Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 27 Aug 1897, p. 2

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Wauconda IFurittur tor., 77froom sets, Antique Oak 1Finith If0 lýnge,Brussels 5.0OO o..Cuh,Corduroy 7.00> "Ild Oak Conter Tables wortn $2,25 .7 li-n Èbeds worth $4.50 4.00 jWovon Wiro Springs to fit iron Beds 185 "Ideboard Antique Finish .10.00 Full lino of Baby Carrnages Constafltly on ,hand. 1 positively wil snot b. underaold. These Prices For A Short Time Oniy. * UNDERTAKING. Prompt Attention, and Beasonablo Rates. Ma W. HUGHES, Weuconda, - - - mnîs The New Factoy Wil not make Buggies. WMl not sell Lumber, Coal Grain, Flour, Lime, Cernent, Etc. The Propenr Place To buy-tb... things is at WRIGIIT & SONS. There you will find juat what You want in any of the above aared fines of g"odetaIprces whicb defy compe- tition (quality considered.) go when you corne t Libertyville To- Do Tradinig CRU on us and Se what we con do for you. We'Il treat you right and will have Vou riding in a nov buggy for lesu thon iÀ cost. to keep your old one in repoir. WRIGHT & SON, Libertyville, - - - - - Illinois' *100THE $1.00 Tlie OGaestatRepublcan P"perof lb. Wet. The Weekly Inter Ocoan Supplies Ail of the News and the best of 'Current Lterature, I lale lirally Cloan, and Ua a onUy Paper le Wihoul a Peer. .tbose ofthe Beat Me8aZlaea: lu VoulIs'Dsumuwt la thme lt brntutothe, f&Uth ie Nmede i ie Vla, ad nd ulve the bet and aI,.4blestdWuwotn of at questionb of the day. Tl.itere uvsi, lvelve pOKC of rudna motter eaqit Week and blagf pubSsb.dl la Chicagoe 18 ett.r matoted to thu nueuto of ii.,peuple. woot of the Alleghany Nto. than onty ther paper. 81.00 PRICE ONE DOLLAR A VEAR*81.00 The Daily anîd unday Pron f D 1ly y mi................ » er a J Prioofmunayb al. erya Editions of the Inter ally anut Sundat y mail ...... »per 'eat Ocean art the best of Adrs their kiiîd...... Ad s TUE INTER OCEA"I Chkago. GU RN EE. N«esty evutybody veut la the big fele tu Wankegau lait Soiurday. J. H. Webci ba returmel ta Chiîcago aller a briel vieil bre vîtb relatives. A parîr o! borstraders campe jut soult 0of tlnt itSatiitîoy auI sunnay. John Roggrnly, ritWadvortb vwu lu or lowu on tbusinesilut Friday eVeuing. A Ciicago Trilînne agent canvasel our tlots lut Satutday lunte intereat of tbai leiiy. l Johnson, vite aui Iamily. o! llvankee, are viiting friende andt Tisa bale couuty fait mal four tecks Itle future. Arrangeto attend i aud 'bave a gooclinte. 1 hi.msdMlra. Raggert ond celîdren, et mUM 011 ihave been viatlsg rois tivis bre foîr omellme îeluiued bosseIMMst Sndîy. lIaruan Brown and Raiph Ddy bave &Uj srles oluelnccatchlug pickerel In MUi river. Egt or teu la a .01001m asî>ia for tent, no ibey say. - Sev. A. W. Taylor returnel te Gprmee ict85130107atur o six veek's viei;to h ie houme. Evetyone Je lad &0 ee tit bok gaîn. A moelîgbt parly tas Indulgel la babout flteen or our youag el "*Tluraday t.venlng ut Gages=lIs vas îl u te amnîaceul culdait c»ýaflip tinte. 1101111 Appleyrd btas cotumenee t dion for a nev houeon te r«féy puraiel ly hlm of C. uaonet fJohn UMuavan, a0 uiely on lova la grovlag. boom for lu Il lm Pl. Henry ilockveli and familb, o! Daren, are vialling reletiveboe.. lira. Blatiesansd daogiter, o! Evans- ton, ttendul citnrcliaI iRussell Sun- day. A. ItothcitelIand vile, of Cbicago, apunt Sunday vîit i1. 