Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 2 Jul 1897, p. 2

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A yit te on f dt th. hoiaithav-e Mi coralog," idh t ne etthe sh]F .0 EICODED Ah "mo r e c ob aee M m om r " " àgM o t a o n t M n N oP Uta le , s ir , b y qesteahy ud n m.T ha t n o eleaetions -"»Meu ntin. Ilt, youe gÆgnth Neer srved sutan Afiter twoinMares, ouradggafernoons should lebe hld edmou? Did you come ln for the col- Physicien et New Haven Killed bya(tehldPly nor gShahm rv of work "LIank" Everon saidlihe wasn'tAerose the briny Ored extursion?' h ilg aabl-Npril . ancestor, gaings"Io waste any More of W* etimeatero,sdh, "Te@. unh, 1 sho' did. Dat's what I 'Farmer Boys $5,000 WIorthe of Ex-ty - My great - gireat - 'Ibrée of the boysAagreed with imal.but "i tax the tes comed for. madpapa! Wig Spmec'w«&s a opersuad« Dick Of all hieselone and "'Ihen yoatil a day too lae. The ex. perience from Two card tiwindleriskhmtrofhegn voagowgsc A thlenl [nais a- and Jack to a ke one MOre trial daughters" curton eremted yresterday, but, unle, o lios u l*vnrtecot n Dien my te aTenx ih H a adn h ultt, Then down lhe satnyou cau have aInice little excursion by Wittet Muedir of Dr. Tanner. iltiI i lfilt.Mn i-d gçeou w ord he'di long doeferedimdrg mpe. Suddely it beasn to pull, and, And blustered Ilke a Grandee"usl, if "oUlike. " Dr. J. H. Tanner, al physiciant of Newik as hi *"al;" asitedf by Jack, he drew It carefubiy in. And in deýrPIson made il tune , "Weil," iawered Unele Joshway, re1 ae,0toni.alti ony a »t estheil it.e Atthbe end W«a aimantof anags. Caled "Yankee Douidle Dandy. mree audyb ila ae 1e e Wiyou thendr"ha'ta?'aotd ik det. akeDode teeae atthe village marsha.l.'The trouble datr, IM wVrheht"W i plled the .rope n« r iapd J*M ' Yankee Doodlle Dandy- back to last Christmas when Wade, dur- il[eaot2lirvn.fal the freedom paean eite ct flng aro., Iws nen Dwa o Uur te'll axIng a street duel, shot a hoie thron::h rihe surge-Hike, through the delle- a gun ,baram*k, rusted, o relgni M doctor's ign. No attention was paid tr DsieÉi rc t. ueosrmr à lng Inhose echoes rang Forgettng that hie was on a raft, Will John seat the tesairomller the se&, the matter at fthat time, but the doctor Poaltu h oitpato h ii adsern au en tle, ' threw up bis cap and shouted aititre top But hether Hymenon rea was recently arrested for killinnga. SLthe proud hurrah, o of ic e.: e r b1ardIt stated. In retalintion lhe revived the 1ease aigamslt fo htcnpn i iniee ne to the people,Wev found 'em! We've found 'em!" The nat ni to peut began; Wade. Dr. Tanner was sitting InL front amprt aaeet ih0 .Pt t1 brual ritp pa.But rthough they dragged ia hour they tilaid a stronsgembarg- of a store chatting %vitil som ried s e itebnteoi-aso h ok e net is con;cor tbinaunthngele'Threw overboard the eargweo.eaprahdfombhn n coetdto be - I dctn'tse how we canl ever get the Then Johnny sent a regiment shot him twlive, the second Ahot catuLsingov.Nfwibtliiig - '.i' catif or;thing@ up Leven il they aile there," said BIg words and look& to bandy, death. Theavicti camento New tlave anighbor wondered Dick. Whose martial band, when near the land dnl."i itiicm uNwHvnIIar.I.., . a wone unredDive." answered Wili, quietly. Played "Yankee Doodle Dandy." fromt Canada four years ago. o an ido nte tfýtn h twetyyersag! le ther two boys lookied at himn with Yankee Doodl;, keep t itlu. 1Fornmer flosn $3,000 et Monte, h ltn famriahgdt aebo t h .,1 ahorroit. Dut when they partedl for the Yankee Douidle Dandy. Ai wrz elt-ofpe ex .l lr! ighat Will bhid expressed is tires lnt aken- oodit taxyourIL p, ear Nap rvile, %was swindled out of $ . on ogIlife of la-e and strife, titonlaoft åvjeg te the battomntoasee if ]he of. -.... 