Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 27 Aug 1897, p. 10

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iupoSrioNmwMygcouwh tMawbe Damgt 16200 Acr," UVg vit ed amiiSpleai vit-a &Ra-etmu- Wbe D»Jrainaeh lVia-gbsumd VilisDe 'ire-e tafaglI-t Jmaiue rM. L. 4ltl -et. erd-trom Cerron osain.1 b" begmaiPfflslug sia-amp landl 00001h. Honey -reek ont Priate.*- Ovnibli@. To Mrlyis-appeet dan Mmleiug Investmcuit, but be centlin, am oseaeutil lbc nov ovua3,2 Cg.el at been en«ege lt a t povernent, a&M for thncc jenra ua ..a au b . enn td.r fenCe.H 00aefflnofgond Pasture landl, and ront&a-lut pump uineutktoff i fi-e 1I is.Tbree of theune pasttrsneo re oet ts- native bIte rra"., a ntistu-tba sac a-eil on tint.fH.bati a amail p leu Of hla luit.] fsrmed earîy and owa- JO acreunifter rultî-vation, eau-cptsoa sali plecenof t s-lttr, and a portlinof a li on-n arouis-. This lear lticl 81D r aces extra bs--v y inniiîbvR am bine gras.. raîe trint K eîîti ft el. 5 tis- uces lb. Hais-le th VWhitte('.ointy? Tbe»@ lli. at ao- tb tn. Ail bav@Ie L diP à1 Clay siil. ail fa excemi bthé lIy qi Ithasn roIh-c'r'opos.Y oh. bibat taillbi iWhite Cotl w 1- a nvevidtthias- bts fais-b aill elIY tea-vidal.-Meýntis-eue diit.) i Il.Aug. 12.1,1107. coai mines-e O0ne million anit a bait men a-ork e toaIui .nen of s-be orlit. Of th. fenu Pitian lia.s .3lo nIt lises, 3W0,000; (iermany. 28f1,tlOO; a Iu. 10.000; Rusais, 44,000.T ri-là itanera off mesai nunuher 400 TriaAîa otEa PoÀ e po t'so besaaen Into s-b. shc it ts, eaàmnjour tes-tari sa-wot id hot. ant get tIret ealîy. If y lue $Mrnsthug tÈet or tîgbt .ttoeu, f lam 'e ost-F.Elit coule te lf d mat..e waiting easy. (Jure ax ftBMa molIpn anti] eeatlngtfl îe-a mat alloua apots. Rellev ;rn anti bunbons off ail pain aM dglu r.&m conifort. Tny h to-day. B. rb& midrusggimteand] sbn sores tor 25 Mia Package Fis-E. Addiregu Alt 01mtset, le Roy, N. Y. .ebidonnin or luxîlue lînntula fi lt remetly te u-al es-Ottilnaq, andI, * 'pralit listOs-alil sveru'. the s-ut jn-d b fres-uenlibaîbe.1lM"101iuit Thr aaCla"a orPeople oarei.,-yeithe b.utse of coffeR, BOIs iheme bas becs ta-e in sail bbctr' I sores a fee treparss-lon reBti N5-0, mate etpitre grafua. t th ie pmmc.' nifumffe. Thelmnt del e tnmjau-h mecevesut f ibout distres ibult ew cs-n tel l f(rom ctoffee.1 0141 ot cuill oret oe-fonrtb au mut 4itresntay drink iu tialb, grem itbeii w eat 'e per pas-tg.. Dacie am'a offitia-laI -etmiu cffil bouton la nearlytinii. fis-a-iii f 0large votumies. undit I bas sate Mdy ta-cnty years to prepaee t. f 5 t wolatiI b.shot ta u( uIfiton dollars. -usPRST&TON. New JetaY Womamm Uzpgreff Sew Orlutdet *mmr.Ptuk. hum for ReOietS ý1= yo- kln:dIy alow me," a-n-us- Mar S.Mato s-Mlra. Pinkbazn rremc adby taking r~nn-Compoutivt ta long tinte vith neovo pt-ostasion and generai dUticls- eauaes- by falisn ftiea-omb. Il uy bock a-ouid Rever stop &aht Ing. Icould Dotlrep.1 hait dull beatiaee tvaavwearY Mmd fle vas a burtien so me. 1 aoisght s-h. seamore ftr relse, but aIl la vain. (on - my rotuiru -- - esolve t b i glve your a trial. 1 teck s-vo bottin. en-n-i.1I <an cbeerfallymes-te ladIes vonitionly tua-e joua: a tain- s-n-l ths-tc, outi beua -be t.iaavthe ativer&mement, sud -vo-Id lbe bappier homes. 1 musai sail1 canfor yo n thes-aufuture yon alone teus-lant for my n- for vhs-ch I amnvery gi-aseful.' *mir &LSàmnr.Jobatmmn N. J. P YOU DRY. I ,plan CHAPTER VI. no more promises.OfiDmt eelng Claudine un- A fortulgbî after mi meeting wItb i-t, agAtir. 1 coula] see ber, love ber. and keeti ted fto6w.N 1aadrlvlug iseroixa a, rat.1Y Ow', or i tbnught 1 couai ,20) JOt'f Wood lu a bansoni, toisng for- duo s. inisa~rd sallasome corloWty ilimailing tbe' tin aboult tbree weeks' ime I noiiced Paf fl eqnitance 01 VlenAtln'm motier. 