Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 23 Jul 1897, p. 1

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.3"' "3' ~0r' ~nO. r' n'. , n.', - Vô'l. V. No. 41. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday. JuIy 23. 1897. $50a Year in Advancea Dr. Charles Calloway. Offlicover Lovel'sDrug Store MOUX9 PROU 1 108 AND 0<TO kP. M. Libertyville. -Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Triggs & Taylor's. -110J198- I10u10 a& M* 2 t0 àanid . to B P. M. SeIldenco on Broadway opposite Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DIEN TAST. Office over J. W. Butler's bldg lloum.: 8tu, 1 . M. ai1 1,5 bP.. AI.y' Lîbertyville. 111. Dr. E. V. H ARVEY. DENTISTr. * -OFFICE HOURS- etoi2A.M. Itoband7toml. M. Grayslake - Illinois. W. B. SCHAEFFER'S NURSERY. one mile .,)utttnort Lnrs (ir,vn 1. to . ttk- Co.. II vines and Imail Ftuit,, 4 mypries, ou5fn a mt-k..I .i Dr. H.0. B. YOUNG.. Physiclan and Surgeon. 5hSM3NLR OPPOSITE I E3X4.'gHOTEL ELDG. Gurnaee-------Illinois. O. F. Butterfield M. D. C, VETEBINAILT SRGEON AND DENTIST. LacartViLLa - - ILLiIIoin Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. NOIRS TLL 0 A. bi. i TC 3 AND 7 TO 8 P. M. Specia attention pald ta the tretment of Chroni,' iheumatiam.. Rockefeller, - Illinois. PAUL MacGUFFIN, Attorney andi Cou seolhr at Law. NOTARY PUBLIC Special attention given collections. andi Conveyanteing. Ovrie icu rrnLAIE COulTT BeA, Libertyville, Illinois. LIBERTYVILLE HOTEL Mud eaiy 0imd tbr.ugh.... Dlubmg.roomn Service First ClaUS. Bead.tuartr-rb f'j ,r Cy'i, au ogeli- t Ti LLOTSON & FU P14EY. Plo e Caàr. mi.. A,,n.and >Chu'r-ht.. LiBETYVLLE.- -ILLINOIS. W. H. MILLER. W'hrn yon % -,t e- lean ,,havnor a oodfati ur lt *-.i. Al ('iOIF 't1-11ORS ou tiragu' ~. ',very ay t.. t'n:y ~ r . . and' prie tite laniLa,..nIt)t'Là. oen y ouance CL '. fn. nIM John J. Longabaugh, Ick tar-. Grayslake Illinois. r..enît of 15 'tN twp i ii 25 et ii . Tl a ALEX&NE A ýsFNH 40-.4t Hl%" Il FIy Nets and Dusters. L.uttier Teamn w rt'nr Davhide. 72 iaah- ...4.St, Single Round 1.nnt' n ingot ,N- t , . ..1., lffm Nev......- ---........ M Lai, Dust"'rs. a h- a.n.,1,'t1'1t 3W t,, 1.15 1CHAS. KAISER, Libertyville, - Illinois.i SFOR SALE. Pure Manilta PLYMOUTH and SISAL Binding Twine, andenimblY the hêt 9grde madie. For Fait Sowing Ia Complete Stock of Tiinothy, Alfalfa and Mfedinni (lover Seids. CHAS. STEMPLE, Long Grovdt LAKE COUNTY Wright. Parkhurst & Co. Libertyvle. Illinois. est-Bearlnir A SAD DEATH. Henry Snyder. 0OfBlue Ilaind. Drowned ut Orucu Lake. Heonry Sitydor. of Blue Islandt, founti doath ln tihe waters of Druco'u Lako Aaturday alternoon. Riu hody vus ns reeovereti util Sunday miornivig. Ho had 5111k in ah,.ot tvonty feet 01 vator asud the exact spot'hud nt beon located. Fioally the soarebeîrs foiS titelr innprovlisd drag, eonasing af a piece oai gas pipe vith flshbhooks at- tached, Patch on to 'tomne nijectat theii bottom of the lake. They tovet it io- toasbaiiow vater. It vas linydler. A fov bonrs before ho andi bis con. panions vent for a bath in theo waum voter. tinyder conîti ont ovin bunt is companions coniti anti they Intit no thougint of danger. The Lad twn boa tu lshol togother and voeedis- porîing in the lake vithont noticmug that they voue conâantiy driiting insu deeper 'sater. The manner Inu vIlA-htheo accident ocetired las best