Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 24 Sep 1897, p. 4

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Sareod ai thé pont-OMMlesat Liheftyvillle Illinos. amutecoaad.eeaq aatter. aIVeaPaISO BAT199MAD5 ES 0V5 ON IPPLI. CATION. Ballon au the Elgin board of trade Mdonda! vas lrm: atlrlngs, 2012 tube: aiso162 tubs ai2tte. -Buttior iat week, -1711f: cillanosodl iwcek laat year, 1lic. ln tite big batela of eppnintments tb oflce made b>' Iresideut MeRWuey vitilie cwass lnWaaaiingtoun was s cousin of lis own -Frederlck E. McKnley, t0 be ]Eeceivaýr of Publie Moneys at Guthrie. Okilahoma, sud a caualn of 'a ae-Presildent Hobart- Edward F. Hlobart, to beI' tec"iver of public M1otays t Saute'Fe, New Mexico. Commisaloter H. Clay Evans, of the Pension Bureaau, eattmates tlitIthe payment for pensions durlug te present fiscal ycar will exceed the appropriation la>'more titan $6,000ii,000. Thte appropriation for tbe year lai $141,263,W)Mi. Tbe defliit wll, the Coxmiisloner aayai,lac created lîy te ald clamas for pensionai, sorne 2.o,(fiK lunumber, wblcb sail lie acted upon durlug thea, ,,ar. Presida'a t Mc Kinley hss persoually requaîeal o Cnul Ganerai Lee tu returai ~to (ia ansd resumne bis aulies a i te expir'atioan of bisi preseutl bave of absencee anal Geucral Lee bas agrocal bu do ao. Titis is aatientic andl officiaI sud il cilectuall>' disposes o!ranucb gossip. Il aso ludicales titat Preai- dent McKinley' expects maltera ln Cuba lu reaclàa ai riais at a date nul for lunte fututre. ticueral Lee doca net expect tea retriru 10 Havauna until about te niddalerof October, uniesa, aoaieling occurs lu mate an esnlià ratua avisable. Sonstor Elkluis la ralter prend titan olherwlneo o!bis conueclion vili thIe mach dIsunaaed section 22 o!flte DligIe>' tarif, te provisions of viic are about te sanie ase tase coulaiued lu a separalo billIinînoduceal lu lita, Sonate by Mtr. Elklus. lie aaymte section vas lulended t10tirte avsy * buinees beretolore bela b>' lte *. Cadadisu Pacifie iltroad, sud tos omptalsizs is ovu position:-I sum opposeal telite Canadisu Pacifie Rail- rndalsecnniug business ltaI onglit t go to Anierican rsilvays. 1 Ibukthlie business wvIicithlie Canadisu Pacifie la nov doing ougitt 1bchobrokeu upansd tan Francisco lîccome te port o! eutry aifte goodai nov golug t10 Vancouver. I ana lu lavor o! Ameriesu shipplug agailiet foreigu ahappiug.Y The candor of Mr. El k!nnalinaecideaily refrablng viteu cumpareal viti thlb dodging viticit bas beeu doue b>' nome of te otiter gentlemen vito are sappoéed la bave lied a baudiu tling Up section 22. AU te polîihlaie acdeeply lu- lepeated a thlb efforts of Senalor Plaît and is foilavera 10 get Preaideut MOKIa>'te commit itimsel! and te a admWatislon aguatlite ldependent Munmicipal tictot lu greater Nev Yort beadalb> lon. Salt Loy, oz.Mayor ol.liooklyu, sud Preaidont o! Col uni bis Collago. VIile uubody eau tale éfaaistively titiPreaideut tMciînley VMiido as tenaor plaît Visites blm 10 40, tero are sevenal very good rossons for beileviug 1ha1 te oulcome viJiiho ver>'Dmato10beug VitaltiMr. Plaît w4ai 110b.. lhaieonrepreseul- cal 10 Presidenit cI<iuley, analia pra*îably ira., tatiIf Mn. Los saeoeods lu bacoaungtMayoar of (ireater Moaw Yort, te luteudi 10enter te flWdAlas a candidate for ta, relaublcen * nomatatia for Preideul u in i. Il t a a lneedies te svt litiMr. MeKiînley' ho»pe8 10 gel anoîber terni; lie li nol 1@ues1=84uman Iaail i predeceasora. "u i im't lkely te sit lu