ame.tla= 10fer 7,S0IX 0.deysON GÂ[N @OVUKMUTOWilURT TEL S A OIX TAi'L' ScAtUNoO " . -"Pi i,::~ . 1, 0014 l Bains elum htitlIy Wouwrd luteet 10 ps et tOver the preeedlng woek 111141,___ .Averam T§0.4 o e* 111soUhne en__________The Iuteruatl.uat---à --a «b m.TrteCnel.nd1prcntcprdwihtefedBuM DbuteIig e a CaLam. .a.. ', , ý 1 1 The.nt tunnel report et ,EBllea B. weeh et- Novoanher. 1808. Other favori- COAL. MINES 0F NRIMERN IL-. I, Novemaber repot eIlesatstcin MRS. NACK OOULD fMOT KERP Thef«perterepres-tnthelb.thm SRoberts, tresaurer ofth1e United States. hie fftturgsare the continud 5rnsiLINCIS TIEO UP. 1et tmllt easrthe tit f uverinacre. ME R 51000V SECRET. Cmd.amldu h tt ,1 1_ amour ather thinga, that money larnUCh The sight reacotion lu the price ofcafttan,. 1 et cern according te the prellI1"atl're- ment In Washington. Thelle vere . 0 . ~~~~~~~e the Ouet vsyer Mo th a-Iwii, tht ti yttn de uete nt-al lnsrNtatvi.The iet tht dupat relts coryspeimsti. Nserabi. Voen RUsoie theu.wful @et Messrs. Jordan, Theukpa*m im-u_-csenéMgl.sayu g.Attei iu rte xrm ""sin aDgsinGte Udr Rthrf ur ttedprtet' orsodns TONAL SCHOOL. edtttficl:9 t 80ttM wlbhdhtusWce. bt- &"ui» a itl Tt riP.peidig relmlaryttlmt; 71 fRHîhUietute GOî Court n. ddItion Cen. F..ttr a*" - . v terthee u Iro n set n icle rct tetins tepsibeinltn)&tyrwu 7 bgeo a at fe ___Li_______tien won $1,507,467,531, vhile at thece t he ed ot the proiongeolde<licne. ThtiFebtiule-Opmert s Ae mtr Bad 1M0621.2 hushela. Tht aveage yleld in doasappe W« Mlirderei by Martin mtate, nwdr81irnLoýteduaei tIe.feno a. 1close oet he £Biltwelve menthe of 1897 unfavorable influenes ln pice motte- Bay a Cuis la ut Biaid. -1 te principal cornoSates la as Italiens: Thorn-Muet Have a New Trial. , oieJulian Pauncefote sent a aute te. w 1 , 10,ARRY OUf AN IDE^ 0F IhisaugSifunt inr«etato,641,190,007. menti are declnes for cottusand print -New York, 82.5; Peunsylvaula, 380.: -mel rte oigel eofl 1 1 l AHNTW whillodurlug the uane perid the total lothe, the latter touching the loirest hue Vote a ut. itOhio, V-53; Indiuma, 28.0; Illinois, 815; ofmnofteCi.lies 1 1 WASHINGTON,& ~~~stock of mortel in circulation end lathe 2 nr 5 ua,1 Prîce oe record. Wheat, lamd and tend are The mlasas'mass meeting at Ceal ity. Iowea, 2.0; Missonrl,250; Kan A',T9.,;trialfetiMartin Thorn Cratemu- ThIeeignssfr*bu.nabor ý -treunry mints ineresoamd troin 82-348,- aiselower ad ire nàls have hotu shai- Ili., votedai tmeualy te eume tbe Nebraska, 2).0. The average per cent of hAriDeJMr i hr frte u-~ presursably lhe preee"tgs em, 1 Vaenalann a Raile lii.the 338,.1 to *2.500o,371,978. A gratifYlnK <d. T veîjea long îî,t <or %tape, foru sts4ke throughoot the Wlhnlngtota-Brald- quality ia 8<.3, ams vitiL884 i er of William Onidenauppe, begue ut mainly preliniusry and deeign.d te Ont. "' 14omar eFanl utîniiiprovetuent Imi the condition of the stock vhdoch price. are preaclly lunchs.nied. voed district. Tht derWaon affecte tht 1896 and 92.3 lun1896. 14>5 Iland City. wu*aspoued ownglîfle aplan of procedore. Mr. HaWinllu1 t itt CapitaCti-n etmoeha, occnrred lu the incrte5ed Temr motn dacsaec nfi et CaOrbila HUI, Damnond snd CogI ,Tht prellminary estimnate et thte uoru&veerst"uorMainswu@ dot-ted hairmon. Il vason s lcely 1 ý t et te captal Cty-AuProportion of eold wbieh bas enterai luto cd te Indien corn, auto, hofps snd tur- Cty, end peelpounes pouding lettiqotot in yleld et buckwhcat la 20.7 huahela pair La n.'The jury wons dnehrged snd a srtaîn that the proceedingu e grt la tht,' 1 memt lman Hanged ta Dakota- circulation. The etimated gain etrgraipentînt. Exportaetrwheat (dour Ieclud- 0etaa acept vhtrt thetfull stak la acre, a. compared i wth 18.7 bqahols last newtrial orderet. Juro Lue. vu's tak- meue that nothlng could be ioea eut Jfixa ,- . ta ~bthe country in the fitteen meonthe edtoit ais.wheat) tront hoth clienta et the psu Ile sue a iliicontend for the yeur and 20.1 bushels In 1805. 