Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 16 Jul 1897, p. 2

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n~# a WOOOEAN, FIND A LAKE OP 011L. ffONDERFUI. DISCOVERY UN Vtte Prosvo tihiidte Me et Elia Iraie -CeI, 7TuetoB4* aSm0 - -- Msam te maPPli e Wori.le ela C29» Proximnty. Yodeiby%&.y Sprauga Wbat IssaI tone be egreatest dilcai-- cvye-r maie in repotred f rein Alaka. San old prospoctors -e#cnml m enthago iau mcnoaa viat aennnd to be a laie or oil. Tic lake cca, ted 'ly innmuersbie aprnigsansd the snrrounincg mouatain» vers ful ot coul. They irongit sauple. 'to Seattle oui ceaxtsîrcved Ait le ha cf a. bigh gi-ide as ani- ever taien oui tfPeau- apîvania Wells. A eonnpany vas formai mand experte sent ap. Tiney baie reiunuc on tbe steamer Topoka and lieu- report bas more ia borne oui Brt reports. lu isnsai Unre is eocugh ilailndicea Iu n e dibeovery te sapply the vari. Ihinlaclose te the ocean, iu tact tic experts say liaI the 01l1cnes outinto the sut vater. It la sai mat the Sandard Oil Company ha already made au offer for the proper- iY. Tic ovuors bave iled ou 8000 acres aud are nattrally very mach exiied over Ueir Prospect@ tor fortue. Mitiommre Prospecter aud Miaeorweem Niolmm . Creede, Une omllloalre mine ner, afler vbom tie tavu cr Creede, Cele., la nanaci, comuitei sucdie vith unoalmeai is home inLu sAUgees. CUL, bmenseis vite, trou vwhou i. bai seinrated. luasici upon rsnvhia heur marnlagse relations. On Jan. 4 lestCioe am ielsvife separalci aui agi-senttadils- @Dire t once, as Jar as possible vitiont -* l@l proeess, Ibeir.marital bouds. Ni-s. Cais ormti POOOO ai a ramiui-. , 'i ail tartiai daims cpon bathue n11Méaitaitle Mmeneme 'olntaltly il.: - 4'wtn fhu ipremisas. lu va. on- deaMbo, mter Une necesmin il%"aeili dm9554 Onssie veul inlstituts Asami pro- «esciland ami gn sit fr misolute di- vore. Allihaitie it ppeare liaI houh uinsiandmai vievers veli satiaffi Ual tiey unie nDUreqursi to asistailotil- IMata relatons ud ile Mas. Creede conciierei liai Une muffmh feoas et. tl eDUahic- vasInalglflcata cous- mml" i vliber isu-ais tealli, ie let Wu and tenir up iibehomne laAlabama. Aien th- e ve«ta mgo Mm.Creede ne- taradta Les Angeles aidpropeSsi te ber imaimai a recandllatila. This vas luce te Creeie's dmiuae, and ie enisar- Orsi te AVel -i&l vire, but ielg nuage- essmtt ei, determiaci tacod iilslite. Me teOIL a large doser efmorphine aud vent lai ei gardlea te dle. He vas diacai-- ne5hia servant eni meaald aidvm - ~eebit bc lied tabeurs liter. PANIIC liq A CHUnCu. To-rerés unir-ilieru s smnycaUsem aL Daugon-cue Bammc.te. A l ufla-seagngile n hle Meliadiat Cliem tigMler, N. J., vas paalc-strick- mibYa terrifi thiderstorm wbiehpuas- Fo00, aWho vers canuinlthUe service, &-Mt Is4lie iaingeorcfa stampede tram lie bslihibystamuiluga bymn. Tie .., ,i va- credqd te Uns toars vien n tiesto- @truckitIL LIgillui faed eaennsssly. A iresuin e pmrsonmg c id adJOinitle cini-ci va. truc ad a %W doita eu" bilie pmato, 11ev. AI- Jfai W"g1108, a shuininc. Tuincident, 11 was v a.vtesaci lronientIcdva- * 4ovs by ma" people l hle cinmai, va» n *spsndhl fer theefinira cf lie congrega- ts. Tne colneasofethle blisoeavas ail * tiat aietai a iagerons rush for the Atbletet theliaDiamont. yoilcsig laue standing et Une cdabs et lis National Baseba L fLesa; W. 1. W BOsto..... 46 18 Piiladeîpbia. 32 87 .lcast .42 20 Brooklyni. .30 36 Balimre ...42 2lCicago-...29 3S 11Neork ..38 24 Louis-ville ..- .26 37 Cleveland .. .35 30 Washington. 24 39 xPttshurs ... .30 34 St. Louis... .13 53 Tie siovia cfet thememberu eorthUe W--trnLnaAEUe la summariaci hlv: W. L. WL. S. t. Paul-----5«2I eri ..... ~lSemi 34 38 ,ndianapolis. 45 23 G'ad ltapidà.24 46) Coluamus .. .44 24 Minneaipois. 24 '530 Milvaukee ..45 28 Kansas Cty. 21 53I FuPln a Big Po-wow. The I*dm o f the Noribvesi are plan- ning a hbilao«t. Nie scieme as nov ociblled liniies any nmher of pon- racem, vrcstlang. jumpi«ngdmoaUer sUn- 4«Àm, tbo viole le- vini np vti a #bin bOtte amdaanoci bnfflo bout.lever y Indiaf n he iccountry wiviibeivitcd, aud th tcIndiansa viii a@k Uncle au te enu trouesuai ssIDiluthe subattls. The chiea Pleige tbeuselves te preserve geai * escer. Tic povvow la planuci for Jni- Baui of ?pasamn nu Mmi5a e. ThNe stâtement ut thne Bank of Spai, vilci las been toruWnly ignetied, «Menuet lie advrse coummenit au tie ba. -. management. litasows a note circula- tineto130,000.000 pesetas lu excesai > th li morimedissue. à Oeat 075,000 to Mecs-er SM ao The Barbaram VagIe case of Onenta, N. N. vlan ahas co lu Iniigatea for MTi- oral Yeara, bas beeci settici ai a speeWs VeeI Ofthle SnpFcme Couert. Nie sumi- VIVnI!rai va SM0, aidlie comte cf many talasWva.