Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 2 Jul 1897, p. 8

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MIN Carle's Store wili be buey doing Fointh of JuIy business; But Yoil Sad Il ua busy placeeeveryday. Tii. toilowing Bargaius explain il SW. have a4ddd a fine Prise ta aur 8 Bars Moilier Goaa S&.. ....p. .25 reguhr Me.Coaffee. With evry paoud8 "Lenox .......25 ý1. V*ebaa e o give pou a beautifl 7 .OldCoauntry .... .26 CO~Gaa ('Dp as aucer, Gaid Band Donti forgesta bave your oses fild ?Iuina.WitbGrAoline Ai the extretue loy tOubr2c Pkg Caie.......... 1 .15 Pries........:................. .0 Com S taroh pur lb..... ......... .03 Mersinu ..................... .08 Sakiug Povdere, Begulan tTmbguIIas andi Parasols, bath Ladies Ceèa Puff crovn 2eceau nov160 and Gente................ O o 1.50) ~ReUaaaudPrise. Thila ethe.pace. ta bupBiuding a Pàolagos:coffee Esne....05 Tviue. d»00Iba Manille; Stand- Sveet Coin 4 cana ............... .25 sxd and Sisal. Price5S8, 7. & ete pur lb Tailor-made Clothing:- W. bave just rnceved or ew lUne et sap» item tii. welI- kuevm tallelug liese of LAMJl & CO, CCAO, sbowlag tih. latest novetleà luail the vado ri. adss ci ;l;e w.olmaaet Corec rn ices WC QUARANTE TO Fl AND PLEASE AND SOLICIT GEO. F. CARLE9 Rockefeller, - - - Illinois. furnîture. Furniture. A laMrorStock than ever before, for the SPsRINGý AND -SUMMER TRADE. Oum, m nd Window Shaes mnd a now fresh Uine of 1 @=pl of andWoul pàper te select from. This W Beautiful Ce nte r Table Polished Finish and Brass Feet Only $1.95 A new loof iron Bedsteads 83.90 andup. * White Enameled Chamber Suits. Igdo neot lpries on iny goode for a week or two at a time and 1hea ra"s.hem for a long lime, but always keep on with the rock- bo**om piote. Quek sales andi umal profit.. UNDIERTAKINO A SPECIALTY. K WILL KNIGGE, ,Rockefeller Ill-i-nois. uRGAJNS! AT THE Wauconda Furniture Store. 1ý 0Sdroomn sets, Antique Oak Finish $12.00 .I»oq4nge,Brussels 5.00 W, ouch,Corduroy 7.00 $Offd Oak Center Tables wortn 8 2.2 5 1.75 Iron Beds worth $4.50 4.00 Woven Wire Springs to fit Iron Beds L.35 13idéb6aId Antique Finish .10.00 Fulilins of Baby Carrnages Constantly on hand. I poeitively will ual be undersold. These Prices For A Short Time OnIy. UNDERTAKINO. Prompt Attention, antd Beasonable Rates. M. W. HUGiHES, Wauconda, - - - - Illinois. XThe New Factory Will not make Buggies. Will nol seil Luinher, Coal Grain, Flour, Lime, Cernent, Etc. ,The Proper. Place To buy thïe thingu in at WRIGHT & BON'S. There you Win i nd just what you vaut in aDy of the aboye nameti lnesofagoodsat Iprices which defy conipe. Libertyvifle ~oDoTrading Cal] an us and ses what w. eau -do for you. We'll treal you righl and wil have yon riding in a nov buy for lest than il conte to keep your olti one in repair. T &SON, Se c cl's aS lu anoihen columu.,* WAUCONDA. L. H. Tatiti enttutae ibdtp lion- dey. C. A. Golding vas i Harvard viitai Suuday. T. Gravenor vas an Ivanuoe viaitor Monday. Bora, ta