bosîing a Possible rival. But tae strungoa neason for belleviugitalMr. Me.liuley VIIIltov te influence aofte * administatnalaagaînëtl lie caudldacy of tir. Loy is ta, record o!ftir. MceKinley'aI borne; lielbns alwasys éloua * bythe regiiiar ticetlo! bis Party andl upposeda H ldepeudeut imuvemeule. The uni>' ubstacleai tte sueceas o! MentQr Plaît lu geîllug a declaration @gainâtl Mr. Lovai ceudldscy bias beeu v te doutIas lu naether tMr. Low voulal auccedeainu lis efforts t10lBe ma"ate regular repaîbliesua candidate a doubl hi,, fricuala bavemae te mont Of, but wiiit IlSe'ator Plati and his followers as>'daaeaanul axial. If tir. Loy gela te eîiaarémeaal of te regular relmnlalicaUtma,, lc eau coni UPOn te S'aîapa>tl ut te sdmni1trsa lion 10 te fuli axteit at it l ail lie aieerned jidicioaai e lgo lu a Municipal (Jaapaii; otaile mt. -Wbilllt1l Dot Probable bat tIr.ticiînley' VIlI support au>' candidatle uot eudorsod b>' te Plait republicaus, a condition MiA>'ariseaiat yl cause tlrn 10 reubain »ntnrati as fat as il Mu>' Lie jposIble. lie kîowé boy clSel>' bis sctiionsaie beng valted lnlutitis Mailor, bot b>' friendsansd opponeutà, S ana l II exercise aillte cane for vitietbuliebas a reputaliou lu Ohio PoliesniaIt tetate a $tep tat te me>' afianvards regret. r Auclion sle Bille. Fumer% vlao cotemplate lbaviug auctionuaéboula ial on us for prlces fer tIla. V priait thien neati> anal W» «O$tMseit aud uair laces are te - Ja ~ibJ <ifia'evili recalve ree î0ý#Wbesud aIllo! ofaricles i*PeapesVIIIlielacPublebed iAu lhe 01 te I1aappit]KUg5 vicit bisua ltOlalon unous foarmers .ê gmss, lite OQUnt> publias hy te naei forl . éameme cf poeta saVIagabea, l ad lte peope very gain. eoalIy reeogni se lte 50. cfi Qem. A large nuniber o1 promsimeul mon bave given titis much.needed roforu ltaeir itearty supporti'andlte agfitaon Je now widospread and groing rapidly. In a oircular lasued by te Record aud ad- dressed b lthe prose of lte country, ast- ing Iý* ad ln placlng titis question b.- fore the people, il ountained th. foliow- ing trutte: 4Durlng lte l"si eyeara ail ciassai of cilajusa-tite pour, the wofl-o-do, evon the rick-havê boom brought 10 recognize tbe necesaity for te establishtment of au absoluloly secure depository for amall savinga. Thousande of tbrifty persona vitose earunga power lasresticiod have experieuoed the bitternoas Comlug from the loas of titeir liard oarn.d savingai tiroug thlie falure of aavl.ngs ba.k., building aed Io"n associations aud other institutions viticit Vere supposed te give aafety telthe sum In- truted 10 them. liopeleausansd d oubt have beeu sown broadeasi by Ibese calamities, sud lte iarvesi of im- providenice aichin isgrowng up will rendai thIis nation pour ludeed unie«a ihal groVth can lie citeckefi. Tite Record tas itad prepareal, viitlte advice sud asaitance of soma, the haslt autitorîties ou Postal savînge banks lu titis country sud Canada, a postal savinga baut bilI vbich la subtuitteal 10 publie Inspection, sud pelillOus are lu crculation for signa- turcis, calng upon Congres» 10 give lte malter attention. Il la a reform of vitic thlie people are greally lu ueed sud aould lbe catuleal ont at the earlleal opporlunlty. Pick Upa. Thte Vord citaporone la nov obsolele Titai> are calied promolers. A rolliug atone May not galber moosé, but it gatoers veluacit> sud velocily le Worthi more titn ancmo generally. Of couse 6erYhoa aiycsit b. expeeteal 10 profit malorlally by the returu of good timen. tome mon are