1 a l'baae in Clanudine's manne?. It 'bad ha Wonflot ton sanguine as btiihe resulîn (if Ii)1)011942rlts-alof ferâtk annablllty.klle leh Introduction. P tleLe aîi l iera-med ta ahuri me, and dld Dot antsaer eun tha S dfferenti7 andi front go miii> differ.îît freetY sixl unrenrsled'ly. I fancied aile à,e Points, tiat Ihave lwn>-a fou[.] ilî î-t înaafrajil of me. go different vva por. WbSO oib cri e off Maiig a tri ah id ati,.-)-'îîwben 1 lirai knewlber that th, hall bilby lauded a<'uaintalîîc 0 . ep- I ti.1ifil tilonglit crsaed my niit tibat my Mino pareil for diaapp-oiiîmen.I il<t. veilent with suij(tre froîo ail, halt fît Ilfot tai., obove uMiddlie begbt. nti] lon'%ktioan to the girl, a-ho d-epiteit b.d grcet-i an ber' son, to wbhom le bore il ne for ntY to-enerY Fur four des al- I lend SUong.tboigliîrefloed. deitcaîe. antd trio- <01110e invain ben-nentme t0 corne tu St. a e1 ekenes. Ladty î'stuere'n tireiit îîauiî- .Iobn' Wood. (One noraiîîg ntelegrani a bat t i u ~ i p r e n u d o u ' a n e f r o n t V a ln t - n i e . " l i s u t t h . tiet giroel. witbout kîîowiog V&aLenliiucaconiert" MY heart leaped. Il %vas im- b.h agfe Onezaminstion In.oîîtd bave judg<i Poasiliniirefuse. 1 abould nec bier ngain. ,14 r, er to b. pasforty. Her connini lit for ip arly fthrecbou imi iber aide;, hn and pSt. but cieni, ber featurea moS u--î!rIoî saY adieu. and forever. lcr- and finei7 Ceui, and 1i uotiem t aion,h. i,. Ai lbre od(ou-k I wnas njvfng ni i-be amalinese and beautifl jl Sapeoftcie hballd]Floral li11.. Idy Etîerntaîgbana Oi. Piaced in mine. There ma-isa f ftn% itrovi. ui), sOnu oseteitValen-ine and lu ber eyea i-i1tu <an beat itea-ribe , Claudne ria ite tartimd, t fanni-ed, an ab, IL liCOMigil il, te loek bI- te 'ye. lt î.î"Kklt iKit of nie. 1bot &book bandasaitb lesc Mme nOfItomne>-'. porraits of btiiifîtil uitt loiioniîre Vateniune pnt en a peu- ,e:women Tbis wa. Lady Estîîiere., aiît. if iteoitI lok, sud tomt dte bisosn te lier di»stfon were lu kcejiuîg thlb ier -Ciloudîe. voit utigt forgite me ibis Belntfwad euarnin. Vaieoîînen iexp.ressinî,ouini'i antai lliy xnrry, bot 1 ani beund The et "îa.ret anid oobleat of w mn- igîîî lvi e 'a non buinjeas thrai aiternoon. )W." Dot be maria ton eoalîed. tiI lave' aakvnj i'b-fîftte takle my pille silave beard a greai dent About >-ou sont laicharge nf ye." Mr. Norri.' ste mnnîd. *Iîiith froiî v For <the ires- tima Isaw Cleudine looked tibm And Lorditeti 1 a.i m very glilvexent and sngry. Sbe tookdetdNaiVaen. e. tO àee Yon. Valentmne <u ih; yonbi,sea ile. unuir hen i atetbe retreating <'tir- leD ftlend. An ne are a:moat ,ai, in tlig roi.. -Hsd itnt drivera off bJe Vajeu- tores urder%, %cwol no obt aven mOuFO In msotri- liitalle lî-iifriiîiîîîiînteaî,1. aewnd hbv tri of fone." uonce o--rerent fI. S51w drew bei-self lup rt Inv.i, framflilg o aîîîîl,î-lyî. iinod lookeit very satut5 as elle ttii-ied t Rd tàe doolr OIwijieandî aVitt..r aret ieini~e. ft, Ut was net aloue: a raligrl iam ine bougtd " 'Iladî1knoa-n 500 were engagren, I ,el tbe do-,riiuy w tibplan, nidif 1i -na.-t1 oîhavebote ly-ed ai hosme; reetainly, I rus Arrana39round tii-r maint t stii!tbe azig ablnOt bave allowed Mr. Sori. to lbe noid no wrtiîg. un:cas rot iz a criîme. ti itnd t s-& y." Me. Tbe ld vaissthe Oxly ome a-ho uîtticar Th.î ajnat h.,iMY dear <'toniine." @nid len cd t aild nînîîuet i ttîo c, iî lie'ipfrit. fnul ahîîeating in i-be leas- lt3àarirnger ~in iuioîi<îîîîîîîî,t,at 'I ihat'« jufi il. yoo wouid hnvm attd.aleforum art ii a ittre an-d lest i-be tant vonirlr bis ordliu ar>taurcul. lrighi tiin- iot- Wgnnpbe< t te t0lp; ana- i-atiktoe the -yOu ber.. t'tiikp! 1 neviva hea rîty,,,fr mY cideratConand bc off wait oU. 1,1fknock. I aux ser, a*rryt h aveîu . are th' ne ie tsri, t'bip., mart 1 itu ietnîniîpdicaft b lo ay arm s-bon-t anoî3iu' im %oM VJeutne nddedairity,asdavt t thelb g,-teîîingiri) liti-l a re haI a i tt.In a fe.%. momets ar acre ide. - <'e lhdns k.