Mn. sud lira V. D. imbail a daaghter. Mis. E. Woodhouae vent ta the clip Wednesdap. Mn. J. Ravsan tram Caliionula vas on aur strecta Tuuaday. Mn. Thompson. ai Irving Park, vas on aur treis Sauday. H. T. Faller sud L. E. Golinlg aue lionery visitons Snnday. Nias Junnie Green la eaturtaining s triend tram Valparao, lad. Mn. Douglas, of Lake Villa, made Vauconda a vieil lest week. Audnev Osha la uxpectiag a aupplp ai maple sugur tram te eat. Mis Lîlilan Tidutarsit le entertuin- lug a friend tram Valparaiso. Miss Abhie Converse, ai VOlO le vls.ilng Mis B.,O. Siierman. F. f. Wynkoap, of Elgin, la vimtîaig bi& parents ai presuni vittlag. Mr. P. Payne, ofi manitou, madie Waucouda a vîcli Wedneay. H. sud E. Nevîlu, o ai-scake, venu Wanconda vltriatest ai Piday. Frank Horton, oi Elgin, la§ making Waucondua sviai at prenons vnltlng. Firsi cluses vtrk doue ut te Wau- couda Studo. Alilvork guaranteed. Miss Ida Ladd vito bas been vivitltg fitnda lu the cip nuinruned met Frl- day. Mis. H. C. Payne sud daugbter vifted nelatives lu tilaplace Satan- day. Nias Jane Lennoit, ai Chicago, la viaitug ber parents, Mn. sud Mns. J. Lunnott. Mater WiUlie Tîdmnaîsi, ai Elgin, le vlsiing litsa graudltier Mn. Win. Tidutarsi. Jas. McDoasd, of Clyde, Ill., vieltuti fiondeansd relatives lu ibis place lest Wednesday. Wllis Pavera, aifIlarringtan, la viaiting Mn. sud lira. W. E. Pavera ai preout vnltlug. Mr. John NIahW ite a ueoutaking cars et William Elah ntunnedti tabis borne l owa lut vuok. lira. A. C. HIE and tva dangitters, 01 Chioego, m evlsliilug relatives in tis plàm etaipresn niting. Mrs. J. Lenat neturued trom th. clip leai Frlday vbere &aeh a@ been vlsltng blonds sud nalativua. Mr. J. F. Grovunar sud E. L. Harrison attended tite graduation exorcistetaiBerringion lest veek. Mns. W. Clougb and Sangitr ouei visRted fîlendsansd relatives ai Southt Evaustian d Waukegsu lait vuuk. Misses Priacillas sud Evelyne Davîlu vWho bave been sitenêtnguj @chant. at Marris rnommeS lui *oek. Mn. W. McNet, af Cary, vto vas ioraenly te pinciplu aifte Wau- coudas ahool vas on Our ameutt1at Thnisday. Mn. sud lins. Bl. Ytlitcomib, H. L. Brovn and J. Cruver, ai Chicago, are1 tihe guesa t fMiss M. E. Glynci t a present vnltlng. A <Zaa uggy. Wlib double Coller Stuel Ailes1 Springs 36iahes long and varnanted Eoîvap balla and clips. lBody 6q4 ln.- long, round coruers, slld Wood panel8 amiS. Wheels avuv or Sam=rse baud. Triluaingi elotb or s oitr. Fourboveit top.,Prien, vitb 28sairut, ber top S$4 ,viith kbther ètop $a5. wI.i, fou I saher top sa. A"d a sU¶Ytoa ab" hebbum. Ordu là". - ýýâo"«M maYvIÛsi4 SURfÂTSE IE. pii NasXa»-aoo a.nML Riaitmslec.a ÇONGEEGATIONAL Ohurch Sanda, mer ni o1usa. a. and Tm p. a. Prer meeting Wednedar uveningas. Y. P. B. C. E. mue Sndavevnina a 5:4.JuaiorC. E. at à 0ci100L Camp 1<0. tuP N. 2-m. w. A.met month. D. ourir. V C. 0. 0.. P. No. s16. meet aeeand and tourtb Thnrsdays of esch montb. HC u E. a. BOanzc5. suer. 0. O.0. T. meut Tbrsdar eveninge of usai veek. LAvas Doormn.. C. T. JOHNN O. RAGAN PosI O. A. B. omt Baturday nigbt on or before fuil mot>n. J. A. Mmoiî. (Comir. 