$75,000. cWhis W. svetrei. A letier retvei mi Port Toausai. Vasi., trou Alaska brnas particuars af tftni l icativillefciosrm u acr -L.ic .nil-oujrWa made la 8 t lis butt"a ua iers ir th. Sttles l Upa t nte#agrlaeitm viii the hast promuet. of teie cmâtrlas, Sscrtsry Wilson directedi haagent et LAOmicut. bey tiers repreesuative pack- 49Masscf nm butter tro vaionasSources a"md essi i n cci altoras ta New NorlLTii. vau recently ious, amithe tuesin lIci laluisisPie s sis or the baut Unaljah (Doraptahlre), loDuand mi Prezeh b~'ts MW ami bos. r Aueirs liena" ri iaicrsamerjsa, awon AS colis et "9wset," ormmùtibotter, snob as le seaât dally traeu ittumand amisleta th biuhest price on hi. L.aon rmarket. Ti%8stofera i eters wasslait vcek crâdealilyexaminai by ths Isadins bhnier merciaLnta 0fr1New Yori andmi cmid vîi paciagus resse raivonua lot btunl sent abeosi by lie deiiartiueit fro51 ersoiberlas lu Minnesta aid MaaSàOt Setta. Ou a amis of 100 points tie MI- DC5tB fte5Ury butter vîs mai-ko.j ù6. the "Royal Dani" ,95, and the bMassa- chousetaebutter lit Tie fresi Brttnny mils were aiso, plscei et 96yb Tie otlc.r aouples vere maked 90>and bekw. TIso Won oSmnarici perfe-2t inigrain, texture or "boly" vere tmuse ficu n'ita Deumari sud Brittan,. Mnnesota Andt Bnttany undfalts) ere bath plinced at l3% ont 0f a possible 40 foria cor, vith MWasiLInasttaand Dennark tollowing ai M5 mmâd rone otiera above 31. Beveral Engllsb aeriania vere pi-suent. Tiey mgreed that the DsnLei and French sain- plus vers fully up ta the standard, aud tiat the American samplea aboya vers quit. equal ta tihe, andinlu mre respecta superlor. On 0f tie Buglisi buyerasai he vas ready ta contract for an aiment Ullinied Quantlty of butter equal ta the. tub of Mlmneota creamery aboya at 1 cent a Poundn above tie hlghast market quotations. The fresi Brittay railla, no much atdmirai. veru quoted et 25 cents Per Pound. vbolesale. la London let mOutilanithe Dacijsh canks at 21 conta. The nnesota butter, lias pronouncsd Superlor ta Uhe latter. sold in NewYork ai lie same thnue at 15 or 16 centa, sud ecash ha afered lu London at 19 or 20 cents ai a bandsome profit. PABSSMS TiUa1ENAMI Tarv i 00« 1 hc.. bregb y à vote et se teU0& BY the dcisiale vote ot 38 ta 28 tic tLaelffbillva as si dla Uns Sonate Short- 17 hafore 5 e'elok Weincsiay. The est- mibation ef Ue long and arduonas t-u- aie bidexctei the keenest lateresl aid Une Ber aidlin.galerles of Une Sonats ciamber vers roviei by linose anxious tu wîtuesa Une rdosIng Scenu. Speaker 11usd.Chirmn Dlaglsy mai mmny of Une meuhare othUe House aitIteprezen- tati-res vers uinserour aravitle every mat la lhe galsales mye Uose reservod for forelgarepresentintives vaa occuplei. Tbe tollavlmg pairs vers aanauciei, Une &rat »Meds veald have voti for Une bilil sunth enst uamed agalnst ItL Aldrich mai Murphy, Chandler suniMcLauri FM S uj Gorman, Geai and SculUn. Rmnabrauah and Daniel, Boer and Har- ris (Tenu.), Thureton and Tillunnn, Wol- cti a"i George. An analyste et Une 6inai vote aboya liai Une alflrinatîve vas csai bY 35 .Iepubllcans, 2 silver Republi- cam. oue 19evMmd i . Dmeiorat, McnerY. The negative vote vas M'i bY 25 Demociata. 2 Populiste. Harrta (Ksn.). and Turner, auj 1 silvea RePublicAn. Cannon. Riait Itepublicans vue pairci for Une bill and elgit Dae- ata agAinast ItL The Scualara preseni moi net lotiug vsre: Populsta, 5. vis.: Alleu, Bntier, Huteli, Ryle andi 8ev- art; lvrr lipublicaus, 2. via: Teller Ami Pelttlar. ___ MINSUB 01? GOLO XMUET. ilPrtsl Intes.amto.mConveniotto a Denver la Weil Attend"i la Un. number ofrnelsgates iattend. nce Une lBrautjIernational ali minima convention, held iDenver, vIl lsfdy the expeclatlaus of lisamntsienUuaastie supporters. Nearly 6000 versprsent. T%0ers ve r frous Voua- suela, Maxiom i udiBd" ColuanlislaAt the minera national bateau of Informa- ie, verslplaya of rieb metaile ores trou psarly every minlil irict on the continent. Probabli lie ricieitie e caetrou lie NasnvillIe exposiion. Tbey rsprssned the mines et North Carolin dmiGeorgà andm aevalusi ai *1,000,00. nes Broadvay Theater, l hi vhthUe muouareuoveuns, vas badamelr dee- ormia i wti national emblema ami ban- nira, inseof vilci bore amy expresalac the tb rust question of Une ratio et the coînage htwcen gold and silver. Gov. Adam v cas cioesatenuporary ialrmac efthUe (oavetos, .andi jn aaamiaa Une chair Manade au aidr«&a Do.s Mach liamam Ramitern Minanesota revSiredanelber dreina Tpssiaj' niait, lnermalua Une , ppreicasion regaaeina Unsecrop. go machc water bas talicu ince Joly 1 tint Uousanda of acres cfmaial grain along Une livrsarse completely subaierged. il la cerwtbatif th Ue r"icotinues muoh .longe ammci of th e ep vOl ha ruinai. rLakie .treIR la ea the ramipase aidUne rift iurlng tventY-faur bonish basino -uuprecek'tei. Tie laies reisters 12%4 t est.anad Most cf lhe vater froin lie nrtiera trlbouarle bas nt yt Arivei. à rinas 'f lags Iylog Suth et Une boom nt 1Stilîvrater broie lane., and are jaminsi 1agahriat Uns Pontoon bridge. Ai Saud. ,atone,.