1 ;npm EXX. taS bala n n es-ming, belon. iJebl. ls elge rd ile~ t s, W ,dl se r t uel ILthleg. Tt s-ent aytber if anyiblug she r0b5a ber .Iou wâtre p. pt bon lu ebarga ut 1ritot imfrom ber? Its-acaab- s1yA isouls SnoWsMme- onb~r rt. -Igeos- boo» erat"slshrooigstise &eqttinfaee s-lU aàlad liSe àr me& A tas- remrks about wIsmrielandi a&lertev anse ose liSe cisitrensa. t4s Me Carier Morton lu, le I lei -bal7-as a beets scedima me. 8h, »s' W4 at latin and G(in..S sing I~. ?Why, yoe'rea gcn-, uSUel thse ba.,"but s-e Me t fa eaia hp«Isehs-en't plsd suaitpsr. I sha sec à biet IL Caselsn itisme ~a~~eaton, Fou vis>- rIm*wu&butt1 auld Sau pà étr tar lin. 1 fl tnetléAt ot das bsi1.4,s ~ g udee! efn ~yas buruiug buit-~ W~y;abuu* bae Mtvei >*4 f roflrtu. BuS the ee ig op"res, I ad aere- &0 aw lés. Moli nsS dee ml a is 0hTisele Of thsess ronds.aî as jgt. -Ost NllI clties 1. bâtoe ls iscue sud ~esu5Ulo~a vem nais m Micy csfi at adasn- bwnvdby mua aieAtr- VU- - leseoer drtes barin 'Otue t ai erfbsds !'e 4(lUli eoreis1si, un er!Ib iuithebo-suge, acd, ghn meass e s lnt upta r boy s-il s thope ia tise I aurdbdtent hearSmia 's>.id stayerd stisebong bürmed a off and beibads ' wisoeo; atie I wnitheas filgeresin an ibontseveral hoen I s-aregul a& ar iS le bnou ansireairoltbu af arr ie asmmehaiuh.4eg sientlybged tn fr s mi e had os t ylag veesaspe 'Il ile.1ar i esS-bfthles- ý itb boe ae- rsatins ï d4,b- cue- # Wýbs*tra Ietn', su,ie atmes, ýîeai ordlnth, pi nul naius iesa 15510doce, s in a lis betan. tthe detar's riit, WiqMoânw tat be blieved bis botl"-bc pailencdhm a hm s-1enMWas tise doctes-Se -l la leiL kâmpsetlsa aiboumu sov vitis à>» À4*MIbat i mnet taS. tbWtasun Intervies- AN mytrabie s-ould hspeau>- muatf plr tiseotar i t mthe road; hie &jWglad. a sCc en ods lois. uil vp ilbed. 1 ss-rted as I caugbt slgist or Mbler fIee. 1 bcdl soecsdealis sereral timn, bt tbc vielinis hid beesi hasevise bai met lise drssi king withaut prepaistion. 490i o iebd beeu drowned, aud ais ans oeea4ou a man n-halbcd talles framtlise toetofactiff. Neeraunyet baliede n.aý hsuman bel k illcd,s. It s-es-e, isi' gai. "tir. Nes," she sald, fainti>,-,1"Ibave no igist ta sait a fat-ar ai yen, but yenu bave been Slnd tae ml boy, and .eemsd ta Rer, eyes grw v oodentnlty sit andi isummauis se spoliep1f isr son. "I a dytugr," aise continueS. "Tiser. wiilie nathlng, absotutel>- notblng, eit tasruty eciiiin.." "I .1sasari-y ta heur you mc>- mo, Mms Metes; sus-el>- lcannei be as bail as "Tise-' iti ise nothlng. I bave ivei ou e 5<claaniut>-, visciPies vilsme. My> boy n'ad Sirvini b. ltas-n pennues on rtise vanta. Ob, tisaI 1 conisi have lilyed liree years langes-! I cnta hbave seen thein kst inlutis, aay at maktsg tiseirlving." 1 ' 1iBgr eiyu muaithave fs-ends via vl iïdmehlngsigl saisi.- "Lihas. sala friand lu tise -arld; but i ten. lo one manu visamay, la yau viii bçi» me, do sosuething for my ciilsren. 1 s-9t Yeu ta sec this man ansditell Mbis1 Osisu&ai.twaltl yn laask hlmif Se vil WWy for.tise ciiidnajss living ansi esica- tit He Unet do it for tQve aitsue; -4Is at i.i&1d. In-ut ye tay>: e l tbt a sçaied packetn#$ismej unnte Yau 1odge tise proper &tsnant ai malle>- vl-tis tva isenest poisons as trustees, tiarn lastrissitels break tihe seats andi send tise Paolet la lia persan taes-bousitla a d- dressesi.' IAnest be mach troubsle, Mr-. NOrr ie o ili be sait ta pay tise moue>-, tises yen can aire hbm tise packet; n-lui "a0 do " f or a dyigvouas ', 1 vas pauslng ta considen visai course tea dopt. 1 bai auîy la promise ta cosu- pi>- s-bhber sequest, and I toit certlain > . s idé e splacisb lasMy b^ada. One *Jny possession 1cousd use visaI lelgis, -I1coisisinualdecelto2 ibis dy- ha vretteh. "I W14 net do Il," 1 sald. BiseUeansd, and ises inger, picked eu TMvoisre -aithtie bedeloties. "Qui' se sis, and vanisibave criesi, lad streagtisenangis becs ibers, "for sol ebIldicas seake, do tisis thils for me". It We very 11111. -eanak." Tise ertldi moment lidcom?. 