0 9 Cuxuacan.L. Adit. Maul gainaout.... .. 4 a. E. 9:2 P. lm. Mail sonnnti................0o:05a.Lm. Mail aver land by slaeàanmven uailes»a. ii dupat t a. m. ROCKEFELLER. Buy lire crachersa Caries, Mrs. Specbt la in Palatine vlsiting relatives. WIU l<igge la kept buay delivering turu.tture. Frank Brown vas In Waukegan Wednesday. Fred Rolcomb has been enterisinlng a frlund from Chicago. Dr. Scit.ffer tram Orayalake vas in aur town Tuesday on business. Mrs. fersahiterger bon been an the ,doit liai b nt la botter t pressni. E. W. Prbator shippod a aarioad of cattie ta the stock yards Tuesday. Just rsceived a lot ai whie enarneled iran bedateade nt the Furniture store. Henry Vanflor la havlng his bouse1 palntefi. Wm. Puddler la doiag the1 vark. Mr. and Mra. Peter Litciiild visited tnteuds and relatives at Long Gravej Bev. Buck luft Mouday evenlng for Minnesata wbene be vent ta take1 Frank Coopet's childron ta their grand-1 parents.1 Mr. Shaw, af Bloomingian, Ili., addressed a large audience in the1 Chapel Snnday atternaon. The sub- Jeai ai bis discourue vas «-Cbnistian Citizuusblp" and vas very intereeiing. There viii be preacbing ai the Cangregational churah, lRockefeller, Sunday, Jnly 4, ai 10:30 a. m. Subjeci "Our Nation'a PenNl and Salegusyda." Evening service vill bu canducted by the Suaday achaol sud Young PeaplesB aaclety.8 The dupai vas broken ia lelst1 Thursday nlght snd tva valises takunm by tbe miscreants. C. P. Nuits, of Luitan vas returnlng homr tm lodge and probably t igbtened the burglsrs vito drapped their plundcr on the track. lMn.Enulias arustruck ana ai tbe valises and be picked tbum up snd branght tbem back. Nu othen propeniy lN the station vas moiestud. PA LATIN E. rRap Fox viattui Waucoitda 1tturtluy. Bora, ta Mn. and lire. W m. GtIâlke a sun, JaDe 20. lilas Ponep enturtali infreiclrtira Chticago Suntiay. Miss Libitie Cari, of Autin, la visit. Iug ber aisien ibis place. Miss Matilu Muodliauk virlWS rela- tives lu Palatine recuntly. Miss Leboiub Cootper lMhome inîtm Lake Blair un lier vacation. Eluona anti Plia Arps are enter. tiaing filnde trum Evunntmn. Mn. sud Mn,. licynîtîti entertuiict finda trtaîItivensidte ruc,.utly. Mr. anti Ens. Dr. C. W. Wtod rlue entertaininig lrlcu<l ron mOak Park. Mn,. Svhttppe attuatie th e campr meeting at Baitinglin ttver Snniday. Will Aitignîm and Blent li-ec bave been canmptig neun Lake Zurich thii wuek. Nia. Cttopetr atnddautghîersvilii atari Tbuirrd.ty for anuexteudd ti.Vîti In tire ccit. Mr. Slierng'8 aîgiîtî'nAnniv fe~ll trom tir,' tlt-r baulti mnke lier arn sunay. Mrn. Tuayo r tnaîAtntttw.4 a ngit ioi Mn. atdi lin. .J. H. Seierdigs recently. Mn. sud lins. H. C. Mther leit for a vialsit ih reativeu aNebinrkua tn Munday moraig. Mr. Charnes H. (litadie t ibits homntluPalatine Sunday, Jacte 27. PaneraI Thîînsday. Mn. Frank Wuairau inctm Lake Ftorent vIsitOdet a J. H. Sciriendiiga