0 . Colby and lamiîy. lire. Clarence Hlgley sud chilI, o! Chieugo, opeut 1ai vee aI E. J. * Bglep 's. lirs. Batile Bvers relurnel homae Snnday, after Opendiug a fev vouka wth bher mother aI Wooisiock. Te al folI' enlerlaimneal and rpaucioIal tai a deidd ulaode.. V.-iehct as coleiely fillel and o u 1eaa nea lizel.emun WADSWORTH Ira. Tom Tayorla4let11H vry idk. lins. John A. Moreah i i vep id. VThers are nov tac Wdgwothbas bail clubs., nilok oui for us. Min Jaunie MlInr, cf Wauakegen la Lvising ber sièter U. Emma Lux. Quit. a g1ev troum tadsvortt attend- ede ipeute liaBalurday la Waule- gn. The Si. Paul reel bal nov steel rails laid gIbraWaaywoiitlait teck. Lec Jeutmnu itsteuruel hotu, ttqe iu io, Ill., tiers ite stieuded aubooL lira. Aulrew Stryker oan sontrcm Bluffao, N. Y. ae vlilhtng relatives sud friands. *TImare a i et oSus cem plating a trip hO AladIke la tse@prias l atupmkeYeiow boya. Pot = tpartlsularse pply S-toil! Md oo sm$DÊ4 lrurma hemo sm12e 0Ô 43ii ZOP an a 2 a em 0 4 st u 3.00.1.n . .V a 110 U.011 tp,, 11n él 04 ie Ia102.1 *alSeta 11i mi. S.ns aff d &m.a. Cbur.Mam 1 Eu 1146 445, 14 114 'v 70Il 8 t .Ill a 9es. 7 sOIeGÂINL oa aSoldose 7ou N.12« . mont. H.O8i$29 1V1(4 int .0.aF. No. ot met eenden oh Thuedisweah montS. WILKNIIE.N O COO G mutThuear evehfnindo ar su vices0. 01 Larscio 7:30 . . T. Jen OHNG. AenaN Pomiu . . . ame.ut Setrde nlhtOC r blot miou.p DIANONI) c 0m No- '124- L . AdPt mai o ifl suti . 1:D . 01=. 0:2 . . drpore et it 6. w0C. T ROOKEFELLER., Mir. Citas.(bra, s*euit Sunday tn Waukegan. lir. J. H.. Cronkimta vas a Chicago viàillor Vueeday. lira.Win. uddler ile elrleuiug Cicgo fricuds. A. A Payne, of Ivanho., boardul lte train for C~ c Tgo ubroday. liru. C.- Hapke, of Chicego, la vlsllung at ber mucîerrira. Kablank. lis Ubulîz sud iter vere nter- tlied by Mies Mary LiclielI Wed- uesday. lira. L. H. Liitlld la eniertaun. lng ber omset. Mie Lllie Gleac, of Chicago. lir. C. M. Gorham returned Tue@- day mornultg front a veek'8 viiltiljt reiatlv'u ln Iowa. dom lý J i a i I I i E i lira. Henry Burdiol, vWho has boum1 ic for a61ev day., la, v. are glal 10, eay. mach Iiproved lu heallt. E. E. Payne vili attend the lidfeury Couty Pair and an sel vien Ed. oua 10 O fait bu vili rusa refreuit- ment stand. VThe afiernoon service han beun Bled al an heur convenient for poung tmeu tant Dlamoul Lake, lvacbae suI bib. irlyvilie le attend. -iThe Young People'@ Society of Chris- tian Enleavor, viii itold a pels aocil el lthe Chapel Frlday evang, Alignai 27. A sbort progrant vili bu reuderel. Ed Jones auI foallp. cf Osikeait, Wie.. Whto bave buen viîélitng frieuda hetc aînd at LIberyvIllu, yen. la Chi- cago Weduesday ta apend a 1ev daya, aflt thîci thep tilt ruhuru home. Frauk Cronkite, E. E. iloehne, sud W11 Kniggu, etorted an a cunhnry ton Wednealay. lMt Cronkit l ihaed the bundred mile,but hie compaîtlama tnrev np thue ponge aller ltetiret tif ty miles. Nuit Snnday Itere 'mili ho lime uaielservicea aI lthe chapsi. Vhs es10r yUl premels morulug sud even. Ing. liorulmg bunte. "beol un mal In. go