Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Oct 1897, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT., Vol. V. No. 51. Libertyville. Lake County, Illinois. Friday. October 1, 1897. i9l.5O a Year in Advance.. Dr.. Charles Galloway. Office over LovelI'mDrug Store nous% paon 1 TeO8 AND 56TO AP. M. Libertyville. - Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Triggs & Taylor's. 7 to 10 5a . i2 te 4 tint 6&. te m1. mi. Residence un Broadway opposite Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. A. L. TRA VIS. MOU» 5 ILL A. M. 1 TO 8 AND 7 TO 8 P. 1 âpecia ttention pald to the trestmont or Chronie .Rheumasi. Rockefeller,-Ililinois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physician and Surgeon. IBRU11EUtNCZOPPOSITE LENUAN IOTEL B.D0. Gurnee, - - ------inleI. Dr. E. H. Smilth, DENTIST. Office over J. W. 1Butler's b!dg li,,ur: e: l'à12a. m. andti ,,5 1'.i. DAILY. - Libertyville, 111. Dr. E. V. HARVEY, DENTIST. -OFFICE Ho CIth - à toI12A. M. 12, 0 and7 o, o8P. Grayslake Illilnois. W. B. SCHAEFFERS NURSERY. CI'.. Ili. Vin-% ari .-IslIFri'rt- Ot ini ypii.'tisrailon . t"k O. F. Butterf ield M. D. C. VETEBINAIIY IUIttEON AND DENTIST. lýptlrVrzLI - - LiJNOIM PAUL MacGUFFIN, -Att4iruey ad Ctuiàeell',r at Lasw. NOTARY PUBLIC mpeeial ttt'njtiooagi veil ii tliî OFFICE W.ITII LAKE COLP.TT IBANK, Libertyville, Illnois. LIBERTYVILLE MOTEL Dlnng-room Service Firât Clas.. H-1lo, - ,r ri >.* -t-tu i ,,,, c 'r,,-. 1- r- 'TILLOTSON & FUANEY. M.,s LIBERTYVILLE. - - ILLINOIS. W. H. MILLER, TtJNStIAL AlttIST, Wbeu yon waait a ca chiairsor a gootl hal tlilt ral il 0"ll. CHOIS E IRA'sI18 OFr( lt.AHv or 81t d<UC I.,t. lC. Tî,Ict . s t- WHEN IN WAUKEG<AN 'i0' tAN <SET A (IOOD FULL MEAL, Ail ) ".. tit t 1 , -tni .. FOR 25 CENTS. King's 1Restaurant 210N. c St. ~ WAUKEGAN, Oneadoor sn,r l 1t) LL. J. J. LoNaAGH0054 H DWORKER. Swltch Makkng a -Speciaity wlth Iler. dwý of hïb ro f l î ,i" i i'. attbt. ,i lImr,,reae,,aiI,. Mjs. John Boysen, Lbertyville Summor Goods. SF16y Nets and Dusters at a iscount 1:0 make roorn for I CHAS. KAISER, .JLibertyville. - - Ii LAKE COINTry rý BANK.... -- WrIght. Parkhurst & Co. Liberty'ville. Illinoio. Issues Interest-Bearlng Certificates Payable on Dernand. Wantedi-Arpte.. Lite In SmalI Cties. --Theb hgir salarAe of the langer ctAce As, pirbat., abat atîrate youung men more iîttently tbat arîy oi.her factor," wites Etivtrsi W. Bok ilu the (ictuor I.,t, 'loist. Journal, point- Arigoult"Wtbore SteoeAv'at Youung Mn-la the th& manalter cilles. -"Bal, Ur tort U liaely,'- ho asym, "asthonsande tif youug tiena have touail for therri. mselves, tuee eituiAeis are nul; au bigb as they were led ta beileve, no vilii the sity Ancî,me ,uy tic ranch ir the metrapolis aae they bangaAned for. A aalary of two tiîttisatdu dullaera a Jear n the. big clly viii not brîug a yuung itan tht' coutltale living which une thtiîandtilîtlare a year ineaus Vt hlm In thelouit e ctuiuitn;Ay. WAîb a far attre nmoderato catany the rielig youig el'r, matnitger ot t uixi se ni ait ta the, Étsîi i ty lven lik.' a kiungiiu coin- parîcou tu the Inalu,ftteq1aj limtiltioli n tbhe largo centre. If hlie amnaa tihuneani or tat, a year leh lin Asuwv little huait', l'y leaso or lîtrchaco. For twetly.ill .'dol lare pper alut ttjlit' caoi liait. lit ,, iltty ttage, vAkh (.i's, puir Milîhîne souftsiîr Nttt 8of il. Hte Chifitsl,have' their tîcu grase- plot 1thekir jplay groîtaîl. Himaîorehl ta hix tsý.t.aîiig peasîîtrad bic Sunday deligilt. 