Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 3 Sep 1897, p. 8

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V SALE"0F Fu-RNI:TURJ3. e'r THE iconda Furniture Store. Soid lOak lIed, Dresser vtlî24x10GAnss, and'ou dODey ............... Itedsteada, Fui Size............. -.... Ai-Steel SiTnsanp ime ............ Bandsutpieiatan Rockers......... 801h Oak l80wiug Aoke............. Beivng Tables.................... Croquet Sels 4( balh>............. Antique Finiish Dresser ............... . $1,.0o 2.00 up 1.51 2.0) up 1.501 .75 .65 6.00 Full Line of Undertaking Goods, Always in Stock. First lass Hearse Servýice. M. W. HuQHEs, fauconda, - - - - IllintAs.' WEc CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF GORAIN, FLOUR, MILL STUFFS, SEEDS, ETC. .,mber, Coal, Lime, and Cernent. 5 WC BELL THE WE3BER WAGON, WI4EN VOU WANdT GALL ON W R1GHT &SON, 1brtyville, 'I - - - lilinois, r S »cm a a awy oriivod upon for fait and honest reports of MUl p9UitiraA affairs. Ythe Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies Ail of the News and the best of' Current Literature, 'ft la Moridly lean, saniasia Famiy Paperln W ithout a Peer. lie..efthe B.fet Magaulume. j taouths'DepartaUIt ist 10 lirings to thet famiiy the Newset.4Oh.séatire Werid and givns the hast and alilest dlcvî,eeiofla of al iuostions of the day. The hitrocen gi"ss twshae' utrdlof n gmottore ah wook and heng pablish64 ia CbWÀago là bAtto.-zwapt-ul tu the neels of: lhe ote- ofîe C tth- Alcghany Uta. th tiaaur other super. $1.00 PRICf, ONE DOLLAR A VEAR SI.0 The. Dal" and Sunday Prive or Dhall hi'mail .... ... éS 0per year ilrisie of un, ay inail ..... _..-À(»Per r-ar Ibeïr kiid ..............Addreaa THE INTER OCHAT4Ccagof. THE44TH4ANNUAL LakeCo-ty Paire WILL DE HELD AT Libertyville, Septs,'1,5 to 17. Around the Couây. Aptati lae ta0 a&20 806 0rarlViev se82 .., .81 Ie thton 99 56 8537 aie Roekoelier 8a0ie es t teId41 S904 , arak 1018 82 64 e a 8,2s ïAt.ýeael 10183803 en IAk vinIa 810264lice a1là 10 20 0O130 SOUTIE ODaiiy except Sunday. a stopo otly on signai. ILi. &I.. m. p.m . i. pot. Lake Villa 71os 1l29 438s 803 1110 Rtolins 700 - 4 SU 11a l e4* 46 oit1146 itort 1 33 il 03,4M8,22 1910 Leihton 7 se 401 1.4 Prare Vievî7i86 1202 boa 11 4p"akî8o 7 59 611 les M:lIeellfa 8053 Il as 11 à icgo 350 161..04 Sainte Peter andi Paul@ Churoh. iBERaTirvILL. i. BUNDAY SERViCEs. First 11388-8:00 96iM. Iligh Masak-10.lO0M. iM. ROCKEFELLER SOCIETIES. C ONOREOATI(JNAL Church Sundai aer ve. 10:30a. m. and 7:30 P. iM. Pinter moetinp Wodnedayeveuingo. . P. S.C. . Ineet Snday eveningo at :4. JuniorUC.F.. at 1 0owck. DAODCampNo. tiât ILW. A. m=e montb. D. Oaîwrrr. V <C. 0. 0. P. No. sis, meet eond and lourth Thursadays of eaeb Ilofth. N . Giao. A. (AST. Secy. . G. T. meet Thursday evenings of each week. LzsTaa Bumnîcar. 0. T. J OHN 0. RAGAN Pogt G. A. B. meet Saturday night on or before fuil mou. J. A. MABOu. Cum'dr. OHB CauxCNi3LL. Adt. MaBi 0118south......8:04 L im. 9:2p. Im. Mal ging north................ 