Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Jun 1897, p. 2

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tIt*IT BYAÀPÂY CAR " IESN'ri FE DETECTED A SWINDLE. ut"Ite sec Ieeug l5ep Ch.chs O. PI- =v t1510i RaNes fer Tinre tear - a 'WaOfod. liter te, Spa. ,WiI lm Mele mie Bue th Cat. o eauta lFe Rteutrgm lcloe& -Aithèuthde invuatilalinof uthe .pay te ang ofSu the Milutlu Fesbos béen laprucgime bui - but a n'cb, t bat oitisiT cesca taî- hie ilies amulsut- t-. ufoutt 1101>0, ati i-tiil alea chu are iut aus-iion u o tsa«y ct) Chaitdue fit-crs-', iitlu- gseatly exceedesb. tu ld ellgaine utfluuiug ititieuna imei-s. où thédu îay foi] n'uui iorbei uccsuly lua ondes- lulocale the. Iletidonnomes the " qmit F. sent out ealiai car forfite tirto tiuac lit duc. Y'-a. Assistant fienerai - &pemntcateuc Purti-nand Chef ef De- clective. Kbnney ni-eeon teeu cadtiat- b uleti pésaCS1aloth fu eut-h utf baudhug W eut th. chee.'..lizii dreds ut the s-liens j 'seeaDntfcalle or to-asd lie investigation se puavat) tdithIe naines n'en. fltiie. ri DEPUIAT OY OUR NAVY. fi DtryfDocke Needed Mureschans Aidi- hi tiensI atte huS, us 'Cigee has? btter aloI> building bat-be tl.e aipe and] begimbuilding Sdry-du-be-," hi --e th de expree.ionof u epesentatis-e fu AmusCUtiUMÙU98 dut-hua the dulute lion- r d" afterta hde nationallbosnne ou I as propolsition lu approprité 31600t.ou ug.b h e Breoiclya dry doci. lin. Cuai-d lwàm e «otit" si ivitu tiiug can- o d« o *adulamnetabl e ne.knm out dia l' ' tysu ai facilitesfor flué repuai-e hir b 1t 1 edIplie Besaou bat wéa . etr fe . daw. 5eft et Potesnotuib, Mgland, *-uepli *%lo5tvnty-meeatone odry dochs date éRgld uPso uulul t.takeor tu-one eni.equlpinuutfet1tse Unitedi Aila see ne à1ittObe i.c W$M5 *7 dockdu. rtiddetidle letbiahb ted»i. uuirely te a tiffes-ece outw, e 001W b«we cliq et foffices. fic he ~ Ilas Deiuetaast 'mite .rivaîies estend be à. it4k alumt every festuo Ouros-nasal es- on tltOlu m e so)bave ou tbonougly te- ge q0ilft thlle Diav a. fo lua"e it a liaiule. l t2 khammng nations. one et ltes pv 40WO ei la fayot-et tituber St-y docls and as et440011rla ta-so etime.dtr, docks, antirc baesi dua ti ave bave practicali oei-on 1AW*s. la the event et a war r n-lUiacyi- 'MWaibea&"naio.muhbae Japan or SIsurucil *10 u Dal a teu s ldoîth.paci w, i 0" à3We.ea4sIobilitytor¶uairn'ar@WdutiI WOODYORU WILL ROT TALK. lI 19allim RX a uld, te Keip ale Monck -i-Au e iuu~new iidGen. Stewart L.t Woudtoed, munlter.te Spai, la pubuihdi U1 et IOteYoiInn'iéh Iale esin: "Fs-omm, moum 1 scetd e spjuoiutenti 55sMmidioui. esu burelaionteilton duetàme. or the public, on to Saunoit-ial- Poemi it aur terin, andI ablimonuldSuno IF&1ahalibave lu liandi vihi props-sl b ied licésasshirossief routie IStreeDyit- tut ~ thr 3ui ffin uani rumuor or re-t 100 es t isenn-Pw aîtemrs nelaetrtiens' ut *ii«ervlew n-i me abolit Spai or Cuba 'teouri*ag liir affairesinluyan- etnec, >ou M" b. positive, vitItout laqtuis-i, dt cinu fteau àt cavrtisme it la itioOt tloue-h -MACA«rNz? ALSO ACQtliTAtDIl et atcs.ànt nue.. Diepooed 01 At Wtbigé».utige Bratici ustain- *0 du unit ofut due efenu',inuîtic case outS J" Macmtney.b"rut. on trial for aI- #«sd euabunpt oethde Meace sutar truaf -ý §WmgthMetluig eonmittee, mansiordîesI fle lui «Yt. tutu a verdict ot acquittali.cPue 0909 W5ntttfjudge'u 4eeS-dn sb* tint b 1" Qeeton aueS n'es-,1lndivituîai que-ý1 tim of di.eBnae, Ale snd nul c-usiitte qeu"Stic. M. litacas-fney àlacilie hrt out *0 dalgesi mentaent siilueeeestelmietri-il. .- e.k thde reord naads: Au-quittaIs.. «ix: f ovîie ,oow ume Brubor ils-- tue R. (iapuiaioutNcwvYork City. n-h, done usvt fnty-five day. Dlui .t Athiatesofet ti amend. 1 Vdlewlns la thé standng cf lis clubs e*9dis National BatehailiLuegusî W ýW. L lWathumr.. .34 12 Ptlsburg ..r2 24 Bouon..34 13 lcvelend . 25 2 Cladanati -..219 17 Washinuton. il-) :.4 . Ilew York.. - 27 18 Louisuville ... 19 281 t ýarolyn..24 L23Chicago . 1',,W) uPlulae1pia 24 21 St. Lumus, ... -lu 4o1 The ebowntgetthelie mbece etrItis Woora Legue le aummasit u ow: W. L.W. L cautimbus -- tS15 Detroit -2..... e uInianapolis. «et Pii G'nS Rapids. 11) .t4 si- k.P9u- miituMiuieatuolls. 19 «tr' Min-aube ..!W W211KuinsasCly.i8 3s1 Biev a Dicofet03500.00(k * DepuItyAtoney Genenal Hîhua lien gis-. an ot a ftateaient on lhe condition uftit- Peeuailvauula Ittelinances len 'hiiIih. atuws ciat 1dere ila s 5.8e-ifut34000 ta the Stat. tesuuy. Mn. HUm ual-s the Leglaiaure lue for oeve-ral yearalai.- Psugueatci atone upne>-than h. net es-e- , mue reMevet by tii. Siae,, bence the. ps-s Ostamaus eh-si Nt at Fouet. Tb _ l.Navy Deçuetrlenbla. decidudt l 110* te iiaumganu chel, lavenli.l by - - - (3.ldmu of utChicago, amoher fi-t. ;Arn lavetlgtien ofthfle sus. ut fi-et-x- -uem ph nowet)datet ebalna. îlot nt Te. Beowevthes teciard. ~,About elgtYt douuend poondautftee bo- h -iegltte âflansciacu siluce lLay I bas mbot les allosee ta e h.leded, heenuse ' itidnem coin. up duteStndard ut 2*attiaBou gis-unce là" aunchuor tslet aI(laitoai, Win., idIm uuce t l o gps-tus-la dodfor an exteutet voyage on laies Midfland muidn. 