%linu, lie Ketds River reacinci ilsheiighcisi pointin e memory ofthUn liast imbabitmnt.Tie dames above Pine City vent out Tuesday ait. The Mla- ajipti ai u.FNalla bas risen tventy luIches *fce Friiay iait. andinlaailil ila i-a. Tic mal Stream#s lu Uai vlclnlty ar&e mrs than hanul. ,auj conaiuerable damage lN reportai to dams and bridges hiE the castern part of Morrlaan Canuty. fle Platte River se novbilgier. A severs hailaterin truck Beabon sud Stearu. Concilies sudnimlilie crops on a trip about haIt4l a 'aile vide ami several miles la lengti ou tie veat side of the river yere '"destcoyel. Tisisasippi at lit. peul 'I bas riscu ever ti ee n thUe tast lvi y ftI ia ie in Chicsgo. ire, sarted under suspicions cîrcuin stances. conailincithe dieiug are .baute ofnthUe Chicagoandmai Aten l<alled . i tHarison aidCasai treeta, Chicago. steel Ch« e i sIres. A M.nle man ciamis ta have dîscai-- ered, a process tan maiug, >teeî tram crude !AlabaumaIran ors vith n 510glb funacemnilpulation vithout fluin. Re mseurt. gt is pracus vîlI produce steel fron ore as cieapîy as pic iron eau inn prolurc.d by smeling. 1 Carrnet hava taDelhb. A car cntuining ien passengens of lie lnterrbnelectie crosi belveen 5mai- nav end Bay City, bih.. veut tirougi tic opn swaing af a bridge Ivo ilers h- iov Biay City Weinesday moralng. dros-ulua six people moi injurins the otlmers. Stseet Car Reblec's. Bircet car bandita are abrSsd l hii. W o.Tva trolley cars vers icli uy ami- coimcif et tii -mIables, lin osa vMth ouMe. e auan tbe i-I . wa , nsmadamiaai ""usi se u'~e Me irbe ame ommése nezzli d-nimeL. Egaica Oomlt rmi Warren awi. totomm AlbwuMoDkatam tier rO w*tirse vèsoh pammsni-,*e Imie, ee eai'mliekm, mi i .v, se vehivsle s k plinai, ewun- aile tae99« mealms1%@icban"ll temlAsiiu vietmbu q*âclah a bai- ntesa-lIibi manner aiand dUflmesila,*@i darnaesmaniwja. At 1105 th. Arclne, avenue crvawaylai. pressuahly b, lia mme men. Coimat«IarF. I Preoe *iai Motogma Anu"i Johison bai Icaciul Ibe iiofi Ue lânseie mie- ie. aid ihly-ettbli st-cet. vina.tirs aeu lexped opon lieu vIh i nnrus- vovera.The eouduetor lest*W. a vatei aid a revover. The motarman. fotei- u.tely, ai uothing et raine aboutbils perman. icaff, Pe i Rfia. Pintlah flumimy NIait'. 3ev. Oui cf a sky tint vas reaaonahly ean ai suas tua nprdilctei Stormi of minci uni ra:u came anideuly et a3î), lO o'lac aid gave Chilugopeople aMlaiaid asbore sou. damp aidthrllllg expe- rlenes. Tic excursion steamer Maca- tava va. caugatitnlua qumllu ni ha- Iwn th le extincton of ticeilgitasby a great reoier wvilci asisi shoari ami tae bnifetinng ofthte bot by Une vays neh iveaty-fire pasagets vers frigitemai inte a punie. Tiere vers tvenly-i-n Passccgorsahoani-teor ai Uncu ous.- and Unc il ahjoied lu plerelua crisestor heip. Capt. Oiver hanireti. vie as sooncnitasa thUnsdanger belles, aiug prepfr itiona ho rua out of It, vas cempell- ed te tara bis attention te the afigteti paaeen; Some vers prepart ata Junap lmste lie sea. Nie ci-tt carii a deci ci-cvet neveu ail tbld, nm o t Uem acting ia valters asuvwti a. isci banda. Niey iccrkteoei ta Une commanda 0f Capt. LauirtL' mai kepi thir enae. A lire- man or tva came up trou lihe boler-room aid Joinéi Une Captains teorce. Niey selas n-am aidiamggei thlm Itlatic cablun4vieretiey iroppei ubsu nueeru- ma"sl r al> hi ieae. Wouen via - alaInt vers plaici np anad lakn luale, viere hInthe duaoà asi acUsu âcy wýeleft te nliv<le jq bemiy > 0VII.vwills Une ciare m ni te. up thee tier Oupaeocs via ers scmpmshg about the dcci Ilie -a lt uorstsmpedei sieep. Tien t.dnCapal-tue ieilsattention ta msa ig liaoi, aid maie lie rua ta Seti Chicaaoa mfely. CEOFS UELP 011? TRADE. Prospecta frsa 00"si TiamArae Bily R. G. Dan & Ce.* Weekîy Be-evet o Traie anys: "Iý scsms ta ha Uns tact liaI crops ta otier enties are leus promlalug ihun ususl, mni Une demna for American viral la suppiemealci even ait ti s - son by exporta of 2.,30ý4 busiela cf cornagciash 5W130.81 nabeis for Une saie vei letsiYeur. Bach veek taises Une estincate of vieal yIli, hovever aid if Une veatien continues fmi-rabie lie rap may pro7e a mntimportant factrtai-iuthes future ocnt ational aid julertiunlua i- nesa. 'Tie prospect au ta corn la grovlag more nieerf n i viii aci veek,aid au immcensescrop la nov antlclpâtci. Pain- urss for lie veci bave beeu 206 lu tic United Slates, agint 215 lent year. moi 30 Iu Cansad4a ainat 8seIlat yer." WIND Desta DAMAGE. Ksutaiy mai Tenmm»O .Town*suBf- fer #rom an-m. A veei f et tit u t emi mnated F1 day miturucan lua tarnaud, vili evepi ovri-Wet Kentucky mni Soutien 1111i- cols. Ai Paincai lie destrctios va. coinai ho the doateva section. Tic fofani-iSanl lti icora 01 Une Tire.e Riers ullIthie lai-geai fleurmMinhile Shate. vers blanavway. MetropolisanmaiBrook- lm-alluIllinois; Maiel, Midy'lne ami Kattava,. in Kentucky, and Paris, Tenu., suferedaei-eroly. River MinereaOt. Reparla eelred trou bthe rer miaou hi tic Pittaburg district indicate *li ticrre la mimice a tatal suspenaion of wve n h iptsa" mai laithe atrkc, se teras