Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 20 Aug 1897, p. 1

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1 ciý LU.eibtYville, Lake County, Illinoisi Friday. August 20. 1897. $1.50a -- ~ -- A.L. TAVlst - eýstg .. e m t . w Upae t«wmUes pcaffoie buêi flr$. S . YOUNG. physlola anmd Surgo»n. GLurnen -- --Illinot. Offlos over J. W. Muter'a bldg nom: a to n & m. idto à P. ut. DAILY- Libertyvilie. Ill. Dr. E. V. HARVEY, Oraysiake - lios W; 13. SCHAEPVERS N4URSERY. Oumi"soula of Lma Gros.P. O.. Leke oo..ELI 3yuitDM"Mad OuMaaMlTre.. ra'. viaa d nouah rtL a.m aipitu on slamum& stck 0. F. B3utterfleld M. D. C. VSTEEDAIF S«»BON< AYD DEUIT. PAULMdacOUFFIN, *Ante ai dCmaselor uaILav. NOTAURY PUBLIC speot a atttmo given Colecionsi mM Cmvysllilg. OwM WrM 14à» Cons?!IAX1, Dltg.seinSevic Fit Clam. ne"mati tfor Cy.llstii sud CommeelLi ¶'rv-,Wnr. TI LLOTSON& PURuamV. PaoP-0. cor. K11. Ave. and Chrct M. UfhS1YVOLLE. - - ILLINMOIS. W. H. MILLER. TOIBOMIAL AiTiBT, Whou you want. aa clama *have or a gUMM hair ecali ai aaa-BDIII" owU.O IOE D.'iIS 0VorOIAn. let m to %%-. ('%Trimpabsho BOc E..WA~I[2 V 1h about WANIE $,q to pay -i parnrdti store, t ,, t u i but' 5 1.ea . 1 th -fiaAi .LI r. btviiu -~ ~ ~ ' J. mua.~~ LoroàaaUOt. Grmy*"ao. Illinlois. ~ Oit r.ieelipt of 16 cia ume ili mail you a p.u irof the Alentnder tw-- iù,26oaeuta. They thpam all lercom mon sick pin, bei md. gfli> ,,ai,t id. Adrem- ALEXANI,1I IIAT FAIITREB, 172 N, %Çr.T=w EAV.. Fly Nets and Dusters. "*0ar !m~ es per pair ......U -malcmnaL u................... 4 Binai Round LmbUer Buggy N.t a. 1.0 >Owlm Net. --.. ............. lea Duzaera, a naw 0'art»*naatl. a. M.oL a. CHAS. KAISER. Uibertyville, - Illinois. BANK ...... Wright, Parkhurst & Co., LibertyVile. Illinois. Issues interest-Beariflg Certificates Payable on Demarmd. -- NO tlaat liaiyý.ailîgand Trc"allnga "e gu on ta,,a ,f tic,, ;ut yur atnjl VII .'1iaa 1r owliantwamI>vla. YOU WII.L FIND i tr- v, r .paabcceC o Trnothy alto ve WAS A FIZZLE. flesubîloasi macllnaClub 01 Coolc Ceaintbrai The -Wug pl«o" ai Wautepan lasI ga40rdayunuder the auffspiofat he CookanmaiLake CoutliaMroblns Clubse vus liigocly lu- dvetlliig. AbouMi 0 ere omt trous Chicago, and à leu bujidrai fron tilacoamhy ve peent. Thos. Wbo attenid expeci. ing ta heér Goy. Tanner, mmd Uailmi stoatu enmato W.- .IMasosm peak Vere dlsspoiulei. The gp«a0eviaa short osa"udMiSo& ispolsluoia. ilajor Peévce fexanaly. pretened PremiliamOi 51of h Cook' Coliy Club Villa slarge, gildedabrlbboned k« M, lu a toe, toisaremîrka tonied mn 3lm teireedonufthîle cty, ami*8.k40hde. ASt Me.pienle grounds Ibere vas goci anale furmlbei ami durlng Ihm aa afln d venng dancing Vas cajoyei b7 ail 'aho Sno ddrmd. SmEu V. ou on ibm grouaeby euibcriiy ot a speolalpormai froan Mayer Pemce.. Tbal perticilar toature va. a encees, for Iliocewovl ou , Ume ablug ce versniuded, separate ami distInt "lige" la boions avdence about lb. groauds. Thai mach lalkei or aui aivertilseai plcu vus a grand glitie, ana WM@akg%àaaa Doaocratie mayor di a foxy &una 'ahen h. gave Im e Spublienas a cbam te bdemomrae soamooeuily thir Sedloiy fer, beer, by psaing al specaertait nil lame ounlthe pvounda. IWver the gang at Wunke- tuané iieiuday les-bu.crlterlon of Laie outy eapublieatiaa. DeacS Of Margaret 9. Davis. 