11er0GoNeMaiLe.OUei.. jL, /Arna &"itvf nas flIe! FnlSay nit A- teseGeteral Muaetst chat-aima Mayor- mmvmml &g A»ITD knetborUmr ltract Centemup Cesse Voaile Or""ur. loba IL Mlver. d*0uereomwsSt et o1 New T 0c11[Mail end Uquamu, f*as dés amuiDot guilly uo obgat lai iaciug a camwes geutimet he ue teIscon- mttée un relatiisu te msaefturiinvesti- rie, Mr. Suive, mmse .font-fi et ho elegad r*eetrat vtuemeu. Meofli. a*veueyer and i fiemse, preomldenta"d crotter et &0. Âuirld aii o t laig 3@mpa"i, botb balng baen dimirged, ubie Breero, Kvertoms ILoeeuinas upsvlcted end eerved taie moeuiainJail. fug Breadiey bumod hmc dseiaoit .d Utrive cuea feuIwopointe. Bret fthésthe id *eoed diat due queus eaked him a.s sot pertineuniTheuecutetion ofet de bfea.. dt omm ýanlatos lae uwil- le mmn are prt-eleged s acléac the &me ie mm communications, lu prieulo, laRlers id pbj'mleiauc, duhe court refeeed f0 sus- dit,ý bu the r.ouet. un the. uther baud. 'ild tiai kthe icltaceathi. Daeeou là informant w.. out a pertlinentlqunes- iot, caunel toc due detenmenos, bold lai a precedent ls e«ablieheti wbieb air- ahi lybringc nee'aper n'ituie.ou itbui et privilezed clans. DRATU OP PATOUR KNEI'P. lrîgînater oft1h. Painons War care Exapires et Woerisheten. Tue Re,. FIsduer Kneupp. hnown hruthout Lb. world tor bis ivater cane. bho hodbeen suBi-rIng foc smrnetine. 1.e et Wuierisuufen. Baverie. Fathen ibetian Knelpp wn' arncuLe the Bava- aue village ut Oi±obeurn, about meeDcti- ae jeasaagu. Ha wnthef bm oufu u caever. He n'edueat.d et le Cathole hompital in Àeguetberg, e'ere h. attract- Bd due attention o et tmisoof utAuguil- berg, n'bu obtaunesi permievsoote lueduca8te AnM f0 th. pnîcathoti. Wben 16 jesceà al h. n'a. ettached uIt1 nervuoprffs- ttion mud rtl rueti o tdia huPital. liere, in an old booh, tue read an article on tbe efficacy of colS vRater se a Mrs" ton ise4e. He bfgan experm.uting in bisi owmiccuisend eventually effeted a cure. When 25 years ut age lie cuteredth de pieeâhuud andi nas senitth du. trih ot las native toiva. uten. hé reniai n ine caursand. bu addtion tu attenMug a t l dutiea, practied tii. water cum. BOLDINES eSO? UT RICYCLIS?. Cbereume Tebegrraph Operater De- fondseHineof frei Aummait. fiharie. Ersn'él, a wel-hnou'n tek-. rapli peratur ot Clieyeune, wunritiiug orne on hlm hicycle late Tueeday uight, waa atlaehed hy a party uftetn or twelve sldiere frein Fort Russell. After ho heti bee bnoehed freinhie ulicel Erowel siot une ufthlb, olujiers. He thon menaged ta get inid, hiebouse. wbic flue soldiere aumediately liunbacded wrth rocks andi pieefl ut timber. Tu.y bruite wIndows and forced lai due kIt dieu deur. Ab duey rualed lota the bouse Ersueli aduot a sec- end urne, dropplug anotiirof u the sol- tiers. Tue city 1îie arriveS at file time and Uie soldiers retreabesi. Tii. .-ouuded men 'uere laken te thec"poa- o pital and guarde pkaceul about Ersivell's bouse te prevent furduer attacha. It wam eanesi flet both o et li ioudeti men be- ong tu G Company ensiduel u ne euthdem en aerluusly n'ouded. Ersiveil eurrcpder- adSu e ailon Murfes, -batute al lowed tû go unis on'n recoguozalice. Demth itu li* Wahe. A Seven. tornade eltruck Kentucky and indieus Friday unornng and reporte ludi- ceta thedidanuoge n'a. udempreasi. la Louisvlléle. n's ere aproufed. houaem nuruotes and tIwo persans hiIied. For an bui Main steet n-as elmeot blochiadesi by roofs wluleb iere bloun trom un e sale bouses. Near due mi.y on theBo. * ton' nod, a colon.d n'orn a n d ber lit- tie daugbter n'en. killed in their cottage. n-hIin'a. eumpletedy d.mollalued. Acre frein lriugton, Ky., on flic I"dlanide ofthde Oio river, tb. homa ut a fariner Daed Sfreebi a as bloivu doive. Stree- bée' mon James, aged 15, was hlh>dq and a blred girl n'as mu badly lnuarul due died iihanulueur. Thei, nsasinder 0ut fle taudly bad a narcon' escape, but ivere oulY ellgtitly hnuised. Ph.e eunoin bit lthe Mosson traie betos,. il reachesi Bloomiof- bon. lnd. Llgiitnlng airuch tie ceai sleeper. sluoching aIl the passengena auM serioualy burfiug Cundouctor Jolunsun. At EnOgii a d., the court bouse mise ba&y damilged and séveral reuldence. n'ere un- rstofed. At Worreolec tivu bousesn'en. bion udon ndnStwonuegrues klhed. All over the. ltate thie dauuige vrai mure or lese serions, but nu turdier loinut lite in ceartued. Asn miau.tva persanes'eve ubut-kesiansi une. James Elblnt, at Win- ciecter, n'ai hilled by llgbtnlum. Ju'.6«, Ill.. wa n'a bpuesao of a cyclone for une bouc turing die mornina. AI 9 oclOd if n'a. darh as niglit, die wiad bIen' doon'n treeu andi awnhngs and braise plate-giSi windows. Lughtning »truckhobuse nla&a partm ufthde citi. (Oue oethde curions phe- onthlb.esterain'a. thie eternatins blesse uit intense bealt frm the uortbeus 'witI arcthe bIagIts rocsn due nest. À tom nedo etru.h Norfolk. Xcii., dolng some inundauiage te buildings. Torture end Iteafb. Weileesduy daivued upon the. Norîlu n'est vîi a continuation ut the a-tui ieut ofthlie day beture, and in country. villages and cities the excessive bumi4ltý sil bîgli temperattiri omliucd cüna.. mîîny denths sud promtraîlu., But sf1.t 1oue u a s-ries