-,- aîe, lr iil lin mw irlas-esin1the eter off tlu lng t.o 11,11-1Y E hîoe. ulîunelio ineeuri hall. tne 0tcriii t Re -Claudine. ?%Ji.s N,,evi in m fleu_, t)id (laiîdLn iteritth o . r. Sotin"iad Ladty Eslnieri. sud the More aiso Iitd.' 1<'0C0tina tl. We tnlkii rro. Young ladYanud 1 made , riiier mjt-ed îolubtY about il un omr mw a -t1bu cd dns. ouuw a-cie not qoîie@i1car as lu i-be l VSOidetiti] bld ml' n,mtbtIiî n bu i inms ofiMray ofthi-e singer@, tor ci-e-nth, el". airie4ti iahîuler about ja-iiiva s îonhlgang -t-i-oolcied liiis-ig. Chau- 'e back loihtbis ot,iur. but li tDot dinewaaN an ative Young ti-man m%,ho it bis a-mdi mach atte-ntion, cîaIiîlnd i-t n'l&i îreferri.d t lv aiter a oer b. 11111@.i-erefiî,.re Cine opu nmu.lite a soi-MAs neio n'lied theclutte I said:'i îs prme iaibt snicb An A9renablp sunprisie, abat tc talia ilire of aayini- gond-by, MiNIa tea-ard the end nf the ehnîg 1 %vas bla -Neville. Ii fsdIsbt e e o lII gnnnt 10 feel interclet dina aemrtailngagnii bt'fiirc ou go. ttlsMny be Telurs ail wethrr i-be manne? in-bhtite- uL.,beiure nie mel again. ion ailthI s-iuoff re latmie errths-e drain mi- rici, nni1*8 'WnltieJ 0imile emotutaton f ,jen:vaIf, hArtimysett for tbec nccps-nis-bi ton On aarlionnif eou itn:V a luîcb I siaillethe lmît few waordn, but I lie- theu part offVaentine. or somethini- molre.1 i-uluu t bris-i. 1t as atring aitb 'Tlere were honos-ber Coear t id:oîîri'r* 1laudine. -W. dineti in a cozy. pteaîait %n.a),* nt a 1 %'L:~t Port nf the aortd nre yon goiig- round tb!.. Vaientine nian. ioifoimi, iii aiter 3 ilur init Il, Ynir friendýinoi Sste Nt@foff i-e Party. but 1ss Neville anîd Sbmplrc;' I nnt.dfelîy 1 Aheutl 1 bora our gbare in s-he pteüiaafit Cbat. Lait7ý ti"e tu lieable t tbink of ber as in sente M ,Eà" Te 'r k unvtrequeutlY. bliber word, lili(titr spot. bed natnralty a more seller îciiitenev titan 'ilsut ont goiug tn SboPsiie' alue to Of the yOunger oueralbea'.u vf the 5ailil, ivu-YquieltY. 'One cfrîMY frieudm Jaael- y tbaeJItsuani-bs eceutrîî'tiiesih i i: I nnty beard is-at aigrit; se ail [Dy Va ILvTo-y ritfut *Atliet of i,mversa, lainsnare itiangeit." et -don. Lady Estnie-e aras curonus , ktotv Where do yon gro on Saturday a-hent bo- 1IWbeaaeuainted ais-b btm, adSoit ele-i-e?." 1 aated. Li- i .senetl esefn f e Th' - i Smnottgoiiig on liattirday. Anot occameneti i-be recilai of the tacts niforbihalperni aiteit me tn Btay iitbh er- t the TeOm f mlleeing. and I describtd as Oeil a~s easide; s0.-Mi-. Non-ta, if ynu contei, 1 Icould] theecni, lidenof il, sud ?Nrw l)uî. ltoîrnemnotb ae shail sec enaibotherc ta atable's ditreseing condition andi disnsy. agin.", id MY Mention Of i-be knely psie b e lInditru Ians tbî:nîtemriti-k. Tbeband Of fai, Y, a. -bir-b aas moreover my nan. duet i "'.as inexorîiable. Ily putseasa-ere bestincIl Ir ortn Per*Oual uquirtea fion, Laiyîo i. mauldty: I scorcel>- knew wabat i said. 1I s- mt-c arn] eumebna-I bean ii It reiIyl-n aik-etin igbht nfland, bot I strîîcl bh And anresirainediy On i myberipb dy.. ontnauidy, or the makle or snfety and Id aeider iady's sefi, kind eyen tookied ai bonor. dmea-fs-berret insereal, sRitdensournged 'I stinot conte-I -tt nt corne"' t là ie Io10prncer.]. 1I-ifil. "il ite nmtnic, ot el, Id 'Wat a arange bosoyont," sailtLaits- t'au.f es tye el], Sbt. did nus-tank 0 I Paim-re. iayng lber beatîtifual maibtebhal ilt' foi- nil extitonation Of MY arrang-ei- .for a secsnd On my arn. *yîinmuai banMarks. "Inc ' haibppher aoa." 1 Tbl.'n I aulipose il mais be gnod-h3 tk .y .'l-vitder aou dit flot du in[i tîîiia .s bc salîl ers- nftl>-, und holding oîît bei-l penM.Nonris," sahi iMiss \ea-itte 'du band. Peape Yînrirean-eea!' sbte nideut. seeils-' Yes. -btY." t exctaimeît. "-ood bs-Ia aValensine giance aitnue nlianng;y, sirîl liiknow -wby I cannot conte teu me.- abourd btush asose ta nîy citiek a., 1 ,Mollab, Claudine'. I ani Vulcutine'a frienit. 