net helpa, toeliap- -plunes-Rev. W. M. ReolUy Eplcopai. t an, San WFrancsée, Col. it Mr. Burtcasi latter mn elopement a, ront a uai sommer resort)-My dear ,ei 700 toîti me tb. nlgbt I proposetithat ta jour ther hallrelîret f rom businessa bul I nov bears tuaI be la a coal mer chant. She-Nc, I din'tsamy anythilal cf lhe sort. Yen remarketi about liait id past 10 'cltck ai nlghl liaIteOu sup- ig poemedmy falier vas lai lie cIl-y In- 0.L-br nac u baneas, intI dIala lie bat e- retireal.fie alvaje gpualo beal aht 10- gu A.naerL OUYR ODERN IDEALS. BEAUTIES OF TODAY COMPARED WITH 71408E 0F TH-E PA8T. or Ecf Kpreaslan in the V.ass.a .00 Junoe-MN.a.lsglesa Faces Dieu. byIj oiad Artlint-N.turaine«i cf lIdalFaces of T.dey. Ch&spher cn Art. The critîcal wIztara onciibgb art bave a bauhic, or, meon prepcrly, a, cf mrerUtng to lie classical modela of emilpture andl paMlng &As Ietag 0<a "TilE WATY.B CAa5hltiLa.DLAAS. grade se tar- alove anytiiteg liat bas produceai ln modernIlurres that lie marks cf cor cortemporarlee are net vortiyt le hamentioeed la the saane hi-sali, f, Indeet!, la tii, anie day, vian a comliarlson ila ltucltl- Iveen Iben, gasys a wrtber lna the Glcobe- Deancerat. lu a ieally lemrnet. art crin- lclam, theuaniesof Praxîtelca anal Phila- lau, Agegarder anal Alcatareies Apol- lenlus anal TaurLwcos, aiadObanes, and Clonienffl. and Lysllpu., andM yron are as fumîiilrrly ueti aa ioogb tIret' pwoinece n. epa t ofany orne, lpflnes of tace ma if om, inediUa ligtutail parts of ha lcdY lin Ju AMi preaer proportion, cclor andi ,îpre@6lan ame regarded as tii. main Pointa Ot beauty, and wblle smofitlieae have recelveal semapuloiu attention friom tue aîacimgeiulptora wise dobng Ideai work, onecbas beau nctbly neghhcted. Anaicet portrait busteaae full cf e-- pression, andIn latila concectoim, ItlaI a igulmr fant liaI lier. la compara- Uively littie diffuer t bu e type of ccrmtemSo bel-vea tii.wcmen cf the. lime of t6e Caaiu am tie women cf 01Kr owiL age. Wii they were repre- aeeting in manbIa or bronze the fef-- tures cf living wom.nth e sndiei sculptera Ver. troc te lte, but the. mc- trient tbey deçaarted franitba coPY set before them nd miatmpted ta Idealix they hecam mammalgl.Tier. la net an ateen cf expressal n iithe.face cf venui an Il liu, ceie dcvii ta n atIn- nneratae statua. a"tibuata; the fen- tures are lrreprabaale, but the. face la liat of a doila&anth e asane lick of ex- Pression la observable la t6e Jioa, the libuervas, the Muss. 6be Grace.. anti other Idl i emle faea wih the tjroek ad BRom aculptoau lreeved for us la in romm.andi maniée, lInmeel- tng to a clal poatlveiess of expression, a ln Portraits, Uiey bat ail, anti pre senteti regular eaturea, but notbing ancre. Wble the. ancluat portrait busta are. therefci.e, admirable, the anieut taleal ststua. aie largsly desttte cf character. 0f the trnhhtulne.e cf the busa vo ev otbug, and, hadeeda It. la remarka.ble ho noticebow greatly the portrait buoif thle sane man dîffer fm i-e seb other. 