utf thonîber iuners blutgli relief. lu Cbicago hi-ut cauaed tire, deihsluaud uiony pruierationa. andti lfhi ceiug ,laiuoed two more itits, thilt tiveuuti-all pjersans n'ere sucterel shoc-k'd. Shiermasn Pavoe.Anuezeton. Scc-uiy Sherman saisitethe licAma cietesi l'rems thaf as a ruleie n'es. oppoef teli t1wViu-d ritases uequiringoutlyind ierritory. bu-t he regansied th. coudutlei ut tii lusssiian Islands am exceptiotua ou [icinofutthe cdaim utf Japon f0 theu lidluuds. lie tliéeetre appt-oved lh tceaty muiiaung Han-aii a Posesseion ufthd Vette Stuta. h uitnet entitiesi lu admit son am n Stuta. Peace linftle Levsnt. l'fe Attuaa ctulTcsiiufnd th e Ln don Deili Telegrapi sais: 'lit jereports, t iuat thie peace cotiterence and due ]Port lieavo accepted a settienuent glvbus Tus key ujîber thei. bor e igsaia, seuitheui ot Ililoung, or Nezeroi., ourdth ami .. .. r 5 isane Sa.... t by One outai ouéeand 100.0S0logtspis iron b a Wall ultrtogueclor, a"d ad- Vrat agplez for stocke, are the. .017 Dunef dtii e setuel conditionSa" uinder- atout] by m capable mm. lbete la evidence eofgrodu&Uy enitgiiig businesa lu every imprtant d.pnrtmeiit, more en- tabllalmenta lave been set et wortand me.bandeauplored, ansud ue PrU4h0 »MH iihnd4 opecuWeve ezeUB, the Pro* gres atoweid btter Mts gula enbecW-d Reports f roui the varbe. cttee slow a very geerel lifogresc and ࣠etoetbluf large distribution tbcougb retll yuid. Ib. pruof la clearer ' as it ubofld e, ln the lnd..a21' el1thoelatIi ruiStifled"- GAVE TUEX A LIKB DOSE. cubage Give tue Marderols Cree Of a Gueboat a net itmceptiet. t th, River Ilayabeque. near Julne.. the Spaniali guaboat liante laaded a de taduiýnut te bure nmre pocigeico buts. 'rîey kl ed ilt men who were *orkni tbure, and took ixteon womeneuoff 10thse veul wltu rlem. A Cuban force neatr by tti- tioned tiiemeevea et a nirruw par of the river, sud as the veasel came dOwn uPOurel lui a bot lire. klllng the pilot, secondl oSf cer sud several me, un th,. upper ueeki. The v'.ý.el difted on a mandbar in bo.; csug-. vere aile reauaiued til late aL îught. l'bc Cubant ettacked ber in beats. but huing oeuh tour, tie veel'g 'eeW enaily repulaeul tbeu. The Tese"! WAaonO tire sertral imes, but thee cew managail to «Tve ber, and gîeefItt t miduiirbt. ht la cep rt,-d that six ofthte wuuien tbrkw tbem4uulves ovenboard. INDIA STLL SiIAKINO. Pýrovince of Assam Devnatf d by tihe Eerfbqaakea. Aimoart the. W"oloftheii Province of Aseant. Iodia. va devastated by thé e.zduquake. 'fl uoin l19 apwIlin. Tbî courùe. tresauru, jeu mad bumpiteaocl- ispaed. Tneliesuofut tud supplie la euuor- mou. Tlhe crops ame mosulY rulned and grest aierity of food la ezpeeted.. Al traffic in diffleuif. asenumubei's oftVleh. cds bave been ceulfletely dcmauoidued. Hafrdi. quake abockeatuill continue te be teit in the. pruvince, and mach aala l et. e- peilli se reoewed Obocks bave bem r- ported frein valboue places lui BOaje. Henvy rine are imleueseli IIiCeeO*0 i de-se._ CUTS BIS OWN FAT. Actioa of the Keed et the Borner & /Uci h *Car Cempai. Owing t0 the recent buaInes deVpiessOn E. J. Barney, prevident ufthei.Burney & Suitu Car Manqiacturing Couepanit Dayton. Ohio. bac voluntsrily eut bie owa salary tram 32,X0t0 2500. PTie -oka bave beau opesting a smaltrc au ahr (ife for AbIe lamt jee. or snotiough Pro- vioiuly over 2000 menca bd been enuiilo- ed. 'fit premdent reports a slow but subtaztisli iuproveuient lje Prspe.pcte andi anticipâtes an early remumptioli. @.Y If'. 1db RHumer. Discussion iu Washington outhîe Ha- ugiilan reaty, tb. incidente eOonected tleeitb apd ils probable effecf includes s revivmà ofthtei.chstter about Secretarj Shermana e îthdrawal ûum lbq cabinet. Tuas uew tcry, wli h, a Wahington crre%)ondent imye, je thouglit to licnun- toundd as ayof ut bos he ti i, lain itged upen thesasunltiOli duel the. Seretary's pride baes Wn no hum- bled by sgnin&sa tteaty whuuuble lu direct econtradiction to hie setted tileories about' flic danger ot territorial acquistiti. tint lie wll retire fron tthe pretalergiî. Sen sar Sierman, durlug due latter dey uf the. Fifty-foucfji Congres.. Mlien Cua "à aunderdscusion. took ec teoi reltetate hie previouai; expresees atef- onleisa te the fnrther addition to our terri- tory. tating diat in is opinion il would ie the prudent and safeuOi5 for tliii counry to attend tricUte toil owii husi ueos., and neo t eopîtoaposse. lîselt ul 1outlytZ tferritory, whibuiu iîglt involve us ln serions and unneefflairi coiuPi flons wtii otiier nations. Thies dtenient je belnc faikied about al great deal, but very tw ofthei Secmeltary's old colle8tuie4 in rhe Sonate beleve h. will withd"ao frouitlbhetabin«e. To the. talk htntSecre ttary Stherman wilmooe reslgn rePlYidi made b hdoseutho hnow im heets' ift le Led ltudd to retire for the rea- sons auggeted lie toulul have <one cu heoretand. and left the. mginbg outhei r treatl, to ie sliccueu. Ti.tilu cnitBuller, harges i wtl th. e rder ot CaptaiLe. Weler whi the. tiv men were on a gold prospect le, etrip, w'at cncluded ai Sydtney, N. S. W., the. jury renderlng a verdict ut goîlty. li tram bie practice te advertise for a pneu peef inq partuer, andl baviug tonnedout wIvtti niane. to murd hinu wbile in thb ut Illîsote' Word. Kilied. c Ahuust un the anulversury ut the n'e. s poout f892. Lincoln, Ili., tram viited b3 a terrible st ou Friday, %whkch obk upu, itael thtei aspect ut a cyclone and causeý the deurli utfour îuilsansd the wouud iug ofut irr at the St te ineitute for ti teeble eieded. * Revenue Ifeceipt Pul ofr. Plh. uonduiy Mtaternent outhtii.colles tiffls ut ilternai revenue showà that th, rtotal riecipte duriîug May iietcre tSI t 892. a tnet decreas.. as cuminired %Titi May i ".151. utof 14.5t18. eý MARKEET QIIOTATIONS. ly Ci.