Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 30 Jul 1897, p. 7

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omt..r c se7mm~~t fltate eonotie l !Oeie. and Bt Abmleh rniaorwacmaesbornla a lu fit Ber ad swblch d nue.- o moa. l'h. dagunc elopdait Dm Wbpe"hat r to pplaumwruMoro*y Aorso.. sud ho lest Une htope ia the oplaBerkjetyla the ta esso o a nSt Bnadifrdm s deerf trys d erlswron ehant foastelgr wa r, laig doua Potland avenue liast fitur- dey uben lie uns tartled by a ry of -"LIoch out"' H. taned, snd wusajust ia lrne ta ubeel hie horme out of thie way of a ruuaway. wlilch wa» tearing doua tiie aventie. .Iust aheed tuer. w.. a party et hadles who could Dlot, poagslly escaipe wbat wemred cortat death ta some of them. when the. dog. wbo bad bec-n followiug. sud wiîo aemed by intinct ta coiirebend the. Impeidtig tragedy. gavec a leap and caught the. relas of the rtmaway lie- h.en hW teeth. hie gret weight briug- hWg tef rghteaed animal ta hia b.unebes ut as lie us. about ta struke mie of the ladies. wlio eeiued toc, ter- rlfied te, move.-3MLuneu«l)is Timnes. Tl" Ovfln-O! Try Oalu.- Ask your grocer to-du y fa show von a package of GRAIN-O. ithe ficufood- drink fiat t9kes the place of coffee. The elilidren msy drink If lwtiiout lnjury e well as tie*duoi. Alil wo try it. Blue I. GRAIN-O bas iliat rieh smal brown of Hochs or Java, buttIltls made frorn pure grains, and the. mont dell- ente etumarirecelves It uithaut dis- tress.. 34 te prie of cofs. 15e. and 25e. per package. SoId by ail grocers. There are mny Japanese W-ho are estimable snd bigh-rnlnded lu oSier matters. but are flot ta lie trusted ln business transactions. lu Japan the unas t -Aille ta take advautage af bis ueigbbor lu a bu rgalu in iooked upan NOMNEYTROUBLES OSued by LYd IL N.Pihmo Vogetabla Oompooed, 1 caunot apeak to, lgbIy of Mr%. Plukhama Medicine. for it basadouecno Mah for me.. I have bffl a great &ui- ferer trom Kldney trouble, pains iu muscles, joints. bock aud shouiders: fect would swell. 1 mien hsd uorn trouble and leuco,-rhoea. After usînif Lydia E. Piukharnu Vegetable arn- pound, snd Blood Purifier sud Liner Pilla, I telt liii. a ucu uoran. My kidneys are uow tu perfeet coudit ion, 4"d Il my otiier troubles are curei.- Mas. Masina POTT@. 324 Kanfiman St., Philelphie, Ps. My system wu entireiy rua daun, sud 1 suRfered with terrible bs.ckahe lti the arnal of my bock and could hardly stand upright. 1Iusa more tlred In the morulng than ou retiriug at night I had na appette. sine taklng. Lydia E. Piukhamus Vegetable Componnd. I bave galned flfteen pouada,4 ahmdI 1 aookbetter thau I ever looked befoee. I shah recommrend h ta Il my aertainly la a woudcr- fui medicue-Mss. IL F. Mloar, ox a Hapkins St., Cincinnati. Oio. Kbduey Troubl. Belore taitg Lydis, E. Pinkhsmci Vegretablo Compound, 1[liedsuffered msny years wth kldn.y trouble. The. pains ln my bsck and shouMeru ure terrible. My mentruation becamce Wt regula. sud 1Iwu stroubled witth le. emnhoe. Iuse gtculng vey uesk.1I h beuto many »yicis7" but r.- 7kyeà nao nefit. I hEg= tho u.a3 jra Pluldiame. smediclue, and the lerst bol eleved thé. pain Ln mybsek bout= o moitfa thl 1have ever Ita, lortt rlieyed the. pain no quickly mud usind te iii.dlem.