so cou- stilulea ltaitbey alwaye lose-even ho loiug llaeir temper. Ouce upou a Urne a minister told a etory as folows: "On one occason I preached tu a cougregation Vitere Ihere Verefilfy-aeveu Vonien sud four mon presout. Titis vas at a prayer meet- ing. Ou another occasion I preacitea tu 826 mou sud teun women-tiis as lu te stata peaientiar>'." P. T. Barnuum once sal: "If you bave $10 tu put 10 good use put up une for lte article aud te oter nîne for lte advertlig. I can out tait auy Muunou atî but a printer. Thte man Whto eau slict type aud te udt moruiug tlitolua ltoussal people while I ana lakiug 10 one, la a man I san afrai of; I vaut han for a frloual. Mot long go a riserly persan, Wbo bail been teased almosl 10 deatit by bie boira, endesvored 10 client Item out of bdis noney. Belote te dled telefi posi- tive instructiun» ltai b. sitonla ho iturJeal lu a certain suit of clotita. is viala 'vas carried. out, but aller th. funeral hie snrvlvlng relatives conte final Do vîli sud Do mue>. Fluali>' one of teorm sected tlitilte old man itsd Serveal tem a stabby trck, sud auggesed Ilis lte body be exitUMealanallte lotitea exaaulucd. Titis V55 doua, sud te coat, wasiscoal and tronsers er. roundal lube liued vîit bant' notes. Amother sent ber semalilboy lotlte country', sud alter anweat o!anxle:>' ro- celvefi Ibis ltter: qI got bore &Il riglit anal forgot tu nrite befora,. A fellor sud I wnt ut nl a boat sud lipped oven sud a mau got me oui, anal I vas ,o full o! vater taI I aident tuow noîblu' for a long time. Theo otiter boy tas éluI to ho burleal after tey itual bî. Hiemnotter camne froin Lincoln, sud abe cries ail thte Vile. A btorne kiokeal me over, and I hasve gui, tu bave some moue>' 10 pay the doctor for Ohm' my bea. We are gOiug to set au olal barn on ire tu- nigitî, sud 1 aboulaI émile If vo doult Devavsbull>' fun. 1I bat rMy Valct, snd I arn verry aorry. I abali brlug boule a terne voodcbuck if I eau gel er n ium>' rnut.' W. C. T. u. Notas. Th. W. C. T. U. boaquartera at lte Coutt>FuPir ver. very attractive anal were vtiaied b>' a groal man> Peuple. Thte ladies made te acqualu. laue O! Man>' People titrougitout lte conty. aud VOTe uct encourageal lu tiltIteir liret venture et lte lait Nesrly 20,100 pages o! temperanee literature Vas disiributoal. A goodl>' a mbe r signecalthe pletge sud laimeal the wite ibhon. Attacheal 10 lie vite ibion luntetenter o!flte arceoldoorwvja Va te hlm.rilihon aI tite Agritaulsural Sodiet>' Vbicb aitovea 1he. ihlgteun mlu Viticitnul ouI>' thé displa>' but teorganisation la hOld b>'lte lait dîrectors, te vhi thelb ladies are gralef n, anal hope te mal.@ tiltis ue or the Mont pîessing audattracîlvo fMaturea o! thte Fair Building nexl year. OsÂAYI§bAgaUNItONtATTNTIaNi. Titurada>' Sept. 2s, VIII bote aunas> election o! oMfiers. Let even>' oue tuoviug tiniselves 10 ho membors lia Preseut aittis meeting sud tb ail interestoal ual members ve especiali>' 8xtenalasu luvitallon, aud éuggeél Il vili b he taightl lime te oin. Notice. 