Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 3 Sep 1897, p. 2

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NI-WL lE FARMERS -«VIDENT DESIGN 0F 1310 KAN- BAS STOCKMEN. -jbe" the schienilUemasme cv.w » tieNasaier Bordure Ic'te blect a"a iot MIÇ*Neml>' Rlesait..1 cattIe Raroma'Plis.. se»vuoftàa tupeudous otite.. in depup- ibt Clati Count>', Kanase, sud couvert ifs band cres iltoasvntmat tUe ranch for the heneit ut "Barbecue' Campbiell aund a rew other camte barons han reche,] Wich- hfa. A feot years agu Clark Count>' vas tklciy settled, sud in the boom trnes a gamiorif>'ofuthle e liers mortgascd their dasims to the linigI. Sohîcqueuti>' the ganter part of the land] pase ato fie bauds or the mortyfge holderi sud vas 1gIMM appropriaIt,] hy a ew big cattle- MMuad syndicales. Tie count>' is nov moud>' euce,] info great pastures. Do et- J t eutios hcung pnt lu ieavlug ot uuoecupied daims, tamis, goverument --lans a nd] chool lands, but alilhein& lak- ei sud utilizeil for Pasture by thc big cattiernen. A meeting ut il tIse caie- McM ut tic counul>'as reccuti>' hcld at Aehland, the count>' seat, aud an associa- tionvaes formid oste-nailyfortutmtual protection, but lin-cuill>'tfprevent an>'- 7body' from setllua lu thecorant>-. Tht constitution premeted for adoption Pro- vide,] fiat fie members ot tht association bilnd tiemmelves f0 nul permit anur persun te ettie spon a daim or to purchame or Iemm sur' achool lau,] ielongiug f0 unotier purmos or su>' achool land within su>' faeud Pasture uccupie,] b>' an>'member et tie association. Tuas unvarrante,] - atifon of pover lu thc lutereut ftic osfer big celle barons met splted uPPue- àaofS the ictocimen t umailimeaus Wie desire talue otiecoant>' bettes set- tleWa ma a t re.ultcd. FInaly, s divis- t~1lMtUsdiUi5R mtae,] on s vote upon ti. couettua. ise cattie barbons ste0d vp hafayot apti lercs stocian.voe aseùm thgprovision&. TirfeR eles u ia*cont>' etc greair ewuciteiuvc Iv the bmo. win la Dbuing agtated AVOXO Iran KLONDIKE. G"ugt e 1555 Cemafri. -- la epeaking orthfe Klondikle goli fields, WOUlm sOgilvie.ddoinion iurverot f ur tice>irtliwest TervItot>, daLscora-î uail stger S tros going lt. fiat bie.sL- coun- ti>. Ne deulée, tit an> i Meresco regard 1« gtih ond*i7 lhue exista betwseeu Cait - a" ansd fie United Statee. He sica: 0cid h een rutnudina certain zoneila Sl ai Columbia, runing tirougi fie ,-Oaioo and] Cassis. districts. Project t»*x ib x et thia sone nortboetsseriy. sud iWv toifite Teaîhi Laie, Hotalinqua l iver, tewart River, Indiana Cre-ci, INMeudiic, Jixty Mlle, Fiort>' Mile. Amer- à*Creci, Sevent>' Mlle and ltlrch Cket. Nov It in hlgbly Improbable fiat. -MsWi hiaS rtund,]et alil tese points. tht -Itereuiu paea are barres. aud yul do léemse tIssu cay geuerallr that ve bave a innoutupwards uof850 miles ini lengfh, '*me et it in Alaska, mots ut Itlunthe F ctivet Tertitor>', an,] much ut it lu lkfflh Columba, vblch iil yet be fthc seaet susierous mlnlng -tuterprites, bat efon the quarts sud placer, f h former ,pae"rtuinhsatible. Tihe conditionsa, r-hewe"e, are mont untavorable. Therein a aLie-rnos ia'vnter, barrenucs lai- w total, nu tarase vegetafion aud fond b4fteeeersed, thc crt inleboun,] lu eteruai1 hýan sd fie tiermoaneter otten renchea ý»- 70 degrs eeslovzero." 0 LOW& voit LUIcTiET. UL Usa es el.venste Me a Ver>' Rf- #MM»Wilusser Pm.gacesî. XFe SMToicli, f0 vie. Adoipb vas vlt u ont tu confie ie business ~ *a meutal troubles, foui tic aasifou 0 ffl eacuieu vies. tic famoîta murder OeceVai reuas. i Chinage Tueeday, ý7 s40 rave damaglng fouflasos>' galut fie Iraoee. Accorau gt. ber evIdece, the *W *A>' altsr. Luezrt dlaqejmered lMr. Ta'" b he a long conversation iti tic 0-uemaer, who, sbte aaerte, wa. pale su" laluos'nguder exetlement he vIlyi esdievure,] lu auppres. lu the course ot tieu tali ahe boWl>'toi, his he bellev,]d bilas &Mrof nig aayvit ie iivie -au,] fat b. SCreupon manifeste,] ranch exttemnlat and] begae,] ber lu iclp hlm, as b as la Vgnt trouble. ht,. Tostrb dl- >.ted on Luetiert'a dturbe,] condition ut basatias much as thiIe, ut enidetep veal,]Permit sud Insu>- uvore thatthle me^ua uthe extremit>' uf hie dtress, de- riRred h- vas teuaptcd fu shoot himstir sud coupe the trouble fiat boutg ver i, béait. Betore asic 1.fftichetand] Mmt. 'roac ien so tiflîtlutheiota',,]frit b>' dluctgert for lisi vite sud i.slkuuhiictt Ilarafs fo crash ber. the 0%8kM.ui. Follovlug in the standing uf the cluba et fie National Basebaîl Lemgue: W.L1. W. L Baltimore ... 72 32 ittsbnrg ...-.461 IW Boston..