Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 16 Jul 1897, p. 8

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WM W'- o sfigWaff les on the asMdaY,,and we do not want to. We are doing a nice litte business wlth a great big stock of flzot Weather Uoods, such au Straw Hats, Negligee Shirts, Ladlie'Droei oods ln Lawns, DimItie, Challles, Etc. Aliso soma nice styles ln Tan Footwear. orthe Cycllsýt we have a full lino of Sweat- ers, Boita and Shoos;' aiso Underwear fLnd Stockings. Tailor'-mado -Clothintir W. av jatrsciui usuewU.e 01psefr"uoti.well- kuoa aolug houn et LAM&I ACO, CCAO, bowbl uti *"" a movtumlsa lu mi.vaous eFi» FleWooleu* a cSrwect FablE. WE QUARANTEIC TO FIT AND PLKIASU AND SOLICIT AN £ANLViNPCTI@UO. B INDINO TWINE: 4000 lbs. Manila, Standard and Sisal at 6j, 7. Sc. WatSisa la<m . hsk u bvasuss.daut h7e a " Le IU. gue. UEO. F. CARLEP Rockefeller, - - - Illinois. 'Vou' re in Luck If 79U have not as yet purchaued a "9' Wheel. Corne sud <et my 1prices which Win. expiain the above msetion. * Royal Aci Ctovu lniwior reorce- "lx, cran"s ar iquaresud Selesa Nudootlna eev etaialelom aby wbeel.Istain- ara -As aIlbli- beasting, .u pro0f e-athat cent vork base. Second hand Wheels taken In exchange. i would like to got a good Second hand Ladies' wh'eei this week If you wish to exchan go. WILL KNIGGE, Rockefeller $ Be sure 10 luves- liote au r Cycle for 1897. ton are sue go ho con- vlucod of pour goo4 lucS lu Seing euabled ta socure ao perfect a wheel. - - -Illinois. AT THE Wauconda Pu rnliure Store. Bedroom sets, Antique Oak Finish LoungeBrussels CfflhCorduroy Sblid'Oak Conter Tables wortn $2.2 5 Iron Beds worth 04.50 Wov en Wire Springs to fit iron Beds Sideboard Antique Finish Fui Uine of Baby Carrnages Constantly $12.0 5.00 7.00 1.75 4.00 1.35 .10.00 on hand. 1I poiti*ely vil mot b. undersold. These Prices For A Short Tîme OnIy. UNDERTAKING. Prompt Attejiion, sud Beasonable Rate.. Me W. HUGHEs, Wauconda. - - - - lIIin~is. Thne New.Factory Will ntmle Bogie. Wif not sili LaImber, Coal Grain, Flour, Lime, Cernent, Etc. The Poe lc To boy tah Od. i. at WRIGHT BSONIS. Tbere you wS i d ust what you want in aMy orthe above naaied lnuofflàod at prieu whieh d4* oumps tition (qualitY oonaldered.) go wheli 700 corne b LibertyvMle ~ToDoTradig Cali on ne sud tu. what w. can do for yon. WelU treat you ght snd MU lhave Tou ruing i a eW bugg for lm. Ibsu it cost te keep your old one ini repair. meM 6 850 lu 92 44 4i 1 0 le l as000 a m51 r asai 6s e 49 1 2 0lhiIy azopl tsday. a stop oui, on mala. ar. . S.. am. P.rn pi. r. r 7158 1104Il854921212 2 au 7 8 11202 SON 1 6 769 I813 108 66 & 2E80 80 114 36DIlle18 1108301046 Sainte Peter and Paula Church. BUNOAX SERVICES. Fini maaa:O0 ar. Biais MS-i10.30. 1nocKEVEriLLERSa =£TICES. CONGEATIOXAL CuhSaa e 10:805-w. m .and :10 P. in. Prayor *esting Wed"oday ovanlnaff. Y. P. IL C. . me«t Snady aveWlsulet 4:48. Junior C. I. ati a elock. râX0ND camp No. 4114. M. W. A. moot Brut and thîrd Saisrdayoevesisgs of euh montS. 1D. Gzî,wzvu. V C. 10.0. P. No. aiu,30.1 eetond and fourth T 7,a 80 f eh month. . &.NC a. 0..s. Oar SacyC 00.. eetsicu. 