theicriver minuera arteconcraei la genraL. The bitter feeling iciveen lie river aa ragri-ai minera tint ha. alvais Interteri vbmn tiers va. a st-ie bers- tatane bas iappearei, and ofargaiss aind argaissi aiimportai minera bave uniteil for oeapurpoee. Dersn- Tsar fer Rusla. Cocatinnous raina i Central and Soti- amRu tasisbai-e vall-nitlgidetroeI al the erejis. Thoen l i-ei-y lieliaci lihai Unte prienta; vilibeo»of thie i-t eyaM atuaRues"lan blory. Tie beau vave la ranalng sufferici aui over vesiern Kentucky. Tv. inainsci employai aatheUn lolasaen-ai haiav Paducai truck, ieciarntlai Uey coulai Thera ei n-m. Mmmakli nieds. Murtin ThoranmNiad .Anamta Nuuk bavne heen linlètedi iîthi. NewvYoi-i grand Juciry ta doer lu the &rutdegres ln onnuctien vith lie Gulienaupe came. 33.50 hota5115; boe.assiaga i-iss k- *3.00te M376: ses tain tae ie, *3.0 r te 114-.0;vet . c2 red 70e te flc; ecarna. No.2,26Scte 29;ot», Ne. 2. 179 s ta 1&; are. No. 2, 34e tae3Mc. bolier, - hole ereamery. 14e te 15c: eua@.taei. ce etaDe; nev potalaca, 00c te 80e per nbusiel. Iniaaapolus-cmule, shippima. "300te n85-00; boes. ces liait. 33.00 te *175. e Shsep. commoa taeeicp. 83.01>te 3315: I vicut, Na. , 2 7ce l),S;cern, lNc. 2 0 vite, ',Tc tae M; cala, No. 2 vite, 21c te 22C. et. Lal-Cattis, que00ta 85.5lbag. j- 1180»te. *3.75; siecp 8.00 te 34 ou: m visot,'Xo. 2 MeSta 71e; corn, No. 2 Il 70110w, 24e ta 25e; omIs, Ns. 2 vite, 17e th 1elS;rne.o«2. M te Up- t Cidauul-Cattje< mm80te e*5.0;boà. 11M 0tae03.5; iss, . M te *$&Th- - st, Noc . ZT77ete M3; cacas, Ne. 2 maxci, 21e te 28e; osa, 1No. 2 mlxed, 20o De*250 tae*5.2; bou. * 3.00 te M815; sbcep. *2.W0 ta 34U. a beatNe. 'z 74e ta 75c; carna. Nu. 2 yeîîav, 28c te 20c; oat., MNt. 2 vite, 24e -te 25c; rye. 34e ta 36c. Toleclc-Wiesu. No. 2 mci, 77e te -ggc; corn, No. 2 miixed, 26e te 27e; rats, No. 2 vite., 154 te 20e; rye, Na. 2,3Me ta c loi-er seed, *415 to *425. Mlwvakee-Wieat, No. 2 spring, De te 75c; coon, No. 3 26e te 2sc; cals,. No. 2 witie, =ec te 24c; barley, No. 2 300 tu 36le; rye, No, 1, Me lae3&; pork, musa. *7Î.25 ta *7.75. Buifaî-Catta, 2.50 ta85.25;- 43.00 ta *4.00; acp 80 o*0 vieut, No. 2 et, 78e ta8Me.. carna, 1 yellav..1Ge tae Uc; eomi, No.,2 "htent te 21le.. e-V c 11ev CnaetJti., *9M00te *.5 Us - S0te*4.25; site, *.08»!,:~* a wàMLu X-:2cAl . U e- - -A - N»'INAI. EUAIIA SO CIATIOW OlU!. tlvvih.mi Pa et thelb.Opon- iug Sssd-Wm Mx- tamfai tagthe Delegata by tfle City,@ Threom set Temoim lu lie i-Mafft ilimmi et thc ayly d- e o li smdslbeubaUi la hi ilv"ciee *0e tilsvdszli amnaconr.ti o f tic National BEion aaAmciatllea as for- maille opensi=Tu iai iat. vas lie lauweilg et m» eveni ctfdmel brliliaucY. The peopnle et a clty ami State tiat bave evsaIiiaa respenisi te hie deuande mad@ upon tliu besit@yand "marte, e- poun e mmltribt. tt eir guesta icor- ilmi- ami giosIm, Thes îegates vicse lu-cs bai l the -ti "ma016- c»Sc et lie velcome femnsi au arrmy liai U a acmpeshl ii ofrinellaect mini of omtit. l a. au nlinugsene. Wbm thlieni-oi iMonge bai pre-as lirongi Une icervays for more liacan ioaundi vien ncmars coulai enter, 12e- 0O0 poi-s» ouecfrouici Une otage. ramo .tie eige oethe plattanu, urlidhahîni a vsait fpalmandaiother tropicral follage. ho thé.furiiermoat galierles liers vers tiers upoa tiers of faces. 'loto every cran- ny cf Une immense bail,. ne-rer before en lestai, vers maasei membere of lis mul- itude. l elune g pava otchair@ timi exteuisi lhie Icgti and breaili ai tic place e haowvers Une sincatcual forces. unci a&H aient Uns uni lu Une tuileries vsre the people liai bai - meîd ta areet timu.Ou the plattaransvers ilall- galaisi publie men, speakers and gueule. Teaciora fi-au Uns little rai aciooi- house .launte rural districtsahel- rna'mnna ram Une itgcilles and educators et national nsputatiou trou Une nveral- tise ani tamona Institutions of licarnn met uni mileîsi viii ssciotier. Tbey asemblil te lasten ta suggestlbus for bet- ter oincational meliais, ttell heuviitiey mcet li te vankîug of lie preseni mys- temnt. oiesr anmdiito adia, aid, tram a i.uoqw if.a peuple as a fil . o.. MWi thein pslost a" ulhow tisisieies. The tin i thle -oflad tm- drssées%%vas ishversi hp Prof. Jcesp#n lwivaluofethUe Unierity cf Iniens, amd foamerly e tf tcuelty et tantrUni- aenlîy. At tic mfterne meeting of tic coun- enl Une aniject iussi asomsla renerasieallon, maisudau aManssa os Une ssijeet vas irras i M. LM.LWhiIteof Columbus. 0h10. He gave bis vievs a. tote polcy of perucitins tie studenite stcf, a"itroc: set couisceof aludi lad mark onulbis ova ins at ruseandm lar.iitigahAea At 2:30 ln Une afieruoca Une annai meeting of Uné Bcardi of Direciara or lie N. M. A.hock place. Trsaen J. C. MeNeàli of West Sapertor repineisliai bic total lacous of theasocation for Une ycar ameuntai tu20.540.7, aid li total expieailturse h 1,4.1,Ilea a cami balance et $Mn07. During Une meduig of Une iemtifre commîth«et c Une Mincalloua Aaeeton il vms la- portai tiaI $4.000 Seb asaadai thUe treaury iciingtie year, moi liai the ne- serve fnnd cf lie organisation uev amounis la m'en *$0,"0. 