Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 5 Nov 1897, p. 1

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CO() .4 Udf VoL. VI. No. 4. Dr. Chartes Galloway. Offieover Loville Drug Store Seca MU 1 St» 6 » àeto p. m. UÀbertyvil le. - Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Triggs & Taylorls. i to f0a. .1t sao 4«d&toqp. m. s"udunc on Broadway opposite Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. »V» VU& a A . I 1O"S3*50 ?1vo s P. m @p" otadion peld te the Breiatumtof Olronice Reumatls. Rqockflier. - Illinois. Dr. H.Ô. B. YOUNG. Physiclan and Surgeon. WU.5Gn OPPOuITE 90111L U.31»00. Ouri...,-------inos Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. office over J. W. butiêr'B bldg li.ers: àtoiuta. m. andto &p. m. DAILYI LibertYville, MI. Dr. E. V. HARVEY, *DENTIST. -OFFICE noUus oto»,ItAl.itofand7to§P.ILi Orayalake - Illinois. W. B. SCHAEFFERS NURSERY. on" mie .onth of Long Gro,., P. 0.. Lake via..nad SMalAFruit». 0. F. Butterf ield M. D. C. ?TEBINAR]Y SORGESO I i) DUITIOT. PAUL MacOUFFIN. AtteruY sMd Coaslor et Law. NOTARY PUBLIC speclatattention given Coisetiona &:113ERTYVILLE MOTEL Dlulg-reo Servie Firot Clam. ieadquart-,rs for CYl'iMs a an Comnorvi5 Traýkr4. TiLLOTSOM & ÇUNNEY. Pa'Oe.. * Cor. 1111w.àvýo. ,ndClumh St.. UIBUNTOYVILLE. - - ILi..NOIS. W. H. MILLER. TONSOR11L ÂBTIST, Whm eu owvnt a clean shave or a good har eut ceau onu--Bill." 050405 EBE"De or CIO*58. Sons door to W. C. Triage So. tore MLUU5 I.stop o -Yevn'dar eve.Uam ad aar mrng. -WàEN IN VAUKEGAN YOU 'CAN OltET A A OOD FULL MEAL, AIl yuen est lueindinfi ceoffet sund pie FOR zu CENTS. Kigs Restaurant MXl. Gue.elit. WAUKEGAn, Ue doS nortb of P.. ILL. à&& u#SAàka.wr'U With about Mm.. to psy ooyeiS lnerai Store ai ià. and ttr, to bey JIU amb %tboe. Severali toi S on.Addrens .. J. LOOwADAUOi4, araàyaae. Illinois. Fiy Nets and Dusters at a Diacount to make roomn CHAS. KAISER$ -tibertYv~ilO,- - II WrIght Paé hurst &Co. * ibertYville lminois. Issues interest-Beariflg1 '~Certificat*» Payable onDtfd av, lie leymu experience in wo nia-bils I arn ÀWtodo tti ouk-on ahort Ur . ýjj*-ÉIw " Wheellna. Cook County, IlWois. Friday. November. 6 1897. Burned 10 the <round. Abolt 9 O'ciock Fiday lgt flre vas dlacovered lu the, large baya on the Putuam plae At Ournee. 1epte tbe efforts of nelgbt.oriîng farineasthe structure vltb contents vas deeiroyed, coustag 0i hay, grain, Illch;nd on. cov. The personal property betouged te air. Jack Miead sud Ithe building te lira. M. . Persoas. lir. Miead et on. ime carrled S%0100 le the Milburn lintualI nsurance campauy. &bout ivo yoan a&go the houae, thon un- occupled, waa burned te tth. grouud, tbe One belng of mysieriona origlu. i fev daya later everal tires la the. basement of the barn Vere dlacovered sud etilnguliioed hefore great damage acecred. Folowlug the Miliuru Insurauce Company vithdyav tbir libsurance, but vo undraand that Ineurauce upon thc property ba» mince beau piaeed witi, another compuy. Oeth af Patrickt Wah. Patrick Welh whôae demis. occured at lionday moring vax. boru te Iretand souie sity-elght years ago. Comlug la Ibis canutry vhen a Young man, bie made bis home near Wanke. gan. vicuice aller