1 Agalo asmieatb vlieia Liberty- ville borne and rudely severea tfrou tbome darnât l a uolbers bearl, a tovlng, devoffi parent sud 'ite..With a amahu e lb oV sem a smoSt numbl. are the grief sikntmily aid relIves requroi tu boer a burien of aorrov vblcb eveii witb prayertaml oxpeciation vouli bave been tubes«. MargaeaiE. DavlaislidMoniay moraiug, Augoui 16, 1897, of apoplexy. Blila ba ousupuaed 0uDt lfeeling Weill the previoum day, but vaas not cn- Millèrei ertoualy M1. AvakIngabout B oeek Monda mosnlug ah. apuke toilashusiamsylagahe coui net b"uat and Immedlalely becanae nu. iýbebver. Dr. Galiovay vas suuuoned but Îh. vas pasi ailUcîtal id amad died pescefuly about 8 ocIock. D*ee eivisoraia <hi-agaa. Marda 1, 143,cuungwitié ber paretsi 10 tis county tu early ciiildiaood, baviug llvei bore continuouiçly Nilice. Sh. 'aua married aI Dlmund Lake te W. E. Davis, Dec. 24, 1875. SBëIs< avea srvivaug lier a lausbaud, son and daugitor; a brother, John Murphy, ot Eli, anditl'a loters, tire. Ana Matou, 0f Iving Park and Miii. John Srailon, of Minneapolis, Kan&., aul o1 vbom amieonprment aI lie tuneral, oxcepilg tira. hailon 'abo un- fortunâteîy dii not arrive until thea eveng ot he day of fInnral* Flaougl ot a quiet, reiiring disposi- lion bers vas an active, energetie Lite, ber every lboughlt beng for those demi tojier ia the home. Tu sacrifice for bier loved one sSeiau plemacre and bier tender molicitons cire au a motiier, ber lovlng, devoted atentions oua s ite, coupled vilb a tune cou- cepion of chrialianily and con- sientioui elort te live up lu ita higi r i s d WOODMEN'S PICNIC. Aomm Campes Annuai Outine at Diamond Lake. 1 Woodmeu md their frIens wovre ai Dlamon tla. eliai Frlday te Na. nuaber of &bout one ibousamai smd enjoroal ibemielvea ai ouly woodmemj can. Hou, V. 5. Lumlay, ut Wood- stock, gave a fine addresa. and ait VIIo ilsard bili pronounced bie talla as l.tereeiig and i remaika 'at J.ltenod le tu a manuer unuanal on snob occasions. Mir. Lumley, la a forcefuml speaker. Hou, C. T. Heydecker gave elle of hia characiriic jolly -taike and ail ver. gSid te er hlm. It 'aould' noem 1k. a Woodmeusa picolo ihout Heydecker. Al other ame. ver, orovded ont bY lb. base hall content betveen Libertyville mmd ~Wauconda niones, reauling tu a score ni 2Î lu 7 lu laver of Wanconda. The. EVa lbrasband and orcestra iuriiaed mui for thm occassion ia the evetiiog -C .UM....-..."