1IJean- eS avet, br and bcoked lise ber n-id, bc- meeisig e7es. "tii-s.Mérs-les" I sald, "cas yoa%lui.i foi, dylng vaman, cail tis a litit tllnsg' Y.. wouid make me tise instroeneatgt s-ring uouey you vaut irasu Captuin (Jiesiai, and, that suouey one iven.,rire content ta Sie, knowlng Ibat tise Vile COU- spmlqyen and iehaconcacted ,ts-elisy 7«oSon a iti lse-es- 5e reveale4. Mas-y Wihlisnssnov tint Yeu lie an Yser deats- bcd, do tiseuse gapd action af yaur ii, and ccar tise Innocent.", I tisougit aismr fnlghi s-auid bave entt short tli 11111 utclefI iser. Ber laite eyes dilateS vitis horion sud tbas-,lu 9P-It aif1b- vea#nsens, seic atrais-si baelf la tliedaansi stornt me. "Wat haro yen ta do vîi t icisri bisse adlaiseium, nov?' î con, houed. "Roiw s-lit yocface lise nazi s-asId s-lti Ibis lèaI act on yanr saui? Ans ysxa bomifarsurer, show- meity!" "wlaiyu?' mie gasped. l"Hos du Yen lmo ar usne? XQU are Lady Eut- mere's saur' the sai, uidenly. "iinosetL." iSM C114loiber oe. ansilay nuttcning. Tise o oui>- s-asi Icould catchsfrein lier parcised, sres-n lips n-es-e, "MY chilidren slsrvug, peunniesa!" "tiFs. Merln-Mary Willlams4," 1moi, "ite. ta me. I ais ici. I plesige My yard s a mas, my basoassa gentleman. tiAt if. ai raur ovu fiee vili ansi accord, Yen Place that confession lnani>-banda, I swil do ail, eves suase, for yaar ehlidren tissu you vishesittasait of Cisuis." Sise openesi ber' eyes and ioaked ai me as tisougisthc n-ouid sens-ch Myblirst. "Let me bear tisat agalu," aba nbis- pes-es. i repealesi my n-ord,. "Toen sn-esr lt?"' mie mid. "I mn-oui lt-I s-ii seet Iesu taunched int ie."1 Once mareseelosed ber ryes, sud the fes- moments visic i psseslbei os-e aise made aY u>-rtiorSp igu seerned ages ta me. "'TaS. a chair," %lse whlspes-ed, "ansi lookS on the top af the s-rnds-aie. Clv, meca box you'i flusi here" Tise box s-as locked, andI, nes r. mos-- tan said natbing about tise Se>-, 1 vencis- cd tlise coi-es-aff. Tisere la>- the pacisot sealed sud vitso Itadslrea. 1ilookis t out, sud, lu defamit .1 an>- commanda ta the castras-y, opened Il. Tises-en-seanu lsuçr covrs-dtrected, Dsuto( i S-rLaurence Esîmere. as- ta LuSdy Estiere, but ta Lord * Ilaîbeil. Mss-y Wllasn. s a les-en woman, sud kuew wnha vanisi ho certain ta see fiat tise confession di irat. os-k. 1 tare tiecocver opn u ass-II. It wsunu tfime la stad open ces-esieu. Set-es-si siseets coveeed ws-h i ntnj n-esrinalde. "In It al boere?' I alsi, Rbces-as eying me eageri>.-. Ail-ev- erytlini," sthevisispered. 1 fO p ta e tiepreons dociuent luns>- bres-at ansi teit thsersuas. i tit I coutil sotnt ulib. tua cautious. gSa sau>- tlreats turned -unthat pspe. Usîestlie ment indsputeble evidence oaiti.s othorît>- s-a forthSiscmn, a suspcions man, as 1 ei sure' WBr Litree Estmere mantllie, s-euh! reJd.t l a. c fabrication. To hlm lt %vantsa wears-aant ai condemuation. i vent to tieclaeryman ai tise paris-- fo« Nortis Rond lbd a lOurcis ai lis otyl. 1 bsail-sisep a Sbid ori equaintane s-itbiip. I laid his b* ietes ai tise espe, lIaI c drina4dunes- tuled a ie s-bat ptonseens ii ceiid. bfisa If b.uvanlsi eaouusagu51l amdld, ai"sif be MtaU * w: orpas.et sta. lu iti u je s-as lutcpted and aezIon taésiee "Ignlibar lat a U igtsrate," lie saisi. "H. yIl b.ethe proper persan, If n-e cas lsd hlm at home!' Tises-antis>-magistral, von ai hoise, potteris u&soot [lis reenhause. ttucb a reQnaeas mine muet bave been an eea lu i$ q*iet lIre, sud l e -ladl>- accedesilS it- lu & rer>- short-tisue w-e -ere tsi- log b>- the dyiug wian, bcd. Tisemg itrale tooS the paiper, n-hIiehasMui m rendi alousi, front my baund sud Iennod oves- tIrs. Merlan. 