Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 5 Nov 1897, p. 2

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MEB PLAN WINS.. m.ARD iNoASo UY viW. T. U.CONVENtlON. Ato, a Five Meurs' Dbutei Ilev te maagethie Ceai-Tie Latet Foreigu Newa, SliaWili5rd'i Pl.. Adepted. ysasciiB. Milards plan e aine0 = 0 freushnina de Chicago Itemple visjtnadoed b>- tic W. C. T. U. ,11«- at 4 it es-t i inBufelo, tI MisWAllndt lis tabes upthe Wa.suicb prered t.cieholtu, besvg fer Casse, an thduc njoilg efthIe coà-t a-liddue President gedepees lui weiaonk. Hoe du te ru-outbo t useoitdaflc-naalOve hienrsi'a..- iesond, Tbu a-e pîs-uge ont ade-epeatàeui te oun Pre*sl4nt mUntto raine 1»,0000 te b.e placeS 19 oudfetMisa CornuelaDOWea-ts @uinahalal bol tuis tuud until â tu.astire odm11 lieenutmon"nis> "* : litertire 1.*00000 ef Tempse bm bud" Thc esolullon waa.pre-a Sud ai spremble, a-hleb awmsadopted à a 'erlismestan>- quirk. but alowed tej b>- enent. Tuis piamble coupleda elibstépes et Misa Wlilord sud lMra1 ÇssA recelatioui seting forth Ibet De oaile pen lira. Csrme a-saInteuited a asSpsdtied b>-àeSinlsgvote at tbe close1 « *0 emessie. __ 111IN 14PINNaYLVANIA. *lVIesx 1gint-es Sn triueread à OuWu oeeured t Sotîdee. Psa, la MM Heuri Gillespe. John Jordan. a"id $oehbmp oethte Seotdae Iman ~lComupaug, a-ire badi injureS. 'ueus d"y a unios man, Frank wasloteai iot Iadliuiltr hi , euverbe, adReAs Mrla qig osa edvreuigeauce. Mausmer fturttru-ble vite, bé me. ~Wseb tis" ibis-t>-or torte et tiem, =«dnuS lée iup lttsbutg suret. ""sSe a large croa-d b.dgatietum bsSet iléemarchera vti dravu te- ~ tipgidte due front saiS rderef e eibock, luettiies. mo » tou aisslaie tic erovd et uobquniou- rn'seffespud teoibo-asi, Ifjuul ub iisefany flî M 1d aearl>- ail coina fron l q ra'Rpe>. Clo, o 40n11iliva iii dueue genut-t . ..thOeo a fs ot as possible. te>- ter day. uoitfy- te leae, and a-e. lii bua lte Meeke, teIl-1- is v* Isa thesttlsu &ion gtise , noudmtIlleekibs, are sti.- theft nSane ide fort.590a 1 b sadug08@ç a fl the Utisa. msb ave les-s 41MoiheOut"ateste rpr - i- esSa Aie hlef anse çf Imrvisg h. labor sita- a la iettla a-rs. dally. ~ a-u.Ivlvias 200,000 ctton1 lloçtY itecmpile the ovuers1 ~ u Pe et rednctiou fUlti The later propon ~Saieth* reteat Inde of due i ba to t ie iUe. ahîtk. a piietlneat farm et - hubld op on cie iigbay e uilhir. a-ho atteuiptisi Stan sa-ltiS maýdS eton - M Bol~Ui A. ton a-as taken - muS plaeS Ain jali. Tic bh i à tronam ansuetra have bea put nD"en aret 40 acOMplies.. Tbey are Peut- ors e a a-cil, ber ater and a homese, ni-s b. duii nt wvut but the. latter isoved figit U.Tic rolbes sot uitbiug. 1 Aim-er jqtheCooper medîca all.?ié 4m andper»«n emvu6ed et dues-mes.>- et Or. ÇËos:: uptçsu, te ser. the coin- obf atedudeportmnt ha. X t1 Du. Rlrftfelder, statîns thai »M Is o b. mle te mac the cou.- im tic benetit et the pou)r - . attin or Bellt. Ta-niais lection tue Itepblicamus i Ohlio, a.mameisu- 8ksîtI Dakota sud Kauias,wvile carait virrgibl m ud fen g yk(Tasuaii aay 5eleutesi Oneatew Yv ok, Phuladel- A Ripublk*nandme Detroit a . usastcks te étier snd brhsIl rMns Gorniento the. SistCrep la PriSecet. W t roplunArgetina sud flore lae er>- Audigmou BW e -lieu -iiber-la ge tinceuni ttee for - - it a-ire, adSiee. Li usuels' Oe indmae t lite à huombt uitiiahlem. ln- PaesOnuW,, b s tt-ne-l y et Diae-hs.. oaowr tda t ndélslsgWas ed1[fllef msa, vith Seresry Shsera *à As- sistant Secretary Ad.. h. vaut over* tie. docurmnt vlth great cars. As a mnait It eau b. stted t rou 91eelal qpartèe .et tie white.Bnae.thsa the coutimetion plsced spaathe. &uve, iy tii. admunistra- tien la that lý Ia set datant lu tout. la But meiou e min amet vene.Dunder sncb elreuaaaethons. oills viiare cbklayatnuminluthi. uqoatioua do Bot tgel.ttat sny criais lae5.5, Lt baud. nord. tWtoutsr tuat the. asaer piemente au w e iyomd tiie power et diplmatte "eu"tio.On theicoEtrary. tâ tie kedi- posola luadms«ttlon ariers la te treat tbe. anoer as satitfactolJ la toue., and ae a susrked advauce in tii. saint- aïiams$pain bas beretofore givra. Not- vitbatsudlug tua oficlal view, there are thoue wbo belleve that the mesge la mach strouger li tone than the oUciale *lin admit, sud ibat it presents lInes wbleb viii eau trou the Presideut n ring- log message viien b. laye dhe case and ail the correspondeuice before Congre». a tev veeki iieuee. Fonuno suthenitative aource, hou'ever, eau tuis belligereut it ew b. eouirred.