1'ere are ten or Ivelve buteai JuUus Cimar, for ln- stace, cdinsedîfferent tran ail the otiemtu lat Il vould be Impsipble ta Umstltfy them as belongig tae, sani«e Man, aM the mSme peultartty may ha n&etictlu the . euof seraa l ot.. celebritla. of liaI age. Tii.oecuwtmoacf Our cvii day M"-e aIhI, te, soin.extuat fetterotiby tie tradi- lions cf the anclit art canonms, butth6e pataters have horst hein bond@ ami etabttaheal Idenia of tirli cvn. Iu en ocaît frott the tiiraldom of thae anchiet art a-oies, but ahur f roan the aiment equalît' nlgorcua liondage of thie R. nLaLarce autTîme present age. Lna ar na. lria anict eaerytblng ele.. bas brol- on amayt' teoae tcr-nadrable extual, frein tire domtiruuton of ltapredeceacra anad tîîeartI-io rtý a-ecreaitea tor tiiern- Selacs iDu larda, ta I] irappeni inca- qtrongîIytiran oîuni f former tIniei ta tihe public tanît.lcn.ia they are more irtiWllrfiaturaare tîran tier prealece.- surs. One roara l a trrture In art, as lai vorlah km,, u flui. tactImat' h. botrail air a-îIrLiaaiou uf tire roiuaintt cf sut-h ptrli au -Tire AUgelus."' WVieretialaic -modaru artlallat I maini cn as âiýn ic sainae course, com-i parsonnioamltai nvadloua, but li>e tutiairw o e traeice.mlriy moem rnstyle1 umiat'casily bIre-rrn-i-at nebolt' la 'ui picturisas a-ir orue la-tbt y Millet, hbut alaf n lIaNun Are tie Daya ef Itoseq.- la' t!ecntrdAi t thé Fea," by .fflu Fertiura.: trriinereî" anal 'Seing. nti, rraîvt.t-i;The Water k Carrier." la-,v arantd -The Flover Iliri." 1I'v i;î a-w!ra -i.rryv. There are hndn-îard * a' -. iaii Innstrlklxrg Iii- r îvcat'a-a a t.oail r ir-prfflori aly rrmry tLw - rtat-aI lit'ne1ecx- ampîlle r- r .., r a landrr-d, an&l the-se tlir a-. ara ottpical cf tie tahole. Ui-TilE tgauT. -tale ycmuPî.aoi. Thre cause-a ir- remarlable dIffer- e-etc[licnamna cfrIrear lviîr n tr ic lucem1.t tI Hmitiai. "lime artlata next sartet; nuile, if tIre talkitic of or eut tiaie a a ia r'04 aicaia palntung.Zeuxia anal Iauaias andl Apel- orftIi-'fi"" i i i -4arathle-arraxî- la& andl a riumher cfothers figure taitb rrotfa:iit-riu>. ia:tire truîcr In-- equal lirominee anti fauuilarlty fnaaourea tla- ;- i - au tri-t-ok. atam tie ivrlîcru aescaut Ion[lie auipeiborty ae asr ai r' ,,- a ami talorftlite. of anelenlt Mteo adrn analprove, trIn1» Trautati ar- i i',r trrauhIîre la hier ev-n sartifaction. tirut the pairters ftue st-gerirr:r !ar a Of ab ncharulig of Out OwtiUre ouglit toe b.painttingravfue 0mIiail., liral-raf artotrain cf inseard of fa-cs..anal thstt lira- rlociao .aî tlaa sculptera nuoulti bette-t-b, cnpoyed Ln hca~uutul In ii- -n .ZrtItlvê. anal baeahcng îmacadlarm thon la chismclng theI [i oit,- b,- a at îat bh-îidif mai-hie.les ala rhI-4rrna-. ai rve-vtu n e Icoals are v-a-l euoug Ii n nhi. mat' o- i, 1u- )I.! la-am1ei ad uinaoue- In tact, lhe mot-lai, iirol t umni, troulai ruent nnrni!iie Sa dil- ora ndr thtit prOlaably nOt amnoamt te taucir; uttLu 'Walter Carrer' a9na l ine--icaer Girl"' seundLng tihi. praises iftlI. mdl 1tre- mieurber tIraitIlb la qulte possible ntrtJt-- onît' for eeary ae ho bav-c lb. eniabut Llso flit thiorneof a aitnceedlng age Ina>'ya~ ~ be a deielda Irnproveint on stîcb as bave gotre before. Owe-n 'Moreilir aya sonia-nhere 1 LunIli-" À dwarif on a rîroa giartu airootalars &ces a naMure Tmnthe lune iants et'raîght anailcal te l ii explore. l'iîe RamYng la jtai§netruc nom&as vliera be tole lt f rurli »eorge Sande, net-el andalmIe il as tîattrli lis otna s- i lic coulai by puttiag Il in rliynaminad metur. ArUiUcallî,the icpaitars cf lie present aay stantd on tIrhe ulanetu of thoite taIr bave garne blefore lîla-i. andi ame able tan(-refile niraarelra otft- cuoa. 