msny years 0f idustry by wielieh gaiued fur hlm. self a comtor tablie compeence sud lii respect ai ail itb ahoinlbe came te contact,lie movod b bhie hte home near Lierlyviiio soien. fteeu jears &go. Mfr. Welub vma veli sud fevorahly kuovu so ail reideiitn of aisi liity and wbeyever vo bear is name uîentloned, Ilin lu sthprofonud repect for bis lutegrlty as a citizen and bis honor as a man. ln religion ho w»a devant Caholle. ho vould have beau a creuit toa auJcongregatioli sud vas uloubtediy an ornement t.)thee Calhollec cureb ai thitiplace. Thii ineee vhic evetualci le hls deth vax of laug dnr.,*io% h avlng siaed i, eariy ln April oaià"huai er. During Ibis protracted pariod of anffeiag &41 liat tender baude sud allectioup)ulearlmcoutd do tu aheviste his tiautros axascousiantly mleistered 10 hinu by bis d,voted vire and lovtug cbtldren. To mouru aller hlm lie leavea hlm Vidov, a #on James, of Wankgau, sud Joba of LiberlYvle ud a dauiglâer Ma.ry aiso of tOila place; four ut bis eilîdren iavlng pr.ccded hm to tUn grava. vbere fq'laqisa igO ila» vam clo. lirated sud s bni eulogy proeouuced by Falier Kearnuy. Internent waminl the feuiiy burYlug lot at Waukffan, a large tnunhber of rteudg attending. equia.ainf anpc. Dance lit TaonMal. The M.,iH. F. Club, of Llbertyviite, viii give a danîce st tbe Tova Hail, Libertyvîlie. Frldasy eventng, Nav. 12. Gaod muityUwai betuattendante sud a royal gùod time leabaaured aIl viio t. tend. Evenybody la cordlally luvited. TIckets 50cI ents. Buppen extra. Maws This? The editor of au axcisoge saya hie0 1% a truc Christian, au adamantine pitar othlb churcb sud loves sacredt songe, but vie niugil alter ulght he1 heana a eeighbor famtly tiaI oves1 hlm thire. Jearaj' anbscrtlod stnging 'Jeans Pald fi Ai"' he fels Ilke sheddlng bis Ci isianlty for à fev moments 10 go ovor iti a club sud give thein a receiplt infull. Dance at Mati Day. TihoHlitDay SociltClub vîlI give s <ane t tie Town Hall, Hall Day, MI., gaturday eveulng. Nov. 6. Everybody le cordilly iuvited la attend aud par- tîcîpate lusa pieamaiîl ime. (iaod muit wiii be fîrnished. Tickets 504 tenta.1 EVERETT. jue Itedmouid visitod frleiîds ber. lait Sv-day. His Anle and Mamie Yare visitod Chicago baturday. 1 M. H. Olinyle and hi. lore apeet Ho,îday lnu icago. John Vnuigh sud Ed Koch ver. Chicago visitore liouday. hir-. Ellzabetb lteiliey sud children, or Chluago, vlsitod relatiçtivealon Sun_ day. it Je yumored that J. Launcater killed tbiteen partrIdgee in i îe abot ith Mr. L. R. Fink our station agent ha let lis for a few weeks. 1Mr. Wni Murray, of Wadworth, ta acting agent at preseut. Frank Rlidnand, -"lfutehb Tupper and 1laure Petits have roturned Ibom Wisconsin, vbere thay ver. pursnetng horsqe hbieves the puit two veoe. Alter repeated struggleu vlli bicycles amid mounâtains sud deslerts of sand tboy lualiy gave np the selaroli being uinable bo capture nythtng bnt cluses. How ta Cure Bilcus C olle. 1 suflered for veeka vAitncolle aud pains fl my otoinacli cured by bilions- iiess snd bhaitak lte medictue ail the vhile mtit 1 used ChamiberlanCut, ChoIera and Diarrlioea Eemody ubici enured me. I have incesrélimnded it ta a goad many people. lira. F. Butter, Fainbaven. Conu. Persona