7h.e board of ditectora e! the Lake Count>' Agriculurel Soclot>', VIIImeal 'lest veeate 0audit &sOouns.Ail personitaving bRU sala ad sooet>', arn boret>' reque 4 saniwgm e te lte uderigueld timediatll>, 10 'msuneprompt staiemasi. lia.M VWoopa Ueo>', ubuvviUl. »ZL The Ladies' AMd flonill itlend%ô giva a social l intemm aure., PMedSherma, ce Vilmot, spentia veet bhue and atteond te Pair. Mr. and Unr. aa. Winters ae vhBlI. lug thé lattera parent. i àMita, i. Lincoln Luat and Chus. SObldon bave each puroitaad noV con bindors. Levorne F. M. Gluten 0of GagesCort- ners, visited lenndaeaetlRollia nglnday. Moears. VII Derby and Berney Tieger are worklAg a& Lake y" llia b Itla rumuored ltai vo are 10 bave a simgflog sobool at Our achool boum. Ibis inter. lias taud Ed;rarda ihmsretummeal frOmte city and wuill spend t.e vin- lt et home. Miss RDbY Sherman, of Wimot, Vis., andl Freiode tIaaehia, of! Oic 1 @peut Ijasi Veut wih imMistaua d. wards. RUSSELL. IWVOlàaiL ,.- J D. Marra>' vialloa Kouo"&a Friday. crsysaae Viilag Offlocie. Miss Leua Dixon la on te Blet liai. proaldos ................... P. B. Sherman Rasy Dizon, of Vaukauga,vialloa C. Wilitur. Oi B on home on Suudsy. Truete. u aosiat..iaé tir. J. Blocnm sud failily, of AutiocoT y 'm w I0.ituardatan. i. . Hlarvey. viallealrinonds aie.on Sunday. i5o8oe aiwratm, ............ ....C.Moras tir. J. J. Page, 0f Vautogan la bav. man",...a................... A. tIetui ing is tfaimbouse hoem reeblngld. clark................Dr £« déailer. tir, sud tira. James fleeves, St., startealfor su xtondeal viit lu Chf- v.lbDayivslugatg cago ou Teeaday. Rv onD» evatn mn WIII Melivilo erolurneal tu Evantonib is blond& round sud &bout Grayalako tionday, aller boing itome 10 atteund Almoal ovonyhodyll ovu sud round bis siotts er'8 alilg, about atieéalte fair lest weet. tir. B. tMumray of Waategan la spona- tins. Tapper, of Ravosvood, viaifla iug a ev days ai bis faim suporluloual- iug lte liting o! biesilon. Vit bertparenltsir. sud trs. DeVoe (juié afew bine rihitou e ro won Ibis u t sud lAt. by onr young people as lte fair. il J Longaitangi to1k a bassy trip Miss table Chittlendea won tirat premiutfor girl rdimgpouy undor îe16 OWhsellng sud Shernerville on bouai- yeara. Hoard HIgley got bine hb- ues tiondaY. B. B. Siterman &acs bon ounitis pouy sud Ornu Cittiondon Veut lu Shermorvifle sunalay. caplured a bIne sud ted on bis tVo BJLfn iipa e tnra ponles, but t.ey voi deserved tem. B . otsaipe vr ude itoad of sbeep 10 Chicago tioudsy sud PALAINE. hba aotoer hundred t10ho shipped ln Mise Selina Torgler vas ia Chicaigo &bout a weot. lHe pureitasedit em up receully. nortllt watVos. tirs. tiergier relurneal frQm lber visAit Ânuy tiarait, tir. Byron Colby's ilaturday. gréai aunt, Vito is 981 yeasaof ago. la lir. BrockVay Iai laid Op viih ai bsdly at prenant vrlllng very l0V sud cen swolen hnd. ilve bai a short lfime.lier dectine lit tir. liltzuan rbas maîved 10 tirs.brgitohyodgesu ierta l(reeter'a place. bogt nb l gadbr a H. Loman, o! Lake Ziaricit vas lu beau aalifs if excepiional duraiiou. Palatine tiouday. tMis. Oscar Wiitmore sud Miss Miss Augusta Munaliant lasare- Barton, of Steveus Point, Win., are thte turnacal 10Palatine. gueulta o!miss Aunattol Whtmore. Thte MissesPorop, of Chaicagao, viaited tir. Oscar Wtltmore ltout avatage of utl home over Sanda'. lte excursion frorn Steveu! Point lent Mir. Hicks, Of Waueaauda, visit«d Sunda>' aud speut lb. day viit bhis frieuda bore Tnoaday. prnabr Wrn. blason aud vile are eutertaiulngpreabo. frieuds frot Chicago. À Young man vito la pour or laack- tirs. Joitnson enterlaind lber son yard, used nol itesilate go enter te Wllliai frmaCbicaigo teceully. Mttopolltan Business College, of Wareu Taylor retumned from Miclai- Chicago. H il. VII inallter. courteons gari muchi mproved lu bealîla. teachers Vo ito II give hlm jus lte Palatinae senl a big delegation 10 tbe ________________ Fair at Llbertyville Titurada>.