Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 5 Nov 1897, p. 5

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Plour is getting to be immense, and we are of the opinion that it is because we handie the famous "Big Jo" Flour. Another carload of "6Big Jo"e Just Received! ig ?EflIJo SOLD AT Triggs & Taylor's Libertyville, Ili. Special Bargainis DURING THE NEXT 30 DAYS 1 f Pianos cO rgans, Cail and Examine my Stock C. R. SIIERIIAN, Libertyville,1 f'REÙ UROKER1 TAILOR D D&APER. CLEANING REPAI RING. OVER BANK LISERTY VILLE, ILLI. r GO TO LOVELS DRUG STORE FOR "Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, I SCHOOL NOT2E. - - -- --tl-- --- -- is --at---t --r --oon-. - 4PICKED UP HERi. AND THERE. 9 The monthly testisoccured thls week. A c'oe ubokkeig saott * Local items of Interest to Libertyville Readers. * lm nbo epn vaotl le bie started. Wby dont somelîne do »onotiîag tiI ~reul sen:ational otl 0e reporter umay C. M. lST. P. A. ILTi Ut TAULC. 1 Dan'i Lee aud dalagbter, UmssLyda, ,mtigt wteao. TO CHIICAGO. ar@ spending a f-w (laye la <le..go, LUm.ILii. ILU.i.U. 1.1%. sud attending the fat stock show. La.t Firday ulLeruloun thie progranm Ensseil .185 6-11 s4:su ri-miered was firly gýnod, but long and wa.sworth a.. 67 520 6:06 Mr. WiliIDyinond aooiyipuià lY tirenime. It esi .. redit for IL Ourum Wou 5:7 1:2 111 the Mems se 5lles, of chileugo vmer .9.î iiu(!d vroe Wanato.816 6:311 :14 ' a;, ,1aiîî,n*d vroeo LÏas¶vva~&M267:16 12:10 4M uat o n.aid... î . iod tihe lrograîn taking part, somectbing Btoudent 6:3m 7:26 12:3168:39 121 i~hna 4:vonett 8&44 7:"325 l2:U 4?:6 W.94 latbîtiierto b- i, ît bappen..d. The Def..l . _ d :80 9 41.u2:18 6:004:118 rs. Levt Whi.tney auffere4l a" et- Jdebater.4 were weillprepaured, but Uekâweuwrivl, 46:0 :80 10:30 1:4& :1 4:64 6 itaca ofthlAe nature of 8p.îpIe2:Y lbt laî rallier ebf,,sed laloiniavie FItOU CHICAGO. atunday nighti.llit in h nîliîproVil .ule ,,, ,diculoai~n uîvtakem. Tie de- ,Lmn. oliii. p. va. p. a. e t preilent vriting. Lv:. n .a. .1:30 2:4u 6:10) 5:39 liate vas îlotided lu Iavîîr ei.the alibr- Lv. Ino W Mt. 4:1 82 The ladiees'of tue M. E. clînrel. will ilaie Mhlien,rv llle KM lu: 18 441&117"91 oda:%ArIbislà n ri l)fflrll.,ld '&ad410:22 4:47 4:11 7:27 4:21 isold a :Bamar Rbyrsday aiîîlenrîîuay Evireti 4:424:2lS.2#6:25 7:33 0127 aflernoons &ad evecnîgs, Deceniben atTedyla Hlbr âdHr Botidoen i t c44614o &(1 03 7:404 oletw4:a26tekda rivdt ire nTILE 19:46 &6687:60 4:46 nd d rd, lui the Town Hall. 4-2 <neitbalti.kdkanvd1 rWmnemtOn 44 :11 :260 . .spend tLbe alternol. As mooî, asue liusseil (arrive) :1là 8&42 140 a oeadli. idenotes flundayo . Whr nomark acÉ pearé traina aiy ex- lIait mUlda7. SIJBDAY TRAINIS. ~v.ibalylil* U11U.Ar. Bondont 4:06.m. É L.C "l 1'-, . M:pL Ov..r.etyII. M uvn No.aorunsunda oily.goina soutb. vili stop, on signa as 1(ollow:-At% jli lem1: pr. .WRadaworth 12:11; Germas 12:27; Waren- 12:48: lit rmervlile maprvO Oiln2:4b effleldi 1:46 p. M. Train No."u bas boom lately =u n front Deerfed to (Jiogo. L«Yo V Deld 7:00 a. m. sh§rnervlIe :04; .Mrvo Chicago l7m L.U. 2 0. a Imves Chicago