Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 2 Jul 1897, p. 5

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1 I Just Gaze At Them ln Our Show Window. We Sli Fluags Too. FIRE The Fourth Cornes On SUN DAY. Celebrate on MONL)AY. F I s 1.Triggs & Taylor's PIA NO.5 -ulIyo Prettier Than Esur: Cheaper Tiaan Ever. Corne and -Sec Them ORKS. Best Assortfl1éft Ever Shown in Libertyville. Libertyville, 111- PICKED UP HEI SLocal items of lnterest, A Rustic Fourfh. oit. Fîiurb nf Jul ' h. fli in-st la y oi. yni1l t lic ysi', t luacfthaf's hou It alîîu st-us t - u- You sucl yur chestan fate a freatl an finit roure brtftthîn fret-z. Ez thougli tlî iar wir fuîtlîof til.ri Y. This -ratili, ,'h., ratera oi i i .)ils The I!snniiînboiru ai the ir.'at î-I. J-' srt o' serd.a a îîyoîî ltti.' alîl-r uîl . bai-ta'. An flic,rIly tiiliigto hller t1. Hua 'rue@118bi-n o' flîh-u,îiity gisi'sus l'arfi,'k Heunry's sil AV, thonnsM-lt>' thi.-.l.-arati,'n. foui, Aun h.' î'roWd flrî' iii ti.J i. i huaI' n i-e . 'th ardor afsir i--h plaitlil uatur la tiriigli, At. thaf iet-aai-sr ilirnL.'anhîstil II,' bin' .hlis.îîîy snd iil" lnmlîln airs aiifiriir layihl. An the lanîrin an t-euilltsart sian on An tIi' uni> flilut tu,uîllîs aliury Ari.tIe i.tser bit aluen ulai'n.'aa iiru.-s, the Mr.' Wirl.s Sne an sîîî iA, Chi nes- Jan tntwinlemkuiihiistflt tc A ràtlàthe liaddersvr.-tf y girl, au-',sauntern abi.iUt With ounuled walts an d.lliuil-,I anda to .lieC Z-, An thonnwus'nt muir'e.'re ,maI.' from the aiser crnet band, An ybdy'wn tin fluo r ti' l "lir ail sh An-r fdow'a waoflorsate,'1ru *1s"ba fllr' la demsnd. An thie .iliy tfluto tîoller la Hooray"' Detroit Fri'erPresa. Ifs bot, awfut hot. Marahai Fremhalan va the MSiaî13BY. We het ou the boy. Ialpi MaGunili1lacallig on - Libertyvilia frîcuda thîs week. AND Mrs. Effa Elîlii ls aChicago lios- Splifai undeîgolug medical treatmem&. Sol. Kelsey sud aiLe Icît yesterday O IG A N fo New' Yoik State, to apeud fthau.- Miss Alice Blatheralet, o!fUChicago, ta vîslfîug aifi Miaé. Fred Croer this Loy li as sds wafer ls lu great deu>aud these dsyb, sud At Louches the rîglitf spot. Paul hfac(fuhllu peut iat eek s Nortu>s, Ili., atleîîdîug the graiisttng exercisea there. Corne in and see the Este y & Camp NONE BLETTER. C. R. Sherman Libertyville Ili. pring 0 0 N D Ove rcoats. and up $15 anu No trouble to show Saruples. Over FRED CROKER, Bank. - LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. vu.- - OF For Delicious Ice Cream Soda . - - Go to F. B. LoïvelI's, LIBERTYVI LLE. Work progresstes very aiowly on tiié ucu depot. Grieat bodies move stowi3 sud theli. t. Pauni Compauy la nt exception. Ed. Cook rnvved Lev. Fuir a (joape lent f0 Elgin lest Tursdiay, t waie] placeNr. Fair aili hoid a sertes oi meetings. Yu cealé celebrate fwo dayca ttit yesi 8sf urdsy sud Mvuday. Decalers il tire raiteýrs, etc. have a gou.d thîni and kiios if. Miss LîuîîsViela, so liasbeci atteLdluig flicLincolun amnanselioî lu UicsLgv refurnud fo lier hume lier fiéséflStunday. Fr.