Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 30 Jul 1897, p. 4

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,ifflà WOO.oIAY4 P«liuihet U t~f45 he post.offici aI I.ibaettyvill IlBlinoisa. e eond.claae atter. 45VlnIurneBATRS MADE KNOWM ON PPLI- RelIer on lb. Elgin Board ai Trades Uqdda>' vas teudy; ollinings, 43l'tuba; uàlh300tubs aI 14c. Buitter aoldbaet Weik for 14lJIl4giu!ouieyiar ago for lais; lhmee ycara ago for 2S@aSSkc. Oue thing that use doue uhile the Sou tarif 1ev waa belote tle con. imaecomnithus iu sure tlabchi dely 'c omaiended. That isti nWetlon ot aeoelause pnoibiting tle manniactura et Mtacco or cigarettes ouietlng any sort og s prize or prentulum viti hemr gouds. The oul i>' lI>tl that a similan lev conld nul ho made te appi>' la everVUIlng eIme for ther. ta tile daubi thut the introduction of latter>' m.lthods itotubusiness, vliich hi. grovu to a greal cvii, in demoaeling in Isefetîs uoIumour people asea vIole. Speaker itîcd would bu more titan humen if lie did nul gel a Uittle bit sveld on aecounai f1h. soviral open referencîs madte ou the loor af 1h. Sonate lu bie pawer as exercied Over th. Bouse, aud lthe open ackaov!edge- mint ounltme part of benaors liaI lie lad uucceeded In coetcing the Sonate. net oulyi>'lupushing tle tariff bill tuirongli, but lu sbaplng lime bill iseif. Tii.. ackuovlodgcuiento are mmong thc moht remarkable cet rmade ln 1h. Senate, uhieli bai hiretofore prided Itaili ou always having ils ovuî vay lu ail maltera pertilng ta logislalion. The speaker ai tle Bousa la uys benu te mont poverlul individuil factor in the controi of Congressioisa ligiselan, but uniens.the@@ Senatars are hidI>' mistakuen, Speaker Rtendlias bien mare timon a factor;bliealie ein a AI lient one' olhce-seker uho lue neoilveul au appintinent ins mli dispamed ta hi dianatiuiled. Hla sa contuntuIoai epreseinlative Dlilver, a1Iolaa, tla vimnli vraIe as fllova aflerlie vas uotitied by lie State department lIa ho lied beu na.leted as Consul ta Trtnidad. -,If fliu goveromient lad an>' diplomnatiec nIa- tioua vîithlieU, 1 thînia 1 would have bienu lected for Cunslhip thene. I have bien asked ta appiar and ho examined ifr Trinldad. i have talked vils people who have beU lIe n id I bave tic-I ail I cau llnd lur book& about the place. Il a.emi ta have notllumg but blazing skies above and botllng pitches boneathli inlathe *ane-room oftbhit." Pethaps lin. D"llvers constituent lis e ard Of lie tronbleome oaihce-seeker wvI a cated a-nale tram Pr«Aeut lotant- ta île Secretet>' of State, aakiogliaI lie b. sent teas van. clmt.. The extra »caton oi Crongrese tht met lu Mach le nov a part ofthe coatry's leglsaaive bltar', sand he taris bll, Open vhuch lb. continuation a1 tbe ripubtican part>' ln power diponda, la nov limelau o!fIthe land. Timetportion oft1he adminstration Iliat la vodded ta lime currncy com.