Tomptatlon"; Eveuuug Sobject, -David'& Four Hundred". Ail are cordiaily Invited ' Snnday Augnat 290, vili bu observed as Young Meusa Sunciay. Appropriate uervices viii bu bell eI 10.30 A. M. At 3.30 a mteeting wliiibu held for mun ouly. At Ibis service lte Y. M. C. A. ]dalo Chorus, of, Waukegau. vitI sing. Mrt. K. Biuck, Prealeal of lime Mauks. gan Young lien'a ChitanAssoation viii conuaci lie service,.lit. A. P. Lee, cf Chticago, and others viii dliver addreuees. Iil tseeveulug aI 7.30 there viii te su edrueslivered. The generai tteae of lte day vill bu VTe Yong Mni'e Opporiqity". Ail men are moat bearlily anvitad 'Io all lime services. A long service of hait an bout viii preceds lb. evening service. WAUCONDA. Vhreaaiag laeilaulbleel. Furnhlure cbeap aitIl. W. Engito. J. Golding vent b lte clip luI .Filep. P. Grovennr vas Wauconda coller luti Tantadmy. .A. C. BlepiLeus vuà a M coula visiter Bonlsy. George Etes vos on tse areele of Grayalake Vealsy. T. V. Biocum bha live tbresblng machine.saetawrk. Min MShn eynpiolds retunuol te lidleary Vneslay. C. Mead titI move mb lbhe illocutu bouse la the near fturei. Bora, teMr. m ia. J.3.W. Gibeot Frlday Ang. 13, s lengmber. Lucy Spencer reburual front her ti -OcCana"a lait Ttursdey. Lu AlesPooe, f LaIe Forent, le vieiling beneu a iis place. lit. allira. B. C. Payne, of hantas, vere piesasul cellers Tneqday. Elmer Golding sudlial atNeville vers Mlleury emlleru Veesday. li"sBnlbhDizon, cf Chicago, cm home suadmy for a 1ev deys visil. Mu. end lira.P. Jobuaca. of Nanda, vire Wanconleiaitora Vu.sday. lira. *E. Sasser. Lulu a"d Huer Sotiior are apendiîg lias veek a& Algoosqufn. mra.A. C. BaugsandMullra. L. B. Tcdd called on relaives auGilîntlait Thuredoy. Frstil Green, of Cicago, epeal ftu ley vit bhis fatiteeanadlmoter lit b.nd Mn. (Stuee. b. X. Golding and A. W. Mepuoldo are geliing res4 te go te Caifornie Ocit aufe IBP. Mm CorTia »d. etai daa. "fi rb ai Voi0t> suàd8Y anidMisaé B-1 Iia Mes oft linsadIUrs. 040. faclatocI letst .day 1. Hevit eviliMdl em . PanIer ad lMMe)Of, laieI litr. snd i.a. 1ald Iminiy ent hoeBila viet lit. and lire, (S. 1. oumos expecta $0 reluis fet laya it friaâ ndl *id& Inlepenafzumt Dgte tibnt. etUe Vent aUl# o 1lIni lvor cf1Sac jIsev. O. L, Hocking's aubjeot for nont SuoMly mormolag Aug. ià& je 'Chris- as "an IneneO."Ail ore iordïisly Saied 10 attend lbe services as the lX. 1. eburca. )lsmomd laIe 1ait hlday. Thoe ball hms veu the chiet atbraiWe. VTh. amimes Mrèesthes depemletandml lhe élbertyvile. ?Ite fadepeadente von eily liys acre of 28 10 1. The o»" ma vicb vasgivuOu lridayal saturday evemILg0f l"i caSE under lthe auspices -Oflite gim$ 0mgibea as a grand suons. te m"Y the 1fi.The let ut val11Ud lu ovet- ioviug boUl evenungai. Eut amumbor vu. rsmdq" la a very 1iealnj manmer. Vhe muflgias fne an gram oradîl lainaehla maruetors ritesoably 7drillel tseyouag "eds dunug the l ion loi lbe grau evet. lle rd" iel. plaedtce amoompaimenle . Ar JACEK àCo. VOLO. lir. E. E.iicxle, of Elgin. la viallhng wibh M. D>. Smilt sud family. lir. sud .liru. A.1 J. Rlaymtond enter- taine lodeîsfrom Elgin Bnndmy. lira. ichIUq Couplon's friands are glel ta beeribat abc la lnmprovlng. Mir. and lrM oiI vr mligon fitmies