--.74 3-4 Ihilsdclphla .48 61l Newv York . .66 38 Louisville ..48 I?.1 Cncinnati -.44 42 Blrooklynu .... -46 1 I t, Cleveland ...54 50 Wa-bington .45 W~ s ( Ciego...50 58 Mt.. L.isia.2 81 Tbe sboving ut the membersoruthfe Western League la aummarixe,] beiov: W. L .W. L. lausanpula. >0 '-xi De-rit-1 %1 Columbus -701 41 Minneapalie..40 14#i t, Peul .'t. 43 Kansas Cil>' .3; 84 Mllvsnko..68.418 4 rs',] IapidaSi 1Ni G . G i-etTdah W@'Va. Bartiqîmake ahocis la China an,] Japan. uffDlovc,]b>' stidd al aemse,]nai- ma ldg t lite an,] tioruinus damagt 10psp- D flols Atv mla Pu%,d. - trs. Anale Kirk au,] ber hush.snd,'W.' XEh2. have suc,] W. A. Atwood], a dent- 4*as »ranclerofor 1250 damape, *1PO hav «Ie been suixaale,]beau uie it refuse,] taexamine tic voma n'a EbemIate e arn e isodItc oui ber Ileteie sud voue bloomers. - - Beld 0 thc Lois. risscltsf uthfe reccnf collision u»tthfe = msevIgli" oi htt c Clrlstopher C")- .tàet Mlwaukethticcapfa tfboh i bave been inldeîinlîehy suspende,] îy obi Marine inapetor,. Boo inam l et market. ,,4 bom lacdertva>'in the Kausa 11« marsiket. Prl,]ay's prices vert b mtreeh,] viiAn neeri>'t*o j( g sp 1 ce t t "18 ente s l vegt, s or s lmla.s pita dyssos,70 bi]sa siua fa l a e eet 4*0ew wme Uw t w*tri 6, s0mont active patlu*ats la Ghn eud wheu shallp capturel va. em calm- er th&. the of11cers Who bad lber sa charge. Tiongb oui>' 25 yieteofsie, Cesr*bli@a record as a "bad mas." @h.e as a mem- ber of thei»Aletona Dalton sas&.with wium uthe rode tu male attire, 193d atthr ber arrest a revolver wa& fotnd lu ber poisseion inicrlbed with the marne et Bab pDalton. How mas>' men aie bas illed tu ber career or bow many raI&s he bceu eug.sged lu, mai, neyer bc kuown. ttc. home leataiWeir City,. KaS. Bbc resides viti ber parents. wbo lice vel avare ut the lawiemi lites la bu in lesdlugi. Cars wu& captured IhSturda>' at lier fathera hume. Her brotller, BUi ]Eubbard, wbo plauued the raid ou tbe banli. wu@ alun takes jote custody. aud tIse>' ere nt ouce burricd tg plueville. Thequarte seenred 858.23.but utftil arnousi $124.50 wu@ ]ont b>' tbe robberà ln their fligbt aud bac been recovet&d lm- mediatel> ailler the raid aL poste of citi- sens organize] aud tollowed lisift Pur- suit. Cors Hubbard's borte va- chat tromuder ber. but abemnasge io et- cape. White Tennisou. anofier robber. vas deeperateiv wouuded &fter licini pur- oued es tar as sonîbvest City., 1. T.. sud it was becicho gave lhe narnes et bit se- tcomiplices. Onthe day ut the raid Corn va.% dresse,] as a cowhor. Bbe held the horsez white the otiier robbers looted thc bani, eud lu the subsequeut chas. se Ltenor au active part lu tbe ibootiug. Cors Hubbsrd sud Tenulenu admit their relit. KILLE» Br PALLMEO WALL%. 1w. Plttebara Fremen Meet 1i.tb Undet a Miea ef Heafad Brie"s Fire et Pittaburg csuséd the Io» 0t $16500 worth uf propert>-, mm> uryt to firernes eud creeted s pentc lu the Bey- cuti Avenue Holel. Plame. vere dit- cuvcred lu the f Te-alory> building atit637 Brnltield suceet. occupied b>' Edrnud- son & Perrine's furullure establishment; tic>' galncd sncb rapid beadota>'that tbe building wat a mats ot marnes hetore the engientreache] thc teene. lu a short trne the building wa@ eutirely deatroYcd. TIse fie orlted train tbe explosion ot $ çacugine la the celier. The building la T lspe, rnng bock 1trai ta Smith- iéi itreet froat tp a teu-tout aie>' )a tic futes egastlng it tromn lhe BeveoifiAve- uai otel.ticheextension@ cxtUDdlugt. Sereuti avenueesud Slrsvherry alle>'. Tic guette ut tihuoltL umberlug 150. ver. neiriy sMl at iupper at ttitme tic Jinmen Rere scen ponrlug f rom the rear windows ut Rdrnudsoa & Perrines building. AÀimall-slse, penteeniued. sud a grxud rueli vas msde for tic exita. A portion 0uthtic tar WallIouthtic urulfure stem ellâe th le aile>'. estchiug the fir4e- men. une ut vhom-Jobn lNeelan-vas badly burt, but nut serlonel>'. Atter the lire bad been subdued sud the Oremen were takiug up their hume, th* Stratw- berry alle>' wali ufthti Edmundion & Per- ne building fell, buryiug unier fie de- brii; tvu firemen, Zeke Glover and Barry' Huit Tvo boys otho ver. vatchlng the f remeu work vere alto truci b>' the Wall. SMO? DOWN BrT CONSTABLES. Two Mon Kitled aud Wouusn Wuunded White RU§siilug a Levy. A cSatable aud hl& assistants lu at- tcrnpting to make a lev>' un the huusehold god@aoft ie Hill, colore,], living at-Ato- ka, Teun., met wlth retiatance and shat sud killed to oru Hill's ions sud wouudcd bis vite. Hill vs nut at home, but his otite aud toto sous vere there. As the officers approucbed the boune Hiil's otite came ont otltb a sbotgUu sud sttempted to shoot the officerswben she va&s hot b>' oeuto the poste.Hill'& sono