Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 10 Sep 1897, p. 1

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I e 'à Vol. V. No. 48. Dr. Charles Oalloway. Office over Lovel»&Drug Store Boum w13031luS SUDS uP. X. Libertyville. -Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. office ov.r Trisse & Taylor'@.. -Bou&-- l te »a. M. 12t06eaMdI&Wteàp.M.. Esd.aosmo. readw Oppooite p&r LibertyvIlle , Illinois. Dr. A. L. TRA S. moau"a dM& p&al àlita unetum f SS cf ObniaEeas. Rooefllea Ilinlm Dr.H.O0. .YOUNG. Physiol and Surgeon. Our -------Illinis. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. Off lcm ovoq J. W. Butiers hldgf Mou: ato 12a. m. sud o ap. m. DAILY- L.ibertyvllle. 1<. Dr. S. V. HARVEY, -omCE SOURIS- atotaA.m. itosasdlloep.M. Graystake -Illinois. W. a. SCHAEFFER'S NU RSERY. 0as mbeaornb of LonD by.P.OLb CO.. I. rui.Pba& and Onamanital Trý. G ram-. via sMd mSuit mita a« Mr 1 rkm on n aoiiad stock. O. F. Butterfleld. M. D. C.1 PAUL MaCGUFFOIN, ttotSp sud OouaUas.laaw.1 NOTARY PUBLIC specisiasenlion glven Cofleellong 8"d ouuveyaacing. 011103 Wau Lait Coux-y 8Baut. ibertyville. Illinois. L81CNT VILLE MOTEL MaW§,ly lraisali tbrongbt. DiuAguoom Serice First Chaez. Headliaaerv or. .r and Csut (nrill TiLLOTSON & FUMNILV. IPo. CorMite. Av.. .1 ,IClir'b ht., LI BERTY VILLE. --ILLINOIS. W. H. MILLER. TONSORIAL ARTIST, When yon wabt às dean abave or a good bair eutll -m,~~i~. CHOICIE op I> (?CIOAiW. teit de oor W1. C. 111w lsboe store onuiau t.t'ruo ,ry day A GOOD FULL MEAL, FOR ii CENTS. King's fRestaurant une dowonih 'd p e).ILL. MALW.WiILD j1h about low -et or g OI .ve à]nai ut VasperWoo.tC'. W..-tnq*'lthwrv ru hur .hoau iul,,i fartr.flh,,., ther". tb'voral J. J. L.~auw Gr Ysii e ii le. l. JM R 808fi IdAIR WORKER. Mantfacturpr 0f ail iNties ead60of hIalr. Ouch as Chalua. Br"at? n. t.'. 8wltch aSgslly Wut mer. !.Pajtesidalrtu lbave 50v article Madie L'.ber *roblOfa Iwl..u n iave fildome Mrs. John Baysen. LibertyVflte FIvNe» and Dustersat a Dscou nt to make room for CHAS. KAISER, Libertyville. - Ii LAKE '41 COUNTY BANK ..... Wright. Parkhurst & Go. Libertyvile,IMnois. lteues Interest-Bearllg CertIficates Payable on Déimand. Y~~ile. Lake County, Illinois. Friday, September 10. 1897. Hsppp soit.T COMING FAIR. Promte eArc a, pblisbed At Arodia Wi.,0clP lte@ fOlloviugiPro »0ctholie the Croat..t Faim regrdig o0epacer, Happy jacI Ever Ibid ln Laite County. cio ao he aila. ai.Conuty Vair, Ashlé lUme for the Labo Coity Ftir gaetes l, 16 sud 17: ra euar, sU ludieatklna re that a Jack hea.guidle s ondo liis yersa ir dli uot only lie t8e vit a doubi vaslb. malustIr g tetfair Lake Cotauty bas ever Uona th. fair. Titis pr < e Sen.bui oune taI t iinul haeelipaed là peeed ou rochon W n y * ila" ek a full mü in l ulia*l0mby suy coîtnty fair tu 1the aate. o1 2:1329w, vih"itla VI 110 Dttring the puat two yacks, the seconds ot bis mark. On T hoe grounuda of lbe aociety have undergoue ceaI tse aolsnAu2:13 sud Fdaya v118 a very pour ari 111rucd tbe a general ctesalng snd siraighlonlng tract la 2:16. Jacre a larenP. sud novwpligout s a dg Weil-hem