Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 18 Jun 1897, p. 6

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.",u OAPTER XIlB. îk ,la lb. l&m'place," aid Lard KWl te mu a sehhadClodisth e "à Wh.a eh. sent foenustiis *ues a Ides .5abot heatt dtasse" ew4 Lrd iOnan, a"l A tis"i W sesî .sh 1 dsîa .notion axe.- tru our mnnd. lady KUiOusais 5 braiftb spp.srs tu me te he PU,- IL"mdaa the oeil tblt ta Ïm0mtleh vrrug vtb berAsa a algb e tl ae xclte*met Me tuf A ýe1 *M i e.ugive ber. A thinis.A .bOis ~5<t~tA ou l Lieipeo voeu-Ae Sgam. Or the trip te Londen »"W se auxieus for" Off ob4 Mynithat te you rlght ont, Au WD. esM at lest." eà& lA1it As geeraliy ber bealtb, Or MY 'E1.or so~tiug ile that, sudDot taif e l e usavsy, A am Sing of dcli 00*W, Ajd aslb.Asnul du,,. Thatlas tue parhitt of At 5h. inase ais. a p. iafter day, euîering Ato ail the ot the country s. if tIer. vere an Il5.a ioe n dsely tuer cous. a"ge sdeh ets eunetfties. test- 1 ta. lan wbkci othlng wil piesse ber s.stint sho has'l gt anid cs't eB I oculd 1telluse ibe rsaon ot a"B sd ou'te cure lber. jounvould do crotjastent service anY on. bas rnu- me yV àsmalbuate saisi b.vould do bieshbut. ..wI le tbuglt tii., vas n ne sd tor %Md KwAdmwa itu verni hiniseitover the caprices e1 a lad accustomsd tu = at :=tli.eot ber visbes. aM M.tmutUis5fd tise fashas f erce, Aai n ber eyss, sud tlioght .udIl ssrs., ,tt'it, 1aheudl Aue te confort myseif t~lballet that yeu are rlgbl. Yen $8U aeam aim fear btte if I sow ýt., à jeu« 1reeved frets ber fther al ff feeber'marnisgc. There is mgeajn Af 1 eed trouble jeu vith;, »W Il sdA aa and agaLm" WnglttA. scssaty for thAn ex- te. lette, ltaeIf betrayed thse WueA lth ola -e at tscr- ~eie.theo 1uter vbhLord EseistroumuaAnbAisruit- sisW Ieidet igus o e uto- mm h. bois tsken it ont te pore e mtine lTh. particuW u g h. oltel ontltuise dector!ra e tue Ijnectiena ublcb, be- l" a m arry a, 1'a.Imvupartieular' % Ba7$ fl u ya en. Thse onele te ve Avaale y4lutiseCounutr'y, anar- wwhcdm 1 ,I ho, Caus ion veam e s t Asdirectly lu et- utt jour ove tut"e. Prom ber ckidý bo ts hua been mPresses me h tue medcal meanvWho bave 4phra, for tbey point ot tu me thal toylifft bsan sd sprts am net a Nau1otasrobust contitutionasa 'eA lk, te tlilnk, snd ibat lu the ansd dltaetlng exctensent of o~. hé voulU pne sud di. I beseeel ,sttee o eeéd hiber girls Crav- lItamantu loto ding atythAng l~dAt. ber au reaiding n a tovx h.pgrtlcularj a great Ct ilks or UveqpooL 'Th .scad <Illa te bubresa pon ion ta flsotnuEla ibteoEt& bt late Aterstue01theii 1 w"ciUW atter tsi un - Bte wa ber everytblug la the e. utt, lanmaseon, but pay for Do nt let ber bua.eauY ot uoaei. for living n the coun- - -*1«e . Eera là iootbAag tu iby, the. g.uerc.ty et ber natun» viii ju.ssbr te beco e .Pr"y f evsry aud Ad"ebagga. ubo eboosea ti te ber, sud encourage tb. pauper- 'it bas aiuaîs ieu My cndes- i selsresa, A caruestljenJou ici f.lumy sUice lauthees tvo thingu, .I llveu onwAAA do alisoiutely n con- et tbe entirs confidence I havi lx ye, othle importance f the Imais. over le yen, and of the bap- 1, f.i n the knoviesige tisaI ns dmeAl snd evenytblnt eise I cars tes 'A1 vot iyl b. n tue charge et a 4 *Irespet sud eneem as A do ye." 'Jb, je~ te spassage," saIS Lord KAl - vbe Arnathuaite usi gt au tai -1 ,Es redit quit. inspiy uhen] * eeelvet ILAtBt incesthen the tri nrecursucsetfber lits cf tevertul :naay bas made me vonder wbetbs usas t sdeeper meaning n ha gggM 4 s vrds-vbelber, ha tact, tue de toww tubAih h. rsterrs.l vas nt resul . dlns., visliss amgt aryOff tsY vA ý% ur a moment f she verse posed te th tiNg oA f uns e etéstent. No, deesn' %aIglis.yen la that lght" on là cortainAy s possible interprets 4%f teptupcI Où theoether band Muet mais allowance for tise eaj te ubat v'ldd Idei bis monb K tyci ead its," y , Eat Ain rise;tuat noionj je" h.Ve sinon me great Co e teyer nugi ib» lmv4w ttemWho mm o o 0104 laglsi troubles. lm t =ob ,tiaIs ubat t 1is-tu I miit bave bad thse sens. nueAt me venture spon a uti >eal. LuiKildmms. et ber lad h.tolm onet vlth het ou ber let mli4drAe w» yen, gt vert, as IIegmau -Ah, Atrq tao lt&t -mr i ngt ver-I rat îw Ilsne ltas thé e rst tias 1 i*of ones gris, ÉW nde steils.My sInden k.t 1 eeli't Sive then up." im laebcluWsdand h. abool b A a muatd me l. yen A«OI 'e, heu aheuld msiepour chIl Sthai mails me happy', anS jut m enrd undeceive hb Ilssami. I i1sad n thse antumo. ~ig*e liie aad t s liusettal Ples5M «sId do Yeu gond ai the same "Tee sPée te ber? Ah, A amts laS. A" Iseoemml pimd 41thssi Well LAdrd eSCOLa" mdbis baud! about ilsit 111110,u111Mus hbhibel tatof tue Young dftoer la a tarsuailclip. "I visis jeu ver. ggte star latue neighborhood." Aiq cntied. *'lahouid ils te sme jeu "Il amquitsIetai our servie vheuever 7e0 pleaue, jour lerdéhip. Dr. PoeA. bas asi nainu te Stayblige and &alut him." "«eHésku? Wsaldon.ien I *hall es io0 agalu. and befote very leng. A hilaSt Peesticdks te. maucb te the ttsdi- tiOms5-'4 lttAse ld-ta"isue.youknev. ils n31- vould maÉaime auj pretense cf lis- teainteoanjtbing 1 sald about