Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Jun 1897, p. 4

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Morgan caleti attention te ot th. tarniff bilf te provîie -4peal o!f te income tsi. leu. by the. Wilson Isrif bill de- lb te uneoistittioial by the Court. lHe sait be WvaSield bhW titi uutprovîte for lis ap- '111111us if it vere lait lapon the. -book, a change lu be court mmia I t tu be sustalueti. 7lro oger pie& for sons action ou of taisgovenumaut that viii aeePnce 10 Cuba bas beau put ~&tia lhcontainet lun an omeiiai *5stpreiîrd Iy thte Agrlcniturmi ~~#5it, abowiug onr trada vitb 1q9*ha for s perioti ut years. For ithe 'ý,jàW ea 193, our commence viii gurnouted to $102,b",204; ton *mnal yeat 1146il hati troppedti t êtMNflAi0, anti astimatea for thse fiscal 144os 7 M place il et legs iban 1V»,00041 The. administration la nioving very1 liisr.y tovarde lte Inauguration o! Un. Caban poiicy. Gen. Wootiiord,of0f Xt. Y., hms beau nominaieti minuster lx) Spain, and tae ufficla staiemaut modie tisai a-Congressmau Adrich, 0f 11., viiiabortày bc nonilateti Conani-Gen- orllto1 Cuba. But tiare la lutile pro. hsbity tat lt ber of ibem illiib. ai Utâer pont inside of a motb, andthie 10ee,poley la not to ha starlti nUtl -Ge. Wqotifordigelate tu adrîi. Re- Pffl emys tif.pôlicy viibe ta roquenti %$smeto vitbdrmw bar troupe anti ai-1 low Ouba tu bave bonm, raie untier à lmiàr ,e that In Vogue lu mdtit Spain la viUliug, pro.i * E*lS t ibis géuerumeut cau per- féaite the. rebellions Cnbaits te mcepi %M~ te agnea go assuma tha detiaof metsrWy luortien te ,ý bis 1ova Laruarouan t tartis *Mxoa , mailiomatie break 10 M»e avai asaiate secret. ne sid r. it cdi~sy crcumten e . ,*0»eiedte amnnxatlon. bai ibat b erustitis a a aama was nedmta ptt Bavait lu poosesson ef l*iVWm4Mb,~.lveftdmanuexon. Thor- boàgth ie wviie. atryof ta. burry- 1îd"et Ibo iaeatifor ith. annezation «j$ avil, icb Prlslti.nMcKiley beffl. 100 week. 1$ voulti >st. é eil6ola tUnmenyva, but the d- m1lâiaflon roeuiiî isarnet of a plot ou oe part 0t the Japunese on the tgi.4An dthie friands o! the ex-Queeu, nih la la Washington,ati vbo matie ~eesbouffe protes @agdanat the. 01 enoftae treaty, te overtlsro à@ pvaunt goverument of Hawai anti u;é pcone of their ovu, viti tbe alti- qw ý49Iseguo! turuing tli siuts over #5,sandt t causedl the treaty te .. te BeSnate maih esrier thoan il i« eti hiervise have Sona. The Jap- g4aceSverniseut bas Kai aong tieniati ilâtitb âlat sy grabbing intention bD*agda Hawaii, ant ieitsdeniai May ,Iw'e beau perfecli bon.sta ant lmay ' , eibe " intirèly ignorant of tise -*îte ovrturu the Havaien Goveru. as.Astis.information conoerulug liais plot vsas ssecret anti vas uot *,tioMn hea.Preaien'a message fuefan»ilag tise treaty, tiplintate re- .dM»gis a bd break on the. part of Eleritani Siierman te bave publlcly il, andthte Japanea. minis- t e »egarde bis baving douesno as ai. Met o ntiait te bisaountry anticons- aquenlyin 18omeviat dilsgrunnîid. ,.-bffrearit opposition enougb to tb. ýý ti tylua th eiete uprevent Ins rai-. >1 àt*on, but tiare Là eunugi to iLake ~bdebate quite iengtby, neofh le lu- i-*Mtetitoa sow il 10 go te tie 'Vegular session. 