-ato-Catltle, commun %0 prime $3.5u te 3.ff0; hogs. hipping grade@ 3. 3.00 in $3.75; aheep. failr techuice. $219 ,d te $4.00; wbeot, No. 2 red,. liSe te aile , cors, No. 2. 24c eest 6;ot*, No. 2., il no lue liN; rye, No. 2. 33e te 34c; butte« il choce creensery, 14e ta 16c; etgs, trot se celteO; potatoe, per buebel. 25c e to3& he brouta coru, commun gruwlb te chiel e green hon. 3$25 te $70 per tue. n. ludlinspoie-CaîUe, sbippiug. $3.00t 315.25. bogs, choice ligll. 3&L00 te $33.7 sbeeli, commun le ehoice.$3.00 te $4.2t Wbeat. No. 2, 75e te 77c; cors, Ne. In white. 26c te 28c; ual&, No. 2 white, 2U ed te 22e. ,t St. Loul-Cattle. *4.00 te 35.25: hot! ir, $3.00 te$3.75; ebeep, 33.00 te 94.2: 1' wheat, No. 2. 82c lu 85e; corn, No. id ellow, 22e te 24c: eets, No. 2 whbite. 17 -FOUR emliLORRN CRUIJIOTe OEATMIN1HÀA "au. cyclone PineVumV le. tlhimeestate nom*e fer .beMue-uVIl O.. Charge-Treoty ]ent5Watt. Beath lb slse wu"a Deati aiS u uthéeivinti llait pessel evnr Lincoln. lit., FridIy. lu a terrifie maerin a beus on the groendeofthedue te home fer féee m uunded etullvm n-s crinolie! i egadueil.anSd wlen a rai- uhg parti cleacesi avay the ruina tour demS andtiaris.Injuresi boy. Rer fousntl, bedelds tRu atlendants, oue et n-but andi pesahbly botta viiie.l.. h.deuti ar:e: visiter Baher. Coatie Ii I.; Comédie LaIt. e.n, visrdotf Mms. .K. Carter andi J. C. Coufib Chicsgo-, Corneline Mackenzi, Chicago; Jame. O'Brien, Chicago. Tbe Injureti a": fRubent Ascotf. Cwi- cage; iReinrici Berger, Chicago; Milton Gai-con, Ottawa; Lonsuel Clea..o, ait- =a ud"tu; W. E. C. Wlthnnu, Grays Labe; tebWllart, faim supesinteudeat, f a- talî hart. Fadeor, roofs andi cluimueis niee Vonii «Vely, honsniete edamagditi andi tree dlmumaantl.d. Plaenteer outhduestonm, rbosiever. wu about the s.ylum. mast viiiunt oflihe ity. Ph. e uf ut the. ntti v ing outhei.mua nbuilding n'as InjureS lanti ca chimaner on due cualudial building wua rhIeR-n uver. If n-sealite tai-ut, tovever. dthndith grettdamge vwedore. 'Tuera aec shrty boys UmitPoyedu nier thé dir-ectione ot Superlatudeuf Jacob Wiluaerl, f0 cue t on tIhe MO serma onnétby due Sigle. Remaids. tedea, uhiserboys as-e lureul luas- fsiat on extra seorh. Fridey a Partr of 1tn'euty-.ix, a.vcrmging 14 yeardaetfage. voe.taee.donate plch lpesaine- charge uf Att etdaut Leandicel Illeasue. Ph. day won lutenaety hoe anti ne the n'orh n-e.dou.e(lleaeo utth ue boys f0 Bait creek&Mant eated tducat tea aen-ln An they dsteltback hei. aos-n dont n'a spen,. andtihle attendant huiviedth de borde loto thi. faim Itbo.e. U&a. stte biggestl buai-n londingai Ooty. k seadd 175 tet loug hy 28 fttulue. andi wneadeead fotur icars a" at a out uof35.00 Falbe Wlth.ut Wcrmien. Scrcely lied tue bars entered thune tdi. aletomcenteret istetory on fluemstiucturte. Wîiott vint due imbers gave w"a asit due barntu eli, cruahlng IUn human oc- cuants. Plie storm coobinneul torcdirty minutes, but before il ses. ver lIe swerh eto raecur vas hegnitsad tour budieds tbruglit front dia coins. a1ie limanda i lste the State, La 94.5W0 app u e differeut builing ugdanigrodinâa. tbut thé lea es- oest tresd-l.mge thé iist-hboing lted o ut by the rouf.- coant liee.timated. S§PALIJING ROT OUILTT. Former Chicago fBunker Acqultted of Cbarge et utcbeszbemescL (lile W. Spoldiuug, former fri-avuer oret Uhnivetrsit UIlinois and prenlident et the lie Globe Savi-ngs BanhkutfObi- cage, slipped tda ugliofetthé loOstiele. L fet leuia Ftliaysai ediaped a sentene nto the pemteuUfFae ?on aB Ledbie"ti. e.ChargeSdi due esuduaulemet of atit dbonds i ueglgtuteené aeuét nd it du te univecubfty and valueS at 37.500,lb. 1- wuaaquittesnthefuégroainde tint bliels ýtbeau improçiesli indictesi. anSdiai tlia h. bc lghf havé heen tonSguuilfy ot anulin tpruçuer di ý of due futislenit-udated fa iga a- cat-e, linusentf guilt-y ut enbetzmlenef IfSpeiding ie eatilh le the cousit y jaL.HO va bas mieset onZyie of thde tn'entY-niu io diasaicusth"athdreatened tu> brasi h se -a criminal. 