mtsi vie-- sAvwIais a auay, Yeu knov. Nov, oe lileS.te hb. libtened te vcen oee as any. tilgcon ones mind." It WUe a long but a pleant vaiS bock te Eaukuome.Armtaltts ent hy ths lonigent uay, round the bond et the lakes and through Mm-isd., villi the dis. linet viah lu hie bu"rt tut h. mlght catch a EUMnpue Of MrS. Creeofintor at least >tuat be malbt Pause uar tbe bouse vhere ahe ied. Fcr tuAs beautAful lady vith- beor mouruful ejes sud ..happy bistory, be baS conceivesi a devolion as aIrent as At vas chiraireus; sud régardiug bimaî au ber fatsappointeS cuhampion, lie hld a fixed aed IP@pratiqus conviction ihal the Service cf uhlcb Dr. Peele bud apoken vas te b. rendeni ber hi bimself. lu th. -«atignetue feeling the napines i l bits vas se reverentiul gigot be retrainesi triS .takiagthedischer road bj vbicii h. voOld have pusseS close te ber bouse, ansi ueeRi dured te gtance that way wbru b. nagched tue Point uhere tise!Licher sud lb. louer maSs met, Wben b.oreached B rzoisele olad te pus the station on vs itWy te Dr. PMee's; but no scouer baS 1 ade se tiga hanetracei.s teps. asid g oing aursglt Ibrougis te lb, platformi, 1found limitait face te face uith Aima ;Croamont He raAssd bis bat, but sbowed ne surprie sud usither diS she. " *Ar. Yen gulg auuj?" heoasIS, ilus 'A10 volesail thonglit ot addressing ber . itb ,'Omam=oplae« diauppearAng ILh 1noteS sige utter s«due"s of ber e.preLson. "N*'o." see -Il"at s Ucle Begh u bo la going. My huaban udls sent iim a She toui onl joint breatbe cnt lie lait 3 ordus, ber veles tailAng ber eîian sd ber under ip pitfully quiveriut. Arma- -tuvaLite lameS into vrstb.andsi pletter- .4 ei ut Indignant interJections hait aloud. * h.olsOkd 14p)aetbAts ad leugised a litho,. * "W. kuev Yeu vould h.oaorry, tee.' a h. sAi, holding ont ber hansi te hum. *"Uncis Bugli pretends hbe cnt cari-. ýrand At'a ail riglil. anS Nesi anS 1 shah Cet o n botter uhen lie' awsay. But wv ce hant. He% Jet giine Cp 1te5"ygoosi. kt i te bAilli.. l'm rathen jealeus of bAilli, A iti hlm. yen huea.i La AnS ahe looltas mournfuily avay agtain. Le At that moment thse eider Nir. Crosmone )fcame eut f nom the ticket office; he s tl ostentatiOuali cheertul. sud reseictely h buit oumakingthelbest et this ucu turu Ig ot afaire. He maS, Aima ait duvu tu tn net, hils h. carrled off the yeung deeîtor te for a talk. Uncie ButAi vas overjuycu Igte learu that Arusathbaite tbemught ut ne. iU mualimg la thé uieigbbOnhood1. and begu, to etteniy te explalu te bAns the position ef a affaire. e "Tne tact ha. Ned muSe up bis mind te gAvtie me noties te Quit a long inme back.' y ho saiS. *"But I sau bis litti du a- vas se iamb-lAkc. ferthe ilA.eues# sali iebtat be dldic't knkou uhere le bave mue ili ast ut aght. vbn be came bouseinau s1.i 7tainous teusper, snd pitchesi uto tbe p.e tecblld for extravagant. Nov you'ry s'fen aItoSOMvai logthebn@saud oethao a-things op at NaSa. sanl i usut yente b, ma friend, aa fer as Yen cau. te lb@ litîl, l' m ayu, so it doesn't malle re te ay a vend agaiusl us! nepbev; ,m a " rond a lad et heant as erer lvesi, but I p- husu't hee quile atusbis t flaIe, atu ay' lies haes eiit ae0 veny elose-liste r'aim Uic uteIl te oeecas do te mai h ag 1it ia .giveaber. Sb,'s liev baS ao utcled '.wdres. a"et the vas marri :i-îhough. luckillj Dr. Peele gave ber sut sr handoome trousseau diat Il doesa'tmmi jter. But Abeugh Yen eau manage lI Ab taltoedrese on nombint Yen con'î leep ai bcusellCoging D ountuiug, anSdAthi ,o uhut Neds aensa te h. ryiag te train bq Le te do. l'va dons ubat lAttA. A rouiS, et. us.dn't tellYum; but l'mstmàa ihau 1,anS thé triugdriblets l'y. lire ab Iete paY bave net lisc mnch tgonS. Am *o nov At avii b. avfolly bard for tue ehi 'il te iglit the delisaanS the Su»as ie," "A"d vhs-dose liedo 'itu bis moue t. AunAi eliehamueat gel a Sreegalaary tri ud Lord Kildouan' He stema, te have a1 IL.mers tealideutlg verk te de tbun a m. au la bAu positiorn ually bsu." th 'Weal.liehasBi"bis lenduhiP bas tised tafeet of bis niation, sud expriis hAt Mdmakle a gregue show ou y rille.-" AS "But it's «018111u0li e . pes, sursly "Il cugitte10hli. Lacgis bers. tgers Asi deuigth@eniOuy gees mozaeabi r v iseIteugbtl't te g&," a&- "Wbr dea't jeu sp« e . its?" m- "A dd Stii luet ulgbt,-and hb.gleulA ina rage, aad sald bis vifs's aversion aj Ber Lýady'Kildonan'a Mdcold etrAS. dri F, "*Lady Killouan'scequetulesl ne a !am- Ihat, diS bot" te ejes. A told bits sic ouglit te h.Ia of etbralt,sud liegrev maudden* 'qui ,odas h. laiajedoe if ber Rame ila us Ly. tAneS, sud hlis sd o@ absa u autel ng geoduneud purity, sud bsd atoeS by IL and airainand agen. Wei, 1 eould only i shs'd bette, bave steed suai trotshi le- sud alter 1hat wv. hs poge ait once, a klt t vas ail np vith argument; AnS thse o mc; aseA1have te go."11 lev When lhe train baS crauled ont of% oe station, Armathuaite spolie te AIma, w renganasit gandiueon the plattrsu@tl Aug hepelekkaiy atter At. bia 'WiAi Yeu coma te Dr. Peees andS Miss MJIIle't'ha questiened. "Buela Ad mucb distressesi t et thaving seen y [id Ately. ' il1 The sugSt1111on ssemked te trigliten hg %r. sis e iclined eaIoce, sud bavAntehoi . Vilua &héâty "IooSmoriung," hurriesi o La cn f the station. IrasT ým;»Frank Armatuvaits spent tii. lint I W» muat c &Ilu tiat. Aol Lady dais ater ais arrivai 51 ranlsonin is isey«u ent vil beron ban maling tue aequalatanesetftha var V«, amijeuvAi oes bettar t.