joine] lu tic mele aud both wert kifle. Accsied of Mutiler. The steamer Portlan, rom St. Mi- chael'a, bad on board un allege,] murderer who vas chase,] b>'detectives huit va>' &roundl tic vomi,]. tHe vas lucharge of two Piukcrtou detectivez. The prisoner, Frank A. Novai, vas pursucd orer thseq continent to Junceau, tu Dyca sud acrusa tic Cillkot Pas, over tic laies andi dowu tic rivers ta tbe gui,] ield» ut Klan-1 dyke, vhere he vas taies into cnitody.1 Novak vas a storekeeper lusn ailtuvun sieur Cedar Rapide, lova, op te severai monthe ago. (One nlght 'the store vas baroe ud lui the ruina vas found tic eiarred body ut a man. Novai's relative@ clairne,]that he wvas mmcd ta deathinlu the Ore. Hl* lite wvasuer.fotu 5.- (10 and] à demand vas made for tic moue>'. An Investigation led fa tic beliet that the body w as net tiat ut Novai, but uf a vafebman. Thc ticor>' vas af once advanced tiat Novai b.d comanitted mur-9 der and buts.,] his store lu tic hope that1 tic body vol,]bc ronste] beyond recog-1 nîtios sudis relative@ cbtala tie lueur-1 sucemoue>' atter be bad disappeare,].1 Pluiertos men vere put ous tie trait sud1 altter oue ut the longueea ha on record1 srrcttcd Novak at Dawsou Citf>' l>= 1 vhcre he vas living lu tic guise ut a musiclan hearing the ume ut William A. Smnith. Uscie @&Wualingmeat. One ufthtceaeuet penalties ever ex- acted trom a commercial boume hy Unele Sain tor violatiou ut the tariff lava bas becu lmposed upon tic &M, ut A. W. Faber, the Ieadlng pentu mautacturera, vhoic works are luatierman>' and othoset Newot To ofices are at 78 Rteade ifreet. For twent>' Jears the finn has beeu lm- portlug gouda at the same rainahinu. Re- centiy '-be treamur>' agents began au lu- vestigation whlch resîmîte,] lu the decision1 that ter tweuty years A. W. Faher', peu- cils hnd been comlug Into thia couutry nt1 pricea rmach lower than the reul value.q The fi m s accordingi 'fined $3O,Q0O.1 The greater part ut thia Butevas$pald q into lie tresur>' last week. The fi-m utf A. W. Faber ila G('ermait concers aud1 ue ufthticlargeat sandotealfliest lu the worid. it ovusansd controis raluabie graphite mises lu Siberis sud ha@ branch bouses lu ever>' big cit>' ou tic globe. The principal factury inlai Sttein, ucar Nurem- bcrg, lu Ravarla. sud tic main noce la lu Bertin. It vas the Involees sent with nmec receut aipmeute tromtBerlin that excited the suspicion% outhti customa ont. dis. ____ Nearne te Jrtet.t1 abtor*etie t thela-s.rca «pIsawv- lui. 'Furmt eiathe tam * se becs emsrbdug telu hudeda etl>llonvale mistera, but iflenannuncedt te ic are pueltîvel>' usable to continue (icI>' donsa- dieni. lb. minet-smer'oft Rhm are tuesigMersho causut utter a word ut Zao"ls, bave bees vîthout foo,] tor two Or tire. daMs. torles ut their sufférlage bave heea relate,] sud tic>'am e mt deuld. At MaFumrd, O., minets are ,]lgglmg lu lhe voods tor rote asd are acarchiluafor ther vil,] products ut tic fields. Oua or tvu rellet coamttees wblch have icen at vtrk have cuowledgcd fiat tIse>' au de uothing turtber. lu ipte or their u- ferlugi the trikets do net show an>' signa ut veaiese f ar as their determlnation lu fie ittike le concerne,]. ROUTEU Br WOMECN. Forelgners Who Tsi. attîkers' Placqe A ttache i v inai» gone cast(ub. Tht firât aftcuîpt fo start su>'ofuthti cos] mines lu the Plttsbnrg district vas made et the Champion mines ut Rutau & o., ucar McDouald, Pa.. ou the Psu- Isandle Itailwa>'. Frîda>' moruing. To csrioads of toreigners, galtre] up from about Plttmbury, ver. sent ta fie Cham- pion mines abouît ds>-light and put to vork loa,]iug stockinmb the cars. Tic minera icard or tht arrivai outhfIsc uevmen sud »0 omomen mareied on fie mine. Tic neot men vere attacie] thiatones sud clubs an,] driven tron fliccars. Tic %rumen tollowe] hem op, aund tic fntdgn- ers. vitioîtt recisfing. lIed ta Nobicîtowu. The moi lieu refurne,] te McDonald sud dumîîed fie star-i that ha,] beeu ioade,] tram the cara. Tht>' vert met b>- 1.00t) sfrikera. an,] hêneadb>' a baud marebtd c short <istante trom thc mine. vhere li' encamrpe,, aI-bing for lie relumu ot thge non-union minera. The rouipsu>' ahI- cmli un>- tht>' are determiutainf0lentd the alack, and s r-onîict le expecfed if the ueo men art- brought bar-i lu the mine. BA K IRBBE» II AISAlt. Crsclimmeu Oct 01.700 laBon.>' aund 41,500 lu VraIs, et iisi. New@ ha,been receive,]ofuthticdaring burgiar>' ut the Peopie's Exchange Rani cf Eim,]ale, Kan., about 2 nockc Sun,].