'Thet aer-en IliIund physiians calodtat attend him publication hcfore the roud et the defii>. < Il ea . cati1.lflaitbuOct. 1 la plsctd ut $112511,570, of Untedt iSttes and troui Montreuil thia grou-weight seul assdepttd et Slpntw- ags lu Now York eod Peoeeylvanla, the touni lt h t ws sufferlns frome uPPen- oations.. Tht- groggy wbi<-h vas agoulah. et. Grat oduatioao ePl lan. - tt-habout 843.000000 came frain 'vtk attenat<oa5.445.542 huihels, con- fied. Tbelfv8 Ignore tht proposItIon. two States et principal production, are dcitis. Au oper<ttioo WRasuccee.fully ed at wt-ok hctwe the United &iatus i. o1w ttMatofquastin o t a greabroad. T he rtdemption of national batik paeilwth 510,000 lait voek, 4,M6,0010 offere by te operators bheion aaren22 Sui 21 bushels por acre, respectlvely. performed iIIIOn the> duoa n iekfetrcthe tu~'heft 1> e heeity onWthington aggrat dnotes during the perod covered hy the ,a rgrgo, 2ý,000oootwo yen a go, 2,- @cade. Il la the purpose to I mbon ge taverage percent ot qualititn 94-3. ibcJrr at I upro"ccîlo f the soni s imt rettttý.i ?r . liie Winton ha nke 909msrr' lt alo n xed-O,0<0 threoyears ago andi 2645.000 in vhele ajoutent as peedly aspossible. eveîu a, compared voilth 94.7 luNovember o! ý,,expeeted fitt to lIn the irst ueetoty, althea»gb iA ge*m hlm, mýt aintoumbas of rereder,uo- lreet815,01.3.vhen thn 1ioal 93. Experts of Indian corn tIbis veek at a sacrifice in the> prîce pet fou if et-lait vear. The avorage yleld par acre etofI a bl t ncerîl provision% art-knowo ta the Bitlsb I ý : vo bvýadanme hav ee tL n tt a ais d tapsy ut th. rate ef $1.07 smtm<nt ta2,6158546buahels, agagnat 2- t0iTy. tobucco i.a040poiu.a gaint79 Pound@a< hle bed lu Ivo delegute.Thé folaure nt the lreîty la - ý ' shmebo anie haear $1000 or notes redleeo. À speclal 109000 lat week, 3,782,000 a Year ego. Tht minraiet Braceville,vho ver. the per aere lat your aud 743 Pound& lu 1@95. ..v.. t-eka. Ail evldence Ranito ho the- short time itiIa te contInueG. en'ýprjffl vith a deIermnatlon te punit îeposîi t r$-0,000 of Unitedi States 4 1,921,000 troaypars ago, 197,000 three fini tea rtura ta vnrk auth c77%-enut The otimutoti average yield pertace etfor tht proaecution. ia force. the lisait h-ing one yeun. - .. ~ 5 ste(>r octsoi if possible. parcent hoda hhcasluehtWomu o'th ,- a ue giarIticontlui ai i -*l ot ntenm f yers ugo andi 073,000 len1893. The"o la rate. vert ail husy lu the mine when l'ros Irishpotitoca la 64.0 hoîhels, a comrpanr- tha ue vs Prvident McKinley reicivod Sic Wi& - , m- go l&fs ou nuisad lraica2501ma0comptroller ot the crrency ton the forme- au lecremone lethe numnber of boîbotas Ment Ratchtoni sud a iia.ll army ofet wth 86.8 bushela lait yetr und 100.7 noniirly conpltd, frit Lauier. Pre-mier r etCanad, in tlb. ý1ýý1 s"g t raae te tret 250000fit er the untortunîte Fîdlity National fallure, the total threughont thetUijotd etrjht leader, mrahoslthetettn. Afler buahelu le Novemnbr. 1893.Thtaveage ull haverti ho in- bletgrooîm at th4t- Ihhto iloise. Stre- 'i Iqompfrteooeto fa dii-Bn fCnint.Sae hswe en 7,cmprdmn ey10Egibafkn ie"ptcn fqaiyi 13 fanttouiiaan n bumag a ofoten thtencloua of!_',ow$A.nllaidh i u& i, 1 oet h be1 ly LAE FRERP. with 223 lait wtt-k, 258 oeeyar ego." met in Maleoil's Hall. vhteMr. ltatch lu Novnanhr lest year andi 94.8 ln Novem- Mma. Nack vilI owl vsi bciiih ScJi. esr tneFe.2l»19. Their - fond addresmed thein. He olid thorn, theY ber, 1895. ABXr-urdt 0o Pîneft-lrthhmluisrIrLea III Suthe interie ià te urge thc git- Barnuma & Ratîcys Great Etephanta ANOTHER LEADER CROStN. biedlet 2% cents a tou hy retuiiinu gto Tho anerage y1lold of boy la 1.42 tons cioa Iesndm t-l Davesiantil'rof. Thrimptsn the Britisha - ri befre he Sre or cnvetion Heper ecre, agiaheet un oatrage or 