'i reettiadell teatreet, cool hil rstmamc it lle living a cuniiort. Hîs irieiudu. ic ailiroutâil litné. He katae the tian wl ItieitadI dor. HIe utlglibut' chilîdren are bia thilîdrens apîsyniates. Htt social lies ias a mcanlaug tu it, t S. a loy aud un0 .'litla.tioa toii iitàî. When ho gitesotntltt' o..-alag It le Ato a ntoegatliernag vlierct.svery face las tamitl ar, tutds herne ite n iow sud a elcottu'd. le hu. uie tu ;end, suoiiehiîg vtîhi lthe taut ta the langer City, v.ira ulie ilies,, linsenot. ite ehurîitan U, hbmlulIte i fatixiy galiîeriîg oseny Siiuilay uiirotg. 'Ilie ittan ta tht. iulL its 8pantor, ubsi jent.hlà"ac liptizeýi fihOu irnied' hîru, and vilI balIize, and atarry bAs chiîdreri. ltipre in hi.eicrceeut finoin e eny mcltiof tprugreooluobiu buinstacuis tnu rit. lthora. and inlethe AUNTIE MARSH GONE. Lake VountY's Oldat Rosdent Passe Away. blary Pomeroy 1Mruh, sac Wildh'r diail early the. morning ut Sept. 24. Oh@ wa@ born lu Woodatock, Vermont, Augut 1848. She sprung tram good ltevoutionary stock, ter father Captain Wlder eerved under Wasblng. toîn ieaving bis ferren as on mss he heard ut the ' ling ut Bouton,.tI Dec. 7, 18'2:1,chiemarrîed DanlelMaruli. He too had Iteen a noier, havlng served la the var of 1812. For thlrty-three yeara bucnbarid sud elle lived together la happy vedlock, making thelr boume ln Woatock, Vermout and n Fremout sud Waukegan, Lake Co., Ill. 1k vas ltu 103; tiat thiey moved go Frémont. fiera they worked a farm f or riearly twenty yeara. These vere trangc days ln Fremout, days of privations in hardabipe. Their home wah a los houme 18128. TheAr nearest Poà#toMole, Chicago. It la nid that for aeveral yearu Daniel Marahi owned the ily grinstoue ln Ibat vîCADitty. 1k vws always St tie service of the nelgb bore, s vastheir home authat of veary traveiers. lu 1865 kbey maved tW Waukegaii wbere Mn. Marah died the 3Oth ofAprîl 1815. For a number t,!yearnashenun a hotelin that Cîty. The van found her an ardent patiot, ltidefatlgabie in her efforts in the ntereut of the oldiere. For the lust tweznty-slx ears us 1made ber hume with the tamily o! Bryon Colby. Bier boaitbhahd genensiiy been good util tbe lait tvo Jens vhen ahe wus bedrldden a large share of the ieAme.1 Durlng thase years sha vas a great source of care to the lamiy vhlcb no iovîagly cmned fur Lier. but this care vas cheerrtuliy bore because they1 loveti ber. Her'a vas a kied and O#Vmpathctiec disposItion. The old settlers oft he couty &Il remember ber as, a vainabla uaigbbor, always ready ta stand by and beip in tîmes of lekauau and trouble. Sba leaves no near relatives