told An the testimony o! S4nyders fellow-batbers before Coro- ne-r hnight, who snmmoned a jury cou. tNitIng of G. H. lloynton, Charles Kneker, W. M. RiAd, William Stevens, W.14. Price andi Villa May. Tlue liras wituess wax Tieodore Peterson, a bar- tender, employeti ut Bilue Island.i. a CAid: -We voue <ot batbing andi bad tvo oats attachedto ta cc othef. Lnacomb aund mysoîf r*4 swinu a littie. tinyder was An theo tern of the boat aînd Lus- cotnh lumpedontou. Is-as going 10 dive 'sinn1I incrd a npiosinanti loA- ing &roundi saws tyder n tino 'aler. As 1 knov ine <onîtinot swim I jotopot alter bhA aindth iat alovodthtinboat abetid. I caugint Liin and calioti for Ltsc,nnn. BY tis lime the bout va. moine dstance may. lie vonitisink andi came np, but titi ont strugulo, on- iy lov tino vater trom bis mnuth. I hati tu lot go 0n i hm t1 asvomyseli. I cras loti lto tine boat and saw Lue- canb cnmlng tovsn-d ne, Laving lot go (ni Suytiou and vo tinen clleor bielp. Dohî'l liink Snytier camne to, the sur. face alter Lnscnnnb bIt hAns. Tino W.aly 's'a fo,înti Sunay morning. Snvdu-r cottld bal vimu." Tino noît stinesa 'sas Niehoas Lus- comnb, alpin oI Bine Islandi, vinatestliti fosIlovt' ".5 o 'sott ont tora svim, only iad une bout at firsit, but carne back aler thne tnuileu .nne vinicin voattacheti 10 tine Olri§tbot titin topes. I knev n.thirng of tino an-tlent until 1 heard lirmon -ail la me ondi thon I 50v Suyenyr struggling in tIhe voter. 1 N50111 nont ta the ilaee andti tntn Poter- soli nlot go oaihAn. lie titi îot try ta grain lîolnloaime. 1 AlibiS I hut i îaio ,itin,-rbis iandtrei or bthtnig soit. li, LtIed litlsLeud p as long os bho nuld 1)tlttSt pt g<Angunter 'saler tîntil f go& oinauxtenl anti could not ep np lo.nger. I caliot for bellp andi nwam for lino bout. 1<lAd tut cil fr luelp iutil Jnîst bl-ote Le snînk furtino last tino." t ('harles Petorstn, vino itully tireoed, lus'!aceoînpaieiothtinbatinous torrobou- atott the tetintny of Lusconinsand Lis brother. ITle vordiîct ori jury van, destn by anidntl in.vnttg. Anu intiuenmn' n'rewnl vateliedthein vnnuk ofniaot'likg lbmtiue bo.iy Suu- nlay mnting. ie.nrge Ray, nf >uc-e Lake. was tine one vh) inloly succoot- eti llncatilg thne irniet maln. Sny- 1d-r wos twonty-twn youiq (ifmgo anti w",s employet at Biue llaut. The eaîtnîning porty ta viic li ie beionged c,)ilistotiof Llînseli anti tva bnntin, lofer andb Johu. Nichoas@ Lusomb aindiCinarles and iTineodore Petersnon. The odoy 'sas taken to Grayâlabe by tindertaker Htrow, vinonco t vus tokea home. Obtuary. Vit,'regret t.. hroniiicle tino destin Inn1-tng tino ;ast 'neek of BM. Ellon lltl, i lie ai Michael Mc(lory annd nn,tlur ,f Jnohn, Baud, BAnnie and! 5'esiieMeClnnuy anti sittr ai Patrick anud 'l'us. Doyle, Mus. Davîi Cashin, Mm.. Win. icC'Inry RatiMr. Cavanangin. NIMlc('l.ty tied ou.Mandoy Jtdy 12, 1897, alter ani linest; of one weok henug bulon!freonulit. Patrin.ks cintrcin, Shnieldis, viti a renjuietnuhigain ass, Wotinesday nntunng. Muni. MeCtlouy was incnun in tin o tn Deertielt abont t f ty years ogo anud an Sept. 24, 1874, was muarriedt t Michael lcClcnuy atndibas resitiedin vcnty oi ilontotit eveuy sinno. Sue will ho ounrneci by inany wbo Lave knsvn anti loveti ber fou years andte1beho t'amily lnexeueded the hearttilt syn- pathy o! al. Thistie Commsonr'a Notice. Notice lashoreby givon ibat persona insvAng Canada thisles on thoir propouty, ie notifiodti at mare muat le cult'or destrojoti anti not leit te propagale on go te seed undor penalty of a fine o! not ]eau thon Sen non more tinan one bnndred dollars. This nîotice applios alîbo 10 publite igAi- wuys ant ilriou rigint o! 