> morang. Pour charge, ut povier, ver. uceemar>' f0 blow open tic vauli. A neiihbor merosetic itreet wva aene,] b>' the lirst explosion. Ht vent lu lie home ut the rashica, E. W. Jeffre>'. sud aRoke hlm. Whlle on fie wvs> ' b eard, another explosion and tfr0 more ver. heer,] betore tht>' arrive] at tic batok. Tic>' tous,] lic vanît broicu opun and II1,50in ehecks stolen. No clev f0 tic roihera bas becu diseovere]. mine Wae su Une INSaci.. The power bouse urthfe Federal Ceat Company,. operate] b>'Eý W. Povers. si Federai, Pa.. un tic Pittebura. Chartiers sud Toughiogicu>' Ralrua,. van destro>'- ced b>'lire. Tht dames spread rapid>' and great dimeluit>' Rai experience] lu savng the f ipitie. There aceasfa bc nu douif fiat tic Ire va. che vork of luccudiariet, as tii-te men ver. secs runnisa duRs the railroad a tcv minutes beture fie dames vere discover.,]. Since fie stue vus sterte] Mr. Povers ibasmade hirnacit un- popular b>' îhresîeniug fe import colore,] men sud atgrt is mines. Tic Federal mines ver. operate ,'machiner>'. Tht loebas 9a 5000.' Stniiing miners art ac- ranci] ut polsouing thc mules lu Sterling mine No. 1, at Hastings, Pa. (Oue mule bs die&.suot6er in missing and tour mure ame eltealYici. The compas>' is re- porte] ta have iad the careau of fie deuil une examine, oiti tic result ut proving ta* deatb wai due ta poison, Il in under- stood tic mine vîl be close,] dovu sud tbe trucks remove,]. If la use ut file lsrg- est mines lu Hasinugs aund la tht une At vich tic men and] Supernteudent Nich- olson have hsdsa muci trouble. Buttent utfuc estr. Tbursdcy vas by fethle hottent day of tic year for Si. Louis aud Ticinît>'. Prom car>' morning tic meneur>'eimbed sts. Il>' spvard from 69 outil et 4 o'cîockinl tie atcruou 101 lu tic almade vas tic record b>' tic veatier bureau thcmomc- fers. On fiee ti-eets ticheaet vas tuil>' lIre degrees vors.Ose houn Jeter fi We gas to get couler and b>' 7 o'clock thc record van 93. A strong vin,] bicv train the sonthvest ail dsy. but If diii sotbiug tu relievc tic Intense cet, for If vas as bot &s tair mIe110wa furunce. 'l'iere vert nu promfsttons. Cicmaulu:tic White Rama.. Everytling sbout fteWhite Honse la being retui-bised, poliahe, au,] brigittu- cd for tie horneeomiug of tiecehief niis- frate and is vite about Oct. 1. Nelthî-î deuor,. vaîla sur ceilngs bave been over. icoke,] lu tie geucral ionacleaniug vilc via Inaugural.,] a tev hours aller tic Preeldential Part>' itarte] for Laie Cham- plain, sud ail tic indications point lu a pheseant and agreecile manaion ton tie essuiug vinter. French Dutie, aueilemisin. Thc French cabiuet decîde,] fiat tiere la no grosu,] et present for mod,]liug tic dulies ou cereala. Bread Coatin« Mor. la Lomdoi. Bi-es,]bas riaeu one-halt ut 1 penn>' a quarttr lenf lu London an,] i. expecte,] to ris. 1 penn>' a lest. Chicago-.Cattue, commun ta prime, 83-00 >tu $5.75; bogo, slptimg grades. $3-00 tii 14.75; aie-tp, fuir tochoice, FLOU1 to $4.25; sheat, No. 2 red, 11e 10 194c, cornî, No. 2. 2»1e luaie; ont», No. :,,t18c fu 20c; rît, No. 2. 50c lu 52c; hutler. choie. cre-amer>', 17e fo fi9c:eggs. ftsi.h 12e lu 14c; nev potatues, Sc toeliic pet buahl. $elnliânapoli-csftie, ihiptîlua. 13.10 f0 1. 27; hoge, chuice ligit, $3.00 14.50; iict1i, commID u l eolce,.. u1> lul>3-4.00): ibieuî, No. 2, 94e ta OdUe; curn, NO. 2 wthite, '3W0etu 32c; natu, No. 2 vwhite, 114e tu Ile. st. leule-Cattie, 13.00 lu 05.5()-.hogs $3-.00 tf0 4.75; iiccp, gê00 t.e14.34o1; vhcsî*' No. 2, 00e te nec; corn, No. 2 'ellow, 27c tu 28c: oas, .Nu. 2 vhita, Hie luO "0e; r*YeNo. 2, SIluta52e. Ciueluustl-CatUe, 12.30 te 15.25; boom, 83.00 tu 14.25: sbeep, 12.50 ta 84»;, vIscatNo. 2Z bée te 07e; tutu, No. 2 mixe,], 30e te alc; ouis, No. 2 mincît, llSe tu 21e: rire, No. 2. 40e tu nic. Detroît-Catîle, 1.50 tu *5.50: bots, 13.00 te 14.28:aheca>, 150 lu $3.75., visat. No. Z, MlOteto95c; cura, No. L, yeuîuw, 31e f0 33c; auto. No. 2wite, r22e te 24c;e: >'. ilu t52e. Toledo-WhqptNu. 2 re,. 94e lual95e; crn,. Bu. 2 .nfe,. 30t ta 32ec;0ofts, No. 2 wthite, 18e te 20e; r>'. No. 2, 4î)e t lleSi; clorer sec,04.20 lu 14.30. Mllvsoukee-Wbent, Nu. 2 aprlng, 92e tu 04e; corn. No. 3,.80et f. ne; nos.,No. 2 wite. 22e te 24c; ryc. Nu. 2. 50e ftu5me; harle>'. No. 2, 40e te 4&e; porii, mens, $8.75 tu 10.25. ltnffalo--Clatie. $3.00 te 35.10; lino. 13.00 ta 14.75: sicep a>.o00ta.50,tt; vicat. No. 2 rcd; 98e f. 11.00; coru, Bu. 2-yclovw. 