and attendud tire Alumai Fîiday. The Meihutilat Suîday schîtol are arnangiug for a picule tît bc' fildai Lake Zurich nuit Tustiay. li. nsd Mia. J. E. Heine alidtti ln. chîldien, of Esiningion. venu guesîs ai liait Rcirmonda recuntly. G. H. Arp&ansd vite tieuti,' gratitilg uxereinsaotf tire public »chaolutlai llnlgtoa Titnrsday uvun- Ing. Misa Clars Schrultz and Prof. Sean, venu mantied Wejdnesday, Jane 3o. Tiuy luit Immediately alter ion New York. The Ladies Aid So'cliy ofth ie M. E. clianet viii givu a siravberny sociable lu the chanci parlai, next Tirisly evening, July 1. Nias lieriba Steffuns vWholins beeu viatiug hon stater Mnes. H. Gelakue anti Mn.b.inn, bhan etîtrued u lien tome in Roches ter N. Y. NisLillia Filbunt vu Ste recîpleul ai a beuniflalda waidli set vîll dlamand, s gnaduaaing gifit ram ber brother WIII, luintîiay aigui. Ni. Edvard Timmurmali anti Miss SophIa Tugimuper venu marrieS ai lte rusidence ai Bey. J. A. P. Bander lant Wedueetiay evenlug ai 8 o'clock. t 0. Schutz sud tamily sud Prof. < Snpser atbendeS the eloslng exeacisas1 ai Misas '11111e Schaltz semai ai Highiland Giave lait Saiurday aigut. Palatine CirîPten Na. 2084 Royal Arcit husons coniu'nreul the Rayai Arcli tiegue upuîn tirnue candidates Tuesday niglit, ollowuti iy a grand banquet lu thein bail. Tire G. A. S. sauciely ai girls oi the8 public acbool wvenutuniained by teir toertu, lilae Adams ai ber home lu Chicagoatlui Tuesdsy. Ail repart a f splendid lime. Mr. and Mns. OmosasudSanghter atunded the marrlage oft irmnon snd brother Dr. Frnk Orna ta Miss Walisra ai te home of the bride -la South E24in Wednîcsîay afieraocn.b 1 i.Mtler bas beautileIdbMbe vitb a uew feues.. Mrs. Tuck, et Elgn, vistedt relatives sud frianrds bure lest vuek. MW *a a.Masdon vaited ai fovner's Grave i tv days lest vesk. Missnoeain Whigazu bas gobe ta Valparalsa ta attend achoal. Miss Wetermau visited C. B. Rston's iauiiiy avec Sunday. Mesdames J. C. Richards and A. C. Richards visited ln Chicago a iev dae lent vuuk. SErnuet Lamson las unJaping bis vacation ai home. Be travela vitit Ur. Rabineonsa company nuit puar. Ur. and lire. L. Shuelen reconiiy visied Mns. Situelen's parents lu Iowa. Lontie sapa l la a fine country out Shore. MissJean Wiigam came borne lut Sunday tram Champalgu, Ill., vitore the bas beau attundlng sabool lte pasi year. LEITHTON. Sinavberniesamareabondant ln ibis lacality. The daya are getlag ubonturn ince lent Noaday. Un. C. P.Nulia spent lest Stinday la Waukesha, Win. Nins Maitie LIi as a Chicasgo visiteritest friday nnd Saturdup. T. J. Dockury oyr nighi operatar made a fiing trip. th larrngion lani Thuraday. Mr. Harry C. Wilson and vite, of Chicago vune visting tIhe tormners parente luti Snnday. Mn. J. Gunuiber snd vite, ot Chilcago, voeutheuguesis oftrMn. Jou Wilson unud tamily last Suaday. Tite Ladies Cumaetuny Association viii meut aitbe home otflins. Fred Gouiaslen Titureday Jnuly 1. Trafleonauthe Central bas increased tu a considurabie extent, jndglng 