or WAY $ITRAIN cote TiROUOHI a£ICMNAI SFENOU kw Lma l aiemaBete- te liea uT tt anm 0ma ba inas declared hat CiaheaRvei- i , oea md'Beothvaatctfl iS- r, t bavng n litie toa miW6a0et- a f jator the reslty tuvolvadte t he le.as ovacr This lime of roudi, Che ba banda of a receiver, la »Wv opmai- by tie SauCe Fe saytem. Ila Sf hu en th. lime was abendonai for tvo 1 ia, d.owlng to tiis tact, luise ju &dd d hat L. .ICone,&a tarmar, 1 ttted te poaacmil and ii nS 9 of vay vhlcb uatientCu1 ha bouding of the lifte. Accff Y Wu Xyer dlrected Sieriff Botianitr- la plaSt ir. Sltone la pouauion et tie L, TIcebhif moet ot a£an>niber et himun amfcd la h oio.At *Im timette &daIFeoffictla van lai hat the rlgt o emy wu* cloati tht poutmaatcr offLetb, W»va te aend hlm male by ni"UW, pou*0. -the Topeka train vInt net tro e'evorth Mondar nit a gang et ty mum veutt îotst.a urdOva tha «-à fonce.- Tisitbey dgdstanding mi e C.trin imd pamai, but. th. UN mma teod by and Cothte namnea me Uan, Who vno ate a c idter Meit tht gata Fe ageant et Tepeka a eut a warrant cialusWra m ta ithei riimWe 6emua et Ob- lilas United Statu maia.18 els - tit.Ail pirtima ltie disptae d- sciaitieniatter vIl h. foueit te a es Dlmtie.t Court tW Part éctt. K&ma. fa of tht.. peauiet van eufflgtii. liat u atc. _ha va-- me Mtm. A. Kautma, item A M. tâm me m_ 3ra.IL. b. Raubu hm eOna peopoty mm6 puy tamea a »imm w... dtravuéatic ot"a maa- a& mmam ar irav rlTe aImte la, Mtint*ai l taxpayera vio are ela- c éilgbiefOr jury nen-ice, and un WbI am e lertoca lu uarpt l eetia rare ne doubt eligible. Icreral prose- a ttiarem are ef the opinion Chai 4e ore unlemaexcnue i y tha MIN VLLES VITE W&KED. r *mm 0 a.Vmam ie raquîtet b.aI. e »Ambe ilMaehral% tam. lair. Ea iaiatenr *9 lla. ý mïw *Mti TaMtietie o ta.me.,Tbe baiawatabb by b.Vie dI-ana. d *iq», red oua wu'ru I. iafor Cihe _- ---a- f ML Tbeicés aountlll AB tai o on lata b *8 0 e tammaao. S7M5.M r mi mon*@ tb. depimtmp M *bmt eft Is nmée'M»lfe- Iattatas C ra . m 06O e t z .lancUmlm Taieat mb-Wbmr. JOasmww à* am, %ManinviM in lalle,. cama. TÈX.. lu eiai 0 = Bd d dry ila, loubar <mai ,%mea" a eamubar et ý 00* agig W. T. QuainA lin,. mmb"r t Mta"ai In vMa hconusla etii Kmm a siroadiL-4SMOA. ara Camewrmet Mailtih bon et Sata AgMedapha 0Ameelcn Mav -,dr a ma a amai by a Muaai Eltu, v ffdvomb èillag ilas crItI1%y bar et Uri. M. P. Lyeu t Mai- ,I. aufflg fIr=m bleel piffa. Wl br hyaqulto bIte reMavai. Nd thM S imai he nmary e le"s.ai Bbcft- urin t tic 4 s- lu Chat tic... menti. e~~ - "* ~ a ~t estth.e eoma s evna teofthe W9 tiru.Aeor Ina tta Mr. lFrench the combine wiCb wbh bbgt frtruahy Itl h ho Igle outrolled ot le#titan 4,50. tg aea" tbe ast mnaitrolI1a- 000 baskets of Juiy vient. An effortva. trIeuse mli i-ame a iit m orllu mtait leWtais Chicago coimmission 4crte # a tIummbe ethut #o th mla the Clolumjouehtaati'btUi8ii ucorner *euduthklalue e ua-tlit