____ OFFICERS 0Fr.cOTrlSH RITE. Dîeenit of Electioo lai "presse Coucl et Providence, I. Tiie aupreme coucil ofthde Anelent and Aeftpted Scettieb Rite 33d degre. lMa- nos for the soutueru snd western Ma- wioulejarladlctonofthde United States of Ameute, held Its tu-eaty-lgiitb manual session ln Providence, B. 1. Tii. eleetion of elilcers resnlted as fellown: Grand commander, John Jouies, Chicago; lieuten- at grand comumander, Richard F. lireeue, New York-, granid chaucellor, C. W. New- ton: ulilaâter of atnte, W. L. Klmbnrg of Texs; granidaudîtor, IL J. Fletcher of Sacramento; grand aeeretury general. D. F. uhvile, Wasblngton. D. C., grand tressurer geuicral. W. R. Morrisetof li- neapolis; grand maraiai. Spencer N. GiI- more ef Providence,,assistaut grand andi- tot, Jammes 1Hill ofJackson, Mi".. amit- sut sectary geeal. IL IL Pettlboue of Greuade.s. mTiie mat eanai ecuven- .tien viii b. beld ilu < Octobor. 1l THIRY RAB CON1ESSEI> Foliovw haSoIme $15.90m froua the Matis la Cuurui. Walter R. Houegiito, aspd 25. bas been arrested nt Cheyennie, Wyo., suid contenu- ed to steulit s regtstered package con- tulniug $15,000 vblcb ad bien snt Sept. 29 by tiie National Bank et the Republie, Chicago, ta the. Suite National Bank at Boute, Mont Tii peckae vas mentin l su extra flturougii-regStered puch, sud vas dellveted te Hongiitoui. a postal clerk on tiie Cheyenne sud Ogdeuira. b7 Clerk BrW o et i.Oais and Chbeyenne district. vrbo lnadvertently fslldte ltke Hugb tous rereîpt fur onet the pouebes. Peat. ollce Inipeetur Fuvderlck et Denver lcarned that a voman bsd cbanged tbree nev $100 bUis muid seeured f rom ber au aduiasostbat Hougiitoui bed giren lien ta ber on the. uigât ef bis retauif reim bis rua et Sept. $0. Tii. robbery la the long- est vbleiibhas ever ocenmred in the. regis- try service. ON XYOIENIC 0110UNILS Mal" l Eetrieta the.Imprtation of Ammericaa Cattle. Consul Uucola attÂntverp, Bélgiu, la a report te tii. State Dipartiueut at W40blwao, isys tbst oue of tii. mutters MW ltiss4n lporuerf le Avi resai.- tteu tbrovn lu lb. vay et the Import of cattin front boti Nontii md Sontb Amer- lms «ubygleule groundas. The Auitwerp cemiunier of commerce la dolas anl li ne pover le remve tiie restrictions. There bos been a large lure.., lu the Importa- tiona£0f vest tron t ti.United Stes. also of re, borle,. cornsud mos. The. XlutedBlates tui'Ulies a considerabi. aruonut of cestmstent, petrolenma aud te- becco. _ _ TRUIE BILLO e IuTUEKI. Sherte Martin Mut Avwer for the Obeotiag et Lattimer. At Wikemslrtrr, Psa, due grand Jury ce- turned a tru bil sgalust ShoertS Martin and bis depity for thie Lattinier sbootlig. Tii. truels Ineiucued ulueteen for mur- der. one for enclbmn.kiled sud one for the iim tconsldered eolleetlvely. Tbirty- six truc buis ver. toand la due iaîne vsy for feloulous vouii againut thesame dueudanta. Tiie lîkelubood la duat Shin Muartin sud bis deputies wa-lu dcl 10bc trled togiduer. ____ Anstria aud Hungary. Tii. pressent deadloek la the reicebsati et Viee.ovlig to the Germa. obstrue- tios, bas crested a critical situationmuid lu sou. quartersa asuspenioui otthe Ans. tntau cosstltutiulm bell.ved possible. At a lut. sessioni cf the lover bouse, atter an upraiona dispute betveeui Dr. Krsns- na, due acting prealdeuit, sud the. Oermian opposition. the chauuber adopted by s large uiajonlty the acting presideuil's pro- posaI to discustii. motious fer the lui- pesebueut et the mlniatry etthde unorulig sittlaga muid to devote th. evesings tte bill for due extenision of the compromise vltb Hunigary, lhe debmy lu sdoptig vbhil saeslix mach reeutment lin Hunugary sud renderlng due passage etftthe trbsty by tie Hunarlaz purîliatent ex- trelmeîY douittul. lu i ti lover bouse of th e uiiMadon parllameut ai Buidapest, sonBapffy, the. premniureplylng le Herr Fraucia Kossuti. msofethde ele- hrated Hungurlan patriot a-beurged lhe Coverumeuit tu "take adventage of Ana- triasebsaasud try for Hufgiry's Inde- pendeuce." declared tiat the mluitry Bad e oItention of turning Austria's dlii- cultiesnuurenasouably tte advsntsge et the.Huingsrlana. "Tii. union o et .tvo eouatres. ' b.declared. "muet b. regard- I se Inissoluble. Shouîd tii. Austrisu a emeitutiouiul si-item break doivni-wblch >-God fonbld-tbe Huniarlau Goverrneut a-ould b. obllged te met lId=dtjy ne- gsrdlug the. joint questioniifuions Manacomimercial troe.iy bt#.i.bsa ru an qsd eBon", .ba" mi g -pi- tuai et the. Autpar« sg abu. Tii *Mosau geausula griat Aee- istbu, sd Illa iisled that Barn >,aBUWr spole a-ltb the.momsent et the eu. et lfocuegua vIWIa vlsv#P the agsein- eu. e uwmo.of couuiuo atI