Wl Th!.% man is calling for a plate of cakes "Our Iiome-grown Buckwheat." 'ry a Sat.k aud You'iI have nu Other. For pastry -Big Jo- SOLODAT Triggs & Taylor's Libertyville, Ili. Special Bargains DURING THE NEXT 30 DAYS 1N Pianos - OOrga ns Cali and Examine my Stock C. R. SiIERIIAN, Libertyville, Ill. FUEfl~ IOER TAILOR ANDRAPER. CLEANING REPAIRING. OVER BANK LIBERTY VILLE, ILLI r GO TO LOVELL'S DRUG STORE FOR Sbrugs, Medicines, ChemicaIs,~ PERFUMERY, SOAPS, COM BS, 1 >4Brusiies, Trussea, Stupporters, Shoulder Braces, Fancy &Bd 4sToilet Articles, liooks and Statioery, Dys Stuff, Glass, Puty, PAINTS,OILSVARNISHES. PATENTMEDICINES. Family Medicne. and Phiysicians' Prescription@ oarefully compouîtded at al hours. 1 0 ods Carefully Selected. Only the Bea. WHEN vOU'RE IN NEED 0F Note Heads Statements Envelopes Cards or Stationery of Any kind C.ail on JUST a WOOuMà%N....««M a PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. *Local items of Interest to Libertyville Readers. C. M. à ST. P. W. R. TIME TABLE.'j1 Uioomy weatlit-r. TU CHICAGO. Ti.r@day, Nov. 25 1'In haiîkagiving ar.a.m. @.mf. ra. gi-m.. J.m. 1>63' Ru,wsli >-Win 511 0:57 V.'slv . rti. 8567 ý.' 5:06 .1ci d l.e r,' a n. .I git' er 'n , thl. U ora.,., fr1 " : '61 Wrrenton V, le 5:31 :14 511k îlot.f LsBaan MIR 5g : 3f)716 12:300 4:16 liondout 6:&M 7:24 12:3@ 6: W911:21 L. 1G. ioardman , ifh.- gu-t 'f c. (c. DEerleld 66 744 os m12-. :4 78:2 Buîkley and fanslly. Hherinervlli-, 6:64 7:60 .,36 12:64 :60 625e ii Uhloag','arrv.i 6& 8:80 1:1 :46 :616 66 ru. J. A. <Gage liai ,eifll FltOM CHICAGO. several days tis week. aa..P.M. P.. &.Mur. JohnnJe Sedam ban heen safferiîsg Lv. Kinale 8t,7;30r. 41:.u s' severely wlth rnlscuar rbetimattaim. AliOrMerylI., :28 10*18 4:41 :11 7:23 9.6 Don fIed @:u 10-22 t;47 ô: 17 7:27 9-21 Mr. Isaac Heathin 10eitetaning bis Ivtt 6: s4216Mon 4:1U6:25 7:."27 brother and other relatives tht. weî,k. Itodaoui :48 &38 03 86 :407:40 :33v ir 1L5 1:5 :17:064 J0 ..iTOatO 1W.414 6:11 7:61)9.4 Jo peckner in atut(oshen, lad.o 9:00 &M16 6:2 this week inopectlng a (irig store ut ipz50011 W.>610 6:2 1. that place Iii wlihcb ie bas un Irteres:. *deaotes Pail.@adsnotes Sunlay onIl'. C. A. Appley suffereci a xligbt attackN Where no mark acrosars trains are 'iiîr "X- ,farysipelmstissweek. îHe however,8 eept Bunduy. SUNDA! TRAINS. logo0 for recovered as t,, Le aboutC Lv Lihbertyville. 4:up.m. Ar. Bondont â:00p.m1. t9w again Lv.:LIb.rt yvlle. e.1o anL Ar.clcag o 1fr2 a.m Thse coal dealers are busy furnishing Lv.Cisleago 8:30 a&m. Ar. Libertyvil4e isirparos ih a.r uitemspp u Lv.:Chlcugo :44 P. m. Ar.Libertyvile sopm hrpaonwi te itrsu ly P No. .1 runs o SndayonlY. soins sonth il whî iile our hardware men are isuvlng a sto, u sianai as follows.-At tusaell 12:07 big business in the stove lino. P. n. Wadsworth 12:17; Gnrnee 12:21; Wa&ron ton 12:24: londout 12:1; Ev"ettî2:dtDeorfléld on accouint of the Inclepsency of tihe M";4: lbermerville 12;2 arrives i la Chet weather Monday evenlng, tise Gooci Train No. 44 has 1Ibeen atel y £nutonrom Templare postponed thier regular Drefiaci 0 (isîago Laves Deleld 7:00 meeting and installation of offllerii one a. n Shrmevlle 744;arrveshicago 760 a. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m fr n.N.1 ae hcg 1 .n.week. arie lerovle12:20 a. m.. ried Thse ladiles' of tue M1. E. cliorci will Vlllage(>oflere. t'.. . .................... C. Hl. AvenuI Tree-,j Thog. lKern. 1. J. Bort. James ,im <rgr. E.L. ýDuliMol. CAL Uernnlzamue]G(anloway. (lerk ...................... <. Sanhor Tr..au............. ......... M. B. Colby Poil. Mugltrao:.............. W. B. Davis marîhl ..................... Fresbman L~I~lVILE LDG&. No. 492 F. & 185r1i75 ! crL onts.Viatlag bretiiera ,ordially Weiooned.1B. W. BULZLUTr, W.M. J. X. zig, Bot. A CME CAMP No. 176. M. W. of A.. mneets finît and tLld aurda f b hmotis aI Woodmon's fHalloven. s' hrwr stom.Violus Dei bom aeiennWoe. stor. VIii.ng fOiga.rsSHERMAN. V. C. CHAR. KISER, aClerk. November Nlghte. S'y ,f,,r iglt XuNv,-nl,er fllghta %ýt'il ail tItlr ir nol and rare d,,lKhts- If'l- res Oakoul fiÈ- uose eracklng iall,-e ,I-:sin a l,V.ll.r lght than Fanes bt a l..,fisolnads. wbat eleasuat slgils Nusct! 5..ltier UaL" hoci. jure 10 muai', wlld and âuaet! Th *.-rver eaounol-tise nater ring>, Wh- neLove -wtîh omy tantIsorswingý, "ou ali, 61the lane..suer,. Love invlt.-s Th-- iympt,,, nu ,w,-t Novenfa-r l«hte! N,'niser nlist-ttlo alunies tol- Th- I.amt,a ail Kgathered ln the fd 1 '- 11-5.ring llghte andi atads., 01, iU e on.,>tueked i, in Abiec. *V',lr -M ,'s laci .%venler lct! F&raisA L. hantou. Wul. Mreigel and isufe. of Ciicago, are sau.ilag a few days wltlî Liberty. ville r.lâtiv,ýs. A large isulàusber o! uut-ol.tcuani rela- tives attotie h ie ZoneraI (Ji Mrs. Dr. foallosay lent; Tuesuay. 'A hidewalk As beiiug butlt aiong tisa i.nrtin hideurf Cook Ave., fron Mlwaukeeo Ave-. xteudsng tu M. B. Uoliy's liea A l-otni.iralli.,aroulit .of gravei ha> beuput on tise treetn %tis,,week andi illace. suiere I16bidw,,n ibrongis 1 liut long liiokoti fur rein i lsAted tht,, ,ectiou thtisetio! uhesesuet. Csterne, are agasu cimt*runsand wselsa ur,ý dosisg adil. 1Service8 ut l'resbyterial iselarcis next Sunday morning t If0:3o. sub- lect, ise blory o1 (ot inlathe Itemur. n(,-t,-tî tai Luzarn,.- 1lise LanketForesien, puabedetu Laie k,»eht bas ciangei banda, b). W. liatauailauexpensancoc nesspapar Usait lltig auccetsor to o. c. Colo, formennr pollîla r. Ilho lirait section of tise prmeice cinctlatîiq librarY hbas been inftalled lin F.iB. Ll,veiAla dmp store,.aisere solbacritxert, can get tise bookm. Tise nelectIin ina laly gooti one and tise books are subsgtantlaliy andi noatly iso:înd. %% bat,, tisel'latter votistunaîg on tise ligist carier Mr. Borge. JitAs gt,-teraly necouaary 60 lgist oh lumps a hal boni belore the electric llghts 1-lou up-and. then 16 becomes uiecesaary tu put away th ise01lumps agaîn- a uboielltut ofuselesa trouble. '] be patron> wouid greutly appreclate a hall isour earier servAce. Woodstock luiaen aectrie llght Plan, t.oiipped sulti a blgb-speeti antomatîr engtne aitis a cupacfty of l25 bovrne powuer, arc and incandescent dyuamos witis a capaclty of 116, 20440- caundba.posoer arc lampe andi 1,541, 16- candle-posuer incandescent lampa, 610. llgist oapaclty la transformserasuanti 7flf llgist oapaity ta lectrie mettra, Tise revival meetings ut tise Metisodist cisurcis have been fuvoreti siti a gondi ttentance andranscis Iatereat la apparent. Tiese inglng of Mr. Stewart ls certadu.ly tise bot t ha beanuniUTpnlviiege to eareuln Liberty- ville. 