Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 9 Jul 1897, p. 5

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Pay You--u- 10 TRADE AT TRiGUS & TA YLOR'$, We have a complete line of Groceries, Canned Ooods, Fruits, Vegetables, Fresh and Smoked Ileats.. --Big JoFwv SOLD 1BY Triggs & Taylor's Liberty.vjlle, Ill. PIA NOS AND ORGANS Corne in and see the Estey &-Camfp NONE BETTER. LibrtvileC. R. Sherman pring uits 0 0 D ---. Ove rcoats. -and up end up 4t No trouble to show Simples. FRED CROKER, Over Bank. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. O i For Delicious Ice Cream Soda ..... Go to i~ FB. Lovell's, LIBERTYVILLE, mua CRIO i l FR1wn NTING M hop PICKED UPHERE AND THERE. as LLocalistems of Intereet to Libertyville Readers Il TO CHICAGO. at the lotric lighl plant. Ai &usi s. sM m. I p.mai» m. P.ii., Frsk Dusenberry started Robin Wasaorth 8:67 :30 m sWilkes sud Dock Wilkes lu the races Pr Mi61.11. . a6 ADtIOOhJmuy th sud sa nsual got D3 Uas>8:008u 1= 6:54sou. umon.y for bis pains. Robin w venU ur&M I &47, MeWikes von fit uoney lu tue 2:45 t De*l u rée e,»M. 4:09s,&1@ c",sagetng tire. out ofl ive hosto, Mi Ohieagotarrîve> 6:90Lme 1080 L66 &S M :0 hile Deck captnred ibird money lu w PROM (JEICAGO. the 2:30 caiss. Tbere good horés., lai au.. 5.&'m'.e6. PJn. P0- s"' j A. B. Leis b ol agroup picture of th, Ly:1Un.PaasJt& 7M 35 :10 Ma St.erv 91e0a s..oitheboLlbera,....e basebail anse laival $Md 85M 4:7 4:71.2 $1.1 isBnday ai Clybouru Park. Mai MDE t bas l= &CO ffl :40 *»LeBesu, asmManage.r sots littie Fran Ais 4:" 7:» 9:44 LeBesu. lufuhi uniforua mact 9",W 5:16 aieau il appesr a he hgroup. The Liberty- Ct Rusell (Md".ve9:a8s 6as> I~OMville boysare OplaylDUggood bail tià aTi denloes d17. aitotes qflds y 51. eaon, wblch le nô doubt due tb the ye Whoue notrmarkspoars trains r l E "sct"a@ efft uadar. SUSDA!TITRAINO. Negltions vithour busiess menàth LyLtiryili.ssu rocidont Cesp.. ookiag 1teh.sstsblbueut of a 1ton v& ~v.Ubetyvile. a.'.r.OChe loau518 a station hors by tihe Chicago Telephone ch lv. .30 C a.Ar. Lieoe7vlIea. DLM Lv.Ceao sp. m.Ar.LlbertivlIelas a.a. Company are s5h11 belng puabed by th No. a30isi undaoI. On ou Uthst ocioeru and there la but l11111..g, stop worli 211 fues 251 v 20?doubit but Libertyvilie vIll ore msuy Iou IonIan ndoj S2;Evretaasl)utsd eeke have aIl the advsutagea of Pic s1:4 ererllP.5; rvsM. haot eleptione coumunictilon vltb the ut Train No. s has ben Itellita m ou otaide world. o!i 5. . beuertle :es aries a-goi Monday vua 5quiet dsy ia Liberty- 1 su l. No. a eves Obl~ ule te ilag MpngalncM e O. arrives Sheruervlil nim. esOId 1. ilaebeà au »idsrted, 12:20 aM e16p. sas a large number stteudlug theWoodo in Did you hear tue Ameriesu eOngle Mm'@isPiiet O rayalake vblle iany screarivent 10 Lake Blnff, Lhoamondi Laitesud h p. IB. Lovella farutly have returned othor reoons vhere ahady groves tua frtier sunmers outlig. vauae eloome protftion froua Bont M n rou0 P avntise buratngesun. Business houa.. Hot, 1 Mi sd Ma. . l. ayo ad AnuaesY «mes private realdiences tant Wednssday uoruiug, a