itou P.Dm arrives SObrumeryiles :6La. m.Deràls 12:20 ILM. Vllage OffCors, PresIde.nt ..................... C. B. Avenul Tute .Thc..Xean.L J. Bot. C.ll.Sbeua.Bin alv Clerk ....................... W. C. Uanbonn Treasurer ..................... M. B. Coibî Police Magitrat............... W. B. Davis Marahal....................... .lreshman LLEKBTVILLE LOOGE. No. 492 F saturdays ot i mmnii. Tislng brethern bordllivoeomed.IB.W. BOLiLY. W.H. J.E.Ema.e.. store. Vislting nelgbos ays veicole. C. E. -B mam Ax. V. C. ta.Ksîsma. Cerk. JIlr,eu, 1Mr. and Mn... Dr. Chan. (i.>11a, Fniday iligl, Oct. 29, a gti laliy. lrm. îCmiver, of N iîIid, in vlsiting Mr.. Jobs. ilarbuur aîîdulbàer Liberty- VIii . ttieiii. Mrs. Chas,. kaiser visited bier titi. bisdter, Idra. C. Taylor, of Warreatoni, tb.. tiret of tis teek. Tise Lakenide Coetery Association -est Fnlday attennoon, Nov. 12, tb Mn.. FaLrnharn. Mn . E. Wimes ball thee întsfurtiîme tu wteeiy cnt lts tonnai White splitting i 1i itu recentiy, leceuliating taking wover1lsitelles. Btter on the Elgin Buard o! Trade Mîinday wam sleady; offerlnge 248 tube; salen, 162 tubs al; 23c, ane as iant week. One jean agi., butter sulsi for 8lc We liai dota a greut ibig "1credit mtark forr M. iturg" thfi etek. 'lie higiis bave beeli bight and service e',iîtiaîuohîs. Keep it np -Burgie." 31nm. tleîry Willi;amsna v tuh.Wmuke- gmin hst Tiiuîrimy retnnîiiaig l'rday aei,înpanîied iy lier siliter, Irs. staffley ti i,.vited inla ierlyvîlie J )er Suiiîb<y. Wî,nk on the net addition in lAie ismu.ep,,ffleti ai Cunty Frm là ulecesaarily ai a stand silil awaiiing a sbiprnenit of ltnmber thicis ua abolit a seek tardy. Tfhe railways of United States car- ri ed 511,722,737 paaaomngers lent year. ot tlsomenuly 18i ere klled, or une In 2,82,474. tailwmy traveling la sater tOa ay othen mode oi convoyant., Messrm, Cloes, Chariton and Darling, Misses iturnea and Monroe and a toumber of otheris from Lake Bluff togeti;er ws 1h a large compaay trom ltockteiier atiended the "Bard Timie.. Social moaday aight. Halloween pamaed otit qnietly, aibhongis Saturday ad Momday aigis sonie of tise younmgtera appnupriatedai $ew gatest, put *'tick-tacke' on vindotnanmd etisertio deonntraled ibat lbey vore alive teO the fct filtas Halloveen. Services at the Prenybterian cburch eit Siiaday rnornimg and evenlng ai uanualisenrs. Moraimg aubject -"Ued's Dean ChiltInen. lu tAie cvenirag 'Glve an Accotat uf Tisy tewardhp.' Communion service at close et unenning toralîip. Thie "Bard Times" Social ai tise Preî.bylenian churci.lut Monday nighl undethoétieauspices et tAie (ood Templans vas a success andI argely ai. tendait. The costumes were unique andI PERUMEY, ORS. OMr irtis provoking. About tu-eaiy Brushes, Trussos, Supporters, Sheulder Braces, Fancy and bBTemnpuars fren Lake Bluff ver.. in Toilet Articles, Books anad Statioeey, Dye Stuffa, Glass, -Puty, q atteuidance, and tise affair was iîn everyi 12 way a n.ost enjoyable one. $ PA(NTSi OILS, VARNISHES. lb -ntm oil ttePesy _________________terian cisurcis ast Friday nigistt wâàa PATENT MEDICINES. novel affair andtI iougis