except as ister vbo luves n Waukegan and vho thougli ovrta catiber funr oagratulaîîa. lie le vîttt. eighl.y ilusaidtlu L'a ai spry as a girl ut lu eaîby aaiuig distacetor trolley tSoity. ride of b kils iace' of! lncî ce. lu ha, Auuty Manhe hlaliory la the blskony aUr its, bougeîràAierhon y, mi lnul fier 0f a centuiry. She hamceen aunamounltof cait!. sigi fini*. ttrnlber chitdiî, , uogneu taklng place derlng ber lite fibouekiieurc aial I inties, ber reatldasau t une perce n luten milion ls tog aud ierbsnciuntli. Allie Itîtîrtotfperatitteil ta sec, lier cbilidlood vasg itaitlt niie Iîtîsugl.h,'cr liasoftbiIe utiun lthIe ageo f thie stage coch, s'hilreias ttgiesp gisi ay ilu agthe. tailov coudA., the log bouse and tiu1,si uletiatiitilliee.Lite uneatàboute citun. lier fAter lit@ lu the lige .airii to, là ita 0100 il t iesite utfthe railroad, thie bicycle, thc iilIiiv te truc ofaiî sraIl factony andi the reaper. As a littia girl e,,. sIte rt-ad lien &'boal boots sud paper ,ril thoro ver,, fev lInbielle d&yalun coonty Convention. the. lîgbî ît a fllckoing canille ur a I hr .akr ( Q, IiiY t,,d 'I"'curas , Itazug log. Sheortde 1<î the mart ,tiîîiîl t isikeeirrlaxt Satttrilty t1al an tit w iti. aheels matie of a iftterit s,i utatile, iiiiixg. iitrtyvît le, itdegs aire relîre'senitùd. 1 lie tolloa uaig otillers acre rîectesi lî,r the .tI.uiulg terni; hic! I omblar. W.* Il wîkerr. Aîtoch; Nit.c emplar, Isabelle Clarki, Libortyvillei; Secetary, Altredl tîsca.ltîlighatstii; Asalt Se'y, %Ir@. lzartsuell, iliglivuail; Treaissaer, Jas. tClant, Liirtyvillr; Chapiatu, liay l-iyt, LtLerysilo,; Marshtall, Jouaie Oison. liglivooil. Lepuly Marshiall, 1.r. Cook, 1 t. Sheiduan; (baxrd, Blanche Vttlie, Lilerlyviitî. Setial, lMr. ft.ngs., lltckt'ftis'n Lsdge titpulv, Ada M. ,ligL er>ile WIll Rebiiild the Facteni. 'lite energelu, dirci'toiofr,!th,,Long uirc(reietry,, aIlich aisiemtroyed l'y fine Satitrilty, Selteunlîe-y lm. havi' clItIisu ad fortiattîiîtîna uîov 1juiltit îg v b ch vîlIl'be ut iteeilt conu- plelion i ath ail ît iuhle ileputli h Ie Loag irao rraaiory badles am lunuch, if nît latine jlaikian ut>' iython lac-- tsir% lii Lake etiunly anditilml total de- itlt uilst iliei tstht aI larg. Il titis the uconeiittry tAt Whicih iigli ie utiLuted tie etlpliont to! merebeots andtiiiiot'litiîiit't ut Long Gnttve, aa Il dlnew tu tanit viltg'e avh tlay a large t aitînii. o! faritera Iront thetsitronti- tagt'ttifittry. lite ch,-ee tat'tory,Larnile,, hausse snti nacbiaery erikaiiied in !aetomy arte eltinititeil tu have been vurîb $6.1000. ou itvlAn, 2,1881 tIMlranc,, vas î'arruî'd in lv, o tnpatitc one ut vbich ali,îsetl Iut $)i4;i.O)iofutheis sudttit the stuer ttîuîîipany loi, uttt am yet ad- tit-I t.'i tcptrtiona Bils for Coai andsi Flur. S,'uit'slisbd. il iiu'res'eived l lt he, 'to ntîr iii fottiitt' sr i xty toua tif bardit tat)13fl tn.s saîsîl tgg andIl 1 ttsij.'srnuge' iti s,'if. t. 1). Lileryvilieý audt i itty tiiri't, tf bîigla gradefli;ur, ilelivt'ri'iI il lur Farni, Iiicrtyuile. libe i ttc itpenedil tt'ttiî'12. The