1.21 tonfier horrible moryanew. "ho Gulden- &eut expert. The. ibit vao eiroyft-IY u- f.cM mb qy ntetnionatfny. eAt un athed e hue-t 1. B. B GvrnduNoate . saiftt1-cvuorauttreston had off'rt-d pnar ,rttli ile eluaupe re u omttt.n<eti ml iý ý a1ieeaMtJBee âr Thty ietend lik- Hundreda fSeovece aDîe o rg a n ologer e ceK. h li e! Los.1 t m.Nc' (fl(àtin n rdy 'Ilankles ten«t tail the sehllatchildtin e tephat %ave a mlghty showo truck, pmeuclly taosottle at a figure oquiNiMentpoint et quîoîîî> the anerage lu 92.8patne25,Il it aku 'og te or t« l"Pur- Tite Clifan atPremier re,-elvo etllers ,, M »aiL As a §rat tep for awakoning heuvlly loden, long the picr lu Nov Yor-k. James iR. Sonerelgo, vho hum hictu ta 90 cents la the> Wiltelugton fieldi. Hacent, Saucotepareti wilh12.9 per cent inn .J ua olg aitt o h u-l ery dentocralit-tauhion ut hke avert- 1- - l la tht unnirtaking they vilIaus- Fifty mon hliedtugged ut the big toagon in georul master workmann ettho Keightm oebr 8,ad9. e etl oti odie . .O htdt nusi h hrhm o aalleg»" ý _-of Lborfor eveal yars basbee m- 4_ t.&.*.&William <Iudenoaoppe, a 'rurklsl< bnth tht- repIy tuot it uouîd hoemauifesaly proe- ' 341'.qm e a vnationa singtonforaes-vdin,1but h the el hent Puhi" lon,- ith veti et bis oficeby the geneoral omee-1M.attendatwu ildyMriTomqu e t tthis stag@ for himte tdiscuter 7 ý * sntmet.ManY Prominont Out smeeing te"hutep hiteseir' t alhy eoasoaI1oavlle .y.theryfunlcoarecodiioor ttmon Prtcf M . viii LuT-he ?lartaiintthe ' ._ iffdIte entive h rJci h amcustavsaou onlfrA. Iticks of Nov York, district 253, Newo- ttfî trp r eprolfo1me at bceat.hmrnlt tt fetons th oh ubet- loo o h .-c ounceratthe .London vit"« r atv i hepojc h MsahuaIlet B@antta %ailfoyr York City, toits chosen ta f81 Mr. Sover- , .of Europe, audth te condition et thtet Mcda. Nroanelthe ltte oif tthtu- ornitd otatesuat-tCtaadh.alieandeSirh , OOV' LondoS HME. nimais.Tht-&secofnd umb&e assee toigesn place, anti 1. -). Chamberln o! crope, gaufti us ou-n. la liketoie ftuor- dera id itnae ut tt in Dt th- r- es i sudoIoilt Ionti Canada. tesoi Si 1o oGvlt OLIRBME nimaisehe innsecnd cab tpieunter ie-Puehla, Colo., wvaseacecteti asuenenol a , able. The opinion ha treely expreeseid o tcimndt e. totrigu totatLhacuiprtlirthentemSates vid ýý -on te bi lier ieluds temtytwo le-wo0fy Ihea.crintied. t2<hr at-oh un nerîipdrtsabonf tn#hwninUTe teionStatesdIn se wines , lgmusaSBuckigridge Favors Cntrat ppiants, fifbeen camels, six zebras, thirty- vrhwtrmn SnfoleuiapliktuaIu inceusetir t a, lcouaw « M iuonreuttneo ht-viees Great Blinaiiebtfore intiiatia »57 ,,- , b-ly Var fleportuteut. saxcages of monkeysauant .tali vtld ani- Of MOnti-titianti Henry Rostock of asenae: enfeof but thi, trantehoamorel ts - aciinthat aheaimai'Martin 'rhorn mur- co,îru ofr o-ion. le mado f i -ren. aime, t : "W uele to rmort economcal, eoS- mals, a feu, girafes, royal Rengt]iere, ly300, gîssoorkprs, wvehosen as tht teutt or ut iert- fn o ueRc ndmlNIiiiu (udispx.SerltdI tho nuturul lt-e- exluiveai mai 1 &"reeponibie administration of Atican lions, loopardsananioter <ltin- tu-o mombers of tht- exeutive hourd, thet1 ent-et lh pras ca rittice su ta t- hun eretiWl- - --------------tpe.Sui- ltnti hottht- w tttlgu-ectti extreat- : , "veue.r oihien' heca" illIlho made fguiîhetiquairupetis frotftalndi. The thhnal member belongAnirenv D. Btst. effepottain us att oentinu t act e.optebaion wutat hi anjeet outillere co- ý Mgbftet Investigation by Congfesas hevuien sie takiez wagons, teutsa adid _____ eo throe lia conlatiruc aivsht c. cîti, uehvas reu-h rtud ott er qees- remit a staynchnce I . . i. /grain, etc.. voiloti e orefltrrei te ma- *stltio thyrig adie tonofal stenof thty ul, rgo rilder connussud Twonly-tiie maskoti mon took ho iav froin Argentine and<lAustralasiu, but in ý4 L C. glis e " uige, Brainrupeîonr o dotopon t-es. loto erennvs nd!n their owu banda ut the cotiuty juif 1. 