PÂGExe ' l, P A d0,néant omepss imort fiit uh, V eg t . '. N)b nae 0211aff fraid Ofwater, but k4 tewwtrma mbdwt h r soim sr.the tabbt seset fthat sale the meu onep gu ft. yakstl g11b111,d1herimajesty's obly Palles làstanteprao h at hr.eoefrl ,l dl vlw a mtQbeàmel olue ot f raan bdla tsteexception. This cat has emore of the tetn. ,atn.A vi hscnietsdl h graes nfortdsovr tth ghabite of a -smkrat tlan- of the ani- ABI E IE.oth paaea gsioterte u hy«of1 1liwuSyÏ20ho mic18% ie ti a ralmo4 or new shomm fel0a7. It la a cra mais of LIts own kind. Fromt kitten- ttrmtettv aohrTreo eutre for sweatigeoloun and bohod It lhas had a marked fondues@ formierac.Tohnrdyugwre oes hetmphslntnee md.er'NàrlaIluer. t!redt U tschlag feet.ol sctt Try og tetouto-day.d n gwnstidn nwater.u thlandne temproversfo kneartruby@,eonerytio.op-a yaldngssadso t rs Bypértunity 1to swim and dive. Like al[lhyCantB rudu lusaifor 2r6 eents, instaMPs. Tr olicas, fitlikes the genthlof agit, and does e ufl-ata ou el r aiito h eiwn tncuh ri rtemse.Teel rpo h Sackage VFRBB. Address.Alleu .Cete e ii ilin 8.fIettee arBg ftepicplErpeu cutis(ailt A og h mnn ebr fIt Mis% Taylor, a young English woman Nal5,Mwrwr eeap ihbion fcno.0000baeaana o 86 lIýMneoa oni owy ;ligr who recently returned frontThibettePeietg h ntdSae t Tewoe ot o ie mohn- 8 n 93 hsnanterr rp o e aphrbr nOtro cruits for that nmysterious country, h rn ru rteRpbi i u-kn.ipAtrsilehdee e 7,0,0 ubl.Qiea a!l h oeo eaa onltEgad says tliat men and wolnen Who lunder- fliFrmr hnmsbusbli h-Peietorveigsadpit rset nyaot1S .o-MMlao ihgn oni n stand mediine Wittlie wmost succetessfudbt naitelteilat r00 uhlso olte illi a-std tre;M nlofM naabr n n-1o Mlie nitim, amlong the natives insituntte iet itlne ofusuaiiblcgadt th UntdKadm o t r lnadSwiofN w esy.on equ1al to thant of the Eiglish ithemnselves. iiith matacrs ofbnsadteErpa utrshr Laaotg r tuI la . TeposItIon of women, acceording to oe1000000bâeso oao 311q Titylor,lm highluinlibert thantErpa hraei ubeàcmae iyilig luinynytither country of the orient. gave d perhaps In Mongolla. In place of po- hcngRy ........... M,000 lygamyv, so commnon amongi the Mahom-Frin or rmdnPones....... ..10,0,WAnE patCra. etant, polyandry rule9 in Tibleet- e ig tn ,womnti beling married linaa iruleto all1oývstt tentoso h ws Ild- -l the brothers of a familly. lin conste- ri S lr ,fN wY katbgile* Ie quence of rthe nomnadie character o h o ofrileCo esreI. ta th.s redhFspann eor en.MN W E SATBA o i 0 rant a lpat- peuple, usually one of the husbands is otiee h nqehbto dvn '-dn %: cie ihceegCmieo h orCa prtrel eeaiaeaepr rtc al homte at a timie, the others being a-ofteailoftevse eev I anaiasad foe.adNai batrd r ruthycudntsadb e img sent In inore or Ilessdistant part-, se, tnuhattero tnieadahltinA itbr en dy h olo-E rpa epu.B elcn htr S ý finl 1.thle polo of their lahnds. Wom- o h urae fhu a odczd b- an sile admvé it on-ý j en linT hibejt,t ,Mille§Taylor asserts, are shl li;m u . ttat t ae ii( i.ri-wdeutgeofelbti4i hybl aseso in he oeomad th gln isoae U. neverd punislæd-a factnttoowhichesheoat- thtributeIscitovr hthiee sav'aingapenr o ofh mntherutie flifeymei onwi sever- wý.