1ev. Forkell la ail eraost, euergetie talter andi impresses andi enihuseas isoarenis by bis airicere One tiing la apparent t0 tis ecasual observer, aiso noied tise cluas o1 people patxoutzlag tise Fat stock sow lu Chicago luat week andt t ia e isa tise tsorse show and fat stock show soult be tao aoparateanaid distinct features. The borne show la socitys hobby ad supportuti ty tâtemt, tise Fat stock Show la so!fiteretunly to thea elament in country districts. Tise Stute Board o! Agriculture sili do sueil to leav. tise management of future preut horse shows eniireiy in tise banda, of men recognizeti andt tadied tu isy un calleti society. Tisay andti iey ajouteacu muallei a inanotataisecese. isold a B-7--r Thuraday and Frlday afternooois and evenings, iecensher 2ad and 3rd, lu tise Town H ail. 4-2 Tisere willi ha no servies uti tise Pres- bytertun chuxcis next Stîaday oveaing. Tise congregatlon are urged te attend thse evngellstlc services ut tise Metlîo- disi cisurcis. Mothersm Meeting ut tise M. E. elisîreb satnrday aiternoon t 2.3f. Mensm mieetlag.gunday atternooaut2.30. Tise meetings& uil ho conducteci by Messrs. Forkeil and Stuart. t la desîreci that thse metings ho favured i ltis a large attendance. Cone out. J. R. Pennima returned titis sueek from Aberdeen, S. D. Mr. Ponîlnan reporte an improvedco cnditionin Brown county an in .,ther Sections. of thîe tate. Tise farmens sold tiseir wiseut, suibciwatt mostlv S-eonld grade, for frontu 71 to 76 centis. Tise 'beautiful 5150w' sas sitis us Tisursday iiorniug, buit watt tau ci. cate and Ieautiful toi siuecees!uly battlo wlitiste crnel, isard suoriti and suc- cumbeti. Perisape anofiser lime t ailmute good I161 feebie bînifo Tbuisday und convince ail mortulis ibatitI banyihing but inalgnificaxst. Tisera issome talk of a sagar heet Indssstry opening ln tise olci Bissoiff futory. Two gentlemen fromn Germany aere in town tecently invetigatîag tise malter. Thoy proposa tu malle ayrup froist beetà, andi vere»lioch pleaiet i ti tise consditionu of soit hereaboute llading 16 very favorable for tise cutlvatilo.f beets. "bsey wero of tise opinioun tise yiold woujd Le front 10 60 33f toita per acre, for wiicitisey puy abolit $4 Per t0on. Tise lolluwlng cle4'uîu of tise Supremne e(irt nMay* of interent t,, bin8tessmoes. No biaisà or eîty fbu,,au right to give a Muais lIi<enqe or permit go el alny sarem tir merchaudîse on tise sidewalk or streetts li, front of tise property of anutiser person. Tl'isei sr CZ. L NOTES. tff i r Eanl C'(,lett enftiN o, ol,l ist mt.nduy. 'The visltî,rs of lacS Friday sucre Mima blabile Eluis, l-anl orlett aisdi Ray Hub are s 'l'ise reponrt t-arl.4 for thte monih, of 0,-toiser ser,, receivel lasi Monday , g g ntornIng aud tiser,- were many sorrow- numerous FSsaud ,P. 