1ail Iheze countries the-bai-voit Je to0 r.- fil thet iraer pso -o!te vnat wvu04-e ~ am.Ta Sa iiug i u iitsot .1.To et1emote te permit uny veny confiet-pi-complislied. h n-ns stalei that tht eff-' r IIlb. uehst oet wlureuIonthi- TURME NATIO>NS V.ONE. bhodiles et thnoe moutoho bai boe u-- easteth fn- Intce ethet -lIpurpose rat thetvingattowus te cenOUh cuseilo! mutior.svaylu iichtiontinusta the finalOiS ibiluc 015.1Il.tht Berittg t-tuitler eno ii ht ftuM> 4m healrdo nasen of-hedangage basa hotudoue hy tht lecuats eindcmast-- oe cee hvtceh 'L . h' - t ! htChlltPoreuani Argentine te Fence a testimonial oethde completenosa of tueur tbui tht mInens thoy, tee, couti ecus the sprntn@ fit hlaINyet apparent. o- r tiuostonâ souhilia e pene t mo ngol- a' E'.5..lai a he ex tatuofm vith rl- laa o lvie teaIlur. reveue. Tht menonvet Pool Hely- te adtance Ift dty vouitibut inuist on Ilt-t-ovation. tetý>igi&adte hi sau ihri -unjuintngrehuî hihifadpJei lac, hlip rean ui leaCudIaii usen vnktîti th- nin ffciitlanohiit10Irilat <utth .ý t. elb. on uerearuut ho definitely os- Pa Booladribndis f f the S outhAmn- eian, thi ver. ndeandrAetc usotandssen otuioheuin li hentatatge le Etîcopa hx nuy leisthbn ., j. "IlGa. Breckenlige vil91g- htan gap. are lu contemplation by Chili. ot the merdler of six gmemersof thoeuion a ogreter eI 'tc-bubo thcrptMaiARESCNR ULTD 1,li» M eudulauhllty et a complote trans- Roherer uni Argentinnin, reren aelàto tomachbst-ait.--- --- - - ------- -t -h- ,.,ý1rr n retn.Splceen tmily laI vinter t Wioona Eme adhdfnhdth e e dye- thua i nov ropreiee nA adtenteti Ita ho matche hoimtato utAa Inecoveaient i. the Prit-e et Noa ý, M «lltreadmbndistration of the homes te Chili re nov asquabhint with Boivie, mena Coeuty. Tht-y ucoarotif roi ue "atie, uni vhen the vveonas ten tu ttt atda Nrhettertr ietbn.titoî ccna.A lms TtN tiati of G te laree eHu Il..tsngliiecretlon et a rievrbureau et the lnces ait Tacna andi Arica, protalo BO- geaifroua the jail tea àbeet vinias that every mua vottan0 rabiute tht-stry. ý _War Deprtuaet ta manage ita affaira. lviailuroatran on errcognition et the stand fleur the jui. unida<rehtungéodta lu Fi-ote eviilo Mn. lthdatehi hpan.aet-non madtuthe as mie hairethpt- trtbunalryt lanisblu 'a.e tupee Cot ' a in bar Ither soeta s10unspetc t ca-brother officia@s drove scuttn country te EMPLOYîNG COOLIES. h lataidete tht-ooi ta-tied t-bai tf ut-r aue tlarib.rha èlg. Chileanvolutionista l@boUlgreuta Ca iyvee40mnosvt sh-itl ala- h Isak htselfi raint ufnrat ail the-States representai hn 10 WHRAT SHORTAGE. 189)1. Chili, however ha nt giton thete camsfse animais. at.Stcmkn ek m hIlieIlnisMn vcsAi ebI i-ln-e tr , . ý 1 - ~~~~~~up yet Argentine la te hoe Invitedto m. pe mb _lo___hnir lini in -m udteD m lAs4oe Vl Bave ta Fumisth Bread thetllane aive ar wth convctI Burns ta ewth. *teono 'Ter vas neo îu.mîing voet, portlug Chnue Labor. " H. thetht- W&iathuat. angei l iedg-a- petittncre- 1' n hevoeallIaniethcerie to en Th uastht-c J.é e a taIl. lîct Noi;tod fherarrvai t!@satao Ariulut, as n acclire- ties Aneat AttlEsro)pe, Boiviu eudfolov. anai the ictora Dock (-;of, an sripeti l-rida conici, o h eot euettark e a h ova <u Chtrnît-narebo hail n- cnttwsoiet lber acrlnu honthsuitre hgrtanueureportine&cair'un 1, l aeinrieuitural departmint et WAab- ouii <ivide ita torttuy. vho woa confineti ln tho Waycroaa, Go-, daYS Or iat.titht opecatora veudugro tatepoteti into tht-inta tCro tl'îbrhaoiat tbeteiheunaeot i ai «I bas Isauei I* monthly reviev .of City juil awairinu ottirer@ !rointthat Blute, arbitratle. Odnndot t-oo aley Mnsatu vcya-nouaiythe nimasin li vetiu itbor ie upe. Tht othsna.u tn-l ("oua.mnt th tae , lm tuuucrop situation. much atIe- Cauai by a ret ]n-i ie hog h ds.ffto, oslet acftrth.tetrn Ti. e cet-isare s1h adgotdt h rin oP ou