in Vaukefelai eurdiy. are botblding nev vbeelsalomin Mi ter Clyde Varranca. Mdim Lare Ford, vitobus bscn v1&il- hng bier au$,. lru. CObrisplon, rslurum ed 10 ber home lu Ciago leet Satur- dey. Lovely vebr ad lrmers are about ltrongb sacking. A number lb. peut veal have been treaing front tlb. d1. lit. Albert Punia peal Sundapuin Waukegan. Wee era lita. llAnt lla so luch improved lmaia bs viii re- turn home about the ient 0f Sept. A Germas fmmily nmolur lain V olo one day luti veel imed s Ullseffcirie Of limier cvii. Prom ail accoats te 1ev vill probably bave 10 uelle the The. Electrie Bell Co. vers in Voto suverai dmys laitt eck. We huai tlier uold quie a nnmbur of belle.aléo somp. and tlmer enteruiumnesf urnielx pienty of uport for te boys. , Mt,.s. 8.n.ERussell and cilidrea. cf Chicago, retarnel home Behirdmy allai spcnding seveisi teck. vltb bier moîber.lire. E. L. hne, andlamliy. ias file Smith aocompanlel liment home for o vieil l im eCity. A goodly nojaber ofile.Rstera Star, of Grayalake. apeut a very on- lupeble evenag Friday Angusi 13 tublira. M. D. Smith and lamily ai tbe Onsen faim. Il vos made dcubly enjoyablu by tbe presence QI Miases Mary sud Aganon1Payne, and and two of lira. Smiîha cl achoolmates Um. Cora Dean and lira. Horace WeIl,aIl of Ivantoe. Dtiaty ru reainenle ver servul durlal the evuning. A terrible accidehlit appened at eioiogna Bay ]aai Sunday about noon e geullentan, vtioaenante wvo îmo beain, front Chicago, witie oui hning ln gelliug over a feltce, Icme on- knovn wop hie gun vas diutarged. Ths charge enlured lte vriei nd cel ltroogi the upper part of ltaemam and obonler. Amputation vas aeceusay. Bis vifs and bldren vers viit b it enloyuug a vacation aI lue bey. FOURTH LAKE. Retuember lte lance lo-nlgbl ai Grayslake. Buermun lIouqeman, of Califone, clied on Wm. Crulnlu Monday. Mir. amIlia. James Elshuip are 9reJolclug ovur a ane pontai baby .girl. r Clarence Doolittie and Lonis Drury aîlunded the picute Balurday ai Waukegau. Mr. sud lirs. C. W. Huceaurs langhtcr Corel ieu-relatives huri flest BSudey. Gorge Woodward and sistei Kelierne, cf Oak Park, speni lite pui veal et Wm. Willon*g. lira. Robinson and sous isturnal la lte olly Meaidap aller afundung toui vacation eI Prospect Buff. Edvin »rury, ot Wlntte, cou- templates spendlng o fut daya tit B. C. Dm"iyasd lking lunte eunien at Grayslake. 84AINESVILLE. UmsaAima IRende. la 'vlottlng ber s1.1er iu Cicago. J. J. Mille, of WootSloe, could on al frieu ndsi ainavillle Suuday. liasRoua Wells, ani ulster Berthe visilel relatives lu Cicago lout veul li.r ba.Rthrd, cf lEat Dubuque, le viuiig ber brother, Rnm Wou@s, sud famnlly. Mis. Aima Peulan relurne<t Moadmp, alle alaisot viil vlhtm ber Iaughter in Chicego. UmnJeanie Dyke. rehurnel hmie quite fii, and va hope il la ncllmbmg cosagioue. Cbarlay foo1 bus mal relurmel hoame, ~allsh aot viait tit f-rienIe ah Fox LakIe. We are uorty le itear of the serions liueua o! Alam Oven, Who w«a ens. lp baken s4ek Sunday. lira. (ormeip amndlirs. Weyorib, of Chicago, have beaulte gaeule of J. Gorm it pa fiy. Ur.amndlits. Accruanmal amlp bava movel b Indmun, vIen tep neal le tale charge cf a toll. Suvera tromuboe aliedel te iocligît Sociaelt fusons