-Mss Lxu.ux Cum., Box 77. St. Andrewo Bar. Fe. On a v.d bot daty Hîres ~, Rootbeer - utandsbe-~ ~~ you "7/ md the dias,- treasing ef-h acao eheat. col e bit Sacs the blo ach, invigor thse body, fu satiafies the ti Adelicious,spi 1 liang. tempen drink of the h lest mediclnsiva a. OOAI. MINERS STRIKE 18 FAR PROM 8<TTLEMENT. M~AR ADMICAI. UANDOLEU. Unite.d Obuts..nevoi Os~ Wb* Will Keep un.%y* nu uw.i. BItmrAdmirai Lm*tpA. Beardolee. uho ahi saf.-gurd fthe luteret offlic Uunited $tâtes luIliausil domis uthe ecitement attendant upal, fie anuexation criis, là a- aftha--f I.-ctis . iai. FStabrgBlurif isra fscbtathe t' iied States nsvy. He le uow 61 Open Shofts sud Compel wona f0 arsobi, sud in a fhorough sailor. He Oit-]Ralîrosi Trisa the .Conl ian lîe-îîlu the navy ever sduce ftIKW DletritcSKeysBe Abadaed. uhen i., uns sppoiited actiug uildhip- - îia,î.lu ISM h. wu& sttscied ta tic Trouble la YJd.presd. soop Plymouîth for service in the Eat T'he cal seikle ln exteudlag and bide Indies, aud Su that yeur he pcrticipati-d faîr ta lus-vaIr il the,, nere iu the ,sait cool minecs fruntWest Virginîie ta Uic Mdiesiripti. lu the, Paîthaudie district lu Penuueylvania essfuioauidcvî-oprnentN are elpe-ee. Tih- men are bîgiuulug ta' feel the l'anus of lîoîga-r aîîd wunut adI are la n condifioni hardiring ou despers- flou. A lîttslîurg diaîîatch gays: Orguti Wze, la.bla-i-t, -îrtliy at svrk îuîuug mnines f fia' Ne,' York sud Cleveland Gao Citai Companys for seserai dayu. One, af tLt-i waonsarvi-d WSfh ail injunctiou tii mr.aiu off tflic cupaniys îroprty snd icaret ti na lone. lic siidlwbe bh-eu nt ua'-k -o-,ug the minera f ainuuCreevk aud ('xplcised gri-af bopex oi beiîîg ahi,, te bavec tIim joitic general sîinîiî,n. 4 As lîcîr nu eaiun b.' icariiet sconeertî'd effort wilil ie made juntiheîîî-,trfutuor,, t, brlug tînt fi,. meiit Turtie Cri-ch. Moud. Cr*»k inul! Plurn reek, Thse î,flEial feel fliat lu rder ta maL,. the trilke e suceest,.these minera umont lo- brougit out. ITbey admit they have a diii- cuit Job ai, ticir buds, as De Armit, men .e.-uui dtermiuc'd ta reutain a t a titi Tii. mines-arse ruauingtig t fir tfiilic-t axaA lDIiAL iiEA&ltsLVK. cspsclty sud are supplj-Sng a large quaîo iiinome of tic actiontad lui nt esst ane MtY oi &-aui Su Utc trade. Miii <oui wam baile witli ti' (ý'Sioee arsy etSfhansg- offered nt$1l.25 a ton. Mini-k tcok a b i ha..lai 17al li- wuamaIle passedaidi- Jump sud sl for 97).'I cciiil tn. B-for,- e.i)iiitanddeî,taiildfor ser-lie,on tic th strikle St as% sold t 4 îîe .n tn.Mc»iintaIn.lu18M3 be wuss tfai-ed ta Tbere are bundrede aof nof utcuk coul fi,,-Nantuocket, sud be partiiipated Sunft ct the cilnes lu tih'Pittaliurg ditrict. itut tttrk oi the roncisi fleet lu Charlestoci the mhinets aoffic iaxailînlt trutit sny laneou nApril 7, 1863. Aiter fie'tir of If ta b losded. Lient. Btoriilee, for fiat wu*neou ils A nuit-r ai trîkors ntrîî-reii ait I tiI,, ccimsuded fie gunotot Aroosotook. men wofn %were losîing front larges intît MubsIucutly bce uetrnsied 41tii fie iare ta;Lt uit mhai-c I,Ureinsed by W. commrand ai tic steamner Maginase of the IH. MSiîcn%, a dealer iront C. Jutte & Ptiiftc sclnsio and I ier fa thei- an Ci. i'î.a-oen i-r,. c'anpellcd ftquit iît,îa i flice steam nIfflocp liiikawanntif