Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 16 Jul 1897, p. 6

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le loft hl, etutuet 1 mid iaie$theiacertaiut1ic1 .1 eu imhal, viies iscme Ivrre f at t aalong eutlat W» e asinga bath mga lt g n et i l er fa ce a a t tmit ude mote ber aven more e stng a- Wwn bet atsight of her, oe.Preseat tet cyca, .lot Il u lim-Ily, ~i ai It otards lc vili a gl m ae-iuoredtoili.. tb5 e me ml msbandr o dismm. - i. vlhbc valtingtfon auan mer, aima sla the asmelas! tous. "e ~ht slutter front Dr. Peuls, dltu'i l'es cvne I do't mev *hat 'y. 'Wl. 11. Haveernhe vaul hteo sea 5ad me oha'. tamy 91. le, 1 supposa, goer4. WiN yon drive me? 1'm 457tirqi tc-day; I bat a bcil aigt, rare hv einaialeop nean ly l heafter- amstamoeka p for il, e I téal tocde- VïbwOIlifotr aur active etleL" IMm tvas nothng ton Il but le pt SIlMU t ber sertiee.. As theycama lua gM etCieaiit'shansm, sd Am- *1sait ishobat been asedte oeail at .C mCrmctnt.Lady Klltem flush- sud itgaravent ma glane.etr iauf-imuta- hes. boff-vo.mssii antreati. 1 «Net »so" isBaIL "Whsu jeulave mbt e ah Dr. Peele'm, you cas Mmue ll- dkyrove o, but hte gava nue vistai cmlards the glomg loohtag bouse; r usice bis expressien. «Il cr1 ebotlsoe saa u o. Arma- blIasb nas= tircamse la imot cf il> éest hee1.%@e nter tsar. vilch % eéodff tU ltstie = W s SIWerOOIp 1iivU in oste am Pae = - is s&- Ibes taitmsyocheor lime,agtened s pet- fa egt M0teeia lu lie Etn viee wittsos ai esote -Ellama.Lia m lii amo" te assacfsaaut emthi in . 5.Ar- doIsg t 4ia, vu& 4lissunegtha face, hegoed bu., houles et éIr*," bls. slua ahecr-brcksn "lhe poci% iser deteel HV I Be uau «Niese »b. el-i Lob ffo Anb.é vrs ail i mutMa.Pus s Mise Millia cil tierstir.-ho sUit h. ei mnt- Aao tslie te t Ticudvs msi aisi ed i. te th le vin- eAt 1eqltanthbisronmThrnuh lis aise at la issv halvaes tomd& LAdhbe b u*wndow opoe, coltlauth tari as idu s o;a" u l P* tu* teme, aWt bobo Ilisissa. Mo a Mt huert a suiii am uev .-ïJ*, Astpes uh tb a h is o" pe sit, 'Aim-fit, w lm te *,et ot Agea, mli bar 1I hoset ef .1 etaX, sd J* m w tus. essti ber--' lUnes vers lis leaiWord$ air, lius i»ew à dom lm nat 1,Wit e hbola a"sWs ffA mm.deaia t s boit, ait Stke O.t h.*, 7 sudi ber sentirltlis dImm uw ird t'm homa" s bLi I ba tterivatuusyw bhases, Lady *uimý n sait AtLhvcte, vsy gent- %Meitar casut el sa y.-Jss out Il 'Fra bis salcu face vas fluahet, vilei Ues ant fnrrows lta Il hat grnssedmsP liaI tiay asumed! te bu atarit gro cales; is ejes vore, mamies ast Wassy, and bis aletements restieu atnarr'ons;:bMs aotelae ppearanca and manget aaedtol muggsst lai liebatl been dtnains. "'Tua have beau c long time," b. sait, "I1 licoglt jeu ver. ne com5lg." He vas leating th. vay miens the bail. At tie ft o f lie stuircis b.tunuet. ant sait. burtictlj, "Andte moit doCtcr la deat. Lady Kildonan ba Jus callet in miy ao." Tii.y entenet the sick coota togadien. it vas tuai of ligit; fer the faiitnfl Nîknai, vie nov -buug over lie bat vian. bat mintreas lay, caîling te hat la tout but itly accent&, bat coeele tat dls that the tarnuaceuit but tarer thme tas- geos elumber, sutliait placet lampe and cautime etall morttsases la ven> cor- net. Âcmstiwaite dlamlmsed lie goot- icarted mat on coma errant, asdt gisi- cd front hie patient t te gulity huaient. sue hogoot ah m little distance viti bMs bomd tunmet eway, tepPiug liha tour lu- padoulnly itilahi. font "Ton have called me lu to attend jour uit., tiet-efore va cen b. fran i viiie anehiar. for vwe meat no lenger as mau sut min, bols dectoansd patiant, aud secrets are sacret butweauns." Crosmont stattet, asud faiiet am vaga looi scrons at hiu, wvieathaefduiton is face gmev deeper. "Secrets!' bu bugan. m.Tour o-lt., Mr. Croamucat," ccstlnun. Armhatiate, bocking aI hlm asteatiiy, "la net lua snaîturel ait-sp, but insac Insee, brourte ou by louganutperaistent muijee- Utiee mesnaerlnluences. It le tcr yen te tocide tv'hetier tais itdimpataile tact le on te net a sectet." "TY«, vali I dit t," admittat Coasenta. 'lie vas reutis, cnt I nord tescolie ber htiya nysd maie ber ae@>sp.1Idit kt la iladucess, mind-tuInindnem at1cnsd out I bat that poiver ovan ho>-.