f Talc, sud ail reprla pleesail îles. lines. Parrot.Wvite iteauan îlallia bat, astaliâre. Batesitali mal lire. RiIia rmsa S toer homne lu lA* ýoî% Btu&*a,- bteqo, ilsttaêf vs. guile W isi I. I ~mmloetaiutug m«e te ami of a pair 0otxl liasDon% elsKey, of Obicego, mode 091msati>I on frisaI. bore oite a" bare V'sh ba Wi. iu d etia lfoS biq mrc vw$eiagbure vith ïlamas By1= ar aéev à*nibaeb kss lamai Clark110 rugaisbi ai A auMbe t carO? eop',70y <Mdl cl, atsded lime jlnleM 0 DhaMou La"e Prils, sud vaibkega auidy. Mr. J. Sebasiion, of Oieoauom. p.siel by à a prty Otf=iedbal à plémie Suadey là Bd. G»Obon-s grove. 'Workmena arebuding lIe -.--sme 1 for Pe FiechilYs ma oum. It Vil be lag andsome v tcryUliane j Misse Aale dueria sMd Je1 plmy bave reurmed trois a mo=b vieil; vith relalveos la C~eg Mad Wisconsin. Maue.Thon. Doatian d oChcas.u, Of C~miaiome o onIbeir bicycles Sabordosmaede splemeal vii vita fblende bore Ume. Ajah Kelly. of Chicago, mul lira.Jam mcran,cf Wsukega, s ta inomr lare John Kelly. Dounis Cowley lied ai bie rseideao vesti of boes ouda, eveaing ci aVins eeni tMO"l pI hie lite ta àdluowMo.44W4Wu k around liis vicinl, nfe bave. vite M m md r. hien. oasbroliier, Thnlsud one salir, lrMm ry Kib wdhio ruiles et Ke- -ue l. Tbe tunes)vus 144Welaula Moraisa vibhia laber et antae. IIALF IDAY liesatie BmlIeyliesammev iyce Prairie Vlev basaàDowmevmgs Ioperalor. 1lMr. and lir. red BImmoiff bave a mev tandem. > B.. T sud vite vembt.a (ien k View v aelletn hraday. relatives la Citiceo a 1ev lays ant;i lime gacot 0f ber dagiir lir. J. T. :Ayrsu. lira.Wonderllob sud ca ou elte $nemt - i a lr.J. Bicharde leut A number Iront bure mllended the ,Woodmsa pieutc mi DiamoudlLAthe lmui Pridy. fiUn. Vinklemmandudamgiber vere ltha gammée of lilas LeursSprague tlb. r-pt to yackz. J oba' Scbrooder returaed front 1VOIParelà" lma eolvitere hbas beau Miltsdln achoool. Mrin.mmUnr. Il. D. Taleottsal 1chilIr e lstIbir moiher, lira. H Talcott. ave. MmIta.ybur u aId îilren, of Blomiigtefl, II., are the guastu of lit. Whimiars tialy. lit. Fred stancIlif- bas punoimsel acre1 elndo!flit. a i ltein mal lateada 10 ereci s&bouse cm iltalte muai Suuren. Te many fionda of JohnD Johnson viii bu pleasel btuain im h& a lti lmprovimg tum ielib aince.gins bo Denver, Col. LEITHTON. Eveiphodyb-7aM-0 dA. laps Tbrasing tuMdal roufld hebha cemmed. Wm. lMoyen. and H. MueUci vwers lu Chicago lut Thorsey. Wm. Cooper vas iChticego on buinesslest Vumea. Mr. Franul lier, cf wel Citicge, !otmerly operator uaIbisa place wua bore partieipaling Intse Woodmen pieute. Mri. T. J. Hockey bal lte miafonlun to loe s hie lu BaturdaJ'. ISi v lilled by a pmaslg rain on tha bell »Ialvay. nievite tales thala ppet, and paye bis billa vbeu doe, enu live la Poes 'mt Gol aud mans, andvilh lte prhnlar 100. The coStar of lte Proposait nev Woedmea hall at Dismond LoI. bhu beasu leSte Sac popuaer youag srcittc 15 B lote. Gel pour products realy Ion the laieteauly fair eaS Llbertyviile. l te lime hast 1far ila tecircuitanid bas proves r lanlut- esa. lvii1 be bel vieu al1lim angla doue Mdl thevetie l ble 0bc cool atmej hast limela ts toril. Hoa'l forges tha date Sept. 14 lW i7. 1@97. 