'asajmIl Town, of. Libertyville. The higbvay eammissionors hing hiable for tAie fiifniniperformance o! thioitsuh- ordinates along tbis lino. TAc penalty for non-observance o! tie lavin sucb t-ues povistetifor railroadu lasmore sesers, tbey hing hiable io a ine 01 ilot loutue ino ty nar Morelinon tva linudtroti dollars. W. BuTTritnîaLn), Thistie Cornriuioaor, Tovnship of LihertyvMle. Sept. i. Inepeot the Poor F'arm. The Boarti of Superviuera met at tho Connty tarinAlu Suturtiay te considor theo advtabitity of building an aditilon tu.>thb Insane depanfmont. lSuporivtendint Alipiey bas not proper or suflcteal accommodations for linâates of tibis tiepartmnent. Ator mucb discussion the Poor and Poor Farmne commitie vue authorizodtie0aucortain if thie etate voolti Dot Care for the Insane, andi! bot to procure andisublmit, at the bort meeting of tio hourd, plans and spectiicetions forn vicesary bulid- ing or addition, au the cs@e may hio- Owinag to the crovded condition of tbo litato Insane auylnmu At bau bein neesary Of lace jaRrs t'O compel iacb cOuuntY t taill back an incurable tan- snltY patient An exechungo for evîry nov patient conlinedi lntheo date u.ylnm. moere As nov being eroeti ut Burton- ville, Pouria County, anuuylam vbicb wili ho soti ovtireiy for Uic confnes- ment of incurables and mu soon .asit tu complete thelb.prisntm regalatione lu regard 1te e«cbangeocf patients wviU doubtiens e hdtone avuj vitb. lu viiv of ibis tact tbo supervisoro viii probab- ly takoe on steps tovardseonlarging tbe connity bnildiing ut prisent. The vork'-on the instfitution ut Brtoaville vu. linAt. antoriuiti An 1895 vbn.anuppropriation vuemude. Thie lent legislauro addod t1 ib appropriation one nf $247,750, vbicb will be available Jntly 1, 1898. Tbis sanucent yull go to*urd theo building anti inrniahing o! three largo varda, an adininstration building, a laundry, furnace andi bolierrneandtihAe nococsryeqospment WiIi Builti an Liectrie Rond. The hourd 91 supervbeuor of McHenry countY, Alaession et Woodatcck July 13 gruntoti a irai1cbine te Miers. Windsor, William & Lue , vbo design building an electric oud trou Harvard te (lenovu Lako. Thie hord'@ juriediction vu. n Che. mung tovnship ntmide the City limite andi nortb &long the public highvay te the ste lino. It in coneideroti poiitively certain thu" thie tbree superyteorsiAn tbe lova of Wlvont l viii idly granta similar franchisee these gentlemen, and au; then frt meeitng of the Harvarti eAsy counil theMesaieunheci viii corne np. In other vord., tbey viii s ic cnuneii for a franchise, vhlch if grantot wiiii mooe the lut ohefruc- tion Ain theo vuy of building thb. propaseti letric roudte anud frong Geneva Lake. Tvo propoition@ came hefore tihe bourd of superviser@. 'The Streutor Lake (.onevu rondi tioirod tliut the matter lie deferrod outil a jter day tri order huat they might prouent ihoir franehise, vhilo thie Windsor or short lino mketi for immediîtte action. A vote npon01 those Propositions rosuiteti in as nnmrty 0f01 nevoting for the short liue.