&s pover of affection, pore affection, lougacge, set I uqet. il fer ber goot, yen undetensds-tor ber geoi," h. r.pemted, vidi feterlàau- phiel., 'And I cemit vake ber aies I piessat untilteo-tai. lii. hieneyer sapt s0 long buera. I deu't iuov vuW. 1 ten't mcv uttat bahappenes& But I ha" bloet ower-losI le; Il batone Iteusmém, do yen sacQuii gne. Oaa jeu te anjthing?", 111liini se, Mr. Orouneut." Net dmev a leng bmeali et relief; tbon, iadlesllug blé vite aimeel vîtthoutlose- lng la bet direction, ho asit: "'Wai, mai, ban opean aieea--mike hem' spea." "I vaut le Imupose a condition apon icu tirot." "1Wbat la il?" l'"That If I restore .ra. Oremnt tot couscieusuaesa irmedlalely, jen vii luI ber *nter uy ehargeuntil hem- necorery le complate, sudlunlime mesutime tire me yeun word e ofuoo en a sgentleman hist yen vili discontinue tie-lis lautenestiug scientific experimeuts te vilci joun vite base nesniî become a tîctimu." "Tes,"m muttaredtheb.agent ciortly, imrtly forming lie vend. Armativaite tei bo thli îit. Dot- lae hante I i l lft, wvila io passa isi rigbtpalm several times evif Ily &Mut m- iyofr the arme Iront abeulter tu vuisl l'ho patient vas sensitive ite e ryr al louéh. Whou. sfter a 1evr moments, ho muket lua a1ev voica: '"Are yen avabe?' &ha epenet bat ajes ast smili tssbly at hlm "Ithougit I vas test," sie.muirmuret, ea a vesk aud bruies vole. lieu, vih a siutten, a*cleset ber aies snd sani baci gen. "Well, yeia'n. a migity ungamtaful vons- su"r'mutcnt Otosatent snhieuly andt, Wuth à hat-angry, iait-contamptnoes net ta th. tectet, haoavons iintseit eut cf the ruelle, bouging tie doon vidi s vtolene v hicik made tbe corridor orbe sand lia vintova nattia. t »VI Osai - MDa rMei dse- CHAPTER XXI. .xldly. "Pupeai pisiau Do Mmcli te h acloishucal of hiàsvlfe, ma 11,W, don taran as utle te tic surprise of Arma- tels aseverst u a o .vas thusila imscîf, Net croassntlketiei ieeplymotet, voidtethticlatteir Mosai shbfnlly. Day ,;@ test, tien?'*apensitat. alterday tié jeans toctor nesle ou 4- ,*ty Kiltieus. Tl'ientai vrdi Almas vithout hiatrance, mnd aster is ià er- cane ber mlat beotue rapidly mat arly miet lterraple d Msla an aMuis- tc reover lie toue. Ir meikre toîue.nouefrmt o AIma wax yradually lenrniug, oter iber Il iliai, [t'a tcess o m e odotor's influmence, te iose er a uf and *oamenuel thewax. WINcultivate. bmr ympathb vitb, bar hua- we mie ber" baud. Tee taysalcter Dr. Pcele's fanerai, satîvaîte trev oin la iitle dis- vie cia bat beauu noter trealmeut a it- tic morte tise sa fortnigh, Armativale iMa 1 ontankyeuteexcuseme, usa cou gcstuletieg imtself on the im- Kiltesn. li oea eltaeamrulua mc cee bar eathlcennuai ime, met?"yen on'îvailho cr' i fount ber eu the old limp, covet, ant tyet.l yu au eeaWesttloe. mer'et aexhableisIa, ithi daed ci. atd usiuy, humnus iede omeis. M eiieylimbe.. na et te von hte luedut wwi teain uw*Wn evr l âf îhli eas.da. ul ter a fw questions lou- odut. As tlea ss e lc t b otsu, caee te taile Aumcte's p@ lace bustle "Lady Kilteesu came te are me jaetr b. beenasedthl~eo«to t enaer, dtsi-lite la the. alternecu." sid Aima, et in àlove vote.;inaduî, enurmînet voie. es vreust mad MaUlmg74m>-, "Inteet' To saitif rom vara ietteny' jo y«vera u i te elt'oe onidece "No. ile vantat me te de suinathing. 71 es- -u.aY*blu &黫»» P- Il oenmeaetranse tina foer anlà.a oil i vdimlm" Bul I do't isew. I ves frighenct, aux- cam7" e ali- 1sos " MIjea; l md mi." wm hs1 r evIailstet as ho. aeif A .r "wths.î,suvatmi m.vutjut ver Q ui atei 0usse u the Pser Wegi ad. i i al mntrist 4sel furfutous GMut dghtW -M"Ue aid-Alma's face bassas tclook Pde *a iMSabmW dt@ssilly om bav, bevildanat, ut miserable. aud bar sevl svrmmsa e b ala oyes atenami lu heiesaelascaeon titi me surdevote Île*a »teu orso, fce-"Sie "idt tat Net vas in W utns tomeoset mel bal s îmtu lic-g emrlous, dnesttnl difii Ibviltatir, migis - -a bave culles--amm t lia 1 oul l e autoIonjeulet ser ami oas.lif Msea hai heume have mone! le ialp bin:. 