..... *'~ ~ -'"unauaugsuepua....sueCflSU S Mr@. M. Burlis, o! Chilcago, ln vislb. &r;ibluêrbon, Markei R R., lia. ah. respectol thlloae 'atil 'bun abah.Caoule brot ahle irug tore or Dr. A. 0. lng relatives bore. hrsvimllon meanlng, higbly reccolu- a contact. Fie peaalng otfaxcl a Wrght 'aber, Dr. Radeliff adminie- tire. H. S. Sher wood la vlslting lu mond0i forr lci tmP. CaPi. bll louves& voi ibal nauglt aicn fdli, r arsenic atiotes.. Fb. 11e the ciy tis veek. tiorrison teck gentlemans prise, a era bansa peculaily Ibouglalful sufferer 'wu Ibexataken borne and Vin Burties peut Suinday villa F. L. boo! theia, igasr.Misa B. C. Durit eumuanorun Il ccasion, rareaSa wlIe everylhing: Ibal medcal aid cau o lomtvll aud îarnîîy. bCkb" aie*rm, neoen ee ieatiti. auggeât le b.lng donc, Il il le tered Miss Clars Munizer allant part of lest aiKyctrc Iltk lc Fhe fanerai aervices Vere heu l e eIhat tlite 11e flovVIlIisl.- Wecc e- veekvlh friends in the City. Atradie MinyaclaevilI 1mb. laceu Ji. B.churc Wednislayetterioon ipon eýUjâer. Fank Svr wo2.reaInIvohmeofcloc.kt.tTlaerok.yTlre b. bc Oe ianE chalyamWdn o.esoadya liaongo eeae.Valparaleco Salurday evenlag. entries. The Misses Fordsan aresli eelng ! he .isxaa kuwldgeut Want Armor Plate Worka. lire. Rl. A. Douglas enterlained Na. Nixon, Mille Barnuma the Nover he oincere Christian Ile jut enî Ameig !Id iyfahr tfied rd b cl ana.Knov Me Nov. isses Bapayo the sud ut lier exceptional devotion to Waukegau 'am belli ou lut Satnrday A number ut guesta vere enterlalnei Supris, Misa Fookeraid Mra. W. B. Christ. H. e lceian hlmie titthe iglt aid a comîîîee appoînte tu il the Lo'ary bouise over Sunday. Zayord lhe Lana Docu sud Miss â24 verse ofthle lla clapte of Mark, ake active stops lotrards openaug Fie ltciiday Scb<aol convention beli reigimi lb. Boyad Fluaiabouli ah. here Suuday vas veit aîenioi. arrive boue l ino metrou Sit. Obarles. Jans anevered saima, Have faith lu oorraspondoaice 'aih the Board 'ahicla i.White, of Chcago, spent imai The ladies 'il give a Party lu th. (lo.' The doser laien oakel vllb m vocto o b Gvrmetwek villa J. H. Hughaesand famlly. oel tth iol.a SI, thal vas nmortel ut a loving moîber sarmor plate tactory linlandiand te W. T. Kerr, 'aboilas een quite aîck Fb. Society Cireuns nt lb. Ilymaker dovoted vite asad kiraianal hougttui turnlsb&tehu e il udoioiinformationafor tlenat l'au eeki isaiuprovlng. somiu w au a grand suceousaon fniday melhbor vas lenderîy borne tu»d ttitie egrdngWaukegans F. L. onîvll oft bo re Sunday f&evainance Fbh. 'bThereboneva ae'lî Lakesîide cenelery, ilulerment iakiug Aivantages for auch a aplant. It is an ezlenied tourthrougi the &outil.a. teaa maiheas ie l Dan hice il. place ai imupreemiive cereaaony. Taeu at 20M acres of )and i'aIlliec Mr. aud tire. C. E. Alleu, ot Plaseut Th. bemak riding iy Misa Little vW" the orroing amiy laextededthe equied.Prarie open& Bandai aI W. F. Kerr's. fdue vile Prof. MeatýlfandiWWm. sorowlng fany ofeaexlenitye # rd.