1 s-oil net là' ,stà. t u l his W'vti -ld Th". lisI; .bd Tise cergymMI anl es" gu t is. p.n per, feu olla suke., t lite bosidédan begaute te-arfaiàSdepartLiMas. (Th b.e ontlnuedj A <lanisval OMaissme. T'he cestury viscis bean vlstise year 1601 fouisithlise ai vrisi la à turnuit.la 1Ira% Opaile nO mucses Att tise bavai fomceof a great empire for tise canquestloai Enlanss, asuD ot farts tisa Armada la de tise vans. Tise Armada faIlesibut tic van sud sot came tb an end an fiat accouaI; fiat vau but thie belusngof aMeate- viîci vent an by ses andi land for a long Urne. -Tise ar beveen Buiand aud the. Spanili Uphnpi; Soweven. vAS osiy on.etftise many visicis rageS frau m 85ta 16M ,Durlnt tla perlel tses-e van a bloady struggle -bets-cen France, under HLenry IV, andi Uals s-hie tise prilices of tisa German M- pire, utterly Igsarlng t2h im"OiaI t boriîy, cal-dcA on c o ech Sother, qnd devpattoo etm with is .i-public and *privai.rtaze. At tisanosame lme, tise empire va. fore- cd 10 contansi, aI ana Urne vitistise Hunganlan., at al l ime, vîti thse Turs-k. Naor vas tise rêtlesneu ou e- inesi ta Europe. for, during tiesaMnu paslad, tihe Turs-m agcd a great var wt t1h.Perlnsn, and tise lattes-, lad- log tisey bh as on 111e torn uti ases-lUi wiste Ottoman Empire, made tMuige even b>- carrylng s-ar Ia Ia l dia. Unilar Abbaes tise Great, tise er- aMan state aÏithitiUre ruse la a de- gi-e. oi paver and apiendor lisat ibu -neyer $Ince isen equalesi ln ls istsory. Sncb was tise general Irritation ta botis Europe and Auta t tise animamte, Sinsitesi t tise b.glnning ai lb. cen- tury lesteS until It vasSai aver, fer lu 1618 began tise fumns ThIlrty Team'War, eaIlirai aài-lgous strag- gte, but visich mmourecse as much a malter of poittes a. oi religion. tise latter beinsg naily ga campletely lts 10 vlev fiat Protestant and Cathotie Mlates vers flgblng on saab side. Tise Bltesof GermayW,visen pence vwu finslly couctudesi la 1M&0. as mast do- plorable. Wisoe districts bail been de- populated, andi vier. once itoosi veelhyctisdUs ye n sy ieape ef nulu. Thie Modbici Vaine of Wates-. Tise hum»n bodyr la contautly onder- golug tissu. change. Woss-oul parti- alos an. cetaiside and iiminatesi trom lise system, s-hile nov ara boing ters- cd, tram the lIscepion ofIfe ta Ias cloue. Water bas tise pas-en ai lncrnaing tise.tissu. changea, wviicbmuttipiy tise wste ps-admts, but aitisae saine time tScy are renevad by Its sgaucy. gsvlng rse. te Incases iappohite, wviia lu tus-n provîdes iresis nutrimnent. Pet- sans butl utIle accumboues ta driiuklng s-ates are lIcite ta have tisetraite pso-S acta tarseS fastes- thona tiey are s- mat-id. Aur obstruction ta tisa fiee vas-king at naIns-at inws il once pre duam diseuse, visicis, If once frls-ny seatosi, requis-es batta lime sud usouey ta cuAm People nccustamrd tarsle lu tise suas-ulg s-caS ansi langylîsil-litns tisa cause ln tise Itujerfecl secretion of vastes, wviicis isy limes sua>-be seu- edles b>- drinktug a umbles-tut of va- tes- iciora retirtug. Tis ses-y natenil- t>- asssalu uhe pnoeess dus-lng tisa nigist. snd is-siqo lise tissues frseh ansi atrong. ready for thse actilvus-ok ai tise day. Hat vates- la une oi ants-et nemedinl agents. A bat bath an going ta lied, et-eu la tise bat ulgisoa summcr, lo a bettes felaever oaInlssumistissu masy sirugs. infiamed parts viii subside undas- lb. continunt pauiticlng ai bal vater, Ver>- bot vates-, as s-e ailthuas-, la a pruompt cheekes- of