'artacuinrly la thinstIre rnue trihei malter of feurale beauty. Ev-a-rga ien anal cOtntty lias Ils ouve slandrla-t uor Itia-la ina thils tatter, anti nu-at voulal i. on.adered a perfect typa- lu onea mglit re regardeci an cIcetin am-' chber, Cri that a dogniatie malng on the alubjecI, virile If mîght ha satiafar tory- - te nome, mîght aIso b. uxtur-inly dis- taiterui te otîte-rm. TIre belle ut Du- bonfej mould al ly bin in PatIs, Sp.m.hîai.-niliciiPE wlilbe lie moetIheaubtoul Oblese voua- T___Dm___ an votuld ntot tcane rap te European fatrî-anPyapn>dnurl a-aa eb ct Maens, jet tbese ladies arc deublelrinlîa.gery vîtîchlaili înrkc tbenpriat- very beautifri Ln thi.e eescf tIre gai- cesses Iu disgiu r-. îtireflaueà -e-beare anta of their respective countre, bey-- kept f(t-m tbeir eâataes b>' lie machbina- ove? muar tIreur charma miit at-k of tIens of a heurt' tillir, ivio, soorer or mtWayltag lie aentietlc tante@ et tire 1,er, nail tome 10 justIce anti Ire co- isani t clef lùUd.But mnaong lb. 1plibetite gîve the=i posemio cf thesir (Iaue m tm harae a gai- cvi. Tiey are i-ore attractive than eflcuefluA o o f arh@ite epta" as to i te Idesi cunfracters, thie Grae., tlae VaS opgtu.s mate elismt'. But- MSu o t thi e nal.anc psaOa- ho «**W= > vitbnet onaine Cam tisuit asuni lte 'i aai. t THLE SIINDAY SUHOOL. __________Ire SERIOUS SUBJECTS CAREFULLV cif CONSIDERED. FE A schclarly Exposition cf thi e so. àse -Tbcsght. Worthy of Caler Reftear ton-HaIalun n ,,@ ..Slndy of the. PL § i- c Well Spent. BI Cý Lemsa oer lne 20.1 Golden Text.-"Il migroi neither tirasW flshl, nor te drink v n 'm he arytlarîg wreeby thy brother strrit!Lat. ltHom. Mt 14: 21. T, goileet: P.-raouai he-iîarailthity -Roan W 14: 10-21. Agate ave have a lea..uinritro Ir inconcut of airaer, lbthe ason br-rng mi:xP lila meaAtrosi b. rial as a trialtrrA anâc. Il-sas. of lie cei ta rait b avhich it I la a nnet of raruiir JL. tance for tis p.v-ticnlar passage. Rotoi snei v.a avwrten iiy Pautl att'oýrbnrb. near dis close cf hais Uird iisinary jrrnet probahly lu thse jeer M. Arts 20:3 anth tir poit ;thle narrative v-heu til-ocu In Tii. wlaole cf thi eureenr -apter et Romnans sheailalb. i-ead. Il refera te aà esat.erof tiim aIntire iRaran uClnr-b Ic br«uat * bout by Uic mia,,] rlîaraeler c- T liat -iiurrhi. Scholaurs are out altragedrei M a«i.eed as te Ita composition, b hai en-genaiN ers] opinion a int ri te Gentile elomerul predomninated, mile tii, Jewiah (',briu lians borin,, a corualerntale miurrrity. The i main :henre cf theeplatle la rhe une vai cf alaltinn fior. ail nation, .ewas andihi-ený tâi., Iliiongb tain lainrabriat. Tirer'a, tien cf Jevs te tis gospel La treatea l rd the ncatir, tendu andl eleventb chaîatem o Priacticai ativice anal aaroinga occula'Y tirae reet cf the bock. The fanîrtceirti rbairtarF deessi-rti the attitude cf Chrisfiann ta meremonlal reqoiremenna arîd dourbttrl n. dialgeices. "Borne cfthie Jewiair memlb-niIl cf the Roman (iarcb mere afraal rf est lng fleoh or drinking avine in the greal beathinaity. for fear cf thuli- made i la @orne teolroncal vay, unenleara, anal liveai like Daniiel at Btbyln, o» vegetablea only. as ire knoav fronra.epiruoa adonsr by en, rabbis dnîring their stay lu Ileme Y Flewh of cretnni. killeal by b-atires butchler., anal vine fbm the viricyarai cf bealien, ver. forbieldea bj the. rab1 biakeî las.