lb. Soatb *10 4 Ceal Autites -stau &Bd Othm torlgUn counâtie., and the. cfleci- lie and tsbglating oe t stttiios&».te tue lIdustriesiet tiis eutry, a-ht reporte sud eîsspuendtlou e-liais or intullleat action ln tbe luttas et6" wgî suhamuilansd ibaempoe1007" . lu. lit equais fthâtii he 5icI certali ethéer«»reusand imateia* in otiier depertatenttalb. trausierred te theC proposai depar-ument end thât It miso in- clade a tarit bureau or eouai uu able 01b811 lavesticate sud repont on LttLescou- templated citaugis lu taritSemeisilus. PtMedt McKinley- la respeetiuly te- quesited lni theicommniîcatiou te ueon- me"d te Congre»astit tiietebisncb legla- lotion n as a acomplimiith@ ebjeet soufflt. &ad ls told tuat sa erats.tic Na- tiomai Busliess Loge eu lents due bun- lue.s mueni et tiecocuniry- are practically a linit lu due demanil for lb.hea- depant- ment. BUSINUSSESRE18E» BreSsireet Repents a glovues a l ia irai l'mais. Bradolreet's lstent commercial report sia: "(louerai trade retais moote i af à-eek ugo, viii a eentiued1 chieck tate 1movenient et @tapie ucrebas-1 dise. At lurger Eastern andI central1 Western citles.saliese snnablle gonda bave net equaled expeetsitiouis, sud et1 Bno thlb~ polinteibonlb.evolume oet business uIncreltcdl. At Chicago. St. Leuis, Baltimore. New- York and Providence thére bas bsen a decrense lni the volume eft uesa le omnlIes. Tbe N.ortiiem continues le make telstivel>- more talot- sble reports as te Inade. siihough at Mil- waukee aud Minnepolis mild veadue buas cbeced distribution. Wbet la again ahove a dollar. ouneutinued h ear>- ex- porta. Our sebeat expert luovemont. ag-ý gregatiuig more tbsn 70,000,000 busheis a-Alun Ibirtcen veeks, Ileunpreeedeuted, aud polins te a keener apprectatlonofetthe tatisdcai tregb etfa-best b>- Ennopean Importer. thon b>- mou>- Ameencn truat- ens. Exportaetfa-seat, Dean luiluded us wbeat. trou hotu castis ofthte Unilcî Sates sud froin Montreal chia vepk saueont te 5»11 b ushbel. agaluat 5- 532,000 buskelsi lent aeek.REporta of le- diun cineamenai te «1»8,103 hubels thiI veek, couipaned lvith 1,117,000 busbele hlt week."' STATE FAIM DATES. Amies«. Asiocatioan sBrief Meeting in Mlwaukee. Tic Ans-rIs-n Aàacelation of tat. Pair Managers belsi a biet meeting la Mlvan- kee. Dates for taire auveruisi by tie as- socation ver.e e t tbe mnu.dates us duls iear, a-tI lie salvance oetoeueddiy lui encb veek. This Icones tue dates as follovs: Wiscosn. Sept. 21 te 26; Min- Demi&, sept. 7 te 12; lova, sept. 14 te 19; Indiansu.Sept. 14 to 19;. Nebrasa, Sept. 21 te 26. Illinois. Sept. 28 te Ot 3; Missouri. Oct. 5 te 10. Sensti Dakota. Ort. 12 te 17; Ne v ok. An. 24 tu 2b. Ohio, Ot. 31 te Nov. 5; Mchigan, Ott. 7 te 12. Fat la the les. Tie ne" a-srabig fau Francisco trua thse wha-huiiiuguel ladioSeuragligt. Nearly sil tic resseha bave ieucanght li due les andi nmoet leu usy uit ISat rough tie ainser. Net siuce the. intr et 1054 vies lhe fiet wn a-s salutie icioff Herld lalanat, bas sué vhiolole dI.. ter tbrellieued. Foui-lien teamers, barbas and sctioonersa-lîb 1»0W0bausaisare kmua ta b lae duie pack,.And ouOveteofttrai are sslsPO$ed te have more tb.n ta-o1 mouthe' supplie. aboard. A dapatcb ne- relvesi b>- t.he mcauits ciange sams: "The vhallagsteamers Oresanad Belve- dere. the vbalngtesme Raosaned the1 steaiu tender Jesuile are rossn ai tua0the a-est et Point Barrow anud mai b.c rmisi- cd la lhe Ici. Tbere are ne provisions ou the a-baierabeltauntey sre seor leud& the crevs ay >-b. ahIe te reach mn Eskimo vilage." ____ Teo Match Cld Water. Soneonc brie hâte lheSuner Rigb PScbonI (for negrois> in li.-Louis hireugit eue efthle wuudoa-î. veut donsutairs mudS turues en tie full valer pressure inte tue boiler. Tic waesIe hot up tirougi the sIcan, Pipes lote tue radiators mud .saped tirougi duce valves. It oseakesid tuegb the eooting andi iIooulcsltle ing. S-bool vas siusuisac ul d1it eau b. du-ed eut. About l*3(10 venfdat image a-as donc le the plalernsg. Thore la un ca- te tic penpcetratssra., but it la supposeS te have licou doute b>- inoninuthse uiigbborboed. as a prolest a-s. maSe a-heu due sciooei a-s. huit. Cressates Mer Rivai. At Blrngisb. Ai.., Elle Bannes sud Tesale Thomas beenune luvolved inl a lieur- tel, lie boe ofe contention b.iug theIn mutuel r-gard fer tie sou, yeutb. Tii. Barnes girl thieca a ligited lump at ber adranri. 