bieedluc, anS be- aides, If it las dean. na It soltib, il nids ln stes-ilztng sonds-Hall's Jour ual ut Healtis. s-bey Clit the Bell. Tise trustee ai ac ciureis near De- tr'oit fauns Itilnacessar>- ta establis a funuli 0pas-dbase a bell. Tise mesuber- sip vas simallsansi compouet in-et paît>-orai prs-ons vso s-es-c unabie la do more, lu a finaneil a u>, tistn ttuey bad alreasi> doue bavard buildng tise clias-elsedililce. biroeer Smith, oeeoa tise trustees, bliovetI It woulsi lica goond isan ta soolicît countributions ta tise $200 nequls-es among tise fev s-eh-ta-do menuies-soai(tis ecungregatten. S"If Decocn Bnient>- tooli a notuon," suisitise grocer toa notiser trusttee, "lie ta cble ta bu>- lie bail. He s-on't, Ihougis, beeause ise' tise loseel suan lu tise village. l'n gulmg ta hlmm l tiesa ame ansi Sa my best ta sunke hlm sec hie s-ny ciens-ta gure uns a uds-ad dollars." Th iselrmitman tise pces- mlicted tise sexî day vas Dextoon Bs-elast>. Tise don- cou wrat unuanali- grnupy tisaI mos-l Iug andi vas nenri>- unnervesi ties the as-at-en explauelietsamission. 1*I Snov i'm c memb1 ai tise abus-eh, but tings are cose ea tI1 can't do sncb jual mo-t." "Ilias-muais eill rats gve tuvard buylng tihoUlI' nukedthelb.giacon. -Wei, I neckan l'Il gis-cnas muaS aM anybasi>," declart- hel biaecun. "Tan s-eea nita>-,goosi ut your vas-S, deacaus, sea rasndi 1 n-hi bu>- tis.belL' Tise grocer held tbie ieneon ita bis ps-omise. Tise groces- vas mol; a veaiti>- man, anS il came a trille 'lai-S for til la aparu a basais-d dollarsu tram is capital, bul Il 515 hitr.s n osid af gondi ta boni lise bell OIUiugàafov meeà* lates.-Detnoit Fs-ce Prscs. FloriSa hba s aur!osit>- ln tiselice ai raiva>-5. Btet-osAt-ouiPas-k anS nasaCiItiste couînts-y ta lerel and sanS>, ansi ler, tis a sshla id. Ti jalla are voosi. bau Imbesideti lu lhe ramsi, andinae bsi ln iioîtn iy ivoosi- eu pins, s-bile tIhe unds are couiteccad ivitis itank couples-s. Nul anieunai af- scIaI la od, andi su's-sIOf liserailts liai-c becs doateti. A ateans dutsm fus-nIaispoves-, and tise cas-s as-e ai lb. mon sl îsiutroe iyilO. but tise mnut- nous ove, tise touta la lready large onougis l a py a Sirudeus. irolotlt i Woaeus' Draese., roekê 1 4(1 4einlra p --o-L- Lundi Kotal la one of the forts of the Khyber pass, the principal page ln the Mountains separating Indla froin Afghanistan. Before the recent capture of the place by the hostile tribemmen Ir mas garrizoned by a contingent GRIMMA known as the Khyber Rides, whleh are untfomed and Mt" pald by the Indlan GoIremment.-Black and White. MADE FLOUR FOR TROOPS. 084i Mill5tu merlsand Gap Wi5s Da esylce. l sh, Ci-vil ver. Tiser la stndig ai Cumber-landi Gap. Isut &am theisc Be lIna iram tildsileboM y, enr,, sorieasldail lL s-bIcS dnnlag tise civil s-an groans tisa bs.adMtugfor thscuansisoaiCanteden- ka" ansiFuuml glsiere Tise 111 laehofes eI the foot or tise famous Plansci mounlala on tis oth aide. It bsa sicMeersisot visaI af tiha ol-fs.isia..d * bout the came aise sund shuMest a duplicate of the notesi vatervisel vIleS attracla me mach at- tention &ostise «an eatise Ten- nens.. ceatoals Th'ie mini va. bulil b>- Joisa Yck. visacame irons Nos-ti Carolina about1800 Tise atones-wicts fameS tihe fecPdation ai the structure veIauiid fi-os tise aid sorti state aa oL tOf $#M. Loce f feates Il suceuufniiyt- forma>-y Ye-, andi itos- he baSl aecunlalod a smatl tas-tune se balit aB er mW Jue aboya Il. He alo eeecles a crdug factaîr>-ansi an ap- rlgbt saab saw-nitU. Ail tise machiner>- usrsun b>- tis emnons cav-e spring or tise Plnnacle mmetais, wvicisgusîzes out of King Soicman's caestc3M0 tc abat-e the lev«or Cftii.valIe>. It cc"n #fou. *ma0Unaisde s- u.rtable *torrent, taamjnC, tiustng. 