viffl by iadrads cd le durlug appearuoe. Any day toc Il a peraon tse ceI and a apartiCUlar cfll atroli docul u the fair grounda st douge of lc lie graufled teLletvU.ispao Oppttuuy t10 0oim a.a recarýd Lb yiUta, enn«ouldk o for hie Intellig ork. To Happy thst a conuty faim cas close me baud. J*i la duo n& gra s i l lwsrda Upon lte traci sud et1thb.salle eau le dravingte large alleudan-r-etaIth.e n te driver@ansd groumikot ..ilylug mteeing.. coudera' corklug andt "coiag ont" #fis (nil. Sltpped. anome favorite king of thecoonuty fair Ealy,ionday mortifiâtwelter î)aîîy, stayt. lTe races, cbich despite the usuager oftlthe co-opemtlve creampry fort 1hrA mauy people look upon hors. MMKOI ol odout, oudesvorod lu «nt a rsciag as cruel sud vicked, are alcas le of beauy ruibher boune c$îh a1th main teture 01 a fair, cit hai ibarp huile, draclug lte insrument btter palrouized, hy a betler easa ni tocaili bu. A. the ho.. va. saarsd iaoraea lthon ever belte lu the hlatory them hailte am@eupeard wdIa meidr. able foroo, the point beîug barieli d.eply tu bis breasaI. The caund lulttod vla ahd oue.. a IltlIe lu one aidenoflthe iteait. Mir. i>siy hb"é oepîondsuad for a Urne il cas tboogiat ho vouid bleed lu deMS aI once, Dr. A. Wrigit of Wsnisgau cvu talepbonad for sud ho carne ont lmmedialltfasd stteuded the c<iunded man. of the Lake couuty Agricultursi Mocieby. There cilii e Indiana horfea, liuneaota boises, lowa horses, diciAgau sud IlUinois hories. nome liast bave traveled i al over tbe country lu ltae grand sud liseur etyctt, sud 1the --hou" titatIdràva te isrmer'a hast csrriage ou unudays, ail enerli lu Ihoir respective classes Wu try for -a place of111he utouey se 4thte stable boy vould aay. How The y -do Ilt inC hinsX baor tUecrans ena prerera touse 14«a Ruolngtbs or radea all, andyeil hinaeîfhousao ciau1 skfig htl aOlu a eriymu ..Kellysalida. go second' or bis favoritei appreci5 lte e flaonl )vrypitcher -fans 'om ont," there wciii ha corded decitstion ot a maruacript vo pleuly of opporluliem 10 engage tu1 vrn he lasa been cluduexempolesu't is "eiaoop.ber-up'* amusement. ÀA whic busbee elipedfrol anproficieut comusttee cull bave chargga gogulsiapop-r;of 1the base bail gaines, sudwclii1 Ji lte vsgss dil cult t lu odecline'arnete auehawyK ogv snu nuaatam contribuhion at onc rane1c I nb a s1ugv flrnly sud politely. AsusMIUat, hoc. generasl&staLeMnu aver, thlias llm as eudue tu Chins un Friday, Sept. 17, ai i oclocit a.1 tbese Ibonnsuda of Jears. We are m 11 bcienaellaar.Ta iv te 10 udramt as a.follovtl ag e ilnoie a hippodrome affalr.* ~rply undar ltesa p«aindul onditons: There are somo good rideraq eutered1 ~Illustrions Brother of the Sun and sud the man Who drives bis teed of Moon-Beboli lby servant isioshiste ateeîltirat under the cIre, ciil neti ha halore lby ftet. tkowtoc lu Ibe, 1i and bug Ibat of lby graclonsuesa &bon, one chu eau ride a liveiy clip. matyst gransthIat 1I may Ipsa sua Ji va. The (Inventasoclub polo tlema cili Tby iaoaorod mauesript ha. degnod 1play a gaIne o1 polo lu tiae eulter field tu OB"thles Igial 01 ita anguet cOuta- IThursday. Beptember 