000 cashlbyetwo sü·angersby the three-i un be could find the cannon. And the Dnt day A long war then they hadl. In which cr ot gm.HIasnprnl es-ra-rad'mi, al l even of the boys camle back very fmuch JO hIrA a t rdnnutlh is o e atng t0by Lfrm ooii inime, -Ilip1b1 i rhyme excited. 1he findIng of the gun barrel Ta diå hietxioo s th marc. h The stranger said hie knew nothing about 1lcac - li mlerrifi Ir iFm reat-grandPppa had reassured them. Carefully they poled cote Jonathan, toee them idy, Wlaud, and induced 31r. Schwartz theto ge ork Harald. ~~out no anDot to make the wter mudd, Coldnot restralin his launghter ad n nue r i ,vsIIfl rlk l lr tiio and then Will stripped and stood ponisd "Thrat tune," said hie,"'suits to a T. along to look ait a place. On their wakyth It-vaal for a moment on the edge of the raft, Old Joh 's r % after." tsrae they were met by),a scn party minur-1,.f, Iiizr-nliI li- HOU0GSVIL LE'SDich haed ineW-ed that lie lie a raile afound Was da"-ed wiElisie'"andandy, i' '"the w"""" Napervi" e.The met-ut '"*.tu.Ii, eea him. The word wras given, and, wi-ta a E'en while hieswore taosing no mure' ended lin a three-,ear<l monte gamie. .Mr. (fgld rn C N ON. look at the blue sky aboure, WiHl splashed The "'Yankee Doodlle Dandy." Schwartz drew oooutofth illilorii ireusIme the bank, O hepad-first intalthe SulMtager's Hole, They Yankee Doodle, ho! ha! hie! and returneod fto win bmek sm of thle .saw his whte body go down and datwn Yankee Doie Dandy-' money aready lost. Instead of phaying Ln nurnenov ysver • RIGG»SVILLE ta through the -ater and then fade out of We kept the tune, but not the-tes, the gaime, hoe>(ve.r, the money wIa1" pm 99 .n ý hl .,trydl' ir. sigbL.Nu one moved nor uttered a sound; Yankee Doodle Dandyl a tin bxxanid iuirned over it f Mr. Si h w a r z btil t oi very«usewars strainedl and every eye Ve toid you now, the oriin for safe keetping unitil to,\t daowenth gan taahae fied on *te wter. It was a eritical of tiemost lovelyditty.e' -tttraner was toIret urn. N. t injrnina e tilwasxon t aeMomeut. Wha" would Will find ? Would WhIch Johnny Bulldialltkes au duli "DA T's wHUT 1 CAL'I s MOIYI" bMr. .hwat hreeied lttflfimnth b at 1.e bebucked down to his tdeaith asSuHin- And ea id-what a Pit1 ug fetvly Imgh eka olhs uh, tranger saiying lhegwa gid nt aH l),'tLh Grgsil antger hadlbeen? In chorue full and hearty; "A dollar'l carry you Io I31onrole and fools were deadî.illItl "f)le-:,p.paor Griggville wam't But the rope bti ceased to spin efirough On land or main we breatha the @train ]aeyufu et v-. ý ttor ,l l i amioux taOnst OR Dick'sand. Thenla it pulled again and a John made for hi. tes party. Bee o or et vr anu. Herself in c.hnrch rireerackers an ddosnfe wyfrmteba e omatter how we rhyme the wrdls, "Al righit, minter. 