a small q4 If atiendance participated al eejoyed a ,Farniiy Medicine& and Physiciens' Prescriptions carefuly ,, îleasaut eveniîîg. Rey Wright mmd compounded at ail hours. >4< Eni Dymend weete 0esuccesaf nIcen- ____________tgestalitfA for prizea aswarded for correct Goos CrefllySelctd. nlytheBes. " asters tu a nimber et questions ods arefllySeleted. Onl theBe lidged itu pertait. te the isurLn LWHEN YOURE IN NEED OFlueueo reto.....Cpen' Envelopes Cards or Stationery of Any kind Calilon il emits a strong udor et *ulphurated gas antI tomes non..ofut ls eriginal torm. lu fact heat viii nul destroy l, visicb ivotld Indicate tisat i isnet 'a mimerai suîbstance. We voîlitIsnggeust Superviser Miller ant I bIscoleaguen titis Alaikan iwiseols" ndustrieuuiy buzzhmg le thein thiekens, mine a itais in tise vlcinity of Copclamdsa. Dte nouerrhome and oefera noue of liso 4ubms oe f the Klondlke located on eutI bauk of Butler Lake are belng rmail Ibis teek, preparaiony to putting hhrough a street irons Lake uitreet 10 Cook Ave. Conety Snperlnteudemt of sehoole M. W. Maryl. vms bore Ttiuray. Mn. Miarvin vas retunîinig trom a viail 10 several of the anh<îols ln tise wetern girls. cangitsi sgièt ofthe kî,dak în..y .qttesded for j,îy ail tendemývoredt tu look sweet aud pretty no they wouid Loi "-but the imachine.' The 4:odmk being very strongly but stoud lAhe ahock. The gis 857 It dîdu't hurt a bit and tisa& tiey voald juèat love to go ini tbhe ubai. ver il àtil thea loutiug vas donc titi. kodaka. and soutmwesteru parteof theeconnty. C U CLPO EDN S Througi thse efforts of 8nom.etof ur O CIPRC;DN S eergetic citîzOlis the St. Paul railinsd LIBERTYViLLE, Noy. 1, 1897. Comanyhav prmled t ru tiseàr! Board met lu regniar session titis ooUpanyIlave ponfulldboarued preses. train vh e avon chicago at Il 3i.1 P iloved rny Uallotmy, aoconded by m. tbneugb b Llbertyville le.nlght 11071tisat minutes oi proin aet. and a large nbomber tili take advamtage ingeg approvedtw.road. Curlod. of t atnmd attend tise Fat Stock Show la Folowleg bi.Ua ve referred te finance cornmitoe amd on motion )f Ciîcago te-day Gallowmày and Sherman vere allowed Care abould be e8ercined te avoldj and warranta ordered drawu upon sd.ld fire visile it continues no dry. Acigr:an1 oraillt oeril*ae stubmcrclesolythlrown on s iaome abel. 2 leaves "irted what rigist have proven W. C. Banborn. ............2u leu Juit a Woodman.. .... .. .. ... 32a s darnagiag conflagration near V.m. M. Frealuan ...................... 30 00 Waàlronda home recontiy, -bat for the mnk!ýw.n .... Hk ........... timely warning of neighbors tho dis.- AlbIert Statues ....................... 619 covered It belore If havi gained mach wÙ.1..11-ý.-7' hoadway. ~Cha. Sufter .................... ..Ille0 tadwy.Wlam 6snntt ...... .............. 2b 06 George (lnobbe departed for OkIa. w <i m..:. .. .. 16i berna Territory the firât of tise week, Moved by Ualloway and DnBeis thai whon. e bah secured a position ati(of- A. L. Borge'& bill fer iighiing atresta tice won wlth tise Atchineon, Topeka of S"-674 lie aleowed andi plsced on file. tSainta Fe nalroad Comnpany. lThe 1,Larried. 