sou. ver. pretsily deooirslod aud A Nhev lira. C. E. Ge Oinge l'alstiug ber evOuing Japene.. lanterna lwiakled Fui daughter anflaaly lu Waukfgsn. sai treou sud sirubbery, lending à Bey. Faiber Kearuey a sanidingiguaty tu bte oecasaon. Very credî. mil Couforelice st Kankakee ibis veek. bIs displays of fbrevorks vere vitrsess- Mise Ruby Knox. of (inrnee, in tise ed by osul ai!gtberings of Liberty. n guesi of A. L. Burge sud fauily tiis villhia u nVarions luwus throusgtout Ri 1week. the volage itii. eveuiug. Noiserions I tir. Jsycox, of Pt. Atchanson, Wis, accidenta ocourred and al lu in i uathse gueut of C. E. Sanfords fsuily LibeityviUeas ceebration whie not , Monday. otettiUous, wss enJoyed, neverthe. 1 MiasMary l)avla left for Minneapolis. 'ens sd Young Anerica lent @officent Ju *Kalus.. WednesdaY, for su extended noise and demonstration t'O thean viisit viii relatives thero. ocemsion 10 give the uecesssry va J ir sd is C .. us sd . .pstriotic sppesrance. no Stripe, of Wsukegsn, voie guest of Little Mldrsd Poole, of Cicago, ou jRi. Woodman ansd famnily lait Mon» uba la vliting vith Eý W. Butefeldsa day. family the Pissent veek sud incident» tu Mir. sud Mmr. C. P. Wright left for slly entertsinalg a gathoiern Clentsu gt. Lgwren<e couniv. Mew york sstgte.#"c étlC amrera by lter Dienomanal i . TbursdaY uoruing for s short V110~ w iih relatives. Autvolrp, N. Y. Wedneeday, vhere an. vill viAi relstives, ozpeitng te retutu lu about six weeka. Mir. 0eo. Grldley sud fauily, of Prairie Vlev, utU occupy J. B. Aliansous bhouse durig M. Ailausonsa absence n Nov York. (Jur businesbouses vers prottily decorated blonday vtb papsAnid peetdspaiie6w appaersucein keeplng vitis the occasalon. Miss Aime Hardie, omaupanied by Mr. lisrry Dengol and Cdata Wilson, of Chicago, vaited ai Miss Hardie@ houe bore the tirai of thse vesk. Misses essie OCeeu sud Igtbal 'liiumer, of Chicago, celebrgteti ludependenoe Day vith Mr. sud Mys. Bort Austin st lise lattersa homo. Tise Lakeide Ceauetery Association will meet lriday. July 9, nt 2:30 vils tirs. Frank Dyiuoud. Ths meeting vil b. oue e! Interest and a good &ai. tendance lu desîreti. mhe siectric iglit ooupauy bave secureti a conraet vitis lhe St. Paul rallrosd coupsny for lighiing 4heir nov depot ai tibis place, vbsn linishodt. Tlsey whi put in seven liguae. Msny cycliste passd ibrongh Liberty-t ville Ssiurday sud liunday, enroule te tue "lIabos" %0 celebrals Our Indepeu- douce Dey lu lh. cool groves sur-t roandi'sg tise numorous lake rosonts1 lu. ibis locality.a R. B. Colby purcbased s loi 100xI25i feci on Cook Ave., ibiste a. lMr.1 Colbsy vsll erect s renldence, ilu architecture very sixpilsate Fletcheri Clar's bouse on Milwaukee Ave., sudi expecis te build tissmnieor. 