10:03 & M1. Mail over land by stage arrives et 10 a. m. departsaAt Il a.Im. ROCKEFELLER. 10 Geo. F. CarIe and ister vote Chica- go visitera Taesday. E. E. Hoehne tecks trip lu Chicago Sunday un bh ie el. lit, snd li». Blet speul Suniay vibh patenta ai Long Grove. Mima Mary Lilehtieli la eniertainlng lils Olga SteMnluo! Chicago. M. E. Rtzenthmler reiuroed Tues- day rou hia tip te Lansing, lieR. Chs. Kobl, of Lake Zurich, vam bore lioniay attending te busines lteteea. Lyle Gorhau rtuelutshume Tues- day aller a ev veeka visît viih rela- tives ln Iava. lira. Fred layer, of Chicago, came ouniWedueaday te &pend a ev dmps vlth ber moibens relation. lit. Herman Kublandinluagia bu aur litiatovu. Hermon veut ouI te Iova about three meunths mgo. lir@. lubut uni daugbter, of Chicago, returneul home Balutday alter a plcasant visit vilh telativea bere. Will Kiagge and famlly aceompeniel by lira. Spicb ani the Mismes Rerasb. berger apenl Toeiiay et Long Grave. Ernest Blova bai caunienced Ihe foundation on W. L. BRicha bouse. lr it. Ela .qaile plomaod te se i camtnenced. lira. llrseborger sud iaughier Milirai returaci home lant Sunday afernoun frou a aovea veekao' vlait et Allioral, Palatine soi Long Grave. lira. B. T. Similiauser and daughter Marlou vbo bai beau vlsitlng aItlthe borne ut bar parents 1ev. and lira. Gea. J. Buck, tetuined lu ber houe lu Chicago lest Wedaeaday avening. Mrm. JohnGiesandmoilra. Fred Bratai vbo bave beeu vioitlng lira. L. H. Lilchieli lefi Saloniay nooa for Chicago vbere tbey vîllIsponi a fov days prieotet returang home ta Ida (love, Iova. Naît Sandmy thora vill ho services aI tRe usual boots. The Pesitrvwlll preme luIR e mrning and Bey, lit. Bartou, a! Whetun, Ill., vilI preach in Iua evaning. Communion aI IRe close ofthlAe uorning service. AU are coditally Invîteul. TAie pîsymatos 0f blila Maron A. Sluabaumer gave ber a surprise party ai the boueof lit. and lits. Bock 1esi Tueaiay eveing. Thone present vote: Milsses Lotie Faigo, Laur% Gorham, Lauella andiMlitai Rerach. berger sud lmister Claude Forge, Athut Bergborn, Bertilo arden and Biernard Svao.Ire eveaing paed ailla qick sud viii Ae tememhared vilh plasente by ail especially by liarion as she vas tabea coupletely bî serprise. Large coagregations I1110f the Chapel aI hoih mornlog anti eveaing services lutI Sabbath ani over 4mxy mon vote in steudance at the e in. meeting 1u IRe miirnooa. The principal adireaa lu the morabog vas S elvetei bp lit.Chs. Ring, o! I Waukegan. Il vua e analermiion of IRe social ptablemm and vwu ve ______ ecîlvoîl by ovotp ene preseî. lRe vas follovod by lit. Will Bennet aima o! Waubegsn, vho apokte along tb. smue line empbmuzlng IRe.temarba of IaaU~~~Mr. lt. igri. K. S. Bucb cooducisi asTii.Il -enton Smith, of Chicago, gave IRàeaui n n t o. gospel message taking 1cr biesaubjeet WIliIb the Fair Sept. 15, 16, ,The RealIng ofNmmau ihe barbun.,, and 17,an give exhibition each The eveng meeting wu openei vilb day. He has a record of 2:09 a tveutp minute song aetvlce led by Greatest attraction of the age. Dr' Cogavoîl, oI Waukegao. Dnlng tb. song