unrk. Miets Mrefnry Ward dIssIi- the timp tafiin. Inii 1lho ,.wag itît A COAI. TIIPI.E ANDI A MINER'S 1103-IE IN THE PANHAN1ILE DISTRtICT punts i-l 'if Ie- actionîanti tisai-I aidrs tut«)ilisi,àit-uta îî i-ttmmaimlr. lit- ha. eLcî- a tic athtrira ta utîbiet un il'%%o. e a li n- r ~î-îairal inî-e Jane 2-s. 1895. lniuiiig rat-cift us-e. min-d leitre tiihe___ _______ trîkcî'îîe. oîittgonafed. MILLIONAIRES DAUGUITER GONE ltepuita i-trne frein Bidges'ilIe tiat titi 5f rik-rsarni-imansihuraf fiat point aiti Mie Gr,,, ev.aorfBol.. Who tt' l.intentfionot akingha a i on the "c sa rppet nOf ai ith. sainesi'a t Coanshirt. a-bei-c the mei t.- On »Mouidny nigit. April 26,Ili.,e Mi- tariiid tav-rh. A d,-fcraiicd eli- aýilI .lwt ll 5 er Il e Ici thc rctulf. A ines ni,--inrug it t- e; cut.esume.tiola 1478 -cars u . Iif i- nihiers ulistecocke ri-gion inu 1lIc- bi-I t i i ntîîiti'i-'aug o.147 aii Rton-s-t Seottd-ile te cenitier griec' s-atî'a Ictijr Boklu- .yn i e o ns fa thymeir nradistniî-f, muil- inultude the loadlug of "humpelti awagonse iuitniy Mortes et. M. Millet asye it ni-i-cia ti a ipark fe infaânàte i,-mnier n utih-e celke recilnen sud Bi-tti-thiî'r (i-î-rtiou bu the gretf-tstrike. Titi-i-i ari- 2.fsa ienî-t luownt sf -crk IStatt ri-gien. htauy ivuîeR.lroad d lem Sanew en ctures ail il helshahîtro- duced ilto thc struggle ultîuin the sutS I,, data. If hateluee d fie rminers i-ui teri'f tue C-lig aptin tic Miaiiuui.u t- itaiaus -for asistatcec. A nieetlig af riiu-ay 'mplayee se.s heid Ilu iettstiurg.- and th. situation ai the' aune!' st-tii - f ioroolily diîismi'ua. ItReîfllunae -t euiapted .Ieegiug sOuport ft.,thitnriik-rx.. aind eac.-!% ieini-tma sauuiaacui $2 fortht'ut fitîît al-ta* f hai t isilwtit>rinnit-uu'i Uniont. et ittes or the Srie. laa I.Al slack oadiuug l'lis ici-n ..... n ufuiandtihe minci-, i-tmuininin latu.- L. ftali-iu îîuîl a-Q aieutly ais tuitiîg fIle- i-tub tr oo, hu ilitt,r ifiu oti ta-y it, itgfitbtter nu rates ntilg ille. O.-Thie iItavaie uiait lu . stiîl u the st luttebo t"yr:i-i-t-ut sud l iuai sar- ot-s a nilid d)to o arl )ace ultiuit ty o uiii-ut iii i-iuae utisa lc igh- Stete. oane. Rai-k Ilanad, III.-TIti mtinereab int- cnipioy (t flie Cootl Vallieys %il ihg t cuit pnu t ('tlle and Sheri-nd uvilage bits, joineiefletntgeiiu.ruistrike. Tii-ru- arec = of a thin ial. tiund tie coiutnyca ahaittuf i butlIaces'arse noaa- id. SprngValeys, III.-Tiec ref tîîîicaýi1 In aId ai tieM.pri-ng Vaolley minera Ilcr- - -cblplted buli- etfils mortng. c'usistitug oi Sour, coffei, egur anud tobseno. Tbey- camletaintutsne aifie ii Cirgo lmer- i-haute. Etaey wa a osasi-ntfufuie ic uc -. -Terre IHaute, Ind.-Tie minir ni-c -, lenlg crery dny oaitflici fan anu- t hoized i uîcior fot reliefiuîud. Nu-ni-- lY ee-cYwliecthse rcgtilsrci- muittcr gai'. - h fandethat sonteone inashien ititetîtî ii It Col-.iiuiutfuof disti-cua ithein- 1IIy lug camsoupe tr' icrenubug. * Mîti-cutftI.