- mision idea lau otnt uirely eetilled vitb the vark ofitlimexita ,session, beceune no uculcommission use anlborlzed, and limace uho vised Congreas la go loto genîral legislatan are netat ail pîeaned, but thodqe vimo vlsbed legilaion couflinudtthîe tarif! bill regard lime sesaion as bvlng bien entircly auccesitul. Whel the peo pli thibaofutlie varia af h. session vil nat b. kuovu tuu aoietimno yeî. andd yul depend lupan Ibeit operlence under lhe voriainge ofthlie uew tarît!. The av-orage cilîzeui isnul s bitter partian, sud is always ready lu se>' a go0d yard fthe ubridge liaI cantie him a atoaven rougi waters regard- lie ai the hulder. I!limhe tarit! helpa hlm ho vil! proununci il guod, it nul, lie vill prouomuce il haît and ieîp ta ovîrlirow limace responuiblu for Il. GU RN EE. Park Gt. Smitih la viinig Irlendu lu Chicago. MisasAlice Sneeahy iu visiting minds li Wankoegaumtht. voua. Iib Cella StffOrd retummod front tusQhIcsgO tant Frida>' îveniag. Nli<. Emma Smith moade a trip te iUibuno lâiatZigeaday alternoon. Mir. and lira. Wusleu!eld intetai.- ed lIier brother tram Raine li"t Selý. elrdayand Sunda>'. Tie nev barn on the Haine. tm ari about camèPiited and teonof aieîlarg- ct inla Iis vicinal>'. Mes Carnie sud AMin and Fred lioCracka, ut Evanutan, vialied Moinda lien lait linde>'. 'ILrs. Lors Welcli andI infant daugli. ter. ai Chicago, are vlating lier par- cmUtaud other relatives bite. Xims Pearl Smith venstelaChicaglo - 1m1 SMdatudi'evuaMag, d l viail leltiailelimI il' urnohie veci. . oi 7726ugul'î, for nor- T.MPOaUra avSfegl frM 1 dege 10 4 digues above normal, andra.. fai frontmmrs #À* an.0nce invest ca1uîea te leu tien 0.25 la Grundy, caunUtaom Lie ta lankakee being dry. Oate are maelin thc sbock and somne Urchiug bau been doue, vlth fair yeild of go"d qnalty; a fev report rail. Corn continue@ la makte excep. tioU"Érowtk and mail of the tigoa are lesa.ltng and llktng; haytng la generally don. and tie o eapvl! saved; rye la biing threshed vllb fait yleldj and fine berry; puiones and gardenta are revived by the raina; potalais nat1 dong toeviii, belng ranchi daage by bugs; ftuits plentitul. QUENTINS CORNERS. Ait kioda of temperance drinks, ai Wna. Q.uentin'&. Mrt. and ira. F. iloft visited at Fox River one day lait veek. À large nnznber took in the excursion te Devils' Lake, Win., li-i Tuesday.1 Harveîtlag demanda the farmer's attention and &il are busyilatle.fieds.. Ounr band boys mel regularly iviry flday evîang. Wi look for glood mugie ase a recuit oai tuer hard voria, and they are the boys tht man mke il. A pleant auprise vaa pe r ted on Mr. and lira. Chai. Y=eb kby friend asnd relatives, a aumber trram HighlandlParka, perloipaling in th. event, lait snnday evînlng. A royal good trne is th. oniversai verdict of those attinding. Lent Somâmer on. of our grand- ohildrna sasck villi a severe bave! tronble," maya lira. B. <0. Or.gorYof Fredoricketovn, Mo. "unr doclors remidies had falied, thîn v- trie Chuinbrlain's Collc, Colora and Dier- rhoea eimedy uhicli gave very speedy rele." Forts by F. Bl. LOVELL, Libertyville. J.B1. BRAUi&aa,ornee, L. i.LICTHPIKLI), Rockefeller. FOURTH L.AKE. Prospect Bluff holel in well illled vith gueta tram the city. FourtliLaki hotel la a theatre for gay spart durlng th. busy seacon. . C. Drury & Ca. are ripalring their4 throshlng outlit, getting ready for Wm. Wilton and daugiter Battue called an Waukegan Iriende lait Widnesday.