servislit. Davia, of DI&Mon L"ad ilira. Simaumet, of Onwensia 0f Lake Forest wilI play an Ohîcago, sang a duet vertlm exhtbltton garne Thursday praisively. Afler reaiing of a C u Sept. 16, at 11l o'clock IL.n. partio! tbe hOtb chaptet af club0 a0 . àlabbev moi prayer b. hePester, lit. Th <arn.wlil beplayed be- l§S. BUCkL, 0 Wanbegan anidlit 4 W*irt an~d 8% cond Tearns.n& If you want Smnih, o! Oicago, pobe brie~et lii *ttorwinthip, corne early on this the vorb cf te lb. Xoue Me Oriia éfPolo4,secl LU. An eaet 0e4PO Tbe Wauconda Iudepeoniu vere Aielialed by the Union@ aI; Barrin Mr. . . 1moka ham removei the Itedge trou tier propetty on Main sreet ln complianese mnauordinance reeeotllppanai bp ihe lourd iaregard to burb vire mui bedga &long tb. roui. 'There an. aIRer badge. ln lb. vilflge hio ahouli ha removei. Wbat la lait lot onu la fait fer anobet, The W. C. T. T. vill Raid tier Counlp canfetence aI Wuon.ia, sept. 8ci thIe aptilalChutRa, begin- ning at 10.30 A. M. ibey viii hold au ail dmp meeting. Speakers are expect. ai trou Waubegan uni cIRer places. AUi are otrdialip tevilei lu attend thoeameeting. liMoi lidr%. W Wod enl se Elgin l Sundap. Wha yitRia a mile ani a hall a1 Elgin tbe longue of IRe auttey goï; broken.lir. anidlira. Wood vlk. ei trout thora se Elgin, laavlug the suttey ia the rondand oithe tesu vilE a fermer. Duriug lb. nigRI noe m i creaittook IRe vaila Itou the rig aud Ihey have net as yol hoon louni. Mrt. Mlien veut- lu Elgin alter lAie horses ,Tueeday. BARRINOTrON. Beaol commences boe Sept. 6tAi. Dr. Clausina toturneu ru Etiffalo Maniay. Bey. Hagerma bai ragalaei hi. bealth once more. A large dolagation ailoudai tRe reunion ai Elgin ti. wsek. Ournty;r~a llgtei vllb electricity Saiuriay eveing for the lirai tirne. Effelyn ituopan leIt here Sunday 10 beglu ieachingea iGlimar on liouiay. lit. and lira. Wm. Plait, of Wau- coude, viiei relativas haie Tueaday. lir. G. R. Coualack bai been s10k fot nome lime and la 81111 conlled lu bis bei. Pro!. J. I. geate and bride have teturnei trou Iheeutî. lHe bai teued his votk bore ln ont maIde. t The fourlh queterly conterence vas beli here Tnesday aiernppn in M. E. chuRc. P. E. Rarden vas preseol. Pteachlng services vill ho heli oeil SuodaY aloernoou eM 2 o'clock ln tb. school baume at lobe Zurich conincteti y bpheb Baptiai psmor otlblaplace, 1ev. 8. S. Ratanm. IXinlatla hohoped tbRai verpboip mampturn out mnd varabip on the Rolp Sabbalh. HALF DAY lira. J. W. Trlpp le home Itou Davne's Grave. Ernet Lainon loft 1mat veek to loin bis Company lu Cicaga. lbsa abel liaon la in Elin work- iog inte we acaciory. linudMoilra. Frank Bock are rooclng iver tRe arriveI o! a baby girl. lite Arîlierlll, o! Rainesville, vimteti Rer munitlita. P. B. Tripp laut veek. Mr. Pettlbouo an& iaughter, Charlotte, o! Ohicao, viallei W. D. Baeys lfami l1ai veek. Our a Sniap moool receoily ai a picole a$ Clybouin Park. A yeny enjopoble dmp vas spent. 