'The Thiomas girl btsnd te a crisp. lier mardemces lela lu hding. A lion et Lunt. Anonin sd heIn buasbeen bore le ex- President Cleveland. Graver, Jr., vesgh, cd twelnc peunda aI blntb. »Bolt itI Kulves. W. Prîce andi Auitrergusen of Jau- per, Tenu.. fougiât a duel vith kulves Prie a-il site. Oblmo--CuttJe, cemnon te prime, S»0) te $550; boga. siipplng gracies', *3.00 le $400; sieep, tfar te chice, $2.00 te 84.50; a-bs-ut, No. 2 ted. 9Vile t iie; corn, -No. 2, 2Ue le 27ec; este, No. 2, 18e te 19e; t>-., Ne. 2, 47e ta 49c, butter, cile cresuiery- 22e te 2_4e: cggs, tnt-ah. 14e le 16c; uca- potatoces, l3e tea150e pet basisel. Iudiuapoles-Catue, @Mtppog, $3.00 te $5.25; baga, cholce lîght, U.00 te *4.00; 1 oeep, comuon te ebolce, *.00 te *4.00;. a-bet, NO- Z, 03 te 9ke; corn, Nu. 2 a-hite, 24 te 25c; ota, Ne. 2 a-ite, 2ie le Uce. St. Lýol-cttie, 83»00te ".2; linge, 800 ta 14.00.; ahciN, *300 ta *4.5 aet, NO- X 41-01 te *198; carte, No. 2 yilloa, 2lit u 26e; ots,No. 2 a-ita, 21. tei 22e; rqe, No. 2 t4 a 14>0 cinlacuat-Cattls, 2am0te*«M2; boes $&.0)te *4.00; sbeep. *250te *4.25; vh.atNo. 2. 9&. taMe; cars , .2 RnIl of the Ehctlosla Varlus States. APATIIY 19A FBATURE Contest Hotteat in Ohio, Iowa and New York City. Newv lti Cty-Oovorner DusIns i sud aga îlta eTicket Agietes 1 Vlcterieua-ens ater Masmua'lua lone ight-Diavpinllove> la Girsa About25,0 Pursity->euiacoti CIaim Marylandu Viratulas Ken- tuel>-, Nobimi.u-Cotondo trir livr. Thi e eelons llin luticejest r me- i ati>- followlngs a u-e.dentiai coneuct are aietluIvusishI>- nisked by a leek et lu- tercet sud tic chic-ffsatune oethtie conlest. la the varions Ptate. TuciSay wa-satle apatîbi- ndifesteu b>-t le cstons. Tiere Ia a tslliig oSf flitIie voleetfhotu parties. sud w-hIe the Dcmc-rsasabow relative guins a-len comparedi-tb tic pbenome-1 liai îreideutial vtesocf tat i-cur, tesetabs-- at-bome note la msadse et nearli sun equiut liceetaae eft làhiparties. NewYlori, Tii. Plate et New- York bas reversefi a pluralit>- et 268,4610 for Mciley- te à Demuoc-mutie uajemlti- or 84,000 for A. B. Parker us chiot ilusge et tic court of ai>- pesîs. The Itepuilicsus mi>- @Iwo bave let lic Asseuuilyin lu a-Ils-uet yeur duc>- icti aenent>- majeniti-. Nea- Tork City- ba eliS dVBet 0 . Vani W>sk, thi Temma>- candildate, as Mayor b>- e piursltyr et 2,000. PetitLLoy, the Cii- sens' t'nuss-ajemiuee, Onlised asend lu tic race. a-hIle- Ocueral Benjalutu Z. Tracy, Republieau, and Henr> George, Jefferaonan Ocuoceet, tolioa- lu tue er- fier named. Iowa.- leva electa L. M. Shaw ansite Repub- tileu fPlate ticket b>- about 25000 plu- rnuty. The Bepuhilea blute comulttee cllaise 35.000 on more. The. Leglatumr in orera-hetssugt>- Republîssu. It le fig- ureSduat lb. Republicami vo, lu lue Plate feil off 25 per estt vile du. fuaion vote le ont>- redSd *boauet 10 per seut. The timoilta admit thein Seteat b>- au ad- verse punrii- t5,000.MeKinle>'.pin. rot- last yeum wons(15»32, but it inlundeS thc vols-a et mas>- thousasuisounutmoue>- Democrats, a-be acattered duls i-enr. Ohio. Ohio re-electesiGoee-mur Bushucîl sud the. entre Itepulcun Stade ticket, but thie Lc-gslltir, a-bic-h a-iic'et tue ancres- *ou- te Marron A. Hans ui inte PUllte States-nite aI due time tuis la urrtteus, la claîniesi h>- oti tepublîs-aus and Dlem- ocroansdsitie officiai vote mai be te- qufreul uosetie tb. Senatornllvole. Heut- Ileu onCunty (Cincnati) aest Demo- sratic exept on Goretir. vile Cuya- bogta Ceuni>- (Cleveland) wa-ctRepubli- eau. liaumacuettabi-ceets Wolctt. , pubicice, Goverster- b>- 10,000 voleé agninst 80,000, ton Williams, Democtat, andI 17,500 tor Eneretd. sog elSOcocnu lue lover bosseetftue Legslature a-ID stand 200 Republincauio t 40 Demeerats. a-ble due Pente a-lit tend 33 lepubli- esonte e7 Deuocratz. MarylandL Miarylandi relurnu up te mldnlght Toca- de>- Icare it a matter ef donb it aheur due Lettisîture vilch il-iichoofe a sae- cesser te SoensonGormun i ii b. e e- srtcounItepubliceu. Boli parties cisi A. Corsuansafriends elalsi tua t la resaonably certain bho a-l bLe etunnaesi. Kontucky bas goeemuocratie. The retunca uop te n late hir nslete chat Som J. Phas-klcforduesl, i uvs-n Osmocraile candidte fer clenk oethte ContrtfAp- pesîs; lias troun 5.000 te 7.000 pluinuît>-. Louisville hapslested uaO-mes-ati. Mai-- or b>- ai leaut 4.000. Virginie. Virginia ias elseted tic Deuiîcratlc Stuu is.tcketI, hended b>- J. îloe ,Ty'ler fer (lermor. tii-a niajotiti- exs-eding 50000. Iteturna ndis-ats- uat nitai Iepulilan er Populiltatlasbec-mu c-ed tlte 1e Lgis- ature. Tiere a-as a ver>- amalilnote. SouthiDakota. ASuth Dakota pollesi a liait vote. Dent- ocraIsjoies-l alb i c lhe tepubillau egalîsat lie l'opulists. <of Uic eigbt Clu-- muit judas-a.thliIeîsullic-nns es-t fine. In due ,cc-cd district n Ptsîuuist mujenît>- of 1,000 a-asoverntu-sI, Iepublcana viuining b>- 500. Laher tetue musasisi le ltipublicsn vierte«. Nebraka. Nebraska ha» <on. 1)smocratic. At midat tiu hie fusion Itate ciairuin cialis-si the Plate b>- trout 20,000 te 25,. 