É wUliie Derby lbse returned homeÀ trom Wiscoiiin. vhere lie bas bien speinding the sommer wlit h bs cousin,c assisting him villi his farm vorkia; Fred itucker's harses teck friglil and ren away vithli hm Saturday. They eut Mnd bound eata at a ivily rate liii tb. maclinei clogged snd broke bot Fred mye liedont$ cri lu laeanotheri lait ride on a binder. People SliOVe uhat they read1 about Hocd's a crsaparilla. They knov t laiau hanest medicine, and that l carte. Gel Hood's and only Hoad's. Woo0d,* Pille cure ail liver ls, rem 1ev constipation assist digestion. 25c. Btetween Seed 'rime and Harveat.a In a goad apportonity tu inquiret about farming lnds la Southi Dakota. ouly on. day's ride tram Chicago. Bountitul cropa of Wbeat, Corn, Baruey and Flax revard the tiller ai th. sali. Ar a stack and dairy couuty Seuth Dakota leadi a&l the uorld. iitca tarinlande itilineirby marketa cao nov b. bonglil for 810, $12, 815, and up. varda, pur acre, and $bis in thi lime 10 laveit. For turtier particulara write ta Gea. H- Hegiiord, Uenerel Pamengirr Agent. Chicago. Mlwaukee & St.i'aulf itailway. Old Colony Buolding, Chicago CaptJas. A. Duffey,t The Orel R-meyataitive Tlle Whal Dr. 9084W BineitaHam Do" e Par NWsaif a Md iU D rucrvB verk relu rtesCinitant h"ad uletvabraia."A ler "0.,, uie be ep.Datrei. ofSM Urehard St., Vol. do 11. "I eotkad misait. wu ila tac irrou Icould nt "d liaimae tvlched beallyazbaumed. ont sil outil ahi tuotDr. ua 1New Hast Cure two years ego. For the pat yesa ahi hum haistria fia, lhe troubla." Dr. MIIsa emedimstire s"dI y a&l drag. gbftu adr a poslive guaruntes, t bc"l biaeor moeay aftacded. booek Be. a s" elrrsas met a hm ua &ilceata. m . til E IOIALCoU.. ElhuB.lad. etWnsla« Si 4.e C~cg, lie aI ILai lt en. nd ve seveulty bonder@a Snady. C. Jiei 0 va niion; vistd C. Doolitieb.dfmuly SuDday. lira. 10. T. Thmpoa and dangiter Leui ccma hby lMr. H.rbhýrt P.obonrlvdt the Coera, Nr. IL C. Edvards a m, Seturda>'aeun- las. lin. W.IlacLachlan,eanAllen snd dangliter Fr.derioka, ef Chicago, apent Tflian id Pridsy l" leek boe, proviona taeutering their nommer home on Gagea, Le.*" At the Fonrlh Lake Hotel lait viek athlellc «ixeims eto in order, amnang them baing a ane-hall mile roving cotsl vith turm for ]&sadin d a an, mile bicycle race Ïon men. The larmer vwon nby lis Wlhelmina Jacques tie allier otestante bain& lita«se.iflle Raid, Jimite Morgan ail Agnes Freuiim. Tii bicycle race vi. von by Opte Ried viti J. C. Jacques, C. J. Schimbirg, Wm. Gately and C. A. Freemn lui the order named. At tie evening enleruiment th. musical1 