1 Risse@ Alice sud Imieds Crics, sud9 AnuaS hannon, ai Ciicao, vis"wo vers the guesta o!fUlaenH£maBush lIt veek veut te WancoudaSBuuday visere they expect t0 spoud s couple o! wesks vitb relatives iss!ore reluis- Inglo Chicago. Aitishe meet4ug o ou village board Mouday ulgbt a, commutte, vua- pointsd te draft a coulract for IW4tw, 4ç stroots, iitu te eU«letIglit vompm.y. Tist omffsny bas beon rnnutag the' BIset wrvlegratte for the pasl ivo veekeA sviting ac"on 0f board.' At Norh Chicago esrly Tbuaday morning Eugene Felbon commiuitei suicide by bsugiug ihuel!. Re vas a marriet muan, about middle age sud eniploysd aetue Wmabru à Moca 1 ire wovrks Felian formerly ltved lu LIbertyville, bing usl 1c section. Uolnalmed Lettert Foloivgs a li tf jete «a th., Lit*eriyvîîll. l. pn sieo Tious iaw.8 Que lï:co Whti. -on" Ait i a &s' - siIru30eu1a pro4uctioAs Md oai ren.. 1 ditions, at C. B.a. emAIIBjeveiry store aimost svery eveang during ber sgay 'boe, la Indeed a voudur. IMiss Rildred ln but Il ysrs olid Mdth 1h grsa Md mass Witb ubel s e@ s. utulitea 6b.ke7g excitas unIvarsal sad.1 miration. bb otange iB a su ad ex. ceptionally scong voice both couic snd diMeiult pleos. Seing a modesi 11111. lady vitb Pretly sud regular letum and possaeuslu sna# no.rke4 abiil s s is.a* p% 40 uxr»Wmi& baa gujyZn bera sd thoas $rtunt. eftougu e s cures "sbilagrooau" inu Sbumo' 14r ura e remarlable rsudmM ,. ptrrlou1d hitheir Pra""e0f ber taiiy vouder! ni exacut4ous. A pleasat Çatheririg. Ou saturdsy evening, 4I .Merri. ment sud ciseefuhia 'predomiiaatd as tise bous of Mr. sud Ms. A. W. Wldo, occasloned by a gotlier4g o! Young PeOPle tram Chicago. Who bad been speudJug asfev days ett1h. faru o! Mr. sud Mr&. Henry Weterbsld un. der tise klnd chaperoufge of Mia. Westrflel.. Tisey drove ovur ho Mr. Waldo's houe sud euJoyed s mont de. Uightuisveuiaig. Amoug lb.. vers se"Oral scoopliched artiste, Via; Miss Isabelle W esterlleld. o! C hicago, enter- tained lhe Company villi ber ubarung sud beautitul volo. renderiag several vocal selectiona. Miss Axiaelilome. thaï, o! Chicago, au accompllalsd pilaIs, !avored tise assembly vitia several piano solos, vbicb vers very vell execnted sud greslly appreciateti. Miss Fannie Payne, of Chicago, deliv. ered s recitation vbicb diti ber great credit. MrHenry Sesfred, of Chicago vas verymucis eujoyed, as Ahs snler- Waad the Company visb sous brnllsan sud beauliful1 vocal solos. Mr. 0. Claushigsud Miut iai. eWostsrtield reudered several ssîsctlona o1P lhç maudolil. Auaug other part!clpqmiu of lise ev.anug'aeujoywv]Rpi ye l. sud Mrm. QebýiAh %W4~ilyý Ne. de Ms. squtrs ai,4 %W M Miiie 8044OM47 %44 14M4U T4114@ Qod4toa4, oÇ Cbkocag ie~l~, Tu, s Md MT$. * . . A4*and famiy. o!fSa- lem, Usas., Mr. J. N. Preesnu, ef Baille crssk, MUta. lI»rovkavers lu aisandaon« dur-. lng the oenta, sud tise gatbericg dispassed etai slote hur, sxproming lhiai siacere and iseurielt tisanke for tise kinai hospiWtay of, M. sud Mn. Waido sud vilia msy v leo la hit young beouta th&$ suother sncb au en- joyabls eveuing might b. spentanolis- or Uime. r and Tri las Md rm cui asz mil &01 &a lu tu I pu as lu L fa 4e g vhali e o Sit. A. a. 0Cookbashm agmetia sur*yot ad Wiinbsassdiattll plat his property àho inteadati doingsome monthsa ago. lis action las sconnted for by ths aet ho bas sold his "15ke froniage" 10o LI. Pope, viso wviiiiuediatoly putà treet through àlong eut bauk