1I low 3onroe à a 3rs. CTenedit 'mothrg -f s arlesIT nr have a balloon as- hemd poppedtout of the water. Will And whemusictefaircatn anthe air in" iTonus ple fur meto spen' efday istn, chy itf nsu,,t he IIInotiil up.mi.knI,,%, ffn , enaion, with gr shook h*mWsf, sputtered and shouted: Of "Yankee Doodlle Dandy?" - i. Te nl oha okofhstnir tJht omte uuea twrkls in the »ee- "It's there, lit's there;~I toucheit !" coat, nipped open the pickret containing urday night. She in some m:umeor galilAf!Ll oier, ffi ing. Quite the con- Un heetnek out for the raft, dire- YankeeDodpdri and trues, hi@prse, and took out a big shinling siù- an entrance fto heSweish iist .gt fII.,iil.I tray o h orhgn cntigaogi i ad hn Yankee Dod]e Daody, ver dollar. This was handed, w"t lin- Church urinlg the night, tamlillitla ftl a.r LI: l1L.ilt.iu of. July inthe PAUst ecrawled oat:he laid an old. won, rut- Yankee Douidle Dandyl gering fondne«e to the lounger, who soon celothes linle lhanigýl hersceffrom thel..rail.ii bl >ilig.Sritm hadl alwaya been the ed manskemeIlte loge, Al the boys were gave hriml a ticket and four copper cents. Jng around the gallery. lier liees oLz v Iirt rs a on iCut day of-the year. GriggsvMie had w#d wie exeitement.Ilihk insisrtedi on "6Wha.t's demi things?" asked our trav- wax discovered by ai n Imeer, aitteni11.'.Il I igI II a Over, remembeein Qt tepping ml andmne a dive, and lie, to, UNÇ4E JOSHWAY'S eeeirtedr ovr ihdsutto a ttntdt h hrhb tat the rimes qweebard bemnght ap a imsket. Then WiM tient and contempt. "*What you cati dem partly open door. Wiihen.he entered the-fictI' .ltl lfroco .Xie tael» were igh, and had CM"n down wi* one end of a aunal rope, In hie SC R IO .thitigs t"lhe 'repeated. boylas]nayn tIli.roins onluio tatitwuildneed aUami.T'ie he raen through the forkt of "Wh, cents; copper cents.ere'h oa ha o eoe n tcolgtfor twinter fule and the cannon. Alre oewsdagd"Den, mister de agnt's cheauted Vou- fhrwaigapae e ea on ohhmfour and bacon. dome and before dask the boys were on "Whew! Dat boy'ssho' sprujous to- Gimme back My dollar. I can't takre no shrouded il, al heavv ioler 1,hoa.odil h:oMrt: kls tife olader folk aigreed with this de- shore rieudyto begin pulling in their prise. day! Des look at 'ima, Blazy Ann! Peart sich ale black naigger maoey es dis. Neen-l Tengdin wais a bout 75 vonrs .ohi a il i, was l l-ir clt.11 but without Many mournfu 6"ke- Batlit would not stir. It was too deep in an' brickly es a young colt an' friski-| ter think dey kin 'pose on me an' sgi eiwel know n,. lhe and h.r fa mliy eing ! taL inro. r held, but the boys of Griggsv'llie the land. fider'n a rabbit, dat's joli' whut hie is!"' me ole black no 'conunt iunfiistuff fur pecially prineni)(Dtt i aeihcr '.s- Irlll. dçJSII ispeased, 1%9 next afternoon they M down said Aunt Anarky, as she skillfuity shuck- money jes' kase I'm a coored pusson- hâgious inhanit v is believedL to beithe.. :or Whbt I call a burning shame. wie Tom Fer's old white-faced teamn, ed off the sun-scorched ounter leaves of Druther ies trav'lin t'rever'n to tote ja«ek Marris whben hie heard the- fasntceed it to the rop, and wbth ont the tough blue colardsabhe was prepar- roun' money made out'nà ole tin kittles!" Cooyr rnàih as tng vpoil te canton caent loose and ing for dinner. The "boY" indioated was This description of the wriy Ucr o il 'oni is rthrs-cisene of ia rat r " choned in Ruddy Wilson, "Al- tenItwanotrube o ul te aterd nce oswa, hoapmahe i hghJohwy wet