3U. te 37c; ons, No. 2 vite, 2e tS 215e. N4ew Tuik--Csttl. $&gote 5.50; hugs.g 88» 0ta 1rS Ii teip».00 nte lu$4.; s.ssILAAsquM&.LAWTEuaMLUIm.l Veut tbas peigt maes the vote et Chbmoe e unSae MaSosbm. Wo ua Ma,.8 Taei for a MuentBids.u Cas«de Bset laisset. Not ine fe c elebrale,] Croula cme ban Obiecgo ha,] a trial wothcipromIse,] ao Mach lu the lise of senstionas that ut Adolph Luetgeit . thc ricbi asugemaicr Irwin la acuse,] ut murdering bIs vite. The trial. vilci se now on, viii probil con- tinu. f vu mntse. TIse long trial sud fie extraordlueri teatures involve,]twil give thc ta»e a psce among tic met ramons crimneaut tIse century, Tic tbcory-outhIe prufecution, represenfe,] b> State Attur- ne>' Chartes S. Deneen, isaIliat Luetgcrt, vie vat net ou good terme vlth lias aile, Murdere,] ier aunddiapos.,] ot ber huody b>' disolvlugSf luinsaceusaet t fic,] vwif eauttie soda sud crude potami. The de- tons. vili set np tfie daIm fhsî lMr. Luet- Sert la sot des,]. that aie vandere,] awsy tram homewvile denîete,] and li stiUl lilve. The sfrcngth urthle proaeuîtor's Mmesdependa upoti the abilit>' oft-the. af- torneys sud police tu prove that Mrs. Luutgrt la dca,]. Tlhe dMllrtieo lu- vulve,] Su csfahlishiug tic corpuasilelicti gives thtesse narmblance tu the Pari- mail-Webster inurder lu Boston hait a century ago. Litetgert i about 50 years ol,.ne used lu licà s alooniceper, but atter hi& marringe lu 18-Sear-Oid Loulme Biciner ADOLPIE L t..LUTOEiT. about VnY ear, ago lhe veut into the aneage mamitscturling buoillus. lie- bild a knowiedg, ut ciemîst->, sud hy uaIng if luaIic business preduredsauope- tior article and rapidi> secumulated, moue>'. Ht vas ouce vorthliM0,009), blt bit tortuite bas dwindled gsomebaî. Iour- ina tic lait fev ycar heuand bils vite ilvèd lîîîhaPPilY. sud thougihe aie ata home lhe sptt ushi& bîhs fi- fie sanse ta«tto>, othici itou,] lu tie resr outhîe bouse. At 10 o'clock lfatîurday cvenitq., Ma>' i.,litteLouis Luctgert hade bis mutici- goor-nîgit sud lcff lier ittlut in fie bar-i psrlor outIheir splendidhîborne. LUIiTGEIItrbBIG 8 hier huias, vas, as usual, spendint the ulgtit fe fscfor>'. WaeasLouisndtIse utberceblîdres came duvu fu breakfast fie tollovlng moralng ficir suofier vas milsîg. Luetgert vaa informed, tbnt r.- marie,] tiat sice voul,] luiilop ail right.* lIsps passe,],but lira. Luetgert di,] not teturu aud fusIl>' Iser- rotier notifie,] lie police. Luctgcrt suagested suicide. The river utas drtggcd aud fie rountry round about searcie, ,but nu tract ut iec oud b. toun,]. Accumed ut Murtie.. FAnalu>' Inspector Seflaaci grev muapiý clous and Rien fie ngbt vafeiman sud englnr. aifie sausage tactori bold hlm fiat tIse ulif Idra. Lnesgert disap- peste,], Luctgert lad been doing nnsuah flîan ai thse tactor>' bis suspicion arev lt. s belle t fat Lncigert hsd muirdercd his vite. Tic engincer agiS,] Ial, con- trU7 fo fie nasal order ut affaîri, Luel- gert bad im keep thse Ores ahtith act or gotur lia i ugit sud fiai he ssv Luelgert movlug cran,]tfe place Mîstenlushy un- fi 8 o'cioci Sunda>' moruina. Luetgert vw»si-reste,] an,]bi île tta->' ssearci- cd. On@ ofthfe sausage valib owe,] vi- dence or reccut use. At fie bottom wvss fou,], lu a rer>' muci dîlute,] tortu, a so- lution Ot Potami au,] cashîr-soda. Thei-c yene also toun,]tva utflMra. Lutarta* ruags, several pieces ut boue, au artificiai toufi vilci a dcuîist ideulilIe, as one lie bid maie for Mrs. Lueîgcrf, aud, lu tht U5s Lt8ýRUlT. catch basinofuthfia puer wvieldrainai fie val, everal plee, t fbone and e amail fengle ut hair. Il vas fie fleur>' ut fie Police fiai Luetgert isd entli,] bis vite t. the tatetry, kiliesA ber, poasibi> b>' -Umttsiglatiou, and fiat h. fias Immerat,] bar boi>'la hfe dlabulical solution hi fie val, f uwud un fie sieanus til fie solu- ,tion bofle, sud- calmi>' vateirti and ae,] ied comntetauntil ditiniegration v"ecmplete. Té Ibis avtul cierge Luetgert enfer.,] s cal9abdecmplfe.denla. Ne m,.Iptei ti5t bu ita vI te i miilive, fiat mie Wff i evAlfalY a e . adtâthe 15 that cmre. bauet> !seprt cd tbpt m a.Luet as. innlà e York aud that oh* b.d galied for Saropa. uegtslavym e aim tis$ thdise.e porte are truc and iliat the mruder tih"t la an outag.. lu the course ut preparation for the. TUE Lty£Tetn? oit. trial.,su,] for tic pmrps. ut demoustrat- lng fliaf If ilt asl>' Possible for à bu- mami hody>'tu bave becu cutil 'diinteg- ratei oithin thetilîse lirait set b>' tic Po- lice tmc licir theor>- ut the crime, an ex- peraient vas made et Rhuai Medîcal Coi- lege n teot weeie; nueunder tic sopervis- Ion if Prote. Ihaines sud Deitountalue, andmicii tht precnue ut Stat's Attoraiey I)tucansd repreccentatives ufthti police depai-fuient. The hodboir ta pauper wo ha,] dicd at lie huapital. veigcilut about 1INtouindass dîamenîbered, place,]inc a hiler contalulua a trong solution ut nstir- sudsamantpotaisud bole,] for tirtehouri. At tice end]outchat limepirse- fleali>' uothlng won icff