- goti ld gentlemnen sud sema-loyauAd1 dw INe vsS tise Adipatiou ot Dr. P. Pb 1 ow 04Ilse pt le bPMIuUSi emti$Uset a me"dia dvie W@sh VUb mwffleiytbe.r«eWs n~s~p.%sg0<*ei ode, ise vas p« -' U~*apM!h msdelmitag.alw"tom agui tuiIAua almttouti u aentum and Adieu..wcrk At lto a sercous malaU. the Young Torstahan vrai reelveUas,- .rywhoe.e vrllathée rtfat -cordlalAt, whch nrmessiwhsnA t Iheane mou that h. hadt already beau ponelted hy the vreut peope at The Ci'ag. Ire, tisat moment hie succese grasîl ase usl banda. For ten day. b. aie uothing slther cf the. Kildonans or ofthtei Cromoats, ex- cePt for a fleetili glimpsh. caught con* eveuina. wheu h. waa out late on bAs rounids, cf the. leigh anud t. occupant.. [t vas a bard wlater. aud tbsefroaet- tli held; *né though on brght days the son meiîed a lttA. cf the upper mnou on the. mnore Open Parts, the great qiua cf t stil apr.ud 0,cr the hlls and cfsked the Yal- eys, the lies on the lake grew thicher and thicker, and at nght the bord rends rang qnder the trent] of man or beait. Toward. tl.euda of hA; secnd week et Braeksom., a ittie rots from Lady Kidouku u'as re- ceved, nviting hlm te a skating party te b. beid on the lakte pq the ejowing at- Iternoon trom tue tAi lA ir. lier@s <a Postacript of course; "brs. Crosmont bue beeu Iuvted. 1 trust te tbe mutual t- traction te bring yen botb," I Ou the. followiug day a beary sky and a lieea. bitn wind aeeaued te îheateu the doom of the. proposed skating party. ArnathuaAAe. Who vas eut eariy An the. moruing. bardly kucu' viether lh. mot labhe! for or dreaded t. The. anxiety ha telt te meet Alma Crosmoni again. te noe the progrescf what was by far the trangent and met iterestieg case.,tfromt a protrssional Point ofvieil, tuat eh adl yet met vitb. and loearrent the. mind-dia- ease whicii seenîed te be horering ever lier, was connterbalenced by a fear wbcb this sensible. practicai Young man bagan te feel. lest thee nterest of thé case and the wveirdly tascînating perOnality of tLs patient should enîd liy bsonbing hie mmd se completely as te render inspid and in- supportable the prosaic details of his lits tsud the. test erthle people smeug whom .that 1f. vs pasaed. V At a quarter pont oee. aving gobbled down à riciiy iiasty dinner. Dr. Arma- thbaite. bMr. Peel and %Milie vers ail lu rthe pony carrnage, driving towards the. meeting Place. wbich vas lhe Mereside ed ot the laite. on thc opposite &bore, close undcrneath the hbil on vbîcb ',na Crags tood. The wind bad geone duieng the. sky vas tili heavy and thre.tening. 1 aud a feathery §site or two fell softly in >a weak and waverieg wsy as an earnest juf wbat might b. expecied befote many heurs ver. over. A smalil msvquee bald been erected un the. shore of the. luke, c lose b! tbe boat boise and landiug stage hlonging te The Crugs; under th.shel- 1tcr a couple of bright maid servante. 1deligiited with Ibis tluy break lu lifs montun!. weré mailing lesansd coffe, andi unpacking consiguments of cake and sandwiches. On the-abure eutside Lord aud Lady Kildonan were reciving their fricuds as lhey drove op. while ou the Ie ra long ov of chairs vere lready 111.4 wiîh rosy-cheeked. umiling girls. havieg their skatfs put on. Ned Crosmout drovs or uith bis vite mt ae the. dector's pour carriage dischargcd it. load. brs. Peel@ &hook the busbund b! houh bands. calling him syeipatbeticslly "My pour boy!"' vth a sideiong glance at bis vife.. viose sitl- .eI L.uudon-lady ways iiad brouI tsué -lines of verry sud cane lto i tace.>ho did nt refuse le shake bauds vitb Aime, but shie peented ber tingera culidly. tlgbt- eint lier lips as tbe glanced nîtAihe taller. malite, fer-trimeied dresu of dsnk-gre eloti whicb the agent'. vite vore. t To h. contioue.> 1_ CHAIRLES8 JAPAN. A. American Woans Kaprisce ith Vruntat. ade . <rder. "On.etfthe funuiet expenieucea 1 adoan Japan." saisi a womnat receut- y y, whc haoi een counected i wth m&- I alenary vok lu that cutry, '*waa a ithhthars. t hadl never enteres i m Il mnd t t hat la wItb unsauch a cotn- Ilmou article et heusehoAsi turniture Ishouid lle an unknown quantity te any et ofthe aubjects et the' Mikado, andi I waa vrth dimuny that 1 discovered the 0bouse A va. te occupy vue qut. chair- Il lest. i mmdaely aummonesi a na. il tive carpenter. ansi triesi te explalu te hlm vhat 1 wialicd hlm te makite o nie. t vas an extremeiy difficult tank, for he was evidentiyunuable te coin- re prebeed uiîy any one sbouud desire te ,f ait oticrwise titan ress!egged upon ), the flur. Unfortunatcly, my talent for ce drawing A, trlctiy liuited. 