00) plunuli. TIse Linolen laie Jour- nsal ls-p.> st tint bour conceded lie de- te fute icItepuisiesStute ticket. Tic ebairnian efth11e tepublilcauSlnd. connaît. lee madle muestutemeot. Coloradoe. Coloradlo bas probaili- heen sa-ieS b>- tic- ailver ms-u. llbongi tic- resultin lalu deuht, owlng t4-te dels>- la getilsg m- totras trous out4-loi districts,. Viaientý stetuxiaicspt niais>- otesu ldoors. Wou- en., tociste-d upon te tictp lie slvrenca weate-tabhsle eget te tbe polils Penn.>-Ivanli beldl itsquiteat eleehîon lu psa>- eons. Thie fette awna tie ei- lentle scratchinug ef thenome ut Jeai« . Boss-ou, enfdahe for &&ate tressurer. Biturasliluicte e subtatlal IBepubli- cuis mujonit>-. POSTAL'IDANICU NUDEO. Indium Financier Tele Wl> Tbe>- VeW uliDiPouier a-tb tie Peuple. ?èug sy paolmatlm setek- *Il& reuembrasu ofet od@ piuacsste us delagt tb. put gem, -Wh" bsu'bi se abondant. *lm as. ofer u.te Imm eau danbg an sd 'e, ou votre auto tii. moiu bush.'uder Ris vatebftul previ deteeludustrirbas prospevsd. tii eudi- tisss et labor bave benu iprovad, th$ tii. usbaudasbave bem lnoemad iand thé. estafete et our bou~ mBltpiWo. 1414 ulghty baud bas pru'. simrd pisce and protseted the natiOn. Bespect for uan sd. order bias beeb Stliugtlimd. love et tree litttleu cberluied sud .aitsctoof s urbelovet country breugbt lutte closer bonds ut't,,- feruat regard sud geuerous co-otuetl. **For'these b ceilelt la oud'utg te pralse the. Lord la a spirit of buiinlitY sud gratitud, and teo oSer up ta Ulm ont Ment isinait supplications. lbat a-e Muay acelredge our obligation'as a eopcle es RUlm vbo bas seograclously granted ost tie biasStig etriegeverument sud cmsteriel pfuoelty.i. eWilla MeKtley, Preal. dent otfdue UnîtetlStates. do iereby des& luete eud set sport Tlsitraat, the 25111 dei of Noveuber. for national tuaui.l luand su rai-er. wblci nl ofthte people art lnvit.d to observe witI, uppropriate relleg ions services lui dueir respective places 01 vonshlp. *'On MibIsday et rejolelng sud domestie raeulsu let our prayers ascend te the citai et eTeryuod andi perfect gît t for due cen- tînuance et Hi.r love sud ruinertu uns, the( our beurt@ niay- le lilled i tb earltyasimd good nIl sud duat a-e may be ever a-orthy et mis benefliceut encenu,. '1u vitnses viierpof 1 bave iere-unto sel nY bonid and coadetit seal et the Unit ed States t7o b. simzed. "Doue ai due cil>- of Waabington duis tv.uity-unidey ut October. li the.yeai of our Lord oe., liesanul elgit budre sud aliety-seveu muid sutthe indepeodffles ef lbe Uitedi States Uic one huuidred and tveutY-oeond. WvI LLlIlM KI.NLEY. *"By due President: "JOHN SIIERMAN. 'flerrettry et State." MtON01R TO A IIEROINE. Public AppuersemeofSemra Cisueros ta Nev York City. The. populr receptlen te Ums Evangi. lie Ceteoy Claneres, lu Madison Square, Nev York, due otiier lgiit. vas au extra- erdliary denionstratdon. Fuily 50.tlE persos, prpbsbly one-tbird eft hem veli dressed women. erowdced tbe upper boit of Madison Square Park and tllied Brndvs> and FIMflIavenue snd vstted patlenti>- foi the eenugmnulatory speeches tu e b Iiihes auid the. Caban icroine te appean. J. Lincolni De Zasias a-as apesktng wiec a carrtsge conîaitutg Miss CeaIe muid Car] Docker, ber reacuer, appesred e1tii.f stand. Aitdu-eqinluwhIite satluindeunol- oped in luit ne fur-capesi cloak. tiie Cuhen girl mounted tearrea- step@ tote plat flet=,lowng snd sumilug te epeople. Once on the platturm, 1r. Docker led bis charge down the vicie bela-cen due muai- clans te lb. front or tie plattcsrn. Misa Canin Cisneros' appeargee vas tb. aig. nal fer a treuidons demoutratles by the crovd. vblcb stretebesi eut for ItE yards beltre ber. The juin yclled mand a-aved dueir bâta. tie wvenn aved tut. bandiereilefs mand due baud played a Cu- hat bath. oeng. Wtd a bouquet la ber nit baud and a plmssid but dudeut sn- pressio on hi, face. Mise Cisneros b.ved teh eraudience, and duen turueti te Mer. Decer, lilctlig thst iii vauted ieun te uuderstand tiist »hee.uapiemVus an uucb fer bleu m'terhe. For seTern al ueuate thei. ta-o .d tetti. -bil e .cbieflas cotie&lus Tii.. Um Cismeros vrou lsd bock te lie sar et the. plaffo.., vii..Me bsved a"d silofi te thq eevwd an t iut oftii.phtttiau. Tien oii. hesa ii. sta