1)7i the large numimen ut trains.1 Our nigiti openatan la..te proud possessor ai a large mastilli(log, vicléd lie han ion bis protection (J uiug thre lonely beuna ai nighti. Mr. F. E. las»ece aur agent intende ta taks a trip ta notitoîn Wisconsin nuit moati tu alook àai somu ai tbu tarming lands np ln titat reglon. Mn. E. J. Sabin, achool teachen ni flamand Lake, boa gune into the agrieultural tratte. Nu doubi loieacu give bies cliarsa f kv oittls 0o botauy vhen achool commences. À Mr. Win. Davison vent ta Compton ' Lue Cnuniy, Ille., lest Fiday ta look star the construction of a large nesidence bu la having bulît un bis ti. Ela son Frank vii al ulw hlm nuit veek. The Ladies' Cemeteny Associntion gave a strsvbenry snd ice cîeam sociable on Lemken's lavn leai Thorn- day. The praceed e eu$26, vhit viii go ta the improvemeut oi the Diamond Lako cumeieny. The depot aitIRockefeller vas brokun into lant Tituneday nighi aud ilinse pluces ai uxpress venue 8olgu. The gonds venu recoverud by C. P. N alla wbo mut tihe intrudurs about hait a mile soui th of Rckefullur. Wbmn tbuy canght siglitiofai bm iheyaboadunuti thuin siolen propeniy sud tou o t i lios. FOR_____ Furniture, Undertaking, Pal nts, Oils, Varn ishes, Glass, Putty, Etc., Go to ISAAC HEATH & SONS Libentyville,Ililinois. [NO8HLISHDAKNE 811[1I01 Ringmaster, Standard Bred. Register*No. 62, 3604. Rînumaser f; la dak hay, ê-2 hbanda high.r fald- la.'@7;bmud by W. enion. Mr. sud Min. <Co1. Olapiti have rnaved lt tIhon nov iesldeý. James Wataon, ai Willimetie, @pent Saturday sud 8Snnday viib his parents. Um Wiunie Curmlings, of Cbicago, vasàSte guesi ut Mis. f. B. Mur ph p lest Sanday, The untire andun ai KuigiteaofPithias ai Chicago, iieid a grand pitanilat the Pont lest latnîdiy. Mias@feina Nelson vbo bas buen vis. lting lu Boisons, Nile., îeiaued taone homelhuit Wednesday. Havard Navets, U'blle driving tram the Pont vas titrovu tram the buggy, but tscaped serions injuries. Dr. Turner. vile playing bailied the misiortunu of itsvlng bie nais broken, bjiing bit vitb tbe ball. The bail gains piayed at Pt. Sheridan beiveen Ste soldionsud the Ashbland aine, ai Citicaga Lii atnrday, vas von by tb. Ashiands. Mrs. D. J. Ligithaîl vas takei% ta Chicago lesi Saturday toandergo an openation. Itl hboped by lion msuy fiendu ltai sabemay recaver. J. P. Schienger sud Juanle Gibbs tornunly ai ibIs village, vensuanioot lu makniage ai Evanistan lest veek Tburaday. Tbeirbhat oafi tnda ber. may lbu laie lu congratulaions, but nevunimuleas vu viitbem happineas and prospeniiy tbronghout lleo. Te graduaiing exuncisus hiSl aitthe Highland Park Publie cbaoiBHaill, June 23, vas a compluts ducceas, tva aifSte gradutate, boing yaung ladies oi aur village, hasses flouais. S leeasd Emma O. Nelaon. Thte Misses Maille Girey and LuIt Bell. aIraout tiis place venu graduatea ai Hlighrliand Park digit Scitool. AIl ne- cevdduifloa iesvtb higit honore. Notice. I viai ta annuiEnce ta mp filnda, patronus ant he pubic la