00VÉR1NUENT CROP REPORtT. Favorable Weulher iismpe Orovli Ia tNorlbsn.u ani Westarn I Mwous. Nie fllowînt cro9 bulletin la baei on the reporta of the directors of tic cil- tamte cni crcp sectons: In tic States cf the central ralsys, laie renon anid1New Eugland aie veci ba. bec-ci very lai-arabie 10 cropa. the ilg te'apcrature belng espcJlly favor- able to corna, lu tie Soutiern States lie conitions 'bave iceen leas favorable, the excessiîve isst and absence oa! raa provint injurions te, momt cr091. Un lis Pacifie cousstihevcek bas been yery fa- vorable. ln tie principal corn States of thne cen- iraI valîcys corn bas madle rapi arovbb. but la tbc Sotieru Statesa lu s suffernn for rais, lu nome sections serlously. Ex- cessive galas ta Missouri bnave retardeal THE MEETIG 1IN TRI EXPOSITION BUILDING. i-aut or limiti cxpeience, Io di tme- tiagta thceffrta et the beet siacatora ta Insinnate ratier lia force inovIige lita lic minis oethUe icna. Viret à*eral @essieu. The tBrut genenai sessioni va. apeued vili pi-myer hy RabILS.Recht, ami mter tic eaig or et Amenlea' by lie immense mai. chorus, ensposc cftci-e No800veicas frc thei lIeudilng mscal socitias orthie det,. viie va. lnatilly applauei by Une 1%,000 tbees iatieudance ai lic gaUn- erlag. tie murassefet elcoucaid ru- sponae tiereto vs-c iiiersi moi met viti a kWieepion tram the auience. A nubsetofplussent tlimas vers sald by Go'. Seafield, Maydr Rauaciecierger, State Snpenlteodeai of Publie lnairuc- tion J. Q. EMer aid H. O. R. Sîefert. sapernttecident. erpublic seiooislMi - yankee. in veleoig Une vlatng simca- ttors th le tainCreanà City. Thc ai- dies et Mayor Ranacienharger vas par- tieularly aenlacte tile the faney of tie vicllars, ma" calici foi-Un a generous onind ef applame. Tic responaes by A. E. Wibilp of Bouton. J. h. Holtoay of Arkansa, Aue Gai-e of Denver adAI- bert G. Lune et Cicago vers Isa in a happy veln mai raleulmisi te, maie the Milvaukee people teed good oci-s the greai asue e fthIis year's cauveutBu 0of Une Educationat Association, as veil as cou- test iviticthemann«rIlu vilci ubsy mn- ragen rthcrUe receptiaci of the immense Ubrng o f people no e-v btagenterlainedinh thie diy. . Atter tisse formalities bai been gane lironai viii Pi-solent Chai-les lb. Bkil- ner icilvenci i amnual adiresa, and Nevton S. Dongberty et Peoria fltavci i il a paper an "Tie Sîniy et Hi*- tory la Oui- Publie Boboola." Dcli vers *aateuly expositions ofthti topica trat- ai, aidformeciàa Itting latenleetamî anale te theie caug'sprogamin. Mayor Raoaeienhcngcr only ccioed Une sentimenta ofe ierr Milvanisemu vien he salierery citizeni wu& proui et tic tact liai hla native hest ui ba een se- leted a. lic reunona efthUe 20,000) hi-lait psflagotues. Tie midressshy Gai-. BSfiei, Principal Blefer aid state Su- perntendant Emei-y vere brief and ex- teniel te the vibatra a iearty velcoins te lie city and Blute. lu respcmDiin hleue vcnis cf vel- cameu Pi-ofA. EL Wtilbp, cf tie Amen-. ram Institut. cf Instruction. saI lu vas an banai- ta exteai limais ta Une people ot Milwaukee la thesanme of Une instiu- tion bu repi-senici, tic oiesi eacheru' socJisluhiUe vori, Dliics'aliena Megnu. Atter ancihen musical sesîccion by tic maie chorus the ielheralnam proper af lie conventiona vesbegan vîti mudres.- s. bi PrffesidaiSkinner aidNewton C. Dcngisnuy. The tapIe aiveli upon b> Presiiat Sinner vas "Fihe Besi Educa- tion for lia)49me." Prof. Skinner re- fsrredIntathe iei-eîcpmnt of educatonal Istitutions in Uis country, anti nov ht la no lager necessry for any person to go aimai foc-issciuollu. He plmced grenu stress uponUne importance of prop- crly ainucatins tiecciclidrun cf Une masses ln thie ulit direction, to the end tiat tiey *hall becomo fully equippei for ex- crcialng lie inties of eîtlzensiPndp ai ul- flina the obligations due their couny soi aoety. Newton C. Dogieriy of Ponia feliovei Presideal Biiuner in a timely adiresa an "The Slniy of Hlatory I Oui- Publie behos.'" The sacond imye aesio ethle Na- tioalCauccli of Uducatian. vich la rue- egnissi es -the senatseofthticsEdumeutaa AuaatL a- - . cultlvatjan anj the crop leatsitl baci- vard ln Minnesota. lu Ti-aa, vile the lotse roP la sufferlag train drought, the early planted in maturei ani a good yleld nsàured. (Woen la nedlng raja over the greater portion of the cattan helt. The bulk of the winler vheat crop la nov bl'u-vested @Outil Of the fortieti par- ajiel, about the latitude of lie central portiOna Of IllinOla, Indiena -ailOhio. Excessive mne have retarded harveating in isoi a ni conseil furtier damage> t0 that in ,shock. Good progreu s iiibar- vestlng has been made Iu Nebraska aud Nortieru ladjana, and iarresting vii woon heijin ini Mlihgan. The crop j. maturlug on the North Pacifie cosut, and la California. vice h arreaîlng la prog- reaslng rapjdly. the grain ia sirunhen leaa tinoa ticlpaled. Spring vhest bas continued to moite favorable progreas. FATAL WRECK IN PjTTS13URG. 1Street Caro Collide, viti 5eve,. in. juaien te Pemenges.. 