etoînûte r,'serve the riglit tî rejedt ui G.nalail.l~. atiie, i. 2w'i.F rots section outhtriIroaut lre. Sho vas diocoot in luinluhome apun, the mterial uovu and neaped, sud bleuceoiansd hreten and pun, mach o! Il perhspss vlth bier own bande. Il loux longer tu go tram Bouton lu Nov trkt tian l dues now tu erousatbe continent. No teambual plougliet tihe waters, nu englua apeti the tract. The hum ut the factomy vbeel hati begun tu L'e heard Au Englansi but Its sîttinti bad ualyel reached tbe Western bemi»phert. Giu sue eectmcll bild nult yet been ditîcovereti non bad zautîber oartb yis.lded out tlpneloua comnmoilty-teroseue. 1Tho country for wîîihben huabanti sud father fttiglil played sas et a very inaîgni- tiecuit part ut the. raie fthle vorlîls Wlioît titîieleo hiedItet tîtrceetito reant bis, îtaposiion ltatthe ,urth m<,vod, bc seas board tu Say option bis brentaîet 1pîîr.turse -And stilI abie mutîrd." Surstiy nevt'r dîrlug tae blctsîry ut huunanîty ham she muvoti as rapidly aun îurng the cectutry vblch tiltolire of Auutie Mardi. suo narly saînt'd. Thie f,îueanl totît place ai the Uniont church inimLibertyville, Rite. (. 1D. Honver udhcltng sud the luterment was matie at Ivanhue, ber body beAng ilepostet L'y the sideofu ber hrîsbtaud'a. LaW Prehlbltm Catt. Dehorfnlng. The Imt genemal a8scmbly ut Ilinois paased a lasi coîplhiug tanmers te daiat Imuni daornluîg Iboîr cattie, tbrough the efforts e! the humait Society. The enturcement 0t the lav his amet vîihthe gonoral dilapprovai oft fermera aîîd tocuen mouvht aim Ibat It ls by tamrtthe more cruel ta bavye lb,, houusou the caille than ta deborn theta. 1k bas lies-nshavu L'y neceuit experimeuts Ibal delîtruing scattle dlots nul; la amy say retard ltae grovth un cansesa a Itin luthie low ut mlt lu îiicb cove. In al probabillty thie conatltutlo;uallty of tbe law vilii Le testedin lathe near tutture. Pollock Tire Tlghtenen. The Supplenient Aaued At t Ibs veotu r cachon's Readin.g Circle. IlDP5tt Et'NT, VotRiKn là aMinutIe 'lut ctir.t ,m lruhu tt'etiig tif tht. deecrlTptitîuî uitJ. K. Poilucs t ire Ut, îtî ttr, I of th ttiearluers Rleail- klghteaen. lMn. Pollock in a Lite intg Ci'irtle a ilt htAieli n te Cl ays- -cOutiai mut ilisnventin njmses tîkt' titrhis,,su'Stturtay o0.t s la bave sRattiverualilemauti, ansi the iti7 ilt ie iîT'k 'wrculîjtetis en- articleahI nkeemt ail. Reati 1k. taiIutu lit Ite i rsttnunthe wtrt it Matui. 's' hiti ecre.atittui anti Songhum MilI. Auiituiît.' auttltIse division Of' We, ai tart Ounr orgbnm Mill Prirtuzrt i li lie distensssed. The' Tbttrcday Sept. 30. Parties havlng fiectilno! oh1eet.e vili toto place istcanelitiiiOnt usready tu grind aune tbis Meeting. Ail leachens vîthin a any day aller lie Shove diae. iJa ut six or eW511 miles are lnviled L. C. BITrn. GAGES LAKE. Mn. Ed C'ook l a vaintilsle horme lIm veeli. Miss Gisce UEMon Asvlsitlng friendh lu Chicago. Henry Wrghi bau gons on a basAnesa trip to Iova. Rira. Malory. of Watikegan,.m le ut- ingant Ur. Geedy'a. lirs. Daley, of Chicago, vl-sted Mmr. Thn. James lent