10 canght heUic eî. nod I an geîtlemnun sud a a norîo r À PAbaet! Of course be ls. 1Look nt his bonî,r. Clttdine. if I #[lenit snîîer dny I imaaeive brow." ait 'atenli"n. "Wly, an yoor enniliny. I abnuld forges- fripaitd-I rimi dear Cisodine, lbe bas avriten renifla- sip, btor, nil saie Tour lve. Forgive c) 1tn-agedyl, cemedY. and ailttie i-i-t. Ask me. anuitg' oit by." v1 » hlm to bring a baliutover.anditrendl itto a fabeulno anna-er I wanitei fur none. er Ir on. He onty waaîî enru.igiuing,iîetlii1 graaps'it ber band for a aecond, alle r ive me tibe benefit ni -ent ai;.îltt1îirotqtent t, oait trnite asfat ns I1cîîîid a nt fr-i and neyer preshum." alothi -e dunt>' road, liever tîîrnîîîg nîs tt 1maYsaaa-dél ciinfems, thtaîvn atitrint brait untîl their bonse a-as hîddeîî trou, n Ir earby bour 1 ball ben greatin stiick by aîgbht. Andt a more unups- ntuaîiaur a a Olaudine Neville. I eau sai- se w'fîbla l'fiip Nuiri-fsnever corsent bis faère. Atterma d eca, enoecieoi'e, for as Tet I bavenont al, bad I rien becii s-ue to miaoi-d andil nbrelktheit a Word niftoive in iheac pagea. tu Ilii>fitCtld? ____A Xci I hall mes- women aiTrions tlmis,P Md matiitbeau troubledIt antyITeart a li-tis CHAPTER Viii, byone or ta-O, but MtY fate bad nfot conte On the foliowing Monday tbes- nil lcft ti jas. Tili now I hait neTer met anolteau- Liîdon. Aa seon as I1trîra- <ey -cie Iti tidu1 a girl am Valettne'a cousin, and 1 i Il gorne, I breattuei more freely and met bi -wanted tu knowan af bout lier. ' abnut-ts-o md a cure fnr love. It nut ai,- S*HOw do YOu lIte MY imoser?" sakent'sud bold lbe ecreit; but As I aaid and de- u Valent-ine, asmons- unxioualy as I tefs- thb. irmiweul, se I founit myaeif forever thint- bouas. tng of Claudîne. I fonai myscîf sftting el" cani only say I underniont Your werde fur houra, mualng andit senset7 niineuatie. 1o a-ten sou speat nf iber. I s-n Baynyon At tas- 1 ri'îted ou>-etf. Tbe tirer ts-ing a] me, excélpi 10 thauk YnU for nakiug me -uest b. diatractiou-tbfa I mat baie ut aF known tut ber.". aîy pris-e. P i tia face beanacit a-itb pteonire. "i arn Sainie tu dîîysa ser s-be Estoucren lets-eu siat,"»Id. 'i ami sure abc likes voislondto I 1euiereil the nsmoking iont of el 1 hava neyer ose@a ber tirk e 0tn any one."; tbe Juveîultcs Club about len n'ctîîkt Is *eoti neaer tare veryto ire >oiir ;Ilit Se iizlii ados-nen 1 k.~~ tltewm '*id'tIWear vryfond no' one An- Vtb a n-i teraI nîîd s-n ny friexîda, se.t: I 41d1ier. I1supmose ber intmensey' eKI nisi-cîf nîîong aiterri. Tbey veeai s YVou donitft cn takuca Tour ownn tugbiiig nts ametiliig sid by tbe s 1)g-s- the n".. hle a bgbuniu-o play ve«7 eutty." "I don't flte beglam," saiti Cb t'Notîamtuoe. Ce le«, n.Toni tus-a alck nof are a-ltbFrenchmen!" Cheahain rose ant followed Hardi, 1 nos-I-etlbe rose rather aa-kaaritly, a au I1a-alkenl behiad itim I1 sw he 1a vci-y lente. lie dît Dot une a -tfet, i lie walki.d stowty und ith tbdilfltty. 1 right 'Cg secord itbe calists. t neit lotnt eil on s-be happenings ibat nl,4ht. SuMiD lbs aytst a-heu bruirenU i s even ln s-he mornlng I b lest s-o Cr.ptaîn Cbeaba n luoustetia ibre. tîvusand tout bundret laun a-loch Ilîlid pronoisei te pay hiîîi the f - oafng lit y. "'rictbvnnand four bundrmt puîo Ttuiriy-fiiur bîîndteit pounita! 'lhu. at tep- ringing lunycurntas Iwatt in tbe li1ibt morning suusblnc bai- tun bu-tiarle mauetl. usteriy diagusted ais-bri at-If. h a-as îîtot shut t blanued l iîîo'rf lnch fui- gambling-that waa a fouits r îîUI> uit fi an for gamhlig for slati t lîu ie ri nnns of paylng. An for un 1'îîuuld ni'. Ibere ma-nlits-l leIocb(ogînr1 lnnwîuî-nsotaacarit sbarper. 1 tiedt mienoai pt a-bat my rallber ailiîaedit -noi miiy oifrai ning Morl.>-. 