3-411111,9ca--rrIng lige bon-ides - fora Il sud -mttrog a cisanuel tbraagis tise evers-atUag rocks lu its muai rus ta lise vallei- betos-. This torrent, ne- eartltng ta the e sîlîate of tnccbanicnt engineers, vanta msnuii i sabrne potes-, ansi attisongisaid man Leecke isanneaesieut>- a pas-I af tie turbulent sts-etm ta îs s-Secesne secnresi suffi- edent pes-er ta eperate the sucnees> ion man> ymre. At hl% dentS a tes- Yeans priOn ta tisa s-arJois C. Newly j hougiItishe ptant sud bcSe sd lieu tise van briroit. tHe fui-nIiseS tise Canfedes-cy>- s-liS Ib ussofaibuasels oifsuesi ansi honsredp ai barrslfet iens- groansi b>- liese 0t4 salIa, and visen tise Federat army toaS possession ai th@e ep tise sainie bumrammde brensi- stufionrItacle "Sa'@men. When lb. vIral et tiselat Mystenles oi tise An- Ments. Tise Place ta vici be bas sas- soucreodesi on abuMt Ms-. lkwvgrwm5 sealuUau ta return ltisahéconduat ai bis business affaire lu Englassilate one fornierl> beld hy W. Q. Jusige. aila telurie vl aOnly b. far tise onexpis-es tesrn, sud s-Setier lie reteins il pes-ma- nesittyor not vîli depend an.tise voteof his roe" silutise sccbly sud o n thse s-ll o airi-. Kathestne Tingle>-. tise isens af tise esotes-Ical brauci et tise Tiseospapi s l et> ofthtie Wasld. Ms-. Nereemer vas boru lu Munich about ilty ynnrs &go. H. l1a a gray-bais-eS. btue-eyesi man o! mucis cîperlence of tise n-aniS. He ue asknui inusîctan EnynAn A. CsMEsuEiiaE ansi pisys set-es-alIntruments iseide, betng a flue iarylone. Ho has da sa tis e la cstudeul lu tise dopestisent ai medîcîneofetColumbui Unitvesilty, ansi a daugsten n-ho ta sttendiug melsool lu MoutreaL Mes home le Ha>-City, L. I. OiffIn ai "Bine Blooti." Tisees-ais ofthlie tes-m "bine btond- la muaI suggestive. Ailes- tIse blin Meursn-es-e drit-cu out ai Spein lise arsuoclue>- ai Spain van beusi ta con- slut ai tisoae Who tracesitiseis- luneage tincistaebise lime before tise tIlooisis T;HE OLD LOCKE MILL. Coni.derates began starming the Oup priai to the. Federal forces evaenating Gen. George Margan orderéd tise mfille to b. iedas b. did nfot triis them, to remain ln operation and give ascror ta the Canfée.acy. Aceerdingiy n squad of mon vas dehWied Io do the work. Tlsey bad jut met gie to the flourlug mlii viien the. Confederate batterie, f rom the adjaenit Mountains opened lira on thse ffeeail, ek. Tise squad iost no Urne ln eUiaIe'eand au the wlnd iev the. lames nway frora thc coin mli il a. .aved. il has Dot been ln opesatie. for sevent] years and May neyer grbsd agala. PRESIEIENT 0F TfrEOSOPMISTS. Edwasd Augusi Nertahelsuer ta Rule tii. 0cietY A t uertcss. Edward Auguut Nereshelsuer viii bc preuidisit et thse Tiseesophicai Society of America la te ls iso.aiErnet Tesu- lie Rargrcve outilAprUl. 1898. tMr. Nereseluer la a dismond maerchant wlth a deep ltuect i. tbeosophy. lie bas becs e tise ICe dent oftheb.ns- C *4 v. C Jiitaifirs f u Cývw ~ ~IE ese:AII -fit W~5j i S k or,. the eonquest. Tbose peoplan-eo hlte tissu tisogees-bu blies mixed ws-let toiob-Ii blond. Tise veina upan tlier vite bauds ver. bine, n-bite tise blond ai lith mssCOstamlnatcd by .tise Moos-Isi InfusIon, shovesi btu. * upon thir-bandes anS faecs.lia0lb.es-it, SPauIlars-sifaitise aid race came ho sic- oIelIlial lisels- blood vous "bine.", witîe tisaIaiflise comman people vat biseS. Tise phrasepassas e laFrnco. s-lie.Il b.d Doa meb "slhteanee, andi s-as, ln tact, qnile as-bls-as-y, paid tisese Il came la Esglannasd America. Reviv raiaiOUsI ,eveipy. Tise aid ste jeves->-la camtug intt fashiOn agais, Waimnmas-o iauutîug tisa ol eus-la shape, trytug ta Sund tise lieatint aid cameos lire tus,. -arni