1,1er.ea"t-enty-éigut lu. dittainentso@W bauigiez os-en hie head. A clierging li idu embezslesuent et uni- il versfy tonds and reeevluug Seposilf eut las î- Globe Savuage Batik atter il hecame ln- tf suivent Attorney Deceen initens tal re aesdueétes-mer banber rn th, full a- langthiouthdu.gauatiet outhde tan' beture it the proaeeution «hall ces. NO ACTION ON TEAtT?. -Auniaatios Caes Be peittefiThis id emaieet Congrele. aý Soacator Davis, citairman ti dute Senate a- Ouuittee on Foreignu Relations, suit! i rdzy fiadt lié wonld Pot maie an effort eta présndue Hawallan treaty te finae coo- sidétuatou in due Sceafe durig ftu, ps-ed- eut sea"Onut ou ogrese uiVWPlieu i.saisi. "due otpposition te tue thratifican o f thde tUeal y isnul tformidable ý s to numbera,fit bas already heen matie t9 da-idént thât t i ili lie quible déterumned, 1-*al s f act, couplait n'ith flue lnuombl- 117 ty h olding a quorumu tor an, lent*i of n- ie atter lte pesai t odte tarit bih, ue 'bas alceady tunt.ed flue conclusion that an le effort f0 pecuce Immeiate action vouii b.e futile; licace I i ilnuitlie Matle. Ws «hall, bovever, hali betee gel fthe ft-aty -- repocfed f0tii.he enate. . W, shail eiuut by bave Ilt fomally tlîca up sa as to bave ti If wel i fhdu.front ai due beginuiing ol il due neit aeiio." i- DAMlAGE AT LO>UISVILLE. âtorin Wreck e MurlBulings and Hlurle Piffe.. peupte. c A tdanSer, nain andi bail &ternm ees le bling lin many respects a cyclone, swepi (1over Lousillel, Ky., dit 5:28 o'cloch Fr1. l h dey morulng andi lauied until 6 eeloeh Fiam 528 o'eWok tlu lt.32 tdue inti bleua tifby-live mllee an hour, ulénolisiied 5»Y es-ai tradi atratuneib. anrootedsl cores oî reaiteeeand busliess bouses, âmae" '- indoiaton. dou-n iires. uprooite -d e d &Wcanard thusanda ut peuple lu ge freint dir b.d. lu-tu diadeturla-ofrese etreets. ffltcen pérsons ee nejucei tebai ne on. tataîhi. Ph. property daim»g la dastimsdait W. 45000. Eaatofuthde cit., w -leat fléits vece ruineS anti cattié bille ~iby falling tIre. lu Nese Albany fn'î ' Cathliilecherche n uid tweufy sinier blilu luge n-erc unieufei. Ph.estradina.u tb n-et-u expeneud mince flie cyclone o 2 Diiuaihg Stature In iEurope. 2e TWa relation betiveen stat.uri-enau béaldi la brouught f0 eoncrefé éxp-emdsoi s.% in the at-nilteof!'Europe thurougi a ti 2: jection of ail ruttalita tfu service n-h . 2 fait belon- a cérah mnimum sataM 1JSE.ITTY it3 DEATM H NTK« HUAi. -E *0 gguh W i luee. tuRau 1w dette«. oly bt.Duut et mth bt elng. Ibo tploomter ott di ueta UWne re01 e ave nowoer. 31deuy Wwer toduaitefrie lS Pajuld. Warrfti.sTtil inendeindcatieton ,fRIkâ th onf hseeil. rai rured i camrila egon.. 0 D Moy ulfinesepd but ~ 9 Dau. ecmrmmte r tethi Abien, extuuas 9edNahile ec aolm W5nii. TIi l(an iication...... beR di. eeatny Te auelt ew d Coacerordl. K... .10 .visins. 90 ho AbIled:, Vamageitia property nd b a oAearilou. Tetai2n e Yior tss accuglcedand the overarcaled coneitaion f thair, ws al t' it earvlu. t bil. maether«ide tuthd et. crrtinliue. A uIn Haiso n si PIa idgqer te le, antIl beiaenderored of nthe. ir g de.o mufed the daidge ite aprpery man b GereBadraursulirgsoveh uediraote. outloon ve i lodend lnjnofreybe I eleeTe an i. ain felb&IY in hel ns" eht up ere eersu lctred btui eia tboer the iro akso l*é.s n ktlie etelcel dIn epa, dii. tii. 1e drow u$ ans tii.unaren acndtioeu circui air n. metia reusItld anotenide ftharn thé apecteculr. Aer reaeenaunorwheh wout .rou giraeca te trucksthlctue, end eomLegtlng raiii tecb thndpowrsde ettrohey Met- fed baz tihre mtairsbp.iegliat Gaterge loru a dr diveugsibishue ilameraw et iver plajaiaun s o rude. Plie animalu en'as asii ton ftuet rfetuthenu l a eap. alun te deeTi drligntean cri sections.opi n us d for tinforation oftieple:tl upe rThe nett n-hioditnio trnns fohe m tlbae treeh tuy eilfaorablt griitn a- terrat oe due oerieueprtonet iahel etonlî Thtueiebon dee te rdanucatmis- laeted mý.ini'Ne nlnceaai'tyfnd the coe lIondi atto MunIluid tlnic . es rCrOPI bs 0000erScool.W FverriionsWethes erObi"dlncau g vaintlu aoh .wlegp-rlimi. avn . ul aine buiti-iet bal o iele-9 riIfi eports u r b "pl9re t ei ut îli v ral o elteendk rop setions. is faurablehtu for Stauep infu- uat iont.kpubic:dis tie montb. c edtIostihe -suil.-(".bav wbenencly tevinuibie tu boriufîical i ni euto,,r.he grniptin tteutlb coet. ATuelra asbentuumIcthecala,1 soueri. Klu. Ne ngandmseul . no-rher pbotuhout te Moirai. ally tntroUtet Wico Tns..aniucbetn imuc rein mmcl and North Davec kota.. 1 ace tsltennauulî alu[oeaeurlof te 'cnilugr.*iua .ctedanditl. -entraisaic et w aic til as. df. Atla ti Sen t-vui a nd t dia Petes t basi uultuerddtheuiulip elmis lb t fuucuau.ot tht si-sti.cuth RuIle gneuutytu'irrInba th ge hl lr poreslu toii,. iirEluu iun tes uîlnec a iuaprovineluîtrthue codinteion o dîtlon, u tii, ui:,ll ep-tien fl thu,MIsa- sci. an lata u u crsuineo. a enust the rgboulhe auai. il" ve-t lruoveiute te cperîu! herseu,.ut t rust ut e va.ine mwn'ck aeuit tsaie rionsin curî lu oei.wel. lliers ui sd erov iieela. anterlie iiesesofuellete i nealtec utb b ewEuorion of Kn«..lbtera ie a.alIuteiitleiudl se t elthe ue Isît nuerl Ietrchlb ReH uslFuadl, aulîlel b.lI et r.- 1pn ock ofîî NForttaîuu Teiidene iben- a elnscellmurea âuellurl.hom non u Iltle at iirg;ou fue &guîunt. IJthe us prpyoflue ud <eorga Taropn I. lee- aan tiinsecte . laerunPrside ndes cii.Pcrtupncil Rendiadr uhednomer i amhueteu g. su oî,rpatu otn li.ezucboueiniifatisi-Il uilthe ulie lund liuied itanu6a est s uw ifrntesol WORXCWOPOUl-NÂTIONtAL LAW. Ak Wear@ 1woeeiamtluthemHalls cf Co.gvs.