vu9 are mbect te billon colle am yard off tihe atack by %*king Ibis ngiagdes n500>iou theie Ont ymptomu" 5015 by P. IB. Lov=L, lu. 5. sIM4a. uTEu... COME AND GO. Thom&,, Manufsotuniia Company t. leave &Ubertirvile. The Thouas IamuiaeiuniUgCom- pany, of 'Wtligns .Dl., Bter liaring put tu a large ainount o01 mnachinery sud goU»e everythtng la Sape f.,ithe manefacture of iheir goode, exepting the placlng of neceaasrjmachines for mfactduriug ahipptug toge, have f ortelted theiu riglit 0f possession sMd are removing their Machines, bols. etc. %0 Wlmiug. ton. They are la no vay dluatafted willi thair nov location, their action betng the. reaiuloft heir tallete 'obate a cotract for uufchit"i postai carda for the Gfoverrumealp the viii nevar ha kuovn, but il la urie thal parties Io vhom teey looked fer the coutracs did not keep faIitéuin1h. mater and for nme veston -turaMu thein dovu" a~l. ving repefai. to thoes their intention ut1avardiag tht he l. onlnacl.To operat. lie atoey vithout Ual cotasai ofld mene a lots tu 1h.e ompsny Ual beiug the main featuri of tUeir buinnt sa conteuplated bre. The factory limd beau equtpped vi" aàOn.s asu pleins, elacti l git ayalom, larator, aleau radiabor foru eaiug entire builiding, machineansd blâcaaiha»op. The maie »bats u al SU this v e up and counler-ahalta for shir uuchbtnery on irai loor au lu place. About 810,000 vortb ai maclilaery bal benu placed. Mean are nov buay undolng tee vooftut .put tire. mentheansd gatilng the machines r«.dy for shlpmenitse Wilultou. The ilyndi. ve haova nthe building bai. pnrchased the ahsltieg, b.ting, estc. sud as the sleam plant sud elevatos vere go become the proponty 0f1l9e Thomas compay oly la avent 01 their oprating lie factf!a apeciled lima, lie building sud nonsens oer than eleeleialightiaie$y@&=u. tuoie aud raachtn.ry put lualiT Me Thoues peope are lb. property outlMe yedicate. sud afoiti exellent tacllitlaiefo omre uunmulag eano. pany. Thome viii b néaudlly lu a.cunlug a reilahie compte olocal lu LiliertyvIle Visia fautoWjequJppSI viii pover, elevaui, amesiug. aieefl pipas sud radiators îhza>gitoul sa, ha ha4 be rellabe partiesaimons for 1t ho men regularly sud vbo bave the moneya and dlapouitiloutkeap teAnga aitnuied ve blieva thby eau moeure luai sncb a conora. GAGES LAKE. Mr. Will Kayter apeul ilatureiay lu chicace. litas Mary PatnIan i laig frianda, in ]Reloit lia veek. li aite Wllhaui vit.d friands a& Oak Pa k li"amet sehoot ta Waakegal moaday. Erne" Mloore attettdedthe Epvarte Lague convention lu 3Erssm Tuas. day. MEr. Thamas Phelpe sud vite, ai Ci- cago. vislted friende lien the tore pari of the veek. islia. Otlimore rahurned &Bsuday lrom s pieutons visit vlth friend» lu Wantegau. The. Ldina Aid lSociety viii meel vite lie. Jas. Taylor uez& Thursday Ut tee auabour. The (turnes, Camp Mi. W. A. vill give au eitertument as the Ufinee cburoh Frtday eveulag, Nov. 12i. W. W. Carnes elocutoalmt, Ulc hale uiu Dattrac- tiou. Donftt lu 1goandbher hlm or yon viii mian a rare treat. Evernbody la invited. 