yack. Misa liardla fad, uf Harton, lileb., ls viltlng fuiel hbre. ira. Mach vo bais ieen 111 for nmre Urne ls quie poorly. P. L. Jorgeneo!o Waukegan, vae a coller nt lUr. JaeUs isst Sanday. miss Eme Maan, of Chicago, vas a visiter at bar honne here nanday. Ur. snd Mr&. Uebrg, ut Chicaigo, are viaitiug lit. Jeffers and family. Mima Mande Prnisei, uf Hidele, vieited Umes aIlle James Tb ureaday. Fred Pheipe, etf(Cbicago, vas S Chicago visitor aS lira. Beneon, Sun dey. Mi1M Ada& Beorman fAl enjoying a vacation tram lber dulies In lte Salvulion Amy aud Asa perding the thme St ber làome hare.. The ravivai services condueted by Ils.. Bunya et Uiechurch inSuîlay evenung are very nereating. Ha laq a very ahi. and inleresting apeaker. He las deirons of a larger atteudance t thae meeliaga. Al ar e vry esrnetliY requesd to try sud attend titese Bunday evMing services. OUENTIRS CORNERS. Born, 10 Jac* .Blnrm and vite a Young on. Umn ertis ilurin bas gene te Normal la lAre f« th1e present. Hermon Jnukul*.ia entertaiuing nome Chicago reladllhi hipreaut. Lot of lhe folU4*ound boe took in the picent IAUZurich Buuday. The saome aid 1 sud dust for the lent tva menthe. Everything periahed. The Vla cornet band feruisied lhe picole munie lait *anday. The boys are n the pnsh. Hienry Rese Jr. aud tamily, ot Nebraska are hors on a visit to rets- tAves and old friands. John Leehmnm heallh bas unlmi- provedl ath has declded not to go souli as ha thought of. Lots ot peope are getlg ont of vater round boenmre a]lso compisn thst thair parus la lover Ilian tbeAr water. Diet, near Paila lionday Sept. 27 Wm. Wilson et s sIrote of paralsiel On. more old setlier aud nelgbbor gOna e rest. Mr. D. Liteilit bas selti bis farm sud viii meve ta Roctefeller for bis fte home. Town of Ela loge vbat Rockefeller gaIn. We are gladi te report tnât Wm. Berghorn lfs agarn home from tAt@ vas soeathiroal troubla. Married. at the home of H. lteeseSr., hiayonngeaidaugbter to lin. Heury MiUer. lMay tht. vay le' trevu vlth bappînensanad joy le tte wvlb or MILLBU RN. Itaîphi Spafont visilhicbago la8t weet. Mir. Johansen. of t Autin, a young artist o! menit le buisidng at the Roc,, resort. lmas. S. A. Harrie vhn babeen on the sick litfor coverai days ls napily recoverAng. Great BriAlAr bas grantedtu t James Pollock. Lattere Patent apon blAstre- tigbtenlng vash-rT. The udxt meeting of the Ladies' AdSociety wvAl bo efild atthe racsidanca uf lira. J. Ml. Strnug. Lieu. Smitb, of Evaàncton, a former Weil titovu ad resipacter i ctizent ut thîs place vas burlati bare Tuesday lait. A large nimber of old fnric and neigi boraskaudadthtecserviesN vbIch vere couducteil hy Mes'. M. A. Harris. LAKE VILLA. lins F. Joues is oi t te slck Ilst. lin. Zasrov antd famlly woîtt tii Millwaukee Fnldsy. Peter Slrang. of Mltlbun a vtinl Lake Villa Tbanaday. Mrn d lira. D. B. Sabin vore ut Damscnd Laka Saturday. L. B. Hughes auîd Frauk Slierwootl were lu Trevor Salunday. Born, Friday Sept. ", ta 1Mr. sud lin,. L. W. Rovllng a baby girl. Miases Fluaside Kerr andi liarthta