ut lake ro Lske street to Cook Ave. Lother street vill be put tbrougb ro Lake street on thie Osivert operty along eust lin.o o Frank )ymoud's property and s struet vin conneot Cook Ave. wlth Church treetrnnliig &long western linso o ra. Stroag' prop.rty. r. Pope fiIIimmedistely improve the satire ae froutsge, snd rsldnce lote An satvicilly sre, greatly enbsuced la âlue lu cousequencle of this dbalù "'Thought It Wasnt LUt. Lewis Masare vas brougbl 10 the :uty Bouse 5asidbsatyvlls lut iesday for treatieuL msre is s eung mail, iavig beau amployed by groc.ry drmut ai Mghlaad Park for ra years. Monday *afiarnoon by ay of eelebratlag th. 41h ho da- hswged mverni dyamite lire c rsa, eoto na lon. ssulngly isaving gone oni" Meuare pieked lb np to Wbi il s secoUd tUe. vben Ai ex. loded lu hle baud, imutlting tisat aember eo il issd iardly lise semislanye s baud. Dr. Taylor smputied tise and sud oviug te, the severe aboek b is nervoussysima, libers la snme oubl as 10 Maares rocovery. Re la young mmn of exeuplary habite, aviug no relatives, no0flr as ve eau snn lu this section of country. COUNCIL PROCLEDINGS. LaaaarvviLaa, ILL., JULY 6, 1897. il lage board umetinregular a.ulon iti Presldeat Avariilu the chair. Jli bSnd prensant saepi oalîovay. Moveir by Danois snd bShnum ault unies ot, previous meeting ho ptroved se ied by clerk. carried. Pollowing bilsavtirs reierred te, sues coumitie. sad on motion of @ru sud Ecyt vers a110usd sud erants ordered, dravu ou the reapue. s, fanda for theii'payusut: l reshm" .................. as00 am &Wooduaa. .................. 2ô Tresrera report for tise monts of ne vui referredtc, 0finance coumlttee Lo reportsti sane book favonably, rd ou motion DunBois sudKern saie, an approvad sud p -e , u ie. lnoy on band June lut $1161.78. id out durbug JuueS259 Q7. Bulnce ubaud 8902. ioffd by Mefregor andBSeurman ba sreet con rMtzo junchase asuS- len diû$ 10 ompletlte P«ansd yQ ards iç«crughgml graval. Aise, 'o Pal; atreetorner Milvaukee Ave. nd Cisurcis 51.0 opposite James '1s« property vits atone a"d 7avel- À communication trou C. C. Cope. id relative 10 Iocatig sasieru unudary of village ou Spring Avenue ad flMuluadilol I alftr$WUof o lpting Ave, sud Milwaukee Ave. vas Bad and -ou motion of DaBoisand lyt the atrqet conunissioner va stracetd te locuse the bouundsry nuie id malter o! tillag vas refsmed 10 teet comulite. Mo40 lq jm;Qbor sud IDanois lima momuumttpurchase neese- mt ritNe oa nId rsie. Canuiod . telbjrchair 4b@rbytti DMie LIghsUd&Mlower a.% *W ltomg Morelle, mmd cou. etiét e Umm r.avicos «W aitouasy 0 momla draftlugnt dM ounlaci, sud bat, ther. ho luccpursed ina"b Oubrasl a provision f or bond for âthui performnce ut contrent. Chair appointei Shserman. Dunois ad beru as snob coMAmltea. Tis oloviwug 'W" a asread id oýmotion MeGesudDanois aaimusly adopte asd ordered WMURAas, OnsSe U mombe bas :stala.d s émd sud Usalous ocideut id la st prsent uaIa«oiuî trealueul Chicago, bersiore bs Ii i"iboard; -Ihat va aie, out sinossermget and syu. iiby itelise s5ieed meuber sud pe for bis permansat sud