-d trîîkenbas twii talors hro; Cililcagýo solinîg lu fis catablialimeil Fred la nnabcd aifli buines-ts, lu ai savs lie eau t ILecp Up wifl ie orderi Mis. Fred Cruker eutenfaiuced lie -uiiîiay scliol usa taclet Tncasday affe] nooli. ifwasa a lawn Party and ecnjiye by the yvvîîg ladiesas vniy tiîey tuo' îîuw. Mr. James Swanu ie peidlug hb sumr saiou aifil hi b uranMi Ches. ltab,,ck. àMn. Sasu bas be atfeudîtrig eiool e a u ncelubstflic pué yesr- Nelson bhêfherwlck, of Chicag( shoot banda wîfhi nuinerounaLibenti ville fiemda Wcdueaday. Mn. Blathej wick wasa enroute f0 Orstyiat drivîug a biorne vuiganiy knowu -.Cyclone' whlch Ceaugo lun'stee minutes sud refuru iu lesastime. At a meeting o! the Young Peuple T..laphoaaO PNr Lbrt, ville. - -- --- -- -- -- -- - - - The Chicago Tolephone Company, tbrough l elrepreseutatlve, E. H. RE AND THERE. Mulligan, bave tIl-n uiijptigatiug to Libertyvil le Readers * wltl a Énew to plittilîg lu a tiill *station ut Libl-ty le T'fiey are d::m roi u ei in fg a giltasftee frnn il lr lblîîems nîî,'îîthuît l miure - ii 1 luise Eiia Bush lm ecitîrtaifliflgtlejt toiwarrant thc.'r pIttljg 11a MisGrave sud mi-i Sha8lluîil, oidhiue wiii lu,- aî'i'irdedîthteui. 'rmey do, C'h it-ago tîis weilet th i-ili y lot-ails (ii ,,i i g ' îlntiu i Miss Elle,>AppleY a illelve 8attur-goîid fur tliree year'ý ani traiaferatî't. day for Saratoga, Ca 1, %4liv're ai' m ill I Ileme eîiupuivi eti fie fî ill rto lime.if fuilale lier home woitil re lativSes,e iit any ofi tlir '~Il îistoii L 'r ty vîile aUid iliîgm, lie gone ala,îît a ycar. frumnikt hrtys ilii- toi ai jPla'e rniii'i Our tîtreet cmisiuicomplainiat'y tlieir line'. -ovral biiîsînc r fiait elealpersona art vilistug the agre'cd to plirel- lriiittli, tt2.i tuiltîi u.rd tnance probitbttîîîg the tlînowing of wortb if filieet, ipiii .tIi iilooping weedn, grassé, refitae, etc., tutu tlie toii nsîre thi>eatiîîî l afti]i station itrel-ta. liore. t in a gîiîii tiliig. the( ie iigo C. r. Loriîig la puttilig in a tioutiandî 'fcet-Plliiîu CiuPaîiY are perfly liglit electrie plant ut Janesyillie, rcaîousili, anut4fitlin day aud age a Wis. Mi. Lorlng îîîfuîînî lis lie a iii tuan altliîiît to-ephiie elt.