-- A îuaiaer ut Lake Villa young people Dannes lhe irapese Pdr r ere siaee ypîy tac0uitPlî maoa Funad. atded the dance at Antioci Wei- immense. Th -coe r izead 'abusa loes ly ber deatla le evideaiced A. p. Silla !Cîln al edyng Misa Dolla Mcl>ouald md Olarles soi by klnd aad lcving expreseiciaoft rakinghlissatinuai trip Ilrougla thue L. B. Hughes anad Frank Ramilîn lmoMDnl 0kubh at i comaenaliu fr tal it et suctealysecionlulngpiaos.liele ~x- ob lu late pieutec aud Ibarbeau«etaI17y. h 'asa5 514splitibng affair and emenutoufe tatlie o udiel mntontuln Pann-'l l aco-Waaakegala saturaiy. voiud up witi a cmtilion Party, cu eso.paIent mon and bas a largo patronage I.SI.Liîeo!bigapna ducted by Prof. Molcat. Th. yaonil ti. .R.Ltte o hi.o,âeuaWinivsri bai Iventy on board tram tirougiiout Lake Counly. Byadmim- es, deys, lbe tinr flte week, 'ili theInglenîde asud Mineola sud lhe A Rernaricable Cure of Chranle iughlinat Waucoudayou yl lusure haie vif, andI daugbler. yacht Clemalua hal elgilen ountbcard plarrhoea. lits services vhice in your noigibuýr- lr. axial trs. H. Roua triniaise of the. circuzartuy. The 'ami la 1862, 'aben I îerved my countary an boni. Have Smitb tune your piano. Lolialln vlNetl Ibur cousin, Mis di.d oui mmd li a rty of tbirty-algbb a Privais ln Comnpany A. 167tla l'eueYl- - Chester Allen, recontlIy. vere doprivai o! mauaistfunana. liy vanfa Vlualeri, 1 Contracti chronlo Privleges at The Fair. Meurs. Exgeoand iBarry Rabin di not arrive antil von late. Il vlI dlarrioeu.Xit han given me a groat ~pri~îrgrle iis pelai part of lent 'aeek 'ailla lir be givan @gain nome day nest v.ek del uft roubeaoier since. 1 bave ulp iuas eadn r-broîher, 1. IB. Sabla of Ibis place. and 'alîl tie announeedinlu ime, triaI doen llferel îîed, nd milegesi tu run tandit..1 t.. aI lie mvr a dpouen doctili vine an Lake Conuty Fair Sept. 14 to 17, canleb . B.W. Bisn vaisiln h ia.ety Friday. . .- peraaaent relief. Nut longug obtaînoal by adIdreteiig th. S.-c!ratary1 tins. H. L. Nelson le eniarWmnin ber At IdeaI Park. frieiSent u up egotIea IJAS. M. WuOOiLut, LiIenîyvIi , 111. nuelote, th. Hissesnllackfoni. of Chil-A. o aeia s-lne utk r me elaaia Cll, iule ba sudofcago.Araeketn -pnudetle l)inrbmaelainemoe Cholaterm andi Cari of TIanka. The concert given llbtheclaurch, place eaI dol Park. tionday, bepi 6, bonght eandi ob a 50 cout bot!. aud WC idouce lu reirit curmiliscre tiouday îighi Ici Allemtaîme tlent, lu tie 2:28 clama trotig a purie o! no10V Ieau rami 1 au entlcely cenria. 1Iliauks tothlie kîi trieada who lurigigvevcry gcaod, but nul very veli ait- $101 le 'hng up," ln thi. :45 trot $191b teaantolieanthatail enougb 10 îon tor oant raceitaîalliclain dici ea n i tIîlia teiadci. a n lb.heFaruers race $60. Illirésa *itIs greal Remeuly, and recommninal el hlia cîtai araoinilius. Flae ileanard Concerol Company u<ne i aeaRc ulbv tu ail auferlng veteraàns. Ifiii doxibt Iillisv ltiaFgave enle.talumenis boieoFrlaîay *& iui - h aresRaemetbv vriie me. Yotaara grtetully, Her Mia. AND lilas. J. F. CLAniz, aurday niglils. Tb, coucrets 'acre beau brei and mai"ed tu Konocea, ltlnberg. r, Allonlovu, P&. Soli by lia. ALtO liai. BID.'IKIMltise. very oid. Racine mai Lake Conainu a ieh l.. OULLiberlîvillto , J . -B---.4__________ o uaimd rien by a farmer aud ~Secs>UseaL.R. d!Gi'o.D, Çbiboreiî'a oll> -hoiera and obe vrioil aeeep - g.Y ..o .:Reamij, ?v W04604IfiOM ~- à ' «P AT Another Big Ct iln Laedies' Sh9:Irt -1'y ýr À Sa" Uoath. Trou Iks Off. Misa publlsfied St 0sage,116 , v.4*4clip ho follo'alg socouriof the l.