n"isnoexggraio- es. arer hvebentilrnetH <M1ailnd Norcross and Simpsonà and mettedt and wholly wortless ld piece .gle, singing at the top of his voice: lThe "ay donwn South'" country knows no corn in eribli for ia lin-,tinw mo i the nil andneri evryton i te f adlar ou*o d waer i"Came, chillun, git on de train, pr, and their introduction at various have bLLeni gr-,wing srn aml.Iwahh:. ,,v going to have a celebraLtion, and Somehow, tn spite of al the boys could iCome, chilun, git on de train, depots for change a few years ago was a éstraight -o diet. They hav.e br . 1l haabckdou.n, doetenes pea aotlik il.r, Come, chillun, git on de train, ai nnovation bitterly resented. with fright t lrapidity .-, nw tatth',laeý ,ag of our gamet are off, re- By the loungetr's good-natured interest corn i. 1b1ing haulll away thfrythonfor Dick Lansng, disconsoletey; "o --- g- - UncleJosh way-'s ticket twas dispose f eoreoff ei.IIare:I:Wt bh1:1 rrle ko eolhn e wili come boere to play unless thlere, to a Monro-bound man, and his piece -of be ilealsn rteid: ggoing on."4 money, a. well aspeace of mind, rei- hav rI .1 c ;_ LlINr ,,7IL.IilI mange Ale igte-stored. Thenz, picking up his Icoat and banauos /en trieua hn Wmail Club and lhe fait the dis- -saddle bag, lhe left in Igh disdain, tak- somei he aro-r ay:li !,:!Il. rHr1-1 deeply-t ing care, however, not to go home until ty fatrmer or -'wu: vilra ummentaHthle boys were ïIlent, after the return of the supposed exeursion a cre aloto rrr:, anam1- 1e leteweight of the atifiction was too train. Hie gaLve a damilingacutohi ntrtlwandwtt rkt tanexpressioni. Presently Will trip, and Aunt Anarky will never knowilia IL blurted out: hie spent his Foath July rambling around ý,, h ave a celebration anyway. li're Iluson abusing "dem ille Swevepoeri-..lras . hn hr r !n iafew dolars lIl put !inte it and wre road folks.,,ILeft..i lget enough mare aimong the boys to Ste.e Nei n ilr e. M»something of a show at least--and . "Celebration" aned "Observance." (;e;,d rI,-.f d-,:. e M agte the old folk@ out of it, too."/ The Sons of the Anerican llevolution hi, t-.,ilm Sl;:rreTIl. a I a-o1il. '.1. Mt sal very welL" retuirned Dick,adesethtoncekinMsch-rpo la à tIl airsi hn oe"adteesert%, asking that they endeavor to brings l'.->- jhilni. ILp:Ii.,m Iltdeyriond. sme teabount a fitting and universal olmervance i "j," i oiiiroa-r, tr li iiiti Wstt da wrhenge oythe trat theof the Fourth of July. '"What!" every tr:nni a lbl tofd il;ir.i. Woe cme usingup tihe astret.boy will exclIjm, "do we not now observe S-hh bing orkll bbed. -I',- ' ý mub xltd A oo s ethat day? Does not all otir spending 1,"l", pakoimIw--hilt]mrit tr, Tn beiaring lie shouted:,,- money go for firecratckers and rockets and 'Iare ach a n f fneens ab11-e dot Itfelow,Pi're got it. 1lemo>nade*,1 uu-r e wden Ii; Leb rolt out with it, old man; don'i epYeudo kee h dywtha euh rai- next y>ar. , repid i ck, who didnnt..F-- noine ..a Webster suggested, in the *"sup- With hineckdislon.ed b.a... Tfr, of iNs mnyplne.Fo -posed speech of¯John Adams." But do a -1ItailtirIavenn-<fr. alwnL.. OWdy Hved ia Gritggsille a %bhor "A HIUNDRED WILLING HANDS DRAGGED THIE OLD CA-NNON." you observe it? The Fourth of July po-d it, ib,. N l Io. a ri ý'L ri a , fiitl:t.t.tI lII Dick wras a Uitle jealous of hi, was at firt observedi as the