a- Adi te ateLondon Mornîtau Peut negro boys taesocpe. ¶They set fine t-o tue ofciai, hellia oiferenct- ut Stieaton konota .iacttisiig uhis latet.ant tthe a îodiager, staolTholirnMot brdtaei-sei-th bbc caîtr but ce- Ào bï p ç,eIay vbeat, on accant oeItlb frain Berlinsasys: -Tbe Unitedi States ta jlui andi lu theteit-ocrai conuonota est-liti hitevenrai epe-rtona Setni-tliy noring. Sigille stuatoia n hNoribenu iliunis. but tcame. MB n ne ,-esninoe(-t"ata itartent- at i nthe valsie ý .0ipteau a fector in tue Buropeun cretiteu bre nith offornea isinterven- tom hero-Iifnbt-ternnii<e ui .l.icotltCutug..ici<n uete uola itanat tal-.îtiot iaathhoanitihd.sauaeauu -oi aoarac tiate 1 ttnaa , q OM . lThe renie-v mye that &aIl atceenta tien n l btih fit-ty hoîveen Germaey otrance. Gaf s cou vons t thet orof eperter@. He deciaret h fer ont vouli as the repr-pect-cimllitment ai Ba-onile. quairt-lt-a. Tht-yaigua of titnts hhit the taîiittaitUts a ____2 l repeunheth vhett"crBusaanti Hayti. But the German Goyennmeetttbittg itoh-tvsm ntenenver anhlitrate. He maho ii knetLow w tobtae l libedteiit iie-nibhue occepit- ought, ad (ttiue- litathteatti atd i tamteit iu Jul. AU- -- dAWgkggg beutaa te extent o! 18e <e- la vaiting tor tue srrinailf et H-ccLuedena that lhe t-oudnet ho nocuodti ol lho va.s amantInletht-Blute vhom hlievouilltitrust sol theoearuofathspe gutmermfitha-h liti a in tth ottia- oft h r b es se ' -IOWmach ilfece et ofopinion exista.suni the report of CanutISchwerin <due hy ftal,,îybumeai te rbitale<ifoerence bteen ork. Tht- me inîte Spring Vlley districît-hutrfitît rattîrd lu tht aia-agite e thtr mtlee@. manyW »Ug D iiupatdîepainting thtoitmail pst-Lot" The <Germen van men uni etephoyera. Ho be-tht-yd tht mon are indignnt ont-rho action or tue1Tora huIf»taa9go1lu.tus0 pý tiy-o.arasltgpraie ,,,ýi pituatie n luvarians provinces in shiP Gefin taunit-r ordeca te ail11for Taire- te Chaibi. alvaysgruttheb best o!fI cuavli T hn e 'epbn ambt wee tue 'ho enîlt e< eodlmg yare 'o ae eetn l Lk adoe ,a"uithe. tataumtofeth Port an Prince. lmayti, Ibis moth in or- Frank illronertet holdeot ad bestT lh. Indications are that thte entre bhot the ai-Il. 'beiping Valley nicu anek M hracme O eakptts te Pacsgo t"mtrte sud tes- , Siates cOSBUal utOiesathut 1815don ta o uâtupon redire»e for tht irrest novn sloonkeepera in St. Louis, ha tomD- nothernIlilinois tanthea ditriet vii haordaim <oa anc the sike vun, andte t ick. uniduitb Mmi. cre i. îiiuiuîoftheiî, ai<s-miiatin r 'a e- P tas, ba poeoia talentthte- thereeof Herr Luedera, a German uhect, Ina te cheik. Dmy hy iny lsladyint by lie p agmîlu. A letter train tut district onier% my tht unemiituîer if Itnat-e vilkt- Nue plant-ai na- I titettanralud aritt ain iuly al.-t , *, d"siilaatisatlo e the te tatstag ine and is, algeti eniatfuli mprisoument, luches bu tht heart of Et. loui@. 10110 ciattin ut Springfield -nmauite oa etreu1,rku onuintaaenhe..a aoit- . aii a aotste taarlgesîîr asi, -iuei Russia bas txportei itra"Y-nor tc hlchConut Schwerin, the Germen yoars ugo science toidi Bitter thut lh o feeaUtiontaa emmnitteetfteint-ca bai tue Spcing Valile-ymen viii holi tat util t., w'*i-at.l- l uai iiero..sit niau.tatealy gle u.gedhI i.-, s a*-mîiseer ai Port su prince, has deniani- voultidie loviy. SBleethen Itbhantut baina &-feree vitu Gov.'Tanuer ounnDoiMaty, f noein>-. ftte tie foc fr-goondplut-e fer thte il.t5Cs celot îuoey blda e, proistaren ci an ludomnty. Lucaiers lemDnv hollv- off is lotI leg in eigbt chahky sections. thie Chines.proposition, uni tlot the muiattai at Springfield. Ledit,. Souton- conauumiation ut the Plot. 