1 Four j.eopje vere fatajjy injured and elgiccen or tvenly Othe"a vere hurt jn a atreet c-ar vreck Tuesday niait ont the P"orbea street Uine of lie Cooaojldatej LTrsction CoîaPaUny t Plttsburg. The wreck cccurred on the Soho bill. An Atwood street var iad gone incc.t bait- waydown heliehlj vien lh Juninolîl-e traci. Cjofejy follovjng il came ail cq,.*: aummer car viti a tradier, bath nIepllwly paeked i vi people. Before the t,.cNit 1train couli lie slopped it crahed nînto Il, .devajed car. HardI7 bai the lirit con- 1 Union bàaPpened before a thiri car, liet, %i)n 1loden. crnée down the hbilut rfil spoci and fori-ed its way mb ticthevrecKcnn.iI It woasIlle second crash thet did Sost orn the damaige. Toili la a Pc, AThe ticentjeti annoal coîîc-entio of the Ameir~n Flint (;las« Workers Union vas held et Plttaburg. Richai-d Adams, ae wealthy Moweaqnia. Ill., formner auidmau old soIdier, died frori injuries rerelrci lu a enînawghy. Mma.lB. F. Wllcy in clead aitIlle home 1of ber nlnnghter, Nlrs. Lester F. Blahr of South Bond, Imd. lhe waa 07 years of age. Mr% H}annai Sherrey Farnavorth, or Washington, lowa, la deai, nged 80. lhe jjved wltb ber son-ln-jaw, W. N. Hood. lhe postinter. The wijd go& wel norlh of Auclerson, lad., wvik caught lire gatticday nighî. la atil1 buraicig, and n great demiof dant- Lage ilaiîeing done. David Perios, n veteran Of tie Mxi- eau war acnd a member of Company D, Flfly-fourth Ijliois Veteran Vojuilteers. dcirlng the civil var, la dead, nged 72 year. Tnoman Morgan, aun i-on IWorkcr at tYoungsioîen, Ohio, and biseivife wore drlvlng, vinen their horge baeked the rig oiver Manning's Heiglitii, and lnoth wer,. kîlîi. John Henry Breecîs, an eceentrie 0i4 tmon living alone on bi@sfta nenir AI, hein. dýnd., was found unconscious and body lienten. Murder nons evldently in- rtended. When the turnkey et the Joliet Ill., po- lice station apened up the eelîs ho found Michael Sulivan dead. He hud talleth tro his bert ih vlhibhead twlsted un- icer bisarm. j Pmoperty valued et *75,00 bas licoun . .on"hW he . . ( a r1 1 *05K Cr DuitNAIInAL LAW6s teebmaa-impenut meum;» Mie.. »8sasi MdisAtait vpoe-.* m,&,ar liai Mamumaet the nuemu Vis National Sotonow Tic tariR billpoadlite Senate Wsdutnsday mornl?!.q by a vote au8 ta 2IL Tins iay vas sPeut in amendient@ cf mincir tmportance. Plolovig lispas- sage cof the bill, a "esoluction vas agnnesd ta &skais heHoua. for a cosnlereue. aud Selatars Allilson, Alich, Platt of 'Coansetlcut. Burrova, Jours ef Nevada, V«ti. Jouas cf "Anusas,.and White vers naunc as conferces on Une part of the Sente. Tic session of tic Senate Tiuraa vas Unnnvecitfnl, the detdciecuy appropria- lion bili.clug cnaiered timughoul Une day. Among tts provisiocs is sone accept- lirg the Invitation of Frann-c ta partiel- pale lu fie ParIs exposititon Of 100. Tic ill vas not camilelci ap la tietitue of adjounicmeut. Ain effort ta bave severai dlaIms gdici ta the bill led la a debsie on ticenrprtety of poytig Goverament einnînca, lie genornil sentiment belug liai a bill coverlug mil clairon abouti ha brougtit ta at tie noît session of Co- gi-ca. A resoluition requesting lie Preat- dent to c!cmnsuof Spain tie reteeseoc Ona Mn'llon. one of the Competilor pris- ancrel, nas reterred to the Comlttee on IForeigin Relations. A uev committes amnuinn~t vas agreed ta appmoprlatlnt *0.0(10lu full indemnîty ta lie beire cf tirse Itlienss IYnocied lu Licuisinain l 1381)asnusonaIseorne appropriatîng to the vinlov of lie late lieprementative Cooke@cif Illiois *5,00. The Honise sent lie tariR bilîl t canference. Ciairmaa Dingley. Peineoft1New Yok, Dalacîl of Peaciajînaula. Hopkins ofIllinilansd Grosi-enoi r O Cit, tepublieuns, anoBail- ey of Texs, McMillln of Tetnueaaee acii Wieeler of Alabama, Democrata. verp uppoînîcid conferes. Tic proceedlngs cc-rs lu novime sensattoual. 'flic tHon spent the sftelnooundter tic specisl cr- ier siopnei lent vee i Isleuing ta ennia- ties on the lire uni public services of Juige Ibolman. Tihe>'ensne met Frtnluy under lie de- pressig Influence of tie deti of Seciataf Hanrris cn' Teninessee. vîco bas heen ocie of tiec consîclemnons ligurnes lu the upper bonse of C'ongres fnnr cnr tveccly yenrs. lIey, %Ir. Jobtinson. chntnain. referréd fecliugly tu the o basthe euale bai su.- lained nnnndspncke ot Sennatnr lînîrrln. rug- gecî incaty, li- îniswcnviug attachiment ta hils t litim-nl tnncilnis. bisecnppoition tu ail inn- ccnnmii-rn-d w'.roui-, bis dc*vnt tan tit 'Ini înte and bis-ncrrielticthenation." Sc'nnntnr iBnnt-nf Tennecssee pai] a iub trlînuti,fin illen ncilnr- rf Ithe diAtingusi- ccl cîci. anmd nffcere-nlthennuul rnsiistioîca cihici lrn.cidcaîfor nMjclctbi.ln- rnînnrnl in thne Sonate. Inn cniic-h the. lnn-. lPreuiciect annd enincînob . nctnccnrx ofthne upren.. Court. lino ditlonOiic corpnsimajor gein- craI ortIcine anny nnnntnhe ndniral of the' lac-y w.