-Harrerd Nereid. Musical ut Hitghlandi Park. A charming musicul vu. given by Mitss Nellie Palmotoor t thie homo ci heu nucle, Aloi Scott, on Widneaday Evenng July 24tb. Misu Palmeteer lauà pupil af theno lebrued Madame Do Norvitle o! tAie Arerican Conservatory Ciclago, and ber siviging shovs the eîq nsAle training @ho is rcceivlng. Athongin Young sho bas aIl the nati.S cations îmceessry te sucem. SBbasbu on excellent, fulil andi sympathetio voice A featore of thie ovenînget performance vas thie snburh piano ezocution of Miis Hsitaborno vAin ronteriti selec. tAons I rom ciausbal vriters. Ber tecli niqne vu. msz-veltouu. the o ntt iMlfcat passages voro rondoroti vitb osaianti abandon. The mandolin pluying of Mr. P. F. D00107 vu. alto gneatly enjoyeti. Folloving As tbe prograni. PIANO-Marche. « - - Mondeloohn .B. sus.' I Love You Dean'- - » avley MIMSS SLLUE PALMETEEN XANDttLIN- - - Seleted MI 11,NELLIEPMTE. PIN LvsAwukeaing- Mezoveki min$ HAST813OENE. MANDOLIN- - - - Selocted n" u' - . - - Denzo MISS ELIEPAINTEEIR. DIAMIOND LAKE. Mrs. Hutnt hbu mtanneti itouber visit op noth. Mrs. Out, of Chicugo,la s tuying vitb ber daughter Mnt. Mitchell. Mr. Rupheri moant, of Willuittc. Au visting frlonde roand tbe laike. A party of youug ifpoope inove te Druco Lako for a picntc trou boe.. Misses Mable and Benu Broiamuare the hauppy possaos of n evvhees. The Diamonti LaboandiCbicugo b&u score vas 261 te 6 n favor of Diunond Lake. Joo Broxham expects te go te Chic&- go ln tiue nosi future te accept a position liers. AUl tAieboarding bousses arouadth Ie hlte arnov 1ued vitb bourtera. Tbis Ain det a popular resort. The Diarnont Lake baluum vili play the Libertyville club on Leukers grende Diamond Lake BondayJilly 25. W. visAi te correct any taise Ar. pression thut uny one may bave n tbinktng ibal the items n let veekis .leyvoe. lo. atiberU Vno vu TRY TO BREAK JAIL. Thru PrIsonere Are Caught in the Nok of Time. Wth nothing but a broken pair of scizuoris 10 latvitb three disperate prisons vorked their vuy trou their celle go theotuuer corridior, trou there go the oter corridor anti psrtlally tbrougin the ibick brick ville of Uic county jolil Tuad nigiét. Thoio vho utteupti Uie c apeo vonJohn Brown, avaitiug trial on a cbarge of burglary. Broya lu the negfro vho lodte Ibe<ueeitee ach a long ce a tev monthns ugo, ~ tebingdieoovei.ti la the e st of looting u raildenee. ne la u uriy nogro andtbabuheae Onned et Joliet. Another vu. Charle John- ion, tbe hig teainbaud, avaiting triai on a charge of beafing tvo brathoe te inemnibility et Labo Foes, and robbAug tbem. The otber vu eHeny Andee, vaiing trial for a iobhery committeti ai Highland Park. The men bei planneti their ocupe turing the day uni ail Uic Amplenieé they bai vu. a pair of brokea soesoru. lui tbe eocmar of «ehb oeil le a muail vater loiet. On the outenmade of the 'ctooteopening inf0 th. uner corridor in a mali trou door, ibis iu tes- tenet on tho onutie vlti t henry bar o! Itou tvo test long anti baunInch thick. Tbe bar iu lastened i vhA a puti iock. During the day the prisouers bai brokea the beevy eetupicu tbrough' vbich the padlocksue une uonSandi badthobn riplucd tbeu so thut tbey looketi sec ore. Soue time during thie nlgbt tbey prAed thecroo bi.thiag off the vater clont, then a kick vu. ai &bat vu. neeeaiury f0 diloige thc ber holding the door leufing te ic Ane corridor. Tbey tbon