-. L Try Graéin-O! Try Grain-Otill ttecraon.Te ildI)-cud xli htti eat Amik your grocer to-dayt to o,à T isdsiei showr e nte e mpwii yoedrusuace eueI h atron aie o aec t a obav la fle ngltCui package of GRIA IN-0,the new food ttlat fteolcesdrin n orgrd fbggadto e h reti likt oeo h edn hppr etekientriewtota.. .. dren may h drinfk w.iThthoutd o te injury.It aie a ad iliez4 itoee as wenell as nohe taemn wn ienon y p the adult. eAll who. tryrt Iitonliked het. GitA[N-O has that rich esea url o hrpe h hp ostt pr. 1oid lot brvi*uownnt,ëtc n icmn vnu.Apo of h e tpone t otne h oko Mtocheasaid Java. but it la mode fromtlvn uti o alnvrbe pr i-:ed h tmymydwt n Nrh gtigtemnsi prtowihhl puegraine. and the amstdelicate stom- fr nIl mieSaeotietem- rlt Dul oso ect ho ensatdln eki lvln.A E U llV B A TCII fourth of theprieettofcofee.15e and 25e Ari flm oknnt etwd h iywlrmete nrd ht n aoyaoeteJn.bl-ieo h htatcm ite albe icaad pur package, sold by all grocers. la " pndi ale h wesbo.Pbi n rvt ulig eemrh tokdstbamwso-tecnlc feaeet asdtm n atr B k rC .5 Indtibsa ,Xr owshab u n o 2,ds035 utein atownddntsfla withtue te% siancet haggrsioe-a teya gue oultono 2.2117l Aao t Bsoela gtermtr f-os0 l ete(itth of the total population. OfteRo a vil w eo enae. ri éoce b crtoswr nead " . tth lt.te0ihabitants, for ty-eight more gute 0cn te r1ag- thon Ne.t,.a nd 5511 mnore over 10,00. C« euto N E Tàeli The largest are Bombay. 821.164: Cal- Bsns e nTrnoaetyn etitta. -771.144; Madra, 42.51; yder-tedvna ceet aetestniBaur h hepàfhmorTao- rk abed, 415.9M ; I: ,ucknow. 273,028; lien- psto ntet Ct eiue are%. 219.40i;7;IDelhi, 1259 Mandalay, Te hn aainldtt-ý it if« B k o h od 110X.815; ' npr,199.712; Bangalore, ece apon wbe wratimul 1 RUm;Iangoon. 183.324; laâhoM.ll.)n,$ Im $ 17 lo. *idt; .\t aa baoba<lIl175.24 i1. Itl ook t-went-ty-elgght yearsfor lan A-ofep in ns urt kansaft wife to k.arn that tnu voni ngt iecueolpomanieadkn «an hive luipily %%wIiha pigeonu-toed rdmnacodtoso iiilgihy' G o T eW l B rT is, ., Baldnsi. eithmer lhereditary or -zaud in rvnl it 'Sntýsa' llT i e " U e S p lo by toi-kiw- , n'nal exhausttion. wearing oelel haatln ec- - tih hitg .haloanib rwok m trable. lgeiall'i, notentenerawill tprevente .it. When tatan be;tns to raute thbe devil ne aoct . aebë eert SUFFERING WOMEN.j n, sI.TeGrinntotetJO Sow Manýy of Thom Have QuietlyInýrnetndrtemuch el- Obtainiad Advice That Made rt soinin eeoulwdAd_ Tho noLt ai t foliir te ok o srit.cnsiras My itr, f vu indtha lnffpte off the se fth e esselboutwh enes, loljwiigfail;fll yar finiy dc- wll ishe a ba dinn e an aseldom ome Manyand an *v awoma basqui t wo thersurfacewithtl iandgoowd-e %vrit te M Piukann f Lyo, (h1In its mreot. 