cone stittfntory adj oit-igida lu *ta visant arkete tta tie ben n-bih Cfie eL.i4n qi mee Che .19>leaupply reveed coly 4,000,1 a, or l ey te a pmaeai tai .ua ag&mie wvita.Tiiue ipa~att~i~t ,tlmAt Idectili .1mh b ttattempt, W Ml White ~> t he i .m4tc~tuBDo, anict&ad. CraatCd Chir hoktimmateauau teri,. Thlia inaday for ufhllng ete a Cmil>luri bg Mntes vbeé cotrata fr dltrri mw Jly urera e bag n#but 111111è. tthOaSi ueJ wbét ontacé or elver sw heýartt aidrureiaing Cie ontpàt, and ste GdO ilort dspeatey ramlin tor 10 1:dly GdJaUtaber d.mpcratelya thembi able ta obtuin an advint. of about 10 Pcvr llit tae iithin t-o bhoure and abower- cn rcae cd îi ill a flà!) w00 ortit cf coin into tecoltera cremlaug ordera. et the bulitcombine. Thte maplpn!atore GEMAT AS » VL . @WaU Pt their iqade togetiter. natced 741010000 ushela of uhtt iebb-tude gmeet&. y ilmn paya e IU eaeh price. nndlan damadari old outt te ine MNilIjeu t Dltam at a. profit etf820,000. -The tIcreau edurlus is mt vaor la te prit.etffam rce Znts. nuit and DUATp "IS à FEOLIC. otitîr cereala, rsgetablesanmdftattie ter Wuiumg aie a Cu Sffoctio *~dalry on umd eaugittet as hie mttai liute Ke n ada Woman. mto bedue imae t ipikeaias, n la Olmcnutl. thyp. men sud a wonan msayha mgr«aht u 800.0@,009ma hua trart muffoted andFthlrteen oter, sigiti- èbeca reghly oAulmt. l aea Wllm ly burt hi a a vThar&md rn~fif4. 1&-r- v ieretuff asy te aluttI air- anteeamenmcmand vom.n nee gathered in ,lew pubiabainglu th. cMiatituit the mead to ri ta building occupieti Bitr. fr a tng teffthe :*ondItIon et on tic IraI esfor by Otto Ailer's !-night Aala am-aest.TuIeem saloont. It rat Cat it wmm 6 weddlag tm Cie valueet 1-t-heet crop itéoe.la ÉMFbo .nlu bOutil. que f1te deati tatimated at tromfu w t0*0 e su%-, amQ ?w«athe bridegroom and te daugit- 00OM2Qor. more. ga 4mtd vti lai er et Laudiord Ader n-me tebride. liii,. lyar. tther la ouie doubi about wn-htrnait tii.. Ie t "uigil lioantha briali e tre a ahout aaarty ail h. par- 'The chutaiet tlat$e 2ui4atet tim luate came the cc-upnpts a e'tIaa a trt et îa Mt»ai#fs abâ bwblg efning mIl lufoxatlon. XNoa -lte iuttftbàft' wU, * md <1twi i 04CaAa ywen e m&. A11nera ut*Forir, J). b-. mlfiiT*t aiM fatqd hîgnobe f ramuh. 8* adJaeet ekt i.<.fi rompe, INa oly rait tor pacape na àm. m-oui tmemuammiti péd 1W sa batitul mcartpocn endiet j, th tm ps: ui aMMetrou nt adfaceut ron., viertth . mIRi.4tWs kra j t&aCmde~t ý lire va. noon ztlgnmi n.Te tel -Nu:~s~o19c ii hptq, ethCea vedima nusédbeer sud ei- mccanmny er i ijll eiratiaSz taele rrytrey, sudhil: lanov tup- the rt M. hov fw «,Ol*rla OMuM U ga attue thCe fioie an*thtcage.a eMetoita u ir.' , éýwimh 1e~ caa m "prnoaee nhii, ulti mumbaiofet 890Peartn.and potIu tr É *tii *peeebibn, a icIndirect dma uthtitt-e tairt*-ltIi eotumeaet » a mmy tatin. retre. Tft the i bad i taa*1t butimmare wuil4nb 9Md of DBATlt At Ta£, cIRonal.te. selaCenni