1Meved by Uallovsy ad.noala InDspENDENT bespeaks for George the, treasurerse report be approved and tiucc.esis bis attention te duties ln, cet. placed on file. Report read _tas as tain to menit and vie trust bis car" fi) toilotm: Total arnount on band Oct. the -wid ad woly est wil pove1-it$si19003. Itecelved dnîIng montb lb.'~tdl s<i Oolytes tii pove$2 (. Pald ou& durlng muntl. 1150 30. ahl blis fMoud5s aticîpate. vAmcunt on lband 81,012.U.. Thee 1ev. Wliain F.rkell a vcrY Thc follewleg rosolullon was read sncess n cvngcz.t ad Faua A -anduon motion tif(ialloway and Mon nueumalu nd Fanci tiA.wumpa*ei, mai vuihng *y.. Stewart, a di8tfiîîgiiivhe. Gospel singer WEEEEaI&, Tisera lai nov, in the bande vîli commience a sortes <if r'ýviv#l ofîthe village treasuner lthe amiiult lof services at Libertyvllle &ethodl..t $477.76 as nnappropriat.d, thenefore ho. Cburcb SaîîidaY iarnlng. kl ornlag 11Re4otted, Tbat tis amalolnt of $40 m rvices nt10:30, eîeîîhng service, autho sskeu tJieefrornand bercby applied 7:091. Servicez *filibe field every tu tise roaddand bridge funl. evenlng during thie week, ceinmencng Moved by Galtoway anîd Sherman at~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t& 7 8lc.Yuaeivtdad ia treet coimmittce Ibo ln.tru Lted ta, et 0 C'ock eud. re..' i ndInprove oui atreel e, 0tise extent ut urged t ated.00ie Mlondaetfgravai il eeessany ut theu Thie f:îlotîî,g taken troin Th.e Jour- diacrti«ba. Carrled. napublîstied ut La Salle, Ili.. speaks bMoved by GallovaN and Boyt tisat 15411,eldewalk ozdlnanee Nu. litho passed. weil for Mesans. Forkeli and Sttewart, Carrîed ail votimg mye. who are te lie at the M. E. chureb next, Moved by Galloivay andSi Bermua teek: tsIllaatsemna.u bodmhard ibat -A MheI. E. e<itrdihevery evening tho a1e i wlb1 t oneIgs "At iigAngn adenhmiNie pant lu Aeieng conducted mmd lbhe însprln ainîng md î,tbsîatu ontraet feliltel by A. L. Ilurge la preaching îîM, ie board ait the î'vàu-nusinaty tiseh@beard and tisaI geliîitie services. 'lho îpeaker, "ni tfs bondae l notifled Ibat al Forkel, ofCbhiago, lu a y3"ig ii ii lbs vn.muIh31rthd n h years old; ie pr"eentsbis tiîongltu in'<'I pslue pnes lut i aoereand the a forcilie, t.'arilesaand lîîeushîîg i1100 oplnt le la Cmriefld. eatn ih lier. Ilis argumnents. are lavd îon o ed h7 aieva md or sound reason, and h eeîîis bis bigbest tkvd yGloa n hra ambiutionî 10 preiw ikibtiiîuiîtys itrutihaut $25 lie approlmiated tuo&ant in la sucliaa banner au. a. make îîîcn anid Lîbectyvlle.aiP*nPt idef a ye Oep volueililielievéc. ietvle Ai ou a xep The' singer, Francis Stewart, i.. a ..0yt, o voted li.Motion car..d. power. For twentv years lie vii..file Mtoved hby <alluway and fSberman baieklîoue ofthtAe Tenî.esseeaas, leni for that village furulîh tile .for ditebes tise 1ai eight years lie bum givea n opposite prousanty et Chua. Kaiser. C. lime eeicîsveîy te evangeîîstie sing-: . rrîD nmd mmd Chas. Jlloway. log. ihe gentlemen are wurllîy of Cari M'. yHo adSsema ia bearlîîg. Seldom In sncb a privilege1 i Prsieat apoit adcohemants 1 graatted tu ci;rcli-golug