16, strtug eai suas apo. né. Witlb astars. v. bava locoka .,adtegm ed parused Il. By the %unes of my ~ocoha ssdIogm ed alacestors, nover bave 1 encoointereti mou praise, Il haingonue of lte muet a00" cul, sncb P84110%m, sncb iolly nteroslîng ont of dloar sports, sudi I suad lrtubling 1 ombraiug anme aing sud artlestie =L=118. ers t %0 Publiaht tae &rasure yon seul me. the saperor htrsoiuahiJ.a could ordar Ihat 1h shoulti le made lHappy .Jaca, the greslesl iof sl tone the standard, sud that natte[i: paceru, ua taulli tte@ animal cotu- ptbabsed ebnept sncb a. equaied il. talung al 18e unteltîgetice .îl a t(aoviug Ihilrature as 1 dt),,aud Ibat kh eould 8e Impossble in tem tîtoumîll superbly brod pacer, and capable of Veara lu eoqtisl haI yott have doue. 1 lurîalng offt mlle ilhout 18emasistance vend vritàng back. Ten LIhUîa of, driver oir rider wt.Ihe tune ut a 2-t9 saud limes 1 crave y.ur psrdou 'giwl ee ub mu i te liahvd, my haad na ut your fot. I>gî.citbrse8 a i iote vitlyt, ciii. 'tour »ervuglta servant faîrs sud race meetings througbuut -The Editoir.- tht. country, prove the -rrîttest attmae. Notie t- coresondet$. tlon aut1the fair.Tisbia sriev sud Noti, h Corospndata. pieslng leature sud tevrrlatint 0Win .NexI îeek la "Fair ~ek." Wo ciliithe admiration of the specttiors, lie 8e rushcd aud I it 8e a greatlfavor te ron.Eeydyti if correspoudeula ciii gel their m Ihe od r youug. en flie day 181, lu earîy. We go to pres one day gv neLiIJiadi' ot earller lu consequance of the faim sud gv nobbtosdI' ot mtdouble te admissIon to the groonda &It communicaions should 8e un 10 cee talu. laler titan Tuesday night.Co odrFntsu slomth lîlirsola Children'c Home Soclaty. Fart Wayne midgela, are goimg ta lic 'The Ilîltuol Chldreusa Home Soci. ah the fair. Tbey ciii 8e inth 1e main ety lties hotueleu cublidren and îitb- building ou the second floor, sud cl ont detaiulug lbeuâ in -,Insitutions ' inerest the peuple cho paîrouize this igelo thetu inlu cehildlesa homes. ît u part .oth1e institution. tJiriug lte lthe muet beautîfttl charity sud the fair the lttîr folka cull give elt exhibi- msuet esmry. liabosu inbàd sur. lion bAli mie me Ou tbeir bicycles, raundinge are helpiec yct linocent, as atrurnfrtualest arent. 'uloqs holped by a power ouhide Ibomaeîves, lbey siuk iuto the criminsi clas or die. The lStte of Illinois ins for- gaied sud bas au apprtved board of Charlered Direclura, oveniy dîsîribtîr.. éd thrnughoat the Stalo; olght sub-dWs tinde; bit huudred local Advisory Boards. Il la ptaciugfilftyy blîdron ou the traci, und visîtors to the Lake loanty Fuir colt have the pleamire of %eeiaug the l., susalleat tyclistîsilutbe world. Cooouttre Fîote sud bie 8ister bave lraveied mit uver Europe snd the Itaited tStates, arc brigl, emtrrtaiuittg cvuvermaalouliietssud cii o doubt prove a greal attraetivn. There cl i e uumerouv î,thor attractions ah t8e fair mal ubove .ach mouth. The Society desîres I.naruietioneti ho delîgLlât o th 1e Young1 formation in regard t4) ciildren lu sud Old, sud everybody wlli expeet lu need of hotmes, or hornes dehlrimg chîl- sce you there. 