y. W t mat lTndl - fil cvi leetpaamI ShUturg Wagon sud Ocefflmute Tbravrn Dawa ba a P fhtherétuaitký ord etfmmsa oi fi lC.Ou- gtim1f0.aei l Tii te~a pi WatmsSml!nd~ut orth et loviWauth'iai mana à& , e. Slit"ilàOtn ,N. Y. Aà arnleuaet 0. mman> S la théli a«Uimaiibarvatien car and locomotve. ulatiti ut ib19el4W amit b0 la Mlel mi vAttm va ta. amtieena aiwîè thWat » vlinm lilas couiii Wia iela hau adrift te bomaeluts W»l but mament uppl et prevclds ami lent r. l»taday preartaase 10 nus- he iia -mueaaieadambabrd- inis um Ci-MMa" Mais.Ina imr y smarle mt. vtbigi ea baviez rup har uarla- tvity-tfour heure, lia Pusr- 0" ~ r«nInCa a evaulop Itbeti, vhicb cvela but hov> ni dit,*ia mmrr ,90le t te Ceboat&.àA ire wv&ma mt de Cie dcci te attret Cie attention cf atammeranmd thia mt eteCia ship m&" *lh. burmedte tthcevar'a cidge. it. V. Db4 Malolmeel. rpen tie application et Jantes siens jr., et Batimoe, a etoebholer lu h. Monongait Coni mndCo.k. Company-, made hi ex-Oo-errFleming. hlm coumml Judra Jackson. laIhe Cited ltiState coirt et Pankeraburg. W. Va.. Wedncmday ef-, ternoon gaarded a irceplua Injumtou rm trainlng Eugene V. Deb anmd liasmaso- lati. front lu aY vmy lterter-tmg viti er mlcting te management or h con- dinI of te r-oertr cf tiheIlomomgab Cotke anti Ceai Compny or lit emploi-ca IcMut mialathe Ranh. Join Maiden, tmanr 0f IodotCous,- t,. Cal.. dlaappenrel tn-c n-aksago ami Multriet Attorney Baker, belelag ttid- dam te0bha mdefauliltr fore t lit8 bas auked the lBard etSupervlob-m t1de- clans th oa ce a caut and appelait àanmev tremunrer. la Piilsdetphlm ia. &m taIt eut la tit extenmlne cheunleal varia aet1M aine &I' Soa. Onueoftheii.assistnt dieers et. Cheie i&dpérmnt sud meriupt ite liren e -ra injurd y tailligvrat. Tic damagle timeCcd e MC2.00. ial erer.-Kieteul. Bier Antonio Caovas dm1ei m"le. prie in inlmCr et Spau. va Muaitt- ed hib ichele Angine Goli. a Nmpoltan amnkht. m Santba Agueda. Siunday ut- tecne.. na was $iet Crea timo, aud Milt dring atiblu vlfs esft. Cenmt'.ewrtalde Key nt Berlin nrit., ta the «toita Department aC mcm length uocertuCips effort. tht araeitlng made la rmauor, eprerut Ci mprtitici .&VA nti et Améreteabac la t4t IMUaamacureemftoiP aneimal a 4 te- uliteel vet=i. laauttrla C. llbptmetain ftMa tii MuaOl saleaà blocade a limmus (p. ii. thuramp »u ther. Wei* SA00 tare bmbdi vil via'ma ulula Cla uKmaiut4o. Abami"jail et Cbo"amatnbti'la-ileagi. a- V« q, liUCie <pif vçime 4olimai mu= te. upri It4 p#elct»a. ct a t 0 cous, lus trou Ci-e .t mea -linCeitu. f.A. Bty I-o-oIula,1 illig mm aht ilsle 'lh at idmîget1 Tbndy. la the ommulas h. tuaipoiffla and dited*ailel e bane, ut 0.oUcera.A The voman Miay p0byaiaur pnire Une Ainest. U2ppim lirsHa18t18 vf atr l n fAt.1 Leala atter te bili pa mr il tlaruble rqaut trou> Vnimatisk.1 fatil lie e t m e fl feIUO WM Ioaema $0 t ie 880te 8 be0;l»m, iplaad, à*"00 . O;l. t%"tale t aie a tata M, 1 ian27é. same. 1$&2.li te . griý spa 2 . tic a e0.baeam ceolS euea, 4eCel ga ai De te Ile».MW mevptaaet 40ea0hpa" Indieapal-Cattle, ilpbpiag. *M0te 85-M bom e cale.mt mon.8900te .; wiamt. No. % 77e te ic; -ece. NW& 2 bite d Luit a.89.0 te83S ellete 0.a 2* 910 a tnl's« le. wBctU. oa h. naIw. ?e aMt@, lNo. a Mimi. id. t. ~ ~ ~ l 0I;525, U. eA . bp pr.ooCc 840~ a $e 2 & o » 8.00; Niet. N. neTO taSit;cern. b2 meixai. 28et ent.a, ou. s 2lad. lOt te~~~N l-;reàla 2.,. 8. teMe Vetrl.C9 le g. o.802,4882e tui4ge: 83.0 e 8400 aeep, .0te8rl; vien, N. 2. ico. 2 sprceeu.2e 84t';lov, 2 ÇO t. 7e t o.&: «t,. No, 2 te , 2 0re 4t,_ c. yt,.140to2c Tarey NO 2- 80 toe Sr.SUc t ue u,. 07-50to t 1&. . Polcote 13-0 over 4»a, Ob"r 8.4s0. e0. IfliestWla. No. 2 -d apoff;erg. e 2elw m-i. 0 te âg:ie; , s.X9. 1,40eCc 4.: là e. p 2.8- e18:poi uea « a. 1**iPe alite suam mmmer. Thi Ineuferaboti le= " eauent tlui cottage ou tie grom *dm iiueta-' of MO<ha U li fluaou Ctae iahirtu of mako gfeet fii liam uxt, but-a peelageil dar At »Y plac dWtaiggtic cmpttaiva ont et Cie =aWba t' lb* ut bot vithar ddaaiS <Jen lM w OIW iocuee eu v»Amalways tia signal for a INIO& in 003 Mhilamre tea fliasBrancii. Ciih lm at idwmlearea saehlm a spiend aul aCb a t. enjr m bs tavacita apet. Ciii tb" i.1r11, a pair0 bait bhomes, Te POgavbiné a mau om u ea. i. " u. w»W et CieVeni diametomeulý* uplataia* tnt m. miA ..mail, me m Ce - wtgo liai Tord te Boa"eeuta a sam" eaaimaa' ~ve 41 rougi New Dlmke roadacou- mm ara is. At emey OMaali enuh $te#»Cc n I. a offp.4Ahbmd ha raum- ai taelNew- Yogiby acrloa uranCe, . am te tomer amatWtt~et et dlaati laser, vin a &atimi maià"a bain qoamtlua t Piladpim.bh.(&m- l l 0 slamm eouena7 6u» Cia sonth. lie a va thieaé aet 1vin. Am" h.aeu matm-r a ana. 'MW emtay n-b*M rat Iilla u dumaMd Cia doamemet , % tmSt Mamem.ne cemeWnAi m llkdma u aitam u. IMct Veabmla Ibo, bmattue eaitetp- - - «r Poxa m Umm n Ma,» et I au ou Mi$*!Ç dd'pai t It a fla be 104latmeuaw tue,»a PlmldalphL4. As lac 45Congreas ad- Iourud hW "ind 'rot tero hlm carnage, mmd li.15iùunt%«ioy W Nb. pie luf l'n it ti.f tt- adiw& Ila W1, amuaget hlmalaekP Monyatbimnia mur bonne and cinrgcd lIma th ail kims et sclemairsun lereard tu bis duqte t Cie natian. Pveiidi HsY« ecu'aaed him aumucu las tauing i0. ooma the ie natraainm thatb" 4140 be, mngt. dtem e. lu tha maon r eT117 .eryi hrmk N-1oev nd mla pAraa 4M tte aubin Ce feelait vb" bulanala mu- ai tw Che aeeia set Cie .liae em-ro -rhs umr. Pneu 5New Unlani in. lissesvut te C i ddle Slmaéid *an te th e mani ea. Attaen. om- bus baci. be utpaiaM #4 - Gilupea àcet lown a ue i iramu n Wa Bamper aeab- Sellmapage wmauns a4Wtaeun li Cebma et *e *-%ti. ami tha plmmbatmtpart oet Ce Cilva. h. adtiaed ut l. Sned. las mmu m teu Iaiaver ee safft bg ii 0"« 1.a l tearcilas la dl5ajug . Cloue et dCiaîatry h opa.'Mâte talle, gar eja.l timentmpamv"C. Gar§ealm