gunenal ibat the phamacy iaw nequinua evenp pharmaclat, not taluve bis drug store vitrant; a nugiatered piarmacini lu change, hune Iamn Obligeai te give up entaidle pracice, but viii continue prscticing eai my home, lu counectlou vitir my ding atone. Thanking mp patrons ton peut iavors andi baplug ta ratain poin tatanre patronage, I romain. Vanna ruspectinllp 35-4t T. L. KNAAK, M. D. PEOPLES' COLUMN. ADVERtISEMEFNTd-Wil te inaurtetilIn Atille tulimn uit î,tVTS ,,2nxds;lsonts, 25nt nti. tvabus. Additl.tnal varda onui tount r vu-r ij rai issue,, hait ,nt itun yrd owa.,t ud'ittt au.issue. FAPPLEY-Ham luct tnne.liAsd a ant il ii.rsn th..m tr ar ceOntsmsua»se mutee ,s .astd as nm'y. I U HOIISES TEETH-Need lixn Ih '~t~a ail ldf-lov aItlii,, .County Farrm vîto undf-riandstht, bilnems. GulE-iultrader'n sgod oondi- titý,D8a.Ai,îtlrB takE. L D u Botie. 3B-4 tilt SALE-lu. 20, un. 7s or IIIsent-s ot good Itirv.llanîd. oiiii,. v-t of Fn-mont Cent,'r. Irmini ndpartiaular» atidroas or cal) un C. Lorma . uItf FALE7nI)t luttei-5n Lben y%,Ille F Oit HAL.E OR lIENT-A n.1. rouEnàitoufau Wadrdbanand hait ",neud, good elaî,.ýt~t.rn hal e ndtruit re,,m, itit or wlituît uruftîr. .Witt vaatu on smit natfie. Apltîtil EPEYrssuuav ffl. MU L 05-A Eiew mile'h cow. Sud vith wvite pitnîr tar an ihe,.Shunttl. W-.lghs afgtaut utC i,. J. W. MILLKIS. W ANTED-PorItion or faim îy marrlel mnan. luetliuand ui vîfiing ta vork. Addn,'ec r.'vii-,ste, lOIr or37'. n3 Thts'Creat. Producing Stallion GEORGE O. 2:21,' No. 970 1. Standaurd anden holh tuttinu and gincluz rt.i.r sln-d hl Latciati Abdllai3is (fuiEl r'tWen a Hro.iisre ,,t Maud1 M.) hr let:t.. 1) tbu..Fanny fi. s tamt l,aclng Mm t'y bo n ut tJeu. M. palten 2.21ý7 <1-unr.' 40. t- a ',ctnutlons.,ascure tuel srIlrud,)4 iik1.- Gorre.Wilke.s tht gral .ir, of )nott,,rr. a,,i . it.tsthle lt 0ui . l ti),,édn- oft 'i îctinthliti. a ýj.( ti>)son tfi .194 utnds a un, Wr ut utheie 1 wii tantuittloi . ).ai my place lu Melle,lit. ut O$Mîit-rJMan-, payable lu ouet ,rd u,' tli tlime of Dot,,Us.a u ir.vina litn ,,î,I liii ll, o-itiod ta a n.-tun ustio. Tht. dtv,. pri-,le fInal. flrelto a hune., thaât tas utroven himeut b aa trotti n d i.roduo r. Triumph Binders. Triumph MoWens. Buckeye Mowers. Crown Mowens. Keystone Side Deiiveny Rake. Three Kinda Honse Rakes. Extra Sections'and Knives for ail kinds of MQwers CHEAP. Buffalo Pitt's Engines and Thneshers Swing Stackers. Buggies, Wagons, Trucks, Lumber, Coal, Tii., Cernent, Sait, Hay Carriers, Rope, Binder Twi ne, Etc. G.H.Sch ancik %Sn, LIBÉR1'YVILLIE, ILLiNoit, Midnight, 2:I74 FASTEST STALLION IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS. No. 414 ln R. A. P. R. Foaled Novemben 12, 1885. Bred by R. H. Pooler, Serina, 111. If you want speed and endurance bneed to a hors. that ha* got it. TERMS 8 15.00 to Inaurelilve colt. Ail mares disposed of after belng bred. Breeder wil be held for service fee. Alil colts to be set- tied for soon as mare has foaled. Midnlght vas aireS by Nig.hob