8007. nn f a 0W.. 30.1L&VEADooLILm. C. T. J OHN 0. BAAS t o0. .. .meet iahiwb on or before full inoon. J.A. Keaoi. Oor'dr. 0 E CxuUcEizLL. Adit. ]aUl gons aouth ......:04 a. mn. 9:2P. rn. Maul goft forth.........""ýe.2 0 :0a. iM. Maul ovor land by asrlva at 10 a. Mn. departs atil a.1nm ROCKEFELLER. E. G. Payne visted Chicago firsi of the veS. Kulgge's -"changeofIad" recitea soute lutereatilg tacts. Irving Payne apeut Sunday ai borne viii bis parente. lira. Will Porteons, vbo hem beew very sick la alovly irnproving. &ev. (leo. Buck apeni a fev daysinl lb. cliy theotiral of the veek. Win. Shoemaker, of Labo Zurich, vas bore lutI Saturday on business. Carle ciera bargains ea iela bargain alors." Read bia ad. Ih vilIlutouesi pou. Henry Van Homu bas Just lulsbed hie.. bouse hy glvlng it a neu coul of paint. John Cronkhite roiuned Weduesdey trois a vlali vitb relatives and frîeudm lu Nev YorSka"ate. Wm. Peddlor veut ta Oak Park Wenday tu dosaine palsîluz tor Henry Van Hotu, 1h. sud lir. Fred Obaddlea loft Bat- urday for tbeir homo lu Ford River, lieS., after vialtng vibh ber parents, lir, sud ira. J. H. Croukhito. Mrt. Lindlsien d amily, of Chi- cago. are pending Ibeir ummet va- cation ai ibis place makIng Ibeir beedquarters nt the Contrai Nobel. Nur. Bersebherger and dangbter liidr.d hoerded thetain Baiurday ta spesd a feu dapa vibh ber inter at Alishurai. Mr@. Speebi ban charge of tbe bouse during het absence. Preaoblng at tbe Cougregatîonal ohurch uday maruing, July lit, 1> the peetor. Bubjeet '-TaSe Beed." lu the eveulng 1ev. Mr. Brown. District Lecturer of the I. 0. G. T. for the l3th yUil speab. Ail ara cordilly Invited. lunule J. Osgood, formrurîpof Ivanboe, <Ied et Chicago hospîtel Thursiap, Julv . Brio! services veto beld at the roîldosce af Dr. G. A. Préeenai, 4438 Berkeley Ave., Satur lay arttenoon ai 4 o'cbock. W«s buried at Ivanbo. Cerneterp. WAUCONDA. Mr. liola Shultz wva aLibertyvîlle visi a unday. lira. Beonde Comstock returned ta Danlola liondap. Jas. Klisli5ll0o Elgin la vlsltlng relatve lu ibis place. Mr. sud lMra Wm. Marble vote Lako Villa asIles liondap. Kr. sud lira.Jas.Murrap aue enter- tlinngguesuetrois ihe Ciy. Mri. sud lin. Jas.Ilanicoru voe WaukMganvisiiota Bsnday. Mr. N. 'lai ekc, 0f Chicago, la vtaitia rdlut:hlaplace. Mr. Léalior Mone, o! Lîberlyvîlle, mae Wauoonda a visit Tn«ey. Mri. M. 01» sud son, of Chicago, arn viins relativeslas ibis plac. W. C. Esseey, of! Harvard, leinabing Wauoomd a a it ai resent vrillug. Beyý . .C. lioney,. f Evanaon, pmoo*sSlu i5o M. E. ohurch Bnday. Mââger Tommy Engloutd, of Chicago, in viatimg bis oqrandioier at premeni Mis. li. J. BRoyard, of Tracy, libun., te tltà gaesiof W. P. Stane ai present viting. Silu Grame Wiaggof Chicago. in v&A la t l Iis vtowntp ai preont Mr. M. S. BMU basgos. otahIe Cipy ta bave a aursiead operation peu. fortue Mr, sud lira. C. L. Burton, of Chies- kau e be setof Mr. sud Mis. J. Ja.s.esr, o! Algonqulu, vas 9h. Iu ai Mr. sud lMr&. E. BSeur rmansd lBarry Green. of Chicago, visUel ibir parensaMli, and Mia. R. OromaSuaday. lima J. Wella, of Ivanhoe, vlslted frienda sud relatives In ibis place Tiursda. Kmu. vs, Belflana, o! Beraboo, WW., lte eguessiof Mr. sud lin. G. C."Rcobete. Kim IllieM orue, cf Liberipville, la spu.digC" dueassvlslting relatives MUb&. W.