theti. cr- rieurabl",vws de - - jeantsthd ti asa aud bock ta Delassacies. aidtte recep. liotu vs. s eaid. provincs la lb. sp- peaniace et miss Clmnio on titi plat- tee. tiere ver. ssotubier et short speeces eirspetued a-ltb selictiens b>- lb. band. Muret Halsted wvs. haîrmutu a&W lutroduedth de speakers. Unitedi Plaies Scuator Tburalou cf Nebrasaka was the Oirst speaker. lie vas ver>- boama anti coulaih beaerd for oui>- a tea- feet ave>- frocs the tand. Penaton Thuraton naid tvwatichedut>- et our Guvinnnt ho grant betigerenci- l te oCuibaus. "Il i bed my a-rn>-,'sold h., "net ouI>- vomiliithebelllrmey ut Cuis b. recog- uiised, but 1 woulîl seud e baliship te ucher lu Hevans barbon lu ordir te In- spire vilii hope astiecragei lien a-beare etuttllat for frccslom."> Congreamaus Sulser vas due ie5t speaker, and b. as.foiî,ed b>- Doston De 7*yia, a-ho a-s.tle chosen tepresent- si.efthde Caban coon>- la Nia-York. H. S«erinbeti the . a- ein donc b>- tb. Cubais arn>- andsi coresi Weyler. The cra-S trequeudi sAPPlauffledh. Among thon present aetIhe receptios La Delmon. lWe w er. torner Ambaintir Enstis aid a-ifcc Col. Btben Allen anti Charle. Danm Gîbsos. Neani>- every promiraent mcmlii. et due Cubsu colon>- as.prisent. not. et Cua-rot Eveste. Reum> Rams, Il yeuset ae, le Insane at St. Josepli, Mo., front baviag luuisie - uaetomns. -1 RMat ommier et tic Logirt Jury e«u uov dacido a-hler h.a-lU pmtcde e a, m.dflcei»or sosp makinsg. The stage rnnlnbita-cia 1witou *id Union tovu a-saboilS np at Unien- tevai, Wasb. b>- maaked me. andthte UaflaSPtaumlle and the express box a-euledus. Biles . Ora7,, a-bubas aerced four- tes yaea et a lIfe sectouce for a mur-. le. wvihlit hbas developod waa.emmitteti b>- sothir. was relemaet trou the. Pin- tylvaule peultentlari. Publie Examiner Taylor ofuthDa O- kits out waeramis egnînat State Audit.,r Ma-boa-. e-Auditer Hip- pie and CI.ak Audiros. ciaurglng emb..- mimtient ot publie fons. David 80olo. prelSeet cf lthe Herd Felsem Atnse Coupasny, iec lui New- York Citi-,, ige 5P gete.Tue compn>-bha bien edelljt insaged lu due muaufature et mli"sfor sped"aspurposs Boseme~i Mot,. urstJystIrred a,- UNION PACIPIO ýDiopOUb op AT AUCTION. Ils Deo»rgaalation Carnait. ut Omahs, Bob., Mails. the uItelleDd for the pro'erty-PVuls Ament as- C*tVod la *87,804,052.M711. Boude B rmallat About Oue-Thlrd. Tbe Unioneurifcielehttross. mn oll a Ous t aunction lMeudsaly. Tise sale vas ferret! by the Uniteud Plate.,holder et a slecond uortguge. lui erder te proteet stock andi boudiolders, the reorgaulisation eomuiitte bildlulb.theproperty. remi sud permul- ulatlittuho su>-.truck, relliug srtocotk ausi bondse. For the ralroafi pruper the connîltoop pald*S0M ffl,281.87; for the. boudah. 3t4.209.Tue. vere ne otiier bîise. The ptier ebtuluesi la soflltent te psy the gov,.rnms-ent Ili fili. Msamy lu Cbsoàt-ry W. 1). Coratitit fSt. l'Sul cosdut-tesi the sels-, snd it Lansaisibis tee WN lie he lrgeat eter givon asu crdon- eer. ma the uUnionl'Saeile ls thse mont val- niaible lîroîserty - erer uuisint auct!on. The- Ides uftuniiiutheiAtlanic talc uiP- rill eco.îsîa ly n asst-ns @if alîways teok labelle i s blIthal satecd ithe Uited siutes Mt-tnte Jul 20, 1Ns;2. b> a vote nt M5 te 5. Tlhisaleis thi e tuel shsrting of tie Union Ilau-If,.The H'lie uis ardesle billh a o vsulc ,f 11)toi 21, aussifour <luis Inter 11'cexid,-cîîLino-oofiln sdid.aIleurvb>- omettait hi. igalta lire. A chaîrti- er * .lO w0u$magiynn the coriperatlion sud silant] grant utftei.- 000,000 asrea sls:s-.hcd. Thse compani a-a.formnully csîarleresi July 22. . ',wti autberit>- ho cssîslruc-t ls nslwa-i trouf (luiaa n tsic c-asern tu'undary oeth11e Stle té fCalîtuirnîs. The net licorisuitat- iug thebe tmps ny pronidel fer a gaveri- nient silssluly scîuil iuas dfl() lpm-r mile for tint îsorllcuuiofeth11e line s? ltol tohe Ilisse ti os-r and the -baxe o e lio<-ky nsounitsii.: 4t.)jusr uuile for a dia- tance. oft 1.-d) milc-a îhncuugh th.,usouantaini range; gI'.ml0<> r u isik- (sut thc ilitunce iuîernisediaîe lotivr-ui the torky aud Sier- ra Nensulis rangt-.. auloi *4K1t.isliper mile for a idistanc-ret f10 niAits througb the. Sienne Nevadui. The ceuspsny isd raiseasaid trat equatlis g12.9m)0 a.n-ate thes-mile. -The originlusitlprovideul abat tb. goverufltn rafhsidy- shîuld luen attortgage on the rond,. but by amnuiilsnient il wa. made e Second uortKaute.1 lie comnuylS ilun- therîr- te) u, isc-li% bonit, lean aoainset esîuol atheis,-gueranuent .