by Plymoauth Rok2:31é o iihFsBakak:l, aire ai Ethan Allen 1:25J. Midaigbiis dam vas by Siarligbt (pacer> 2:171, son ai hckai Harme 2:31J.scond dea(pacen) bp Ktna Pharsoit, aire of liebtali 2:12à. Bavley 2:18J. and otitora btter iban 2:25. Tird dam bp £chan Alleu son of il'@ Blackbavk. Midn in l a fine Ooa-blck bhane, siandnkîs, bande, uga 1140 puds, la very heevy huontu aiogmuscle SeHoin i naturel pacer, a fiue moyen, su.d has6 klad, geutte disposition. RIe bai paced a mile lu 2:084, hait lu 1:03, quarter la :31. a 2:04 gaie. Sis cut. ln MeHenry cunfliy are nearly ait paenas, large sud smooth, asihowv 5mtai peS. F. W. Sbervoad, Uidaight' tormer avuen, i. a ne- asut letton sapa: *Hie bua 5ud a fev calta ln Missouri, and 1 look ton same oatihea tgogo lte 9:25 [lot an botter tibiyeaa. Iuited Midnight lu 41 r»a M al. viuuing 30 fini mouepu, 5 mSeude, 3 ibird., uuplud I and dravaoans, aakiug a wvod<ertul sbaving, snd vlnulng a nid. sua ai maney. Durng isg lmraeesI sta idhm natanst sncb naied honsea as idai 2:04J. Storm 9'.OO4, Jordan 2:11j, Almout Bsahav 2:12, Riebbait 2:12j, Chamoels 2:12j. Lido McCurdy 2:14J. sud Willls Russu 2:015. y -asurpriseS bha. n$uot aàarecord of 2:10 or botter, as ho baS spesd sud'eurenoe ta do h. Itvas viih the baisseaboya Slmeend &ha# 1 gave bia bis record ei 2:17j, and oould have marked hi. 2:12 baS 1 visbed. Nes uver Sunished book ai third pie..."- TWree or Midnigbwi calte taek finit preanu ni thes Nolieurp ouMy Vair luts full, sud rsi sud seod at Lake Oouniy Vair, in. eapim ouviii a large .14of colOs. Tbep vran. savuby 3E,àA. 5aiuh Of nivad D. Âmong numerous choie@ barguin I have the. fofowing. Lake Oounty Faime For Sale. LbertyvîllI Çlty Property. ubuimrpovedftaraoe taks c Gaga S ait am elot VU lth moint modern boum. Lk.Priesne Par amr. Part cash. balance gOod vsL .eàtalsn bid. snd frit yses. long tias et iav rat.etfIniereat. chsapfor cash, or on mneoable taras. 140 e ce airoved tara adjeaet ta. Third For asie, nev building 22zée tout. chose, tor Lake. Literai terma. cash. - 100 aMre on Milwaukeroad. hanse,.large Choies lots 10110feet 5ttramm eto Nu bar na, good tencSo6 a good velle.aoo accie- each. tenrn.20acrs timeu. Pris Nsper acr, lait cash, balance oân i 4 tSpur cent. _Lo Snom acebait war boets.nWarnentoa Subscrlption News Agent Gnoyuaud Onayalake tour miles nooih ot I.buriYile. Wall lapnoved unden good, meeo ultivation. Do vaste sd. no" , General Solicitor Imr"Prs his wM.isam ALL PERIODICALS mail rasonable ten. AT Pour taums la Vernon Township,. Haverai cooes tarmasln Avan Towniblp Ptabilshers Lowest Prices nearOnrarsake. LIFE INSURANCE AGENT. W&asv To TzAuc-Cholce &acr corner lot ln, Llbertrvilbe tors amoailmproved tlag e ta10If Fou vaat go leaSà sneil UaLbertrville or lvmekseSa. S. Bup, M5.1.ouet or Trade Rosi BaisSe WiII pay cash dlffenunS. kiyil paryoru tu Sonsait H. Ce PADDOCK, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS t à .1 ti 8

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