ý Grleolbp snd deqiti Weu ue"si1liMm The Lake Connly Uniciia played a É"»e of hall against the Palatine'a indep aLake Zurich. The score Id,12 t l aver of tbe Palaiue'%. A niedal con1tnvasugives ai the Bapisé ohureb Sainrday nlgbthelb n imbera 09 the W. C. T. Ul. The MOdalWvasvan bY MisaVilla Dizos. Thie aftbjoo of ber-,Ieoiation vas "Aàn 01 4x' apetorp." There vero Ove sîber reoitatione sud aIL deserve much redit. The Judgoa vers lUlas Irelda Grae, lir. Norton Brown and UmIsaL. L. Lutknecht. LE.irHTON4. The bay crop lin e. lit. Jay Allausos snd son voeelu Chicago lasS Prlday. Lust Tbnraday it vas 107 in the abade. jrrible hat. UmaGrae.LilI, ot RIglu ti vlsltlng ai ber parente Ibis iveek. Uir. Benrp Fuoralein Jr., of Chicago, la visltlug At bis parents. Ur. T. J. Docberp miade a flying viait tu Barrisgtos tst Saturday. Gaut barveat vil mos bc lu full blsst la sud about Ibis lacality. TheScol vave les% Balnrday made nom ofthe campera take a bornevnrd course. Tusf looality Wus viaitedl by qult. a big hailstorm Mouday, doing mc lamnage te, cropa. The soit attraction 9#I11 be tho Wodiusu picuie ai Dlaisond Labe thon Ithe Lake County Fuir at Liberty. vinle. There vilI bc an tee creamn social ai lira' Thomnas Darby's Fridap eovenlug Jnly 23. Everybody cordlally luvised 10 attend. The base bai gaine betuees tbe Dlamoud Labo'. sud Lake Forest'a lust Bundep roaulting ln the lattera vlctorp. Score 8 te 26. Passenger trafic on is iaWls. con. bas bees quise beavy durlng lest veek. Trains contaiulug as 10gb as 1500 pessegers passd ibrough bore lately. The E. J. à B. raiiroed bas sdopted a nie passonger apa10ln, six trains a dey, ibree eeb uay thure fornierly belng but oue train eacb vny aud no trains ou Bufnday. Tht.. train loadm of Pullmn couche couliing the mombera of tbe Grand Lodge of lb. Independeut Order ot ElSa 'wbicb paasd tbrough borseurouto te Minneapolis returued to Birmingbam,. Ais., pasaing througb bore agaîn lasI Sundep. PA LATI N E. lir. Warren Taylor la on the îleS liât. Andrev Foshet vas on aur etreets Wedneaday. lit. Fred Tîmmerman la aick vitb tpbold Lever. llas Oriasie Birn @pont the Fourîh wiib ber pareuts. Um Eluora Arp& returned traIn Evanîton Satutday. WIilioblsser and Rob. licCalje vent te Dundee Saturday. J. B. Scbierdiug vas in Chicago lianday an buaineas. Uir. Fred 00evasw overeorne vlib tbe beui and la eaill unS. lirs. Jap Johnsonuhbas ltfor » -eKelb sud tbe tai moutb. The Thuriiena bave@ bes enterlelu- log relatives train Cbicago. MMr. ..Julia* Joli for Indianapolis Tunday ta viait ber mother. Misa 11041, Balduin vill apesd ber vacation in Portland, Usine. lit. ludolph entertalned friendâ tramon River Viov ovor Souday. Ellîs Foabet. of Chicago, ia viiing vithbislmgradmotber lira. Staplen. Misses Porop are apondJug the vueS a t Pinum Grove vltb their brother. 1lMr. and lira. Wrn. Smith vislted relatives hure the tirat of the vuek. MissaReoale i<ayvood, of Irving Park, la viih eer sunt, lira. Iraduoll. 