Ilichardâemipent Satîînday sud Sunuday ai hume. Neticel Senti lu Joan bills aganât the Lake CouutY ArI Soelety. Tha huard vîll meet nazit eekt to audit uccounîse snd Il le eeesamy that ail billa lie seutl n et once ao insure prompt saklemcnt otfaime. Atidrens JAN. M. VoolDmAN. Sec'y, Llhartyvillla, Ii.i AuctlonSale Bills.. Fanmem vlio cunemptats hiavlug amicions ahonîticall onunasfon prives, for billa. We prînt themnteatly sud vitb dispatcb anti <ta prives are the loveal. Persona havlug aucîloît bilila printed St Ibis tufflco viii recelie f roc mention ot sale anti a lât of artieles sud poperty viii hae pallbet in lie colUMna Of trie INnEPSNuENT, vhicb li a laner circulation amang farmnera than any othen Lake County publca- tion. If weekly Crop Bulletin FOX LAKE.' A nov @love bac been putlt tltbe scboolhouse. A nov gril ai L. %Y. Rowansdg. SIte 1basc csme ts stay. 'The droutb still continutes, nain le badly ueeded A nutahor o! Chicago people client Sunday ai Foxlate. Mn. M. L. Orllger vixitesi Antlue'h on businesa lait Saturanta. Frank SAmon snd Eugeus. Gaiger vlcited St home on Sunday. There are à largo nanîber of gunnera et the Howard Bonse thie vweet. The irixiake Cemetery Society met vkitlira. IWater Wbite un Thursday. Mr. andl lrs. Lee Nt.lson are the. bappy parente ut a girl bsliy. Iorn re. cently. 1). W. Ctsssvsll and vif,, are saittîtn ng at tht' Cleialie cottlage ut FOX Lakte. Mnr. M. L. tîsilger antd iaugbter, AnAe vere Lli)ertyvIlle visijtor8 uni lionday. Water Atweil anti son ar. pioving on the Cremln place vhlcli tley bave renteti. lin. andl linse. A. tichanda h ave ne tracilhume trous tbs'r visit ta lic. souri Sud lova. Misa Eiles Daiziel, 0f Grayslate, udt. aid wth the Misae&ca llger a$ Fôxiats ou Snnday alternàoon. Miss Agnee Carn gave a reception tu ber friands Tbnraday, Sept. 23, prior lsavlng thle for the seasua. On Suniday, Sept. 18 Mir. C. Comaiey hroeght An a tan pound plckerel anti fomly.even pounda eofmmorted i flb. Miss Courtney, of Wancondai, la lascblng at the FoxLkscoli.ja Ibis veet An lils Rllie Nirvina place. C. F. Blatter la attll tatlng picteres on Indien Point. Ha vili stay a fev yacks longer sud la doing a good buci- Commodore Foots and ister vistaid FOX Lake last yack. Al voie delight. cd hy their pleasant marnuer anti vilticAsmas. Mfr. anud lra L. E Laraon aud lMr. andi lire. W. C. Stavencon daparteti tor Clii. cage liant veet. mach 1tuai@regret rtf Fox Latera. The uneit meeting yull be vithi Mrs. Thomas Witton St Aalloch ou Thars- day Oclober tbe 71b. A cordial Invi- tation t'O al. Their many friands et Fox Lake ma- gret the departure ut Misses Bertie and Jeannie Brophy, as thcy vere the lile 0f Mineuia Bay. Mir. L. E. Larsansd lira. W. 0. Stenson gave a Party lait veekto1 the Llhertyvillle fair, ail vbo atteaieti being pleasati vith the tair. lMa@. laypoie gave à musical on Taesday evenlng in sthich Mn. ilIlium, lira. Comaeloy and inxceA. CSrv t<wî a prominent part. Jadga J. W. Grneen seesîreil a fina Catch Oft lsh Isat Saturilay, consistAng of 20 fiue