-i.At a meeting ait offi- cIai rcîtort anq muade tint ehxty-ses-î-uî ouf eta c file eî-sitty-t-ilitifînesa1 lthle cîl - ville lii-bict a-i-i-c- i-09î41. ut1tit ilutfIflue lcad blance wa hI'tu-e-tiilli-sl ti iin itlbe. t'es fyonce hInùictosstry. forthfle!Iii.tersulart- luinu lii ntîgs tiil and troîubfle 1,,xuic- fa reuiiltitll .11Yit> ttpft tl'itiesatutct crs of s'ni hamuie. caset Elubîrti. W . V-Tueoîysiisa or tt-e mnltra continugutfii-Nn tf, S51 el folk et î Vmtfernnrond in theiL lIiiafe futtentore li st tbe .ss-tchbiach colîbelies. à cre s Rttl i,,tieatlsfai-tion bas maifesu- md iself, bot otherwime aIl te xïluaer tu angth furillest capsclty sud ag, etranîd. Sinceftbat finie notiing bainfietu heu-il fiuni lber. Ber Iparetste a pu it. ttn hitoI. ticboits %n i ie- uultgis-c $5.01N) for line -os-i-iy. Tbe polethi, ttuil $hi-'bi liftim nieOu tfoitf aihlicfuunulu- frouflle. SHEDSl'ilS SKIN. A Montmanm Miner Affece] wtb a Pecuier Affictlon. J.dIlut.latie, a imuser iof PiillbpRbarg. Mot, i%. b tfft--tci -s-it a î.-uiir amic- tutu. t le il,'edililm iuo-ry- i-catI-i, . ha taic-c- vsiaicCic-agoît fa tt ttitdu'u hi> 1tli-iîî ins, but tlil a r liet-at t fi Buitte,. Mocnt, a-beri-e b-tioderu-cf t - pci-t-"sa- luii isn os,-40 vu-trg oîî ud u r tiie past thiry -ca yentralbe.hai% annunliy ei-. i-iitpgtelhi@aoluf sis ifr aneni o nc. Iti' itu-t(-8ii e iery vyun ith l tiîllg reg- ulutrit>- ittutt3:to-iaw- iniiitihe uiftei-oiofi Ju ii>24. Muîuîctiuuuî-wlit- te tt-iriouui ii flii" - r fuour tlayg. Onuithet iinldu>- fui-' sun lao,-D n d 4lisina la c-onuff inu @tripe. It la ail off, frum ihuî calp fa thse sai& nf hile feet, uuuailyiltia ta-o 'aeeks, sometlmce longe«. The fluger. a~Iabqottela.egrmdnlly, and an "mt IXADJ OF W'II OLOUDOUROT 0018AWFUL.DAM- 1AORIN l I O 11.1 Ce-ah CtaeNaine'oumanowns.meS camsescaTorrent sud BusnesUpes the.Ilesidonta 0i the CltY-Masy May Hasve Pertabal. tqWept tir a Flood. Tlar.tday nlgbt s terrlifieccoudiburst atroî'k Yciuiigtoun, .O. loding the entire viey iii' csueing great cianiage fa firap- erty tuth in te clty and sanig fie ral- ay ilu'-u. Mauy people atre muuîcsc'd ta tue drownci. The. enfin-e cuntry i-etund ai-sf for tweuty miles secs tiaodud and fie viii le iioroo., the rail- ronde bucbg the beavi.-t lasers. Tic Er.itstalirond uest aif Varreu foUrteeU miles. &,ati î'otth of Sharon for the samie ditaiu,', waseutirely wasbeil ont, sud orderas %er* issuesd[ta duicontiue ail trains. Man,- rebideces lu Youuigstown uer.l flooded (lut aud the oceciifaita vetc taken sua>- by the police antd tire detiartmneifs. The M-iliouiing Valley eleiztrlr lun-s uere floudei out and ail thceibridgcs a afîc ifwny. :'le Catholie chai-ih ut Nules issu ftrai-k i>- ightuuug ut the sanie itou- sud netitly dcsfroyed hy lirt-, wale bai- ness bitusand manuiacturiog cancerne wer,. floded. iieui-y M)ers, a teilor, seule atandiug et bis reesii nie on Mill air-et.waa %trui-k bj' ligitn;iig aui kiliccil ionitiny. Evcry raidront] huîding lit, tiecrity reiportse ix- feuils-e %,si;.îbhuts sud bridgea sic-pt away. anidft,,etofficiia.say tic bas illhI i.tUi heasieqt theiy have eser kuosen. Abouat 10 ai loc heicater came iowu tii, ru C-iicreci s-ail-y bittathe rity sud formeiu o a fiood, sa-ci-ping everytiing that w ne not stecieif dosen hefore ItL Thie bd af tic creek "-nx out more tisa tweîîfy fief -ide. uind tic flodad prest outtuta tt t l or abottutt2,000 feet. It rase qtikkily. and lu le.