1 lirs. Dean aud cblldren, ni Chicago, ane vialtlug vith Dr. and lira. Woodl. iMr. G. Horaitmanu lm lu labe Zurich 1building a large barn for Lou Peter,. misa Irone Julien vas a guest ol li ldted Hicsa t Labo Zurich recently. liMra. E. B. Converse and chîldreu Iare vialting relatives lu Grand Haven, Micb. .lMr. and lirs. Pratt aroecîîtertalnlng a grand daughter froni Minneapolis, 1Misa. lit. Lludberg aud daughters froli Wisconsin are vlaitlng frienda bore ut proeut. lit. and lits,.lions, of Austin, vere visitora et the borne of George ttaber recently. Walter Thom«an sd family carne out )tram Chicago 10 ses o14 friands over Bunday. 9 Mr. . EMeyer vaa borne ou a vilit Bunday returning 10 Chicago liondeî aevening, UmIs Eva Tetîlo, of Batrington, vu@ a gnou ai ber siater's, lIra. C. D. Taylor recenl. 1 G.* H. Arp@and farnlly aitended the hall gans, Chicago vs Wasbington, aliouday Juip 5. 2ev. J. C. Batoher and farnily have heen viling Iheir parenseilupaltdale, ,iLU., tbe puti veek. U. andlin. James Young sud ', anffl pei dap sud liondey vitI trienda in Lake Zurich. 9 ise Aime Bcblerding enterteluet trieuds Onulth@sniversaty of be blrthdap louday July 12. . Misa Ba lo rrpent Tuesday l, u Chicago vbiahtingfriendsansu ýattended a plesie lu tho meanu ime. Benry Strober sud family are ai prees ut aiLabo MAIl. Win., vhes 'thepy wl @pend a 1ev deys fisblng and rueilesing. à Mlarrile at tbe boue of the bride. Mr. au" ollA"m *èa e»et ROseMrts. Xia Blond, of Ciciago, bam beeau i. 1148g KiWte Smith. lira. M. IL lagalla and son have l.. turn.d tu Oak Park. Mir. andlira.Jaulmon, of (Chien", are visitilg nt Dr, Taylor'& Mims Llbbio Jamiâon ln vlsiilsg rela. tivea in Chicago Ibis ue. 2. A. Murin s ated in Chicago and Mlwiaukee the lirat i othlb.vek. The varions aunmmer resoria are ho- ing tilUed uilb Chicago visliors.I Mrt. and lira. John Chope ora vieil- Ing relatives bore and ai Russell. Mir. and lira. IranSWhla ge -f1<.. vood, are vlsiting relatives &Zer. Trotter Bron., of Oiegol, madea flying trip 10 thoir 014 boime reoently. Mir, snd lira. Àrab. HBeler, et Wood- stock, vlited aI lir. EI'ngr Caninon'e recentll. Mr. itobert Coudrey, of Cbicago, aspesi Buuday ulîb lMr. Jas. Pollock and fauily. lis Florence Harris returned troun achool lemi veeb accornpauled bp ber friand, lia S tanley. Ilia lues Pollock, ot Cbicago, la spendlsg a part of ber vacaion wltb relatives and friands bore. Berv. a. A. Harris held servces Ia uday ai Druces Lake saddvwu ablp assited by tbe lillIburs choir. The Mlburn Choir and several of the MUilîbrspeople atiended lbe moeetng beid ai Druces Lako Bunday alteruioou. Miss Mande White, of Englevood, accoorpanied by ber trlesd, lira. orn- brustor, Wbo bave beeu moking a trip througb the country on thelr ubeels, aud vlsitlng bore, retnrned te the dty Tueaday. Lat Summor ose dl Our grand- cbildron wvas icS witb a aevere bovol trouble,"maya lre. E. G. r. gorp,ol Prederlckstovn, Mo. "Onrdoctor'a remediea bad failed, then vo tried Chamnberlain'% Colie, Colera sud Duer- rhoea Seîuedy vblch gave verp apeedp