anniversary near d:hin L -p nital. Th Chi %*,mltIe. ,li nd every one In towrn came out to see Fur Zion's rockin' on!" of the day when the throwing off of the .1I1hn sma ider .r S!t. vI-en . who ht been tectch s W recovered his breasth hi %what SuiHnger's Hole haed given up to the "Gressions. Joshway, ht>w come you -"British yoke" began. But the nation a nurse in Si. IL u1 i, ili al in i hat ,illit- rt y b0edis adbemes. It Wa" to go down light of day. A hundred wriung hande walkin' no spry a' singin' so loud! to- laisowjaundred and twenty years ldi. àL-I -t..'*1 'aer Hole andé" Gud the exalaitu dragged the old cannonto the top Of the day? You masser got sawter 'zalted We have outgrown urfeair and our h-l'I:1L it *ankets that were supposed to lie hid- bluff, and an Four*h Of July moring it ovilre sigin' 'bout dat gospil triain, didn't tred of G;reat Br-tain. Now it is time to thc a rIll"reun L. < ut ting ddi MÏa la depths. During the war the was loaded with powder--burt tihat is get- you?'Lepase regarding the Fourth au "Indepen- lasoriinwbich Gritggel sfing ahead of the &tory, For wheOn Griggl- "Wel," admitted Uncle Joshway, hiaif dence Day" mereoly, to forget all the su-Ilr inh hlr. w a l lls runl l.- had b eeOverru n by ravin g b andin ville Deard wh t th e bot* ad dons, W ill s e p sl ," m on ter be n singin de 'G os- gestion% of En land rhat the a nive rary IIIm a ;L0 xm o - ilILlun- IIfy o Idesbelonginag to bath the e0n- Spener becanme the hero of the hrour, and pil Train' hym iunbeknownst, but dat brings to maind, and to treat it as the ne-a- "" Ik and Unio arnnes, and it was un the money for, a great: oelebration wa" wan't de train I wus thinkin' 'bout j tio's .birthday, in the broadest senne. few iil-s soulitif A rthur, while si. ;il:Ij,.ri hi ltkkl. l iti 1%p 6«hee raide, tht the Southerners quickly subsâcribed. And on the morning dena. Pi'mgoin' off on a 's.Ursionl addy That mene that if should call up bie- ILnIlth.e-tr a ILItck. n l, 1,1 ld-i t pounc e rOw pon a quantity of of the great kday GriggsvilleBwas ot ina a hni'o d wvpt rifoeu l h lriso mrcnt At liloj-riington, A. Farres, a Sy Ian, lsf> l-IiýL"ii l ndenunitio hed at Griggsville her lbet with flags twaving and fireerak- sa: a' Irecknda's ofd wcoe eto eipythehrosaoinGad'Gbuhehbiet rred IIIechrg ohi:, l, Wiunbletoaget entirely away .ors popping and anvle bocadnk. The singin' 'bout trains.' coqetoIh si ftegea et;n odsudrfleprtnsIi a Merpunder, they hadl dropped it newrs of the egreatfind had spread, and "n ht'esso o akn"ot h rumh fidsryadivninabout t pefih,-ae oacoaa enturwer'sHole.All, his hd bee men nd woen a dvilrn came lfromaI hain't heared tell, ' no 'seusio>n.' fthe victories of education, art ankd culture,fristr.-'n h bebyngg nd the osofteGrigvd ,al vrthoonytohf rigvle "Et yeu ain't dat don'tBmeek it noti be the a read of religion. These m teitie for sgoe t. i'kk II 11 of h thersften t celebrrite and tosee Will Spencer. And so,' was Joshway's lueid reply. noLt lb adequately commemorated by burn- lhareivdmncnigwt. egtf W* in their haine. AndDbo tga wn o n "Arnarky, I wusht you'd cook mne up a ing gunpowder. We donot go sa fair as M1 .F.yer, ritten ontheIundrlio.h Allan the ld about? Sou i %raslot 0, nice vittles giust SaddAy-9ome eento suggest fthat the tirecracker be img fom na bodinthIIIle Iwoods