i vad prbabi hbave hbea petroc e teaubore. a. bu vam geins tu Lues Irmqleh ven ha vmm miot. Prami. daut Arthun tamule the toniat trlgAet ai Palatla ratat§»n Cime. SATS WORLO 18SHIORT IN WNEAT PrramaiGraa KMomat Peuil.i m *moaon& aaltemanitibn Amrlmu '-Ibovend i aheeot oui vbein, prie«m *111 idrane." lhaI là Ciaevay a siuai- ber o eofna let ttiamiseairmnl Uno.nia miptaie Ciwn-iat mtuation. lHe le Ur-. Paumer et the bouseet oldtuci. Raines& et0. et Parls e, b as aaxtaen brabeli houari la vael u ga 01cfEn- rope.,lin. Pommer, vio bau eaMe ofeth. imi.on bonme, ta now nl e mtre. Omrane." la ampa, "la ram I0,0U0O0 te 00,00,000buahale aoirt efts m rmi vhist moutput. nt ie ncbyul tera- CheIt ava te lai punelmumi mmm. 'Te D*mabs .oeatrlam mcshort. 09 Ijaml yen eau Sali atIdng tilt* Saut Mmut. but lt-ta ýprbaMy sort. Ti AnIantima ta aient. 0@J CiaheUltlta Sttua ha» bis ylld. 1hava taavlai mlmre»Ai tCit ecnntry l inte lait Cveuoutem. 1 have buaiml lemg Cie ht nami trondier state ou h.aort and tCia»soC, the cet sud h. vuat. 1 round chipe badins wti Enotita t ce er.laBaftiaca. fNaw Toet ii PUldeipbil. 1 founi Cii anme At Nev Onlamma. a4i aven et sBnp ran- cio. 1 touad ultipa baallug for Ch. Prend ManrkC. Wiient vIli be'hgh, lot nMy ad- vie C. he farmuna la: 1D96't vait too long. &ailWhoupthore a a a 1Mai maet a i. cotnte Cber!mo, 114 ]eviail baid biceema bb vebir i bu ti iit o "C. alle. -w [i ijSiCarnet, et ranc .h ~wed 0.riet a troush. ai et Cit fla t alte a apot ala. e crime »Ma e lee h. Sda a lbytic miet.of gamlu. la caci casa Cie crime vas Cou- "t Ili l m luaempllehent Orea IMat uaaanaecelalamd thcamnaasn at~aava, eatlntî.adeu arreac. .11declire islmdeed w-ath outeome eti amI fconaplmey te smainate te iti- ara et re. H. mpkaetCeaireBanCto. ti* Itablau ammin of Pretident Caot alt a bure vie belensei Cc a band of smm- ban Ibem emaiaoted tu the vork cf di, s troylns tyranta.11 Kare,. Chah.. by Ch. eya. *The. terrible neya avcpt ovr g pain and ta people n-eut tin o uunsmfor tie f ietis o e Ci ovul ce"m. Europe vas ebakea bY tha tor7 Ofthei muaaain mIdvarrda et smw avnmd smupthy n-cr flashaImm unevary court. Tic revotution- 1«ml a in Ipulu aileucedandmiithc liber- a.vWh. bail tenght the monarcblat tend- or ef virr eeil e tthe crime. Ilau., rCanera.panard hrogi the ateem a"i stresa ot a mllutarll riai only tve mentheana.. nim rabinet Wou -fpan luthe«Mdis. nfe bad won a vie- tory over Ide pelftical opposants. Hi. pla fe te cuppremlon et te.raicllon la ub aid the reathab mt et ope n- loi exurmat . 