selotioni tram in iatband Semerimidi rondired b>' the Freenian famnly and the ciaracter delenatlana of Opte lied vire enthuauicmlly riceived by an attentive audience. HALF DAY lira. Hoeitman leaon tii sicia list. Eva Belley use on the ilcia list ast yack. Florence Ballard la visltIng lier ister lir@. A. Tipp. lIts. 8. D. Tlctt and chiudreu are viiting aetlira. Talcotla. The S. 8. viii have a pieute in lie noer future. Naie leter. CarriSamer vlall.d at lMts. Norrili's et liainaville, lait veek. lin. and lira. Moores Ut. grand- dangler, of Chicago, la yiiitng thein. Lots ai bicycliaha p»eid thtougb tivE Saturdaysand Suaday enrout. ton the laken. Heying la about ftuiuuhed iu Ibis vlinlly and fermera have commencend thier cote. lit. and lir. J. T. liertel's grand- chilidren are visittug Ilium ram ChI- cage and Jefferson Parit. Prairie Viev basiàa ayde'operatot. Hie and hislamU>' i il aecupy a part af A. Wehtenbnng'a boue.. lit. J. G. lamson vent ta Chicago Baurde>'10 hean lthe play -"Revît Again', et Hooleja thealer. John Johinson 1.1 t Saturday for Col- Grado, vhere bc eixpectu ta regain bis heullh. Hieaiter Lindeaecompsnied hlm. What les the venther mo golng ta givo os next? Thon. vwe a siaver ai "-eggs" at Pairie View ut eîTherade>' iglil. Quit. a oumber tram bher. vint ta Waukesha Sunday and snoe ai aur people vent ta ummpmeetog et Den.. plaine.. li. n.sdlira. Will Whlgamn, ai Chi- caga. caeiout ou thier uheels Friday niglit le vîiil bis perentu, returning home tSunday. lin. Gray, af Chicago, ilîl prescl i a the churcli Sunday morni ng et 10.304 aasiatid b>' li. Wade. Ail are luviteul ta bc prient. BARRINOTON. The campera froin Desplaîne are wnding liier vay liamevard thie woek.1 Mr. Bert Abbaet Cai caga, ln @pend.i a vacation liere amaiîg relatives and1 ionda. The pales and vire. are bing put op rapidl>' for Uglting aur treeta vith 1 elictrîcity.9 lira. C. Fabritz and dangliter attend. id a social ut Park Bridge let Thurs- iay evoing, The M. E. S. S. yl &on bu packing thier baket& and luaving taun for s day In the vooda. About 30 ai aur citizen@ tookak dva lege ai the excursion ta Devilas Lake Tueiday oaittus voek. Services vill bu held in the M. E. Cdurci nîxt Lord's day as uual. 1ev.1 Va»n aoIn expectud ta SU 1 h. place1 of lb. poster vIa ls visitlngili te1 cent during bistour ueek's vacation. Neye reaclis ua ai lieherte made happy aitIlie home aoflit. and lir. Wm. Connor lu Chicago by lihe arrivai ot au eluven poonid girl nt thier home1 Satunde>' evoiing. Thier home von fonmnrl>' et Waukegan. Rssons Why Chamberlaine Colle. Choiera and dlarrhoea Ram- 1 edy lathe Boat. 1. Becausi L sfordu almoat Instant reluieIn c"e ofapain ilimte etumacli, collcemand choIera morbue. 2. Recause ili. lebthean!>'remedy that neyer fitîs lb the mont sevoru cases aI dysentery and d iarrhoea. 3. Recae IL ith ie oniy neuedy1 tual yil cure clinonic dlarrhoea. 4. Because tin lathe only remedy Iliat yull privent bilions colle. 