nearIjjrmý4( toi, ailaot unge a fired it spHit front end to end, but Grigg- meat en' eakes an' pie. It's a Foath abolshed.Egt hsietadStoyIshu3 Ii -L. ave-nue.l lai !,r buhmoretne hdneerofo t sthe i sa toh. nJuly 'seursiion 1'm wine on." , Yet while we ring the belle, and fire the Chi,-ing, 1 f righitened boyIs, lmaiy blit-hit the ofGigvleianone tepo a fo WillSpebrncrode lthe dve "oath July? Whatcher talkin ' bout, EcaInOn and flat;the fla, let us aillre- name o Lf ilthe nun who met 11,1letinii3sTe l tteBado ei-itlI .ns berigest etlersuithe counýlthe a.dewhichorougt imfaenermade over i-boy? Don t you know Fonth July' comte member that the day isa &solemn as well rioutsly .at that ILipoint. .1lust wheori .,ý dnrrtxili-rti.1lt im it te haunthe out ae ver sour manhyeam ago-mhiagovlerd.s-an' wentlong ago? Don't yeimouimemer as a joyous occasrion, and observe as well how h lit>diiIlthe(- poIlil, otknow%%. il,lirlàiiilitfa l, Se old man SulHager had. sofedt at the de big bobbyeue et Warnut Crick when as reebrate it. Let us makle it a day of nmayhaefmorttuiie. IIe rr mayehed:r r.I xlt sa adn h algoe bat'hing in its wters, Fourth of July Advice. de Fuath July wax? G'long, Joshway. commemoerating glorioux deedls in peace have been umrder-t.2.ed.t.ý],,ýthtIIlie iet lo returai, it hadi been kn4vn as Sol- Be nurle to get up at 4 olock, so that you'se meetin' game a' rme! You know and in wlair, by speech and song and «tory. Adolph Il. Luietge-rt's apietio o liolf.r-iagonadiu MW&e' Hoie. All these things the boys you can have ail your firecrackers ex- it's 'twixt Settember 'n' Noetober nw"It should bie a day of revival of patriotisn, bail was <liedjI, by .1ulye Gbbn 1o hi-a1inhi >,LIri *01, and it was, thelre-ore. not at all plodedi before breakfant. Later In the "Re@' of de'folks don't call it a Failthreail and earnest; of onsecration to theen. The IIit.:tge 11:Ifacurer wa t,>tla.i, httfte Wpe'iWng that Ruddy Wilson abrugged day perhaps you canl get your little siwter July 'Seursion nez' Saddy, but I does je' cause of good government; of stern roeo- oneirrignd n hecharge ofl nmrdlerar 'i-l,11 1,II r.I, rIl .f.yL lkll at akslim ç .l. r11i, ....u til f i a:tti ai butfo 1till i ,,. IL l H- lo k in r pa f r confer and serttlerupon at bile for r esen t i i ,Iià-r.v-i,: ing thre IasLtoa jury. The drim-_on of l, n f, l .ludge Gboswas lby 1no means unx- - Calvin IMink, ra younig lmtn living ine : ,,i tl l hrii h tlp Deentur, iN in Chiengo to receive treantl tai, fir -1. i~~~~~mnt fr hydrphbi..Three week. lks, nob, -L.-a a1 dog the1Il, MinkILfatrm ben eill :rid1ilr riesr P i snapped :al verythkiing iiiits waoy, ilfinallyiià.,li i), bitin a hreorr L theII nosem. WhILI el work-itn i.t Tjte ) r, am sudenily ill Young Alik jtook h iml rild allig Il batiders and laughe4 when·WIIel toion yen nome of herm as t sounads good. Yo urowIever uinaantteevl Li hv ad iIstr(Iws btiilnteiii. iig. ainIiendlm; lr- dsggde.Don'tbother about sersping out the re had no July die year, Aixnrky; diddtm>: gor etthat for mue," hie sad. in your, punk. Just stick it intote oka de pickernicker nier- to de'bobbyeue, 'ýplin l' I-a li1iI ogfg-l. "'iL vl dyune'tgalnuneswhbere your firecrackers are wenyv g nother. So d'adnt nothin' toahenderf me>Ij"lo im osefrrod i w«L e i conedu ;"WHgo as soop verundiew-t el fyo oestl oRstna'taed -rIn."te m ImM ft WONTNT oF GJ REFLECrnTîN A leasat, lateresting, and Instructem Ive Leissais, and Where It May BeW Found-A Learnded and Concise Rad view of the @dwme. LeS&on for JUIy 4. Golden Text.