4»tiIgit, Or Il As lu k*%S.15 "le liet aellDenme, tbat'e aimes et- orits bat msbzet un «51t* uled.tled! 1 viii ia oyouniueisnd aboutît.' e0m os stadIdignU e ' be r "Wlli jeUWon*tîyouen afraît'" 0 hava.w -mon "a sP y mas*a 'Ne. If yme dre'î spei te but.1 Irsa 5 sf5e..n h. Nos liontmac. Yen o-st te ialp lmuIfyjeua isagemo ahe usW &oi bad @»inde't yen.t snt her silisité or e. "Oh. yee- e,! bu ho avt me àanmg setmeu.» Vr etto, htastid o mat fa rou y us it -au"-»s§d us. >1truble our. settyi6or a «I Ioul vaes" i ilion. t a i55au5l vm; I leaci 1 a- Ob Fvatae ad a iellow beaft be "Ld Kiltennu-she tightenet m by lat tue sl 5baubofasseavoenu- ltma vay ocet aîme. lit vai almuct as If 1 bcdl tie oney about me. CHAPTOIR XX. aumi e vîisedte10test Jil avy.' uiP4W es thhbdat u. cpetet. "Ob, Yen are net quit. val jet! Vo:l ta hie estd, bp eiuembutel Icanc cfliinenvena, fancîfui. Yen muet mni aoblo gtkg thuih. bcd busegasilIletjuîîrselt bu ttugbtème se maly." id ble ishe sutdib PFrakAr- He calmeml ber cîcitemant wirb reseiu =ta« ollbasuabiae eagiu g woode. and dit 01nest eoutil b a i isaMIlIs ise bcbuécetalls lbat retoe ebr te a beathilran sd bigitei ao b esimie te te very viai. muet. i fosty assou bils n aulet, alter Tiah een-nhga. o- hme ha iuw, Cr" au cre, dimg tslsg u lisbr Pe- Imoluth. 0 .ritindtehobils tumly n. -~rmebvg . eunse"t é oen- orm teCc&atkd t the bonne agait soe4a'lie amesc t a n .vee le agent w&%m dete. l4~~*sdms ic e ..1 "Ihava coucte houkpmitu, yeu oni v1 W isolse.utoaa foe tellesta matter, Mr. .cs-mmu," seul îth uttao oo i nuit&. m oeronllobe .bât bpeu ltitodtaleis mpIe6la i .Te agent teckel aibiL.c Ont fts jam etaoh eycis. ahlec m' aIu aat.brio, myeL" n besAà2ag e tbt. é &Meafas Orsmont at the. »m»,les. heaume preternaturslly quist-*calbi*-up as lira. Crosmo et med and taId bot yon wer. ln vant ot money, but did met 11ke le ssii hateWil.1 "And'wbat did ai wlfa aml? laid .ii. woolda't give Iltme, If aie bad aul sase." "5h. azked me te spaak te yen about it sud toa ak if it vas true." 'Witb the. objet-", "Of getting yon ouito>J our dillicuis. if You weïe ln auj." Ornemeont began te walk op and dowa the mai spae at hie commead, viii his usuai hery tread, hauging bis heast ad evideelly muci disturbed. "'What shall1 1 haber' Ariathwalts msked at lent. "Tell bar aie's a tool." aadd Crnement rongbly; but aveu la bis oce.nul* and toue tiers ver. aigus of a kindier smo- tion. "No, MRitbar." h. «..l n tomila short and lowering bis voice,' "tiat If 1 ue. ln diffieulticeher mouey vould ite me ont cf, l'd take it. No. ne, batter tei ber nothing," he added lu a harder volce. "Ne g ced te get epooneY ou ber Dow.-' Aud &gain lie began te marei np and dcvii tie i. 11e roc. ivlth erqklegair. Armathhaite rose, mucli moretd. .. u ed against the. iant4Ppee in his tu-u. "Why la it ne goed?" he aoke4.'ii a 10w. melicu voice. 11 sbould lay it vas geet, very goed, ta e th ti ent epportoaty ta get rtgbt when one bas soeaiov got Wreng. You'il lie a vreck baera yon kuco-liera yen are et the. rate you're going." 1 amn a wreck," said Crosment sbortly, stopping te frewn et hit. '*'. ot geint te abma. yen. 1 don't lielleve you're a bat feilow. But yen muet mimd lour owa business. AndtI tink lhat-atter te- dsiy"-he seemted te get the words ont viti difficnty-"you bat better discon- tinue your visita for the present. Ouiî for the present mmd. 1-i am going te taite jour edylce, sud bu doctor myseif te my vite. 1-1 am oliiget te leu ton jour srviees, tiougli, vrrmuoch obligrd. And 1 shall sent for yen &gain betore long." On couelderation of thismarte witm the agent and ita reiult, Armathbalte rasoir- ed te go up te Tiie Orage naît dey, atd tny te learu tiere the. reasen cf hie abrupt dignisa. On tiihelloowlng eflennees. thaefone, .he made a pretaît te cUiiea the. greut bouse, sud se. the philelogiegt. Aftr a tew umin»tes' Couvermedea vith Lurt Kildonlan, Who vas aivaje mach de. ligiled by a vieit tru hi. faverite, ho fauciat bue d made a diaaoyery. For the. old Scoîchman, whiie ccrnmentlng with »Mre anxlaly uon the. appearae et a von ou verds vilci semauuteabara nerpet sk>me cf bis oevuanomd, said that bu weuld gaI Net Orosmenft te ebtain I for hlm ilU Lverpool, as ho was geins up tien. uliat eveunu. Whareupon Arma- thwaita vgna utdènljallant, stupid, sud umympatbatlc upon ii thebbet cf puël- ology. looked et hie watcb, sud preseatis took hie leave vith nosea aruptneas. il vas haif-past fontr'o"ek.LOrne. ment neyer wterted ou is jonruay te UTv- erpoil until alter dat'k. Ii. eau Io lats trains tnem Braubsme vere the. 0:10 and the. 7:40, tiierefore il weuid bb y oe of tii... that bu venit go. -1 rmal b. lu time te give hlm a vain- ing word," tbenght Frank, as bu iurried aloug tie rondtoteard Menecide. tTe bu continnad.) lana, Histories. If