'lht- few-iti il-tutu t uigbt sill iy furnfiur- uid 1 luitinnifor would tue a ier itiiiug. s- rieurini, tbouads off mli-omas-a, a: it seecuiedltee hlîîerons lu tluiini tIi Mir, tIra.e aould paasuî-b a suuu m ii, bis ai.nulathority. liteckiig ai-b t fules- of siale toifl, 01 s-i-i-r nit suerauu inthe tai-Petit ttiadniîg cfit erut. n'yt fect '<uitas liite an riiîl beuiitin a wbil t rea ins-f jute i4 and.l ieul tnget4ile<p sudt fîrgî-tfotnean. StI-camvniut last; filiteui rufretbuî stec-t tîcaauta a n iuiifuig dri-il, îpu nulog Hum- mi tingi. quio-ens huid kuuu in bis train. t1a-eut uin bita, ing tîu %a ods -,f rumblira. t du't itltlionoli<f aril soit i a-ie aîtbred ees n îd na si t nus ta-o os-tort. Mr. Gras-r am 8(a del -il bis office afier four; ne t mii starts- îon and ktuow ny tie. A bui revlive] nme a listii. se far an the boul maent. t aie and drank sets-ing, s-be the î unaard buntility and mi i-r) 1 im-eut in Bedftordnrami. Iltnas ltter11 tu teme. te bave to etllniy e randi, înd renfesmy toit>',lie listent a-ithouut s-vonient, save an occuafon, "Tut i' it a.'ut!"1did no- menbion il ameeint lest until 1 carne s-o the cuit ni> voenniun. "*Thi-mýe Ihousandtfoot bundreit Poundt Mn. l ltlî i e excinimet. -Ithougi You uld )et l iave sait s bundr-itor lai at tltu'i ..ît t' on cold yentbave li il'! NîV7 ii ibithe tnu?"!* -I oi'.irm-ly Iti. 1 amnt ailiberrty t say." 1 ariamieru-it. outtulty. *'I'-i[ mumîntiell 'n,nrt 1s-u 4o iothin -Ilia naile in Cbi'nbuntCapta itu 'hi'r liai. i, 1sat. rctu-tautly. Ili!* lu tiiiY res-s'teii M r. ('rru 'iiniiiila an îîîtuî-o,în naune. Wbo '.-Alis-ht man,. îvtb a houp.' -It ilt tii-nainei: itlnmuestlirether suis la tii:a i-uuîîd vf )-Urn"briean-cnt. r- eni I3 - -Ný.: I1 iý,rr sa- hlm uns-fl lit-nfbu Ttie uit,?gentlemntîi ecouentmus-b relfe vît ut un> l vireniitu et ofdioguist. '*uit fhither a'itt lie grpaity vexent; hb tir wautld 'e nmure meientif t lefs- s-bis nai iiiunpidtNo. donit thaut me; it la Ton fathu'r 3oiii:muest aceus- bt. Wben d, yoîu wnt-this large, Ibia enormous, aune? 'i isif lPossible," I said bumbt> "I s-numîît fend auy rest a-bile I1sou lu hi delît!"* "Is- g toc tale to-dur. Calit so-morroi aiterint. Viiu wand hile fitinnoua. aupposeuui? Atter Tnti hai-rpaid thia Catitt Cbeahai. go and tell Itord Itba-llev v-i- tbui.s-. lie is a c-lient of inle, Tui îti. suuad mas saling ubout sou las tlime liea-as here. In p53-ing ts-mny I tuf yoi outuy no prontiaca, exeept that o: tellling hi4 tordsbfp off lour folly.' (TUolb. continuet.> INDIAN'S AS WH'ALERS Coast of Wamhtugtoa the @case of 0 'sea.y Fucceaafat RHuit Makahi Indiana, living as- NeaIt bal s-ai-ejouît liadta -balebunt. a-bct îbtey will long remenîtter, saya a Ta- -cota alecial s-e s-e San Francac 'brontcle. Encou-aged by s-heur suc- cis ain'rly In ts-be -et a-heun aslxty- faut- c lvattan aattllled, s-hey star-rd t fou-t> -lgbt strongc te secure a sen. son% uppuîîuy off ment and oil. The tarty a-an rtggedous- ln a'arike flash- ou. lilling six big cannes, ecsh off whtcb liat six carsmen, hetitits a stenaman andt barponner". They campeilt ihats tii-bt on the benci ceui- Cape Flattery. tu-fou-e dayight on the' nex- mornlng ht'y steiutfers-be buntlng grounade, ns-tutiug te go ta-en-y muriff front lantd. At dayisghs-, whein ta-eh-r miles ot ons-be os-eau, ibey slgbieit a school if be-wri'n s-fs-ynuit sixly a-bales i-nav- -ling n9outha-ard. Tbn-cc parties off s-ao -reas eutcb a-re made up and Cap-. 'ba-le>'Whlite gai-centreras-oesoi-round a sqoad off a-hales wbil wrs-separ- ated fi-oui the os-bers. ts-apld paddllng seui brou-li-thUi tdlans a'lîbln sleur- og distance andth ibeIgbs- commence.. Atter ait hour'a mntaeuver'sng Whis-e Pus- a ea'tr IWtoeetofts-e lai-gens-cf te teotl. Tbhenaamnothwa-bae a-en- imier antI-asrespeare ths-e moment he i-omieann. The Iniiai cannes hy bui tinte wa-cI-ethilacmidat ef s-be mon- stera, ant i beuie, vaz a generat mlxîng ni cf lui ans anti wlaea. One canne lOni a-antluset, but a.sttc Makabs are almot s smut-b at home ins-be va-er as on lanîd none of s-hem a-ci-e