-_ __- Mise Tillile Baumugarten resumeal lier IDEERFIELD. Vork aItiMra. Hasîluga'Tunda>'. E. Kitle vas a vîsitor bore Snnday. Mir, sud tirs. Hantz euteriaiaed a tira. L. P. Todal is visiliug rnlatives numanier of Young peuple Sunudy. lu Minneapolis. tir. and.tirs. liouis tlchoppe vereinluitirs. E. 19. Mtibe visiteal lier sistar, Elgin lu se. Buffalo Bill Tbnraday. tira.Corlett, a4 Liberlyville titis weot. Dan Gasacoigne bas licen cmpluycd lias Emma Scitvah, of Cbicago, Waa b>' Joitn Wilson faitrlt.ecomtng Jear. te guomi eoftirs. F. Fritscht ouaday Miss Doulelson returned iSmturday limeVook. froau bier viil Vit frienals lu Wiscou- tir, aud trs. Oea. itinst, o!fIloagera, rin. Part, Vere callera ou frieudai bore laut Thte Concordia Soriely met sud nvas Sanda>'. riglit royali>' entertalued uItiMr. OasIs tir, sudtirai. Sirayer, of (ilenview, receetly. sponl itaturde>' sud Suuda>' Villarela- tirsud tirs. Johnu Arps, of the Stete tives bore. Hospital, Wiscousin, are viltlug tirs. J. C. Adams visiled ber daugit- frieuda bore. ter, tirs. Nimbutit, lu Evauston a feV 1ev. J. C. Buleber addresàoal lte days [est veet. tiethodiat ministenial meting lu Citi- L. H1. Wlmot vase appointeil as a cago tiouday. delegate to te Couuly C. E. Conven- G.0. Voee ill bave Palatine sud lion ln b. belal t lvauboeoeuil Salut- take op bis resldeuce iu Cuyiair, Ill., day andl Sunda>'. theotireI of Octoiter. Cbas. Galloway sud J. E. Woodmani Th. Palatine village Iosard visilcal viea from Rogers Parkto1 Deer- Woodstock 10 inspoot titeir system ofaielbd lutI Sanda>' sud spaul lite day water votta Tnesday. Vit relatives boe.. 1ev. W. il. Smjit, of Genos, former Aller a lenigt>' llnus Uria. N. pass1r o! tbe M. E. citurcit, visisoal BoctnValal alloa of cousumplion Wed- relatives bere reeenlly. nosala>, Sept. 15, aged 25 years. The creamer>' oveneal by the farnacraPianetai services vera, bolal et lit Of Lonug Oove laurnea t. te groand Luthiersu ciurcit Salurda>' afornu.. létat; Saturde>'. Theo flue saated l inte tueraient inlte cemoteny bote. De. ice bouse. coasea leIaves a abandansd ltre. MieClansalHarrison atteuded lte pont>' giveu b>' trs. (G. E. lieeasd Miss Carne Kingsley u a rrnlino Monda>' evenlng. tunda>' trs. Schierdlug entortalial relatives lu bonor of ber buabanal, vio vss lte recipleul of! anu>valumblo birtitduy preseuls. Kir. anud tra. Endolpit gave a part>' bu itonor o! Ibeir nepiteva irtbda>' Monda>' evening, sud a glorlous lime vas eujoyed b' b, heUllo lIe. Thte Bock hiver Confereuce of te M. E. chuncit yul b. belal lu Chicago t.e final veet lu Oclober. Ttce p poînimenta vilI ho madoe etaI lt ime. tir. M. D. Brown, accompanica b>' ber son sud bruter, enjoyeti a trip 10 Roctlord neceutl>', visiteal Dr. and tira. Clark, anal drove tome Friaa>' Mies Mair> Hopperkamp otertalurd ber Young frieuda et ber bomee lu Plum Grove teceul>. Tito>' trippea lte ligitlfaulastile . nti lb.hevse arné' tours." Vile tirs. Seipe vu as aging oui the vssitiug Mouds>' uoining, ber oui> ' ctia Oeel Utle" irla >ear suda a.hallaId, .1 lubu a l b o! atet sud wus drosnoed. W. ym- pet, tu lt.e bereaveal parents. Marieal, Wedueealay, Sopt. 15, ai lte roaldeuce o!ftirs. H. Scietdiug, ment ofthetcbride, John Miesuner ouI>' sou o! Wm. Moîssuor o! Palallue 10 UmssSopitie Mssa, dagittor o! ir. NMs, of Fischboeck, (larman>', anal niece o! H. C. iatsoi, a! Palatine. 