-Ilmportaat MousseraisDie- cuaeai end Aefed Voeu-Au ingo The. National@Selonk. T'he Seiuste made tapît vorh on th-. ttrrte bill W.dneedui. Plura-u pages nen. disposesi of. earryhng thue Sonste dirongli lie agriculturml seliedula andi up te ticluduhe H. relatlng te spirite, wnes. etc. Duiieig lhe dey the. paragriophe oni talry producla, tenai productoliait,11.fruit anti nuls. ment prudurts anti misceila- neous agnicultucal products wn'e.aces on. Ph. Finance Commlttee pcuposedl ManI cinuges. hn the main asivancîna cales eumen'hat over f buse berelofoce ne- puctcd. Thée c-mmltîeen'as euetabned on every vot e, shboieh a routent Ras modte on aiment every pacanapi. lMr. Ventsa motiuo n eetore sait lue the ttc. liiisi-as rJected-ypcas, 24: uuiyma.i. Ti. import- ant uuuraruîubprouiuaing a tlezutes sieut uvernat fice nigg,ýetion ut Mn. AMt- son. n'bo cxprcssed hope ibet ttus duti un tesaimiglt lie dispenseS n-ti. Tue Senate e ut at Il aý . ilIcontiué, lu unef aI that hour ouil theii ll le dit- PoeSrluto. Plie tmentfor fthe su-nezation ufth lalissilan laeude coucheS the bien- ate chlier at tuu5 I Tbh'e seuie at Oun ent loinexécutive mession anti ai sfoun nshlicdoota ivere elueo.d l e nies mâge utfhurepident .IîcKinley. aciocpani- Inb te "ty. ansi the1retyitilelt iven "nl lutictheSettat.. TheSeinetemaiegreten pogurea Phn.i- day u ibe tariff bill titan amy dai smince th. debti peuel. Twe'entin. sebeduli-. corering înenîy tpages.,n'en. completes -- nameis-. si-edules lb, un spirits,.tiîne" snd bevena"sensd seheule 1. o ouneu. tsi'lur,4 cutton goinda. Tue portion uitheli bill pusseula auluetaututîhde saume es thuit reîuuured. @tl iuuuitle changez bu- iuug ujiuiprlsnl, n'huile the eîipoixitlou smcn.lmeiitA ut Mn. Joues ut Anhanea anti Mri. Vealn- en.e yotmatlcsîly c- jitet loIi iaiuIm. eaiging ftonm five to test. Mr. Aflison secmned the addition ut a un' peragtreplitelhduCoctton acliedule. Wvi1. vlesv lu rumpeisatins di.e Cotton ma.nufactureransfour the necront action uit the S'nate in plaiugn rau Cotton un tii, tutiable tînt. The Houie na. la osexhou an bou mund a huIt, muetftht rieme bi.ig tai-n .p n'th relit calîs. The hil fî,r te renief-tfuthe i nasdesute utGreer ('nuutt. tOblahomsa. a noent. Th. tarie bill caine luaahall la the~ Soenâtlc Utdgy. les. ttaou nteepae utheii fiax acheuule-lug dIsposeS o. Th le île- hâte uliites i to pýi;itl eluennela. latu- la riue dis-LMr. %furtran upropuosent aa IRs- ltac snu'nit te fi inre a 14) per cent nul valoirdut ' loirn ohai rticles noie un tht- tri-elitI. sîttia fi- statrdeS eitons. Inu iunpuetintheii,.attendaient Mr.c lîîroau u-uIlidubattention îuutu e ahuguulnr (tai- ilat thiuiue ai tex utiure outhei.Wilxn lbill lu nul reçuut-lt and ul u lepic i-tiurce.I y a chbange lunfui- prnnu ofltheiSuipreine Couurt ut the, I'niiii States. Bit*s svr, passieS foruiitb uitligs ut (iîu-aul 0.., Io coie 327itt am ausut lc port. la.. te cnet "- *.00l. <liing lthte in-eaýt un the lIam iithon aunt-xiiui t-'aly Mit. Davis uit llinncntu ee-irr' &Là sigeeuur-t ton ti.heuninlinaut of3,0111 copie ofthtIi l-ctiyamni othe n ii-me-nfs. l Ift 'uis-lc iturdoy theliclon-i Coutnitlee tal u e ure aoptuuion fit Il report fiingruthle taie at s-i uale u mu t- titisg lItialo. jutte fabrt-ls nud iuirtapu.. The. eficiusti, cu-shire ilium uîuattungs tumin- itultufrontuîi t-utra sounduthe- teuetublu. lu the fi-us.lit. Clade the' Jainiee tiec.asi]Indlien nuallinge: aise bunluip. joute ignin bat-s ansi"fonoubgirtg. TPus neut saii ncou.hed huy M-e cat7rwr ansilieus- lrutgl. Iepublicans. unilieg n'itb Ith- The Sent. rnde tsiehnt strii-n on the' taiilul MNliduav. ei-ring lttty-wix Pu.. TPl -jt tsvu silieuoft ti- Iluitiab!lu' a. î-ovehitg piper sud mous-. tacturuold uuul-i-r-. isene citplttc. a-ttb blues glsi..ciutnadulmorne heeer oan 1ljit, s ut-h nn e. PuT i a aucou the F-usu luitiithefee lisi. wieih wuax i onupletiuniin itrneheute. Esnly lu théi dai- the siuuiiand lki<-htdule. si-nt uus-u vril uat agt-uenutt islaI ouI soutld h. tabi i-t uTnuiay. Atter ltaI uhe to- barwbsîcm duuIié. lte reiinil)(iyprniiotis kandtl tieuurnai revenue tportions ofthlb bll oas alI num ite meny imointeS tpars- 1gcaph. a useil <us--r reuuuein tefie i-uiaiol- Sen-S. lbe pruurneas Nluuny n-asxsuaumark- t d. boss-cci r t uitto i utst 11111e lucre n'eas a feeling tîtet the ouldiwax eut fuir offe. 'nl'h ionne, etten th. ajiproval rut athe, n bill approiutîng . 1(iO,fl(l ton tIi , rluair uot uity dovb Nu. 13 et NuIs Yoîrk. hIr. 7inuulcy uit Mainie. t froui t-le on uuiuili-eou ei uul Mens. r meeelui a favorabile reput-t on a joint ni-solution lerov-iding tint tiniit-ii eiili- c uors nt th, (iuau ha usu.tutuioninin»1 mus l bintng uit-lis otrlt- aluremu.c, .p-i-tu ai--n i hotu î-io-i.iuitoi-xhitbut. Fsv amenuluueutuprîsili-thitlt-ie ioit - ufth f el u1ttit »haell fi% tiite u-br uit laboe utcste uîet- th(- counutt-y atndlti tht-y clu, t u-uve lthe- Initedlrta tu-s sitih. ini thit- i cut t rain lie ternastuuun ol tht-eXéilu. An i-u ulu' ti-Iuuatt rkeibuutht- i-.ouiil i-t-t iu,îî<uttht . , Ituduuiin t Iv-riouaui Tii ulay. Ih lu:i t1 il luWaurtin-rt-il x- ltintîtudîuuh riiik-touit iuo oui tii' oui hituuuîiol Nlh Ir. Ailtisuutiofutloî. iinihargit uit the- tîll -onuîtb,- ut lier. NIrt. Forauki aemuo-t-t t a lit i lt-5iitnieOt u-uuuritu rotles luitcitai n wiriesw'ax lut-tcvsu lin] u hi u h t uifur- uni-h ui--muitu crvri-y Su-luotor sriuuuld lut trou-teiti-t ~lfoi lîiulmuiI. Mr. Ahtiion uteu-luurcl bc~uuul ilnle.b di ti u'uu tr lt-iusu. Mrt. ('uucti-i n- ho hîtul uutIIiuuosthe ,îuîruu. u-nilea-uinu lit but- ilii- lu, airrultai u-huIntiuug to <-itpe y vuils go o unr; huit Mir. Vuat oîujet.fed l in. T-ll'r if a~uuu-il- îttu uuku- st-i r'dc'Iy. Auiilt frot thie i-ntrutptiont tai npuuig es i-uiax modelonttuhlbWaaol ntietulti IlrTsc dîuty ou irxtut-i-Iaa. iol sias ogre"' Iolit1vetsIl i i'te ur îîuuîd nuit on eu.