'BetWenSeeti'rime andi Harveat. - la s gooti opportun lty tu inquire about farmng "ade lu Bouta Dakota. I. ely one dsy's rida froin Cicago. Boua1tifai crops of Wiaat, Corn, Bariey 4.4 FViairevardth te tiller ofthe soil. àar s stock ant i ry county South »"ako leadsmdl tLe wvend. lirai ies lWmlantvthnearby uakets cmn «, e beugât for $10, 112, $15, anti up- usai. p. acrdat bis 18 the time te avst.ForfurberParticulars write P Gaeo. li Reasorti, eneral Paseuen 0-mRt Chicago. Mlwîaukee L B.Paul Oetway. Olti Coony BuIldIng,Cicg 'ri hin jw a6rasa carafuiy kapt lést vinifia *omerlsce1 fo" "liefollovins W î ive cm" i B . D ocAN.MMi "outigla Yearling boe, M ant ww O.CLW. Lsuorns.sscboüai alnBsli tte rnoou$.,vile aâ a W ab the Boks atmLgsou ........».......... me M io .,.............. U e .......s i nskal Slie artisaI tmise Rocksths ât lia ibis 18he uugSw n turelIe-, bre I i iq pp a 1 noge semisrvs foet aW 1 ia id% thong up be 1 Bmour abocertbq tiou 1 otm t, isa esteevoei tian 5evs cnluoa -, T. m iilb am- egos IleSa h i.-E 35b70g YAk. Esus ilin. as kepi bnsy A. Twed tisitti Waukegau on huai. meou seemUy. Qulte à aumber front bore are attend- tue the .veaing meetings ut port Hill. FarilEsiliton, f orRins, visteti bis cous3na Le. snd George Tweed Friday. The. estrtalument t the Fort Hml abtril riday evenlng wus a decîdeti C. lisible la entertaning a large numberof friands trois the cty tbigi nmmner. The. avening meetings belti ai Fort EH i ii continue urougi the vaek. Tiers vill be meetings inoraing andi evening on Bandai. Bnuday Sebool at 10 o'clock. Thei. mbers 0ft the Fort amlihurchi vinitet express their thanks for the. ivo lampe Mai seo alantern doflateti- te thae by Mr. George Batteraball VOLO. Mies Jeaute Gale, ut Elgin, ln visitlng oid friands anti nelgibors a& Volo. Tii. Grant Caiueiery Society viii mnet .it isir.Bd j. lRussel Fndsî, July 9. Mn. Isaac Nobles au olti and muci respected neighbor vas laid te >rat a lev dayasgo. Tins one by oua &bey are p.ssig avay. Tue.aamy worm tlia imateie isap- pearance bore morne tinte ego seematset b. dYlng, à1tbougii tbey daiuaged sav- erai ha! fSelds and on. place of oata va bave hourdi of. Mrt. Thiomas Flsber, vbo livas juat vaut of Volo, bati two eovs kîlleti by ligblning oua nghlgut1meyak, anti severai otheres uiocked. geverai herses ver. aiso injureti. Durlng th.lest week or tan tdeys, Ibis section bau been viateti by copias raine vhich bus cansetimach na»Joing among the.fermer&. Bei ore tihe nain came leelto grain sScroly covereti ta. grounti, and corn vas very hack- yard, as ntay o1 the farmera boea plsuteti over ithe ihird thue. Vole bhs ai lesntiad a:circus Roger Ooeto uboveti ber. isat Mondai, rnch~ te th. gratification of the, amani bore, wbo vtira vailrapresented: a&Mo sont, of out olti boyu. Tii. anali boys of- course wve.dligbteti, but the thera are quiet on theaubjact. Froux reporta tbay tii net giv. very good satlistaction. Mr. andilr&, C. D. Smith, of Lancaster, Oblo, are visiting ai Mr. Riobert Paddock's, lra. BSmitah% fatber. Tlher many friandseati ueighbors biti taon a beauty velcoine, W. bea" ta.y bave nesignedt ueir positions ai thie efor actsecl et Lancaster &sier tveutY yeas of ftif ai service anti are &bout te locate at Oak Park, Ili. Weekly Crop Bulletin. Tbe tollewlng le the