#rblo-fate ut an uld Cake counly reIeiit. FThe deceaaed vu* e roShaaiOf Mn. Barry lbye, o9 Tbl mm Ibgis comuia. 0smob djafli la ibat lir. W.- MTeis>hibeorusbei toithe. -artb by *vfflou anio lorribly mangici »M athmoonlfnotc poasibly liv. 19 quss ilaSOu ho bai Lune ontuui au drive ma#ithe cova lu tb. morulug Mai Me reining a sSoas usual iahehired Mma veft on t104M the ecana.. He mon MWv the aIlestading a&ruund la à cirele andi knev ibai aoaetbiaag vas vromg. Baeenlng te, lb. spotlila sav Air. Poitou prosirale up-an tie grounniand the mai bull uvor hlm. IlIe airovo liebullavway md ihuuglal ibat Mir. Peoo ,vaa desi. Birange 10 mer the Injnred man 'au atill living Mmd vwu aide t tllit â baeppeflei. Xe wus drlvlng up lhe coVa ae.Iiueland the bull va. folloVins, paVlig op tIbe ground and helioving a. il very mmgry. Mr. Pol0nitou giltnothing ofl&Ma, but et a moment vhen ho. wasnol obeers. iug vbat vos golng on tue bull maie a rush for hlmna Mi rubmd, ilaWluth, earth. Mr. Pellon vas praclicaly help- lama, butl ha tought leroically for hle lte aMi neoue viII oves know lb. terri- bltetaruggle Itst ollowed. Whaou la. vwu flund, horeeiiaedthat b. couid nut pommblyliv amiaskd 1obepermllled te dle tbere 'be. l. slying. Tend- er lamdis cirmiai lm 10 bis bore nesd a physicien s mburriefdly aumunei. Il was ton evidalat Ihal; nolhag cotld ho douemMd Ibat 1h.e Mdvwu noir. lHe ilmi oehlthe afternoon oft1h. day b.ovwu imjmrea.Ans. Bib.- Mr. Poison Via bornâat Libortyville, ,MI., Aup 21h. l8d2 . li gahoeuman- baond la bisative sual. andl on lhe Birai day ot Janaisry 1868, be vian u Ited tn umirlage 10 Mary Hall, 'abo va. a realdeul otfRail Day, 111. Six chliren voie the. fruit of tbla marriage, four of 'ahoaa iiiliving. Mr.P l'toumm te, Iowa 1870 and for iveiy.novmn yeari vas closoîy identifia i aibthe inbereste oS MilebelI <ouniy. Ho va.outber honorai cuIsons. H aiauxten -ive acqualulance and vas kuovu as a etraightforVard, bonesi, uprigit min lu al labaimasaffairs. Trou 1886 te, lm ho va. couhiy irmasurer and 'au recogulsei a an bonesi, efficieni publie ofciaI. Since retlring iruna public Ile Mi. Pelton liveion bis faim veal of Osage. Havaman vbu leved bis felally and vai villing te make aoy sacrifice for their coiort. He vai kled and conisidorale outhea feelings of othera. 