-s-sui cl lans -i>ut Il ueni-,-hîIN h.beliveen tb lliitt uîîîlndSu.iutirat"'.lit u-uch case Plihe rates min third-l-lua tvuuls stent uusuî Y uiuust utofu the iu-n iiatnduuut'uts reluteil t e u sctsl iin-iie tu thtM . olt des-ueo'ainue. une Marie Couid., dau- tu-r oft Sats Coude, t ae Ser boue fiete tcput-tue, ut becosning due*iifé ut' Ous- t -singe Lutin-g Port-or lhtone..' Tic s-dt-nj"on« gaity. PIliéceuni of in-îur, tanttast weeki on board lie lluin., in lic lBroohlynu uesy yard. Tu. indinut ia t-bt E"gnfStonue ta.nuloit uuy 'uay. buduas-esi tinstîltlin is.lOve- mngu "in a nuunues- unlseeosuing au offi- cet andi a gtitlumeu.' Tt is a breoui ver- dic-t. liait, Iumal, l t-isuger, Admiaff Bututu sMeaumii oial telefrai Io sec%%-. ftry tuumgepenliig thie iledna uftbdu court oand endo-u itI. Btorhs frein tihe Wl.... 'Mo Newiv Yus-bHeralti-basetaarted a fuieS tut- Mark Twai,opeunut-theTîlnt %witii aa ubtiption of 31,(.10 A iiump explumt nuthe fuétoence ef StepliuuuWeldthi ent' bhnpsbutg,Pl'a., at tire lu thehé oçua.anti basfy bu-néSdu.» touir occuPsnta. Tho Habla Store Comipany art Washi- "Inttosu At-h., pue ut tic lurgont planta- tion suiphîh fit-ma in At-kaanna, u ougo» iîîîo lie hanitutouta recels-ci'on liPPhca. lion ut W. P. Erikin, preuident f e coma- Vu-iy Ies-. Dr. Cootuui, teetcir outhdu Catuiilc Unuiversity uit 4Veulet"uttof&. ýeiu.n t moue et the. District jultfie ütlites- niuug. ,Hfe aiso aulsremsetdu.* prisotuers andtullItors. Tt %nus flue firse lime tdat nanslia» beca celolrtet ividi- un the instituo>n. EdibvOffo ei.Aifiat,an 'eeily Po-i petpuslls~c1 t DusSldont, hast beq*' cunviefedut Mbllng lAina 86rrimnsi et nefnotoiag Bnrieon sintera. The qéeeout bersu- u a n ndact PeWlRký fas fluet) 500 mola ca" Wae M MAWAIIAN "DOCUMENT REAOY FOR APPROVAL.. laIsais te Recoin. au ntugral Part et Teriterp et the United taee.- ISacrarit.lharman Siguei fer Ulei Sien, Miabal.. Match fer Mawailf GoeseNov te secetors. lu tue gpeat olomatie ruenut du.he Btais Departuient seie, four yeava su& touermentheiagBa, lu thue eloséug boums of the Huri-luna administ ration,.hflue tuHa- W&elîa nnexutbca ttuay wee lgiued, omu? te lie viduofrasaifrontmthe, flota, anti dunun'n latoi,>t plgeoole, thé reprenant&.- tives e1thde govemunt uté oftc ,United State. anti Hawaii gaduered WNhutcY iornsing asd uîgnet a t nesulyby duc tetus of nh-le, if ratIfieS. duhe lttIe luisait e- public nWiàbecoma part et flue terrlfor, et the UnitedSt ialca Oft lh. peneotue n-li atooti lu due roin Ilre e ece prscot ullet *0u original traafy n's igned, oamey âpétIal Comnnilusoter Lot-cm A. Phurs- foui *atiAssitant Seurelanlen Ad.. andi lb. Haivallan reprecentativee liai broaglil si-Idutissu aILgow ipeu lna aplaeIn luoldas-, and t athduirreqeet for alil uthedi.sgnature&. Secrelary Sher- mmi neuicticthfle copyi IttendA 10Lueb b.ldlues-e, n-hi. Minlter listé msignet) ath de Hawaisencopi efthde treauy, his talon' mmlsouers comleg oeil in l-- doer, M,4hurton lu-t, folkovesî t'Mn. Kbnney. lb. lu*ticseurémeslt-si y Al- detant Secrelar, Os-lies- vidu a prisaIe s"mAcars-led la hiesn'age châlit, futhcplee see aede >ste reupectve cue- dians and the. treaty vwu made su tar au due exeécutive brancdiout tii:govas-uttent Coua effet iLIt.'era vo. a genenal ex ciange ut congr-atuulationus betw ea 1h. paitien te lb. cesesonyand mtlcs-àapile- lugraph batl been taien ufthde commis- mloes e d.cerenionwu» n'edesi. Provisions efthle Tresty. Plie treaty prutîdes ual duce GOvrco muent out due Hawaiien Iiez:de ced. te the Unitet States, aiieoîutely ansi fores-en. al nualtu et ov ereigaly lu ansi oves- the lia- walian Islande ans) ddt- depcndwecies, andt dat these Ilands juaN Itecomue an in- fe0miclpart et the lerritu of thfleVinites) States, Tue Goveinouent et Hawaili alo mas .te Il. limites) States alitpub'ic lands, publicbiuldtigs udsipublie Iiu)peM-y ut evecy description. Cuno-neso shahe&Haouc special lava te guvera ueis lposition uf due lande la due HavailiaIslande. Al revenue ftim e.lenddunE ilb. uses sulelifor fuhens<upft outhuc lulalitanle ut dihelHaw.aïeu Islans sfor educatonai -ans) ohe-r public purpomcu. Plie Hîaian antie sial h.Garit. tedfieb fle initu a a tu.rt-ttry ut due Unitedl States, lecai lie lu h. hiase&t hi a lut-icilegs!atuce, huit mialjee'f luithe approeah of due Iireaiuunt. tUntlI Cen- grenu bAa il pfly the .lave ui thle 1niteil rtalteslui theic eade tii, treseitlave ut lis-ami