'Wehred mm tmn- eht as ee-er m là "horngavemuni*fetoce cporpaimeoftlrgtlng tus ari 1 Oeu» im C.uee Rai". d te ho in Gereiany. butnâtg boe, VOeui.Nov tht rluht foot uni part et tue right vielrlue, tonymudLhtao ohivil. a aleatt Ieraret-dii frl'tcrins,,ummarttite<. Tor gv îsî t ii Is. b<alirai Rtoa 5l- , Uviatee mtaetbg&tWeahlngtom, eti feontprison le oer to avold rnher lbulel 1ke thaet s amurble statue ani fnet permait theimportation of Chinainon, The lober lt-udt-ni soff ut theJoibes at the nime of Brown. Thorn taite me oie gramse tu capolla.. tht-esais a0a Po- I4rpreomtativas Of Grat Bfnl- complcations, lb. natives et Port au tigueala comtes tohen flst limb muat iehobot 18,1 Ihereelthouli he o nG(atling gouns tuecoolie nietment btici-a ,itit,-ces. ttaI aoulti brinas<uGa-euui r t<ai pacty or Inote pa - e,",1- -= Moi the United States bave Prince living tunestenedtatemob the Cor- talon aval, _____te coerc tue men brick lute tht- minces. Tht-y Puy itin ho<iva bluff. Bai one sitad gduep hîît i-kltti-ett olfthquetin*et oith. oee. mv basioncent tea idcose. The mien logatien uni iyecb Lueders. The fit- Teaoclitead lo i ieronttatpcmiea eaer *Watiftttaoaie-1 ot one ndtldGlaow eytaBsces u arkyt î , ts u natrosreport lIeu ont1of tue suc shlp bu lising astiteed Strange Epienic linOOmaha. i.Citinnmttuiihooutthtpoîethuii:"htftbyd Inntltt-aihliGudspetuttct-c-anaaltr eseottinela- Sthe auiltiea et the ms eulbide as mach as possible. The officais et tht Tht physicins ot Omaha are PuzldabotthteinsimvetbuIldincetoaittt e d iiiu-orkiugdeeschutot mute viduhoauhti cetoua îbneat oLm a<atft tetea at<a nltta -r, i l o matie repre se tatives ef th et G r e n foreigu alic <e d o n t b oite nt th te -rver an a flIm ent t t at h n pdly hecom lng w a = th m n . T e v i e t tuaI e y Ce b eahi m en? s t e I a re o fos u nec a l ytoi u se. W i e t n, T ec bo V oo ra leI ni peole' -ff ctb-----m ry -ia- - - _î li to - aeeamenta rea-hdiouane n. aetter- vl ho adJustet frmor noe timetateepiemie. Thedisette enneloils tue entîr eetiedv.Tt .vro f-riree_9k0th sînai C- re n Hllleiaalethe 10 rrt-lot-kho ittettroll. e cartat ej vWh Eyhp t Dae ORho etaHutaLvrnmn oy maEui n mi !aal o-s .th heoo-olceotbo lvslt 0 hEutena îbî HOMEk.htfry ta ttLtt roiyta ua E RLA t.aet ue aJetueu. et oly eorhaassUmiedaa mlbhern attitude. hThe eerupt"os are nt pointu].l it. Svn>t omiIttn epoec o-ttpi- tco ion TanLt)hte y 1pasaitilth boti n 1sttat , Mn a mquestion, but ot other Germen novawpprs are bMangrtue Go,- toika l bas spreedvîuse- rpdlytitonmiun aliththovul inr e Nrhtiu laui. h iev bouge lentpp cdIge e1hoPurgaLvseitsH aIeGe 'Fumeom ocltuendayfluentngbeuHayti tateit bsomes.u tacterth AttheetN10,-permpIllut-nisemobockteothe1 homesfat-the tbbbc:a rîher1lîheurt]hoInitSI.gant (liind-amaipp tht- ky.bhIe ashania ', rguenofoitendla luutngiovert thlef bs.ecepepueaiiittost O. _______ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tofailouttoard appearanco tue importa- are lmpoctig *caolie, later jsan ledit-a nt-ut igo. ivu otahak b- or uB.Lti mato a rv ____te ternis. 000 people are affiiettai. tion o! Chioamean scoette aie a but- tien ibat thtetwite minera are peocli- pai oishot. Thaorn r-uanedownatiaic ananid: tii-dof et toins YOuua moun el on hlm' laoetmnvs aga eFgh îa rs.Newo Ramez i nlaler. &baa idtht thennn. andttuereia st-ai-ce- andvti enuo utoftht-m t-toit." -ubge sheInoent titeittla-gu TrstfoaauplaeKotebelIbmew <mmbcoontat.vile eIA dmtîgbtcrm «al 9wasalnithdai tiéef.Thrnapicenb Intention etTaprvet aoymoe u 4fl not Maiuawu* h an* A special telogamraint an Francis- A antcesse o ieae oxeui eavem o ruinvemohe Armnaraa- gtatalain h-vi heat l-a aiu-f hoaliChit-ytt u-.'r te utalmr ,. à1àbýat intmie byw«Ch e uticeceemye: Plans hane hotu pereteîciandi tussian repteuntativteeetly relignuu,Hv liantheb.companilta vil ee a ûke ri~coul mneaira leahoiePonti m tht tehhne gtltam-t<a.Iga a irlsy- utimatum w, be l amae& thie oui itmtmdhlCitJsiethe assurunce in gmt-n <ai enerythlng bus be sppoinetinletht poton of Count such anu ttenapt. They mnt theîr cao.. Blute tain the- pttrpone et maiing cool ut