1APTAK is c. Wili Scbley la speudiug a 1ev day. lu Chicago. H. C. Paddock vas a pieauet calter ber. Tuesday. The. usual rush ta Chicago the Oiral ai the. ublti. J. Gisecame home tant Suay sud regurued liouday tu Cicago for his sort. Gia. Weimer'a band hOu baaied sueutleully 10 enabie hum tu rbaume hie vork. Nick Vola, vbo vas seriouly hurt by jumping unloa a nai head bas qaitt £zmit Oiessud Frank Weîasaened ou thelr bikea lait Thnreday for Kankakee. J. Wolf, lM. Hersetbarger, li. Weiaud, Rab. Weiand sud aiser nJUuia&, J. 8ieJ, S. liobar sud Henry Gent toot inte Chicago elghta lionday. J. Meyer sud If. Libby vent Tutsday. WARRENTON. Ed Gibbou. made a tilp 10 Cicago Weduenday. lira. C. lierriman, of DeerOleld, la vlelttng relatives boea. Wm. Ilysu, of Cliicaga,slienl Sunday îhors vish bis brother Jameis. lira. Henry liolialteisracovenlng trou hot hAnes. nder thîr ckthhtul cane of Dr. Foley. li. J. Relieg, of Longvood, te vis- iltmug boe. ithlber parenta, Mr.nsd lira. hlecinu. MEr. sud lira. UlAchbhaie retuyued le their bome in Chicago atter a 1ev veet's viait vli relatives boe. Wor on the uev bridge ha. been coimtderabhy delayed by tee nau-arniv- ai aI theoderrick sud otiier tooia. A number 0f people fiom hem at- m tetuerai aoflPatrick Weloh TueaeY. alMr. Weti vaaformer residéni of thli place sd ov el ikhovsansd higbly reeol.aM oved trou blin a yqà*fltýes oa oue aotllwçd My. and lira.Wtlteir apeut lien- day ln Chiceago. Our videevalu led in veringa Diable as L>eeno. i lira. Alred liet Mentertainlng her olter trou Chiespl.1 lir. Chia. schin* rimted friands in Chicago satairmp. Henry Water t icettn-a ev barn. liot evidesce olrell.alng prosperity. Tiie rie SMdaq evening va» received thankftuiDJ* people of tbis ricliity. Tii. Selimids liawb Works eia cobtraot for a lar" monument dnring the. peut voek. Fred Clavey liut 4>ved 1tue npid Clavay larm uort.@ea Of ber. ou the county lin. roed. G..licher, the ,tlgiilaud Park brever ai pop, gloggglie, etc.. vas lin tovu Wedeesdy. J. A. licDonongb,4*1pped aaotber carload of catile teothe Union tock yarda Tumey albi, Jaa. lcAdie, of h ii~sp Brick Co., loft lie. oday ho ý-d the. vinter la 8aa Frauoiaeo, (W. To the. deight a01 nue boys' around about aur bava lad Simtmrzaii ha put ta a Dow pool t"U. Mita. Flua, vii. utbeeu vlalhlng Kra. Chau. Uehui'ýtueied ta ber borne at Kankak« e wkda morniog. Tii. boiter and*" egaIpurtenaace nsesmry te aperale Ije aehest itng ap3lars n uC. aHmows .place .rnlved tua vek and are boeg pettlu Place, Ouca Blatuer, jÎank Bardaey. sMd lin.Abboti,.fpsngara of tbe Shermervilte Brick oaa., plant moved le Chicago aibis vt'O10trmate thena ott aprîng. The lxnarMMtnhtinluthe people& paper. The only local paper that rmes Os ur tou. HBop te mate il a velcom. viiter by mmo.Wibuting neya for île aalnmau. Leere tham as tbe posbomea. lua a ee C. W. romllavs A. D. J oue heffor. J udge Carter, qg Ohicago. lion- &W, a verdict vsa renfd"tantavrr01 Mle deteudant i. 7suitu tva u râever moaey <lue f1« tMinug a hors. vbihicl aonod te liu. Joue. Va imîmumu sb.ulded bis IOye- âe&»sd smauld~u d maoung t. aisy tMe denuma ai lb. forent snrronading Xverett sud 1hne meedieàs tu y tbst be brongi bock a large aseotmoui of game. ils mencha,îdlao f rom the depot 10 bis storeesud a horne sud vagn len tanger aeeded tîyhii. lHeunees aË truck cailea tb. Little (io, nsd nov Ihat hoetan dispensevîti a horand u vagon ve may lok for s decline ln lia price of grocerie.. Tiie vrlter hud ucomloe to vlit P'aue Fehds musen, of minerai protucta û4e specimena of differeut ares amoug ' Wedu.ads3.asd Shore viaeed nome vhich vas a large auggeh of gahd vaighing neerhy s pauud. W. are oathe in, belleve il, but ve have been adlsed that Mr. kebd je vorkiug a gola-briet deal onuns. A tetter ha. beau recelved fromn LizaeFauta sayiug that aho ha. arrtved i ber destination le Uermiany snt la enjoylug s verY Ple&ialîtlime meeting reltives Mud Dev acquailà. WHEEL.ING. November sisnied la quise coid. We vausthule nova trou Norhhflold. Thoaa nev chercli sheds are Oelalied.1 Ed Oahen, le bis latent rote, luasaovw boy.1 John litryker'.s uction aieoitliMou- dey., Nev subacrîbers are coning in ]lite aot Coke. lie Carnie Fonke rewveutly gave a fortuno psrty. Eleehrie railrocdlotall soon beglin. té nearhy viniar. Jacob Volt, our bseielor friand, bas baen aick, but la bote. lira. Walfll sud tvo sous spant tvo laya iu the City lest vaek. Hfenry Perlolat, at Chicago, vlaited is brother iRobert liii. ucek. C. T. Cota'. nepliwavnsd niaeSara et.e arrivais troin te Vteriand. lira John binu paul Ivo daye viti ier nephea luele aty rently. isa JolieAÂrnold sud Irving Flatter took a trip te, Arlingbon ileiglil Priay. idio Lizzue Bamer teit lie osiril 'eethers trontlier bat lu the. galaelion- day. John Behum yb ho a luon00 tgt for îaavy vork sud to besvy for Uglit work. ldias Borilia£van@attiended a iveli party at Frank Evanie lest aturday ulubt. Frank Oeaben bos hought tventj. aeveu ateers, vhlih olievlI try te lallen. W.ui bada in lioaday. one enol a y th. dutan sd hatp tora bliunkiuagsud a e1a1k l»iaaIn J. A. Aclimincke bs recaived hia nev saaiples of carpeta sud ia nov reudy for the fait irade. Edward Waadiing vih bis lamily and mother-lu lavver. goueof C. tollebeck, Jr., à1ouday. lir. Catharnue Bietexpeosate ce o- cupy ber nav hcuai tu eek. Wfll tet ia putumaonnge o i aing loucha. tee Baldoi celobraled bis blrtbday oilhi cix mIttrade.. Nlia tarted ta vih a ipsing vrgôu sand Onally sotd Dut for 26 ume. John Eoeheiinhba n oi«Sa pair ot bille tires riding aouth. W lklug w u.hd oie eps, tiiough it la hlble teobesbord ce shoea. C. F. Uela liesbonglil oui Luelgerta smsege facteY mBU& ut l op epl rear ut is OMela. W. hope ia vit yul valoli the.gaine. also à dog fanale. Hmeteataerbf tes aBue lot terrien. W. empeet heoviI won gir. a publie do iiow. Edvard A. gcheek sMd brIde 1c, Tb.ey are taktng au extended veddhg trip. WValter Rlsing, oui enterprliin buter aud trappar, &bot a vild goose st voek. This lb.helirai big gama lrougbât dovu lu Ibis locallty Ibis ses- son. The boys say ils oaly a 'Ibear Our tire departînent boid their rtEu. lar monlbly drililaut iaturdaY. fh tire iunhai ,hovod the boys boy te ni>ean.'d l.)Wer the extension lacdir. hie tost hlm bold sud tumbled; the.bld dor fou sund b. narrovl> escaped iu- jury. whatla ts hereeson ve dont have botter mail facilitiez? Aptakialo sud Prairie Vlev eauihbave tourMalse daily, vhile Wbelalinl, vite tour timsu the hualu of bath, bas onlly on. mail aud liai goes northIni uthe mornlng, r.