b>- tiser motions andi greudmolisers yeans ago. Tise atd-fasionesi seting la rareIy changeai, tise qunintis- cas-yod ansi lwssd gela i îng soflsidere-ex. tresuel>- leautlfiul Tiso aid broche, andi rings ns-e espeal>-souglît for, anud bIsng nemas-kabia pruces vben f aunai. The Sig tutaes-batDire meut ot ,MaW*trouxste ontbkle vbsa aid fflffl M y vtb s visibis . tatae eot ai- lis. Womma' Chittan Tesapere»ceBIM ion vas iuoeual p on.0 n Is tii. irPe byterlan Cisurch ln Olsaupa4M .Mr Louise a. litunds, Itate prlent Or uh union, reil the irait verse, -"Pr*Ws.y* lts Lord; pralie lthe Lord, 0 y sOl." asu the . ase-r, "Wbile 1 lire viii 1 praa the. Lord, came lîke an echotem thi tispoats Di 400 Warren wiio Wear tihe viit riblion an their brestua nd tise cause o teuiperauce la their heart. Aiter prayer wns ffered by tis e ..EI H. O*Nc.s ai cbampoigu, mm. Round catied tii cusveutimirtaorder. le,. i WobVtieîIlet thse, MettbodistCisuec a Urbana aud Dr. C. N. Wilde, licitairo tise Presbyterfan Ciiusch etChaufpalge then made addresses or velcoume ou behai ofail tlhi obiszcbeu otthe tva citie-. PMa Dav-id Kisie- t rougit greetinus frea.th University of' Iginols bosaict iof th, presldont, Avnslnw 8I.hep.. mm,, Mary C. Kubl, presIdcnlt et 16 AStis district, gave weeouge ta thse coq vention fraontishe local aisis et Obsis pam sund Libans.Ma. UsinXia Glimion ai De 'sir, ti-s. M. A. Sanford ft lusa Ington and tMie&5M. Lena Mornaw ai Free port made responses te lthe greetings. Mn, Mary A. Coomb oi Arcuia, mecretany pri leva., renid the repart or tis e auitive coin milice. The department osi woek amnî soldiers and unislors n-as rccomnmded bA bc. tucorporated inti, sonie stsilar depant menti. The appointaient oftise commit tees, usisecliucus business and lthe su Ports oiflise 22d district thoera occupied tsi attentiouniof Ose convention untilthtie ad Jouruusrî,î ut the noon hoer. At the second session of lthe day Mma Jessie BIliltOp rend au cncouraglng te Port ou the ijiot hers' mcetinf. MIr'u et Joliet rend the repos-i ou.plit 4 Jamîes H. Shsaw oi Bloonlngtan, uccre tory Of lhe Illinfl Chriian Oitizeusisl Lcs-u, usarnde au ssldress an tise verkai tise e an sd urgotd the co-apema la tise Wosna Christian Temperence Un. lou. Uts declaratlon thal 'tthe Cieils forces afIlilinois msust camsp on tise door, etep lits enate hamber" reeircd iti touidest applause of the day. Tise r'port ou lb. $tâte paper, tise lii- nais Wnlh Ton-e, vs. rond iy the. cdi- tar, M vs. Car-lé L. i.out ofaitokfed. A deicit vas reported snd sovera usions ms4cW girls la help snpply the. needa citis Wateh Ton-ern. e.ua. Mms.J. D. rCollaiofVastlls reed the repart on tise evo-kstang soidiers snd sales, and Mis. J. B. Habite red tise repotrt duamuer assesublies. Mr§s. Mary IL Metagar vloeesldet of Illinois, prosided ai tishe uingMeu- Ina. tir,. A. 9. Ceais, ciua u inlendent or prise niedai eeatsuts, liss Presentced three soit! medas ta tile dietaiet eounty and local unions wb"ieb"ad eMi tise greateet nuniber af Wmaua. Cula don Temuperance UnamedaI eenwstis.I District I16 received tise districmodia. Marlon CouniY secured thee*iodali fe couanlies sud Eva Mtise. Smithunesatie local union modal. Ms-s. Rlounds Ihen deivered tise pieud. dent*# asuat adds-ess. HONOR - FOR E6WARD 000K. Blected Grand Master by Iltiaci Orud Lo>dge of M m.., White apron aud regsafit-es-e lu cvi- dence in she ne gbbhof .ithe Columbla Thonier, Chicaigo, n-bthelb annusi coin- usssui,-aton of lisegraud todge of tisons of Illinois Nalwa: 8.'l0Mauss er. lires sut snd thc î. utt)ltce lscresed ljee. G;randt>1 ()W-onhesiScott ai Blocus- ington s s-k ,1-flY O ft>-atise gras-ts aftise had lb.-..1-., ffr c, ew tOdge,, tih"s hihst t b-it,-. ,d-,l..