îîuuldg nesa iraI suurt"gg, un the lin.. Thse whule avsllabi- s-u lit il sutheiii-ffl.abatit vasl ulimnshîuly tis o $u&J .l.aori.OUO asa ouiy Thie govurnaiut llid eltcre inluisubi- dit-%uisre ailiin îhe-at -outheli- cotulrise- tien ofthtIe maisl. and (si t-Anlées. uof ins- tous it, W.. %i, va. lgk,ins lu th-' buîildlinsg sur tie-otaitu. fuurnnel sîeculsusuu- tisse a-bic-h lus-sesip - kcsurwa. -ritîe Cu-cuit 3iuslilis-r ut Aisu,-riu-ss nb hvaswleIonr- cole il, si ituesuioft arutheis,u ,%tissus,rs andsl lividttintusnsalluit;eai.-au-kiss i tIhe c'eit3hloilis-n. Terf isrtl s-e der the Ani-s esssirusalun4wsud vithiin elle- >euir dividîuusle at-ns-pai smiossting te r>49) lur relit, oilulit.s-eillait -k. The nmotte-r nsas i-(tuinîel -t.>- Uun jaresa tandl ths r 44 lui clAnsesfrtth le Flousile stotiifeu ofislrecetailàti-h '.ns athsnsu s îuur, w-.uax tc.immcudid. Il t la- vuevi-r. tsus-ns-r ncd onet. Tbe flirnt levsesn iiuof-aet irosd vseecou- plèeilIlsph. 27. ISM. ;asnsi ts-rond wama coniplih-clus talia jonsction iii u thle Ceii- trai l'à,-Ilt 'ruiueutory l'oint. Utah. Thie c--tiilof4lic ta-o rossi.u, a-sasdIy elorbrati-ul. Gev. I,s-lsndi uctfCul- tiferul, prtailcut ofuthle tCentrai Pacifie. vas prqff-nl. aona-as Vicel'reslic-,it lin- nulit et the Union l'ar-ie. Tics a-pre laid for the rails sud a-bs-n tisY e>uct the tuat %pill ieIhttiouidet ,sld.vasdriven. Tel- egrspb a ires vers- cennt-I-eu. se tallt eaeb bloev cf tie ailvs-r sie suas reiseniesn- stsuitly sn ail îhe- large etlsaté ram dus-At- Isutie tute isPacuiie BANDIT GANG ESCAPES. Break Dovai lie Prlaon Bers nt Dend- W-. . a. Ths etusnleriota Curry gang et banditsa broLe JolIt t -oslsuooul. S. K>, SMula>- nlght, andssifsteri- cuelusuging us--ruJ dsunê-î sheinss'.laits ciriinsuwilu ., re5tclti acs etll ete-usu u iî'ilss ic-aaIse te) lie mutintausa. Ttii iiu ftht-es-spe vas consnant wusus t hei- luslliiesa ofth11e atcela wa-tissecsîi%ht-c lt. Thé- fugttve-siare "rom"u 0'ilsi -Fransk Josuic. ..Tcuinu Jonuesi sud %'lletr-l'iiiscY. TbeY tonr- the bats froniitlîîeir strsung celse hi- ahes-r latncngtil csfmi, lit. ss><ýsuth- le aler witb thuir issa ansi t-ui-hlathe open air. Thse jjiler wuani-il arueds, but the- fteili- sud dsniri 0 f the men vas tee mcifor laim. Th ise tcie-kuic allth trouleswaxascuniig visa vien thie sîde cf the big têt-s-l toge ici-ch the bandits acre .ssusijuesl guave na, tensntb Ulir mîusidore-sgi. 'Vithh ;arssîr the nien car- riesi the- v.wiuds-lrtillit tors- them nd uc baen-t jatte, the- '.>w osut hetic oteîlieu lainrail.Ile drea- a reriver. but was kuîiockes locwuvi. Wben ieb,-revivei) uclisser Inter bce ausccuenrisiwüth seecîsl, but a-sabulle tali*iite alssny. Asu te jail wax i cgulsn uinflsi>- the umcn basi ne trouble scwlcstiia a suppIY ot the flir-it aulsjun. Elich sot a ride., founr rev'olvers andi a cîi.ntiYet usiiiniltioui. 'lbey ru.huhotslul' fruses iîllace-. sacut latsrts-d cuisasrate uurosuluis towarci the lille. 'lie>- raislnvi-r 1'-e l-ls. a supe- cilimine wstchuiisn. us lIsisk s.y. lie a-as knxsed d-uwui. but toe, dru- anrn- voliver, usai. lakilui the situation. le- gain ghcscsiisg. lis it ast -stsnt a vild st-c-si a-sa liSing .-ssncte. Cullties gatherei froinail direetissîîs. andI tte outlaw@rs e- uesîtrasi us Icite cdranlle fisteatz oethIe mosust- tainse. turssiîîg and lirlng as thse Pursiîýrg gelns-diton lis-e. Sisuenss f tire teo'.ncd Ilieufrein a M-cure e-vclvers Lui tic hanls etfusnsniY -lri. Thoat sis>- u-raila diii net rusuait lu die a-holiy te chance andssi cjukaws. Fred Saaoie '.'-»sdc-iiirately a-onndcst. Frank Elîliot wvnas ist titoagi thebody snd seerielitetis a-etc lujured tolueor less. If lie outlaws ere hurt duere wa-a oth- lng te ludtaicate the tact. Tie>- inlu i ts- sapenred lu thil"111. unailig tondue n- The Lsetgert hAur>-ulsel>- tef s se taLbbai a precedeut for ha spiat m expert tetiony-Mlivsuke. 5g s& Tii netsiert trial oboudh .a a um lut il$s&&Wlund aid Ineglrtin e,* lea-ed luietier cass util the maâiobo ti ut Justice luithdUnPitedi Blabasdm fou inlto utter contempt.-Bemu script. Tiers b.o neyer been a mors emo&u. uasmid disguilg exhibitone u vinitseos ansd proteilui ltriu-lsBly=6. United Stat-s tisu tbe Luetg..rt ia4dsMà tint la srging a great del.-niendm Journal. The Ifolare eftihe Jury lu the Lusnt»M murder cue&- o nit a verdict à% au* - priaiuig te suiyîod>u luithîla part et 111 ceunitry. Tiere sje ctusil>-« flair surprise liUi unacquittai wa-*0 mb - tered.-Nea- Or:eauaPI-ni-une. Ticens-suIt 1. unly î rep-titioait49 111c expérience tiat the ucsurts lui tel anI Iartis-ulsrilu lis-heU'uulsed, SUk10 bave md a-lersexperttt h-îlutuin lm~ duerd te c-tabliai lhe îunus.