-rc invilcdcl and lfor n nnmuItl n cf aine Senatnrstnu a n-c-ncllnnncy h.. n'- mnainna t.n Tx.cnfnusn. Tlnn'n. MA Ini futhn-r merle cf rescpect, tîn. -eni,ale journe-i. Atner IInthe cF-naIn- t.lj.tinnI ltîne n- lcrpeidin.n t ntnnnnte.lth n l tn llnncn n ngnn nod Senannrnc lu attecndIlleîneu innonus tng) Phbs:Nil, Murs. liste, IW'nlthncll .I-n-ry, Tnî pie. Adcnn. Debulc.. i'nttns, 'hitnnuannd A nltacsaion nt Unicnn Paüc i- lnrad affaira orecupied theIinn atenticn ortnhc. tc-ci- ste Mnmda>. lTie -l-i-nyappnrotpria- lionc bill uas lakeci ut, c'rly iiinie day ani Mr. Morgasn îrcntaned su smeciclment de»Ignonl Innprevent ticeons)unmnstion of an agreemuent maieesmime lînntir ine for tic settlement of lie Gnneramen 's cron D aoiIbe ront. ir. Morgan »Polie nlrcnghout tie day. seerrnly ar- ralgulno'iute larille rstlrnclmancager». .atc lunie day. tic ennire suinjc.l aa disposen ofrlny tie vithdrnwsl ornthne paragramitao vic-iMn. Monrgan inanlof- tered tais amendunent. Thc' nleicicnx-y appropriation bill s-na nt ecmîlettcî up itu tie l.imeofutadjnnurlinini. Th'le j.nic-e lu lic painl fnrnrnanr plate' for tIne lhrcccne% 1IctIle sbipu xilînnin iura- ofcntnonstruction n tss lieccnc of exîcînnlecland nt time. lil- ly -Inani inn tihe iteae Tinoniay. l.Ane icn thn day an amnnc-nccnent ta tie n alec~n- nrn- prniomn 1,111l c rin r'enl nau 'trin-tiing nie priierecnt armnr pinnîte a 94melinar tcn. nr $127j !~ t n acni e annnnccîr,-îcnrlc. by the Ln unnitnn'eandni c'-e,nccnnennciiillh nhe' naci- cpunccnc'nt asmthen- mnin rute ancptable tic tic- nn nînnnrntlrcnctnr. A notlnn- samendaicn'nt insrtcd ncllthn- bill ciroctenlIlnl' e rtâry of the Sari-tIcin- c-esticrcîc- nuatunthe' ,'aiînlinelic t cn gnncc'ngnnn-nt cn nuor fnnn-lnry cn nnlInn reposrt tae n no-bsession cf <cnra.Tin'a the~ cl.Iinc.y appnropriatlinbilli. llene-In of bthe grn-enptniy gnnc-nxu, w nc-s pnasiec. ']ln i lnnnîs tnock a rn-c-c-s for cnne day cilnccnt lranac-tiicg nu.%-nnincc's. Tisla ,c,,iun sIf î camn gît,'innnthInn vanic'ly stage. But as a nnntlc'r oftfat-t. lb la biccbori-. for o4-n-nnciln~cily fuiny ltig» du ln:nliinn lint Ilec-onurts lc-ninîc' tic, laccye-mi. Il wons lit an tglignn-ncasne caenlly andi a goocl-lnumonc'd I rIcnina nai nolunies. 'l'lnie .1 nglgc.In lawycrsa nd ecccrylnoly elIao tc*tryIing Illic' t ie'nclto cxtraa.t trognain helrlsbgnînnnuonicI ling about lIhe cctnnd of n train. "WVns il gob in al r nîkecl nlccJudgc'. "'Awc, inla, t ei," nimicni'c-cit'icevt- "Ohm, jmnity frniditb.yer liocior'" "1weli. lnow tantc. nA. pu nlrli- faccît." 'tVnn il ans faut a m init c-cncrucl?' ',Awr. -ici.' IndtheIt' Inincgn. glaci ilînt thnohuais tor n inn a xiil n scisp- pîled. '*Ancfaidicîat nc wtmmci kln xi." -Iiifnnilo Entluirer. A illi laMatch. The.Jersey Bocilfuc-e--hII tîniat fellon- psy for bis roonmnlu aclcauxiie Tino Cierk-Yes. but lie kin-ked at lie 3i. M. I. Mulson. a vealti>- bunker oet MNontrenii. bas gi-en $155,010 ta Canaiia ciarities. The Crovîn Princeas of Sveicu bas tei, en to bl4nclc rudina fan ber heali, andl im ireaiy founi the exereles benefielai. Tice French ambassador te Great Brit- ai in the beal pai ambassador hi the venid,is ye.rty salary heina *00,00<. Peler L. Holst of Cicago, a ntie ef Narvay. la tie olicat men tea pply fer naturalisation Ii ibis country. He leSU9f yssrs .ld. Tic 11ev. Henry îlupp, novwlil hl d year, is the omiesslprescier inIcillinois. ami sill pncîîebes every Ilundai-, bringsah-eau aid vigccrous. Gen. Benjamin Prcullss, the "icro cf Sbi," at one limne one of bhe vemîtijest menin Ilîlinois, lt a sii te10li nmeagei- circuitanres. A report ibat Ruskiu's mini la becoun- ina feehîe is denied. He ls thougintful and quiet, it inn sai, but bis intelligence in Dot aatml]impaired. Ticecill of Mr@. Sarah itbers et Bloaminglon. hnd., bequotia *40.000 ta touai a lîbran> n Nlcbolasvilie, Ky., vhere aie vas born. Dr. leuma Wakefield, who bas jusi eue- ceesafalli exa m .nationn'ls'thec fitcoiareclvommonb elc:nesci o i- tees medicino inlu olana. Rn-r. O. W. HutehLuntcfWaltoMva, Mau&, huadiqd, nte p.oi t Grant univeroiti, Ciatmcaa>eam vilsi ha v reotiM mmai. SENANTEAPPROVUSTilt DINOLI? flmuiBallot floe u. Tybi,,.IhgAv"i5 aid renty-zgbt Mess- ]4l" B. 00» tae eue fer WurtkmeCe Utini00» ?beeag. n'y the icsive vote cf 38 te m O0 tarit bil vas passd lu tie United Ill"l 8@»te siortly betars ô5 clorck Wadeusc day. Tieculinmnation cr tic laongaidar- imou s truggle bai exitai lie keeSMai inisesl, aid the 0cr aid Une galligeo et tne 11ecai, charnier tetecrovisi hi tics. auinionste ujinousthe clochât sesme i bpcaker Reni, Ciairnian Dingl.y ami munr of the memiera of the oum ofe Rspreaentatives vers la lie rour ares, viltv e Y"at lu tic gallerleis soi-ethon@ rééervsi for forelgn