people. eI .1.Pr . iden appnt.orlaa enenas.. su.. ,1PPICK UPS if.0I. Lueigent rmy Ihlnk ihpreterable le stand anoiluer trial than Aang, bnt thei people v.ho have to remd daliy accouais e! anot11er trial may look atitA differ. ent. Tise (ockford Repuîiac, la apeak- lug; of the numenîna vidtima of thse deatis dealiig cocnabaredden, says Ibal *'pu'tty aoon tAie corn siredder veterans viilho bolding reaulunai.' It 'ould ho a grand gatlîering ut crippies if ibey conld ail gel together. Tise longeai lineofet ctual air line rallroad la tise Uited States la tisai portion otflthe C. Id. & St. Paul frorni Burlingion te Racine Jonction, a dis-] lance ofet tuy-eilt miles. Thon.. laj net a variation fnom a straigisi une et tve tncises lu tis e calmedistance. 1 Il la mot out of place as a motter et mets tecalI attention te tbe tact ihat a Sit. Louis jury returned a verdict et -JustifiaLbie homicide' in a case where a nev..paper rman aisot and killod a tel- low. This migist ho valumblo informa- tion for nmre fllet tho bas a hanker- tmg tu lick lis enater. Tise u'emth ot JohntD. lRockoeeler bas uow reached tisenm o! $244,0., M0, and funihermore la Iiicreanlug nt tise rate o! $1500,000 a mouth, $50,(100 a day, $2,082 an heur, $3450 a minute, or 57 cents every second <f the urne, day and îîgbt, Sounuiya and holidaye. Oh, for ive days et Johna D. lRockefeller! One eveniig s man wan perfonmiîîg the old trick o! producing egge from a et pnttiug in a water vorke. Carried. l'reutdeîit appoleted lioy t, Sherman anud AcUregon as aîîch committee. MNvod by Uallevay and DuDil thmt meeting adjeura. Carrled. W. C. SÂssOax, Clerk. Water Worke Centemplat.d. At their meeting Mondmy nigisi the village "Dadm" appotnted a coummtiee tc, oonter titis partie& versed le sncb malters as te probable ceai of a anitable ayatem o!ut alon works fon Libentyville. This le a move in tAie ight direction and thie village board vili bave tAie universel co-operation et oun citisous in iheir endeavor tu ecure m desirable system of wter tonks, mmd th final determine tise ceai and decide visai particulan ayniom la moat dosirable aad pracîlcable, a&l ihinga con- sldered, i.. the proper caper. TAie Matter la a Mosti importat toneand te vonld ho pieaaed t4) publlish coun- ,municationu. froia tel pay ergs along tbis tJnciammd Lutter@. Following isalt et ltters remanina In the. ibertyville, Ill., postoffic. November 1. Mna. E. Ale... Lina&llanns. Franuk iarmek. B. F. Parsen. LeouIHennins. J. H. WestlieliI. John M. Waters, <.boe. Wagner. 0. B. SCisANCx, 1. M. An iusurance Comnpany figures tbatIif a pbitanthrepiat lied tunveted, in tise tiret year efthtAe Christian ena, one penny ut 5 per cent compond interest ho toul.t bave been able ila 1894 te have given S300,000.000,00000,000),000 te every being in tAie tond. tit-be poekel; anàdkerthieil,tiseu le retwirkod Oinf do il! te, a utile boy ia front: "Sm ay boy, f tisi 10 announe 10 the lades of yourn Iloter c'nt gel eggs vitisout Libertyvilie andI viclity tisaI 1 bave liens, ean elle?" "-of course obia can,' the fluîest asotmient of cluakeansd vii.. salid the boy. ."WAy. boy te tibat!, air wilinery ever breegisi tu10'en. sked tAieconjurer. CuekesuuK. 