lhe Imuer historien et people veta known, vint strange secrets might corne te ligit! A man Who fur hl aa centurry bat i ive4 au lntenseiy religions lifa died .uddeniy. Then the. tact trans- piret that ln bis youtii liabatl commit- ted a crime, snd the. austerity ot bis atter years was causat by ramera. The vriter knove a quarulous &plntar e o slxty who'apparaiihiy bas net a grace et body or mind, and viiosa existence le one long complaint Tveuty-flye yeart age, tuis voman vas a pepular singer viieme beauty matched ber gaulue; people threnged te heas ber, and aie rat usat men by tiie scere. Nov mii e s.sarcaly a friand lu the. vent, aud leuw trea t tiat te.and tie eue. lamas. singer are Ideatieal. A mît- dia-aged, tacituru mua vb e ecupies au lufanlor position lu a grocery store, vas once a brilliant erater. Hi. tnemory faa hlm, sud bis career vas cut shomt ln u a stern city there lires au ogly, tocrepit oit veman io veacousit- eret lu ber youtii tha handsomeet girl ln Kentucky. Peems ver. unithen about bur, mea vent craay over lber and duels ver. tougit by Jeaous admirera. aYet teemarried a verthlu..nuWho Vgot dronk ent abused, bar. A bighly respectable citizen tente eue thousant dollars a year avey te the conscience fount at Washington. Young people an. interesting for wbat they are, but dthe eIder folks are more lntereeting for j-iwnt tbey bave bmeu. If tbey could bu 4intoced te tell the stery. e New Methoes. t- Wriiere of the day meent tebceseekiug g ceweffeets ln lie vay of matrimonial Pproposais. Mr. Howeli. vritee ef a 4yoong lady vbo fiatly telle a lou A man that eh. deom net care for hum sud Itthat lie eau go avay. As ha terne te LIgo. xie ans: 'Yeu are net geiug avay hrlbattai e?'."No; loving jeu MOrN IL han everY 8Sh. averts lier eyee sud murmure. "Why. viiet arc yen geing m-ferle' itlaleneedieste etate thtint li g.leyer et once "t' lier te bie beon.' "The Old Bilver Trait," turing au lua tervlcw betwecu tvo ex-lovera, thi man maya: *'Ticeltlime 1 eau jeu te ou tld mue bat jeu haatdmue. Il wtt net truc" "I think-l hhtunimore ol ,Lyen-lien I ever dît, mli. murmure er Ourtain. Robert Barr aiselis a pro àeposai Lan'"TheCUndarutudjr." The gir in ae: "Oh, 1 have ne patience vitt je yu." -1 amrn Ott7fer Iliat,"' repliai etOrMeat, "ferâ I nteuted te ask jeu th 4 ha uiî wife.~ "Olir' cnIedthte girl braahbiessiy, lunuing lier bead aval TImeutoliovne i usel expianatiom 1 The herolue oetaséort newepaper stor3 TWENTY TNOUSAND CHIRISTIAN ENBEAVORIS Miii. Cest&tioâmse onueoescfuil Ire. nlma-est. Weaclsia .C*rkp Wather et ths N.0vement-Elsiory ce the socit-litat yGrowtb Con.. avery ILeu Uep»Rseted. Pda Ucisr rssprsdmnc: Whou Rer. E. I. Dilis ttppad viih bie gavalinlu eehaulea'Paillon Tiiursdsj morulha clm"eda le enSe iagreatest coavantion CalIfe as e evar sean. Tan Gansaant Ubisian Endeavrera tacet t»i speaer, men and womau fImmnevery quarter efthle lant, reprentlug evany on" t oti. usaitAt the . 5ntima, lu Woodward'. ipavillon an ovet4ev coase lieu ahanaI as large opaet edfr buiness. Bau nmi as turmed orer coconti tienally le the vigorous yonnu dlegata. who lied journered acroes asîlii plaint, througli deserta, under burning aouna and over aks of @mec 10plant hheir banner ou the lPacifie couet. Ouevery side eooil be seen tbe coloraetf te Christian wer- tiers. At every torn were met lhe caru- et facts ofthte advocates of higher and bettar làves. Tih.ecanes at the. paviln rubled à natijoal political convention. excepi that more womes ver. la eidence on Ibis occasion than usually attend Essat gath- erlaga la tact, fuiiy twe-thbrds et the. delagatea veraeofthei gatier 'sez. Bat thair preseace tended te ma ieheau. wilmmm mad sudmaet tse a m*u- sical veceataby the chair, hebd *v* louai aercis. esWr. eutate- l ion ar Pip l . ring o ent uT T1'a 1 th. velctof the le lmitths09 Il- si3 délivenail 1 Rellé, V. Watt, Who Mucha la part as tews 'ils meaing con tisane are nslll, a kaposeara tuIUIIei.sur piaereaust i;ere silsesa b. sssmbnuet - du- f te et =a iriUs tese 5 jb * w e tIb ons , b .h e fer t h.s _ hco s wiooma abuse or 0"0 O.t.5a sud wbesmmvat. ou ae btkali ui Iboai art iatneas vs it m~ a Ju. hbuia un va so utq a la testse eOu seigi t tie ta ter. All e b.applancevWbc"i olloved tie mrkebriM. Watt hbat auidsi. the vegeome et lb. Gltec Gata