1 realized Ir that tact, but 1 hasi made oe'rersl inef- il tectual attemtpta te portray a (,hir- 'le about as easy a subhicîtfas A coulîl have Aie ad-1 haui neyer reaAiy appreistesi the ritetent of my isvaparity. The dru'. U. Inga vhlcb tAie pour carpenter finualy er carriesi off wlth hlm as modela were t: such that My heu-rt misgave me. Thak eh 1 hall god reasun for my tears vo 't' ehuvu vhen the chairs were sent le borne. Wth thie proverbina Oriental 0afaithtulueus the mon had made pre- ercme copIles Oft bAs patternas. Wbers 1the chir» et my sketches bai weakly n.o balanceli backs, se their woodee cou le terpanta ezhlhited the umie pecublar- cd ties. They were more dbMfcult te ait on ld thon A alsould even have limagined 72chare ceufl poaalbly ho. Borne ut theiz y!needed the mural support et a friendij lo aîl te enable them te make any soi anu et succescf standing ou their legs. "lt wau a little atter thie that A gai Ae- a émalA reetlon te a feu ot the. pe te pie viiose acqualutauce 1ba ad e One ofettie t to arrive vas a citi ~'offiiel ofetlh tank. Anilous. appar , ently, te do the. correct thieg lu nj br yele seated imliseon un eefeth chairs, vsry gouerAy, At, scuat tué cou ate, tecoes, fer h. cnf.a.dý hiinseif te th, ad extrerne front esige, and, Jooked as ove ho expscted seMn accd4qt toelappé aid itM Mcmient. Wheau4.,llanded hi the. t. a*Pd cake whiec ludth sol. teck 4t ' lu Anuc det, an. q4ep Aue tA1eëtitler. The len- lie set there, vith litabanda full, ne cft kuowieg what te do lu erder te lie tr îAm te sat. end iotng tlioroughly minera BRIEF OOMPILATION 0F LL. NOIS NEWS. Dsucgki. r etpouainaer Hauator OaklasndUmier A"ret-AtteeteU suicide 0fe a a uonWbeee atherà Milie u ml.i Cotess«lotling the.Malle. MAss Eliva Haut, duuglilvr of Poe.- muate Wiam Hunt otft)qkl-odi, bac heen qn"ed <Afor nfiug ttheuis.BAe setet>anse .eftst poeuttiaten. For Ia tumushr oet usott lettena coiitiiîiig Mny sent frets tbattty tuieu to nesa thé' deutiustleu, wiilt' Acemt ,.stuha- Aug money addukesate leo nslu ttuk- blied vidtishePo"te] uttiertl, %%ho sent an iuller te sitacover tcenuie. 'Aie officer mailes> tour dr-ualeAcIeri, i oci contai1uiug oadular bllI. Ten lthe eter rode ont oftluvi n cii Ve ('Iven LAtaii'.i train, but tooD àIl ouee icleltet in i tb« Amail. H. etuurd i)Onkiaitl ail ivalted fer tic eleilnmaiîil toi go oui. After hl xeuh hait heen Wllivcqed tluItic trie inte isivfilor beld te traie oie ho examined th umail. Notie of IUei tç'sY leters îît. feud lntIhe punch. Uclieue vent laek tlis 1,x- listoiice antI ttitti thnec oftIlitlecor yletters. rtwofe!îî li bcd lî,eti titipet %n tIlt. ahileIltl'efIl iet' oaa1,4%s'gue. .NA i Ait lockioîvi .li cd týi lie iimctuI-flr tilwal weml bal ii'lriy- cd (Ii.l: bter, obuhaill'oiti the ldollar blli te ait îi i:îi ruii tor gu The'lii girl.'iîfs.î o eh-uiit iatt ,uc leît',i tattît, riig tel' ite niai-:11-î'Illet31 i-litilr. Ahril i lhtit ltie bu iirtmt.'iof dollar iiitve l lotoii. .A letu~,îri-tutI id verynimi Vi and Ilelait ghter hltei- tiu" itl:,%ttu titii,uull,-uimiîtI r,'liil: ite. '1 '. ..taiii i , e Iii'.la ias c as" Elected tu supreuie Court. lusige (-arC . B %% îliii mii for a amit ounititheiLit i, cIàiii tt- ir Ai Snpniie(Cur ti ii-ît, nat i:t-tctîntiv Justice Atvid J. BItkir litit iiirriîv ta. jorilTh'lAe t'uitrenleii iýliîc ,a iti lvi'of i"airnilà nd uitadno h d tnjri- ian. Dr. At. L. lt,«-. A'li al l eetjulgs- et tise 'incuit Counrttic t-e rl citit for Elhe ast tai-tee fretia tl le bau omalle a notablte Wnucrt. l'utbal! taI L.-ugth ut -inte wh basaisouenîa ic utge oethle Ap- peliate (Cout nt tr priîuiewld. .iiilge Bog.ui tiinu niiiitil 1theiiinoit-tu e sud lit,. PotinliAta. lAc la au able' itidgge sud al ieti tudeaiofuthe le wî. l'or 3 cors A basl boe it-gorded as une efthe' tirciitost a- yen ia thec 'Vaa.clui.alcd ini dLe Anî-erstly etfihi.grui alin'ai sl- mitteata tetebar ic18W1. sintce Ibet he te bas lict ou oreil vith ecAet'iuaîti) i tht'le eflece'of StWie's Attoney, vî-iuuuly juilge M. sud circuit josige. lie lise leen nadîî- hi mirablo citizteknusnia>bgiven fieeiy ut lis Acuns e tii.theuphCilding outhle cih- anul t tise uslargee oft ettentrtisew ttieailc imueresteil ln f ruit gteiig tuttI Ais. itvel-' oeéd a fine aplAebnt-ant> ot140 acres. Il e As venT poplarwatthhie nellhum.WAit'tr, iseran for State's Attorney, î'utttty judig and circasotjusige lie va. ueminatss outi lte lrst ballot ofthtec onvesutiuina ansd whien ie wsaunomtirates fur uurette a jusige it vasa ly aclamationu. 3J i i'.