'ai] andtI e and yen tilt find tise prîtes jnai igbt. MIRs. l'aOnîNE. replied tise lîttie boy, alald ilh.. oars__________________ of taugisten. LI BERTYVILL.E MARKET. A plemment persoti to live witilan onic Crni3,-t i y thi'.Mehbat every 1'luriuiay. who uever heure but otokind out Betlr-Crý,eeY ... .......8Il 2 eb $ 25 trouble ai a time. home people try te iut.r-Cholot., Dalry ......... 2 i «* 22 beuamilhcy even bad, ail ihey have at Ua. ier dîsen ................1le C 17 l',itiît-oi'e1r buihu-l ... ........'l65 10 75 Iresent, ail everylîody else bsainmud ail WiiI-,r leîonit........'IaueQ- 50s $biey ever exilent te have in the future. Cal-llH.i. r ton .........a7b 0 7 O2f course titeiii a . eavy iozdand atlue CoolJ-8Nid. Iir ton l...... 4 <o @44 25 Cern. tvenrt,,shel. shelk-...... 2 S cou.sequenv'e give.. their faces the ie,- oi. ,er bo. h.......1.... 19 peanance of a Kans.asi ivî'le, and I ouoindý,i .u' ... ...... 4865(4 tein disposition lm abount as pieasnt asBrun. î,en ton.A .... .......69 on 41Io10 apio.. of sand papen teuid lie for a Mdlilîgs. imîr ton ............6 90Io8(ci i o .bath pouge.Cern Meal. ivr tee.... ........ * 121v mt ne Ioqs, rer 1los bo..... # .. . 3 008 la cevs rModM elb.. M S11 11 We haven't time to write an ad. 14 4 > 4 liq &ZZ tell you about a few Goods we are Closing out. They are 10 and 15 cent Goods at Sc per yard as long as they last. Also a line of Comfort Cal icoes at 5c a yard regular 7c Goods. Best Ginghamns 5c. And a host of other Bargains we haven't timne ta tell about. Il. B. Colby & Co., Libertyville, I11s %-(1 (tif( t i ti Fine Groceries AI way s in Stock. Chlli~ Ladies and M Underw F. C. SMITH & SON, Butler BIdg. Libertyville, Illigi Smith. Wallace Co. Fine Shoes Feit and Leather Boots, Rubbers. Overshoes. Ladies Gents Oloves and M lttnMl Tise tolloviuq patees on 8TAPLE NOTIONS, Musy 9 gi gsa ...........0f9boo cap te mIligooda ........ Agate Bnttons, 1à deos, ........ .06 Patent Book and Eyen, 2 dos .... ... . 01 Cot Tbresd, 7?spooia .......19 Sbuc Stnunge, pet des........ ........ 3 and .05 - ClohesPins,i6 dosz.... .... ...............OS0 Bard Wood Tuotis Picks, pan box............ .03 wmCarpet Tanks, 3 boxes (750). ........... 05 Paulor Matches, 6 boxes........ ..O 3 No. I Lumip Chiriey.... .............10 liheif Paper, <12 incises vide> 10 yds . 0 Wire Egg litssin ..... .............. . .02 ' 8 byl10 licture Fraines titis gla ... .10 Hunter Fleur itter.................... .... . .> 10 qt. 1111k Pans ........................ .. os G.ood Washboanda ........................ .10 i Large lied Handkarolilfs................ .10 2 J. J. Clark'@ Spoola Cotton...... .06 Jupaned CeaIBoe là (lias. iait and Popper Shakers OU .0 Lmmp Bunnne with Wick. . .... ....1.08 Nutmneg (matera............. ........-.. .08 Tes Spoons per Set u of .............O.0 etc. etc. Bie sure and get oun pnices heoome hying Undowoi .......Shoes, or .ny kind oe t Wat« ...... ibvtvîK. But we want to 1

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