8. L. Trlpp Ram a nov bay prouandma la ai wotklng balla g hay und strav lot lb. p. ouls &rounhere. Et. Graa oceupleo tRs pulpi' every Siap uy orning st 14:30. Ail are iuvited te Conts aniheur hbu. Thé contract lorthlb.nov bridge ber. in bovn vas loi 10 Bllad & Blley. Tbey bave Il compleioiaid CheneenWolffbhi th. misfortlune ta bave a pur t b bistuub toton off aid Miaa nd cnlquIbe hudlp vblle pole« on a boit ou a tbteSbing machine one der bmai eek. IW alrs vilai outavnla~e a. Golding vermt ethe clmp irday. àttend lt.eILake Oouaip Fair tii four. G. M. Fitch returuei trou Buffalo, Lpriday. Barry Fuller wua a Mflenrp viaitor Bunleyp. Min Grue. Hill, la visiting relaties ln Chicago. Y. Barbàan. of lillenry, vas ou ont etreetas aturday. William Bale. of (Chicago, ia vistlng with George "tesi. The chili0of lMr. and lira. F. Gale ia reportui quite *tek,,. E. A. Goling vam on the utreetm, libertyville londay. M-<. ènd Min. A. North ame entertain. iIg giloalafroni the City. Jas. Seasrol Algonquin, vliied rela- tives lo Ibis place Sonday. M. T. Lamey, of Barrngton vai a Wauoonda visitor 1'ueuday. Dodo DmanOk@ la reporled on the sich liai nt prenat vrltiog. Min Smith, -of lauoo, vwa the guest of 0. C. Roberte Tmosay. WII Spe Comcme conit rou the City Satnrdey eveming on hie vbeel. 0. N. Derp, of Wankegm, vas on aur stzeetA Mondap mi»A Tuenday. Ma.BleeoOmotok, of Bsruagtoo. ia vlmitig relatives ln tht. place. An open air Prohibition lecture a given un our ominet. Mooday oight. lir.aidau. lAmphere vent la Elgin Satuady aidreluanai lioniay. Perd Grovenor viE ommence hie sohool at Prairie Viev next monday, Quile.a oumber front hla place at- tended lh. WooOaock fair 1mai veek. litre.R. BuggIes la havlng ber boume palnted. lit. Hammond la doing the votk. lit. E. L. Harrison entertmined a friand trom Evasion, aslev day. laut veek.. Elmer Roney, of Chicago, visiled bie parents ltMoi andra. J. P. Eoney laut veek. 'Ohas. Wicke mod dangbter, of Dem Planes viilidvitb lMr. aid Mmr. Uaiman Mondqy. 8Eev. Bovimnia, o!Chicago, deliver. oi tva excellent sermons ln the Emptia cburcb lut Burnlay.. mia"Clara Banga, Who asmabeen, spendlng a lev vceks ai Cary and Crysial Lake teturned liooiay. Mima Oota Tidmmtsh. vho ham homo spenig a 1ev veeks vllh finonds la this place relnrned ltu1ElginWedn- dmp. Mr. maidlira. J. B. MliGnty, lide and Edgar MeGhnty, vho have been spoinog tesummer at the Glyuch farn returoed tse .Ciy Monday. PA LATIN E. lise Tena Aeps vas a Chicago vlitor i'riday. Mima Me Morris relurned troun Duluth Tbursiav. A. G. Smith vlaitei Benton Harbor, MicR., ovet Sunimp. 'Umn Enom' Amp, spent Wedneuday- with lniensmilaCary. waa. Bei y, af Coear Rapidm, Iova, risited bore lev eeb. Bd Quentin, of Chicago, visied trienifs bestits veek. Min Dot&aSmas, of Chicago, la viail. Dng Ilonda e re tRiaweek. lieas. Minule J. Mieyer vas calling oD blende In Palalioe Monda,. lit. Hmllock, a formertteuideet of Pmla tie, spent Suodmp vitb friands. is Belle Cooper vîlI teaclu lathe Bldin district the coining year. George Foteman aidWilliam Evlug, of Barriigico, vers In towD Tueeam. lla Lydia Beckname wyUl speni Ibiin week vlih hier brother ini Plomb Oruve. Welter