1He vos a umeful citizen. lu the. avtnl lragady that repulini in bis dmth lie bore bianscif vllb hernie toritude. le vas more lhaanghtu about others thçn of lalane. Tbe efuneral services 'vore held on Satur- day altrnoon ndar thc direction of 11ev. W. W. Git, th. alleniance bem log very large. Ha vas burimi by lb. Masonie order qt vbicbhle vas a main- 1ber, tb. Sir Kuighlm acting as ecaco I. Prohibition Picnlc. The. prolaibillounss o! Lake Counly i ill give Ihier e.igbl aonnai piemal ai Wright'% gruve, on tb. nortb shore of <lugea LLake, Tue-ay, August 31l Adiresoea viii bc made hy Oliver W. Stewart, Prenldent IllincIis Christian Endeavur Union; James H. Shaw, Sec- rotary of Iliinolca Prohilbition nom-. mlii.. aud Dr. J. E. Coilennair, paster Clarllata ciurcii, ai Anlaocb. Mubie wil libe f rnisaed by lb. Arion Quart- elle. EvoryLody le luvlled te, attend, aud bring lunch. bast. The eigbtl eannual picolc promisea lu oclipa. form. er eveuts of liais nature manl&Habould plan lu, attend. Tb, speakers are aI] excellent men tu ibis pari icular fin. ol work and 'aIlfavor listeners villa tacti 'e lattrealitagîr luld. re Poisonid by Fiy Papar. aThe l'au year old ion of John Dec-kei 16 te ulkuan, irank 'aoler trc)rni U- saucer couiaining poison dly paper las - Frlday afiernoon, and is lu a ver aI ertical condition. Immediitely atte a grand liane wu enjoyed by lovera o! thebouace. About $90 Vasumîet" t7 AceeCamp and Iheir picnlc affoiiei tR a "1good lime.'t<anail ilattlendance. ed se fledionta Tijoir New Horne, 9 Grîyeiake Camp M. W. A., andl Muapail Camp Bl. N. A., ut1(iraysîlake, ]i dedlcalend ubeir lev bal aitThur- In day evenlag, lu lb. prenonceofo a large 1 a udience. A very lnlereating programn1. bai been rrmutged tiy the. brother @4 sud-d sor campe, 'allcil vas renierai lu a umines liai brougt forth nimiclhi applause and hearly noion for thomeno laking part tn ihe exerces. AteraiI tbe ieiicatory.. caemonie. and enter- i lainaient feinure. ofthlb. vouing bai g boon complsti lb.heaudience vas i invîCed 10 paitake outaocmcrotnanmd ho cake, vlicb vas erveiilbe ilnlug room aijolning lb. bail. Tia nav bue of theabove naoild molettes-0 ts in the nov block lately ereotld by F Hf. Knabker, and compteas te entire second il"o. ia equlals any Moi a exceis mont outhie loigo somela themtu counly, and bile mouheaio! Orylake et and Itiupah camps may vellbon prend« of thelr large uembmrahip and uev i <uarers.M Suroday.Sohool Convention. c Tlae lumiay Itchool Convention outa Fremoul Township beli at Diamoni t Laike Sanday atternoon vas aàcucceai lu every senne of lb. vond. The. con- a veataan opeacel aI 2:30 aud la.t.d mai1i 5 o'oiuck. 1ev. L.oaari and Dr. I I le-neier, ofitWaukegan, Ver. ibere and addresseal the convention ou "Bgundmy Schacol Work." Mr. Oroîkie gave a fine tlk. lIev. Le. gave a short talk oua ýSaibatlh taoi.rallon, vblicb Vms, like bis bermions, riglal te lb. point. Mie MasBrainlard, ot Ivambue, and Misea *Morse, otf(ilijacci, red l'au excellent piper. on loy lu lucremameInternat and AII-nclaace ai Smiay Bobool," andi .iltudy of the Bible by Teacbers ,r and Scbolmra.' hiev. Spaugler, o Ivanhoe,,and Rev. lBuck, tfiRockefeller, eacla gave a short talla un Snnidmy9 Scheel 'aork. Boue fine ilnglngvas rendoreI by -Mima LUiI aMmi oui. Davis ami Smith. Maaon 'îalby was electond Prsiaent and Miss Nias Am"i S.creiary for the cen- slulng