8(ti nake ttp yîtu m md dren. Addreu N. Bl. Aiteil, Bupt., 167 uDOW lu9go verY day. It lh a debt you Dearltorn SI., Boom W11. îtce your counhy; Ailes aplessure yon nwecyourself: sud su uecahiont chiai Wtll ho There. ciii never lie torgolten. 'touit tted't Possîhty no bttractlon aItte camlug take ynur lunch, as Ed Paynae vili f air vili pieuse ovryliody more than serve a meal lit for a king, nlgbt on the Charles sud Etiza Neste], kuovn as grounuta price villain the reacb of C..mmodore Foote sud Queeule Nestl, a]l. 0o yourseit, hase the ithle folie the ten t.mslest people of their uge lu sud joua 18e istErENsEcr it cishimng liae world. Tiaey cili occnpy a plat-.thbe ctîuty faimr.vt'1f7 tubiiatti s uveeas. faim lu Main Hall sud ail dealriug t%1-- nee andurtnverse villa IheIn eau do a& Century Road Race. Tbey aret. ruly vondertui -"îtîle 'The Lîneolu Cycliug tli td Chiea- peuple,!'IllUecluai, cel educalod, go. beld as erîtury oud race taver the gond iockiug and penlectiy formaid. Lbryule Wnjtî ctreI They are lilllaut canverssliouaitusa tonday. sîtd a.they vhlrled pasl e,,n. sud bave lraveled lhrough usauy veyancem sud tbrontgh village sîreets fomeugu conties. havlng appearcd1 they atrscted mtîcb attention sud betore peopleo(of note, King&, Queens, vbeufil va. learîod that the Lincoln sud Prînveisea lu almostevery cviliîzed1 Club cas hoding a century race people country. Dont failto Bose theus. it l "sith1e lIne' catched the ridera vîi li e s rare oppurtunllv to beoaaaer vhh 11îtli mteroet. Ther@ ilare 37 scquainted vitb Commodore Fontelput of the 42 ntamIers Iiluisbcd, J. B. atad hster of whamu teeepapora RitcbAe wciîang the race, coverng 1001 throngbout the counly bave ltad NO utiles lu 7 butie nsud 17 minutes. Il mneh toc say. cas Rtobie'14lIrai culvtry. but 8e cas in good condition, at. a rncuit of s -Mly boy came bomefroin I une1 day wt h bi baud bsly laced*EBd sud recout trip tîy cheel lu Niagara Faîte. bleedlng, sud sufferng gres pain, R. P. Searle ' cîtima.>prize. ttaklrtgj asyu MX. E. J. Schsill vtta Me3mr Brou."the îetrtry in 6 biture Hat. Onug Co.,li Louis Mo. -1 dresd the coud, sud appfled ChausberaissI Pain Daimtrety. AIt painSeaaed and For Sale or Rent. lu a msmnamabiy short lime il besied <,,t)d tartu eit a bargalun. ()né wiitoutl eavina, » car. For bounda hunntred and seventy acres of luné,, apains,-svelUngnansd rheaumatism, 1 vllb or wlîheul caws, fider on place. baoc et no malt or pr*@orphlou Wood sud cater plenty sud paSInre ual le liý lamaider il sbamabwlAruas te Gages'Laie. T&ko eausaoný $1.5Oa Yearlin Advim 7 1 lié - - mi 1 - 1 v ý-- j ý i . 1 - 1 -1 ýl =ýW7Z;- - -- - ---- - --- --il Il l -L Henry Csys Great Valedlctory. FOX LA KE. John Y. <oyle writes of Henry Cl'iy Mr. andtidrs. M. L. 9allg.'r were tamisaitlgo gtoSf.ate ln he Sppu.mer Mel,.ury vimitorst on '1hiirtaay o.ftesat T h oo4 LadzesHoee-Journal, regarding 1 lt as wOk.W the »Masdi*asîlevent ier wltneaed lir. H. R. Bock bas purchaspil a fille. la b@Vute SagsBe&t. lmatyacht p*aYità for samse $15o1. 