're isc tram lias -ngec ieiii losiig seisool on, aîcouut o! tire gio<my ,lays andi inmteaci of cloalag ut 4:1.5 p. mhi suilI now lie clobed 86 4 p. M. nus la l dione by buving ton minutes recess ini forenoonad lfieslua aternoon. The programme of lat Friday wus very good conslderiag tise sma.l amui nUtsber ;wiso took part. Tise folloalîîg ofilcers vire elected: Rari Dymuad, President; Matile Wright, Vice l'remident: Ethel Wlsaer, 2iecretsry; Chiro Kimbail, Segt ut Arras; Claora ioles, Reporter. Room No. 4 Io ut present taxed to itsi utmost capacity. Extra deakB were placed i n every uvalalube spot, but tisese were rapidly filled and tisere la now standing roun only. Certainly hy unotiser yar tise sciool bouse musi beu enlargeci to ucconsmodate tise iiscreaing attendance. Anotiser ruoom il bava te be udded undi tisairoom whlst Is needet and aeeded badly too. A very large number of scisolars wull be reudy t,> enter and ih Intise ulis of ai of tisonstisat the. isigi s s<hi,>, roola lue atarteci. je il14PICK UPS Je je Next spring wuist a hosul sulli go up from tise lurmers suio have te 80w one doilar.wheat *lsenlastapring lilty cent suheat didjmît s a ell. 16 seowns as tisougis (a. IM. Fpullman was a littie savere suti s s twins, but dont let that rois yon of your sieep. Tise snmf of 3,000 annulA»' suli keep thon auppiied wsitis cigarettes. Tise farmer le the levet-Imedd work- iug un. lRe neyer strikes, and belau seldom a pauper or beggsLr. Wiseat may drop te 510 cents a buaisel, but ho gues un plowlng sudNcsowing and tisresiiig. We are0Douwenîuysngua Keaqon whicb li free iromn reports of faaities, Irons biceycle meorcbers, l"ot rockers, epiieptile piole bthers andch ii, and thse season la notyet ripe for the thin te. 1 miater. Tssey didn't knosu.lt-wan.loud- ed idiot, isuwever, lm nover ont of seasors. Ho lu omnipresent. Tueccure tise Klondike foyer go on& iuto a piusued field sonse coid morning bleore breakfast next wInter and wlthi a pick ex dig a bisl 16 f est deep, comne back 6te houaé,ln tise eveuing about dark and eut a smali pleca of stosec buffulo roba and go te sîeep ta the suood seci. Repent tise dose if nece.auty. jWisen you foui tisat pricking pain aui dse tise fatal i tile spot o! reti on te eyellds waiclisureiy foretolls tbe eomnsg of a sty, put into a smail bag a tea spoonfi0o! black tea, on aisici psour cîsolîgi boiliîg water to moisSon; as s)orsan cool enougis, put t on tise eye and Jlit t remn util murnsng. Tise sty will, in ail probability, lm golie. il nut, one nmore applilcation al ..'. .i.irnt o a ouspae pntof u iu,,s............. e i tieas,,in beldt iehonît PPurtenaisce tu A wsuite minister, alter eondui tise lot on suics bis Store ln erected, servlcvs ut a coluredci iurcis, uaked aud for hbs inetss &gainât ail,îtisers nil deacun tu lead An prayer. except oisby by tise right of travel brother ln black offereti a feri tharoon. uppeal for tise white brother, anti i IVe wuniciuggest tuâ5trise State .