report sent ontby the Illinois Departinent of Agriculture for tbe veek entilng Jwune 21, 1897: The temperature lu the noriharu sec- tion averageti ironi 5 te 7 par cent daily aboya normal, axceptinl the northesi countias, wbere h fel]off te i pan cent aboya; ralufalrau froni a quarter of au isêhinluextrema soutbvami counnues te about tour luchais in soutb LaSalle, (iruntiy anti soutb Kendall. Thbe havy rananud vsrm veaiben caused iunarkati improvement avenywbane; corn bas grovun apldly; os, grasses, gantiens ati potatoas are rmnchiprovad; edoven being out, vitit tain yieid, timotby viii b. light. Oata are boasIng rathar abhort; ryt fair; vbeat net mucli boue- fittet. Charries are oming tu imarket; trawberrias uaarly exhaugitI. W. liePALMER, WeTEUiOO. IOWa. &~,e " fg ,M"a. N"vi6, A OUen do»a Bat stnys indict. cessumsiia r. W. H. Palmeor, e! vitis s savonuetateso!tihe bro.ciIs tubes, vilcisderl"& lut. saerinas prou- Ien..1I vs nw vesk I ccmld sot ait up. I so» slop fotr "axcep uhen undar lie la- 09 etcutsis<For four moîtsa I u. bd that I miah die - Oct liaidIt ba dgt me fus tie icaorua ser oo or1,ainu. glai ate s osIIv guisteâs. atellme beeisanmuo EtuisiE ButaoS Rmi sutBena sa fruet.s appluate. DE. NILUMUDIC tue0., IRialai. I ---r' Ch«a. l"thhm te Dafluque, ~ lIa.,tebhagoemaek. GRAYSLAKE J. C. Co.. of!Bavinla,vas ou our - *nu . a. muý strees Thr@dA. lira. Nberiua sanîborizadt terae The Llbertyville Cnesmeny bas dis- for the INInEPxiNEZidaso orders fi 8continneti making cheesie for ivo Guy Backnis, ni Waukegau, caileti oun Gr.AYSLAKIE SOÔiETIES. Llbertyviliia aquaisuacea thte flrsi of this eek. IBiNG MUN Lodge No. lis A. F. & A. M. thia veekS 9l oId t«uelar ,iomunioâtJon& iatfflIay Mn.EtiardDymuti o!Jafaron aveuiuau ou or bef,îr. fuîtlinoou. Park, las uaklng bauds iii Liberty- J. 1. LoiIoàuuUn, Ney, ville tientia ibis veek. 5OIIOBIB lCLaperà . .,)Ormietr iteru strm.eetruaudttIrdTlutsdaY eveug. lins. W. 0. lilubîzen anti sou Lester, Bits. L.B. SnasxaîA. W. âm. raturuadtt thier borna ln Waukegan ma@. A. M. WaRxT; Stiey. Wedisesday, sitar a veekas viait witb CRAYSLAK Camp No. 1341M. W. A. mimai laienoten, lira. <e ilingt. hriatratîuigo!ab Evrr TN rv ILLE, Y.C. The Christian Ludeavon social an- 0.0505 Hus. acierk. nounce t tabitbeitila th imminsent of MIZPAH Camp uNo. sai. N. A.meei ,feaou, the Preabytaian ciuncb ibis Frîdai> ivsud futb Tu. skliîye vnhîgshIîiioith eveiug bas boeu posîponeti outil Mas. Bazaisax. Rua..W I rue Tuesday evenlug, June 29. A short Ç-ONGtlE(IATIONAI, Churoh Sundar sur- progran illi ha ritdereti ant i gbt re- - te=-3e.m. and 7:30 in. Frayer m-.t- , etssy v"nings. .M .F ifieu tresbmets servati. Evenybody la Bandar aveiingsat ô 5. .s cordiaiiy inviteti. _________ misa Ony <iluore wa8tt tehispusît Nov la the time te contranite grov Buutiay with bearntis. cuuiuber pickles, ms the piauiing Bessmon la near nt baud. Contracte anti Mn. H. C. Paddlotk. of lýilirtyviiltm, aeati a% M. B. Coiby & Co., BSmih & vasseat n ounr mtreetmi Monîtay. Sou or Trlggis & Taylors, LihertyvlUi. IMn,. Charlotte Rosi, of Chicago, ta R. W. STAFFORD. topplng on te Rossfuri for a iew weeks. GURNÉEE. Mn. andl Ai. <(tus. linigiain, of lira. Daîziaila ls iitlng ber son lu Chîcago,iipeiit Sîînîtty