-Geikie. Acideal te bii1 diliculty maritiie burng question miieth or lb waa.rlgb tîrporchise anal estmes offerea in -te markets afler hnavbcz bensl fermalt' ffereal te Idla.The quaartiti cf mtueoselalw"avery large andai hoat i ailieobjeal10tu itsuse ovona»aientlcwi groonals pot theomeelves trai auet aruu cf trouble, anal ae-c. aprtri lok viti a feeling uf auperbaîrlt' on their les" seruan. lous breliren. This arinlrple niay b. s@en in operallun ta-dat' oat oît'lu imais,1 v-ber. Hic anre useoraiarl "reeO> any prodclmt of sisuiiglter-al celtle d-ese ,focal, lut amom thie sîritlr Jea ofetoui oavn conintry. wiie4 reqorre aIl tHiir ment te be procnireal f ram rairelburciera fia, nibila. avith reremonral iraw. Tiie diffea' uic.. cf opinion ha-lava-euJeirs amiGeai. tii.. cin tIeee question* causeal@osefric, tdon ila ayearly ehnrrbez. Paul de adret! ru direct the attention of tire mhurcé evt Reine te the greit p.lnciple ursk-rlyinit clecialon. Es planatry. "Notiaing i.a nle*n of itaelf": to out minds not a .tai.tUtug proposition, but b4 niant'of lie me» teuaviioci Paul avrote il wmi evlutiouary doctrine. Tiie Jeviali cei.emol liv, inciualrci the traditcias cf men mmi veut es e br b.jud die Momaie Leglslation. enterea ito every re- lation of lMb. and preacrihel Init boy ererytlinni ehaulal ha don. ilu idutoet,. cape lefilenaeurt. Obtintb.d indeed ai- reaaljset f ortlupriaidiple» wieli er. di>s tineal ro overbbroav tua vast anal burdea- soen.system i te. MatI. 3-7, 15;: 10-20), bol tbey bail net t'et afeee] vert' mideithe i lcougbt cf ie .disciple..Paul aaya plain- ly trat cf ail liesdiapatel questiens, mach as.the dîe» oniiicb lie Sabhiali abonlal b. celebratel. tie matint of ramia prevîouilj comuecaieal byhia form et merda te a heatiien deit'. the tainîn rf avine frontm besthen merebalnoauabsolute rule montld bc laid cdown. -fier, in notliing ina-leuin cf Itaelf." Heminronetronlj lY foi-m ofamaternent wvapervertel hi a fev earîy beretJinla el known. Men,. kacavi as Antinomiians beomuae of iheïr repîia- dio f kv, proclainici heir niglri te toi- loy oul Ibeïr nahurad iinclination. regard- le.. of motal! obligation, preteiadiuig te ind warrant for iinli "the liberty cf the goà. pet.,, But Il la ,viuieut te amlycia, mi reads Paul stmaternent l inktcunnetiol tiaI b. 1,lanrfront mikins a generai etatemerit win e"tneye lanotlring unclean cf Ilseif.' lHewva s peakamg ot tlatters cuacecrneai erelt' mîth r-eramo- niai obriervaccea. There are mnanyt' liaga wticam. r andal aiays v-riUb. uiraian ot themaelvm an d sgainst theirthe apoatie elâleaviere aPeak% vitb power. "But weiy doat thionimitle tby Irroties>': ti.'