estera va ivma bih&0 t. Jobh m uL Uut. (jet, Jeter thieu vdeemd ls elegatel br thle ciir, sud, ilu béait o e T .tmluR Eadecvcrers, is e r. lmIr Lnith or NasviatIlaTeuli., rppnded tute itia or velcoume. Pjceidest qj.m'h'. Meeaae, Tic subjeet otfSme iiaaal agesage et tie presittliefa. razelà ILClark, D wD u as" Wero-nii-UUulg Baugios Metemeut; Ho, BM"ilIt Vnlll Goda D«miat" R. saitlapari: bave satedil mi cssteatiee.!, testIs m the utrspelta hanaele et set r84la thes Usais et ;le 0 Aatev'ls Haull Olemu and la the Aa ot capital oet ha Puejabu &MORS our X lona deavorera la Befat a" 00onhe s Mabral rialasetfsoutiera luta' lae rawlai Seuile end on.tbm leeely tbls<aeh et the. Trand- lt; aâeeg lb. Olps aitamnant uni us thm vaut Vet c Ime m s.aT. l se-gfirl stoeibeli anas 0 iarSof ootht Airs,;la iryparisasud la quiet Westia- tee: l e bclave. eof0"nosr~; abd ver,- *bse, Ial theisas tir ef Cutoza sud -=tae or massera ad mtbets. et leIMM onaad aws. i bave toast litaI ths (Il, 'a Baeavoiésais crs sebaiauilliy thte sMs. baeoe0ver#bPc wandimhaer re- lilu týAil.toe"sis, bate atenovi- e ssi1 ptsaq et jeasChrists lis Ion et (Gs&and heO wUr mla bm 2- ceom 4ilbavese mi hi. Suis ltas I9 voeif Gai. a" *iis eu Uplas lmI ORW C (rteeS huiaS.But jamiorbanucefdm fi..mexico ta PIpLi itotalm&nIssit l5.uls battus 46; Ohle 2ast enyltan, l 2 Te in la=~S Peaualtanl bariug 20 s"t ma. Lef Tvesla* a aulor oDe- lie have bu ortmnse at aiorus.Nev lismouin mdsutPsuuyatasCh adi at lus timnea &ud Couasdlicutt Iv. "Huglsnad boa SM » setice; Ansaala 21%; ellant, M6; WaIeo4 811; Intia, M0; Iraent, 19S. lisiama, le; lianes, 8; Méebo, 100; japauUS; es.h- ladies, 08; l'unies 41; China, 58; Alica. 62; Gmm, 82-lu ail, 1.Mtào tu elier eutric& e uatilitsOses& »h 8M 9. le bets. icuer fthlsesm,- eset pepcmortein la s utbe numien &AN FRlANCt500 Y. M. C. A. BALL. of socleesnov hait by etîiat. vwil 59 te lie Endsvorera on lie EnteradIlIe. "Ia the Unied t tes lb. Pnosbyteri- am iste 5.531 Young pecples sut 2M6 Junior mcises; thc Congregatioaallcts hava naît, vii t,156 jonna peojWanda 1= 22Jusetr IBaptiste, 2,060 Young peo- ple'& cndt1060Junior; Oumierland Pras- bytirinlau.M87 Young peope,&anSoi01Ju- nior; Mtiotist Protestanla,71 jeang peopl.'s and 251 Junior@. Luliermue, M0 jouag pmo&M st 34 Janleraneaniy for- ty denommnaioas alas. repemte&t "A miselenani rol cf icue ctalus tha nasUset lof 04 delties lia: hare given nasriy 960.0001ta miciesa dirough tdur eva 4cmimtiên miielouaty berdas. Dngingthlenat laves menthe 2%M of e te Junior@ hare ~luthle cium-h, and MECHNICSPAVILlONTHE BUGE UIOIU EELE CONVENTION MET. more striking in cler and more anmlited la minor pantlculara lbe creéis and ferma ot frema lia jouag peoplesoselales, 187,125 lu pilt Al h.cîeei a iebuluscbarcb goversmaesofthles. bospiaibte ba i 423 lu piit A te trtt l te usnes tf unr oclety tiffer as vidsly se vasir cei.. l alt138 tistiicl c.ctha city and lu lie niglibot- ptesionm. The aa.ut oftac, u ma'@5 ASai et Dtever Honone. heodoth e tiffaret etiquurtens ver. n i omk eDot mais Or cummsim i. mas mwwe fe h «i rsc cengatet viti lie licusauts cfrvisitera. ocili e abat.etf ie, rut domsauisoiteka Iiiciti t lerse tlc moiut ma bsCirisisulty. ratary Baer'a@sapert dia bats etf benêm k m.eoivr et .Palty. Our olety tise bas thèse sigue o a mat-, forenlimgitentt lucresnlanunier et The gtty back of thé& immense galbher- vernal meueumat. Il vas Sera la oleundt eteiulu elslyavic a estdvesiasse.Il bahe mt ovat Iexienlace oite uigtel er ke â jus iu tie land cf devers has a romuaunde te una aitsc oaeey c tsdsiel atot.beau hait in Ruglant. vas retluet as" inlreI ia ltt i fn bea iece.- 117. Il bas sercil vnla tisbeau pecentuetle the saine counrj. The Juniort Momlac.Bu axdue l'rsag ti i aipId ete e e agelca m-et bonetior the restest lucresa in the uculac. Bt sxten ean mg evn f e m eumeest t vontd-vIda Onganisahion boai ahumble siln te. ameisas eailuags cand -Boucher of nmeclales. heu iby Peuagia- birlhIolua ula, omt-ft-e-vay churchinla ins1 le.pis. alliton ut ia nia for lir« e rs, vas urestet trou the Haine. To-tai ther. are 4«000 sc1e t va 0 8 rsiseias, tr aur eveat h a Ketoame Stata iy Ohio. Tic naît lad- ties, iti a m Orhip u to-,fl ýmcru Otuhthy enemînahonai anlion- dent vus lia presssntatleu cf the bannert ycns ,pepe in avenrypart et dia eiviliaed