tlb ectr<ieprsfi- aoue ut aitr, u aiinnatim uic empa rlntethe , FtttNet uot eren ii al naes o ig.n htmgnCassini, the prestent Itusuhan mhehtec taeon public opinion unidsytht openatoru Wiimiîtgion uad otim ona nluplace ut vent bit-k baa tht- Wooidit'.la.a',Theotr -In mnyh-o-olt- r tv h ' I bave ample d lameinta 7 vi- trust Jan. 1, n-heu th fine-yean contratt PeLle. _____ilInest dore ta o htat vtiicb they knoy trnikmnu tminors vihiliepitit-eti bsafaat- lite bea- nalîwuni-r apferrd 'ionaîmetlce iittn tgrayiva. S. te upotthe atitlenent," coltu- et the Hutomhan piialeca ntthe Western Snhs sGhlî oupreeltitate gifotand bloodbi. (*av. Tuntnrlia ho cime 'ut tue Unitedibtitt oui bvt aiaio ag-i =11j us. TtSprm outo sueurt cefinecy wi-ihexpire. h viilco- Tht jury lu the t-se et Fredorick C. ieWik-stth<ti. 'h-(lyrxriveatr îlen talarId<ed h etttw lbYertk ý iwta Bien, trial lu Coudot'm aebo-Wtinue ta banitethut lpotion et thtet-op. anches, n-ho kilittibishi@t1e le the Coi- cbi viiu e hoagkt-ttaenc-opeatto itutht-ten15 !at-eeu lit.N1 wVo . meIla hat onauconvicti ioy froue 40,000 to 30,001> toua, vbich esiosle in enver Ot.e30, nbeti ~ lt e-euye b iea "dnto oto i 'r tteut- t-ar. cI Stm 3-e , ýý 4m Jni11nce11011,y-Caus preckois tan contrai. 0f tht a vendîtIot guiîty et merder i- 'it= - c .i nkepiî'.n tecooie aI.tamo I t-tu'ihacgm'ery. Waetent ý, 1«* a eidIrelai. reminden et 225,000 lou, 130,000ton eogceeo. < te-iit0eotazunehtctteaoo Ie 'baeint-fourîia ta ilea f roet-et.. cthld wt lh vliehoplaeti ou tht market b hi- Cul T CMYa frNue. (ý ? ;oIr PEVIDENCE IN NOVAKS TRIAL. lThboenbtia rt. liaeWhllaidoi trai-lit-y. lta l OM Bese glegnotves, propretor et a Bt. pun. ni-, u tot-bWelib& Coe,.George W. At I)over, N. H.. Joseph B. Kelly, oee Tht jury la Secred end Wltneamscut o cc-l.Ibtaa tri 1ý,ýld » restu rant, reprovat i ebI tol gevu M cN emr uni tuer frlonis ont the pr icî- fet hte Great F ala bank rohhor auni self- T ht tèw; r a i e tatet l'rok A 'nkd o o . W e <o.k lut - air in t th tad or na-i ,mm - Bfer aine trivial offense andl thry pal tilemenîs. or th,? 150,000 tona et n-v confestimordorer ut Cumbur Bîîckney, Ae rilo e ankA.te t itnd. e .Wutkthaeneeaia li ueioot ibomitIihosn t oa eteti t hrî -tos hpion hagandhhth-otutere eîa. Mi- , ec atehu.W-taa aa ý,ý:,W* imedret evlvran n lt aIl Yr, bit a alreudu beotemeut. A Colorndo bhunibas oued for di- raY ut Watfand. lowa, latt "t-rtary, via tous-maferry. Wba-ba v o strt- tromsiiiu lb j;, - 41. higo latsr ue iousiblty. Boh sall ta refinêes nedepenient o! thé Fine ut Fostonba, Ohio. nonce bo-u.o bis veebas t-aId feet, Wh, begtn unt Oe-atun Ihpidm Tuesday. The ta-ri-y'rhumnt-ftIume. le (omne iack adme .'.t. 1 h*a Mim i b t u t ou va scapt e a n idIait- t u t. The rem einîni- 0.000 tons, yul An poshain o f ga ineInt n tht- ha e- t com prom ise on a ot brick? vork o socurin g .a jury vas com ploteti hy îial e baal tiaraicua il o e baatri. ' *,la JaiL àTt ahcsaolhcnae orfnt tte atoaBelgcment ot tht- Aicotbuildingecaumeai ont When tue hindi vert pîyci out in tW on est. em love-y ttr n t t Ou alttoncI td ali.t-tu-haieui l . lmà eaunt lire. uniitefineri- Cotepiey's toccki at Crock- of tue muat isatret<s fines h inte biatoci eoYnI vsiaoet ho h uyviimtnaa1tani tetty ou -iuWasa:< i-ic iuu o 1 . if.,fas aseis 1, ou tht mInis et Cai-uinea. et Foatoci<, . The Ionmtohlcmach $W,-Trminy tirer biedcatuntai igh, Lo t tbt maiethoeiening 'tiubemeniteuthe cmet-h aual) taiod tui a laîti, uuud o flMilCtoIso! Baklb. D etaCnnt Bu Ex-Treaesar-Beoker Miming. 