*buît" lpointstu iluat prec.eeaé. o nul bas set forth in va. 3 thre genamal priricaiple tbut: "[et 'net bria that eateth dealîhu, hlm trat ealetb suit; ana l .et utlm mbuîc eata-l rt uaIdge ir a lua tatu; fr4ita bath recilvea i In.' Ite fehîrating verse& be takea uî)a aruther rnrtîtrîrverted question, ia mba-rhrer tir,-t Christian alrerrrldobacrve tire Oral .nr tir-heaa-ith loy cf lbe veek us hâs ao f ra-ot atut nyrrr- Walp. lnuavarue 11) tIra- iriter ra-trtrirto rie iaorsenab rîuontiaaro art turîl cci ti wlIri*b tra soerîexten t igitâtnI thb. rr r rc. rEacb mna nai trl,.a-îaln ir-m-tiaingfrr himicif in rhe ftar o at li amil riamuan fan rigbttullt' Oc(ite Inià bar rtfnot ar-tinag r.rrraritoulit' iiratrrlîlnatta-ru un- lena goon erd rrlrraIIe *6.1utgvr~hia ratirer. tiere in a sliglt plat' raî ir. Paul aaya. "if y-orînîrrat jatage, de uIt jurlge t'ranr broh- (ara r-aaîrucr. lievot- t'eir rritialîemle>- ries r-miler tc yur or n cundnct,ad are . that fnroa tsbt' ocrasah llcauser'tour brother tu bail. That alona- viiigie yen plenly trr-iu." I-rastrary not brmmiii itry ment, for unioan Ubrit aLied": hem aoîamily thia varnitii' rilea te a cara-les ('hristiaii, mm Irbas been going on the prineitale tas lue thirabri>. uinai yrur oin btbnt-s anal lot olirer peuple mnuri ir.-.'Thra-trumi ta, non.e ut rie eau minaI bia orauibtiàineg v' a die regatrl for tire inirmirtiee ami prejiries cf otte.. 'lb ru evil for t maen mureaateath ith offense":ro tuet contrary lai one'& can» cos-r 0;UUUwv d.eatExpe. À= u9e te 1114l11l111 Manti.Kul. et.a Si Il The "t« shows 60les@& a unisoming the varqcibraneis..of 16.»-a *laral (Gevemnaent for the fi"a .s ndiag 11arch 31; ouse oaf tr.preseiatatlves.. . Z48.828 gualr.miar-ellaaeouo .. 9..77 U1I1 prIoter...............A01t7 lbr.ry of tage.......831.94.49 Itanle gar-heu, -......22,ý.74. art ut dlaim,. .. .......... tsT4 hrultpruper: lhIte "ou» ..................esarers 1rI1 Serî1re Coaiirlss.. 97.25L70 EiraiutIre dep.rtiaents: t... ........ .............90811.91 ar........ ............R.ttaSi 4-y'.............. ........lO'î.L4 reto. ......... .........îr.uO02a rurtoffice.ý....... kretu-lrral......... ........24721E ap.rtiaeat ur tahor ..........18901 ,)OfartrntroftJustice .........asi Total artoat eape*he....18L83221.54 1%e, foLharvjng satreinet sieat the M- Imate fut.enpese.forbthe pr.el i lseal car. as s arbittedtlao c.greneby 6 Sea-ary cf the. Tresarj: [Kara-uîv pe ................9,00 resterry eparmeat . 421STi aitr tetlattnt........0.1.4. Agitertura Departmont. W,1-1. Departuient ofaber .........1.800 Deartmear of Justic......5iTI Total ........... ........$4î8.09t1. 7 Tii. leloia atremehates dow smmneof te meit important and l lersatlifta of ex pecnse ln the u&iage»Met 0ithéGo,- erunint dan-mng reeit y...ia: tarai Incivisa Ca. Salarias,. f à y eahs 090 44.707,9W 60.81:C 0IOSM 1*1 46.721.001 10,W90.197 t2441I. 1»2 40.192n 7 8lt. 13.75M&M 093l 47.114.W50 15,000.225 50 la" 4510.18 16.1W0.251%141,177 1M0 . 47,65&.321 1.111,43M 41.1* 40..48.1>49,083 9,4U.002 l=. River lntareat on anal barbar rla jear. publie dabu.l tas ovSUiati. $41 8.001,.290 lT?4?3 9 . . 7547~1. 182....28.,11 lt28 p$. la"....27.211,1.805mi 4. 194....27.8t4%0.04 lm ....85S11A.fl le 'pA. r otai revan. andl expcaitflius At cl. Govermnt fer tdi ast font, Sa years are given beloav: Total Total revenus." 