tioa-n- I. Tîîry cluuterc4 bas- tso s-hein vantieanît cons-inueit spearlug vIs-b revt gi-eaier acs-lvlty. Anotiien canne -as soa-d a coUsîderabir distance hie. ro-e s-lea-bale finalltr ucculuheit, six bours afler It waa tirets- n-iusk.Ith-le ins-ninue anoiher crea-, cemmauaded [)' Joiu Tiisum, a-as îaavlng anun le. CONFgRENCE NELO. eta- Col. Rend ttcnati.etI.sRsicufora, Whto 1tienead"leUCourse. bai A cafeprui.'u lutuveets National I'ien dent M. tl. lniirNationali Mere g.9 tary W. C. I'i'ir-u-anî tarict Pre'ini sid pati-lck t tOlîl l, f-tiiu'i ile.I u-miners là@ and tht' iiîîl iii.. ii hum of t b. i'ilt uîiîîî ut tiatrict watt -11li til, i'itmiuiurs-,tii î-ou lt sldu'r sort't la t i-itullis- fil, s-trk.'. There mm i iîilivréàIiiii îretiiîuuuar of sparrinci li-ur mi bauituîbot i.I'ae-eeîe -c fuir. Pl'runiîî-uîlia i-hfiei-d suid lis idta d wa55 Ib ile- -'if'r-tcaan iarratie "tg for an liti-rsitu l-cmuîferu'îîîe. "bcerapti be8 t rsiitolt l lun liii. liii thiîîg ars fiii n 1- the toines t auuîif theu uinu'rsm îlfi ciuiluu auru-c fulî-l i u iltiouiof aos- l! a-otil lii- n te)lijhm-î i tiiraîieti. in ti is mnienutlii- ilei tîî-uuî m-nceluI i]bstarbu'î, d Presideuit Ra ulu'm-t ulid '>- a-ould uni "- agite toiI)ii uu lo Ian bau <, cnts pend- s-. lung-b shet uii-o. lis mtbe q ustfon uy the a90 a rhi itîîu-î, aloii if tlc uatit ra -eeDnu s-s- aillui- ing t 6l -î-uîmithu-ru' îa-ulîlbchen 'n ig or îîfiuii it,, i di'. o'îiio f s-be mat 1 ter. 'e Ciii. W. I'. l "riii ir iia-'i. a-boit i'eii P r orsuii n-iituli-Iiîl rondI uuu. .tira'u' ue Uup Irîmub!lýu' ii îî.îîma iiiglhil> ni'nationiou il Otaii.iiiI'ron i,-Iîiiauiteîi r enrty in i.> tbec iit-eui.lilielii unithait rn'ferrun ly i tfie îîuuferu-rî u-if lalire, ,ders as-Mt. utd ,Louis, of a ulsidl I hoý i-citg migbt resuit us- la a geuui-ril ia oau'î i u f aurk ail oîc us-th ie î-muîîtr.n -IIlu- ta mal trades miii he liv affPect- (Co.mmi. u -:itlaiieeu'l this a-nuit sl tic an moiriitiiiut iaid tel tialcbford: ie tThe -l-imiurtri vi-iiitao, utlallng far itu" ti t;(. îîaîuls u t t a t rsanna. If uSer é tna s gunera1thlii'ifia-itaues i i Irie. lu-111li t ie aiiiu.- .n nd bht. enuns'-111a-îuIn.~ a - r iiIlvan. Iani ig sti.ilIrd thmba illtl tî,n t -uatuiestres- r- wpIl e l t, uitslv aie,)lutrie.. t eti Pi a-Is- ta Si-uli. t tieoi te. s -ouare nsu sang il hIot Rad .taitrntruîe, i-ta,- if sabte. Tb. ta peue nihuitouitrlre- r,' ruuilvtesi bang ait th .ý"J1.a arrsean -Ouni.i>ly ei lîîp iosentpail Wh'ite ('et. Iteuil lais uta-us-m bhe watt t- tîuiug tl ifs s-ns-i -iin-tlylti t 'iet Kt lttiifou-it, mibeluictt -.ut andl dit h nes- nuis-luipti)noulmmeir t he oiî'iitton. i.tord inte lit,îîiîîîî ii- mtluenii-t: e There lue a fei-lliigf, opponlllia iupan flic Il parur îf iiioîý auu îîîninigti insterante -- onferese ,fuioîrînîulialîsrciin'unThti geserni felî uuiilgtii.tuulule1,fnvar n artlltratl,,n.To thmi-e hneOi tje,.i.n. -l a-ele-ein artult'stuon nainfavar arbitra- le -tin, loit ii.inat t inît il.-a .mticm ail u tba etartîutraiedupoaîîmuuu lb.'inînaflt Iig a,ea b1is-e li11-1înlmîîl I ni-or 'ne-eà neuji- t tlin eiiiPitt Inluil s liloo n- fereas-.. i-u- îuîrop -iîmieîrbitrastusn uni oii, e1,-1.ilotit igt t, 1. u-slnîuît nlîî i r ,-tîîrauii-dlrpriee s- peuuuing f n tu 1,etitu i-l liii m t Iu i î id S as-c indt-. iTil m m is a.. refme,I a-tshoti fi-iiuuldt.ruilt I. l-ialuvau,. mumairlaln thee,- 0 tirj, uii ln uti l mials inmanifeatein unure oîps-iuui'i-Ir itcones froa a a a.-Ili.ur-uuil srî t f if e t iitraliuîr te)ii uc -îmof ui tior, a-y @boîuleti.m itrîtuîîlti ils-euRend se- lus. eul J.