% thonî fhirty tmin- ut"es ticaster un s u th te second stary ~I il tie dweiliug iboases lu the flooded disticts aiil dv-as uflîl glalul. The. uhole distrii-t %vsscovered v-lt darkaeu ex- cept one' simili place v-ber. s lonely liglit shone. i-i-mca police sud others uere ou band quIchi>, but v-ere pouerlees te tes- rue anybiîv. nsne t s ioat orai surinf wsta ,,b adinSuflint portion af the city. Thc crics ni the people Su ftic bouses ucre heartretîding ta tiase v-ha stand attce water's es-le and ue-e fui-ced to retreat sbov-ly an i-accuft of the,,graiually rlsing v-ater. Masr People lh-owned. If la aimiant a certaiiity that mauy peo- pIe a cri' rowned. One v-bale famly us icard iryiag for hell itemonsunupetslre wludose. st lieu euidculy there uan à grinding. tiisi-. asif fie hanse v-a beiug moved trosiatlia fatndatian. sud soon the ciic fric isa it place ceamcd. The in- tense daiciketis maue, if imposible ta sec v-bat tvas gîtng ou. bat it la supposeif tiat the bit-r tund if@ occupants seat doua lu Pi-opi.antt ihe safer', edge icard a man cryla fot i-lpli wo an ppai-enfiy bein: i-arn- ied ,dwu lu the flodt. Tihesoice gi-eu faiîift-t sud if tx sapposed the au- fartuati-stin periaheci. litiful cries for belli a2re iturîtd rontially. but tic crosed un tic shaore rould do uothiîcg lu fie ses> ai giviog nid. Police and Sîrenîcu v-eutt ouce ta an- otiter part aifie iif affer bauta. If uns midoiglît tîctore bouts acre gotteu ta ti'. flooded Ci-ai e",kdistrict, aud tic work af i-cutt cocild be started. The bouts acre tatieit»- i-emin, v-ho v-cnt fa searls -ithil waill. but rould mit masle rapid lîrî,urcaa on ai-uaoutoi the sa-ift and ilatîzerotîecrii-nt. Nine familles a-cic ttê.ki ottotf second %tory v-indav-a urithin a ltalftiotti. and mauy people uere pic ketio. rltîgtitg ta debris. ~CL Ontrit(is iceu nlt>- thorne sud gave abat liffle >ou lie.--Kalamazoo Tele- gris 1h. Ift-,uîuc ca esy ta git thse gald fes-er. but uforfai.ttely sstiocîuttleascu thse bard wo-rk tof gettia flic goid.-Biugiamfou Nes. IVtset Constanttinopîle a-ncaptari-ciby thse Tai-k8 ifma tlle a-cie nat baffcrei do,-. sii:h ui-ollectls e nafcs.-New Yoi-k Priess. Pon' t sirfori-thti-Klondyke goli deliii- u ithaut tîlatt $ýuSi tatd n yi-ai-s supplies. omittiîîg ire cictanfi-ontth ic u-.Fac- go Arglus. Peary i-itlin-ey i-tii r,'imbarse ticise ah boatiîsu-ribe for hie bilar i- i-xeltliiuby touiîîg ti fewi-wlct-rgt'i lite-iirago Tutes i ici-ild. if caste jjitttafogo fat ti-eIuitti>Le, bof yoii eao gi-f ail thi- advuce -oit ant abiolift ir iiîg tif homtefoi- otîhiog.-Phlil- adeiphît Ledguir. Tarey- bis aîîtiipittîttheficpa.-erî a-itb ait iîhtiuitituni. if itaserettiatis ta bcsacen uhit îttlittt ahI liecultiniate.-Bai- timore Ainc-rit. tSttl--î'til iris, hastti- rk)tîît aitivest lu an otffittn a large c-oîttissa-y bhinl failiigu- i-crcitanici- n atdeathtitani foi- toune. i. Loui- lo'it Iispaf ci. if litittitnci dkîtîthfat portions of Absaketit w ci-cpriitîl)ttîls i-mîosedi tgoid ahe %ioitlujii't lias- said it ta William H. Sets-n id for $7.t(Xf,OW.MNinneapeis Tribunse. The potucre art. trî-afiig flie sultan wifb gi-estt itldueiss. riti-et eideutir belles-e tfinit litasjsiou it. nitici usai-ceflfia- clous thi i-irik-bat.