-"Thie entrance of ty werde griveth lighkt."--Pa. 119: 130. F'irst Convert»sIin Europe ie the subjeed of thise§ o-Ats1: 6-15. The noonrd aimsonary journey of Paul carried the gospel to Europe. It in tiher-fore of pro-. fouind lunterent to the is.torical studenti and entweinlly to ourselves; for had no% Christianity alhowed itself capable of breaking througrh the gates of the ES.& ndi entering a different eivilisation, final- ly transforming the great Roman Empire, it wouild never hlave reached our Maxoul and Noran ancestora. In rturning toi the life of Puiliafter sellerai weekê' di- gressioni the teacher shouild revie-w the first journey and thêecounil at JIwuna:em. The lessoýn should begin with 15: 36, at the beginning of the second journey. Af- ter some timne spentin tfPe-hing at Aniti- oeb, pmaÀyy hot 'farrimm iur &->52), Pa 1 mndBarnbu dggided lo mil ' :dtner tour. t e ho wvthe churc-hes were proslwring thbat hadl ben p)revionajly establllishedl. But a dIisagree- mlent arase betweenthemAinthe qeto of taking Jonolrk d< hoving him at homnet05: :7, :M. The batter, il will bes rmmrehadldl rtdun t1hetiret jouirneIy %-wher the sie reýachled Pam- phylia. and P'aul wvas unwililbig to runi the ri"k oifanother aucexpri w.Barna- has heldi ta hie purponae, nand tlwy sp- arated, Barnabas taking Mark and P'aul taking Sil s (ilvanus). Thil . dIngree- ment, mUea serious one, daboulnoýt .be exg adtan angry qua#rrel l'aul's roteRy thmurlh Syria and Vilicia that i..s, nrthward by land iIliad .f .west- ward by lwater, IHe trave-,ldtihrough lithe country am far as h•rbie and 1Ly.ýra. ctc of Lyc-aonia or Soluth Galati, ite qwice d'nlthe. first journsey. At Lýy,,rahie found TimiothIy, cnvetedonthe f iret journiey, and took him with himl. Elastanatorr. "Phrygia and the regiuonof 9(ialatia": there la some disipute a tii hat these gegahclterme meajn here. Gdalatia iis uniderodxdby s4nnew rHrnas the nortilwrn (ýentral part of Asia NiinIor. a re- zion peop!ed by Gaul..,der lim, swkn a linguage very simlar t. that dof au itself. 'lle principaJetb- wre Aiwyrar and P 'l'hi.. Thialaen lwcipo., e travel froïdh Lywira fer Ito the northeéa»t and then bac-k again to thewest Irf. Itams.ay, owveand some o dthers.hod ;]n; to what i. knownl as Illee thta- laiion theowry," tinuk thalt luke r-efers lu the Itoman ¡ province of Gb lia.inh n cludcdInme only Ithe northernp:arti>ab itl by NKelts, but also thlee sothlemrdr iosoflhrygia and Iynra in whilhý Anitior-h, lieotini. 1Lystra and Derbe were situaItjL Thede ities I alisiedon)hie first jouIrne>y. Ilamnany hb-ii«thereform hi. piteto the ltina.This is an intri.cate historiaand grlai dl ud fle.n nt of reat l pr Id, in ontiudy, thxmgh it affec-t l'a uil's rouIte arid tihe diain o'f thIll te -..- it": it w'1il.l eel a b explaiid l 'ht th'im i.a touch reri teýd te-rm, anobreing onfly thewcrn I,.:d of w.hat "we . a11 A.ia Mno.It -,:il atoml- un provinjer. The 1il1y Ghot - bl1 forbade tblu m to preach heýre at itha titue mre pjr-dIg work to b. done on Ithe oIKmitesheresof the 1,oin v NMyila": rather, a n rhrough MyIwia. fi'r they nuat dde tii.tu gt t.o Trees. Ituiltlthy id i,ý stotdp to lrdanch as ltheytrv!d "We ndeaorni: noIehowabruptly the, "we" cmein. Th..indintiona in that Luike, the write-r df tiw 1.