5. Because It la the anly rumedy that ulli cure upidemical djysenter>'. 6. Ricana. Ilt ite anly remedy that cau alvsys bc dep.naded opon lu caie af chiera tufauînmn. 7. Recause Il As lh. mont prompt aud relable inedicini lu ose for boue! complainte. 8. Bicae, ilproduces no hed r.- smlti. 9. iieasuaimL in plieant and mi, ta L.ake. 10. RicanseIiai savidtlb.livia ai more people thon any aller medicine lu tle vorld. The là and 80o aimes for nie by F. B.1 Loveil, LîbenlyvIlle, J. B. Brecher, lionne., L. H. LitobtiIld, Roackefeller' 1 yul close aut Mn>' sockofinommmer Nilliner>' at 50 canta on thei dollar. tg NMa. Puovxi'a. -o THE LEADERSJI - - IN - iierchant TIrIg STYLE -,FIT,,-WORKMANSHIP. SUITM4is.oo " P... GRAYSLAKBR LOCAL NEWS. Mfls. a.S. UMAM. Laid miner. * Llira. Obermap tla anthorimed Wr.oeesiabarlptionaand advartiamentai for th. IxvmiaaDmT aIma ordera for job prloting. Cal 1 unlber for rages. ORAYOLAKE SOCIaTite. Rveig u i o ere~Tos -% ýLý N. lurvA. Au. .N J. J. a. imu inox, Secî 5gROSIS Ch ter. U. D. Ordr atarn man.F. . sazemiA. W. mas. A. N. Wcmrs; Secy. GRAs.e ?, ampNo. 1 iU.W.A. met ,.»son andfouthOurday eveuingao b iamonîli. EYB*7 I¶v Rvxu., V. C. aGeea Baoxas. cura. M IRPAR CamaN. g.N.A. meet second andtauntb Tlma.aîVnmae monli BA Bec. Uracle. CUORGREGATIONAL Chunih udayr- j. 'vïmjed&B.a.n. id IvSO.l men~itil- Ina v o e nitg tany mel Sondiev aet :45V i Percy Rayd le workiug for lit. âlalar>' et Druce.Lake. A bos loaid ai rayalaku haotel gueest spent lait Sunde>' at Long Lake. evinai enrloada ai bagi ver. ahIPPed fram Ibis point the peut veek. lin. Abert Heude. and famil>', ai Wankegan, speu Sanda>' vîth Grays- laite relatives. Paitar Harris exelianged polpita vilI lb. presint pastar oa iebIsormter congragation in Win., tant Sanda>'. li. nsd lins.JosephPlmer and danghlen, ai Weukegsn, are the guelte of lin. Whtehead and fenil>' IbIs veek. li. nud Ire. John Dr>'or aru neJolcing aven tle arrvaI ai e uitIle girl vho came ta brîgiten their home Nanda>' Jul>' 10. John See.bollm lias vacated 1he r0OaI lu Uh. Strows buidîng sud huei moved hà a fml>'lu In r. liruayy bouse on Iuser SI. Mies Miyrtle and! Auna Austin, ai Chicago, are lhe gueula oi thelr sont sud cousinsa t Hatl Austin amd'vîlI probabl>' nemaîn sivenal veeks. lit@. A. W. Hlarvey' hmc aiguensafon the Kmamer lier ulicqa Pur! and1 Addle Fenton, a! Chicago, 1h>' aima vtslted lira. C. B. Hlarvey' tuis eek. Ang. 12th Orayalako Camp M. W. A.1 and MNxael Camp, R. N. A. vil! public- 1>' dediete theIrnenuvball lu F. H.i Kuilikers nev store. Evetyboul>'il- vited. Franka Oburoman, ai Chicago, yl aet a caudy factan>' lu Ilheaa.smnnt o! F. H. Iuehkers mmuv store ai soou a itI enu b. completed. Evit>' nov onterpnise helpe the tovn. W. vould ta cee mate ai theai.1 The bunelicientua ai lie Royal Neiglibor ortilicate af the tate lira. Heude ecetved tle amunut ai the polcY thie yack. The rdor Baya! Nelgîbots af Amenica la lunlime iront rnk 1insi