witit Mr. and lova,.lins. Higley. italph Datiy Las purclsasetl a ni Summan nasOrors and vimitons are "Thisile bicycle. ecoming ln rsmre estudi atithe botels Mr. sud lins. Henry Fast nacenitly are doing a big huiistt. vlsited friands lu Chicago. Mrn. aitdilitra. Evereit Nevillte are the lins. Lizzie Nottngham, of Chicago, baPPY Parent'% Of a babt ltyrl, taris lait visîtei ai il. C. Lakes ist. Suutiay. liouday. liothîr îtnd viild are dtiîîg Tba Staffordi sabuoolclosei iast Fri-nicelY. day, anti bald a piaule Saturday. lira. Bulivinkît enttrtaiîtîîl tha Dr. sud lins, 0. V. youug, 0os te- Gaes Lake LoAilici'titi Soeiety hui crans, casleti ou friands liera tast MOtU- Tbursdsy. Several tlrayslimekImteIîs day. vene aiso proscrnt. Mn. antd lis. 0. J. (>nmsiy venu in Mn.» tndMl li. Pnîst,îtt ('tank are ai Chicago on business antsiMonday aneti Gages corners attîppîug vitî t teir Tuesday. itrotben Frank (iark mlning lis vîtes J. W. Gray bas beety at is abésence. itie will pnîîlsslly bu gtîîsu nacauly p ""' aoûntiatter Juiy tth. tent market; WIliIStranghbas lîkewise Jl t iih Citrn tyl hmpovti isboue.the C<tgregatiouai çiturch. Tha. lis Pearl iStmit iosati lier sahool exancîsas, wbieh vîli ha o? s patriotle ai Orange Hall isat Frliay anti gave natur e vîi lalw gotal and iiltuis îemired the acbolan a pieute Satantiay. that'ail who are intenusiel it the Our youug iolkis vLo bavebeau ai- cbildren viii ha presient. tending sclioul lu Wankegan are ent The Orayalake boys'Imaseitlli utine luying.tha vell-enarnati vacation, gave u ice ceant social in Mn. Hlek's The Amet liagtssope wai exhbitedl grove Tuemtday uigbt. A gissl inusl,n st Orange Hall last Saturtiay evening. Of Graysiake people were there, lîut Oniy about ona hundreti peupla vere uDot as însny an there a iuiti have heuit prosent.liait lbeitmitre aimIely kimîau. lin, anti lis. G. H. Stafford vern i lra. F. C. Wiihun vlsited with Chicago Satunday anti Bunday and tia- relatives andA fieîîîs iii Guruee andî teuie thlie fanerai o! 1I)r. Taggent, a Wankegan about a maeek andi neturneti relative,.hmeTuasdayeveîting. Miss (iuyieth Bey. A. W. Taylor closes is vork (tîl-by tomok charge of the blsîly duriug Lare nai Suuday, unuJean arrangeenits bier absence. cau he niada te retasu hilmataituin- Aîuuug titis week'm viibîrs iii('iii- creaseti sslary. tiago venu Mesdames Turnken, ltenebaîî Hear the Cnovn Orchestral pianto at andi Higley, Misses%('tra Aumtini sud the concert, whieb vill ha given ai tbe Anîtabelîri Wbhituttîe, Ars, lieu. Waite, Christian ehurhborLana orunabout iMni. lWaynie Harvey atIe ber iothen, July 10. Exact date givau nexi vaek . lins. Etiarîls, 1ev. Harnis, Frt:îl Bat- Wa country- peuple tltnught Bar- iersball anti Dr. Shittler. numus ireus bhad comae tu tovu lis Mlra. Sitaffer hm tii lemmtto ,!nmvn itunday moning vlban several tis of wbeel purtnedit froit E. B. Sburninî aiomaihiug snd a tirans.baud passeld athebDtiitor is teanîtig thi rile. tbrougli. The soniiething proving km ha Lynn Hiarvmey, Mir. Beierm and Mri. s fav Waukagan pleasure sîekens an- Saylea ama, opmîelttsud lieds a t lte route fon the lattes. sate lace t neeuttly. Mn. ant i lis. 1Liiwayne hurge vent LIBERTY VILLE MARKET. tmii Lihatyville lait week hi starttinse- (.Jrnottiiîyth Mndant uen Tistsiay jkeepiiig, Mn. iturge tuas purtîistasiait Core,ýod y te Mrchntwver Th,.,ay.intenestinii the Elsîntit Lîglît Plant iIutter-Cr.anery ...........Si 14 O S 17 uî 1 iîluisqiitl li i Butur-Cbotue Dairy.. ..... Ioile à4 nake thtm irhomut ai lacettt. May Eggs. tienrtozen ................9,7 (S 08good i i attenthon]bti. Potatous. par btahel ........ ...25 è 0 i.laa ole ir agteMs Wood-diry. per cord ........t mat se60 BeuMn, sader o, loen Nobileh, Mrs. Coal-Hard. per toa ......... a75 4,7 , Baidaynti li r iIîî îîIo, CoalS,,t. er .n. ý ....... tou à & ite loine oft]kirs.litetîîtî. Ars. Nobile Corn. lien l.itî,sh ItettIt.... 28 L4 viIu 30e lmjteaib intlub Osis. per hushat ......... 18 49 19 ibwe brhm wtte magi Grounit tuait............ .. 0inth ftutre, antîheiblange m111nt1111 î Bran, lier ton .... ..... 9St e IoS 10 lit bndbd spe e a tcestapiitn 1mier : Mittilings. ver ton 9s te 5lm)ii60 brGdmedaecranpofo CoraMuai lie ton..........~ esteeuti ini ltel mbuas ltii ititis Born. van mton........ g 1 2o coinity.Many regre.ts vtei- Hoa.rk.iraoeopIb.s:uis...... 3( a 3 25 prussed ai ber ileparture; but sIte vîi Bam.t. tAteslierialis:t.........: 4 o (4 425unika frienils alierever sht goei, anid B(ý. ettl, pr w 1,s ...... a75 3 6ve truîsittat lisppttîess andîlvouiteijt- Veal. catvee. dressait per Ii.... loi 15 >8aient yull au-tiiitlaty lir in tirer u.' bolieaiuiti(r tait year.4wililbuuntawnel Cheap Rates. wvîîb pâe. Tht Wigeonteiu Central linos vîli seti excursiou tickets Jîîly 3, 4, snd 5, to pointu vltbin s ratilus of 2W> uiles ai one anti ou@ ihirti fana ton the nround trnp. Limiteti for retuîrn passage tri ue iîîctutiing July 6, 1897. @top suffaritg 1 Try 1Dr. MltesPala PlUs. DrO0.BHowe Tret 4,tIp titi ýily ani met -smimil t7 THE TURKEY. FLOCK. irj-titimof ttw iiuiiglt:bsrt. lt PU.ta E-P ith. Bird. Far thé Christ- tni*y,, eITtIt il, wîîîî toi0 ier , I lîaid- .555 Marital.Skiat itita -ztetio, xsiiigles, salt It i l; otuntil tht middtle of 10"Aio îeîîicaî htî, utî.ponai venihen tiat ta. turkeyu quit roving the ,apis îîssmy~tîîtîi tî.r tub fild@ anti vootis iu quest of fond. Iany riligwiirlii. lierpaît, zter, antîlail fornîsi jersons tblu libat it l8a as"tu keep 0f eutitý,tus cuttitn, blîteback- them afier they quit bantiug for tiient beatI, te., iurdInîiîerntaneiiily. alvee. bai sncb in a mistaken tides, anti Miltîes ant ipertiIoiitain renîtiseil ve belleve ve can plainly show another virbiont painit iy 4ilt4inlymltî. aide go the question. W. il yuliitalDinsýt.e.' tf the nervotti systeiu, a drove uf 40 turkeys uold on tise ifita etiramttieuia. ioâttttitr ataxia, pro- of Novausber for the Tiankiagirlug mar. gressîve Itaralyi is, iaaiabe, nauralgia ket avenigeti là poanida. Theusme tan- St. Vittis tanee~, seltatit lunîfnla, cpi. Ikeya kept outil tho mitidle of Dîembed tapay i eei y German methoti anti voulti aiverage là ponts. Theprica for eIectrolysis. the. Cbitniums nket va neyer kuovua Rhetsmalunui. actieo, anietiarn ita- tu b ee tien la If a %ènt above the enlan. intiamutatory, ant icîual Thâankagivng market, andacome yaars i goutpoi ively ctrati y a utew anti bas beau a cent baller. iscceasul proceaa. Piguring tbe Tisanksgflviug market et, 0Sanatheti Christmas market etS0 , weO. B. HOW E, M. D., f"iait tetue nkeys are wartt for lia1 Tbsnksgving markal 72 cents; for lie Office ut Hotel Woodstock; Suite Christnmas market, 97 %onle, a Sain on 28 and 29. emci inkey of 85gf canis. The gain ou WOODSTOCK. - - ILLINQIS. the. 40 viilb. $10. 