ty. le the crmuty mkilng lia largesI propon- t,.from Spain tateicouaeau Iîada, lu uwerina the questiou of diasuni- tîcuale gala ia number u orcietme tnriug lu thie joull ceua m u co Australia ta ject,lie maithle muerent muet bc truc the 1aI Iwvîrmenthe, vhich bas ieeu AlakA. ta le fondmamntal Ides: muet neeescarily lu pas'alcn oet Icedant tuilas1h. lact In thi, ligne 1.000.00 meetings have bcuuit%lng; muet bu a perverse fonce; yean.i. îîas von Iii Iraimut. The junior1 been bedt by Chistia~n nMst bu sacrilclal, sud tmuet len ta badge bo naer gitan forer li graht pro- Copie.sntftheecoumllîthu numbernua (jetsvoeade tcntînusly oieî IL Caon- portienata lueresmenauter et speleties 5,000,000O bave been prinltedlunfrti Ian- inoing, b. sait: turing ttic Iset Ielve mentheaa cvmd- goages, tînd t ai st 15000,0W COPIes et This i.àcavorimOvemaut, thaaa G0d. cd ta I$pain. Il bat beau in posession lia I',Se.Moredia 1,00,00 msec- aay trou maheralali. formailn. ast the i'nge. oreth& 1,00,00 coac' tarn ecctslautieiam barS te Gad iolla or 0fMexico. at. mauitera bave joluadthle eburci, aud Kaîsavmners. let lite beclti. mette. lb. more timu $2,000»Q bo as been givec fer purpoee, tie prayer. oft tii. ur comtmg mcv- CONFISCATE THE COAL. denemimaticnal Purposea. Bchinicbriaf, atemti yetr: Tu cliii. lu Chriut. te cerren--- emakbl isit ley orfoeeof td ie 0r ourselv" e U lm.teletlaIUlm use us,.t airasi eds 9aFaiebyGb is lima ~~thimai sslet ofnt reffortsacal moesof Hl%0 cua y lb Mest coitepicuoOflereligions inovernenta eoflîane. telusei s anger iali front ing Up Aitila Tmauait. ail1 time. amiee.deipsi drangits of Hfl -. oe, ios Itaiteet cupaules TiurayItai i aue ,.o 1 Tieimumense meeting onthie Pacidie Th on %L e dChIs. era le (ontiseailUceabI h ala anit clcpe hmse cellail pravieut sratinions. for wvite Il bascomae ho standt-Clrlsiainoan lic tir respective lhues.Il vas isàuet Tie central meetng place vas Machan- tiesaahlp, Chistian miaslons and s tien- besuse cf the ceai minera' stke sud 1m- les' pavilicu,wvich occupies au enlias aitonnforme e»Ieneolo-r*etsve r peuding cmal famine. The rosa on hich square lan$the heurt oet lat westera me- ai MtitisanadtBaptIsta. by P bi- thie ci na uebeen setat are lie heaviest tropols, sand bas sea utoaltu y;Z eting gaccommoin'tieus laln stMOasastosisSb>tlimacrrieru in lia Weat. snd inclut. nearly an ietu t is. y -=lao ndi ierungotetCca.Te ifor 10,000 pert. Tic seont great fCa, hut alss~amhe -nisoIetOiao i ! hi baiboe.t llaata h.ureb- meatiug place vas Woc.dvt'. Pavillon, ce et smsy and lusios ad Hlaund ulobae ostlntet cara conflcatat mnt vieina&bout ten mnutes' vali fr.mutiedSotini at ndlgiat. as visl a liae rndtarespensibla otoha celant. are tha centrai rentauvens. Il lemn tageual mreprsenatives ce avery trac cimiai, have as tolliva: ialtdicgjvti a seatingduPaciY et 7,000. Cars. Tien Icwo places of mueT yee.soppla- Ilinoisu enaCatral ................. 2,000 mentet aiment evety heur in lie ai vii Wabsh ...................... 2,5W1 galierloxa la the vadous caehrcios. Evan Chicago, Milvauakeeandmat . Paul. 1,210 thc Chinercchas and a marinera'Atecoi, Topieka sut lents F. .. 1,800 aiureh lîcupitabi troving epen their Chicago. Borlilgugla ad Qancy.. 1,000 E ooms.Chicago cnd Afton ..... ........2700 This religions aieg.etfHan Francisco - Indiana, Illinoi ut Ieva ...1,500 vas acîhing If net pletrosque. It vas a RoIItck eaad ................... 1,300 ainaeenli century "toimas" viceli teat- Monoes....................... 1,000 lesm modle the mounaiie saint» ot loun g tutu unaullyInlu liI gravas. The Ohm-ta- Tali..................... 15,m0 lion Enteaver.r goeu la for- a hippy ne- Th le sison. le mate beccose et a recenât tiglon, t.nd if he caacct.vant is enliber- -BoSprenta Court opinionwvich maya éhah suce ln s long ansud en oucanna lie n- ilu aseut sIues, tli e nllroamlcompsolas m orts ta m"jeu" in ebaracteristie coIUee bave the rigit le continente any ccono *boy feenian. ils prpprtymir!,r lest oet hi cneage.. Mont interestiug et al lb.h meetings Tis deeilon vas reaciet on lie acound ver. tie services la cnt-eft -le-wmi places" liai the ralirocd compatiles ver. the reg- Pmyarendutsag sutexhortatio.n uJar W transinitters et the Unitet States mata by vaudering banda butore the. -mail, andt datliehe mtre:atd coeue- a liaten temiples la