-ted and Ovte dispen. sations for uew Iode s-s sed. (IrsusiScrptnry I)III rprted tisat or- der@s ta lis.'assount ofIlMf141.51 issd been dran on the trcn-,urer, ut vhieh $18jS8 uns for miles ge ansd per dient, andIlIl, 6161.41 for osl,-r cxpeusses. During tise Yenr IR9t7, 831)0(10 as coliectedi or dues for the carrent yens-, $313.50 for back Aue% sud tfor oxiser itents, 0713.75, maS- iug ailttal of 140,Mf6.25. %%'bon tise suilusi eloctIonaifagraud ona- cers took place Edward Cok or Chîcagts %va mbcoten grasid master tu ssscceed Oves Scoztt. Reorehe osecond doy's session aofltse aununi comumuniction in ltheb.Columbia Thenter, Ch.icsgo, Senator William IL Mison, grand ornior for Illinois, deUy-v ered anoratton ou "The Evalutiou ai Na- tins." whieh n-iâ hc prnted iu thc grand asIc- ruceedugss. lu hi.s ddress Sent,,r tisinnraeed tho .clîzs-z of gtzvenismeut frois thse oliI z sicuÇotiuded ou brute force ta tihe umoen dz uzoz-rue>-, here encs mnibasha au v-ztss voirePiolthe affairsaofi admilis- trilnts. Lqorz for usaukind sud a respect ut iutiiual rigis, bc isird. ver. cas-as-- terzstir of more, ndvsueed go)verueat. Hi trnced frons s-orty historient sud bîblîcal tzullsIltle gradtzsl developruent ai thse fzztzdauzz-stai îsnicsiffles ut libertiy. 1'len lie aoshz plau the woudertsi gras-ti re-icetly of soctalistie or eu-atltc i<leus. lie held uP tih,Uuited SIates as th,- Lest cexemplse. sr u..r, af governmest. Ther Senattor's sosssc- of humai foad play 111 cocu zM- sottee a subject se bis, ansd lie tolt severzît s-hs r-tete-ristie &tories. The' coîursiltee ou appeilta ansd gies-- Rsu, finautnce anud eissrlered todges, and lostges lumier dlstwsssstiou reparted. Six charters were ordeeed sued ta ucu Irsîge. Pick, Up ia ornaiI Fortune. Otieer tînte Little ai tise East St. Louis Police depriraieut und a salcsel cou- taliug the sImm of $1.20l0 l10 aud 8$M gotd pieces oua the sides-ain lufiont ai a resideuce ln Fast St. Louis. He acv tihe satchet iu the siden-atk sud tbougist tisat as it lay iu front or Dr. Tvttiietebe nie . douce and n-as quit. henry it rontalaied surgirai instruments tisat lise doeto, cd forgolteu ttairae imb tise boqse. OMMie Little tank stise valise ta tise hanse snd îrased thse doctor, n-ha sail It vati hic, but as bc vas s bout taedustse laps a lady, t, ho trasis apediag the algisltisere, satd it belouged ta ber hssisasd, Dr. A. J. Bute-. isa d lfit it ln ber charge, and shie bâtd put Il dos-s tn bld tise dactor goad-by anmd forge,1w* It Io estimatad t h.t.ie fafmes- of] Mir. de Ber-Y 9gtlas temaXe one orinmyceig*tns Mb d Bh>fl-Obl do lry It nov, 1 alowls e ie ta se. you!-Detnroit i-ePies, te NHe-I love Yeuu madly. fjbe-Th.t!~s te vint yen bave slmeftsdy ld Mr flalui. 'f H-yesbut ince tbol ýuWi~o cpov more seulble.-nitegend. Blatter,. l Neye- marry a voman u aise&h v Iii tOilmyen round tise varid.' l'If L . Je<A Fuoer . oround the varld, 1 )f voiitdn t mars-y outil i gaI back",-Oisj- 14 cate Record. ifImpossible IPeople: "Wbom vece a ;îust nov vikis vîtis, U<4fiF' "180 le body. mcmma." "TisaIs visat 1 sin- pectee Tan mut.drp ttinat oncel." *-Detroit Journat. Pedetrien-Hare yen no occupation? D eggor-Yeg, sas-; 1 ani a collecter 0f rare coin$. Yeu bave' gel a sire tes-dollar gotd plece about yeu, have yau ?-Pistladelptsta Record. s) Bobin-Wagley lie. bail bisbicycle à- stolen. Leoley-Ia tisat no? Weil, b. 8 bac lie consolation oi knovlng thatlils 0laau May- prerent hlm trrontgetttng the 1. bicycle back-oxisury Gazette. "Do.. jour vif, abject la yonr sa j loig out no ict"jf nigisrta? A lie* *u )it liat reaiiy nraises ber Ms-it le for fme te coisame e UIa &polis Journal. Jibso-l iougt ye ou codukep a secret? Jabson-So i eau. .Tboa- 1 pisy dIdn't you Seep tise secret 1 laid 1 ntise atiser day? Jebsoa-Becauoe, 1 when Ye olad t,btlcesed a ha l- *cret.