îlen trift- 1i ) ilte sti-Ie nf 1 4 lýIta bi1u-iiai 'îi '-i. n ah-bin 1 it,- ese'dei. if Imieug ii ii.ui )i)ertoîr andit-rkilag lu leattîic aittuilsrt Ili-n th le montoual t irai tittiug h0 îe uliili i-m e lte er I disag rceiîîîi ians lotmi l-it ns- leiita-at- i tiiut euutnu--uvî i isaullas total tine'sen lîuu ni-cui ecsiii lianebisfrlesa- GAIN IN OFFICES AND SALARIES. -Appr-opriation. %Inde I)uur-la1gthe Laen- Ta-n Seaatone of Cousire. The volume oeîf 'alit.rluitienos, nerf- os-lu-en, ret.,' iuving n h s-ecor.nd asmiona viOf the lift> tîîtîu 'iiuoigrrnun Ands-be tiret 1ainsiouu of <teîirt> f111Congrenas, show- riîîg i,îbti inult 1u3 billn the appropria- *tiel- ns mnuth li tien- els eicrt-atet anti office, wtendîî, a hf11lîu'fr salaries, sh. - unniber of salarie, fliusruasedsund redissc- eudt e ib muîit t uf ottira aus-boried nc)uiriuig future appîropruiationas by 0on- greun andîlthe fuiutfuie appropriations malle,.hbas ions- l-ii iipiried by T. P. (tleuvrn ami J. C. Counrts, ertas-nsto h Setnte antdtliîonne Ct'initis-e on Ap- Propriauletus, rcsteteciieii-. f shows thai s-be appropîriatsniuî ait' iere as folioa-a: (senemsi appropriatioinuuIl..-smO.1Sw De Ieni, as-tu---------------..... 10 1 Ticeln..I----rt--.--... --....... e~ The pe'rmana st istuat alpnoprialionas are $s-261.t78.22LO, îiukiiig n grait total of ap-proprationsuia bulir as- hutsesiaona ni The tioîiti-r or os- ulivmsnand emptoy- metin iaiii1fuuîi aiutlui.eut fa410, ai an anitit comup'nsuationi of $443E,439, anti the nuinier eîîîfted 1l"t-t. an a nutal compen- nation of $157i.ma7, natiîug aneot inerease of 276 lisu înmber amil $1>5.742 lisiamonL Tthe uinului-r of milarluiniîceaet in a-mnti'ut lin nuuoruimît f $6,14, and bbecnuubter rt-lot-tnt u, it an annuist cs- off $4t(. 'The stotaluinaîuuîînt nicon- sracts tthorinet reîitiring future appro- lriatiotunby (!oigrislas $2,29t;t75. IMMENSE CROPS IN THE WEST. fiate of Nebrasisa Repore-. tiioffOocu Entheis of wbsnt. The a hu.aî i-n cf Nelibra ai u'e" thi-asturul. T'e-î uîîuiti-laexcetllenut-and s-be sietit fi.uuiiiei-i'teui, aggrcgas-lug 45,1U).0.51i tbî'inl. T'bc averaigeuin ta-en- it tbhes to fhic lusrt'. and î lieewere fa roundt nuouburs ..ii.siacres. Is-l n eurolattiutnuuuirit ib-thIe yielt of coi- il alt le t4,5i,5ibusheis, ni ifi> buust le ta îlre.T'he torn prias- l'ecs-ssare flutos- us gasun hey a-cre les dits-sago. Thu' uetaier hautlieei tuait(coo sintieuu, u-igiterlis-i l.-rees beinu theî'înormuutal it mii r te tlîci l. Alaut tbrmi a-t-snoff nanti watnbr fi uédî'd tut ma- turu filet' rop. luicis .tblDakouilaa îclîoe elleiiute î.tau-u s-f i-b ls-f-illit i 1,i1 ,11.4 liubitn. Theî avesragifas fi-te i tuti teii-(.au-e..In coi-ofillbi -ulit afil lit- bustîi.-thaels, sil utiren of' ifoi->t istitnliteuu'i-vit. The- wleaî Ituri un s- ii SutbIDakota ta lIinslitl. 0( loti wanhave ce- jtertelin ieglis- sas- hey haveîi-l u sller acrenfge uftms-i-as- s-tis-ar tstxi- na The os-ter ninets- ta-oreport- au iarlasme fie abts 20 lier cent. Wilbtb!ibalrrene oh ticreuze nut thetlit-lsh tii-ieutf bî'st ibis yerille S' out-bI)fktbilaiii-r mil -tlitie abous-ttis-e as rnîch moitis roîu bis ci-op as lic did tat aseon. 'l'erî' a in uunst-uil of fcota, a-bk' ai-irasiru i i)t)ta -î nt s-uar'scroîs. C-tinf ait rislit, if thebr fiît miii brîtu off 111t Sept. 10, loltitîuelsc of it a-iltbc cuti efftht'waxn hcf.riu-c Ibis- n'e. JohnBîulruivt'm grnnitson, Wa-tic a iletla inutS.,titi-e, basuugîumu to the Kiuja- Air. Bi ix t i he itasit uaiàelr oftufhe i'ili- l es i iemi tius- u Ite tu bicyc-tle ridimug. Rusllst ageiti' la uit.%iti (lie lmet ory oîf lihe- uîlulîît lr.ik.r. tut buhuanVatra- siti duitg i lilihot m--u t I ta'uîîîîîîî Ttuîîumsnîus livinguszonuu li, frtitm in Newi lsau;.iiu',i ittie a3 smiehi'loisnun notionîof m tuingluIt il ls tiu.m Ex-P tî-aumluut IHarurinl i.4îult ifitli m-sh a0 ilueiittiiu hmi: is'ti IttitoutIntdiaitiui- ls so-Auiiilii-l iîuuîs toi certin useu-ifînsq off Ibat tils-. Cen. iou-au-e Porter, Uni teal stalen miii- inter un Frative, bas tati-n 10 the baud- nme Imel inthie lite Viîtejuas-, Para ignet by MIt. Spiazer, an ars- ceîleeston i- e- ,n- -g -y ,re 'a le ,i. t ot se r- Doing 4"stunt&" That