8hbis ii V nn r frobtte dthe ea Sern oftremtious b.,kuown asLenora. Are W n e in vvynns'Shpe' linaIbm peang crda t to faona Co.. Daviscaligbl 91 bu«ts t ceek. valedictory the' vau sl semelageo f Jodîge ti)e:e eaugbt Msui.I . Bill1 ts U o ae People ceen teuss and the'«ireait 67. lbey aeexperte.te tU o D . 9 Compsouer" cas frequentiy linlerruptedt There are a number of cottagerr ou b, th. noirs of bis anditori. "The! Crau Apple liand, sud ail art enjoy ulyi t. Nii. 1 lira. LatudIe (orneon. m01Arst att. aaieeue a ldeed Imprensave asilMr. tas Ibenaives1go1the fuît 2d .0 mi"sa ls ieavigau.Grand Avenue. Ihecocladig or M ire. C. J. Pat.erson gave a euebre stih ni oliveeI haceie. 1, outi tjeantmet Clay ptonoginoed fe ,' aidngrN party lu ber fionds oun Tuenday even- 7th 121 Bot ad fer of bis tiarevefll t public ,"syâM.log. fi vua Mont05enioyabit. @vent. ' 127h "as uHo Tgrd 1<ur aîe CoÏie. *.Rfe sloo<l for a moment alter lr.L otoeysdMilla Luola 1" 109 aFan abmer, Oak misudinImm%*. lu rev«mnllat atitude, chite ail about Creigler are aoj ourniug 51 the lk > ..~ 5 1 b camr asUU ut e. lh 0 ici L. onna ettonk. Wsabounebi. bina Uegg inu, auayod by t, ths ugienide eabore nt the Molubhoue@. listat m0Florence Tbae, 2b Wiams atrosl. A iuoeaigli&sernadopsviril,*. 221i lrs. Charte, wetsz Wesat Washington. inague ole oU>0f lte reat orat.oy, -u gl eend arywn - i6th rm LotsEddy, Guru.' ' en ept. titisby tMr. H. Gillisla on board ma 2ia o t caniteofoi, Wetiifue-'1he"&Je»uPeu he yatcb Joker, sud a Unae sai eu- u 12( en lur. E. A. Wells, ulcankeitoad. of Intense fseug uitatteuliou per- joyool. 2011 1.16Era,. D l)mreat.North(Chicao. 2mt les AMuela Westemnfl ili. G<me.. Vaded the riîowded assemblage austhee lira. Barry lMarshal la alowly r'eV, 20101 :foi Bot elI..d for. remous est*feluau, vlth lnveroug oy"@, erlug trour the eecta of ber trka ~ ~ Id~. resumossd lais meat. For ,,, ad eau now gel atronu,I ou jets me lra. Edward Sauter Ceneèase 510,01. momnte te mlene u nbmkn;cruells.27115 :07 Ueorgpatterson, llcautoýRe ossi. Inomuis be ilene cs noroke; uw44LulI " Piel.York flouse. SenllS es » l ls te sado of Thore wcl b e uo servacea atth1e Fort asoh 371 Botli ovr Banloa .1 a f l ltesbaocofHill uhureh onu buuday, Soptouaber 12 , lira, -. C. Peton Lîbortyvili.. someS. MP@udinmg Cslty; mn uOf ail Sunday acimoo l ii làao be omitLte ai odtsA lmra e. ff1560 '. Aie Pariei meed4-MAII ovreme is agt te nxtAug. la!9 2d il -e Dlitso. ln Lincela avenue. qusly veromeby atî 18 not iundy. rd 4m jame<inFlorsaven').. 418 49fée r,.an. 0. Cams.l20«b avenus. lhb. M p ansd ajeslty Of the «reat tr. Heury K line sud soute fMende .211 44ouMMira. enton 6,0v.. stabsesusa hsywaelî. have ben ualug a the laie the Puat sth 4as W*.Nie llisr-.d u Porter strel. --AgiNT. Oby rose lu lesve th@ four d4ys, snd canght &orune ino basa, 7til » lunule Allen u, lh atruet. 