- Boggs liasn(Are. cioarming iiatigilera t nd twenseul. Bei. nov jut 53 etu-ei. Woutd 1Die LIRe lsi8re. Frak C. Aicuderacu suhot himmueif Ln tise bead n a reom ou tie secondît lIut îu teTremtout Bouse nle ihcigo iti sut- cidal imnt. H. ve as tuken tu tue Ce, bytenmai liepktai afte&êe bail beeui eontm inoi 1 y the tbysicesifor tAe Tremuent f Mndi Great Nortbtraizta. Joiuts ayeua age Bsnderie'a tter, Atidrew N.Ilien-J demuson, &but ant killed imusel f ou a se-a end.d wal nea~ t-he green bosse» .nlu Bumboltui Park. Atthelie ltFa"i saisi bis taticer vue driven te tale bis ifs' ou aeSunt et finsis-al mattens.'Pibe tathî-r1 ârltliedmeit ou Juta- 3, ilffi, antI îver9 since Ihlat timte 'rank abei ébi'en iem«ui t dent. ____ aitata 15e.Enu rleLr At Rock lesati, br. Mary A. Wilkes, agei tL6, iole eluiuiag home troua a rt- ilitionus meetig va. <reve frntma ian- 1ieana d iimle.t t t"hile Mmrs.CAieles Huggt'jo oas. drivins toast Galesiurg sicvas»ttun ont aid trucl acantutIL afree. Hen akuli vaes fractureI ansi doitt reaulteil, Because ie sesi tour years in t-i. pelt'sitiany, Donald McGreger vas re- f uaed %wrl Au Joliet. olîbougli lie hasl qualilecatiofs for a gSi position. Thure' 4&y ual i . ' escIroed -te commitu suiide, *but lie tmr.d tise heseater and) gave up1 th li" oIe f "st. Hungy>'and i n dupait ieh broke lb aitt-ita F. anS Elgin, Joliet aLnti Bateeci tretgliecara andnsi st ord tu th. police by a boy. Be vu% arreeti antideaiel *t psieuelb. vere seunt te thlie pentetk'llr ho e ucls i b.iinelt, *iet i iel nteture, as.'le haibeen do' Mgt. Le.Mifi hIe psessienishw 15ev lt 9I hloregot ie comnecteS W41tLonteofttise § ret fs"i ins ectiant>, "'Baba" Bcasiy kAfl eR armen Woods »IeS John McKay on.muie seIut fGray- rille'tlay inceing lu a quarrel orer Iront Lies. AUl ver. fiWhermen. Benle élivme te mmamattted bAin andi h. @bot lu oeeA-defece., tAaAs.u Diek, conuected i wth thi e nu- factusinqn intweeM of Moine, cf vtsieh he use a rewideut ton mnyujears, r.cenli- 17 ot Obien'go, died, Tissrdij sllght .it the home ot h-usdaugliter, Mnm Dr. Bkidmore. 'Itrenos oetMn.lck lve lun(iiteagu. gloe4ebuttai teeS place at Ruachill Aonuetery. t Ai nsrer vas isouesi bj'thie AdWoant 1-Getioraà providisit ton mustcring imte lthe 1 mîltia service die nev esvalny troop jui torgaulmesinAuSprligfield. t i. expettd b fisat rlile trocp vil st sn tie prnsonal e1<- curA t f cr. Tmnser and bis staff auth<le Logan muonument dedcation exe-ee lii A prlmteWs feuxl led te a muniifern lutbe sleon of Louie Bapot, et Chicago, Thure- dagy tigisl. Alliait Barke stabliet James iEgle Oti . ".'. Ame jugliâr vl, * 'Uidiel. amî vtso« tutertng a1,ug1= A zeslsea seiuttat elafrithat "New' laelbeag er u lunte." Mlay ailiAinoAs bas. be&tnins tit.y. ['bt <Aicago porEs..Who ditgeabout seluîss Joeue" undermtande ber bushis. ne titi. y~ar ertuinly S i. vElt a péter. Toe-yeaLrldd<George Rlch vwe lastantly ledl by a cable tramn at Chlcago. fTb@ cideeat bappened nas tie boy, trytng tu odge a team, ian lu front of tii. train. Got. Tanner parsiees Alexander Du- a, rentieted tn Knox Oounty las Febte- ry, 1888, of thse merder .f Asaiuts Brownt réci seiteutccd te Joaet prison or tenty HA. S. Burpee, teof etthe. ieckfutd attl7ousi Banik, aud Misis Blanéte Walk- bailWi promneut .eciety young people fRockford. v.,. marrked. îAe-weddiair ins the Muet irilliaut et thiegesio. W. B. Chantier, proprieter oftée (Y.ff lsaiutWsekegan, w.« con ilovuby a hicago amei Northwesterntrain ret the iiukegan depct and vus se bai an- ted tint be dled. He was 02 yesrs old nd lei.ves a vittew. Chlittophet lsser, a businem man et ci villaIge utof ayton. f ottamth loft bidstan. ie struck on ibis on the ge if the manger belcu'.ansihi. abstki- mu vas huret open tuon. e e VIce ber. allovtiing the riscera te protrude. [The Boardl et Sulienvisors utfMileau >uaîty offered a reward ot $100 for the, relitt of Ars. Ana (2*110e, aspe'tcd ut ci niordcr tif ber bhuiamt. ichael T. atî' oo $100 S)for tInformationi le4diflg -tie conviction oethe murdener ot Mi- ouil T. Coltait. tise Ei:e sund Williamu Peupen liiles li' tuee ot s blut in Bole's mine unee t'e ['curiz insane asylon. site. At dit io culltde sud tbey returued te thte -îtafiic'r just iu ime lu reccive the feul t,,' it tic helaled tli-liante@. Ella won inied uutlcr touas of coo M sudWt cand sanily killed. Plier hmd liti legs 'uokeai below tAie kue . licvs amile oui thie etratice ami iugfiiliy irawleil 'l euiit il:satite ou bis bouds and iot'. :0 fel'lîre r'liet for binîseIt antdcar'ry!thie ries if tibc deatié et bis mate. Anogber itialter in teetic Pl evaier ir in ('iciagotSevetal meilha ego bas men id in luthe i47iAA inty Circuit .urt. Attorey J. L. Ilith andI Thonmis Bate. ot Chicago sud Abuse ut Jîîiict lie- cen iity auite et las. lu the Circuit Court he bhuit ot the e sevaur ceucpaty. The jtî.ndaukts are varions ineursoice coin- sunies, wliei have net iret etlled theo lire -exi. Arer 31<104110ln sianages tare 9ai tgirl. Alîtil =3 lant tweuty ut1i' imiliait mcre fleti, involviug ths amte titi- itiots, making sevcuty-nieseita hy this uiiiAe.ity avuilcng trial. A verdict ot $10.000 damagi'. staitipt se lmiuey & Bituend detective agency if Chicaugo ansi W. J. Sutherland. ils iperinteudeet, %vas rendere inlu ar ofe Ara. Ada E. Athet y a jury lu Jusige Bals curt. Mim. Itosith Uic ie ut %V . I loaber, furmerly a clait agent for the West tChicaoeStreet Itajirouid ('mtniny,. vit w>ivasri'sted Iwoî ycan aît. inargA with boving matIe away litb vuluoble files in a large nsmuier ut dao-tuit. againet thie comupany. At ie lime site m'as liAne ltalen Iito î'oetody ly the Mocaruar & Roland iagi-tic. lut acire %vasu tiuieagaiuat lier iandîlsice na4 u'veT r ro~iýuld. Tic tramp milliouîire, Janmes E lBerry. -bu lias beea elev-tritying Salem. meaeh.i Motut Vernonu, sud fot fanig lis tus. ride creatcd cei.rtl'strict goudP hy bis îtk antI aîctisii. Atsees i ikeiy buat na.