seems to be the case wîth ào women who are washing in the old way- S You can stand on your head, for instance. Almost everyone could do it, if it were Snecessary or desirable. But standing on the feet is more natural and more senlgm -and easier. So with, soep aMd Pearline. Everyone can wash wÎth - - soap-many do. But washiwgiàl Pearline is easierand more snlie The hard work of soap in ethr necessary nor desirable. Evryone sbould give up the use of soap and sbould use Pearline. m Look en and &or ne jIuagooawill telYo,'," M M > ctpedded; if your grocer senda yenou n atatin. b Am 'ne largest bicycle factories in the world, unequalled facilitiez and abundant capital put us in position to build mont ecor.omically and give the best values for your money. 1896 COLUMBIAS, - - - - $60 1897 HARTFORDS, - - - - 50 HARTFORDS Pattern 2, - - 45 "A Fàir Face Cannot Atone'for An Untidy House."' SAPOUse SAPOLIO Haîveat Excu AIJO. 3 AND 17, Tor '1 SEPT. 7 AND 21, E OCT. 5 AND 19, e l mu. v Immilcees, partiule lata s-b istmg rtu akra fat atone Prejual tbni riepa to-t1IW,11111111 ensuive Iaascmuiar exentionala Imis-ia"n &I, êWVUa. Bard sedesî-tar-i rers are far ton a-cary ?e et» . la t e openea isu. i-ey oft ea Do s ei sr. D ai t h eo o o o o a sit . of tante. a-ber-e s-smihey senti luvîgoras-Isceuvi More ceartalnly ant agreeably ttan froia Canaian West. mou hu Hoteters StumacrB itsters. à renyat par- a-elladapted tfo r iairflea" ticularif adaptedtatu ecrraIth<e cataustet 180 acnrgte.,. IPar parnphb Mi fanes n0f ature. tUse a- tur uy.pcpsta k. sel, uval rantd rbeuatialimenta mniotion , ris-e C.J. Erougbtosa, SM SreChirago. The tIcandescet-Lliglot. Il la iticktu - put on àa -ma îs- la aidthtai singersa as-a nuitwriong aide eut or s-o put on sb public speakers finit tint sInce s-be lu- gboe s-rat. troduction of the elecs-ir cliht s-iîy Iftehiinfln ot1r11 bave lesa trous-le mm'ii t ir votl'es andtgray, requfring àem li t w - s-bey are Is-tini kls-y 10einu-t i-vIdt s-r Inlug and s-noriag tond, Hall Vmu tbreas arr net tc nncuelamuI s-ey Sisiian Hair Raes-~~s feel botter. 'Thisn1%ndittth -e air belug lms vîtatIt aoi the tetîperniore more opcu aoal& esM j» even.cecptance ofrennie ouie'.ca-flfeure. eiTS uwm ,5 c-s. m MW um voim .- italie Calumet. Cure. HIIV'5 asL. lsn ii-.2eaaraam, aw la awnuututonacura. l'ttn- -i.ceotTriar love Cau hope vben-e za. Thontas A.Edimitunn1salt 10 tuer- ITSPmi on.N ougbîy cnjoy ri-înîg trasuly nitels. - - sai-Ls. ecs a@ $ .' MZtNas F'or lung andl l-tîenimnes, Pigse, Cur sn s-be tienlt iiv-ivemsrhave jpsed -.%r. I~ BurneIito 1 J. L. NOrihi-ti- id. Ont.. ana, Iu ~ae AN OPEN'LET-TER To MOTIIERS. a-g ARE ASSIRTINO G IE COURTS O.Ost îiN TO Tii; EXCI.tlSIVE USE OF TiHE WORD "-CASTORIA" AND "PITCHERS8 CASTORIA" AS OUR TKADE MAK. 1, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyas.nis, sVagaaisaseUm% wtu.i- ors-gtnatop of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA,'» the e sarn tisai has borns-e andidoea inow uj o y bear te fac-af mile aifnattsre of 44 0, ::,. 44gr-' Th£$ is tihe original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," w>h ihmas mud ni the homes of thse motherg of .4merica for ove,- kth'g geai-a. LOOK CAREFULLY ai tiie wrapper and i ase thsaï id it thse kinti yotê have alwalt# bos-ght 112 0 m and ha8 thse afg'aatusre cfZ ý wrsp'- pei-. Ko one. ha. anthoi-ity fi-cm Md tô, U8 my nmre e.e.j Tht. e Çongaur Company of wlsich Chas, H. fleeisep a. Preqident. -Va-cis8, .18P7.- - Do Not -Be Deceived. Dos-o endangerth limefe of your child by accepsing a cheap nuku which Sonne druggiast may offer you (because he makea a few more peni «n it), 'Ihe ingredienta of a-hîch even ho do«tas knov. "The Kind You Have Always Bought» BEARS THIE FAC-SIMILIE SUNATOItE CF Insist on Having The Kind That Neyer Failed You. ihw em.f iti.bni sb-

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