îi.Cleseland Plain Dealcer. Uitile 'tîIn in mode -rita nmistahe lu annti\tlain. talo i- .c s t flikciY ta go serana inthelicticst on i- fter haviîig titougif it ovsr for ais-t> c-tii--St. Louis Clou)L- I)eu oci-tt. In s-iris-aifluee ciorai-ota amasuat of metsl saisie ai titiéiapu is- itaf Kndyke district are iiilii ft u sas,t. 5 vei-y probs- ble tinit lotît iff t-sýe et a-iiswuu't -sb. -Phliuiî'lpin ia îîiei. And ne,- tih Iaws-iian voleano ai Ki- lauleca ha lu a afnte of act-ive ci-uptlan. linyle thc pour ftiag la tryiug ta voirete usUive ul-ittion of the aunexation echerne. -St. Louis Itepabie. Bonis years «» the mini autboelti. et a certain city sotleed tEst a imanl cmunt af gl usa .laalg every day atter the coinageo eprationa ure0 over. They uatched sud set trapu of evety description, but no thief wass ,etected, sud aiter the los hadt coutlnued wltb regularity for lame months they net lt doua ta au ertra amoant et unavoid- able usate sud tbougbt nm c«r of S. Two or three years atterward twc brothers aho were working there lfit and set up a public bouse togetier au rnuy wbicb tbey said had been lef them by au uneie. As tbey hsd bath good charititers. 10 usa&MotutIl anc ai them told a mint forcîna.en the understsndlug fiat ne action should be taken. ftat suyfhlug vas kuavu aifte tollowug trick: Bath the Irothees used te grenue tbelr bauds before working at the umcaMn aud alenevt-sh ey uoticcd came geld dust stlcklng ta the grease if a wiped off lu thir hIîr. Cure as i ued tbat euough was flot takefi to chow. thougli. whcn thcy uaalîed their hait at home ech i-h lgthflicfegrains muant sever- ai extra shillings. ubarb ulimately enabled fhem ta retire sudlilve cam- iartably. Thc Pencoak at Hu'Me. T'hei-cal home ai tWI peaeotL* or Peu- fass i s ln lIndin. Ther,, Uicy wme ansd are btsnted, and tIsait flesh la used for fon)d. As il c-oc.Ibirds ise .u tii. saue regios «the tiger, ptetkbu idl a very dagerouas part.Tie long trali of the. peseack à* nat its lau. as uîaMi gupliase, but h; oem4sosed oif eatiter. iwIii-h grow ouftItiet ahan e tail. anal arce tatcd the tali-coi-aria, l'es coiý-ki have been known for rny hwin- drv-d years. Tbey are mstdoucd la tàic Bible: Job lmentans they are mentioetcfan u1. KAifl, 10. Hiaxtreds af yeeese ga inRome mauy thouisunipeceaks u-ere ktlcd for the greatfetnats wblcb thi.ernmpereumatie. The hiatus oi the peacck ekure con- aidereti a grent tret. and many had ta be klied for a aingie fcaat-St Nte- olfte. Dent or lResand'e Tic gênerai passenger agent of one oi fthe Chicago ti-unk lines r.cslved a lef fer fi-iou a Kansas men the ather day requcsting a pae for bimacif f0 Chticaugo andI retîtra. There u»n ath- lng abotftUiclefi et taeluletethat fie urifer hb.d any niaitu ýver te the coaiteily hc rcquefftle- ithUt railv-sy mea titougiftsttpefbaliê tce Kansm uliai nome counection midi the rond ln sainie way. possiiy a a local iricgbt agent. Sa bc urof e iack: "~I*leaste Buste explietly on v-bat sc- count 3-au requet trenspofst ion." By refui- oial came tbls reply: 'Ive gutet go ta Chicago aouiev-ay. snd i dauf v-sut te unlk," No Royal ituisti EucIld, the famous Groek nînUiema- ticianwus a sked one day by Klug. Ptalemy, whether there ua a t a siorfer andcsIer uay faefthc kucul- edite of geomnetry thai fiat wbih he had laid tiasn Lu bis Elcteeta. "No ide,,d," aiha. "Usewre la nu royal road ta geametry.