uuranceoradie, psying aIl claim. promptly.and eleeninîl>'. Un tant Salurde>' ovuning et 10) oclock lbe aged lin. John Brooks vas caled te nemI sller a long and paint nI Ime.. lun whicl ielm srong and A Rare Opuiortunity. Do yoo vilh la purcliasu a stocka of geueral merchandise and a nice hustI- De"s ln a Pett>' lîttIe tOavuin Lakei cooutY? Stock aIl dlean and nov. Cheap nul and undoubtedi>' a good chance tamakre mono>'. Ooad reacon for selling. Speakquick. WIlII ho sd for what stock vilI iuventor>'. Addreue INDEPENDzNT, Lîbertyvulle, Ili. Dr. 0. B. Howe Treste mcientiflcally and aoccessiully hy the lateit appraved methods, ail chronlo diseaies oaitl@lungs, bhart. iliroit, ear, noie, slamach, liver, kid- neye, bovîla, vomb and sexu"l organe. Sinl dissea. ,edketnm, shligIe, sait rheum, acald bîad, tiller. psriiifa caPilis, p«Oianisteaois(barbera Itci) ringworm, herpme, ster, and ail furme of îotaneoui ertiption, blotches, bjacia- heada, etc., cored permanenlly. Noie. and aupirllooui hair rnîmoved virbout paiu ty ieetralyl. Diseuses ot the nirvana systein, neursithelnia. lacamolor ataxia, po grenssive paralysie, headachi, nenraigi lit. Vilue dance, sciatie aniomnia,. spi- lepay, cured b>' Germen mitbod and elictrolysis. lhumatiim, scule, articuler, mus- colar, iuftarmmatary, and rheomnatic gant poelively cnrid b>' a nev and auccidiul prcesa. 0. B. HOWE, M. D.,; Office at Notai Wooditookl quite 28 and 29. WOQDSTOCK. - -ILLINQIS. iIORS:-10O80012 A. m., I ta 3 and 610o B P. M. EVEET DAY EXOEPT SUN. DAY. lia>' le consulid Snndays irom 8 tu 10Oa. m. and 3 te0 p. m. at leil Cottage, Wancanla, 111. F. BAIRTQWU o lisible . Granite M onumnatsa. CAMETEBY WORK of EVEBY DESCBITIOk4 tu" nàare vas manly tir.d; 'but h. afftared vîti immole fortîtuda. lin. Prooka vaasa ver>' aid matllur on lIhe farn imher.I e h cdled Juil umet ai Gagea Corners and vi. viii belovid b>'allia knev hlmu. H. vibora b Lincolnshire, Englanul, Na>' 18, 1812 and dl.d Jul>' 24, 1897, mmaking hlm âge elghiy-five years tva mouthsansd six days, long yeara utftti and nietuinia. leu vaasJotnud lu vedIock ta lias Doubleda> Nuv. 28, 1837 snd faut boys anmd lime, girls caeta hibeuaIhuin home, tva sons an}l oneo4Ugter ai vloni survive hlm. He immigreteul tu ttea countîry' lu1850, tinrtl etlliug lu Newport, but ln 1853 lh oveatouthe tarin ulre le inded isdeys. Hi leavîs ta maure IheIn lois, beaidea tle cidrnn hilre mientloned an agid vidav, aine grandcblldrin, oui gneat grandiculld, tva brothora lu Englamd and a aiter lu Mo. His chidren are John anmd Oea. Brookelins. Elisa Love, of Bpnlng Valle>', Ninu. H. vi. con- flrmcd in Eugland lu theo ian>' day and vas a taithiol adierent ta the voue he thon muadle alîhougli during tue lait yeans oa iealite h. coulu! nul attend dhurcI ver>' tegulari>'. Hievalaid 10 rosI ln the Orayalake ecounter>' Monda>'. 