-ute* Moli- port the cesuue ildIhsTi At pretu aatever mus>-ause àbem- tive feeling regrardiez tlectm@WiW@> rene cf the igsausage tunker. 14@ Jridsglent eau bardl>- Le olie-viselm tuaI hlm Relit a-isflot luoven iieysMe siadewfa et tsonatcle dsi.-. Plein IDealer. li ttheloos-uIfflaor proceedîa. hia-hi et Intellilgent and xtsrt re îtcls et 510 a-otk sand tiebaî,istsnul uetho tisul 0 lng expert ucalimoîs>-. tic Luegt tub ,effsI- gare î,es-silnr euisîîial bte therest@ 46 prut-tice lui crimînsI nal1 Bt.l Peet-Dsptrib. TIse reatt fte Lueelert triai à*bail a-as sensemnîl>- -xpectes. lu ssemettU klud meii bWate s Ions vrilirllante fienug oeeof theur felovateti. - Iova ui purel>- ,inumrstauial .eIdu supperleul abell>- b>-experttonesmagt lb. leymienmnait understaaL-di. IIdu- Republil. . The durcie ieetlng juros urt M d l. - eut justinuleotleu fer Ibeir setie.. la tà absence ut pc.sltlve Protcut aMF& .lm- gent a-asresil>-kiesi. t sas le sm o Beesauiry te fadvinse an>-diaredd thc-ouy oet sIsir pertinaclous regatslieo- demnu Luiuettg.-th îe nois.-E ter IN. Y.) Herulul Tic poliieansithie attsueyrit"as' tt SIaIs-sus-mo t uniIi sue lctt nutone mu- Pds ln h e tc ~urnn sftevîssne., s" lma woesI ,iiald liaI niit sdd te lIe 3.- seutiatils, of th-p cuisebuilîtupis Ilbâi es- dris-s. Thetis- Itee-utli ef tutieavons carrAs-i su i literru-endansI mai! auisoi ftuan iraIlelat.lhrcitFr-,pe 'An The piirpusse ofthie Chiengoe paliea 10 forüe 5c-anctitin ree-ilul i-r uufbl - lie etsuarciAat trials. Tise espiicip o lIse jurysu-I thse Intensely î.ncudleudMM cine-mldesi sinacIet eutthe reparte ouit, ssuts-Il nuthie a-uuiiaut 4= the Vhi-agus paIxt nsm-. tu-re îuui 3l- b6, cos-ei-nug oa uis Utc a-aswuaiutea.- Pitisburg lPest. Tber. bis lue-muuoevisible end ~le. - ascerlulu lihe truti. uissuas bsi.i sà Rie lisn leclluste teP(e pcsla- s-ias takshle onumpiruie> te enfcsrce a gn. cesipropuoatlUon. lisnil et of7u 1 I& lidont wstctIer tli ese-u.-d wui, «Mo. - due siliorlket ofCiucugsbave àdw*go matter et priSe sud ofes cprit de Opa 1le Amprenss-Aer vis-a-sopen th. e m. hf bas net lhem e triai,.asnluteellgaUs..Bk ha. heen a prevuicu".-Wmk - Pont. _______ _ PULLMAN8 WILL. Palace Car MligataLita M« Ma questa te Chrtaltsii 1seituWmb Tb. "IiofethIe loteGeorge M. Pl asa file-sinlutic probste court et (d. -> the otiif ey l>. Noruan B. Hem à" Robert T. Lincoln are amil -m s- J lta, bts a-ltnet liugappolintd eauomm of bis*viisbtle elier emofthetii. ,i- billîties o eb.poulîlon. The teintl vlmbli siov-n b>- the petition for a lette, et46 5m- intan>- teho cner $7.000.(W)&. «V là" amouint. Ofi»80.000 la An pera',mal uer I sud *t00,000 iieaty. Theehilebet ot- - cetate gees te tt o dcaogblewa. Ob - Frank O. Fusa-dem etf ChIcs». sB" 110.h@11 Fransk Ca relais etSas Franchmes,11 neccived J*1,000.000 cr, andid aosumi& unr>- emate. Teohils a-isba1111111!11 O horuettessi ou Prairie avemnue. 811ielmw- te recette $50.000 fer due tralit-mme&V dusrefler duriez ber tif. the hbus.,46 *"Cuatle Ilst." ono ut ofthe l1s__ Islandes lathie St. Lawrene ie, à@. ie te hils dngbten Fiorence (uts. I».a-IM willu thc turnilure. for lite. The elgilli provision la as tolisami -b as mach as mus-Ider et ut>-»so»s Us- nelopeds scb a sense o e gPouiiuiU sm li my juiginent lasrequixite te lii. vW" musc et large preperties ascusicadionmec semaetfmonots,1Icru pailiuil>-cy s as 1 huve expliit>- atatesi te. hum, i0lao My testamienits l provisioons for thbou , efit te trusta Prodielua oui>- ncb"_=£i s. I hure deeniesi renseutble 10 suppert.,, Aceeyrtituithie boud ate,~c er eceuritiesuet Osside gueld e"m unai inccuse et *3000.", TeaItoYal Hear>- Pnlmau30m 1 W Pultunan, Helen Pullman West a" iROW ue Pullman Flubrer. irotiiero eud dbs-o ofth de hequentbed il. 46 f50.000 apece. Thirtien Cinneb$gl b.e lstilhltions esre*e10,000. IMb& et *200,000 la glrcu ten the ereisilM 6 - manuueltaining schaion uiPuamseW* In aise endoeesia-th $1,200,0111108 lii the old emploi- e t iren *5,090 The hoiobd serves ageltrtus*="*W *V00 plece. Tiene are numernola hequeasate relatives rUR9uS INg tr *Ml te *2,000. OROVER. fdB..lau11011111. Flue Boy Cousiast. Me. a" *1Wse. land et Prinadêtu.. To Grever Cleveand camp Thunssia> a boy. lie aas baeua ton, N. J., lu the a-it.e m is thse eaka lui tue tIon viiere ibe ununtel dtsplajs Ias prett>- thII elles et su enqululte aeititart. faut hor bua bieeyea bair ti b a mieud luong$ tua itse hie Deunul ii l al Jter Marlou reoh

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