Ivistedthe Ui avy bars trom Uieir fueteng. This vu. a vork requiring almoul berculean atengtla and vu. probabîy dobe by the negro. Witb Uiese bonn mu lovers Uiey broke off tbnee bars ovor the door tidinut0uihe otr coridor. This left an opening 12115 inch«e about seven fest trou tbe iloor. TbroUgii Ibis opening Uiey cruvieti andi vie nov lan thienoutercorridor vitb only the brick vatt of tUicjjei bei veen l&em anti liberty. Tbey si e,10vosk on Uic vafl et UiceaMe Place ifàva. brokea tbrougb by Uic priiecers vbitecpei a jour or no ugo. Tbiy vere muing sviit progroisuni a kkh ui n oum morewou o x ae main &hemu à1afty vbeunuoe of thi otben pisouira pelleti. The ouoapiug primonera teluged hlm vAth valer but b.hovitinuedt 1 eul. The sound vus beard by Sheiff Brovn @leoping with eue oye open lu tbe other part of the juil, it roquireti lem time thou t tek.. 10 tell t for thie Sobriff 10 uppoar on the sene sunthAe mon me, vthefobir Jlgvmunup. TbeymiJd tbej '*gueaied auj man haitiought 10 fry andi emcpe if ho <oiti" anti thon obayeti the eteru commandt 10cruawi buck theovay Uiey came. Ail tho tvAting anti vrithing tu get tnoir bodies through the eaui oponlng badto r epeated anti n a ffev minutes lbcy veeagain pniaonoers. abourtif Brovn thon convetid thon ton coliu on the AOral; gour anti tockedt ien np. Thons ln no vay for thon 10o gel asaltance. ifheriffliuov la Atulic congratoluteti upon bis ttmely tilscovouy ni the attempteti escape. A few minutes laSer vould bave ieen too ]i t stop the mca andti tby are desporatoe charactors 'sho vonîti have been bard to recaptore beti they once obtainoti tinein liberty. The prisonor that jollet jumpedt rom a train traveling ai fl speoti in ontie 0oucape the o omcers. WADSWORTH. Mr. P. Madden bus returnedt ta ork ater bis brie! l loes. Miss Mathe Nom visiteti friendu in Waokegan ealy part of the 'souk. Scbool cloiet lest FrAday with a basket picnic. Alil report an enjojahie timo. MA.. Evu Leiber alter spentiing o iov veeke viait bu. eronnotihomo 10 Wankegan. Mr. 0. Davti, of Charles City, la., As visitlng among bis olti fiende anti nogbbors. Jobn B. - Schiossor spent Suntiay as bis home. Ho in traveling agent for the Deerlig Mtg Co. Mru. John Bichlosser bas gono 10 Mchigan 10 @pendi a fev vooks vieil vifb ber parents. Ater a long, pain! l niud complicateti ilnesa Mine iBertha liton uageti tventy.!oar jours dioti at the home o! bcr aunt Bru. lHenry Graves lest Saturday. Funeral look place at Milîbuin Mnnday. Mev. BariAs, of Milburq conucted, Uic burle[ service. Tinerewvu a --bot lime An the olti tovn' vhen theo creamcy opeued up for baueisTbreuj. Tbe cresmory De ople expeot 10 make theb boittler n Labeoontj, at lotut tboy have eveny lfcltj 10 do so. Everytbiug nov anti a botter situation coulti kot be founti. The uucbiviry vus e Acee lent Suniay anti provedti 50 ho p 10 thie standanrd. The vaSer vblch viii ho suidilasfrein a neyer failing uprng about 1000 lest front the luclorj anti la conduciedt irough an incb anti a bail pipa vhichem a graduai fali o! 12 foot trou s@Drina. WARREN. Lionu Wolley Au quit. iii ut bis Pathoî'u homoe. J. K. Bracher vu. In Chicago, Tues- day ou dusine. Carl Lamb ni Cbicago. in speving bis vacation veek ut boue. mi"e£&Ltie Allen, nf Waakgan, las epending Ibisveesk at Henry Binepai Ney Lambh hue accepteti an ofor ne musical diroctor of