>la maile LIhertyvilie bis boulîe, à I. oeiiîered uitijîiateî1. We trust flie dolîtly elepliîiucîpeuple ie u ll celve iiMni-enf Thie Ladies' Aid of the. Preslîyterian encouragement toi wvarralîfteir chuîrl will gîve au ivee (resu> soil loeating a staflîîn eathfluapiîut. . on Ernat BLirw's lawn 'fi'hrsday struck 011. levening,July8. Everybo>dyii4îîilally C. W. liettîs, of Derielît, ahi, las lnvlted to attend. been sînkîng a wetl (in thie propî-rty s -Fourth of Ju ubTougtla ai lie 1 occupied by tlie Sîsterm or Mecy nthe subject of the Mev. John Lee t om lu rCourseof rection juitt eait 0 te Metiiodisf Eptacopal chureli u f I.. C Cpelaudafarin, struck Snnday mornîng. Hié eveulng theme petni.leiînilitt a depth of 2àIt leet ewilhl bc 'The Auceut VOrthle8 Oui tast Mouday afferniion. Tliîlîkiug bîîti Exemple." aaI depIt exîsited suddholding fo Under fhe uew las, ouly eight dollars rid fthc weti of oit lie atfaclied a ateani of wages la exempt fiom garlahment, P'ù'mmp, whieliwaas ilp woîkiug ail dey iuatead of! ifty as beretofore. This Tuesday. but toi no avii. There was s will be a greaf beelttto retai helv mixture of oit ahich did not merchants. and wulîl ork n Injustice deminialu. le edifor a8siated by sutu to working nen1mpoeswrkiug oun flicbuilding J. H. Lornaz' nmare Lindit sa s .edd ceedlpu lgaamtpaift Wcdnesdayfur sipîniieuftiiu Paris,' of water fIromtli e aiWeu sd-- 2Fianc-e. F. Duseiitierry, limiîer aioýe wliicli was brongli tuf.on Office. A care sud training Linide.lias devetopedt siflicitint amount of ii will adliere tu la record of 2:24J shîpped lier tu Cles- a plue tIck laid fl the ater tiuit>r go Thur8day. 17001 sas the purcliase wlicu a match la spplled. À very ly pristruelg0dur as oîf tan, lmlîiticleie heu -Joliet achool athorties are atteiupt- the oit ls tiglifcd. ing to conoidate ail the *cholslu n Mr. tiettîs lias ceused operaftous, the township the suie as doue lunOhio. ioping the oit wlli dissalpean. Shouid a~~~~~~~~~~ bc ceel t urll oncscslebore deeper there ila a îosibililty là Theis stnlklugsstu îuch langer iteposit Lit ptublieexpeube fi) briiîg fliechuîdtren i1o ism l aiuhlre eoi ruu> tiie onflyiuig dimtrict to th ii>cty of oil, m'bîlc ît b, iil impîirobablec that le hools. lu Ohio and Mass8aehuaetta petnoileum chats il arge qulatitities.i fhe las, la satd to uork ecouomlcatîy 1 It la piopomeod to put a windmîl oser su ad sdvautageonsly. the weil anat tfempL tn ou or pump îîtllthelc iii îsapears. The game of bail betweeu tlie Lib>eityvillen sud Lake Coillty Assume* Control. Unions& et Lake Zurich June 27, cnded A .Iure soncul ucae luy "akt uti ilt utg of C. T. Lî.ri.îg suintterent in tlie lThe score w"s iveteuf0ive wieî tlie Lilierfyvie Elvetrie Liglif sud Power gaine was topped. The Libeity vilLe'1 Companytesat week houglit of Mn. bo tys ojected to au altegcd erroneous Loriug bis entire lîîtereat ln that ýbdecibauon f the liffipire, nefuing tf0 Company snd is sole pnîîprietor o!flice Di pay.converti. Mr. Burge wilt imuiedfately Rev. Gi. 1). Heuverd puipit ai b. pualitf0 cnmtlefioîi wlistever psi t of filled by 1. 