20. Aliovlng tlit- half u"iiluooura ewh daaawonld b. HOURS: -litto12 %e. in 3 tlait to la bubelu.wicisa cents parbusis. M P. m. EVEIII DAY EXEIr 81K.Ç eloulbo8I6 ne -rfit--.-- Dv.May econ8ullti Slîîîîays muni 8 tit Ptie hm noushaw uith Dr. litis' Pain s P6ls.ial a. ni. sud 3 to 6 p. ut. au Rest Cottiage, Wanconta. 111 j-F. BAIRSTOW. ofit irru NMarble ELOCAL NEWS. faRnm. 'meàsB~. fr lob printiug.CaI ur or rates. Schooi closeti on Wetinesa"y of thua w'"k. Out ot those Who book the final exaininatiln seven Young ladies paased. Tburdy eveising thi.gradu- atIng exercises vitre beld ln tue seol hon«, wben they recolved tutur diplomas eutitllug them tu enter a ahfgb school witboat anotber examina- tion. Tho"e wbo grsdnated vere: Emina Wilson, liable Wicks, Carrne tAustin, liernice Domboki, Mable murgatroid, Belle Hllandam Emmua Marrie. -ieget i h rylk Aniong Ieget tlt rylk bte] the pat veek were: Ban Westaich, Burlîngion Wla - A. B NIek, Liganier, mnd.; h~r. Heidinan t vite, Elinhurat: IL. BlPaekbnrn, Wiu. Ferris, Milwaukee; A. E. Clark, Mf. Clark andi S. J. Lea, Elgin; C. 0. Wedel, tMnkwonago, Wis.; A. A. Walbridge, Belûit Wls.; D. L. Chase, Madison, Win.; k. R. Wilson Kauasvilie, Wis.; 1C. H1. Ford, A. Bl. l'ruwn, B. OBrien, E. Cimnbel, P. A. Stewart, Chas. Uoliues, B. P. VanCourt, if. co)k aud min, Sin Schneider, Jas. Stîlîvaîl, Arthur MinitihW. E. Wheeler, J. C. Hart, J. W. Keeler, W. L. Landin, H. N. White, J. A. MeLain, C. 0. -Bayer, F. B. Ainaut andi W. E. Gmm, Chicago; J. A. Atinas, Sterlinîg, Il. Gaood Things 10 Bars Lenox Soap Lemons per doz. Apples per can ýArbuck les Coffee per lb. 25c. 12c. 4c. Ilc. TERMS CASH. D. Da BATTERSHALLU A Com Darison. Grayslake - -, - - lilinois. A Missouri ponitryman smyesinThe __________________________ Br.edar's Gazele: 1 bave for yeis madea specalty cd t breetis-Barrati Plymoutha Bocks Ue iunmy lite 1bavebheenabe to gir.C> S v tuew esibreed i atongi attention 1 Set ai ¶retUy iiuirongh Ides as $0teïer gRond andib. f toras. ItjK- .,, am e dvrtesmyowMoney by buyiuig here. stock. 'ios bo breais are un velI kuovît andmi n exienuavely breti by theeDr coountry people thai a fev vormis 'cas RAD oe I In ail Lines of Goods, DyGos burt nu oneansd may do soet. guoi 8117s Grocerfes, and Bargains for Bicycle as ta niaturily. ap tu ivo montasoitdRdesto th. maies of Use two valeati.n ver. Rdenoo near alike tual t mnecasenry oput tbemnon thee si« o d.ettany diffn. Ladies' entire Bicyce Suits $ 2.OO)to $7.00 en.Tie lewonnussdifference wu in M66 si2.Ot 70 Plmut oc ckees gingeb ~Boy-s' allwool Suits 1.50 pouds nt 8 vseks oid,vbila tires Wyou. Sweet Corn per can .05 <lottes vaigbat ô pounts ant cin <ic& Yas aer lu ta. femalethe. Plymouths Rocks YatW fr 0 ver. Mvay attendtiree of ton emvel1. Prunes per lb .06 ing 5pountis and 8 ounces, vile the 1 Can Good Table Peaches .10 Wyandtotes veigbet but Il pountia andi Il odBryCfe 1 1 nonces. Both badthtisainae cameanti bGo eryCfe 1 vere batchet i sente