- qniing thre. <laya lu gel a letier sud reply from Cliicsgo. At the. reglur mouthly meeting af tb. village board lionday nighl a fira ordînauce vau ado)pted,îpracrlblngthb aise of chimueys, ud suoke O e., v'hioh for tva satory buildinga muet b. 8xît luches la the clear, sud oa tory 81x8. Bills ver. allaved sggegsun $98.33. Threealoons ver. grante 1lîconsea villi a rebat. of one-halt for lie oei thee mante. a Y A?, DRIMS 0001>8, CLOAKB, LAC£ CU~*I8 TABLE LINENS. TOWEL8CeAEPwo, MILLINERY.I>EOEATE» SHORS, OLovus Mt ENos AND~ Don't Fail to is4e Our Conte' Under'wear, TOot a Will Clou. Ont Our Dre@ Gooda se Faut se Possiblu. Cmi. Give YOD Borne Goo& lgargainu:::-:. tWy co. O. e n 1a * Hi Cali andi gxamine befor. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. HALF DAY - HAN vI1u lis. a. llaernienn in ga6aing alovly. lilla SSe Gerum OU é muaried, Frank Foot, te Marythe a Wuooa<IBBpmumat Wiluon, Baturday, Oi%. 80. cliBa. Orangerut àSBgS lir a. T. Foot. and, children opet - W Baturday snd uday vith relatives inU nlr. Athur id Jeffermon. vwaled lber IlsiSêl MEr. snd lir. J. T. Ayresanmd tube M1111- .Gri es, ut hâve beau on a short vAuit te parents at viaited lierVU« .bev Irving Park. Robert Devonl sd lir. Brown, of Bloomtugtou lhm IW$hO4 1PI5U la Iii5p been visltng vltii Mnr. Whigman sd 'Frnk Leuc.0fC~. lira. laon. logreaisb. i Tiiere wvll b. held ln the cliurch I)D on mm-U Nov, 12, an Original Pom .ciWa and people go throi rConort given by Hf. Edward lle and veeh. others. Remember date and plan t e . (). .igaOius, attend. da..Mt.& ssuiv.. -Ulm. u,'e &Lw mye - r. I '14" AS. C. samvUoea or al leuthlia part of Il vhich bai DIAMOND LAKE. The youug use vho careala larmle. comauneder ber observation isaia tir. F. CGeisha ealied on frienda bers draukisoma uediclas preucrlbed by a Mr. sud ia.gUnabU, deigti lplace sud douoe colspent cor Tiursday. physicien ton ha applied otarnalilyfor vlsit.d Iheir dqa2 rM returelul ta tiIs place, an evîdeice ln .HkmyrMae a bustiesse ai tujureai focs; ta <ing asnvil aes liarhaUlut am vee. baino vsltd antnptaBarîgton Tbnradoy. obuld buexpected. Hie errer nearly Mn. oeq= aow* liaI home ictuess at u iidbr JohnuMller rdnli 01vlulied vith etalhm hie lite. Wrcx. 1 uliton VI~* an Jet. William Elummau on tluuday. - ----,-lu a ineerite ibIs e , LIEHT N.W,. Zînamau sud A. D. Pelerton IVANHOE. Mrn. Park., li Ilb vIT T N ere at Long urove Suadmy. Coù-agu »MaB wae5 I Ie il i. gottîcg lime for pntili P lrs. Casting vlulted friendeansd Nice veathar for corn abradoe. more houa.. ho 0wý slaves. retative. at Bandant au Fridey. The Woodmeu's hall lu progreasiug lira. Robt. Lili wai iti Egin lait lra. Dnddlea. ialter of Mnr. Barilti lily. - iiaturday. v.,a out on a binesa trip Thureay. Mr. Plred Muser viited Chicago", Pti lin. y. E. Bnttleietd vwas lu Chicago lira. Bortit, lira. Parker sud Ilira. Manday.!a m last liondy. Duddies drave ta WaLukegan on Thurs Mr. lAvl i E ltîa pressing bey for in mats v Mr. Chua. Bnltertieid vaés lu Chicago dey. Jual aia lait TbnrsdaY. lMeurs. Charles sud Wllam Mon« rln Xvuar Wluner iad au nctilon , " Mr. H. Tenenstein wai a Chicago viaf vlsâtldfrleuda e adrelatives bor, an sale lsh Beiurday. ter lait liondaY. lnday. Mr.n.omar Payne bas gobe nortli for' I laa Rlenir your supecription 10 the lIn. r. and lira. Henry Ont moved ho bis Chrimsyasre. 