1h 061Louis CbamorS..BoIvîder- street. pickersi sud pîkte, l-ln 0,cvr llfty 9t se LoiseChuersls chamasratiefadjourrmnt cblch ponda. »NiAda4 riur.Mdn*0Cne tet sèreedy fcdloMBd hla addreou4 and alter iamssiMrclu..)our achool teaeher v vas .Km' Ro~4bert âtw Blkorv «rest. ha l a st leweil tba] helb.utis. eà cled bomne ousFriday eveunf ly the itI 677 ForesncedWebfor. ry b.uatora, ho e*(onnared Mir. Caibona,. umrIOU Iliîflssf ber minier sud Kt the 111h su F0OteaJk, for. Tis 07l 0 48 chie m5 bres cri ritlig hmassit)1returneci lt Isu U o.r bad (rWaa Th ee olbt 8caawmlebr Schîel. st 1 N. u for. ve.Oe Q.tbese Ico nid finonda kirs. J. Beale sud et, of Herrlgto uta: * siij<Tro. iMarket. Mdud lIpulirsi antagoniste. Thoreiance, an sd liraé. J. A. Dalleld àsud I 7261Fre GlIlua. arr-unoti irove. vae s apausluInthe ,iemontiratlon grand dsuogitter, of Wtodstoek, 111 1411, Tu4 tlaldfr whiigb vaitlaNyM. Cty-ttte moment W@eim îitulrs aKtM. L. G(iîgFrema 5â 8lâth 741 N-tt ;l m Cfr of auspended entitIpatIon cuasmont of tast ceei. Tts M paju oenor ve yarq heybâtib ar. Fysmih alos, ot Boston, broughit pslfl~. Pt Oe paralbe ba ben ofinme lab, bassud plekerei, eahrangod, sud the ouîy corda chicliw in Paout lwenty poinla,ont bassl patud latween tileulsbail bena daàýy,gSept. il. Ho liqa s uet a IotheWI I Ut~ thune SUrshy spoien ln debste. But amJ 1110 A T yT1*Y N jN now, sa tbey met, the nid limne mmne lira, 0. L. LippincotvIli close ber ovpr&hen. ffre renemtire oulybotel Tueaday. tieptember 11h for the ovr bes Tao ommbro ul saon. li. Lîpplucot ba mmaed Cr. eneàM and Wooblsgtoin Mrb., the politicai companioushipi of tventy coU sund given good naaisfkctlon tu1 A K O N yesrs' standing. The. lnlervemiug msny gaoses., A K AN slltferocsa hich badihlied tiroir lMr. Clsytou lBarbeltae etertaialng hearts tocard esch 018cr vore for. Mr. Wll. Tbuméer suit Mr. Chu 1e Oopontser, ol Chicsgo, db are noir They abook eaeb ttler cordiatly 1y 1the Ingleside shore.p the baud, iutercbangedst à'GOd bleu lire. W. H. Lylord in eulertaluing Laet ihm dIwI dyuao you' snd pautaet. The reisaamed au*. 1Nr. C. licConuis, Mir. E. NoCounie, t your propet ihman1iil ndy - M pense chicb avsited thie tesiful adene , Mr. Clark sud J. iteConuls. Tbey are reasonable rates. houait vsuuic.whtInteadysheeblugv___a_________________n bond eut u shota sd c -era.tu tbe LornasDoone. ithlch uer.e takou up by the cruelalir .P. N pe gave .sàparty on board Among numerous choislle bargains I have the. folit ingld theOsy ape Camrsane. ocas the yacht Joker aronidttire tle lu ber Lake County Farma For $iW. Sulif mu ll eI aug r. dedbyîiappeaalng ou iands, roenouly. tira. Nacey returu- Is) acrmeImproved terre on batiks of Gosses are t >n W _Mr* 0111fta 1h d~ 1 Chcag Set. 1h 11c a ourLske. Priase 0 pavr sem. part cash. bslsn.,e m* J! o1;ar sI1 on bis cay lu bis carriago, sud Ibrongn wOOk5 asy ai&lia.Howard Bonse. Ilong tîne at low rate of Inteoeat. frai$, rIaot fotuwe hm oinlu iabolt.lire. W. T..Maypole la enterlsi.tîng levsexe In, ildfsrm adjuaent 10 Third sa aun. folowel bni ver gobtehotl.' 1ber mseer, lira. Matths Leudabakor, "-te. Lîhe.