*' Lunflic sauta spirit, when Alexander teGi-caf uantcd fa k-arn geonietn'y by snoeecasiersnd siiorter niethoci b issawon tidby bis toucer thuf 'li muet bere be contnt te trav-c'itUi saune rond ulth othees, for thic tbugg of ttiLs nature are equal>- dîffiult fa princeand poople." shako loto Tour shoela Allen& Foot-Base, s pauder for the fef. if cures painful, suailan. amarst- lng f cet, sud Iastanfly taliezt.e sting out of corna snd buulons. IV@. tie greatest comfort dlcoycry of the sge, Alie's Foot-Blase makeo fgbt-Otting ut ucu ciosfel],easy. Il la aferla cote for suuating. calionus &d bot. tlrcd. achLug fief. l'ty It to-day. Sli by aIl druggistusand choce stores. BI mail for 25 cents, lu stam<is. Triali package FREiC. Addrieam. AU La. Olmsted, Le Boy, N. Y. Fiy Pspcr. FITu paper crnu b. matie thus: Tahle pyretbtom raseuin, caver wlf b ssner lnSu etlble viemel, cloaed. and gradîî- ally bring tea sbhall.keepiug Il tîtere long enougb fa extriacf the puiserians princîile. About bait bout v-i do. Let cool sud flic stralu. Saak ftie paper atilifand let Iftiiy. A Landau tiruggisf Las juif receivcd s patent on this. ilIoinflt polsanaus ta hurnun be- lugl; or tionesflcnied animale. Ticre Ia a Clam of Peeple Wbo are iaùcred iy fie use afrtrce. Re- centîy flîcre bas liesn plaeed la ail th. gra- cery stores a upu prepsrsf ion callei GRIAIN-O, nmsde ai pare grains, fiat fakea fie place aifioffee. The mnat doi- i-tf etomaci recels-es if liont distresaà. aud bu feu cas tel ifftots cole@. If daea ne oet fa-ir eefourfi amach. Childi-en mal, drink l if sih greât beeit. 15e and !ne per pac-kage. There la no reltabie case an record uhere resusctat ion bas taken plais ai- fer fhe camplefe fi-eeziug eoftthe body Su man. This bas been fréqueuUjy se- camplîshed th fle cold-bloaded suimais, suciiasa flsianti reptiles, If fhsulng b. graiuaily broughf about. The fi-sut lossw ai Congrensaou the oub- jeet ai cainage pros-ied fiat fthe colas oboli b. dated acearding taeithe year tu uhîci ticy ucre lesuci, sud accord- lngiy the coins isaued under the lau of 1786 uere datet inlutic folloulcg ycst. Tc Colorado SprinagsandS Paobie- Bua-Ilitton Route vIs Beasve. A tbnough sleepinig car ta Caloadoa Sipringsansd Pucilo, via Denver, Us attach- ed fa Burliugton Bout. dslly frain leav- ing Chcago 10:30 p. ni. Offce. 2il Clark street. A gluait steamer n D ieau~ h Jordsn anti makes Ucthe yfrr Jculciio ta Tib.sfa-tist la, fis>m the Desd Sest, aloug the, Jordan, 10te .SeM of Gailee-in llvc boums Htall-ta C.fcunbCure le a coafififlu&àale ure. irc snus Front six eggs tlree people msy rntkc a-s-i-iy good breakfast. sud nt fa-fy icenItslier dozc tic-y arei-clleas ccolioiulicat Ilit ilttin5. oA fafit-fi etIt.M--cran siea-isuiei lisa s Utiuitif D , b-k -tîs8 t. Itle r ouit ibibh before marrilge, bat- tii-ail luife. YITTw emasaety cffld. fsau eor5ý ,ei, s'r linttf, . i ir i. irsai sNo ab ýorece ndf.trlFit . aibU. ta ieaffi. Dos e: . nàKunut. Lu ArS ta m .. Pulls siN. Im Ait l V wbhe Thm oe. ocM"5po«Lbly ils a wllter egty t5* Cadie, UDMl ktwerie mut 0f àW. Au you nna* thi e at ou , me la fut of you a u'lite ma" wiilh "JMto O hýa agpsara' to lie flling upOP the water. nbeum, ores. eu - . b614 et jta m700 ar. The fir»tthought ofai b ela e 10.1 a forei«uoer iathat he laiSn