1h th d esidenca ai Quetn'@ The Ladies Aid Society vîll lasé depndutsu k.ppole. ornera Tbursdsy. vite lira. co.Readkre Thuraday ottila sanie ai lb. gettar nez are gttini Tie. vtl haa neekte socia t thaï ' «- Conter* ms to b. experts lu bicycle rlding bain. oflira. Tiios.Deaby nexn Thure. Ma. B. Putuam bas ret.d is irm <i.nlon e, Miesnliattle Liliiva. lu Diamonai day eyening No". foa aumber of jears taelir. Frmt PUR 'EN .1hkm p Lmke lest usyou ber btte. MIi Tillita Bonne sud bar fyleud Dis«a. ig u a Misa Jounie Coan vasvisittng B.H Mils Voua, Friee drove out from Tien. lare rumora of a weddiug bustii sud faniiy at Lake Zurich Wankegaa Ssturday. &bont lovu. Nov baonot boys, for lai BndsyMli. Henry Ot ivenlt laChicago on somea Inn. F 0. ias. 1 len Sady.Tiiurmdal. 1r. John liartettt akiig 1Mr. and Mira J. L. Cbaerîsin lilas Eile Butteylleld and lils Aunubis place ai lie tactory. eita1. osIsfrmConliua LII virolu eerled o thinvies M (insGram Tovner sud brother lent veek. hastt Baturdoy. Chartes vlolted hbir @inter lila Editt lilas Clara Dorder and sisior lire. lira. Goodman aud <aughton started ut Llbertyville Tuesay. F. Miessor made as *ylug tip te the F1 ~Es for Iowa las% lionday where they vîli Th.- yaung friands of Manger Wiiaim city last Tbuaday. moa their future home. î.Ampker gave hlmu s very plissau i.adlr.Pia oant AOWmAlhaLa. Boy many peapleof iour village surpris. psrly BSlurday atternoon . aaandller 10 liv, vii reth in ug toW£f~hn~ a vauld be ou apestng terme if overy- lins. Bonr- Goodmau bah ]sèeo f lira. jeo. Hardon. QS L Ofl. 9 bdy spoie viat they thought. bar fialnds u inis Pilae for lier home M e lu Aleman, Iow, Monay evnicg. The nov mrchants look pseso lir. C. y. Nuit& yl bave tî aAass oa ina vnn. their store Novenuar let. We ailS ou a monhi. vacation Au Nashville, lira. Bnn Blov@s tarted for lier nevw2p m Teneme, lireh vtIviîtli M-home Tnesday, stopping viii friands lbte uc" à asihnn sud fnendahovile istha. - amndrelatives ai Chicago and St.rling.Mli nsd lins. L. B. lBryant spent a fow ~A lin. F. B. Otassea bu reaigued bis C. 1lt a ated upou good auteorily liat daya lu Chiesg-j sud Evadaion visistagiPre to A. Bliashi ia golng te peltian the relatives sud friands recently. ie515 position ma jintouagent at Ibis piace t 1govermn 0hv AEall uie ! l. Ciiia accept aposttloa os local agent ou E. jilallou otaa aveiu pacHe 10 i le E ndeavororsfi heaili.cnventio J. à E. J.y. 1Mr. L. Pemingtan. of uîrecInbIsa untortunate neîgiiiars atWaukagae long Saiurdsy. Jolieotlu our nev Agent. Ualk is entmtieunine Read Thom opeclai offer. numbar of acioimaftesansd tneîshy our bulletin oai 'Auctlou Sates" pro- We bave mado arrangemaents vhereby gvig Jpy Ialwdy asuug.* a.nta namerons oppotuntuisto pur- vo are enabled 10 affer tha weehigtle eyeuoat l y ebaue&hm" out uhhng you May de. Imnter(0000% sud 1saulw8sr Ton.Bs Ir 'M ire t quelle. Rad hlie ranoua mIes for 11.76. payableinuadiase.. is 111. 1 man"e 4 oserm aum fm64 Sa. B 't 4 1 . 1 $1.50 Y4 mm. m. =C>Mmmý

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