'DIAMOND LAKE. Mri. Msmud lr ulofChicago, are spetdlag a fat dl at iSe. litlelIs'. liermas Eroomata metntalniu Mr. sudlira. lilIsa, ot lavaaO ol tala vsek. Mir. EtseiMng sud famiiy, of Chics- go, speuts ole aya coflbst veel at Geo. (bes. Igarnuat Blova bas laiely lavested lu a nov mra n cccsallag orf4e iler. of têeimad,. tyleý, mal nicleapmt bug»Y. Prosparlay seinsohaooiaiflg tearmoal Tale. lira. ferry Slavevau plicite Ose, lovea, lest ridsy by ihe tr bleltâtIf ber brellerW. B& Pallon, vIe osuni 014 14scouaiy isaldeami Iuamme oiuMe»viii ha toaimnisa s6oual of lhe avtui deall, oopflelIrmm The Omo m"Su. .Wiea liuty Audreva nisd Fred Vovimai meet on the trae hs mil". apon lias tube la sai"piesauil mes each other, but the tenglaS of imviug ammcv girl 1b sU tcei on ISie vs, rsjolelng aui looklug upouxlte brigîtÈr aidae 1lite. A tRare Opgort.aroty. Do YOM tuis lti -u@obas a sock et uuUaoU h. ave lb. folio j we?~i"? 1*mmeolot viib ihro em bo « u in lloîdins mm* fouI. e o bln i.1Zsbl tlonN or yaetverOhlàoauer, snob.t UbntivUh fwa asSubIpoed Wu m VeVr brm la Vernon Townshi p. mniuntrivforN uk, Nv~ s ame 1l1 Avon Township rvlie J19= F grutm' ousaz.-.Aobote ae lotUr 171i V .Ma geolbounsand inaAtâ- ~ s ais. . mSubscriptlon News Agç LIFE INSUIÂNCE AGENT WMro» Tatwn-Agood 1toe bM 13liy, Bel. lit or Trmie Rosi Su bere mm fr ema.iltviin pauy Ye uofluk H. 0S*,PADD""OCKIU4 Keystone Corn Husker, andSehredér t;. 3Huski corn and, maires hay of th stalkés. The Sterling« Sna*pper and Shredder, Moue mmbely itbats b. Hummer Sulky Plows. Brabl.y's X Rays Sulky Plows. Bradley's and Dere's Walklng Plows. BUGGIES - WAGONS - TRUCKS. Lumber *no Coal. SALT, CEMENT and TILE. Rope, Twine. Etc. G.H*Schianckç & Son, LIB U ERTYVILLE, I LLINOIS, -1-1-1 1 1 1 1- -- -- f & 4 t44444 a l i é6 g o é tqtm ueus orCbameilsina Cotite E P MhIrasd Dimbom emmdp, sM aIIIE vhoes îenedoramsnt laoitem a . me2 V 'r4¶ pbbe Itb5IIIp0dI*B7n. "Thorae la no 1 tubeloryor feetilve Cm ramsdy aIes Cb&Mauelaia*aCOlleIF ou Chooss mI Dairboea Ea dp,' e 90ou villm esD. 3. IL Eobey. phpslcim su vo uWh . 0 .' phermaclel. cf Oluep, Mo., *ud @shoe be-» bs ussi té. Eemedy il hWIl. us e>, a ftnil »4 nldid Ilu ~bis drng aorsbal n . a JE.~ ~ ~~~~o «ù,mu,(ules .i. tcH Crla..rCn iELSum». tuta 1<u~r addres .i1lr ed w City of Chicago City of Milwaukee md the avi r*bsilpropeller CITY 010 LOUISVILLE. Dste.a 0h10.50 .d St. 10.05msd Denton1 fabot. nidasa. SI$ Dally Excursionsi bavlaglodkfooWb" Àia veulis. Chiesso mu rais«A amiSP. nM..daft. legeb. ete- MM Isml avasib. m diiraMd ai 2 P. e. madmv owu. »Y tlau$ e m u w at rassie direelt"bm aBit o the Nioime iruIt B*I asot »e mgat arninusun. Ma« re.oen aulem leat teo leego. 48 River SI, Fe« Wbab Aveume. J- ». cOuhfl, Preideut, n CW0 Wfesoon mIe cmioi beesud restau e mred eroj.ves oaI aukenhîs. 'w patt o smeother I aelou Smel nle ruîanmg 08858 CEKT8AL bINESte o litamepMo, Asittaul und =m letlel«*aqtîis Bpog. lelp.bpt sud vitreloa Ir oe"ei MleS aeti emI ifuntb*tzlf orumtl lu, ou.. NiakeWa JANTED-A Bdrsa1. P. ti ud.; la Ubeal:r FOR_____ Furniture, Undertaklng Palots, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Etc., Go to ISAAC HEAT-H &ê* F.B usanulmclorc bibi. Id .10 br gt

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