rejreaentntives v@» The nanala Icterest cecneredinlutbicfinal vote, uni aoIde frain tlit ters vas Lit- dle of naciramailc caracler Ili e cebale. The early pari et the day vas spent on ameuinta et compnratively minet lm- Vartance, lie nlebste branciing Ie Onanclal auj anti-trust chana. DY 4 c'clock tie Senators began manlfeetlag tneir unmijence by celle for "vota," "vote," unidscion tiereetter the 1mai aucatiment vas disposai cf aid UensaI vote began. Tiere vers minny lnterrll- thoua as pairs vers nrranged. auj tbis ai 4.,55 occthle Vice l'resideui aasa aid aunuci Une passage ot Une bl- yens, 38; omys. 28. Tiers vas ne icUa- aciatration. but à fev scttered band- clapa .enre gi-en esa the rovis dispersa& Fol lo-.nnligila thesvote Coot: AllIson. J2nan Baker, nantie. Barmnrv, Mamsa. ('opter. Mormili. clan, Nenson. Cellom. l'tarce.' Davis. l'enklus. poinbaahsn. rnccard. Forsier. - lrortor. fiilIloge.(uy HatloS..l aansa. ~ o Havle. tnr Jous(Ne.>. sres, Wc1lgtos. me Wetiuore. Nemnery. Wtlson-4S. NAT9. flacon.balIte"y flanc. MartIa. fier-, Mille. Caffery. >l"celi. Coincnus, rea Cuitlon. PM."ru c8ay retaus. Cocirel. flavlaos. patnanter, Bosch. 11-1. Turner. His t ca%-. Turple. Jones 4àAn.>, Vent. Ienuy.walthall. I.nndmy.Whte-n. Tic feijovinna pairs vers anincnnnncei, tihe Orailnamei vould iav-e voIci fnr ni* bill and lie last uauied agsiuat it: Aidrica»MIurpini-. nh8ndl, snd Xlic t.Aurin. Frye 5aind à narsd gltnl. lashvoand oiDaniel. innar snnni lirris. 4Ten.). c. aon cd Tîiman.. W'-i nnnt ai Geoge. Au n anuyis of the linai vote slnnnwg tien lie athrnuatlve wvascess nt y *:15itubli- rag. 2 sm-er lipublicaus. JonurIei sud Nantie. aud 1i Democrab. McEuhev. Tic negslive rvnte wv as at by ri Dem- ocraIs. L Populias, Hsarrs (Kan.,sud Turner. sud 1 sîlver Republiena. iCannon. EÀoltin tepiîcacis vere paireci for the bi and riait Democratsalaient it. The Senaiccri preseut sud ciot vollmng aete: populists. 5. via., Allen. Butler. lieitfeld, Myle sud Nevart; silver Republicans, 2, vit. Triger auj Pettigrev. Falavting tic patauge Of teliellI a rae- Ilion Ias sgreed to mseins tie lton"sefor a ntersuce. ani Senators Alisan. AI- dinn. laltt (Case. . Burrova. Jc4uc (N1ey.),N'est Jues iAri), auj White vers ncincias cnferec-s ou tie Part at tic Beanite. Tic Isiif debane betmote aY 25, on vhlci, day MIr. Aldrich, lu hehaif of tic Flinance Committce. made lie openînaS etatemeut. Thc actuil oasuraticn et tie bill t.egao the oeil imy. andi debate has icen continunus mince lien. cnering six veeks and eue day.Ila bas beeu nuo- bIs li ane respects. altiaugi l bas laci- ci maay of tie dramatic moi oratorlei fautnres maknaformer iciales. Icirn tic oniset tic aivocate sf thill>1ler- fnu rana rou set speeches. mand aie disent- sien vas nariovsi ta a coniderattou at raIec aacisindla. ratier tâtagenerai prlnclîe. Mr. Aldrih'*lîlnesa tuai ilu fron tiec tamber afier Une Arsi dey. and sice tien lie bill bas iean in hmucilse charge of Mr. Allison. The opposition hum beeu direcedsi tn the main by Mir. Joue« <Ank.> sîni Mr. Vent (Mo.),. vile lenators White. Caffery, Giray ani Allen bave fie- quently fcnanred in tic iciats. Tic bill as il g.ea bock ta tie Houa. ru-enset. Une anti-trustatoci 0n f tie, Wilson Iav, vbile nbe reclproelty mani rslalatory pro- visions bre subatîtolci for thi% of tie Houte. one cf tie oa important nev previa- ions &dnie by Une Sonate is tiat placlag a stamp lt on bouds. debenciuresansdicer- tifirates of stock. Amide tront tise morsef imtan hliusse sth4aeiladms i of a- impthelHnse t-ages7tic bullast gsoa-c rions ic-res of importance, vhilcimuai ha reconcelsi eiveu tie tva brancha ef Coniresa. 1 : »r. Intentai ïprgm-Mu .poed. mil a woii te Our Wu* Mediscourse nas a Strasg WB th.i frso bui lu ibiS 1 l. i. Lbauane Ê. Wbiat mae, tie sieep lan1 tie occen wvi Me Amleldi Med (;icdu o exerctioii1 lie bais mmr mma" vet oc 1 ttai. For-ý 4«a on. sud il 4 pulibnens CI Lut usmet Im te deratrof salon-c'a, sic isar lie tri iisiro*:nsona éme, hleabs uidîng ln hib I IL 1ilee Sot 80W tuire la i se me vincb Se aae bebi bai set the ci Md lsrnielltes le ilow Peti Bd.ui> lnu oleida.: arits »Ul Icto tie Fenlec i.~ci itan. téoic teeth-ccc ara mouiha >)-t n ýfor the h-mo udr Silds, iheum e vie' Net ihlat aIay*ili the, bea" innc i n sA aa l i & droe -if ahf esnet Ibcur lu ie it tat tbnt lie en for lilail omti lie m», sn a aol"cnl eaulookg a iue iypneri rli the r net lis-efla sieepaàIfit tbat tic i-Y aumnuel nO un Goci u.1 bites mni a vimt Ouen fa mine cen a bgith thUe ariny fer sac rit the Amial ivard nia lieu be i Oriental sauci ns tiai. &ha npire ad la otit'r carlinlic. c&neyitnnt ta kinaclo 1 letira expose Il bele te, * elasion "brep'n, viat luc lic dcv- vhitea if he t] afterw * me n be geli * nes« lx mer%. Tiere bavle B eepa Whc for yE l igion vill b /1paatoi en et c th i Te. terc tio tpea dan wils na a nus cie taà

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