excefit a tcv pieces ot boue c otbieeaîl>' erauuhleuun- der putcasuree sud tht hultom ufthticbolier vas ounu,]tf0cuîtsln a thitibrovu ooz,- simllain lucompoaitionlte trt lu tic bol- tom ufthle sausage tai-tory vat. Tu offset ibis expriment fie defeuse- sAic tu be pemilte,]toeiiaic an experi- ment In coui-t. Tiecocde ver usei b>' tic State. Pa>-hliattofntîifoth le defense. vas iici-si dais ol,]. lu ilttre vasnot fie reacistina îpower ot neriean,] muscle-. tiat a hbmdy>' rîm wvilite hr, bsjî,tt passce,] vol,] effet lu lie actionofithlic su- lnliu'm. Acting ous ntus bexlief tie de- fense- vante ta conuct experime-uta viti a fre-aibody'. EXTRA DUTY MAY BE IMPOSEO. QueatiboneîaIloSkihe snlg et tb. il#MI«&ltist Tas: C.s.m luttulyt,]iciifhe ,questionuofuthticinterpre- talion gof section 212 outhei ne-v taimE luo wltli regard t10the. luper cet dîIiiserimlnat iug dumî>-on fiîre-igmîgouda roning lo flc- Unit,-, States fi-uimmaada or Me-xi. nhiehis nnov be-toi-e-the- altoîne>'gi-miral toi- iecniigu. in amolier questiogn if equi If nut grefter magnitude-. Thisn ober -W1ý -Iýý AU8AGE FACT>ItE. questioni ahano1at ettirÛl>- e-ttped pub- lie notice, lut it in airing thse tre-saur>' gi-est conce-rné. If e-asreferre,]fte I't turney - reraI bYh>ecte-tut> 'âCge for ilu hei-.'chtiun aa i ihbbheotier tentures ut iecthion 2- vilc eie- ue-mtroverav. It il-nincu tic question If ut eer tii disemniiatlng dut>- ut 10 pi- cent ducs net appi te al goutte liniorte,]ilu orelgu nessels. icudlng at Unite-d]States ports viciai-c nut exemtpt trum disciiirinatiug tonnage taxes b>- express I-cal>' stipula- tion. Tic quesfion arises frunt nuolier alit detistion lu se-r-ion 22, snilci. if made lntentiouaily, vouhd seem lu mndi- cate fiat Il vas designe,] f0 dîscriminate agfaiust thi---oui-îim utail tié big trans- atisuhit a ral-mîspnr-lfr- ste-smasiipllîc, as ivol ai many oruthIe South Amciicau lins. SAFE uS ROBBED 0OF 832,000. ]izare sLent lhe Vuminou. Rankinl lie Ontario Town ..IfNasnsi. Bargiars tutue,] the Dominion Bauk at Napuie.. le-ar Kl ingo, Ont.,-u,] inuit- lugte Ib- unibinaliiun oftIhetammIl, opene-o if aid ulule- $32,1000 . Zeniigthe- offciait rêw tea- hiclankinluthe. ourii t hic> roundl île-vagîlt iiîukcul. 'lhe liii-gli-ra chiandeith îe îuuuuui ioid thtem'n'- mite-r utofi uuthe ik tlii.igh itit (q),hum-thIbm ,'Imrks hdb eailiuli'uîita k,' iiuklilîgi-h înuit. AIn cxi-rt wu ai uotiilit tron. 'l'- rouî t r clen tic vu ut au liI li cupledi Ibm. n huit uii. lu tue eatnrgliie- teiuiii-lar t a I5gud sarit. lit tbe î'vemirîg abtu 7 o-cloeithie douta nere- iitenecmIand the hîguk uhlillx misse,] lie moue>'. Wiere- the hîrglars gof the- intfi-mation ùntc-crniIggthteuin- binut on ufthti vanit mi a mîstor>-. Maitltoba Wiesf ftop. Ai t fthbe25,000,000 buishut ifvicif ln Manitoba iser-mt. Thete hbliesnu frunt sugflelcunt fe damage fie vieut. 'lihe trop vili icflthelargest in tht hiîtor>- of the Canadian norlin-tal. Thte>iel,] sili mu ai bîgie- as tiirtn-firchughela tu tbe acre, vile lu Ontario Il la as i u as fui-- t>'. TIse totsl vitat trop ut Canada thil >'cat vOl b. tulh>' 60,000,000 bushels ut prime vhest. Nton et Cur-amf Evenfa. Tic National Iàquoo Deniers' Associa- tion han decîde,] te mueet nexl year aI De- trait. Albert Volera, une ufthIe noterions Levis gang ut murderers, under sentence tu b. isuge,] at Fs>ettcvillc, W. va., brie jailisud euaed. Of thetwtvf>-six Senature via serve,] termi in tie lover bouse beote coming tu tie Senafe, Stuator MIliI, utTr'xau sei-ved longenf.,ii terrabeing froin 187:1 Bey. J. H. Houghtos, pastor ut 8:. James' Episeopal Churen nI Htntlngtrin. Ps., oui founi dend la lednt bils resi- deuce. Bey. Hougiton vasnantine ut Sait LaiteCCtty, Utah, Tie popular cutiuslasmt over the viî ut fie Duke sud Duchesut York lu ire.1 - isilleannabaed. Their royPl blgiucssee vrite again fie reciPlantsa arie roe-, emhsgmestsevu mvsept ua safe isameRnave. rulielal 1esa4*" milnutes atter the eartbqualre sud ui cigbt lIabllg Villages. *Ail o0"el1 tonga d tic rsillay itafalos fn et bi- au ver. mlooded. Bise sailiva>' oOeh ver. carnie,]dovu stream to es«I&ther, bouses. A steamer rescued tie, b« mas>' imalier boat% ver. swept aRa>'. MAS SYMPATHY 0F ENEMIES. Deautiful Caban Girl May' De Soir teticed se Len iem6. ý tien. Weyles delermînallon t tomi otar upon vomen sud childrenseas viians Cubas patiote bore fruit lu tic pr«eecu tion urthte beautiful Evangeim Cinasi, whose ouI>' crime lien lu helng sasite et Premideot Claueroa, the rebel chief. lb*. LI TIIE POI:TLAIND AT IER DOCK. Mîont tuliabi hie nie ruoi ait aigu('i h iii>- that 1n0 uni aimorilit utriMoiley- N