speedy eovss6y. On motion of MoGrégor sud liser. eau clerk vas orderedtu 10purcbsse a asou irot priuer fur village sirpome. Moveti by DaBois sud Kram hat ..etng idjouru. Cauuied. W: C. Sàn»OE, Cleil. To Whom SIl Mas Concr...... Having on June 1, lU7. pgrcalsd. ad ammadonirolo; Ç, E T 1g'sm utesala iba X4.l>arIy i lesti àigbt a$ dI'99v2o.Mh1 soasysdue ,or 1, mua ha pait RO#ùSE vun lu tiis LOST-Betvoen LibsaSyvle and 15ISS~~UO - LIBFERTVVIL.L.U g&q]K . OfT 0F LOUIBVILLE. 1 nMiOCSee.ed by tise Merbosleverry %uraay. iBetlvooa olgMsd I. josoph sud Bo. ry . , .. $ l e $ l ft..iurdoea..........u$1 SDalIy Excursionsi UMPoice . bs...... a001 isokfotfaahvssheg Wood-dry.peou erd . 4s00 las ouverî mornate 9:8. arrive remorte ahtuns sg5Cos-lHsd. priton....... 6 7 cW ea.výug resorts 44 4:80 arriva Chiasse CosI-Sofi. pertion........06C 54 2 raura §0 cMP. umdalir. Reguw ar m Coinpst usial. ssefld Mi 10or slso havesat ai lés>9. M. illy aid nt s p. OsAsper bushel .. ..n.... s 4 l Brda ou. By Ibisroulte heourbat Orouud Pood ............ m ro. iredet thse beautof tise Mhihîs Baranpriton . .-, 900 10uIn IFruit Boit sMd aise tie mmeebewmag e. M pderg,95 tf.. .........5 I 9600810 er r tssoni gon adisai leu Çklqp. iCernUesl.upertson ............. ilias: IWgO. tenrses sa ceoiia Ise U. ril u h it. us1 I Nover an luh o>,ï when the shoe MFiL -most Important thin#-, sho. and we Ulve thought to gettnI s0a t are bulit on right fitting foot-formmodelsth dIO to moat arty other point. You'II find us th* < fort givers in shoes If you'II profit by our *IP once. The best makers make the shoos we Makerig whose names are asynonym for hé and solidity. It coats you no moreto getthis So a shoe here. That's the reason yoyr comfort your economical instincts are both satisfled. We have taken particular pains to get a variety of 'wrappers and can no doubt supply you I with exactly the kind and size of wrapper you want, We now save you trouble as well as moneyl.on A your wrapper pur- P chases, and are in better shape th'an eveie before to suit you. .81 40 i.8 Ali goods are gu*rantoed it exactly as represented at the à Of Li. B. Covliy ~ Ure4tn Aprn SMIT R60 Mon'* Colored H'd'k'fe ...5. Men* ......1 ................. t 29 o1~ hread ................. t Men'sB*k Hose 4to 7........ e Ladies' VIsts .....................o Ladies' M ~k Houe ............1c. il' 4"Gioves.............. lac. Tennis P1aienei ..................5c. Men's Colgred Bosom Shirts ...49c. Knitting Cotton....................15c. A Job lni Bkyci. Soits worth Mi at .30c. F. C. SMITH'& SON# Butler BIdg. LibertyvIII.5 I -~ Beut therc &,o reason w1&v shûl, wki4--cool al buy mid"n gr ai w 10w prices. LaIe' are henibe Vat 8hwj. Al AU a soS The n Mo aitybsvebasaor shugi 1disVw . e.s aen.................... 15 ~ u i Pa" Les .Fa ..............81 « s 100e Japasese oidiug aas ms Pins au1 its ..... ......... humer Ceassi........... e.lssb mesSabler noal................ 55. VAI Ladie&" Dma seh@...]*..à niSbe asïm Whia j»O CY Des buw Clou Theprutve. 41 il, 1 ÇA Il

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