Lylle ani WiAI Aigrime vent to Milvaukee on the Whaleback Sun. lit.aid lia. Henry Relue are vI@it- lng vlth Irienda aI premeut la ihis lit. andi lra. Seip, o! Lake Zuric. risitei vwith thier sou lu Ibis place tonday. Ths Ladies Aid Siociety of the M. E. Church vili bahd a Sauaar jusb belote Elbistama. Mev. J. C. Butcher and lamily ratura- id Itou Camp meeting Thnrmap uto ln voek. A.large homber Itou ibis place ai- teniai Ihe fair aI Woouaock, Friap oflent veek. lita. Chaa. Morris te .ntertaîning lier moîher and simIen tfroun Evwnton, et prosent wvtbng. P. A. Hanîlett and vite vimlled ih Mt. lImrtlett's parente In Woiaock Thuruday oflenat veeb. lir. and lin. Banse vîli leave for Iliiet houe lu Springflald, LotiIssus, Tuesimy Sepiembet 79b. The lent quaterly coaferauce ut the conference pear viili bc eldIniiithe M. E. cbutch Tueeimy evenlug. Miss Rattie Walker, a former teachet In ont public ashol, vialtei viI lira. lillan Reynolds over Sunday. lita. B. Ai. Lytie and daoghter viait- ed vilh relative.situBeutnsenHarbor, Eich., over Saluriay and Solnday. lirs. Chia Smith andi danghiter Ratile and kirs. Wialding, aIl of Chicago, voeeguensaof lira. H. Strker TAh ctu. day. - Diei, Saturiay Angumi httb, 1897, ai ber homne naratArlinglun lieigbts, lins. Sarah Wilson vite of the laie Âlleck Wilson. lit. and lira. S. Rele, and lin. and lira. Jobasu, o! Laboriyville, voee guaita of ltMoi lidra. Mati Bichmond Thursaiy of Altvaik. Deb. Cooper bas chauged ber situb- lion from Lake Bluff lu lidleury and vîll assume ber dalles ai beacher at IbmI place the onîlng par. Minme lodia Baldwin la home rectuit. iny, aller vacation, prortansiot lue. auulng ber achool dattes. BAie vill ieacb la Evanston the oomiug Yeau. Henry Wlldtbageu commenced 'hie dallon bobtilthe counter for M. 0. liatibel Batutday, ve are glade se se hiu In nia place once mare, aber no long aUie. The Oaeauerp, of Elb Grave, ovned hp J. Slgvalt, aI Arlington Heigbm vas bntnei go the grouni Moodap nlgbt, ofliai veeb. The fit. salMinluthe tee bouse lu the rem of tRe . buollihg. The 11111. jockey employei by, John Wlson met vilb a sever accident te- cenl. Wb"la peeiing one o1 ihe runners liondap aMd atiempting la tutuaet Kilmena bridge the boras 1.11 and the rider wum lhtovn, dislocaliog a boune lahie insap. ArihorS eMaonmet vith a serions acidentl Priiay 'vhIlmt cuttioig voot vit i bla Imhin te m ove. Misais eaugbtinutlhe 1mb ofeatee and came dova n e .ide o! bie lace, bit- ting bis ear and nmai. quitéS. afmh In lb. aide of!hie hemi. Uniar te cure o! Dr. SeadUig bli oing nlcely. GAGES LAKE. The paa of o!the Gageas Lake M. E. cburob, lit. W. M. Bnyan bainan- nonncd thalspeclal revival services yulbhl ~ d etthe obarch emob Sun- day evuning iuring September Mnd rGoeR. . ev seng books, *dGood Mevowa1tu oue viE hc o md Ma aver, enjepable andi profitable lime lm expeetel. The vbole neighborhooi abould aritnout ta IRes. apeclal meet. ings. _________ AujotionSai. The undetagned viii seiA nt publio Saction tbe Fruii Gi..b. ferai, one and orne-hait mile. neaib of Long Grave aM Labo Zutieu rond,aonating tb"là mr,. altdoy, sept.