illine,i. aýit tbas noibg'in laeuntut ieu-gtnigu. Ont Briller uSîuî caime ldou uli the onîsuube ligor.. at 1.ttEii%. l Di>unuui aud Itaninna t'rcckg. ah-ie-ithe riche-ml etrikti bave luimail.., bave bueu sit ed foi Miarlninii.'ab ut ilesrahie clairnsai-. acarce. and tht prospeuhora are hegiiu inig tu teilrer ont. Hitidr-di ut mlîîrs arceiuioing tuguarul ticeI'ieaart rit-ci..the secîîid Ilracat branchiogîtihe VYukon, ndîiîilreda ut proaîîc-tuîrs tiil uuiiioitu-dly Lweuire. haun and bars nighinshlie--t liv Moulur. Alîbougi tic banrofuthticnais river have becs soceeastal>' voriel tut fie ast ten y3-cas, me-rt.bai praclcl>- been miù tea i)hrospectina due un fieman>' important Irlbutrem. Everyviere tîif the explorera rond sî-stte-ring prospectura b ave roue ii the' Stewart sud It. branches gold hlas be-eu toun,]. Ou mas> ci-tek, the Proxpecta titeme-xtrmagted. Scierailîghing lave u'nspi.etelule-ave tuis field precti-al- 1>' untoucie,. Tht. qieb'it utofgellina supplies lna aver>' scrions une. Af lie sane iguethe fi-w bugidi-ti men vîgo have jbeenn ttYuon op buelint 3e-ar bacc fuuetd suflleitîfy attracfive digging rieu- ci.te thfe ulule isltrictsand,]r-huer lu sup- phy b-juta. 'T.- ldiaîts ale) have asauper- etillion rcgardîmg n poweifunld %ivage frille ho lice ogithe mipper par-.futhe riv- er and othoin tht>'cuill tIc "l.Iahogies" and] cousequetul- viiliet go up tie river su>'gi-cnt distance. Prom the mouh ot Stewart over f0 tht nurti toi-k tieudistaunce la estimaterinsf450. miles, sud fte li en,] of tfis tori-i utfe vIe-luit>' ut 5Mi0miles lu ail. Tht sooth tori la practi-al>y' uexplored. Ont or toto pern avue been on If. and henneil for il suflicient disangce te deteri-mne irs ciarmeter or leuiti. Tic prospecmeraiand those uchu have beau ou bbc river isay liaI if ca-ru a iarger volume ut valtr thon fie Peily river, If is be>-on,]dount lthe secognd]lautiffeeder ut tic Yukon. 'rie fi-st gui,] diacrici-les ounfteSiew-ai-foeie made lu 18M1 on bars wiithin about 1100 Miles from the monti. Tiese were riici. During tefail.luInlesthanfiftI>'dors' fime. as higli au 14Otthelicman n-ai rock..,]ont. lu 18M f uhi>'100 men vert wurkmng on fie river bars vit tua,]su- cci,. S$orne wnt up tic nortb toi-k near>' ht aisbn. Enci succeeuing se-asun tie bars lurvelue-vuvont,]utfil nov the>' do EARTHQUAI4ES IN JAPAN. Grest Lois uf Lite an,] Pruperly la Hepuraol. A gri-ut cartiqmake occurre,]in .hupan Aîgg. 15. lu lait',]eigbhtmnutes mii,]%n-mi tollowe- il hi itil nve othici tuelt op river'. folluvigig imîto tbe setunî cune, pc-if gdestructiong. Up te Aut. 10 iî n-as iuowg lu Yukohama biat rover 5,gM> bouses ha,] iccu inundate] or vash,] avay. Bef eau 100 sud 1100peuple vere inovo toit drown e,]or serlousi>' Injure]. If n-as tien fue crl>' lu estimete tie amount atfddamage doue f0 ralva>'a,cropa. rond%, hridges sndiilpplng. lt va, te- poi-fcd fi-uni Ilusoku thjst coolinez tiret ver. foualde] hiau uOvermlolg rîier druvulit orver 100 mnîers.'miaic iiockm ou fie moi-int ut Aug. 5 î'arled tramt tour Iu sixteen lu nom- ber la varions hplaces. lie muavement helng ftrmfaut ta West. Leai thinudat hour iffer-rd n bidlait vewns elt ln tootîm atout tht conaf.Por as vei pri-clinli rans.hanll les alingust imf h titlie, nd tire rivera n--eealienîl>'ver>' luth. T>he tiduil îîaîr rgîlcuî lemni in satmir i>'n- rites fi-et tboive l t tflt>t eet lîlier. Tic Guuccrnor ut Nlgiita prefct-u-e re- porIs thaf tht Arukaiva ruse toteut>'fret aS Nuoîsîzat. Pîfîcen lîndre] bonnses were iboodcued d miri>' people- itile]or In- jure,. Tiewaîtera rose no rapldly tint over WO00pupile vere alat in ticir bounsi belons bt>' ikncot vat hmd hilppeed. liese ver. ail remcue] lt bobutri. Fu'r- firer dowi tie came river twesf>' bust@ IF» IVW Lww orwek.i s-and IMS cul fur ii Un hrriui-. i'og'îm a OomîthIe- hxlalicolmgiiunote-sî b.Nuinli Atriran casat. 1 lie-te- airu-uy ui nure-is ut <'uîi.aa pal- ri-lte haieelle-uic-',] peusa living. WORLD8 HARVEST SHORT. Ananas itilaste purmîsha,] b, Mai- stalan Authoritb.. 'The liuîîgsrlian Ilisi> tryofArilulfure lias ibue-,lissnnain ttimat(-a, un wvilt il de-arribes liceîvmrld'a barveit a c- traordinsi-> liait. The total yei,] or vie-at in place,] nt 5-.3,74.toSlOmetr-i bhUm- dted-veighsm, suile tic preveut auezs reihiiri ments arc estimate,]ea 63&115),000« me-fric bundredighibs. It is calcuhate,] that toi. 1891 ind] lM lie-rt îlI lie s aborbîge ut 5410,000O hundredotelgît. Thc stock. i-emainlug oss baud tram 1896 are approximatel>' asti- mati-,] as omewhere betyteen 38,000,00 mu ,]8000,000. Tic total suppl'fotoi-fi >î.ar. recioning boti the piset s tock» gai, lie harvesi. la estimate,] trcen f10.