4 itehunts its wa lot Mus, tatngbersy ptonsplani nrltgame in ich then same way that an a d u e ad de rudeoary, nd " n br avire wl" ord iary pieat h nitice. et C roc ig.o was " pUy r*xivoti. Thethe defuctpeers overtthe sieready otw rot-hti Clm i ingleteri8 wt aspring whetpor oe swims alongItgiestht usro inetty , Thng so ditin y ctieL s o atgu isterpe of the ofDeersnandncrew, and isaregard emlirmtion 9prand thrught he r Mest y's rfeeawlm, a lia: rnn crowds colleet to wa t aicsaan arfrdbcyls Ourrrentt Conden satione.hi hikfr i as beoeed iugnanThe owners of the guu larry are da s y d iale isorf.UA D F EEASL INLavn the m 1 be st quf aldadity. gael fro rl' At Boscoreabe.alensbai amongstad enthe o tremains of% we av has b r een dscoer.Telar nscr1ipn e- ferring toaly ouen tetheg worshlytine f heXofnrathe Ertp WM 14$erora a expositioneeain in thatterd citya permaUugaylaRiotDo n REAM C ,eut.r, m lisai te y hakbon, lan he Theye p hin k Canade ian ndstrmidom ihfoer;adfrethave ea - er n copnidb o.Bak.e otvdo 1 t»ul hardy wal &roun the Inge; The re mof kleom n iadeki- ec tireiofwrhal uy2,00p iosb ckd he I at B da a lee rvds t vvastrouleilwit num almlL drehal muental cond iness ms of hechestn mie engatY.eres nteviiiy ftehaladexen by o tetri xedng ri 1..v tatren our oule of ýydi F. y funias.aned ing uzle tethe cun-Te a a efc.Asoe uigpeedtilrdspoi me tntbig Mrh, fl e18& heeeetwk FinklarWa egctale Cýpound on ioni ven in thae. o lianote. sate I lls h ib rsee h lopee Dr emte esaetePeietsbad i a "àntdwnble aai boue o he BlM Plriler cmpac- i-orcome crimninal tenittepraethlenckn rllatl,1- ig ui Hl. h Peo.n onclertinofteleaepneneofUn al ber anativ Washl,»d am t is no t agetntiteraly now that aas-bu hr aa liln reean th drvateheBfloC bw r cr-gaywihwu ci donA .M lou8A LAC, 50 ek s ore1and . aThe aGer a au Thiti e lare ogv hi atn e hv ace h eetotr ei nevrserrt Liinterfereraigcean b<lra with e hagthe veteranua.si wn heseon butpt - --- - ----- thdre asorintio nd we oulaeslane sit ffrytceIos t8ococ ntdMn okeso meia lt itirmembspuze Cer taie< tauonpra-tarse n W sintn CutP. m itr f o da t in h hutofte spaiteprt hteladn abd ofarhr olwn aihul or family d e tmtaiefrIde xlsvl.pulehswyPs h lio ieo iEe srin adticeuyoueare not getting weM w h o y u n t tr n t e o r e te . T ef r i u el f th e t na e b e ak n a a c e r n Mantan may awoandhasoqui tly iie udcytlw eaeo h wrin tocamp tPthnkhan.nrof hLynn, blsssttngh r smptomplai l pt ooe ale tnsw ili td clearlyrand taken heraadramce,,whnich ng et ri S ie.ee a utmr o wt ada hi ed bu pretty anbenmrcer raptrongth ple n Aarit-tentime pieuped aboutut2 eents, aie, sts ut Mwandftnnd by ca lorlertatu aaraerway trtationtmue in the he norpthI of ouwold 't hFrance.d gie ipnThe mant acu carriuieel fthe anoinmitod thehestationrlimaster.o ThThefuncthonaryesent the parceire