- 4. 11114. i 3 ocokkp. jM. Tb@ farnila vwu& imuroved. Lo" Sbuildins in ca dey aidTuïmdai St buiausm Bd. tSobutuMe, troO bleago f vum vlitinu vith big alka bure ovet sunw Minme Anale Aruburmier an ontrwe Bice t ook in Chicago for a.1ev days Immi veek. Jacob Fritsch mni vite vent in Chicago Sna m rang los a 1ev daym viai ihbihmsnon. Merliun Koltel ont retiae vaehouse Mmnegetvu off on a fevday. trip se Chicmgo and beyoud 1mat vcek. The Lake conuol lait Sept. 14 lu 17. DoUI lail t'O atend. Tabe pour lalnliy aid friande loog as it viii ha the bist lair yet boed. lMyor J. Hanumulok tbm train for OblcmqO Monidap noon t10look &fier the intercaa.of Wm. Shmit who teaai the Gerumn RoaptWand la expeoied home laithent rfutute. it la repoated Ibat vs are te bave another bicycle race over the Wheeling courée mn labor day Sept. 11h. Wonder1 if mnp 0f Our crack ridera are gobE seo enter. Lonle, one o!flir. liorm'a tedumera balarunsay "tjic m ivng manute Batudaybre&laghim 109 below the knee. lHe vastaben te, the cousty Hosplal sunday morning. The Wbeeling Pire Deprguelit yl have anothor grand piconleand dance Baiutday Sept. 11, 1ri Brovn'@ Grove. Don't forget the date moi place,aid ve will guarantee you a good and jollp lime. Henry Llbbe hma leamed licehu Brom. yard aidstables at ibLlhtville during ihe lait. Nov vhuben oaiteb your hast girl mni dont vish se ha botbered iti y our toamijuSou ve il in Henry@ charge and bc. yul give yonu .misfaction. Charge% remouabie. I Keystone Corn Husker I and Sbrder. . ..a SHusks corn and makes hay of the stalks. ,reSterling Snapper and Shredder,, Hummer Sulky Plows. Brabley's X Rays Sulky Plows. Bradley's and Deere's Walklng PIows IBUGGIES - WAGONS - TRUCKS. Lumber ANo Coal. SALT, CEMENT and TILE, Rope, Twine. Etc. ~GHSchanck & Sonq LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOISI IVANHOS. li"as ambJoie la Iakiug orters fot carpel airetcharo. Mrt. andlir*. A. Wrz bokIDlie Futest lait Friiay. lira. Helen Itmdhe maidler hree Ilîlile cbiote are viniinIg telativen bere. lir. ad lire. Sl:iigier Irîvîteul ail the Young peuple to imort vith Ibein ta t idsy eveuOag. Thoier ar 1ennmherotehilliren Itou the Swanîdistrict vioc, vili attend "cboutaIRockleller tIs toritu. Thie laiesq'bave torujoula ceeetprp association and araeAoplug lemake ont cemetery lookbeotl u the Dean fute. lira. Mary Proctur Who bas leeu visWt lng relattves sud friend, liero expocts se reburn u se rathomo la pringield udxt inth. PEOPLES' COLUMN. cnt rdu'ltiret ihune, It cent sur vord ,acfb adltonaileo. I Y O<UR HOiIS8TEETH-N.,ai lxig lie thr. aan .,h]l t..low ut ie, C«)uniy Faiim 1.0 un..rtan'iatheivil.s F MALE-le.20.40.76 r 17 ar.sf 0f od t.'roîer. Terqà and parllvnlarm adiase or ,l, uO .' C.<>rT"UK. lt V ilaie. ýry lýiUeton. goud iralago 011 le'lOiht qheaforumat. tiltSALES.'ol.haIorigan On Vood F ..litl1,. All.e.ti So. s- F 9lo ItE.