- 000.000 lu 0 (51,000,0()o metrtl hnsdrtd- weigils. TIge-harvest iang this ailaIL sspartasetor i-ta suigivlnt.-Bahimore Amerleas. 'The record of tic vient pIts maies fie tales of the guI,] diggingm aein tere-a Boston Heral,].la. A v-aitlese messene-uti l>'oY ,]db. in- vnte,] tu go viit lh iee -tIsejegraplt- Detruit Pi-ce Pi-ess.. A gol,] mine tu %tact vithinlabecomlmeg n neetssa-> part ufthfe Klondyke ouft.- Soan Prancisco Cirunicle. Tie tii-calent,] aiSance In the prica ut ciatels 1labsuther uiithering ilov et tbhe pour mnn'a iot.-Bloaton Heral,]. Pruperif', eenaIt if cornes viii s ruai- uon't shovel dollar, inte fie idie, las>' ma0*8POckts.-Chicago Inter Occam. 'he'bchadahake la tic fiing betur. tic nomnations ai-e niade. lThtgrand]shako cornes ntern'ar,.-ltichmou,] Diapatei. If bas taken Wpy'e->ti a long tune taoua- rince Spain that he1lA ttuore. The rust ofut msrealize,]if sam utetme ago.-Chicag, Tht da>' ot long speece-bus le paît. Brecv- ily la tht seul, not oui>' ut vit, but ut pe- litical popularily, novadayio.-Richmrns Dispaci. Oîîe thing tint ia nul hooming mast ov in immigration, au,] nubo,]>'cartes vit> much I if Itducs taie a pear off.-BaISi.. more News. lu otier vords, Emperur William sued Emperor Nieholas vuv that fier. siali lih pente, If tic>' have fuingit toget ber for t. -Detiut Fi-ce Pi-cas. Tic anarchisatemaie boi,] f0 an»unu fiat President Faure ut France le a l.h tbefr uext rlcfln. le'ure vanne,] la iFaute ai-meu.-BoslonfleraI,]. Peunsylvaula claimsn u b. the bausset State for pesâcie. fil. eion, but, icai-cel>' lu It vîthi obluvi respect te. plu.-Bostu leraI,]. roet JoaqiluMillceitemis taregard tic KIou,]pi j auntInl the ligit outa pieuse- ontilnt. But bc hauf' reache, tIser. pcf, -Cleveland] Plain Dealer. -One gre-at i-ouble tiiti lie coust>' la fou,]litg tiefilet tint vet>'tew outhfe peu- pIe ai-e tri>itig uset veallhInluthe oid& fa alilune,] nansct-New York cJouirnaL If lato l b iped fiat .i-l scip i vii h made te cujoîn tic generiai ns. utthfe ai, - nmupiete lu fie ueigibarbood ofut foe West, Virgîia amlnes.-Ciuvolisu pIaI Dealer. If le a satisfaction t. refact fias 5&a liM MeIU a t Msaur orlthe . .- .- 1 IT FROM THE @OLD REitaoU ScCapaiiedTlIteeMmine». W& Fril.8About 0575.000 lauDentan sd risancte - fstiisse tuilaps CléuieiLa et Lite sud Pruperti. Gui,] front Klondike. 1 The long-iooke.l for Portland h as ut- rive,]. The slip about vblch ao mai17 @tories hure ijeen tolil ince abcleftt Sf. Michael reaclie,] Hcttie Hunda>' n.orulîîg. Tht Portland] carrki.d thîrtecît minera, sud the total amoulît of gold duel ou hourd ie about $575,000. The lainer% had hrought oui>' sasinili part of their astakesansd the aises utthe Portland@ cargo wai disait- pulntîag. The mnurx ou hoard, wih the iiounuts uft ieir totlginîiniit prtilte, parte uf othîi oie lii iughî wlth then., arc ns foi- J. Itou uan. $0.0; luîmeq -il, $45.000O: Josephi Goldlsmnjih, 3.4iKi; N. %N.ipu,- 111,1.3=.000; %Vl. W'. Calidwelli, 35,tm00; AV. O1er, C4100;t. K. ZilI>'. 2.511. W. Colîb. 25101:W, au l.K:A Buckle', $101.000; M. 8. llailîg, $11M)0; B. NV. learuluai, $10,(K00; M. lit. Condoir, $15.(KI0. Wlîillich(, îii ntonut or gui,] brouighf fromntue Yunkon lu>-the lPortland wvi. ai diaaptlntîutitlu Jt u tan>-, the mîcine,-hi returue i OI. li aylug thulit the r-iuoItry la fahrîlogsly rin..Th lit limâ wohicli Ihave heen nurluî',l ir,,nî use nAcil, aui liitact mODn Ofut hen. tint. ,saurauirc utf pruîing t-ry ricil. Ail gcalitualea uf tiei.. ount ot gui,] which iliI be lak.jI "Il( ut the Yukon nreit 3 cisi IitIi',cesë: cr lc1, îcry rough, au there j,. au me-tor et ,rlllilg- iug but, îuach uurk e ililibe îîne. if guis coul,] lc securcil Ici no.k the .I:ilbàe.aI- reil>' locaemlt lire woulildOUt îuulouly bc mon> milliona utdloillars tiîîl,-o t. lbut tie majorilutfnme-n Who guo lucre lîreter to prospect on île-i. owu account, 011ti- ktaimilng the. tact that 1.1gb oages ciii lue- bail. Sttatsjnîîttohave hetît mule thnaIli steamer Portland onunber ntlpttipn aili hringt 1 1111 .0 in,00 l g ulit lthe trial in lisenbac natî4 great lute.'- est in,] ethe Icloyal Spsuish reaideste llmi-rîteaPUtY for Ibis tersecule-,] girl whua t-m-iy lite 1,. lu danger nt tic banda ef fie luluotirai>- hi-st. For mouluasie bas bets iiljtcd thle. citîietici ot a$pa. li- militari-> rison l inte Câaade liceo. Jiin-t, nt Slavia. Thteti-uvu prosecutur, lu bi% harangue tiefore the miiitsr>' court. demsnde,] fias tht te-itilt,]ai-I be sentene,] for Ivaut>' 7e-an, te tic gnlle>s lu Ceuta, a platetam. ýj

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