sight o a>Blnd am ilerlicol*0 m aul007,0 loebun.g. The wýhite mass, glItterLUg advanced toeuy of to.dsy&W M tii. mm &and rendered more dazzlIng cîoaor ooeuupdeo%, 0""mab by thee Mue sauans ky. looks exactJy pro>per nutUoa, este aud pustfing mle a monoter le" mountain partiy blood, a"demnivua*iolab*0 «P rneted, ne that outilureof castles sud ence of y ii. bave bem essai r Mils appear upon it; but only for a« o ' secSed doma t.he Ilson l"jt. for ,ou Hoo uwwer apmdi àmow tht.. re flot Iceburge ln that mNoadle Pis. dmI "smdea part and yvo are quickly lnformed- thatItils Cadis. No other town lu tii. woeld preent.ucb a magi a-ppear f l'h. bet wy ta aid scalp dises.*es. hair falling out and premature boldo-e SEPT. 7 AND 219 r,~,uw à@ to usn e he spreveutive kliown for bsuai that purpoise-HalIsa Hair Renewer. OC(T. à AND» 1, tica Womem I e kinda of vcn e - ont.gMot f - nals--4hp more w. love te thetiless m ag.-u id lm soiitu. tbey igree wtth us. 'M",SIANSLOIPISNILAfls ner u .qe u reeas PIAO g.. Y a i. . S. lp. Cre fer Cousuxpton-J. B .Puler-ý Box 1171. Seattle. Wnsh.,No. . 5, < GO1T R E ý 1w= ie AN OPEN -LETTER To MOTHERS. WB AR£ ASmSErTIo iN THt£ COURTS buR iRONT TO TH-z RgCLUSIVE US& OP THE WORD -CÂ8TORIÂ. AN4D - PITOHERS cAsTroRIAAs oua TrADa MAiL Z OR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyoen4is. .?agseaasu&,i vas thse orilinator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," athe safm. tisai ha# borne and dots now onv. M" bea, $ha fao-simile sifnatrtre of 44 . a "wiappe'. Tidis tU ortieonan2" PITCHERS CASTORIA," whioh hm, bu»n uend iw the homes of thse mothers of astmericis for ove, tiSy4v years. LOOK CAREFULLY at-tise wap rand se. tiadi t. the luusd yoi&have always bo ?ah Z 0 M and k las lis. aifÉtrattare o ./ r wrp- per. Xo one kias authoi-ity from me b my nafihe easepé Thse Cent atr Company of wiih Chas. E. JZudoar de Preuienf.0..1 Xageli 8, 18.97.';ýeY ý-p "Do, Not )Be Deceived.- Do not endauget the i. U cyodr child by aoeepdng a chaap usbmdte whicb wmem druggisî iuay offer you (because he malkes a feu mom epm.1' on it>. the ingredients of which eJ~h o.mtmv "The Kind You I-ave Always Bought - BEMRS TH-E FAC-SIMULE SIGNATURE OP Insist on, Havlng The Knd That Neyer FaiIed You., bLTH *= à liwaffl- M i bte t um Fat m emk âb rd - u P "If a woman rèàds have plenty of lame to read ev aytui else in the paper." Ta is what a womnan wrieea tte r le us, and she's a w ao ea w h ought to know. How large a part of your tme is spent in 8çt,. tiîîg things cdean? FHaven't y i> something better that you'd like to ' doif d U the tine for t> Thu. it one of the things thatPearline -saves. To hurry ùp housework and make every kind of washing and cleaning quick and easy, use "He that Works Easily' Worke Sur., cessfully." 'Tis Very Easy to Olean House With SAPOLI-O Standard of the Worid. Have mado thensselves fheléadiag bicycles en ae-* ceuni cf their quality-not on accoui cf their puice. 1896 COLUMBIAS,- . . 1897 HARTFORDS,. . . HARTFORDS Pattern 2, HARTFORDS Pattern 1, HARTFORDS Pattern* 5 and*S, s s s s I POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. Catlaue ra he "y Coluuiedeernier etMbym hm -fer a Pm" . il sls v Sdi. b 1 &.1

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