1ev. liarder oMetcîteal. Mu, taI HarvotinggànalTbregsblu ere aon t ls t insa et thei Pm lour attention sutl b, aulimed l aoVInsud sovlug. YOU WILL F'IND The Proper place to Punahame gol Tlmothy AN Clover Seed-. CHAS. STEMPELCS Long Grove, - Illinois, -ORm^vLAKE someTE. DWIIQ SUx LodueaNo. tlu A. P1. A.Nm. 0" obe roear eomseatlona fêurdat ezeutuaen or befone flm~i~n~ SZ. l Ci %Lo. D. Ouos, Scor. Nés. A. N. Vairs; k,C y. LAIE "zCamp No. fauxl. ,:Lad foîarthh alurdaateveninga 0f Ouoas ~Evaam MaRvmaL. .V. C. em»B uooxâ.Ciark. M I'gM , No.iéBN.A.meol ecnd ab& a .u. attee W. un, ree orgauizlng the Eoadlng Cuti.. Rev.W. Me Slauaghter, 0F VEST VIROINIA. Writae ef taie 0leess latsad r. @Ai$es' éBetesUvouni IL MILES' Rator&u» ve rvine he hiarticlcsal>'autptad 10 the restonsk- lion i of aIt b boken dovu ty tard mental sort. liev. W. M. slangter of Mew liaven. W. vs.. Vntu: '"I uffeneivlth as- trame nervouanese. dlssiuees. itansd uer- voua beadacit ads d epleaunem. MI heart camne l%04aallog mes. Ivas short o! breah "Umm mu égorum y. . an au frdl eniel citlaltn. IPMailuMyieftt aie. Wednesdiay atternoon, Sept. 16,s5 Medicine aid physi- quiet Voddiug vas alemnisea et th: obiss ave me nu ne- homeofa!Johnu Fritscht, vien Miss c. m1 IprocuesaiDr. l<emper, o! Sitormerville, buomme hia& lle' llotorative bride, 1MeV. H. H. TitornuSafclatiug. IMervAné. ev tests 1u lte evoulug about fleeon Young Chae and ieMorveanud men Olt"tisPlace assombloal la frout Uver 1Pill.ansd Isam of bis resideuce sud entorisinoal the aune nu aunas o! c . couple b>' givlug sOmo vocal selecliona s diel0sharsuluean buton atrou. accumpanlea b>' tin canaanal@htl lsgebl. lt. ,diznumeaud coufusoal 10.1- gouma. Thoat titoir efforts vote appro- lait bave disappeaneal. aMY heurt troutbles me ciatea vas stovu viten tir. Fritscht ne more aud I fuel perfecti>' aeUv' vitit severai of bis frienda appoareal on Dr. Mlles' femeailearn muid t> aIl drug- lte moeeanal obargea lut lte crovl, gsi endr a postveguaranlea, Biit botti desling detruction la>y trowing old bonhtesO or muuey refunled. Book os cab.ges, lomatoue sud bricks, Viticit Heansd MrvSeasutfeue tosil appltcanta. caraed the assoaly>'0u saiter lu ail D~ IL EHIICAL 00.. bIttit, ad. directiona. After sorne lîmo the>' âgain appearoal lu albod>' aud do- mandedi laudollars as pa>' for services rendeneal. AI tirei hlr. Friithre. f useal Ih grant item r rquest andl bld te croVal 10 disperse, u ai bishbles alabeal lu leep," but biesapeecht aid nut bave lte desireal afecî, sud linal>' 10 gel id of lte crosal hoe-"loi boose" o! a Ivo dollar bill analte boys solomuizoal tAs aealiag as lte>' IW:em" '1 i.s'I na uasàil>'do ou scboccasions b>' itav. ra. f.V Iug a "-nice quietl lima.' ."Iii5tse l tIsa._ia HAINESVILLE. tirs Woyfortitlé la nrtlnlug friende from lteCil>'. tiauy Inoun ere atiendeal lteFait, aud ail report a good lime. tira. Diothorne ls on lb.esic, liai, anal blood polsoulng la foareal. Sebool lomea Wudueaday ltai the chîlairen migiti attend the fait. Johnu Ooemely, of Chiciago. ibas heon tho guest o! Mr, Goiman sud famil>'. Vu are aorry ta heur o! the serions ilînosa0o!Jacobt De Vos, Wvote isBot litelyto recover. Mrs. Huhiard bas gone o 10 atcon- Uls vitoro BitailI spendal a 1evdavé before reiurnlng t et tome in Iowa. A Oive pounal girl arrival ai lit, bonis o! Simon Davis, bat aller liviug ouI>' an touerlu tis vonlrid icl. Vo oi- tonal our éympaty 10lte bereaveal parents. The young people unitealsuanahd a dance la lte LyceumHall on Wedues. de>' evenulus. Titye>onjo>edtem. selves "immenuel>"' ase lteUlimevas "-short but aveai. For Bal* o-tont. A sorgham mi» vAt