--ioLord, gisb is de oYe ob de ei Board o! Agiculture contrat-t sulti Et. dut ha spiy ont sin afur off. Wav Payne In conduet tlic restaurant Opaer- bantstu de Gospel plougis. Tic ateti ta conuectlon siti tise nuxt bonce longue tuotie ineo o trutis. Nail shsow. Tise sanner Of servuce, qulty car to de Gospel pote. Bua bis b and klnd sierveci andi price laviet i u way doaji beween bis kaees, and tise restanrat in tise ColesA ura last kaces suaY dosunnaomne lunesg aeek wan a revelation of monumental dark, andi narrer vulley suiere pri gabi ut once nturtling andi original. in surI, auniet to be matie, Noînt1 They bati a 'ceineis' andi worked it to wed de kerosene le (o! saivation a -iis. Vsions 0f Ed'ssubsitantlul anud sot hibaOn tire."Io<sioke Nt and Islatablo mrusasarved at our Boys sitisfbuts on tis a hck of t cousty fir lent yoar urouset an nppe. ises, and long haur banging d( 616e thât susnet..essarilY appemmed i ultis edibies ! tise coslatîucy o! sandecigarel withedJblemof he esisencyof houandi vory sinutty tories In tiseir1 leaiser. Muthe, are ciseaper atuff tina T bore in cunsidtirable agitation worn.out luorses. Nohody sante th amung residente luntise Locke district ut uîsy prie. Mon don't employ th, relative t.. tise îestrability of a re- anti sensible girls wou't murry 6hq arrangement Of scisool districts. An iTiey une not suortis thair keoptng number of familles in tise Loscke aunyl.oby, and It 1s not likely they1 district are nearer tise Lihortyvîlle Ivrleal oke hmevs schol hanther Oin.TheLocke aisybody happens tu read tiss suh arisool building AsnId asd nsust &(oun s-ors litishe aboya discrîption, Ici ie repiaced. Their idem As to oxtenci takre a tluougistful look ut imsei! tise Libertyvllle district fîîrtiser sontis, tisen go ilump is a Wueiansd1 forsi a nesu district aînd erect a!-Hiere goes aotbing."-JCr building ai Herrlck's corners andi re-distriet tise adjling district on poita...g tisa Souths as May Seanitativisablo ,con. lVe have a carload îof ino Burh uequant by the forming o! 6h' ea latptatoos suhicis se are uling district.: 55 conte per isushel gromntise About tlsîrîy Lilîertyviliiaiim tout OSIDLEY & GîoîîLzv, Prairie Viesu, ativaistage of ftle bute train service f furnisisetiiant Frlday nigist and ttend. J Everyone desîrestoX eep informei ed te Ft StckSow n ChcagiTukon, tise Riondyke andi AlasanI ed~~~~~~~~~~ tieftSokSss i iiu ieldis. Bond 10c. for large Compantil arriving i15 Liboîtyville abouît 12:30 o! vaut Information and biig color:r after an enjoyale afternooîî and tu Hamilton PuIs. Co., Indianapc evening ut tise big exhiition. 'i,,l'Pd - 5U strll mog te arins laitm i wsil Ït.aiounc, te tise laduîl carefîîlly grooseî aitian d I ue.trý y~,.at lcnt tn isorsea andi catile deligistetico.inittilustaorm to!lek nd visItera andth ie exhibition of leguat ler mibinery ila brought to hi tnrnonts An uhe big iaiu.hark urenu,(;ail and moeatuo and dsu ail)l id eliciteti 011Vs'andti Abs! 01 appreclatio. . rlentjusi rigbt. Ms.PaROT-IN la tisa eveaing tise boises sure a- aeconary consideratlon -Chicago! LI BERTYV iLLE MARKEI Society, tise lur-liuAdred, suattu(Jrrc'ý.fei h,>- ti.' M.ntînl-,vry ,in exhibtion Jewe bedcked omenButter-('reanny--------i...n.. 'D ('t exhbiio. Jsui edckei unn utter-Çhisol, alny ....... 0 li ensconceti lu el aborate, georgeolîs sant i as. î,en .a.s------------17 (q showy gowsaspromenadeti, uccos- l'.,tauos, lier Aîîshý,'l----------..6a f panled by Will le, (Jasge or Choille lis IWoond-dry. p.wr aoril---------.. Iooi(g Imnmaclate ,.irt front, sparkllng Coai-Haft. per ton .........