-parstteu iil esult ujîlesa f ricude îî The troubtle arose trot a iii- ire ou tise part otf Am,.Ber-y te travel hy rail tronm Ceatraini. itisîcadedcriving itroui, sud a failsire let eitel Mouent Versnon. Stopping ovPr ni Asiiey. ehe elgr.ilhed hlm. andi lie er'iaed nmielu live réeiicd lte iuoialcit. andîl udt iîiru-ing gave clisse andi touivdi er ut s itîtel. l'ire t-isiteul ('rlinvilie Wdiaa t»sruyiug oi-r 1tt,0tivrth of properi>. Ih atarted lunthe umain iîuild- ng et thse %t. Louis Millilut Cosniy'i *stutligiuceut,- vidli turn usCt 1,1810 bar 'ce ut lour per îlay, ami in tvu heurs thý wiole pluetut ffivehuildings vas burucil Io thie grnd. The miii couipony's lem wiii aggregste oerr$150,000. Thoe . vu au inaurance etof 50(onttithe plaut, bits very tittie ou thse stock. Ateiiieecesoeil Mî hy Jerry Goffcy, Val Belgel aud imn ['egart, sud tihe hardware etore otf.lî,i Stlaip)-r ers totslly destroyed. At ii t-ioubgtsl the mil vii l ot lie rebuft, vhici mnitai a great loss te thte cily. No lire vent'!ost. The oengin outhtic ire i. un 1ic ci ent, ot Joliet are dirides iniit l tactiotis ever the aotion otfht7)OC-Unui îil erdering tiet allvagrants found ahou Jiiet b hacskied i vti bell ami c-i amipd oteIo otk î'leauingthe puhui streels. The chiet of îiii'eobeyed Ili order ami the nezt daY a 'idiain gang vs. the attration on Jefferson streel Flnally tise entire business district tee aides ou thie questiotn.<tue aide favorin fte, si'ti.icuoethre aiioritkinlutryiug t rid the town ut trampts, aud the t' uhi faction dettoutirtut the mothod a anIs.t man ad revoltirug. A renccustraucee igi cd by WO0rinutes vent te th. Council. hi, At vas tâtîkd atter a tierce ditucusaluz antI nov the.citimen. anc moreidigeai titan tvcr. Courtable Goodlman ot Erausion haia interetintleUn utrying Io serve a sol poemn on Edverl Murphy, thse crac pktolier et Nogrtlivstenn University, We. nesday ti-iglit. Murphy le vanted au vituesa in the mayoraîty election cent. te teill itat Aie knovs about illegail vetr by utudents. H. escapes Ioethe neof isub the. coristabte came, but tb.eofficier fluai rovnded biim op bîtinsi a hliney ai rend lb. seuierea te bins ulie stoosi obi ering in bis niglit slhirt. Attorney Palme viceo la cenductlug the. zaucinatton i atudentu, miewes bis train Wedremls suad the If ty etudentu visetbact beemsi su c d Nvith enhiscena retusesi to vait t hilmn. At <viiib.necessat'! iubpoemati atudenta ugalu. andi eîil "I idencaud a etiier vituess tee et $1,10 hefore lie v appean to teetly. >At fSalem, cenetablet; levied on a inogi 4,1ve sud libre. panseuttertcasetftise Ce : rsà andi Obeter Rmtlncad joata» lte lira Wbo DieU 10 i:h. mvii V. At Wsst.rolm t b t te .Balie Mceuiuot.lan memoeyet te .offcrsansd mshted men oftbe .rdeWmo arsay wio Efa li atè oreu0 dW et 0< oUUda durlng the clvii war, w« Mr "esliated Lu the. proe- ses ut 5.000 slisctaters. soeetary Agr and maay wth oas oft e .asiuy. 'ilu spehe ~b sa r Du. 4M. Wilmtm, Goa. Sého6slii, SecmtEay Aiger and Jus"e B&ower of Ibo United kM.. saspreme court. Xli. mosument eceminte of a .cuo*le éa.ft of puiisbed uak gpamtsforty test higb. ced bearing ce a squale abacus a1 vuUcte sp«e spon gliib la potesd a1 wwesd ligur. cf Famé,. wth trumpet and wrea. Auobnd th ircula, grsatei stops uA" .1Wmiqure liAne, beuiic 738Y POINT Nogummut.e granite apheres beltesi vitil brenue, poe u'bicb are ncrhbed tb. Damses ofe sllts mon. There are 2,042 uft lbeue nmes, viiA.the nains.of 188 offies a»e s- graril ou theface of el.circuler Podese 'Liii.moreesnt to the erpetlonofettise menument vuse beglin lu 1864Maifotua et $12090 vas fouisSeS. Oving ta op- positioss on the part otfsretani Staalen thse projec wva ba" d ensd tihe moec uaseinvested. Au 800tbeue ad b.d uet- ed tu $W,000 ansi lis.pwjeol vas.reviveS, Plas» vers nvitedsund te voi vas giren ont, b.lug euipKlstllet or. 'AIe cos cf tue monument lu $75,000. UT WAS NOT A FOUI. BLOW, Aithemah sVerluop Pictuesa et the Carson Ilttla Show At. A recent Issueofthte New York Jour- nal reproduced PltaimmosWsu'Asibicu, ne ebovu lantue vertacope. t Sepictu Cor- bell ulîh bie lefi baud te bis heurt, bis rigil glove resting ou tise otage, bis ett biset Aent anS bis riglit sluest touchAnt thie stage. iu tuis position b. was &ioa- uîeiykiselis. ic paper daimathat Ibis picîCre vetified Biljy Brady'as tate' meutt ual FlîzuimmesfouliS Corbetn the lasI round. Sporte vie eau tii. igit do net sgt,. vith that conclusion, Ait ta tnue tisA, n tise position ovuw, ta ab.eutlj lielples.sud deténsens. but ho a net "dovu" lu tic. strict sens. et the meaning cf ths nul.. cf the ring. ,'Ph, men fouglt under tuenie of tie Mar- quis et Queeusberry. Thés. rulea expli- citly stats Iliat aIl points of figilint, net covered by thein, are ta h. gorerued hi the latent ruA.. or thie 1ondou prise ring. Undén t.epris, ring nules a minDsont *'dowu" unies@ on. luce ami one baud are toueblugthte stage. Beuisies, the ez- pîsuation "uYs tiat tie verncepe shows tiat Flîzuimmons stnuck nt Corbetîs