fixianes, lu good conditio. For intormaiom sddnea or appl>' to L 0. Bitta, Grayebate, IIL afiy Ameuluas bIsS1. Belotethe van fot Aunca nlde.. pondencolte Aunerican Epiacopalians, vho Vere connecloal iit te Englisit churcit. ver. nover suffered to bave s bluhop amng ltam, bui nemainealun- dorth b.juriodiction of lte hiatop of Loundont. The rite of confirmnation was unkuovu, sud even>' candidate lot or- dination vas obliged t10 havaI Co Eng- land. Ont o! 62 candidates vit came Iroun Amotlca lot ordination in 1767 10 diod on the voyage. At lengt, silos te Unitedl Staies had bleeu declareal lu- dopondeut, Dr. Séabary wva ordaineal bishop of Cannecticut b>' tte piua sud bisbops o! Scotlanl, lte prelates of lte Buglih qtarcit bavlug noluaeal 1 cooeale tiia-London News. A whistling mot lteansuAutralian tarity .Titu a aglasay ms a on the winp eaued vitit. rit.. Wben lte mol lw u t Viaie, i il Ik theme Ub'w* *0naeaWh" thmav 19 ]bu (Iranulatealt tigar........ Maaaaîui'é Fruit Jarsm, Pintelioz............ "QuartsI ....... è Galloil oz..... Cat Topasfoar Maison Juri............... "Itubiters ............ 4 D>oublee Sheetis Stlcky F17 Papar. A. i. Lipulal Siove polilsi............ .... 4 Ibo Kenosita (rackers ................ Cotlon-warp straw msltling yd........ Ladies' Shirt Waisles 25 pallorni, ascii Standard Prin'ts par yd....... meats ic leQuait>' I'madî!rai.asr , oducation ho neotis. Write 1 tir. Powerê, the Principal, for a CIrculai, and lfui[Information wililbo sent. A verY~ pretty weddiug 100k place lu Firoit (ongregational taiurci t iei place at iht noon Wedneaay thie 151h Inat. Thte contractiug parties were Miss Tennis Olivette Mrritl daugliter of tirsud tir&. J. T. Morrili sud tir. Morion Stmiit, o1lielol, Win. 1ev. E. A. Harris, pastor ot lte Firgêt Congre. gational oburcit porformed te core- mouy whicit wu witnessed by relatives and inumediato frouaIs. FThe oturcit wau ioeiy decorated wlth golden rod and pottoal plant., the bridai pari, andlng undor an arcit of golden taxi, trom the coulter of Vitici was suspend- eala largo wedding bell. Miss Aima Ronde., Of Ralnoavilie, cousin of lte bride was malal of ionor sud lte groom was atteudeal by tir. floury Love, oif lelofi, Mesurs. 1D. 0. Whtite aud Orson Washbat ru ea, ners. The bride was pretily dressoaltu lvory whiie asut sud carried white roses. The malal of honor wore white orgaudie over pink sud carried plit roses. ira. D. 0. Wie preaided ai lte organ, play, g tiendelsobués iteautlfia weddiug ntarch duriug lte outrance aud ext othtfe bridai party. Afte'r lta. cerernon>' a recepiiou wau beid ai the resi.icnce af te lades parentai. The newiy wedaied pair left ou lte i3o'lock train for lieloit vitere lte groom hit aahorne aIlread'y litoa te velcorne bis briade. Titegoing-away gown Vas a bi*aaallful vine aeoor irimnacd sit a liglat sa<e of green aliât sud lace. Tbey wareaecouapauted 10 lte station by a largo number of frienls vito visiteal teom od speed tb toru noe bome. The bride la a ctarmlugyotaug lady o! marketi lioerary sud musical leudeuceas ud vilii b greally mrnsed lun(irayslaite, ailug beau a social favorite. Thea groom lnaa Young business mnuof beloit, boiug lte senior partner of lhe Smitbh.a Purois Exceluior Lauudry sud wortby of lte prixe ho ot frorn our mîdét. Mir, snd tira. Smith vilIlbe maiholatare1 tbeir friends aller loai, lai ai 2ge3 Bridge St., lieloîl, Win. Toauhar'. Reading Uirclo. All. tovaeali tis pari of lte coanny are requesteal 10 meet lunlte (irayalake