--îin 1- diamoatis, silk bais and ti ,ier tisingsCorn. lier isa sh ,licd-...2â (a IeS Insignicant tisan tblýzerer. Dita. 1,r iîuahl .............-----î Society saciboneti abat your country Bran 1rton (d...............t6t5« friends tolarateti andi aldured, ant iai MddlAn"s. in'rt,".............-9Iei4 things conaldered-isorses, cattle, CorXMel.anton-------------.. 0 à poultry, elegmntiy coqtumad sosen Hoas.par 1645 lAi............ 1 fM 9 andtirohir bair braIneti eqcorta-bt WasPorktrastedlieur 5leIbo .... t 2&(A Boa., 01611e per le fls......8760 a greataishowu. Veut, oives. dresetiper b.... 581 ting id an Tise rvent -agie bad iome rayer b is !Uoicî IMines Right at Home!! For people who have found tha't the road to wealth is "Right Buying" We have bought our Goods And we wiII seli t1emighte. OUR STORE 1S FULL OF...~ Clothing, Underwear, Footwear in Leather, Wool and Rubber, Warm Caps, Gloves and Mittens, IN DRY GOODS WC HAVC A nice new line of Suitings. CALL AND SEE TH.EM. Our Grocery stock is full and Complet. JUST RECEl VEDI A Fresh Lot of Buckwheat Flour. You Know we Always have the Best. corne in and let us supply you with what you want. I. B. Colby & Co., Dealers in Everytiing, LIBERTY VILLE, - - - ILLINOIS Getting çold eh? We have a few dozen Overcoat which we must sel before Jan'y.I1 l89e..-Comne quick and get a bar- gain while they Iast. Don't let tht other fellow get ahead of you. Have you tried a sack of If not, why not? We always carry the best grade of Grocerie 1 that can be bought. Corne in and be convinced. F. C. SMITH & SONO Butler Bldg. Libertyville, Illnois. if > i Straws show which way the Wind and. say. Thse following prices on STAPLE NOTIONS, may give yen anuiUlm .. . .........of liow cheap sue oeil goodm.o................. Sslety Pinsa, aiU izea, per doz.......... ..... .02 Beot EngUiahlBraaaPins ...... .......... ..... 4 mîîk Agate Buttons, 12 dox. .ý. .................. . 0 ut Patent Hook and Eyes, 2 doz....... ......... 0 car ~~Coata Tisred, 7 spoolm ......... ....... ..... .26 Ili: lShoa Strings, par doz ...... ........... 3 and .05 ('lotises Plns, 6 dos .......... .............. .or) don d Wood Tootis PArka, per box ........ 3 lmm Crpet Tacks, 23bxes <75îî> ... . .. mal) Parior Matches, 6 boxes . .. ... .05 ýolis. 31No. 1 Lump Cisianny................... .14) -6 Shi al!Pper, (12 iochses sui,., II yds ...03 m o Wire Egg Reatera........... ......... .02 have m by 10 Picture Prames sulti glass. . .. . .4f Win- Hanater Flour Sitter...................... .08 )Wu. i4) qt. MAik pans ............................ the (iood Washboards ........................ .10 3 Large Ried Handkercila................. .10 2 .J. J. Clark'@ Spoolm Cotton .... ........... .05 T. .Iupaned Coal Hoda ........ ................. .15 1a.(flas Salt and Pepper har..... .0.3 25 ~~Lmp Burners witis Wick ....... à8 16 Nuntineg (limiers............. ........... .02 76 Tea Spoone par Set of 6 ............ ....... .07 a 50 etc. oe. 5 ou lie smure and get our pricea batore buylng Underwear, Boslwy, 19 ...........Sisues, or ay kind of Winter Good ........ m The Fair, a: Libertyville, - - ý 1. ILLINOIISO