mtiontand tihie saie berna. Nov a watt lu regarmd te Plyrenth Rocks .wer fSnistck oanti We have a fulll une of ladies fancy Dresa Gooda-- ant in lut case orer standard vaigist, Shirt Walsts and Wrappers which we are selling at wo tbere vas no adraniaga toeluer aid, n0 far au 1h18 la concerne& .Assàitroilir, the Lowest possible Prices. If oely the maies of the tva breeds ai. to e o.usetilier. le rlrtnslly no differ- suce lu lhe tva breetis. but illithle- Csill and see before elsewhere. maies un inbW nsai tàen the.Plymoatis Rocks are decidedtii ihast. Ai mata- rity the twobraedaillemnetostantddF .K e k r veight w nemi togetier tisat theienisF H.K bk littie or no differeuce.BikSoe. GRAYSLAKE,IL NOS As 10 their isyiug the Wyandottes layBik tr.îî~>~ s trIio smallar agg tissu tise Plymouth -_____ in a panutflen hans if hie mm@ csre ia gv tu hotb breetia. Tiese tandardm i cycle veiu<ht of the Wyandotte@ ie absut a poundunuder lbheJPlymouth Rocks. stili il tskes anlong to mature oueansethéi Corne in and see the other; wn if lire valghi s ans 18 n»Y particular atiranlage then the Plymouth Rocks bava lb. adiantaga aspin. But tie Wyandottew% like the black bornei, luchf r 38 0 tht race, coma 10 lie front vitis age, an o ac f r$ 8 O a Wyantiotte lien vsll keep palting ou veight unlil ah.@lin or 4 yesrs old mat in always tender snd easy tooook. ubile F w e o 0 0 s PlymouuthBock beu viii saiteaa stantitili ai 2 yaars. of âga anti afier tbaît tmeasbut poor estlng. <o «Y th.BcceRearne S eil leasI. As vinten layera they are botb iyl earigaS eiiy footi. anti h la doubtful if thare ame Ivo btterhnoats intheustandardlinthspar- Complete Line of Sundries always on Hand. NOTICE. MW VUILLE, THE OPTICIAS, WILL BE I4EAE ONe FRIDAY.JULY 2. AND EVERY TWO WC£ KS TI4LAEAFTER E. B. Sherman, GRAYSLAKE, Lsmd t. dis...'or pbsOe@, viidumwp ties, W sd.L-.if petSi.bis or us.% fra, w chuers. Our f«.nsa" t lii à hu.o 'm bue. dtg 0.A.SNOW&00. HaCkn.y Staillon. For alie or trade, une Importeti Hack- ney Staillon, eight years olti. SAteL 1. Pop£, Liberty ville. ILLINOIS. ACOMBI NATON OFFER.. WE OFFER FORA SHORT TIME ONLY THE CHICAGO INTER OCEAN AND LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT ... At the tollowing renqankabiy loy figure viien --clubb.d" or ordoed together Wakiy luter Oceau *nd Indepanei1 year ......................... $1uM DaIly 1 ..i........................ ... 4 70 DMan suBndai lnt;er Ocand iIndependent i yftr ................. 4iii u NSYSTEMMAT>lIGALLY (3rallite1 BUYSA NICE SMINO SU IT Or OVERCOATI U3>ibrtyvllle. Illinois. Completà Lino of Fancy 81kVesting on IIand. mo n uni u lit s. CEMETEItY WOIIK of EVERY DESCRIPTION- .oiapuiace In the lead with great bargains in Extention and Canopy Top Surries as weil as Single Seat Carniages and Farm Wagons 'Make Us a Bid on Springtooth and 6 Shovel Cultivators, Mowers, Rakes atrrd Binders as we will beat the lowest. Bindlng Twlne, Barb and Woven WIre, barghins ln Boots and. Shoes and Blue Flame Stovez. 9Buy your Carnlage and Wagon Paint of us as we lead -in quallty and 7Price and ought to know whichis best. Se. SAM at Llbertyville anîd GEO at Wauconda., Unsystenl'atically -ours, Tr L ibi Ove w.'.'-.

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