sebhool bouse Salurday Sept. 15, aitson 'clock for lte purpose 0f FD. BATTERSHALL. tYou KnOW A Ckod Thing Who Yoo Su Il lieue arc al lot of Onoit Thingai, snd ymouî aaani t jar.Ilt,, lat tbim opportaauitY Pâ-as n('l'l"'YtntiY ta, Meure your Psu i>resn (oodai sud Footwear, at sud i iiw colit Wlahlng 10 redue my stock tafore ujovi ng, 1 wliU soul at and4wlow aa'lusl Cosi, My eutire ue of Dreaqis <loodm, Basis aine Miioem. Souna. are thea followltlg, Silk lta iKab,'af iigairead lilél lcuanihis tal as 7i3c Ptryal ail I'Iéai tuljait hirnhrieta-t lat vas 57, e ar yal. at Flý'>'Figura na-Iaad (ah,,j a dritaagaiainail] .'sinraii,. 'ala was 2-k lpeu Jal. ut ....l. wax 5ca47flier pa. at .......... ai','lier yd. ah..... .... Seiz $3 Ladliasmii,,-m uah LadIes, Tan, 4abaoud dto' 19)lier central uoai la aim You make a mistake in flot buying. TERMS:- CASH. F. H. Kuebker, lhe Wondoî of the Suuon. S30.OO .PROGRESS BICYCLES S30.O40 Titis witeal fi% one oflte lao-nt naad l, i taonon the tnrke' tau and lsn ai a price witbiu lt e mefacaf,' o gra-at tuuibletu thie prie@ aof Cycles bas broughtti b abndaoum iiiwnasii, iiîa îawial t te eced. iugly low prica, o!f$.ifi.aai Made sait lilialsIArait Crawuî, aeainaaé tubing, tluely nickaelr d aeainaala.l. Ladia', or (;euti' adyles. SOME RARE 13ARGAINS IN LADIES' WHEELS. HAVE YOUR EVES TESTED FREE. Mir. vuilie, the aptician Vitalxia meting wltb aicia uaarkiuacesé ihrianglaoaaî liae. olant>' 5111ie litre. Fi dsy, Aaag. 27. snd waiI tli leasé.d ta, mont ail wira are traui>ed wiiti, Leeir eya.aiagian sd make a titorugiex. amlinatlun freea* af earge. We ,ael yiou the ie m l ie Ja recommendas ai reaaaauile prices. E. B. Shermian, GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. Sanborn & Co., Leading Tailors --ents Furnishers. K4 LIBE RTY VILLE, Kaiser Block, - - - ILL Auction Sales. W e Tte îîndeîsiguedvilii sali et puieticggi auclion on the hotwri LuIi faim, naate mil, tioit osai <of liamomad Lakeainsd an@ mile souti of lRockefelle'r, éSator- Ha'.ig haut yeura expariencei de>', Oclobet 2, 1897, cornmemacimlg "aheMl Pgi bsns.Ia 1 o'clock p. mn. lte oilowlug pr(apaaiy,Ui 'Il)gîglnjIei. la-vil; Il cove, giviug nik; t pair prea'mred Ici do ibis Work on gal 4 yean ahi mates, veigbtug 24(g); 21 nies sitoats, 200 blpeiela, car coiranîanlotiae. Writ Ile for rates jan crib, 30 aeree faîfder cern. We'il eraI 1csiniattes. lu éitact vas Dol caîblbîîaa'Ijl aîr sua bound alc éal bundies, anti atla'r MOMER FELTON. articles, 10 niamerona 10 mentioaa TBstus a> SÀLz- Ail munmestof $10 sad Lbertyville, - illiloli@ nuder cash.Aienisvr$îairdi_________________ o! ou. year vili lm~ givean aon goodl itautaba noies bearing 6 Pair cent A Cure for Blilous Colle. lutercét,- 2 peT cent aliscouant faar calallat ,ar'a4arveu Co., (lié-! bav on sunaolven $10. No properry re- - iacaeaaaaattîîs.îsof t)110&» OUtgct moveal until solileal for,.at avca er.Cbsmherlsmn'sOot FaAitu Wauuaaaaoa'ou, Prap. Chîaa.i'rsaî,ai harrlao.alauiRuuly ta1 W. H. APPIT, Auciluneer. uni>' aaar,îeî,. ilacte litesa çIa MILKHS ANDSPRIPOER i.Oiedose ta!fh gives rouaI te. itt MILERSANDSPRNGES. remettlea fMi. (. D. Sap Tm e essi . e t unS i., . Md 1.a tir P.Bn Lvx-1À à m=w Milmet.01Has> an VSeik1 eit L nr. Ritorman tea authorlsediorete scrpioh advorîîamenta LOV t* INnEPataD MW a&MoOjto 2-fr obpit 91> Isl on her for rages.* L-1 11 TERMS CASH: ILL Grayslake --«Ouqmw -««Mmm«Ll 1 Brick Store. GRAYSLAKE, ILLINO

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