bansa, the. aralleat veigbing 3 Ibo anti the largeaI 5 Ibo ansd 2 ounesu. Aldermtan W'. T. Maypuie gave a1 dinner party at the Howard Htiare leat àMonda, to a faw frienda. A Mine %ali artsund the lake wsoienjoyeotinlu the yacht Joker. r»Mra. IW. H. Lyforti gave a fancy dresa psrty ta ber trienda last week. There vere 50 invitait gucasevbo vare de. llgbted L'y the many pratty 8lectionti ployait sud Bang. Coi. 0. B. DavAs liai huit a pover. bouse, and equAppeti aime with bolier andi englue to pump water for hie gar- don aud avu Ha hasa minatare vatar worka systain on hia place. Ik va an eujoyable party that lirs. E. Hovard gava to bar friands roceut- ly, alil avored wltb Invitations being eîîtbastactic An thelr expressions of satisfaction villi the unnanal pleaanre alfordeti Ly the cucul. Tie marrisg of Joseph Sesrls andi lilas laggle MeNea vaa saoleiied at Ciicagti Sept. 22, atter vblie the. couipla repsAredti taFox Lite viere theyuil occupy Saiphar Sprlng Cot- tage lu thie beautAful grave belongAug ta Capt. liarricon, vho madie the cou- pIe a veting prenant of one ystar'a rei,t o ttage ani grave. The veti. dling preacat e e,,nameroos anti beau-c tltui and Continutu1 arrive by every expresa. Y" scribe unîites vith thaîr nuîmerons triendsisnAu vsblug them -'everything posalîle, andt len aome. WARREN. wlulkmore A Romse are binsy pressing bay. Roy itracher vas a Milwaukee vlltor thîs veet. MIsh t'na CaIlby matie a short viitl home lait veet. The W. C. S. rmetivitb lin. D. H. Patarson Wedmnsdsy (icI. 6. Wtt untiaratauti tht 0. H. Stafford bas aoid hia tari to Mr. Faltuar. Mesdames Fred anti Chai. Wlbar vers Chicago Visitera laut veat. James Farrell ahîppeti a carloat et stock te Chicago hast lioutay nîgil. Our popular dresa mater im at Grays- laka Ibis yack witb lira. F. C. Wilhuîr. lia. O. W. Douglas, et Chicago, As vliting vit i Eryou Colby andi other frisinti. Amoug the Chicago visitons Ibis veek vene Edwin Potton snd J. J. Feezer. We are gladtiet report lira. N. T. Shuta mnch Improveti afler ber long ilctnesa. Bein, n Warren, liontiay Sept. 20, te li. nsdlira. Henry liogg a daugbâter. Our veteran carpeuter&R. Slnang aD Michael $tender are kept qalla buîsy at this eseon. Ftîr veet entilng Sept. 27, 159.7. a& Mli nsd lins. J. J. Feezer are ma- repurtiltby lie t'. S. lepIt. o! aiclug nier IpbeLirtb of s bolunlg Agriculture: I aby gi, veiglit 12J. Tempamature averageti fronit î D ied, lut Warren, Fnltay Sept. 24, mI8;s, Naney Wlder vldov et Duaniel degnees abovo uormaI, siti sharp Mrbie lt.svnJasat trottethe b. Omt of lie veat catîalng Mrhae it-ee er n sligbt tismage te laIe vines oun loy bhirty tisys. - and. No miu fell except aiong tie SpeolsI Offen. immadiats 18k, sbore and lanlelanmucli eee. Corn la trylng ont faut ant We have made arrangements vbareby eatiy cribblng la prenilset; outting las e ire anabtet te efferthlb.Weekiy generaliy fintaied, ili tar lugond laler or sSdInEauivon. soir lid. Little piowing or meeing bas for $1.7F), payable lu advaucse. ThAm ieg ogeoe s i fdryneme asînrea ara brous And ableh ib"zi Zr. i; volts cr applime 10 ait aboiberi ve »4 n e Opa<aiI ru«o very M armuroeps mi a roe aiS 'i .