ý11rs a. ietrleset MIlsa laggie Miiday snd lMr. Rd and tis cruon tlleakes rassit. boumo, ~ Uet'l.Cti LAKE VILLA. P KellyEagltvoad. Aitara. htîrn. "4 " K. ..o 1 iiir afhlh, 1h.Lae..illah.,eIetse tsten"êinu a flue Outtng At batlalug, t 201i¾1 o tties M".n.s ari: b»»d h.ososssU! The air, %flis hoel fosil entfilue, leunia, dancing etc.banconi;eA4 (ntelélsfrrelsorl Ttesdav. iy. J. W. Boalsu aud W. 3. Roberts Iruproveil aUM. Choie se "13.105r. Frsleacbudgu, adjrent oaàWin. Caln t. tatior.n, m MsR.l>uligiaaa vaslu t18'e .ltYl augiat about 100 pounde niftine finir lu mont ressonabie tournis. Il lent veek. long tthan four lay%. tMr. itobertsansd Four farmin nVeriorsTownsbli). Choliseslots enlise tat ah fr tira. M. Wislte, of Long Lak. e a lu N'Ii. Bosllinare guesle of tb. Cleestis ,oc tru nArnTcei, esui. lovu Mous, cottage. Tbey cmptiired sur..., hue' nesr (Irsysilk. WAxrrTo Tsns-Ciaioc4 liro. layrmood Hiterwvotoin . he aableglu 1t 0.àIa.A pieudid rarsrm120 acrets atjuseet gruLibtvlle for& aasilatwo bc ont asain. At1 the linteula un Frlday everitg Taylorlttce. lnvvsgsb.lwhlsmareb5amgJ & a) elarUbst r Ms Win. Corkililveus tth 1e edlvThur*_ a card psrty ca;given 10 the. guesta of Want ro ent e goovl lios. eand hr nWiltlt5air5es" differanse. day eveniug. th8e bouse and a grand good lime Ltt.rryvile. -A"*e- lir, sud lire. De Hata 51001 eutda eujoyed by ail. Prizea cero won bY The J. M. Prit., ferni. 2m0 acres on mil. us ito o lurda Mskgnlr@. Fletcher, lira. Choebrock, Miss caue ,Av". iessuth of Lîhertyville:;S bcipinN w Fletcher sud Judge M urphày. U.0r on.aCScbride o rndan aace ira. iR. Crsgg vlslled friende uIl atln' rIer. tIlcoie or-AD linnaville Friday. tir. Zorson ila builing a bat! rater tul'lit urchaer. Priés tocr; termess LIFE INSUBRANCEJ lla Lua t'eudor visîteit Lake Villa for lir. Thomas. 19 ciii bave atirver rl fred b we.plated trimmngea slo potished ebouy, Oravaîsie. Ir e vonta te Tredela, ee.maîlogouy and Oak. f58e vill ho 20 Fos SAL-A cholas lot 6. by 177 it. Buy,Beli. Mtaor Ttàala Mise a R llgalev bas ben 'I;aitefeet long, 2j foot caler tino sud 6j foot prie@ $15o1 cash. Il cil pal Fonu oebout a"c tue Pait ceek. beum&. dire wii carry 2016miluaire foot Mis Neltie Van Palten cas lu Lake of canvas. g Villa lant Ti006157. There were nome very protty reudl. H eP % ) ) r K Vin iurtim, of Chîcago eume oser on tioua a"1he ineola Club Sundsy bis cheeol sunttay. evealng by lbheliandoliluClub vho LB R .Y IL , LL Mr. NelNrtly sud dayrgîter wenrt to are et tue Foi Lake fiotel. Alderman Elilu ti uday. lisypole sud party, aud Capt Morrison W__________________ Misa Aima Little apelît Suuday with sud Party vore Ibere anad enjcr.èd a Lake Villa friendu. pleasant cvenlng.î. LyiosudHsrr hur ae tb overs Mr. sud lira. Paterson gave a yacht- ofl s u fine nov ile r.te wesiug excuîrsion ta Lotus Labo sud 01 a ine nw biccle.Barkors Curiomily Shop, ciacrolMr. CM lira. W. Corklll cae ll toîrfVun Barker oxbllied moine apeeimeus of ~ Chicago lset Saturday. bis workmauship, a table coutaliugm lira. John Hughes bas returuedt ront 5,000 places of timporl-ed vood, sudm ber viait On Eugiecood. chaîn 30 boet long wbltlled out i o lira. tiioeon Thayer vlsîled Lake pS eru c0d Ville relatives itat eek. A psrty front the Howard flouse lir. Pele Boveràansd lits Auneaier, gave s picute 10 Barry Boswella, enu. by apeut Stîndsy at McHeury. joying alne dinuer Ibere. Thoro venr Umis (ertrude Miler cîli attend Ltxbardth1e ymobtUlr. A.tiitliomlMr. acolsoi lu Warîkegau thîs year. Bate&,s, lire sait Cnmoy, Mldie N. Cai B. Daymont snd mon Claud have re- Cril sdfis AgeCrch lîarued fruits a vlalt lu Chicago. eujoyod safne dey sud a joiiy goan Nio attergnlac(Iaîla gon iug e . lu the Salurday aflernoon regretta Examine C cagolu aten achol IIs inle. t1e nec Racine boat Vinet-nt, cax eap. Dell and Burt Giray, of Necpotrt, sîzed off Crab Apple Island. S8e vasu r veroi lu teBaturday on business. in the ead sud vould probably bave befor e lira. John Dunu enlertalueil Mr%. cou bul for liais itahsp. Haxry Rogera, of Hebrant, icfleury to.. uent Weber asiled ber on ber besam ends Buying,. weeh. sround the course, lu better shape titau lirs. Gi. Farrowv vlite ber daugliter, sitevas evor malled before. lira, J. lester, lu LtibertyvJlle titis The psrty a i te Hocard floise boidt week. art Satnrdsy ovening cas given lu lira. H. WAbbt, ut Aiurs appeit a foc, hanor of Capt. R. il. lorrison aniti daya wItb l»er couain, Mutas Fauile Va]Aderman W. J. lisypole, of Chicago.- Patten.I i twcasa succea. 3 nsie va. t'rnished etn lira. F. L. tlotvell epent Montltyea by Mira. Meudt Cnmelyaud tMr. <iittiout. lidleur y, vitb lier broter, tir. f-. Tbe Captalu dauced ilh s aial on bifsLI RYV LIL Douglas. an<l gavesa lin. exhbibtion the b toir, sdan elire ra L. ln ré vilig n t ro.P. S. When you corne to the Fair, corne W thelduerMs . .Jbosn n The ladies' of the Fox Laie Handkcr. liouaiii.chaier Club heid à ouchre Prtry 1t)Dr. rny Une of Stoves. Tire Rsppte familles httais munlon Tookers on Thursdsy, Sept. 2. Th1e in Ml. Kappiem grove ou Cedar Lake, prizea coeonou y lira. S. Muson, lass Sunuy. lirs. C. J. Paterson, Mra. Dr. Skillmaa RUSSELL.I lir&. Muttzer ban rertredlto Chirlago sud lire. C. J. Barker. The organisera bia AIda Hunger, of Rit-iciuondi.ta aller apendiugthe nomsutmer et lb. o f IbIS club vere lira. W. J. liypole, vliting ahi..D. linrray's. Farro Houe. Mrs. A. Mason, Misaes Jeante sud Fars. Zfloue. uDoleJueo ertio flropby, vho have made the Nrs. D. BoUlla sud danghtera. (il Mrs. club aangrettlauJucssofWsatgtifl, Sundayed clth ira.Jas Atiueb, caime dti ivurt thier wbeels cu tueçýReevo's. Baturday uilht. NIr. Giltiou, lira. Maud Comely, -Wayue fHarvey and vifs of(Gagea, Noir tht Harvectil The Angola (omolary.Avsocation M iesAgnoa Oarr snd Misas N. Curtlis Lake, vliltd V. E. Edvards sud fszuiy àan ris10bu thissaof ithe cul mFeel witb Miest Bele Crîtît Sept. lave a musical ai the Hocard Bouse Nioiun 21al. Vivitora will lot kludly weleora. naturday aflernoon. lira. M. Couseiy w laycaie.b q est. play.,d aome very protty soilections. The liînday achoot convention va. Iý A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ia funobrulbeueld ssAgnon Oury sagnme sentimental largellyaltendod sud a ganerai gond YDJw8t.4 A fie nw brn i% bingoretei onanti jolly aira, tir. (illom sang sud limecae utl"sed by aIL. the J. C ribili armitear Lake Villa.,paydomue nicoseljectiona lu (terman s vir of_ î Ibi Éace At.Aodlit

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