-Puck. Gaffer--Queer couisi neyer stend pro. perlty. Blasd-Wby? Gaffe"-ust au san sa.lie began ta moite moncy, tise police svoopcd dos- n d cristesini for counterieittug.-l'iadelpla Norths tAmsesIcan. "Do Dot insit. my decil i1sant ,tel Yen vis agaions ta gise yen, for 1iws-tinet.surprise yon or eni yod- ding day" ITeti me quly, thon, for tise grestest surprise vonid ho ta se. yen kecpiug your vordY,-.Jouaa Amusant. Jecks-Doclor, 1 bavesà frequent and -lalcas.dmest a insyoonssud bisacti- f ut girl&. DO yea tiinis1ouaist ta get 1555-ied? Ri doecter-No; undertisa.. efreuuscnceyqu'd better net get mar- ried-Tbe Yoiev 9.0k .1 bave rond reoieldy," saIs tise on-9yed Y=i man, "neyer ta sita eyeumg ladys permission vises Yeu vial a Mt.kis ber." "Weil, 1itopena didn't." sasid bis frheed."No, 1 didu't; but tise youag lady. i tiiS.doea not reaudtise pagems"-Puck. *i arn afs-sisi" ssid Maud, tisoigist- fally. "tisaI Mille Wiblsi itine-ver corne boe. ga#ln" "Dis i ie go as-sy lu a pet?" askesi Mamie. *,Weil. sisiac iînids. Jugt belare ise startesi, my dear lîtlie dacismbuud bit a plece eut ef hlm." Waslngton Star. *"Wbst a laveiy ibouquet!- *"Tes; I'm taktng Il la lira. WeII@. as tista la bier iirthday." "Sut 1t tiougbt yen vers Dat on ver>- goond iep-s.wIa ses"ý . '-leitprr 1-lid tt .s scsbnr birtissa>-. and omie kSuavettisa1iais the only ancen-ho Suas-m lt."-Jusly. "Msy1t ask. aalthelisetranger. "visat that party aofsues ur' "Certahiiy," s-e- ples Dors-uger Dun; "It'n a vtgilance consmittef. Et yenuisuppen ta thsk oci It, you mighit ask Rme aglun lu iflteen or ts-enty iminutes." *WhUit ilie sometilg cime tisea" *"Tep; coroners@ jur."- Washington Star. *Dld yeu get au Invitation ta that little istosout tindge ta going te giver 1*1 havent yct. WSat sort ofau a cais- ln ItY?'*'Hoe lid me aven lthe teleplone, ansi .1 ar neuaqule sure visetber b.e sMlslagparty' orl'ag pary' "Booki ty, nov, n-bdt latise dlffeencer'-ia- dianspolis Journal. A usînisten visa forment>- preacisesila SomervIlte hasi a little boy. A tes- deys isciare bis faliser len thlb ciiy 14 go te bis Dcv parmi aonc ai hlieneigis- bora said ta tise tittie boy: '*ga yen, father lsaniong te vork la New Bedtor4 la berf' "Oh. no," ho saisi; "only preaci.' -BomervWe Journal. "tiusPaseagishaasi e ceplIocl - social adventsges," saitd one young wosuan. *"She bas iseen presentesi la tise queon." "*Its strange tisaI i neyer iseard of h,,' replies tise otises. "OS, ahe neyer menutiosait. Yaen sec, It ec. cunred se soon %fier tier siajetys cora- natiou."-Waghinglon Star. Traddes-DIou't botisen yourseli try- log ta Invent a tring mac-bine. aid nia.. If younv5ilt taenn*le a bit Invent a klcking machine. Tise lnventos,-What n-ouid 1 do with It? Trsddues-Wisy, set It Up wvisecIt viiicac te ccrowva on tises-ny home iront the naes. Tow-n Taies. A couty enraie caillt on tise great, lady of tise vilinge Intnoducesi bis nevly marnies i vii.as "«a paon tilg, t dom but mina ava;" visereupon lsthe i~4 looklng spon tise curat. scvcs-alit, e. plild: "Tour vite augisi ta baye latte- doeed yen a. a 'poaren thlng, but POia os-uer.' "'-Time ansdithe Heur. 11)o you lblnk yaur miter tikes IIus, Tommy' "Ten, aiseestand up furte ah disue-.' "Stand iyp fat met à asybady eaylng auythingsgumalet m - 01 "No, nothlpg imach. Vathery asgl4,¶ tieuglit Yeu vers ratkier sa delon . , si@ got op andsi nd ynFOU i'~ laid tatiser lSe ougSltfi a"!.Wbu tlnan la jusige a misn by is Iloucebolsi Word.. wlsieb s w.idW.Ulev, Thé man whaWla i tte egisito e are o eý1 mat of à Pl,%,