year. Al lu ail, IL vas the boit SConventîion FUrtiont bas over belîl. LAKE VILLA. L. F. Allen was lau Wauikegan Tlanrs. aday. atJ. T. Hnlelaam vwu lnWaukegsn ry Wineiday. rJ. Peltiejotan ventloetRochaeter. Wia. lent Monday. FOX LAKE. The Foleorion cadets ane alill Camp- ed onib the lM aIm, ait bavlng a good Uime eaiWdlang, yatching, and amsé otail uinie. A$ Marr Eeels there are a tmber of, plenichaevery 'aeek and Saminl doiaag a ted offce buainess lin lae line« ofuonsne. Lil*ed sPuce foirbais our givlmg sibm sentio varramted by the occasalon 10 ie darÉlng Party given ai lia. iineola hy Mrs. Fletcher. A grand good lime ram enjoyed. Mr». B. Hovar's, Party wia a mcmi ojoyable evenal A larg number of D*ieis reoued te, tbe Invitationa, nid enjovea âne Umae. Music w»i .uulsed by yrof. Melcalia orchesère. Thi. reglita or thé If. L. C. wu &MWle atiarday, Ans. 14, In a fue brose, ricla ied the matie of thé yachts nd tbeir cmews. The Varvay and Bell- 1iev ViII mailthe*, ra.. dver next, sardai. Mr. Wm. Xeaypolo gave a ymlcing Party tu lb. ladies of Murray Ril Cosinus the Misene ords, Tarretta, Cani'aeô,and othher. Ali enJoyed a ui la aprking gond inouigbrelle», in tbe jaînil Royal Flush. Au aftenoon Party vwu given ai Rayalaker pavillon, recenly, sud oui- id villa adancing Party. abc mule oonaIsted of!nmsue ry pretiy Vilts »Incitions by Mim. M. 0. Grady, Vlaicb wre bigbly enjoyed bhithons promeut. Thle muet unique boa% bouse on thie lake in belng bult and Vii be i ioad In a fev day@ for Dy. J.. W. Brophy. 18 lba a promenade dock and a goyer garden roof, aui offords amaont deiglai. fui view of lbieoubIre labo. I le i.stu- aff onmMinoola Day. Mr. lkvha gave a yafthing Party, 10 his bloends . yinte hladvird, &rolnd Ibm Ilam receilli, atopplug at Columbia Club, Buat Bide llani, 'l nte lsudmIngleie. Having s a=neysu brie»a, aIl had a jolly good trne. A camingParty trou sEt. Cbhute@, lu, bas, F-net bzoken Up and returumi home. l'bey comenapitu J. W- llropby'a Vrove, a beutiful spot eitbte heai of Ilîneola Day. Tbeparty pent apleae ni; limeyaching, ilahng, etc. and especially ai tbe coin rouet, given by Mi"s Bropby- A eobre poriy vas gaven ai the IMla IThurmday miternooin. Ton tabeveoie l. PriaiVer, avari. slo UlMsuesBayba, Weisa. Johnson, and Fletcber. A ple»S atatiernoon sas slientand the guetta of the boume bad a gooi lime. Meuliers. James and W. White Von the genlomens' prises. The tVo gentlemen, Vlao capeixeal off the owuard flouse, did op an a rn. suit of a lied aillent, a sopher suribing tbé canvami, Canning the bout1toiroll over.FTh eoenver. reacuod. takten asoro ani a'votted dovu" lnwardly t0 Correspond te thier onivard souk- ing.