1. Coon duiing the 1Uie work la unfluimbed aud Ilile'i ailuminer. Mn. Beuver ltort linisday sore a i-ntract witli tle village flua afor Milwaukee, fer au extenld. tlust week for ligliug otrett'. Mn. Biîrge 'g alfli relatives sud frieiuda. snd while 1ham tIie finaul a iickîîg toi ciîuply thene ezî,ecfs toisuppiy til.> pijpit utf ith auy î'iiitisi-t hi- îay enter îtutu "là thei tithuy Lresbyterîiî iiiîe and expresses huînsef asn eemnî ut duriuggflic vocationîîof ifs peutlr.lie te fiîriiba eoluinouil, sud excellent 'C snoires un we shailselletilloi occaiinalfy, service.- in future. ds he tuteuds to devote ailli ifis Wekly (;,ou Bulletin. nm vcation to cyetiug. olwii fewtekvrpr a A. Visions of1 raeiloit we'lis, sent uni iy tie I . 8, Do pertinent of let electrie ralirilad nd sudit but Lt Agrii'liîllfr i ak uling Juiie 2m, r. lesaf %ilitai Waei altti aillits po4iil 181JF7, for irthi'rui.i iîllis. er itica are roIbAug cutbiasisa fm u ii 'i lie feiiilîeiîtîlrte averaged 2 tu 4 -r- mtep. If sunie one sîli dlseiiver a îlegrle-îlî.lîîw uiiuîulsudt ralufal !rom :dl gld mille or Ilo Lîbertyvîtte wîîî't abotntioîrnîal tuo"i]léboitve i lu iirfh- ,wrroi ise l lu a lew ujolis. cntral coitls. huînrs living very ~ recguizeheuvy i l,(,iaiitie.'i. lThe> ucetgeiieraily Everyfhlug la puîsible litee sys. Was very favorabtle aîid erîîps have li eilg tlie liait rolliug. '1 h.àF ils- uade go)i.îid Jriguuîuiiugrowlng very coverles aeclua gouîdthilîg as uitîr aiil i 4:iltivnl iii eiuies sud rm. uany fieis wi lieb laid lîy aloîîg tht- eutuoeîusnwstîngligfon> itsRip %i usoîtltfier tiîl, ae,'k. (tata, poftafil ltWynklc sleep.lilcîîsîutbîgo gartîcî, paafiressudaijl uîeaîîîws art Illy ncant do ft jit fstluente a geueraily mii îiînîîv.>lcover laefory orfwo liere. V. c iigit bl- c-cuttîîîg genlenal, iaiso linie tilîitiiY, lu Lt b nterruiad o.DuHm-snal fruits vcry plenifflil sud of ýY' tlilug tartling sud original if yon ecletqiut;aplmpoil e 'r would gain riches auj1 fame.OO ' asllîltuiorsd as EalDymond aBs agrcaly sur- aXovel Sm iroldby ittcculesm. en prisedtant Monday nigbt by a nqud>er wherî al t fler îîrepai-sfions fatled. tilon home durlug bis absence, tu perpetrate' - e'8 a -surprise parfy.' Mri, Al unsjuspet-' To Whom It May Concarn. 'ehHoiviugout> Jue 1. 1897, purî-halled Isaoot Sstiirday lgif, fie folIos ing sas surprîseoit fi heregutatton intert oficera acere eiected for tfl i elîliignîunuen, but a& a n sa] in snchcaes aLIghi firce mozth.: Presîdeuf, Stewart cempisticstly declares he was " or liil Paddock. ýice Proit uIr .f caot hu3m"lt s lc ; u t'îal.Seurefary l-iiue aberiiei(,ia;. event a roîyal goî>d tme woas e njiyed Tre-asîîr. , Jeîliit- îIie. hy thi ulîtîiers. Lîgit liini'iiasd Jame H isieaîtreaed aiînu'ufruit wase'ved abutiitfeu o, iliiet, Tb- csfd ln the Libertyvîlle Elecfnîc t sud Pis ci ( o.. ali moncys due glits, alter Jîîîe t, miiet be paud be iilldeigfie.i. j' 4,A. L. Bi imE<i. Com fort is I3ssential to tlappiness-....w Happiness is only to be attained, dur. ing this hot weather, by being at peace' with the rest of the world and wearing one of our NICE COOL SUITS, And some of our fine Balbriggan Underwear. One of those NEW TIES just received, and one of our FINE MATS, To complete the outfit you ought to wear a pair of our elegant FINIE SlIOES. ç%ý Alil Goods Guaranteed to be as Repre- sented at the store of i. B. Colby & Co., Gre tyvl Bargains , ATSMITH'S. Apron Ginghams--------------.....4c. Men's Larve Colored H'd'k'fs ..5c. Men's Socks------------------...... c. 2 Spools Thread--------------.....5c. Men's Black Hase 4 to 7--------...5c. Ladies' Vests---------.....--------5Sc. Ladies' Black Hose------------....10c. Claves--...--------..13c. Tennis Flannel--------------......c Men's Colored Bosom Shirts-...49c. Knlttlng Cotton--------------5..... c. A Job ln Bicycle Beits worth >de at 30c. Cheap Rates. Bimansd Wlsits, or Bli C7iiuîuli(entral ines wtll 8sdI Summer Dreas Coods, i i tu ti-k.-fs Juîiv 3, 4, sud 5, tii Meeting htsfSUtday inîght , le lfioât, '"" e' n i-'" "' ' wi,în a 21 -j 1 1. -îllea a -Chistan itienhip ki th Unonuntîl liche iîiîg people lîci-sîne pointa ihiiaradliuîof 20nle --Criaianl.'ticiîhip ut'lAUion 011te vnt!à oe as u iv thîrd taie ton fie roundF ehuîrchi. Mi. Shawa lasu întenacîy ftgc.Alejydfi yltfuge ftripi. Lîuîtcd for retîîrn passage F.Co tnteîesting sud forcecîn speker, sud ty, diapersing ut a lafe boun, regicftilug an.> tnehîîdîngug îly 6, IS9clt Butler Bldg. suie att May n.îfconcur lu bis bellet, only fluat fume bid ped 8ou ittitely. bci laconceded tf0 fies trong speaker. The folltouîug fiaslimt 1 if anîsi t et clince ea cd argument lunuuick Libertyvîlle Huifel dnnîiig the- îpast Ia wtthlie s alcere belief lu ail lie says. Wiugit, Cha". Rolerfa, Baiu.>y M viner, ~ B ~lO iio S o ri e tL E Mr. Shaw la addresstng meetings t M. Mrpliy, %%*ni. Avenry, C. W'. MIiiii, ROUTE. varion poitinl this eoliity dnriug J. B. Hittel. iF. J. M. Bnifuiltis, E. W. - .-0 the weeansd ila luvaîiahly !ssored Bromilos', F. A. Moeeiia, R. M. oriIiy, 01 I vrîti crowded bonns. Wlu. Dabcl, L. N. Roundîs, .. W, Fiank Duseuberry snbueeded lrîikct Ms .Silunu .L ue carrylug off second mouey iu tic Maun, (icc. S. Bartlett. t'. B. Bt'nîild, B r a . thilrty chiea sud tirt lu tic forty-tive i.C MreH.