ret." For sale by F. B. Lovai, Lîbertyville. J. B. Baàcza. Ournue, L. B. LICTxvîuD, lRockefeller. Notice ta Pathmasters. Pathbutsbr and overaeera, ofthIe tovnablp of Lîberlyville, are hereby reqnested te eut ail Canada ilale, burs or othor notious veeda os the higbumys of thoir respectIve districts. Bp order of CoMMISSîoezas or HiosuAva. PEOPLES' COLUMN. ADVEBTIORMENTd-WIDRh euttd ID Ahf fbis cunriof Dot over 10 vords. lacess 26 oents tvoIlunes. Additlonid vorda ose cent Urr yard Birut Iu, bal! cent Par Word each addtiomal lIne. F AIAPPLEY-flas jut purctased a Fnov iNmachino for arponnb r clippers and vl sharped tbou for 7 cýtsa, aàta malle thein une an good A& nov. Ir thUR slOaj¶ld TE ET-Nlovix ther làun ld ellw a th.Comylatin vho underutatbebusi.ness. F > SALE: -Rond %%der in gond condI- tion. Apply toE.IL .DtJilota 3-4 FRSALE-le. 20. 40,18 or 117 MaR sof 90od lOnproved land. di. aofaiFreint Cent,,r. Terme and particule,,, sddreua or «aIl on C. Loierusi. ItU F 2SALE-Lot s01110 in Libertyrville fviilage. Very ,leslrstle lonatIon. good draie. Cas bo bouscht cheap for cash. CslinLadreffliao'xnusu zxTofflce. UbertY- ville. Olt SALE OR lIENT-A abne roo ounse F andeo,,d bars and hâtit are?and. gOo. vel aud ,istern ahado and fruit ie,. vlth or vîthout furniture. WW vacaïe on short notice. AppiyatIlms)Pmmrzurofic. 34Uf W NE-osition on tarin by arried man Inustious ad wlilsg to garS. Address replies te Ibis oaie. 3'1-39 The Great Produclng Staillon GEORGE 0. 2:211 No. 9701. Standard under ,th trottina andPaie rve.srd lai eland Abdallah 101 (f.1 rt.te aroldire of Msud B.) bY lâbleîoian ue bau.. Fnsny lB. a faut î.)dug iaxe-by a son of Gao. 3M. Patahen Ge-orge. . a ,'lotnut horse, a sure foal ytttxe and lm bred as near Ike GeorgeWilkes to ate.u sira oftrotter%, as It le îposible tu gel thein. oeerwe O. bR thje air,. ot ,-iht In tte lIai. s raudaon lu 2.ie0 sud s nun>ber of others I viii stand George O.t iMy place In 19olenry..i tu526Par smare payable ln cash or due bl itiats o f serviee.àMam Dot provln nfui al Sli e entltied te a retura senson. Ttc above PriI lfinal. Bread to a borse that bas proves himgeoif bota 1,011.-rasd î,roiuceor. FOR_____ Furn iture, Undertak ing, Paints, MlIS, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Etc., 00oto ISAAC HEATH & SONS Libertyvillo. illinois. -Ringmaster, Standard Bred. Register No. 02, 3604. Rinsisser la a dark bay. is.2an ads .UI fIh~oBIOdÀ 'sa. b by W. enlon List yonr property with MOmesd 1 wil in d ou a CuU1OUi resainable rates. Âmong numerou choice.b&aama1Ibave the foIlowing.ýý Labo County Farme Par 8&1&. Libbrtyvll.e City IProp*rtW.ý Ica acrelnproyed faruon hacha f Gg.HaOaulm Ih lh oamd. LAe. Price se race n od v ali c ial.sade and ce# long dreab ate et f lsmi or eet. eha for claIu or on resaonable tom&. 