- bey leernei a liaon tbat wail tam usefpi lu futur. The informal race lui Wednemday betlm enCpts.Lyford and Foliz àround the taire, wVa f ine îight au the ymlcill Henrietla mmd, Sterling »Uniled1km a teasn'ot borsai trotting Utoler, boili yachts strnggling liard for honora, Vhieb vore von by Capi. W. H. Lyford. They are twin bouts. exacily eimilai In ever pgrtlcaalmr, neiher baviag any iacnable sulvîntage over the.ciller. The INPEPUCNDEXY lam encured tbe serilliesof CapI. IB. H. Morrison, tho oilent correspondent on the lakte for Chicago papers and VilI bereat. turnisla oui mubeoribersVilla naus of Fox Lake events. botol arrivais sud gantea sojouruing ai tbe Tariou$ cotage. Thomse liug te, aubacribe for ilamir borne paper cln baud tIli naines and lb. casha la lb. Capituin. Tb. race boe. lb.theyacbt& Foi Away, oVumi by 0e..B. Bantîy an the Bellview, o'aned by Btais Tressai Hfenry Hertz vili b. sallai Saturday Ang. 21 at eleveni uclock. IIlIl rumored tbat Cap. R. H. Morrizon wil 1» Dr. Bently'saçslae a Heur Hlertz bai an expert lu saît ti Bellvlew, Nick Morris. It vilI bc thg botteai lace of the season. Tb. boali are sister yachtls mmd sal about aven. Mis* Ada ltnowler sud Mr. A. Remi mlianded lbe Howard Boume Party ci Frlday evening and iancei lu th, prise wattls. Miss KuoVier caatureq EVERY WAI$T MUST GO. moc Eiach Lesthaun The Sizos As Fdlowr. Size 32 for........... 2e-ach Slze 34 for .........2 eh Size 36 for .......~c size 38 for..........24h Size 40 for ........09ach Size 42 for ......... Sft "Ch. Size 44 for .......340 a"h Cor. Gemuse S ubntu S. WAUKEOAN. The Lake Count Wlth a corps of ComeetIi Cou rse. the 8IbIU81IO bUN.4S JaI FalI Term-lGow.e-iigh 6eh0041, J0 M SehoL. IW, Wiuter Term-15 wo.ka-Du"iees $12. Higil UdhOOl, 11. Irs~ Wsprlng Term-O weke-%lligb80h00, $.10; Gamu M0S4 1élU.IN 'h CALAMR . 1.1 aiTerm opens MondaY. Sept. 90,' 91. WinarToMm khFM", un àr Fait Teran ondse irday, Nov. lB, '97. SprgnTmompq 'yWlnter Term opens Monday, Nov. 29,'97. Bpoela4 Te. au ay r. HOLI)AY VAcA TION SpeolITr-bmhe lg or For further paticulars address H. C. PADDOCK, Principal, a Ubertyvil Starftling Pure Manile Rope per lb....... Boat Quality Machine 011 per gai.. Bot CoDper Wash Boliers............ L Good Wood Rend Rakes........ .. Good Scythes and Snaths.......... :.1 Good lron Weil Pump and Cylinder ready to put ln Weil..............&3i 16ft Bamboo FIsh Pois ........... .... 1 Burner Lamp 011 Stove ............ 4qt Ice Cream Freezer.......... Cali and sSc our stock of coai amui W.O GAGES LAKE. Me a Mr. Oscar iloigers la vlslling aU Mr. tu e Bmueand attend la 'the Runlom" mnu soday && Grayeîlake. Misa GracoM Oioula etrlaInlng a lady frieui trou Chicago. or at bie home bere Bumday. suuhs ià 1Niai Ada MacmetoMr l in itlng Ifriands la WaukOgU» tiSa amei. Mr. (,has. ThayeV mnd hmlly, t P Wankegan, apeni Sunda" ai MnsThoS. ysi Jamies' Mr. andI Bra. Tb ho lpa. of Coui mgo.Worm lb.gumala f Mis. SomaminC"PW Pu. A la'an oial 'auiSivas on'Tueaday evenliag ai Mr. Bon James', lay tbe Ep'aortb Leaga. misa Mac. Uilanore gave an alr Donoolsi. la Party of Young lady 08 friands lut à Mrm.. Hall ad dangbiter. et Hickory. IlatdtaiMrlsumrako% bond"an md. .1 - 1 -ýjf,"Mu% mrom wawa msenne nia nos .1 m 1 b ti

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