jau se Jin vas inliug tate otage. No duonhl bis Intention vas te knDOCk Lm eu t ViTZsuNO'qs5' tAmT l15115 &@ BROWN BY -TiUE KIiMg',tP8. vitb thse biev. .1t vas îuml inlended as a foui. The picture aiîv iat l'lAaim- meus vas lu ful Possessitn et bis seuses. Be vas Dul "avisugint teily vitb bis arma luI. tiose et a tiresint macinu,, but tisai ha cleveriy av,,iulesi slessi l CenhetI, Ais Corlîct'. rm veut urer bis uhouldet Bol sac boV iteposeS Itie pit o i et isatcc tisa-lie abtulbisl AtI mIe oit vitt agoizutt Vn-',Andti tn, as Cathtt tis a isf jitcitm . lfinkig toratird tlebis buces. tih rsîidly tires. hscb bis loti tsdagaiiu sî tilt urtiard. lit catîgit Corleli on te jaw u lothlAe fraction of a secoumi betore be oaa "dowu," accottling te a strict interpnuta' tien oettticrmies oethle ring. INCREASE 0F GOLD AND SILVER Tise irector o e iAt en tise Pro- dilction et thé mtai..tla196. 1fr. Preston. tise drectcn cf the miii, lias neariy completes iebi figures cf the gelS andS alvr prodcdtliSinlutheCUitedi litaIs. urIns tAscaleudut star 180. AH, onde tic. production of golsi le have heeu aboeut ffl,000,000, au increane ut ever $6,- 250,000 as comparetiWvil, 1M0. 'IPp- ductIon oft dîver la gvrai as 57,700,000 ins ounces, au lucres.. of 1,90,000eouces orer 1505. Tht principal gelS prodisint Blutes, vitlh their product lasI yesn, n unces, as compareS vitu Mr. Presîcusa figures fer 18M, are giren as tollova: urce.. Der'. tac. Californiea---------...721,600571 .. Cooradoe...... .....70.00 64,372 Montana----------..110606 9.3m1 Arhsua-----------...125.9W0.. 0908 Idaho.......... ..... 104.25 .-..1,177 litai ........ ......97006 311.40? Alaska ........ .....97405...,19,3016 Thie production t ofslver la ie lu Ounces se follova: Ounces. Dec. nc. Colo, tinat).. ..17,000 a@m'No0.... Motan.a 10080.1............ Utaho.... .0. 00 - ,Oui)0 Atizena*:.:170,10---------.. 718100 'Ples, igotes t*i1A net h. materially chasigod by the final revicuo, ubicb le *nos. hein, made. *OFFICE FORJOiN U. THOMPSON. go la Appolisi dtaBe Ansiast At- temrsjGeneraL. John G. Thompou t atrof ,II Whbo vas appointeS a.sitant attorney genera by I'reident McKLidey, la enly 36 jem eoAS, whlch ta a youtufui sellefer se t ven7 inperttua pu- vtou. Be vas bore 0 A Ves'uil c outy, 1et thse toua et Bos- ville, and h a An e efthte lac scicolars tes'ned oet by lb. 4 University of Michi- gn He vent Ata 19 G . , ý5 Denvihie lan1882, l. rgpZ nEoHPSN. and mut out hlé ir OhAngle. lau 188 le vueteected attte's i Ânoauav for VeimilbonCoahIr, andI tue jesse Ater * Pupe we i Anscoup«l II 1A* 4 evas re'eltuld leul BOGUU BUTTER TABOOED UN' ILLINOIB. Msy Ne iLousrAssumes theaGolden mue et thse ruc »sDiry Prodact- Gev. Tanuer Gives Force te a il*- cent LeglslsativsE Buctment, Blow' te fluttertue. (lm. Tanner tme sigueil the bill prnui- ti, thle celoriug of hutterlace te relesu- sb butter. He alan signeSBeuntie bill 175, eulitlesil"Ans sot coaîcendig Local oprcrenkiets,"bkeuv u asDw7'esasle- aI au. mt biA; Sonate bhll 49, eci- nouiy caled *"tii.g.r4uiehtn.cbilA,"at leuat.e bili 419, rscailag th ise al las. tise, biAis appeoi vsr esS8~-,e hAl 10, 0pesîride for partepat iAn tise tr.s- wimalusppi expeellse nt Omaiha; luist. i 37, APlvsuttatiug fer erIDlu.Y eu- sles. amdi lrovessi.nts sathé M Sat@, Norumi Utîèrerity, ait Normai, sam Seff- itt bilil 100, amîlreîlotlig tut the Uni' .rety ut Illineis,lat (lmuepalguM He retued l severtlmegares, among bm lieste: 'hy big te autierize tii. use if rotinig Machines; two appropriation, bill f'or rise hemetit et tIi. W'esten Rasi- paI fer the luAue, al t ocxkford, anthei sylcîn for lthe iuv'erae Iline ut Bar- toivilît'. Tii. ast Io, ltiver, hetir iprored as te partofuit tein provialione. Newiv hat Ieaîiti-i-uiur butermue 11,11 inaa sW, t in-i' evt'nt ut il& constitution- Mity to-hi la sure tle e eted tisfors. Et. Agheteu g~.lm.Ticbulteriue lusitry ur isleago, in qch -vepriots a<iptuxAtsrl ivesltelits attreatiet ver $5,000»J0. wil] pras-i'tUiy le wlffli eu utofexistmste. I vriiimenu the te}utu(.o utf stotal au- outil oeltpofu lotterine fromt 40,(100.ltM panadie te Ilenisp. liv. tl'han i0,JlI.JM AUi f tic beig ltt'ermnemaufai-lurers tf Ohuigi t oitu iireaie ttc' isasaguî tf the liiiq. But tAie farnuers ot tAie lite as tii-ila thig utct't-auwry iinîcrvuts iter limm istsnseimsmaiy li faviriot lisislatsi-m thut o-oei n'isve thse iros'e't tif titi'l vine facories f r.ue îîsmpqit" ice tla cai bostter sud reic lieil ut îrgseil' (bl *lie bilmoutImmas(bat toni> y erl' elress'ictie ansi Senettî ballamit tuus eoints outide cf C-uk Couuty '.î,ed fur 'Ibis lau' vAN Mil tioibk ti'itwsi"lfg- are et butterinte. luo it ii prerdît th. sne ut1 oiorieg marier lenmakle Il,.tprt- duo th tlb mto'îry A6"ot ike ficAmsAt- tf thefaim sud tite remiiv. ie mut- c i f the hmemtu ofsut uîkýng batternue depeudull upen t' au -aotf tic, titliisd for iisitatng Il.'Imiter. ieeur s.'f tatteris' o-ill lie wvite likitlard,. andl ev- ry persesou ho eil vOliou exAai'vy rAslait tll. Ams itkniowsdI-ýé4, sao lb. a'pr~scttativea îofthtii'ti>iifai'tur'n saiy, IvIII pratdcaIy %%il»-,'ut ils ..'W 'lme'nt utimelouttAi. biîîlti-rnitîtftai' ot 'iof <hcgi.ta tt Il-t-si ,LOI at515 pantelle, tiily. amuiel u iiv'litail tie. wiAi lue rmtiu-e to lis le.. ILus 2.loN51 tucneli i dley. Nett only %oinIl"fl- ireîl lis- 'e«i la aleoit, let ilpita mii vii uife- -a tffiu'ii-sidtsseIi-i.t.