-- -tlig am'Br a eiasai af the races liîed ai Woodtock ELutine, J. L. fi. Steves'onsî, A. VW. lant Frlday sud Sstnîday. J. H. Hutecius, L. H. Woodswardi, (i'i. (-ay Lomax' boise, Detk it D.ntoa > C. Hall, E. H. Mnligaîî, S. .uîýzerîus, jitaady Made Pl Wiks @tueE. Arandiu, C C. Schaseffer, Mn. muetSumarCorset hast in> 31J sud gof second place l ia.n nyWiS A ehuai' the 3:30 race, wsille Robin Wlkes sowon rence Lyeilsi, S. A.die (iekusin, alqV ,u tire traight heata lui thb'3:45 race, Foede i nsl if Ch Se liku I;, R M M RINlsden@Gav:l, golug te o ie lu n36.Robin Bnde e . t hs eilbra] TRANSPORTATION Co. hIcs..ena.Fi tiksicntae t 6*. Cwr iaofofChicagou; F. J. Bluxt, Milwaukee; Ofuensrithe' Fe Wila IowuMr.D by Wm eisrehi, O! J. N. Halifax, Englewood; 1). t'. Pniy, aide uheuil ome-, 75e Meus Latin blaorn Mn.trdIntraes y babieHighlaund Part; .1. B. %«allaee, New City of Chicago sîfi u hite coil plao ises uîfecd la thewraes 1a ta Vl, onk' G.. W. Ballard, Miswauîkec; C l $2.00)Heu5y AI atArfichuîxtw et ad îlSchuffmnaun saot, Ariuîgton iHelits' M3ilwaeukeycl If the 1reuedenf ehashul et IWooîd- PF L.Cari Waut-euda. t- Cty of Milwaukee6des'l'nit stock lita 5 rtteiuiun, du. a thîiig on tun I - anduthenle s I )iiilit fi)r l'.I-lr Sue .. Shizt LIETVLEMARKET. CITY 0F LOI'ISVILLE. Lange Towela, LIBERYVILL îîu-wu'î'îu (hliato aui(St -Joih and B-nttun filset Ailll 1k g un'ufulil u -ru-lai,-' e- ul' u$ 'lu' ir'uu.MI'tliî.tuothei lot o! M uch in Litue Btr -:, - Di.Y.. I (i i..u, Diy xusin!l2*u- Frencb Zîl laseapeesL&ly trae o! Hoodls hPis, for no medi.. Eggs. 1tir en uir...... .. t-. W.-uu'.u a-'i.u',('ul"f go sminilspaca. lbey arM awbl Madclas Wvud-dry. eim-,uînul . .i3' 11îu..i i" 1-, .'auhuu t - t.l ciii u w u-sri- .. 'hitu'iofuLi CoalSurt. it- tui 6 75 e It7 -.î-,n. îurîu ltsm:ail' a .'us 'iîu iîiBeits, IMen's and tl- oatIlît. pi-r tuoi .. . . ", s4 '15 i-.' us. i a l ii tt yli uti C e. r u eil'. ,bhl.'iI 'ta:'0in u. 8tuîr-hîuu I siuy. ili ii, ruuiî tni.>toulat C h na w reetc. N '0 0; Iuuistio i J1-1 . ...'h.. l luîq'hmdr.-tueaîînu.'l i ieuut "uulit.e uhlu..ui uulund . ........ .. 5.' Fru t Bta l - thiîîetI,'uuut u'Iueîlù salu- cienranyred xi( l entn......a. u - lt Rie riloiaiuî,uuî i (bIua l«aow7;preenta fMa B ve iw Iba ........ L& 26 8 RverSt., Foot Webaah Aveamç. S eecr UXerIls ok mse>b:Der in .... t o (* 2ôj. l Orahau, Prusient, Nud MEbàsa »detlt astlaper ilue ........2754 se>26 ONTON RMOUfUim. Lb t Ysg osas.flrsased'belb..- in & os. ibryvle SMITH &!SON, Libertyville. lflinoJ ate Arrivais- iterest To in Seek en P1lmw Cases------------------- sis .......... 29,35 M9. long Siceves .... 8 ruz Veats. awthishort or long .tO..... .... .. 0to 2ft. uîc(h Balhniggau n der' ... .38 îdered (Golf Shirts tob b. oin lis, eiagant gooda. oui prlce. - .45 ý Wool Sweaters ... 1.00 cla Laggins--------------40£& 50e. Dion suits---------------------35 rt Waimas-.------...... 25£à 33c. ý201411, ounly---------------------. . o flihose Faucy Calico Remuants..014J iphyn (;Iiighisna t8 rien and Val encienn*s id 'Boys Straw Hats, 1

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