1ev. Runion, oi Gages Lake ciurcu aftating uethîe ubsequle,. liay' ho lave tle peaci e sa unI! decerved. The gueste et the crayalake HotelIthe 1pu vek ire; H. Il. BanIlett, A. A. Lavionir snd vite, E. sud C. Weber. Diamond Lake; Banuel Nelsonm, Ber- lington. Wisa.; lir.asud lira. 1. H. Tauik- uer, lisyvoa; Mr.nsd lir. E. B. lioone, lit.sind lire. B. M. Shurlet!, Austin, Ill.; L. J. Hubble, Noîjioulli, Ill.; Dr. T. H. Burkhsuct, Hi Cnagg, 6. B1. Dix, W. P. sud N. E. Siason, ;vin. Selivebs W.H. White, Ciie. Bronanu, Gua. Stlu, Wnm*. rytepraak, fium, W. BogIe, Misises Etielyn Wil- son, hadie Ferrt, Emuma (isîlaget, Grâcue Chanb.lln N . and L. Burkie, Win. Bisrd cumd wite, ina Clarke, L. 1D. lliu, E. W.. Burke and saon, C. C. Stringer, H. A. Hendricia, Hart>' Auder- son, W. A. Brovue, M. A. Stephenson Hugo Ethe, S. Goldsumithm, H. D, sud C. D. sud P. M. maid E. W. Ferguean, L. L. Petersoui, J. M. Siit, und W. L. Laudis, aIl of Chicaigo, m'in. liccallînu, Evulcton. The tanuil>' ut Mn. Brooks vial k) express 11cmir iîanttelt Ihanke lu lime neiglhors sud tniensàd, viiim)kindl>' leunt lIier aid durlng hie lonîg mluelm. Thme annueul ofsvut m iA von Tovwnahip luinda>' Scboul Aammcîsllun vili bu, ied l Inayédake Congrega. tiaumal Cluocî oui nday Auguat lo.. iPBORAU Fois ruasIIT. ,o:39. Soug Srviný........................ 10e45. ',ltun uusdingît andu'Iay.,r..... 11Y..Adlnv. ot vieom. .... K. A. Harg 11:00. Ctilir,-us hevis. id by..14. i. Pratt 12:00. iflteruiusiun......... ............. 1:'.W.iSon« servieandl arayer ........ 1:45. BoMant Otf Suna ySoboul.. ut A'.. Township sud el-t.iu a îiiof u 2:4M. Aidu.,e ouun ancwnk ... K. S. Baut. F. W. Moady 3:Oa. Adureson -How tun ak.l-<jin î. day ulmol. Bel.ý i.v. J. D. 41henuur 3:0- Di9î!uaslofton Was' ancdl Uan, in muuday tlshoul Work ........ Ho, ii.Wfite. 7:46. t84nun(, uby...... Bey. .BarË ...... Paturage. Pleut>' ai good pamînne tan stoek au lthe Morue tarm, l miles vesî a! Haîneavilli. Appi>' ta 39-41 ALBERT OStocHE. Notice te Pethmaslers. Pathuistens aud averceons, a!flime lovwnabip at Libertyvillli, are hereby reqoeâed lu cut ail Canada tîlallea, bars or aller noxhaie vweodeon the bighways o! Ibm rosepeclive diatîcts. COMaMIîSIONERiS 0F HIORvAYS. t. JMsNuau rcrai«s curs RHEUMA. rE.EaZ BAC tA& idsa ely.Uc. And W~ rs - W.OUa<our coU ne of Weitsu ad Wraiena rmratpice be vl iaoi> ALL GARMENTO WITJ3 NEW STYLE BLEBVES. Waias laI ere 0e.....................391 65 and 70o..................... .49 $1 sud 81.25.................... .79 SIia...... ....1.25 Wrappera thal voeo69o ......... ...............49 88e and 01.00 ................69 81.25, SL.SSend 81.50 ...... 9 $1.75 and U.00.. ...... 1.28 Childi Draes liaI uoe e75 sud 8Me ...... 3 81.00 and S1.25 . ... .59 MILLINERY. MIî oeil any Item In our Trlmmed Hat Linoe t one- half regniar prIae.. Also greatly roduced prices ln alilother Mgilnery findînge. F. D. BATTERSHALLe Keep your ~ ON OUR UT 19 FOR VOUA SENEFIT WC MAI11 THE POLLOWING CUT IN PAlOIS. Ladies 81.25 Tan Blippina ........ .. ...... 1.50 Uzbiaod Tan Khoes ...... ........ .......... Baya '$1-50 Tan Shoes................ .... li126sShoos ....... .. .... . lmn'%1.00 ALL LIGUT FANCY DRES 00Ds AT 160 Plias. DAlaci per yd ...... mec9 ]Bc1 IIEDUCE. 100 U paisoe Maite .... 7c Fauce Setenâ ........ l2c 15 BAllS 0000 LAUNDRIY SEJA.... ... 26c. Examine These Ooods Before Purchasing Elsewhere. F. H. Kuebker, GRAYSLAKE, ILLiNOiS.l Thbz Wu* mi lIW Suu 030-»0O PROGRESS BICYCLES~o~ Tbus uheel l.uone 0f thb bt mnade viacela on the markean B elle *9 à Priee Wtlu th flb ech 0fa&l. The greastIumbiette lalb jieof Cycles boi bronghl Ibis haniome machine down 10 th. îxad- lugly low price of 831.00Ni Mde vîta Royal Arch Crowa, aeamia lubing. finely aiciailei and enamnel.d. Ladleu' or Gente' ilyles. SOME RARE BARGAINS ON LADIES' WHEELB. HAVE YOUR EYES TESTED FREE. Mir. Vaille, the upticia ho la meeting wllh sncb ,narked aucceas throughoot the coanty wiUl bq bore Friday, Joly 30, and yuli b. plaaa.d 10 miel a&l vho are troubled ulîli thel, îyîalght and mnake a thorougl i-x amination frieeut charge. We Bell yon the glaeshli reconiricod, atremeonable pileen. E. B. Sherman, GRAYSAKE. LL1NO1S.- ve cm ~ OFFER.-- . . .A WE OFFER FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY ebega. ~THE CHICAGO INTER OCEAN AND t9~u.aaaaaugaaaaaaLAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT ... OA*NogOW .OO. At thme fllovtng remArkabl lav figure when "-elubbed' or ardered tefgether i.ekly Inter Cocma sud I. pedent, i1je7~.0 The IDIEAL BLUE FLAME STOVES are the prettiest, neatest to operate, usa. the Ieast oil and oh, s» handyl Try one a week and you would flot be without~ It. Saine la true of top bu.ggles and surries, as weIl as ail kindu of liay tooli such as mowers, rakcesandtedders. We whlseil for lesthan cout now. J Can't afford te use an old mower when we can put you ln a new *one for abouts what the two sfckles are wort.h. Cause: We have more than we want. Wi a annuolrefrain tram cfllg7w sueai nt aL tefactîhâtvi feu_09e limaI vo havielthe prestleal 100~ moait durable aud aconomîcai I.US FLANE GIL COOK BSEOVUen .' market socli ns Idegal, l'eIa Natianal, and et pris« Valis reula al,owevumgr.. 1 furitl, viaisè lbvlsat elîir Lbertyvills, 0r 0& ~W81u00ada, or stW opjn due on ovder 1cempuete Bilue lin.e stove and owem,~ riady ta gel dinerwiî, or onlY uji The>' al produe a bitte dame wlth aim same olI yuîî ns«lit yonr lampe atii jocit amoke or mione bit amore.~ 1"11 8il lcesp), ady aud jest UM ghI lenglth a brn. Yor lomal ddealt m'miv ayIbsI lise "UnsutiîmaîeaîSiaum"cent do lg -. ad bAc the oveu off. Langh aia. Wî hny aur atoves tu the saneou vhere vustel bunr biaciaand talaoo and r3lâee-4 ihicia are cantnîlufauy -, iog et Lîbentyville sied Wauconda led il joua pliaise- not foilaw, tu turned flexible sale blacia. and lxý '7ý 7'ý froinf46a. 108V.75. Lage linet m baya and miume auon a"j Ballarharware ___ 1 b r- __ Grayslake - - - - Illinois. Brick Store.

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