ýLk of Acts, mnet Pua t Tosand jocurney>-d wih hini tec.--Neupoli.. a te t d od. f the Ad-geanSes., near l'hilippi. "Out of the- city b'y a river aie":whre the. J1.ebedt be in.e frninba tatýnf. Apparently it wVas awud meigon this Sal>bath aftern--n in w hich the preac-hers fouind heev We do not know ho)w mudh ihmh Paul hiad already given to li theeanig.üza- tion oforEurope. Itlwen certaily iwdï in hiis plans. liIe already lokdfrwant to going to Romle, thbough the d-ire wvas noýt grantted until six years later. ic tua any rate the vision with its call to, Mace- dj.nija could tntLave been a great srrs touim He waé waiting for just diw'h a message. \Mysia and Bithyniia shouM be loo.kýl Iup on the map. I t will be seen that l'a l and 14i:aa were groping around tryingx to ind the p.lacewhere the Ului ned them tol j.,, tuirning first to thie right hand, and then to the left, but finding no rest until r-he divine mesIage re'achiethem and xiwas obeyel. "A seller of purp!ýe"': the aý,wInts de. lighted in brilliiantly c>lored eahand dyers wee nu nrerous, oft(enbve-ry pru- peroum. The liner purple dysa w-, cost- ly. and the facts that Lydia was engaged inà this usnesinllies rat Lhepse d oýnsiderable capital Already a God-fear- ingr woman, she recvived ladly the largef light of the gospel,. It has nedned to momle that Lýyia 'houilehold musit necessaily have contain- «d une or more cildren too yo)ung to) be- lieve inChi, and that these were bap. tized wIith the rest. Thec weakneus of ail argumetwhich requires sutilsupport need 'Iot be pinted ot. Tenchinir Hinta, Thle tireless vigilance of Paul in caring for his converte is worthy the imitation o4 a11 Chrietdan leaders. Hie was not conent to found churchlesaad then leave them te whift for themseives, but after a b'ief i- terval slet out again on another journey to sede how they fared. In this as in manx respects, Pail was the model missionary, ilis "missionary statesmanship" "howed itself not only in chooseing strategic poin for ie work, but also in training and en- couraging others to carry on that work wvhen he was gone. Self-eupport, not merely financial but moral and religious, wos what he aimed to cultivate la th* churches under his care. The firait convert in Europe was a wom- an, and the missionary work began in h«s family. Isnotthissignilleant? 'The fam. ily muet be the center of enduring mis. sionary work. While Christhiuity deas wiith t'he individual primarily, It isi propa- gated! normaHly through the hone.- As Eid ey ý85 Crimsont (Washingto United Sta Yeast-Y "There i policy adOI had been ( have a I StatesUan. - A1 A sickly espe-cially family, is in the homt 1 sometima marvelaut the patiens of some bu bands. Ifawonu finds that her energi are flaggit and that everythint tires her, ber sleep disturbed by horrit dreamns, d tha ,.heoftn wakes SM denly in t night witi feeling of mnust at 0 It nmatt cmn writ of Lynu, and %with shows th hami's % panied wi " Dekar fered for __enlargem womb, ai Weakene< fur near! ago, urge for advic Wadfor I w i'h !to when ti. to aid yo phalia, 1 Re .T1 Cori il ir goox sure old ver3 the an" ]WI and gý questio RI

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