5ldituiut lm .... s .819.ff28.70 417,80-49 89. ...297.r22.019.20 ST.1B.!, lm ...318.300.070.1 UStU0. 1M9..... . 1974,201a UrMS 1h wiii b. noded t6.1. v Us 11110 ID ton cf 18W1. tii. expontltuirsaet MO GO'- eriment have excecilatiblei. ,11vu. 011,th@. re e "mg se9,1.2.m la 110à. 048.- M5,.223.818 896 anti 126M.206, 18Mi Vairth.e Oral aine momâs ace6" rurrent liacalyear endealMarckIl31 6e vevenuei cf tii. Uaavs'unt $mm 8 source, le edcall atotal o et IaI o51.25. ua'i*l.the erpWdiâtairaaderbe 6 rani perroal anunate t a88A0.8.S oi. a delleit ori$8.00,20.9Btain c *0 , ,,SPITE** 140U«IOWNILR- 01O!ES Wealthy joseph Rîceiodmo. ?.a.en Asur ln 001. Oliu.ulaa Aboe" joaepii ltdmsbon. %'*W YomI, aà « centrale main cf veeltbdi d iTUO$Maab bis "spite" bouae, at 6be carner otflp second wShet asud Lexuin mavouna. HI Wbcd slbeeui raceal ln lie pWot i i hoame làmcm la Oive fret vride br l¶veety feet long. He lstiie b ar ral ther. f roci it huampeti bealtocu.Mr. Richardlson wàa 84 yeu.. olti, but va. active cils a tcw mcnirhsa ao. He tvia n. tînmt.tltu h. worth $20,000,900, dieuai bis nateriey ra «i aeflY due te 6. 111111011é hou.m,lianbjlie hauedlirlîver ci lt.. yeam. Tlis bhe.%-«aibuilt aonaài«Op et lacalir 11fret:avide by 111 deeP. Ibo ce- cupants oft 6. bouse aaljoiolng -&WlA l on the vest waued Io huila houa... u1be offerea l i. icharirdou 81,000for *8 @trip, but tbey halaont for.h000. 1%0 partie. refucealta i gve tlii.amenaI, dInk- lIg to fore Richiarlon ont. Thbe omuet bail begun ata iiaaion cia* a ve-foot les viien6t herwa offered ii. an advance. Hie dieu refttsed tcuentei.tala auj proçia- sillon. anal ia «Pihe cf ail opposwition Mdi euttreaty erected 6. odalbous, lia aId Thia reinarkabte nmua oened stoctla nearlt' every railroad ia Auwac. ant as the peasemDr cf peasioohi or« the roaals boeanal linCanaada. anal on aIl the ereamihip lines leavini d" Port. Ina.P- pparanceaMI.. Richardscn clom1Y vease bled l tueliSage. Hi.e otheetsarslit- itting. i Sogit aiiambling ami big sale objeart ueemed te ha money makin. For years b. carrieal hie lunch teisoffic. FIVE l-UNDREO MEN DROWNIEP. Oneat Storma lilsastsiOverwuhalma thuaeae Ylahaauase ieazer paz't.calars ver.e iibt ay th. Emproa of Japan of a disastci. wbdib.. ftell the fiaheran of Chusan areWapelago, off tbe coual cff(China. On lisp *6. vii. ail rire lialirng honte vere ont on t6e S*- htrg buanlis, a terrible gale apruns np. 0f thre ueoeral lindrliedloet oint at he.Ulmn very f ew returnel. andaU in la timalsi rirat so4ne taw)Men lest hfair lira. Tb& utoranaras one cf tdou nmden on.. for wbnieiithecoa.h of COlin la DOtW. and t6. liabenlhlad ne ciblameto e se er. The atoran swept oser th eir.hire arcbi irelago. aajuch àextendsAcacrentthesentît of Hancboav bay on théeal~«n cnit cf China. Several large junka vu. luit. ilb wlaieh score. peraueul. Logan and licCooi lu Unitermu dw- -w Mfltary tUa. lug ve. Umma a*0 eoomnation cf Ibo C.t .la m.v. 6 Iefau Mer. 6. Umiftet ara e but tie Ohio Natio eu d. of ul, t vIdbb.w an effl-w, Juân J. MC430m %W une foran cf a Cnlonel in Me Uuli w4 army. Mr. à Lat l6e u.nat»ri» Cook.u 6 A. o hm "TRAUMERE.l"-KON'RAD KIEFE.

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