Chlnaalen. la the * e intaividual Iravelars sheuit ha magilceul gnmulisalusieu, amoug tic given prellèrenue. gvar mauufaeuring mut sellons, on the viarvas, la die Imils mutnd.laotnatllcncrne. Tie rairoatccen- liau tha ultime, libnth iflerrt tacetes, lun Voulu demlie, b«are exerciahtein Jouit lbthe hotpital-in tact,. vimnevon tia courvex lrB u loz igltin thelb.coniscation, as liai main- ilChitian Eadaaverer coula plant hi. Ivo t________________ ala thein contracte viii liecomal conerne teet aud bue symbolle gag. I bos luiui neestltuhie zneoor Obal-eaU«Ilfor Pe mu ieusandtoues a jean O u i Pr.yer Mesqgs. lias Dusvee1 si by «"" jmil"tAsq mB:and vuhon tie prerailih" are simpiy O eoftheafatures wvashea unrise ac-etthecioquan s± Mm wle ataking balancetdue lu lb. cuntriet CI ptaye iMetings teva on the beaci of commun, »& ouniversel mvetchmais ualead et watisg mii lb.hebine ver. 1,beautîi icîoden Gale. Haci morniug sDervIce issa K ismieadw tas casaesapti as addition te tl tic malra vere'invitmi ta Jeloi i rap- a.On' unaba dî thdi e uîftating rete i neeof col- eresentatives of aimost atari port 11. stliI 7TI'TyI. mon sofi coi jumpsd 40 contsa stonu ýtouel : init voyagea tea singmcd ta prai. attPdc&a.Su iuivsflS iilte adI t eeuiugm vans atet ai e Tic completa pregramu farthie cenven- et absdocblet il filovsiii. vs arene. humn vomî It IIu agoodmlzed booki. Of e iez etsc tbslssfrvliv 01dtbelatcmoaivle cilitrs eetegetcaue fJAM s. reci l'oblcters wvi e lat Anicîa for I tm'tudrele ot veiceas wbicb sang tle ic vçm tatisties ef li*S elty. Athane ho offer lietu' aelesIn 1h. smy IL seupt mnem'ieg places. The -trtsiongu$m hlisrepiort obttilen WMiiBout, ganeral orf udr ftlielant, an. nahuralug te New > it e t ida nmih, vilhtlaeve siu- seceeimn, ceahlai tichev01iir. oi. Thoi are gn.i t iappoluled, in i imtunei'itmeetings, lad iy htweveiel- "lu 1381 disemu abc O. eelsd 1.- atnlTlJmtoc bts, net aeu being entrelet le kuownu divines trolu evccy part oethle us- hfceret iueu«&r-. Up11ME lices are" 0-ladthenaoce. tien. At lbheusie tinte lier. J. Lut« 10 ealie sut a à0"58 flOhO!5p'c Wlt'Is ufJersey Cily, N. J., gaveaim:stero I -,00i9& t li*a s. &hiu ffl The Sultan et, Twee aagalu lu a se epticen lecture la Metoliltan TmmVt iétu 4 , doe. iMu pujj g a sseesla mi&Md.he ars-* thét~" iaul Enteavor A-agthea setîùLutia eiis a ai ui pki a] l ai pit Il i fi V h i)>s4me it Uteals lit. Daha local.e hie ce-oper- nive imheni ant viene tbe illtions, befflary ta carry itlato affect l-miune kolis prasa. Mn. lingea. Deis' acieta for a ce. terati ea cmoiàonaihb laamply sop- lied wiii braima. Ail liaI il needs ccv s oute resdu cash and a tes- propae tdjustil veights ta ia.p lie ting ba- ioced.- lilbladelpia Pr..... iteuy leepla vie ara longlng fer a nav lepila viii read viti inteent tie pnos- Metia i,1 Mn. Vabu'pnopoed netv olony, %d, wimi leg oeita th. eaice o0the rincip4l Uheplas, viii coacinde net ta îiu.L-P'miadelphla Ltgar. If lie éacieme nov peaat yEne [ae i-vn alte bayendt he point of a neappen advrtlsemnt fer its preoe. i ili qulciui tispesaf etb.damnagegie nieu. itou Ome ta etilmulate clame pre adîce. -Bauger Whig ant Coutier,. a Of comme tuas ersay niertakiug vii fii. Tie erilt tl vafutar la fiâlenteti % Hi mmcl develop, but eut ef t i l geod vii route, fr lthe flly cf provobjng diceoti tet lu Arnerlea vili b. eo ncmre mate plinn.--CincnaUthCemamercial Tribun. Wheu Mr. I)abu cern a eorganise bit eumumomwealthIlha viiAnd amarket pref- crrane impen lb.partofet a e leiaders. Itl-mre. egeletom,etc. IMarching men croie tie continent vii letridt lent et ite nvereI al baniag atter an ssnons f inemd in the swmvaal 41 ther people'§ - uies-rerre Hanta Gazette. If Mr. Detts dicssfnotlAnday oeitaile locationm for is colon> la the Western States Iet bita net bu dtieiaget. INe cou go cight on ou nt otheii Pacitie and pre-et auanIslad. The more rtan ha Ilnd he maerc tic sciente viil enmanil ism-lf t) bis fcllow citisans vie romuain belind. --Grant Rapide Heisit. Asecitet vihiDebe ln bis co-opeta- irve cotutueueaiti achemnà cecliege miofasinfrotBoston sud Ibreaetorfiler 'the itn'rmmerasuanetheoiasta via b.- laeve tu-it lthiei.truc asut va! le àolve teindustntaiand emcmmamic puob- cne liner omasroutlug the. coeoetny a" alen lr the condtiones of the marses cf tic People.- New OnieâsBrtes. The Mmmea' Sirtks. 