%T-Hl nu- andl loin hbaa. o ".Il aMi vicIe ru. A ires. W. taffor&. Libertytils,' lir. aidlis. Albert Ititta altendai the Wooistock fair ail Pridap. Thep drove over siartilag mt 8 'clock ln thieF moruing and resurmeu in the evoing. R Iteport a -gooi lime._____Furniture, 81. JOI lui m uloi l HbOF Undertalking, ROUTE. Paints, oporatine the esuperb sIde vbeel seamers. City 0; Chicago City of hëlwaukee and the newly reboult propeiler CITY 0F LOUISVILLE. Betvsen Chicago and St. Joseph and Benton Harbor. Miohigan. $1 Dally Excursions! levingdcck. font of Waebash Avenue. Chicago every morng ai :30. arrive resorts at 1:10. Iemlng reortsa t 4:10 p. m., arrive Chiuog on retnD st 5:10 p.Ue.. daily. Regular goeam. er aimo ses la t1:0o. .daliy and et 2 p. m. Saturdara onlv. By thls route tiev tourlat reaches dirent the heart of tIhe Micigan Fruit Boit and a"s the most charmiug suin- mer re.ort reglon adjacent to Chicago. CRICA000171CZ 4River St., Foot Wmbeb Avenur. l. H.ovb., Presme.t. Oils, Varnishes, Glags, Putty, Etc., Go to ISAAC HCATH & SONS Libertyville.Ilîlinois. F.BAURSTOWI. l îunfactuler of ?iMable Granite M on n m e nt s. CÉMETEBY WORK cf EVERY DESCRIPTION List pour property -with me sud 1 wil i md you àa outuoiriM reasonzible rates. Âmong numerous choice bargainR I have the ffooing. Lake County Fmrme For Sage. Smliterni one mile nort0 eOail In 1 Rame &Hailtlid. Oeiltes a uiig. lzeUme Improvi farion bankso ofGage$% 7 room bouse, bain Mex 0fI. eçdl a. W ,*li.eea 5pr mre, at cash. balanS ea 0,, istrn yuulngu ofmw mac su long tine ut loy rat e trat. fruit, rivià sol. Splendid loction for 14*aceMSpov, eriadjacent 047 Thiri 5rdiiingi. LLib. lhrsl. Lîbertyvilie City Proporty. Une aSre on Mlwaukee rosai, bouse. lba Himreu lb 'gtro moenos babe, 11go cisnes..Il gond velia, guuod ec-.a llw.ltwt gtrntne os t 10-~ira Ob r.. Prl-a Uacmre, part. goo.4 well. ,Agterii. maoIeand fruit tises. cas . oieeo sione Bt X er:%..t. cap for ocashl. ur un r.asonai tarams. lie ter" haf a baveaen Warreitonn For solé- . w ue ildinug 2nxiu foet. caap for Govq»mai UtiM e fout mile» oti, of LibeovMel. ,'e aproveul uder sgoui ss Lst f jtIvation. .no vmsteand on coifllotq 501150 f-st et fromon 003to lm0 ImprovaiFra hoe tp 1.11 crs WÂOT Tu TRAÀo-Chi's' ore corner lot la adjacent t as Wa. ()entrel Igtat$on, aut iàh-rtYvJIliefora %mail Improved umifaon tu mont remmuombie terism. acwros) earLibortyvll> -or Mlwaukee IL a. Four tamensle Vernon Township. Wiil pay camh difrence Seoveraichiolee ferme' lu Avon -To*nmhip - Oray.liku. nemi Otmt8ilako.. Fois S&ux--A chuico loi 66 by 177 Il. A spiendid teaim 120 apres adjacent to Ptice $1591 cah. Taylor lalie. Investimite th18 raie bargaju. Wlat 10 rant a gooîl houes .and ba n TlffioaJ. M ie mu erso . Subscription News Agent yankee Ave., ~ il ee south. o! Llbartyvilk,: -'ÂUIi 180 oeson .o aide of roadail0ar.s LF IN timbaeracr.eAthtiriver. ssii whoieur URANCE AGENT. 1b.1al. -If Yon vaut tul WAA<T TO TloàoE-Agoui 100 lu 200 Day, BSll. lient.or TraM Bemi Eeia acte ar infor cash. 1 It vii par fon W counsult H. Ce PADDOCK, LIBERTY VILLE, ILLINOIS ci 1 Q_ à Qmil, .

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