are tii gusro thie iuarîla. Pue ptrecuitt itati4 n ica ui se os rtingIl&a- n-iisi uumt-lceai uItonas îtb fos-cgo nation*e ad t-u'min un force ututil Co)n- gm-us. hahi taie action. Fourlisuln- gclioniof Ut tbneeelabu,-r enuulitF-d pendunf ocngreasltnal auetfuun tuait h. en- Ii uof Chini-se fr-sanflan-su it IlsheFUit- i-si Stautes. ibewisc sn pi-lititeuf. Tue tiiutu-ul btaIes asseimeatht- tubtir ieb fuu lIraia.i,Luît nîu;uasetipulation s-at cliii liabltluy »hall nit .ri.cud 3,l T%&f% Pi it-ut-tîne t bioe.effective duall b. ratified:i-v h. tire iithutitut. ut the tuuicol dStates andlortHawisi. No su-uunisnisuls' of t sy gtstuity lui Lillue- kaant ot Kaiaiuloni. Jau'on Enter.a s l'otes. ifetunu'thsefitai egnunut ut the trcaly tlte S.urstury o<ut Sate cas preunted Ob tut-mal u-u sIly the Jupues ;iitetn- ment. thto-iyh ils lgatiu,tt. aegitultttht c-enu1uunuit *l of ut ii. - ru-'nt. Ilelt praIr entinundishi-iMuitu le tats On sp- pre-,ison tIie llte s".-ial iretffl anon' euussung bletiveen Japton andt Hawaul. u- mer wiv .<h lie .lapane. enjumi atasges. si eiib affecteS injiuriouudzy by compet., EilîIlONi STONE MOT GUILTY. Tii. Naval Courlt rInquliyAcqut., the Yoang Lover. seretar, long ha.s ei.cVé4 heticreport ut tht- court ut Iequiry betore 'S wiu b-ta- Cousit-reeS edEueuat4ltone, attacheS te duthell-ilbiStai.. nonitun l'urtlna. &i" bie fri-.nd, Entigu Osaborne-, outhte Ter- uvr, cii "oblainint- estrasuce to a bomne- MueaS under tala. pretenae, hziniay, prenu-u.alesily anSdvuitl>malice afure- tbuu(lit. lieu andt des-e aflemptina bil cur. cajole, uentrent anS by various etos-t MýbofAs du teibutte Kt -Thé, Or.afest germen 'Dr. Talmace lt &tniqauedai i EsthRller v., TI.question, quittent tlousando Ée Matinsare thile th tla. L"What se cst resesAf or revu «Osemi nd inte Wlutat wiftt hou, le bi atitfai et "u elde«t que Paun 5 o4eiuec vIN IfboeAruhbt douanes! lb. emba uh.sot affclghf.d anvers, - 00 îen ut aul et di. sena, n-lei 4de by thée300,00 tête langer uBomube lm subjeste. n- occaed in ebur Scestras un p baudtitrontuti ftntofut rlump Me ori-ridhm be tbe queen.'" Beginnitli n-If ta due mowusng urbtre b@ aIt ee ihbuy e lias sidaes, uimpbel.. a m I g -i . s u a itonj. , 1 iy le Jeans Christ, 1 deelAre I. test di. migltiet c te-clay if the fi Mue %btat iuu u Davidi ansithi. tue hrne ot i onumt tfouuhq buev of ber hi me" fhauu duc i! mis thde byrnu *thm 'h. doe. me 4ec acorrUpt Te very dtinlg orlebrated prc * repsio leeau te ming con pole heaces Scourt aurrotind court vuir rujund VIII., or n-hat laing lle.tirai ettL1.". XI., Romonn-bt. r. nd theta toasts, Andl Il dans,.ansi th veilimu tut flucietiauu daus th i .i-Waian uM andi let the. dit &Mni .raebosuei .«Yi eur. os ti liuo.ce@i boust. 'd thbesM ' V'WIat n-it c dua llu-triouu Weald ohe hai ilu uuoveca $b evc-nty-c bus'dday, bed gtnd pnncitlu. diere lbavceb.. *estaltei l ati'> have.' arrui"l t "eonries und ver, tare. T dl. in their I9 ltées, snd t landue lfiez. ebau'act-rite y bave ceaduesi country. In leis fthemi ju ors m4be duer téie. ut dot flua overn-hclî " a. ulcuthe 1 vîcesi lire e.., but ih diat lirectioc b uadvTe&uf a litela ouw k Auerlansuaau am. ven hio attr Üh. dus fjouin deati,1 tue bWal," a. meus, or -Di. 61a0mojgh It i du. vengeait- hlm. Plie agmonte onst * ge&t tluat eVt hunuai unervt tosaina s"a otrevul wiif fnl ona. Queeu VI( aauul siuut t sience. acetn gevily. Il il ces, t'ut it oilars thec lires roui s the nations1 ofu good lion cime. (-netu pense babils the, jailer in andi for mu- hen. let me s Brituiin o1tg this aucenea enadîteou bt'KINl,".s-'e ativoti o fruit tattI abute trecs,.helb. tall ummer cotage is aut cuuulltl'y iolatcd ns tisantl Il inn-e a thouisend muiles ft-um the na- tional captal. ,titi. muetbs-e. a onst iniute acquaietaetie nithithe igeugrajihu et tIc sadjacentl coutrluinonter lu inti the bouse. ut ail. It isn eacheti by a nr- non'lune 'uuieuh lut-e ns u rom th.tin roaS about bl aamlle belon'tduc saihi villnge ut Badlltun. Ph. tiretaighigbfut4h. hboue. lu diseçu- pointt'-ig, for Ik seenffl sin-ul. But i.lst Mise e nul appuett fi-oui fie fr'ontf vis., fýoc ivice malit-jtde hum lu fte Snivesusiy if jues-en ilal de o' bullt ie-euufcquile a t-cuti ulfaaiee lie t-ar. Il le f io stories la -buighit. ntticr the tYheout mauY Sontuern. blosise, atutS iere sre porche» nti vesansns oiahI aSido'.. lie bouse in funtistied h-andwuotehy fluougliont. Tels)inla aFen- Lime&.. miss fac>-Peruet. agi-t 18 ypmis. toui-rutLof l-isitPlerdtue. a t-mbhuuuubk- or etfJluun. Kain.. haut elopeul 'uihbFcs-' Waller, an tuniibotuS. ud wisum ei tu hlm at'Letvenuit-fi. 'n. remOliitut- braves outhei, Sioux trlbes have î.tifoncd t-ie Cusernuieit t ot pes-tiiionluitrea nuwutuunmetftoner ths gave ut ie lu-a ivrriors alannt etlt batIléetf Vuuuded Knee sevm ycre at-o. Applicatiolun'es» made at Pittaburg fou, a 4uivet- for duhe Wefftmotiatud Pir- luich Comipany ioni <tcount ut Il, inabil- 117 to pay 3P7'000 muets-due. lThé e ahe Ineuethe flpantan d SProhur velueS a. Albtert Beanco, sud Tbomn..uOlsen go lae rientir ws-E-eai tttetlmel

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