à' à ie~-~Y 'z~.O L ia AT wYr Fai lIliIli nery'Openlinl Saturday Sept. 25, 1897. AIso .Speclal Opening Sale of Ladies' Fali Jackets Saturday, Sept. 2.5, 1897. The Lake Cou nty AcadeMý WiII Open at Libertyville, Illinois, Monday, Oct Qber 25,1897s. With a corps of Competent Instructors. Businesl'liet. iîsinocc Coure d<uring writer term i iii nelude beqdd urs e.s the cominou Englicli branchen, iiook-koeplng, PeunsmS Cus.Buminemm Arlirnetie 8horthanad tTypeuriting. RATES 0F TUITION: W'înterprrm 25) wtekp-Rnafnpm s$15. IHlgiàUchool, $13 Iralamur, $10.00 SprA;tg erai III s e.k8s.Higlî Ss'hcetl, $7.001; Granîntear Seitool. $5. per tenu. CALENDAR. wlnter 'urn apene Molnday, ()t. ), '117. Sprlng Term optasMouday, April ..1 IILJsYVACATION 1Spitfg T'ro eudcn FrAslay, June 10, 1, ,,.g,.. lice. 24, '97; anti onds J an. 3,918. Speetal Tern Ts'achert' Normai DrQ WAnter l'ren ad Friday, Mar. 25, '98- Ove wes'ks Jziy i1. to Aug. 1.0 For f urther paticulars address H. C. PADDOCK, Principal, Libertyville, JIL NEW STOCK STOVES, Cali and Examine before Buyïng. Heating and Cook, rcan't be beat for Price, and Durabilýty., LIBEATYVILLE, ILI.. P. S. When you corne to the Fair, cornein and st rny lne of Stoves. LONG LAKE. W.* H. APPLEY, Mr. li. Lartîn lm cpanting tbuc veet C IO E lu Chicago. . .AU T O E Mis@ Lillian lriihauut epeal Sadtiy Lbetvle Ilno at Foi Late. ietvl,11no Mr. ansi Ifr. Jason Itanefiat vieltetI Haviag bat mach axps.le" i relatives le thilu locality Suîniley. liluneemng lu the pas& seveutesi Misses Ralle Vanltatte udtiJua t ai preparet lin attend s"als White vere licHatiry cillons Stttitrtlay. part o! Lake and adjoinhug L0s t .e, Loy Bastes. Satti.tcioi Mia Ella Mitchel vent te thbelcty a«l u.. lve mesa CIoi. lienday vhere &ho vîli @pend some lime vislîiug frientia and relatives. .~JoepbhlieNeil oethIis place anti àts liggîa Sesmîe, tf Chîcagu, vore J. . AR E manielleust Weduestay. The yautg J .C R E couple vîli mata Ibeir home aI Fox Lake sari have tie best wîcît,,s of . AUCTIONIEEI Iboîr maîuJ tientis. 1liasvt. ail a gresî d"I otf ______________________________ iA ai&(ttiitenuigtluriig lithe t! 4dmilatrtor' Notce. yeana, Snd beAng nov loos t;i u$dmsîstnsona NtIce. ellen, 1tam prepanod ibon uh @0 ~ UBC NOICE ~ )ins)y i,,e,ittfl lte laxeanti adacent cai. y A.Andsw tleorse. 1viei ý alt.lite areanailoy au -lit tk., CrocuLtelitut la term auictlr. 1 gusue rsrof lo be boltien it tw -t'ttîlieuse laeCau ho foui tila aukeman. In saol Coumti. un tIi,,ailIgou- store, day -t Nvemhen naxt. INP7. vien ansi vu-e ail prohè bivngtlams srlnut smsodae 40 arn ntot d nreeta lte tîresentuleIOU te sali (courttfon atjudiouc. '¶~UTU A.CLaE.Admlalstrater of sUd astate. .- SWanegn. oem M 81 Ri. la 0 30»« 1 Special Sale now going on of Ladies' Bla Kib Gloves $1.50 quality, called Mended Gloves. 6.5c A Pair. AT -WYNN'S, Cor. Genesee ând Washington Sts., WAUKEGAN.

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