7la th. Pilippins lauads ,were atringthaad. SanUbt Rami andme Mt beaCh Tbe opae n tesamn.i ta teks, acf ru6 Iam tr addph' eaa et thtu lb al a mti ua, *gta te. mamteni te luhs 0 mu and gaca et tic Spa Dépmb rem eta Suhaetmeetat Ual w4i 5h1 al tet amdavte O. nIa a. bos u lithe mialter frein th.elUnited Stat»a ami l.nra theattitude er ýb. latter eemty toiriVil401anmd the Cube,> gragalfetue hadempc. Tb* merulaver vas vcll dreamed and dl mal ettract partlculer attention. It la raumbered I uov hb.otte,> wandera.l aheut "b passagesanmd corridora lu the bai Igmtale * à. 1 atOn. ver, m.palm . bt bm aue';- att.11:2d a hCe taclooable trequotn o t.Sat Aguada bath.Cha.:ohng.wmerr mI&dteý Tii. Neapuiiten bed wand.red roed tba eutnbllbment on hlm usuelm trci for la the galle"y, sud, walklug lovly no ne mt toeattreet nmotarm th. ntteudnntil. h. steppati np te the premier. Wltbont ai Word b.hord at 8cm., Cano- vas nb.,> ocly one Piaeftrou hlm. The *Ný hI Sma tewetla tlate Ia a à:dtinlul ii. laatff.ti enaldu7e Sr.Ou. i .. t sea lmtuCa tw, S *ne.m usii uts e aune - la ho beedaC*0 S"te campomm lau 2,014>by uovt h. dai 2484 ne captura tie eturtme. la q Ca mm"&,.iaocva AUoIce ereui ieurs ho»"ti Ci. m ime b, Picbodri baon, k= Binida grendami ler. Dulms enira day ter. ver, but tvo or diu» spilis, sud nobody wom hurt by thaaa. At nidgt Wlov Ori. Park won girua, ou-fr te Cie viecîmen sud h vistenra n exhibitions oetrck utid tmmcy lding ,a. dimplmi-oft ireworkeanmd a gcmcral g@W dîme. BICYCLE TAX l9 VOIO. judge Taley Boldo the Cicaleaaas. are te n. UncatittmaL. Judga Tutlha.decladtii ev (Dia- go City ordlmamce emtmhibhla r vilde faxIo te haved. Tic ordîmance permtti the elCy Ce coilet $1 a i-car liceuma tra @ei bcycle owner aud for ou., veilale I.ropol-ttnately. Tic court held hat thm City- bad me rlgbt te tiemmse bicycle%,ht oniii-un occupation. and coutdi iImam- a lkens. upon mpcii, property wn-humt: noed in businesm or il u mn to 1aa, Coumel for tic City teck an appaI mai, the. caes.vîilbe huard iluiher ncret. Tic orditan.-. wam pmmsê-,lfor Cie oulia- slble purpome of rumting a permaneut atau tetairlmg fomd. lTe ew tan areamai- :uîuu-boppoaition. espec-tatly amomg nmia' queil,. Anit ljunction suit va. b ah agaluat heliy mnd the ejoining biUt oam.ltel laJudge Tul..ym ,leclalon. *U8T 0F MKINLEV. Tue Be Placud Ie Chu Capit a t C41 bas. Oi.. TheiteSal. enuoe laColumba. 0CIblai aoon te haveem bustlka éànbeeot P.l ixrv aiea:er 'cx.v bicHiCîie. XC tla m very treeg vu art by tn noted Italien acuptetilç chtaeed trou cbite nantlie the Carrarae lari la. . The butw"0brougit trouteaoe Anche, Une steamme leapni- te-be a implct.et t e st wi le pneumftted Cctuir. McKiau %vomem etfCIhiCe. C la prame tlC ,e.mtimouwenlth by h. pe etCi rlie lken,-ea taood.- 1-e i-eue 19191 la non- met teur lI liio f the - velub tltttagma «W ,liviaioî cf t thma-jor ieody loto tva*, l11b organisatons, cmecoimpamai m I.ty pini-Inaclub@ and teat01er.. miadle up oet Cite. tiamt plstyimg ehbat dar. Tic tan-yen, agreement ai tZ tianen te Cinatea lnt tae cn4 Adifclafro'nt ven wntutg eoanty In Olegon show- ClinthCe' tnp n-lI t h e langest luntae 11 the Stato. Tii. total trop -fllla about 1%000,00 bumicla. Tic peara tue of e aitîtet qality. , eï,