th*% Grajalake bndt. Hobent Bock ant i 'suto!Obio, arc vieitiugMr. Bocks parentesanti other relatisss. Mrn, anti lire. Chattes BougIes anti other friends of Mlienry vislted i u J. P. Woolcys tant Buntiaj. Mr. anti lira. Fred Wlbnr anti liltie taughter ofi (3nsaake, bave heen vies.t ng relatives An Warren recently Mr. anti lins. Henr Butr ofo Waukgn, vimlleti thier tiaughter Mr». Charle Uille& lent gUauday anti San- dey. George Gerity bu. bis Batter faciony An rnuing ordor. The tirat day ho took la over 1000 pounds of muk. A Lava social vill bho given by lthe Onae youg people at th. boue of Dr. Young, nuit Fiday evoung Julj tend. A geucerul invitation lau ctenteti 0 su. Mn. andirMe. J. M. Brueber are con- t.inpla"ga tiltnpou thie Lako of X.tyganti viii atted tAie uAvemaig afb Loga.monmnt Au.Obicago on Nien Marthe, Toung, sinter of the ElaOknali aietLamine Corunr, cage tro NAiga lu vek. Mr. Toung 'ulso ~ ~ l ba Atr nLakebo . Who oently cause froeinBOilti. -Prof C. H Nonrvii0of Ft. Nadison Iova, v iiigve a leture at Grange Hall. Saturtiay eveaing July 24th on «*Abrahulu Lincoln". 10 cents sdiis. ion, ton thie bonlii of tAc Warren Cern. esrj Auociaion. 1n.Çoue one and ail" 'MULANOZ" WHEELING. Alderman BAgvult bu investet IAn a beautiilul miiy cuniugi. Huunumaki Bchneidier vu. lu Chicago Nionday on buines.. Mr. uni Un. P. Becker attendu Mr. Youg'& fanerai ut Olileugo lem Sua. Mr. QGairbought a cenloati oi cattie la Indiana and arrivei bers vith theo nIdaj. Mn. anti lits. Bbot t rou Chicago bave beeu visilng vitA Mis. Bobu for the pist voek. TAie noro ueurulon at Clybouine Park, JoIM wuh a.a pouach andtiheN a or th e sn. Wm.BoebSSvhwo ila ntAihe Germa» bcepiiujta GChau e Aurepoitoti mu ioigig ezoaitqM vii. Jo., the busbl*i in gt quise bu.. Sese e tbougb .verybodj vanta hie muatmuehavedioff. oS tbiugamI, t Jus. Dont fatuA te k. u ic heexcursion tu Waukesba ani Povaukes Lake ucît sonnay .luly 25, tare only 811.25 for round trip. Ni. Roi], an olti itisn o! om urburg dieti Weduenday, July id. TAie romaine vers laid t10roet an Buffalo Orove couotery lant Frltay. Lent Bundry ve a boantiful day ion lb. bloomer girls ou vAiessu. On. vue overcome hy the boat ani even exertion vhite peut"nqbhie ou bar vay bock t10 Chicago uni affer being toctoroti Up bat to ho tabou 10 theo station 10 tek. tbe evenlug train. WAUICEGAN. Tle uc teru Star andti thoZ fioute enjojet a picole ai Druce Lac Tus- day. Thcy ldan deal day ton thoAr pitnie anti ojojoti theniselves Opte Maud, the celoirateti noveliet, vue InWankegaa, 'ieg"totaj. Ha bu. beau rustioating ai Fourtb Lake anti rode Au ou bis vbesl. Ho @peut tAie day vlowiug lthe city. C. A. Murray reoivedUt@ lAcommission ae postusator Satartiuy. Thie docu. mont lia bean expecioti for several tiayu. Be iook charge of tAie pont office Weduesday nigit. N. B. lioran of Meu city anti George Fitzgeraldi, o! Labo Forent bave patent. et a noimolceonu nhon borne @boe. Thie rnbber fit@ lu an aluminu rim anti viii prohobly ho a very valuahle n- vontion. A pertj of Wunosgu boys arecmp ng on the point at Unues Ibisve. Among ibem are George anti Bon T loo.Pbilip insley anti Vint. Boyt ton. Tino boys auj thoy uic baving an logant lime andti "tltea fsct.", Thne Chicatoe Tribune, SBurtiay tonruing, tu an ciloudoti article upon tino sagar traie, omyes thti e lnory bore laulooketi upon as a po.uible ivail of the trust. Thbe Tribune sapa mat manufactunraulok for the factory boe . 