(lisi buttsri las mcliftut itcin a fsw-otinta oftY-i botter per peisail, tliS lîee,.tnhetu.b titi hiave lir go 'Mst li marke-t iaokuuug lîke lanrd it l Ii suttt b i Liu-li dili-î. Antoler eish frointhtmlx- u'oftIle lau tient ils î'otudtlyj ilrit-ted hanlAssO ise osîllual tf fu taini.]',en-r3 butter s-mI imît'neasc frntuail c hî"ge cf Atin.- 0H00 piunds e ia.Wy Iiabusît 150>.- (X10,0(1 )peittisi. Eus-rIs -bluan'famnil- iet vimbli y sialitiaesttlliateItuaItii" sldceti rt-ite jetht' tanmotf Ihitvias st-il nit bé,As-, ts i1,151.tat s etw "olioving lare tiihui.igsmalle inl cola hy Ille fiiertecoil anmal readjuot- Mtoai us"'siiutitsAslarie. 'f Atm- tIsni'se.Alîilon.81.00 t. 1i.41a- taoni -.,M I. $1e e.gs0i Bise 82a1t. 200 ta $2.100; 4tiîieon,nit$1,0101) oiii Siul); - "aist,.1.55) ta 81.300; ilnîîkOIes)100te 811T0,Mmiit'Vernon. 11,t0s> t.zii <0x'ai- ttouali tock Yards..82.3W1 tusr.400; Po.tlae, 82.100 t1. 2(5), Ssae.n .50A0 itaeli'0 Altsie.0t. *t.0<10tii$1.100; B.srdt.. 81.701) te 81.1010; Iiraidsod. 81300u t. C4I- Yvanaton, *2.700 ta *2.000; ii.tsd. sI.îiÔ m 171:Lauresevîlie. *1.100 le. SI.»1; Mo "as sr. 1.7<10 te $,Ws(; Mý,is.aun. *,t1taStIno: Neutea 1)i. - . M Sitiverjt lob S.t5i1. Uï: ','l.. 2110ta $1.300. t<su'ry. 1. 81.4(tm).Stita . ins ville. Çi.on 10(j; Sttr.liKaiti. $2.450 te- 5m lima., *1ç0< ti .0t,., râwtoailt900- SarMti iion t'. Ci. te t.t.100 i i Decr"-&.-Attant». $1.300 to-i.mi<as- tonftl.*.41te52,lu; Carlyle.8 3)t.:8t1iaîM,> (;eti5,ste $1*.2mlti.lu1.110ii'iIii si.ï.tJ& tii $1.4oo; tutun. 13.200 ta$3.100; l'armer CltLj. 81.590lq. 81.40; Vi'ala. S2.iasit. tM;Harrisbur'g. 51.40nite 11.3110; LeM-0s 704i) te, $1,400; Watteu. $2,41àta e2.5l Aoutl'ttlleki, *$1.501) te $1.4010: Os kIlani 1.30< lu 1.1<00; l'arts. 82.11109 le*2.2S*" A'rlaeetou. $2,10u te 8.1,0: ianitvie5i. [ ta 11.700o; Sterling. 82.5100 te 82.410: t-rssa. si," )te 12,.0; Wa s i $.15mtea si10 Aiatin. 82.3m0 te *2,3<llt:rhudaIP. *i.70 te Stsie: <'hinos. $1.4W0 te $1.31);.111ulÎ tilte, *1,1100 te.401; IiJar'utei l-ie. te $l'Tm;. Elmwouosi. $1.4410 te $A. .luQ; P.a msgto..51.3<00lue*1.3<10tles. 1.,,rt l ~ .700;UHarvey. *1,0 te Sia701 TOeU tngtO@. 1,300 t 12:1te ydayout. *2.21>to. lt00; Lprite $tIOt 1.00, :Oak Part. .M te t.704Asse.*18 $11 1.700; Rock' fait. si .Oo ta si i500; Iiia.neetowa. *t.20 te s1.2i!t: Itycamors. *lto ii$1.890;:Vas-, dalla. $1.700 1te*1.110; M'a-bila e. $11.4W te *130;ieuton. *1.3001 tii $t.20C:aglu- ville 81.14W0ils $1.700; CI 'ton $1.101) tel 10im; alectn. *3.101) ta R.00,; gëina IS te $1.700- iu'irmonnl, *1200 te *1.100, A'renen il. L t4," .1:tem i HMiton. 1.11.5 ta $A.100; Kevanue,1$2.300 te*2, m au- renteo.600 U t1.20; Metic'ti. *80010 te t M.0; Burimai. *2,0<11te $1.9w:01:tte. 1,500ta $1.701); A'lsna, V1.Io 0te *1.,70 tuseville *1 100 te $1,011; Shelbyvlleu 1 li ïô0- 5'V rAlto,. *1.11<1014 M arren. i..V to120 E*00 le *2,400. lau te Reuvers W'unalcrfigage -the resoucces lit Perla5ý Titce iîoeunuatlc tube.ssi»IlIs te tdia- paital or carA taeiummman sd Setter tel- egnance f roui ut. portion oet tse olty tle thet'itiller are pa'icod ini tise selvetu, 'Ahle excellent sover sutem hm hl1ed thtl devehipmuit et tti. ltbaidy mans or concnant"Ine ua way vhlch vesilî înuit have beenm positlei otborwiti. AU la qloidker thon the tlgrups for Inini- sages wtsilible, c"t. 'l'ie, telegrma a-r.eapolay coevut for loretue ew.emenmee*,mr.ecret tisa tie teAe<in Propen, mi-&~me - ktvart intaks l u Obs n d lVesa , bul eft IA yssoeriu tise cb ofaltettbe vnAes. Mmer. blangeare SpiSat. lem. pamangsastise cOnan w"sc e v- er thce ietilailci iofte ro« f et t xis-. nel. Tise are tise telsgigsbansi tek.- phoene vire., tla>usanula er iilos theat, s'eîiue'tIn«the 210pototAeen n pWaeing linciireM ofetatibeertlers a Autit c-uty vîtitin meni'bt. Oveinhessi vire 1ame proWsitemi inPatia, lse ame ky aigus, »Il tAc it>tj gains ln b.sitty lu eas.- Quosîce. Ibis, ater t badl or7 Irons Abyaai eurce. le Que et t Ims a hicb du ha et u.emng wo à verve poison ibat aicohol ta, a publilearc tu lie r-spciOf the ni lakiug itx place. frous irse groles. Iug sud heelitu icerves. Those i "Yj otîing clin for aunAI. <'ii coite'. Akagi jour gnro9-et' tur No Ptuiteka * Ale enctly ii tau4.cllly. A spider'. î'ys tu the' ulileti Ilie WOMEN t t Tat Rave. toma W o fvitkn ie kn,,w thiat tiv ut ufcn&re'tiiin Auy int.ellig touA yen uit. i Systei o "an tat, an Oeary te turu tien, sud thuat ; w ere An itwfti1M 7 danger. Ne'. jeu vilt havi t.ouniieltriîti thi, cuttinsg o y- ye oa ii;li th,ue e.titwiit the ouries i have any %u, Au tint'; tat than 1.i.pitia Ctjiuhiiiund. etitvan un can îîertiitl tinf te poic appA the va vey 1 t)-tret ony gprutiti on. teg tO pouna * d gatit dadi Roc. * hot anq ire a.X.U YE he hil 01

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