140 ace lrnprovod faria adjacent 10 Third For sas.e.foubuilding 10140 ot.t, eb Lake. LiS eri s. icash. U»oe suv on luwaukoe rond, houae, Slarg o Clicolotis801250 fuet at fron tO 1 t bar no. gond teon 2sgond voila. sSod .18- oaeh. tern,. obes timber. Pries su per amm. part cash, bane. on t1111et aspar cent. àà> luarshall vaY tietwaen warrenton Subscription News Agd Llbortyvillo. Weil Ilrproved unader oood-AD atte of eultîvation, no vaste land. good General Solicitor, stc rdalry tari. mseor failins apringanad Rlouing voiL Tesi. Ibeçal. FOR liprvd au.Ool.lirai.lesacres*A L PERIODICM adjacent tua a i. Castrai E. E. station, M lleeoral choiue. aria ns Avon Toovushi., soar ayalab. IEI UAN GBI W&mr To Ta,%sa-Choloo acre corner lot in IEIBBAC GN àUbotyvlie fora mmalU mproved fans fée to If you vaut t' le acrng es>saL.betyvIlle or lvaule ER. R. Dny, "",ll.1Men r Trade RosI U WliI psy cash dlffeoenon. j î wiliipay YOU 10 cou nuit H. C. PADDOCK, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO TrIumph Binders. Triumph Mowers. Buckeye Mowers. C rown Mowers. K eystone Side Deiivery Rake. Three Kinds Horse Rakes. Extra Sections and Knlves for ail kinda of Mowers CHEAP. Buffalo Pltt's Engînes and Threshers Swing Stackers. Buggies, Wagons, Trucks, Lumber, Coal, Tule, Cemont, Sait, Hay Carriers, Rope, Binder Twine, Etc. G.H.Schanck & Son, LIBERTYVI LIE, I LLI NOIS.p, Midnight, 2:174 FASTEST STALLION IN NORTF ILLINOIS. No. 414 in ,R. A. P. R. Foaied November 12, 18 Bred by R. H. Pooler, Serina, Ill. If you A speed and endurance breed to a horse that, got ItL TERMS: $15.00 to insure live colt. mares disposed of after being bred. Breî willlbe held for service fie. Ail colts ta bo tied for soon as mare has foaled. Midnlght vas alrol Sp Niggui, he by Plymnouth RocS 2:3%, son 01fEl»'. Disokhavi 2-31 j, aire of Ethan Ales 2.25e. lidnlgbi's dentuvas S Sarllgbi (pacer) 2:171, mon o!flicKap Ro3a 2:81à, sucond dam <pacer) ZpKlug Pbarohk,sire o ofcbheil2:124, avlop 2:18t, adothera botler iSsu 9:M. Third doux bp Ethan Aln cou o! Hfila Blaokhawk. Mldnlgbt is a fine 'ooe-luh orse, atanding I151 banda. veibha 1140 Pound%, la very beavy boned ana atrong muacfledRe in a saturaI pacer, a euse mover, sud bas a hisd, gele disposition. B e bas p»aa mile Asn1:0, bail ta 1:03, queuter lis.:-1, a 9:04<eté.. Ris colts isncXalenry ooultlpare ne'rl p a era,- large sud suiootb, sud showv usaIapoesd. P. W. Bherwood, Midulghi'a former ovuer, In a te- cent latter soaa: 1e bansisred a feu coltla iuuouvi,. sud 1 look for tme of theonoin luho 2:25- liât or botter tlis ear. 1 sauted NMdniht la 40 races lua&IL. Winuiug 30 irai monela, 5 second a 3 irds, supluaed lasud dreva ose, mabing a vonderfal shovlng, and. vlnning a sicoau soinotmosey. Durlug is races 1 aiett.dhlm againsl sochnoted ho»se aMIail 06j Storms 1:0@j, Jordan 2:Ilj, Alinoutbasbaw 2:12,Rld= ll 2112j, Chamois 2:12j, LoIn NcCardy 2:14j, aud WilieI Rssell 2:15. 1 am surpriae* ho Sas sot VAt a record of 9:10 or botter, sas bc hed sped'sud endurenue ta do IL. Il vwu viIh the horsea aboya maloned Ut t1Igave bhla bts record et 2:171, aud oould bave isurbsd hum 9:11 bai 1 vished. go neyer fllIshedSbktofthird pace." Tbrue of Midalght'a colts tacSok si piemiu ,-, tieélicienrp Oouaiyp air lanmit faqe cmd rs second nt U*aS.Couui PVair, là oompettilce u b * luge od etcf olts. T44W vere csob h SpL A. 01Bigwo,11M. .

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