10 hteitupu. noun au the prics rites. ufficlentlp &0 varrant t open- Aug. This Au aong samge lino es Uic ramone vhicb bav. beau so provalent bore for the jean pont. GU RN EE. Nii Clla Staffordi spont Ibis veek An Chicago. Miu eanrlihrocentlj eentein. cd compaj irom South Dakota. Fred licOraker returue o i ishoue in Evauton lestontiay mrnig. Wll Pnicu e a vont gala ~atea seriousilinocu of sevenul veeba dure- tion. Mra. John Waddtell, of Marguefte, Bob., visitel at Dr. Tounge Itâta veek Wodeday. A nev barnisa heing but on Uic Haines lau 50o replace thie one r«ently burned.i. t viii ho 82r60 fi. vit St4fil. poit. iver Bron., of Mussel hae Uic coatruot. The Christian Entitavor eocibIy vili give a loaamociel thie Fnlday eveuing asth Uihorne 0f Dr. antiMne. Young. l e crearn anti cakge viii buoumvet ami ATWm liere Is Something.. .You Can Use.. 3O-in. Face Veiling Wort 40 cts_ per yard5,ý OUIRPRICE 26c ail-linen Towels Knotted Pririge OUR PRICE (2 fS SMo) AT WYNN'1 Cor. Oene.soeandWalg t. WAUKEOAN. The Lake Count Business Colloge Teachers'Training,,S"'001 WIi open at Llbertyvlle, MI., 'Mon7day, September 6,1897"Z« WIth a Faculty of Thr.e or more Compétent Instructors. 1 Pvleýepercorg 8 Sutiente vho bave Ocmpietoi ai loghk <is I the Uic hnois publi eboci§6 by tWdame COUrI, a., vAite t tcier tMe F iny collae, A Ir.joror lui, iooriiug h atnu M d eui earai ubihty. school Four viii comprise bmu hu1ma f bjue ve mld-ouamnerTulemW Normw1M « t o le ie w ai« of u, OuPar Âdvun.. ,................... Per veeN. .. .............. PSU Teru end@ lrldaj, D".. %;W. 1poIWM!evuespMM 34M Wlnter Teom opea. Moudày, Dmc. 6,W.;Boamai.1l~ 4 NOLIDAT VTACATION Seh eaWTw.8s~ Boglas Dec. 24,17;and mmdi jan 8. M1&i:.av* s, IJWi 1, hteq S, For f urth.r patlculars address H. C. PADDOCK, Principal, Some Startling Prices- Pure Manilia Rope per lb........ 0 Best Quality Machine 011 per gai ...... Best Copper Wash Boliers.........-1.8 Oood Wood Hand Rakes........ ..... .10 Good Scythes and Snaths ............. .90 Good Iron Weil Pump and Cylindeir ready to put ln Wa................ 8.00 16ft Bamboo Fish Pole ............... ï8 - I Burner Lamp 011 Stove ............. .80 4qt Ice Cream Freezer ........ .765 Cali and -r« our stock of eal and woot c* stoves. LIBIERTVVILLEC, ILL- N. E. Lie.RTyviLL. oai laper It .4sp peop~le hbe .bave Mi«e. TotaleBogan of Chicugo, je a@bock. A"- vluliung relutvee bore. a e arS Goo Beokuan vliied fiiendu asgae Wuhlngton eigbtu tis u vek. Umse att.Gibbons bum resurned OLE trou La&Crou., Wlu. vbîre eh. bue been MartnnNoseu qai h Rlà» viutting. . Btudy Mr. B. Neimnandn C. Smith, of 2Pied Ammits te h mhu.Io Wauk.gan, calied on friendu here Ban- troa thei dty. dey lmi. A. G. 1ave oau lire. Butianuand children of Chicago, t0O hlsglo It. are speudlng tbe sommer vitb ber jfo ia, < m I faihrMrAlk.ef et a. O. OflIwo ums*. _ ý Xus sAuniGuetin and, Viuney FpruTbii M#cwug D. 0" bave gone ou a t ulif0the latMer'. àpowoe1 bomne et LACro.., Wle..Il MliumiMay Aukandi Bertha Kune of iug cam j~ Chicago, vire tb. gais,. of Analem I. mi Gaina over Baaday. A alamber trou khae eattended, the Ni IUv dance ut Lenox Paut. Utr log a8" report a 8004b. - wmà sa 3 am%àvýmqf%éffl ý , - ----------- ý4ào#4mv

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