'rThe mndition et tbce mImer market ia f,rainit, egainet the. strikera.fer mauy liii mn. arelser ltaile tiie places cf lie slrl.ers fur the pnter vagi..ticy bave cf.ims.L- Toronto Globe. Tlh. ftoebhamieonlilgitet. coud 1hla the. ritocral ,nlgment tisa terrife cipi.iiti dili ope-adily fov uies" tichelm t 'nlencily intervention @hall prouiptiy ls bn,tsibt dî,wn on thie puttarnug N~ew Yomrk Journal. Theatrileletofticheaiotmineralenet liée- ly ta, bave any chier reamit tihan ti, malle thé- lent brtle o et iiile-retives m ,than ihe tiret. lieugntan-.m momâiy âapart 'nom tic gnievances '4,f the minera point t tintet ciosion. -Ni-v YerkTribune. 'hlime is generai tiaet wsieuî rt aof mn ngr,'-'ment me> beu r-bed iy whieli, te su.Yerlngm Ihet mont attend a long ,Irikt- cit.y bu avertet utiliiunved con- l;:lmmns lu tic coul trotde vii enabie th. î.immera lai sm-c-ure ubet titey dmserve, tain livini g --beingItelig-nm-er. If te strike »hall leut ten sceke sud the. uaitiers liceugain tic enase cf 18 mer ent dernandcii, lt wuoit tquine thons, tu mors l'if Itty-five veais at the iià- crenmm-d rates 10 restoe.the loesthcy sus- tain b> $eunvc'eks îof idlfcues. This la mot îimemîuy: ,îian uboru focte.-Puladelpila imes. It le tinfcituate liaItith minera are eqmgmmiltc'i y thiltowa mîsleasle cetimi- tien te select thte montufairorable tîim- of tbhe siar and acameut o.aorabie yen. il ie tu e . impedt tat tlia> vi th@-*rvi-ry mencible pledgea le refrain front dlisindt-r ,nd te malnaaunrespect fert i. Iu tint o-s, loue ri-atmtbej trope te nue- ram-d.-New Yorn Wonld. lit in;nthe aillenetofCeongreas soudth- Pnm-ldm-îit te mmcd t ti.gigantir stnik, imnrmiiy c-i imgus. hi cffering anitrtim, ti' the imimrersaud.capltaiata facinga ncb olter tir a struagie tie anticipmtcd tià- compamîluactita cf wviciI w iti tlrm'd ev- i-n InteAigent man acqnainmedvihh e history of greai etu'ies sand infonned as te th ic ite-l conditions liaI pmrvmil h, the~ c-o.kimiuiag ncglons.-.Çew York Journal. No --lien ef laborers enlihle se lnstant ad as lime rtî uyîpaliy a. do the cmai minera. Tii. moet if their ltare ielpett in loir, grimy, dinh l ihted cavera et orver. end monotonces toit. Time-ougat smoun lern whmevin o'tiy convicandst he uttar t.milureoandstint-ompetnts vii lie commdemaee tae Iis sîuflétsa sud jojîceurlite of thc mines. Meqnuvile atm-my upiifting fonce Ilu our social xsmituouxht t bcbudi- ni-cle t.,tii dina thelminiera l e eldei'at wages imîgd improvet mondtions ocf von- imi an iliving.-Exchange. In GO ai5a. Tb@. United States migbt pesely ho able, to Wet alomg miitenut Hawaii for a litile elmile if il tried ho do se.-OmIum Dc-.. Tii . saiov Rois tailes n sensible ticu ofet i. esvien eh@ amie for indm-intmity ilret amiivengeance mfîervnrd.-Detroit Fr.. l're-m. Wlien (jrmce det2rmined ho tebha chances vîli lite pavera eler thon te c-ntinuee lghting Turicy, the. fat gel mbt Ibhe fineý-$ou Francisum Posi. Now Venezuela aub Englanteunimt miovu lu peaee and Argue abont tie Sehontiaî ngile. Uacle Sa.ibasaiate anblhrauliu snccessfnl.-Cbicagc Pont. Tite Pveraga recipleut of 1h. honorai> ,lmgrea 'tiecter cf lava," msj tisaihbis lucky stars liaI hies eceplauceoe t iljl flot co'mditioeedupon hi.seiuMlg lie tnesimmlàenîrance examinahleu.-Cbieun, Tînica-iHenaid. Wile bha n't salag ethiug abont Il, hie royal igneme Albert Bdvard tuiks tiet sitty yeAars' nalubeara entiueiy tan. mach r,'aentblaae. te sev-=edel- uge.-Oincinmati CelumIe1lai . At sBaassaon leeaIil; votit b. notie leust tiarbmast la tbs Prince «-r walft ta do aiymt iig iuh te dîscolmîmee anagiue shirt andt 1h iapetelcue trousv.-Waeblgteu Star., Ou. Jl, 1 iPiiladelpzianiàellppet ai 1- lm airlo nev las tarins W@a111 about 1 tbey tel tarmin, tates melonis i slava meat ol Sans.a more ù der. W.' Alien. leg tee eut et grpates Allen's or lev cor. fi tiret. s bj ail mail fP peckag ivaut e numlly i bnd el efthle. a hoe simplle plecae0 viii a lu thé c cage W turc in angle e b>' J" manyï fli ne. tie c ai by tie Thoms toma A dol of thi. 003 %epi H thc nied by rhums,t precura o ha to negi] tlus. A Maofe ane bi beS la iu ne that a a ca1t1 Ciao vit a vomi ot LMi trouble tabli etable i up Yem Ton ou ening Sanati, 25 oult enuditi, peins thst I ln pain ê11cr ti Mdutt Il Othie

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