000 an__md tue gramt-. & teju. cblotnabt bta ci looklaiumî. IThor-ae l- hueema mi pofthe la c u ntytetanks N s ~ ~ ~ r leRaid <thatthlat ne expea-todta pi-ontoat uas ekobi-- har u ýýai IIIIIai, Cela., have o eluidta10sms- Ex-State Treaurt-r Boekor, of Grand Average Tieli of Corn. Dr. Purkiuurast cuhiet ont-usftrue l'ariatat on a nLtebiko iiLen esdPti itebtoio lert ou Ptheadse nauiee.A ,tite. .go , esmogthe misaing.Bone SttlistnWs higonae --, liNe or n]Dt WYD t rut ned c on ht- lire o linatlttantiettnlbe lt P bltaua t ah a-ar Fork,=D,"»»mi-endl ovlackei lst.Whynetttituauelonmîrodbisliteferlane .11-% ttge, Wa- tii-eut a aPlacet it oBoe a ei-e y<ottaeu -l !oc a ceti - ~ a ae o htpaîo.Tho Plleit>mlgrand jury ton mailing a fraudu- i-oic is 23.7; lai-tai-, 2T.c.gonanate Frenchu captal? Murphy, via-b tou a oparlt fthe preoau- plat-t it on '- , Wi tock et oftue batik la $0,00 ,lent report ta tue compîroller o oeto lentn ie i onoe h *' ,a . l5 ugtrhCsrn. 1eGadFraNtoa iik tdrink tucce plts o! whisky t one ai1- causing ahe tanpie te beliPe ethat lho (No- uitnk. It su. ai rk. We triae nt i-_____ttcenn-y1 b.cnlîo t 1AiMkIIIiOATO. Acei'n mnt-lem ahchIrt e enaipe, lsAaetirteptcmaeu t-taaku aalaulbuih ie- ntrh ý1I'e,-ý,àgGnileDuhtrl Gmru s hlie aspreuldeNat.Wona hi caa tiIago-Cattlc, coniron le prime, liait te vin a bt.ant idti thln a teo- i) ai>lu eriiaiieain tht- rains, aneito t lon ti w-ualbonme. letitn.ta t . !X C«emnBoul de Castellae, uee on as iliin the United States eounî. *3.00 te $575; higa, sbuppng grades, minutes. Les., 75 conta; no ingunance. filail vwa denctat-ih tuhejote k~<a -dg.ImttTtn?îniu-tilt'ut i' tuu-h aoiBiLut bai oegtnfr 1000000ty-t-s BoLet- a-...- -t n Nninvýu. ta...a gN'gt-t. l tEl 0 'a' ahaniugt for 1,000,00ParsnTte.a ver talidtate opni, undibisbonds *3.001ta83.75;îhep, fl t-bcout-e. $2.10 A to-vyeraseoCGri-er Cleveland fraimaina te iLeiauure c'imaapai.Jtig utT -u-uiriar--tunies ide adn ovrain ieptta onu. <louri,'he riiboia, Et 4511 BIa aý a ý =*Boacgr llobuerlu re. Ti mdeclsreti osfetei. ta $5,00; tohent, No. 2 ced, Dac le 95c; vreo tes afrieni thut "marnei lite la oeNey, nasattcouesot fer tht detouso,..-hamut'atcieu.Inuloa-. T--,b-nut Ns eway coc, No. 2, 26e ta 28e-;a0ge,, No. 2, Ille gad, seetemg." Bbnco then, hovever, nai0te pnin t teot tontht- de- ia.Le1iiet oa-et i itTotehauac.u aî c a -; t- Poisoued hy licenahinems. te 21c; rye, No. 2, 47e te 49c; butter, M. Clevelandihhit chanuoti Ita adchorus. tendant. Tht takieg oftiestimouy tous setbu ugutimu utter tuinit ail." aIe-, toc li bis iaaîgblerîhave nluth ' - . usai.hlm. Tht- gichiara- good-Iueking, dax1t , ,, ' gI mi Litl uirtoot . lfred H. Brook, 58 year aoi, who hoicoe reamryi, 22 ta23c-;eeglogeait, Il la unnonaeedaiuetuorhlnrinely ttxat ut oe cotomencea. JOSEPH LADUE IS ROBBEO. citedi autti crompimbot. Each 1, Oq'ý Atl4ear hi,-oliinhn FBUesvtu a fie at- foth t it- e r tteveue f1et 0; epit" B a5eP Spalin doet vt Unele Suais flood et- SEEI TO BAR FOOTBALL. -n- agie neet-aile-et nife. One etftâ 1à ý. b*#JorogoWdaglte £e it atu- heUnted States internailrveuede- huahel, fi8.aThai s aIl rlsht; mtiof the guoeiKIloudikelitblIionare LosesNnugete o! Eus, migbiIairea bt-an mari-loi bato F".,#eo6m whte lulaàadelirium frointtypholi parlmnet l Ne-vYork ls deudil is Indianpols-Ctiuipmg 30 offices aneadi have lieron ilpoeci o!fny ina,- htCb ol u Cthicago. I.- ,bt btb--tsbrmutm 'Ilt-'- Tbe . home la Aahery Psrk. N. J.. uof cancer ot $5=2; hops, choice ight, 83.00 te $3.75; vai-. c age rodce in theseh aCahi«thtbobas hn e te u t-moitin e o doer nplansl 1ba iTe laii. the tongue,.brouight on hy pouon amiisl- aherop, comtagon t -blt,8.0 e 400 eptouiarb.e. ian av loL, o autighba uJoseKep atitne, " ni rboet $9311ng ofth et hnyet ehahraeo.St m lmlTar aeredisTuaaseTrd. r. qaru a bsin ut W.Olctsa, ThI bus o. vhst,. No. 2, 97e te LI&; coin, No, 2 A t l eooi us-eth e tIndes aveo-bîbldl. lit f cftooti- bulatsOOyvi Klondae" w.&Ilosee f oit.a ne t O f ut-heard. butavn u ouhui<h ýý tU 1 > a nii, mecy noiyer faIth e vi e cae rhid fheme eistaeo wi te.nc25e te 283 7; auhoepNo2w0te$,5;e cobaut era. nneil ch er BeuM e I la e i s lihte an aeppoTi h uai- ter aft- n u e ai c- ia'.mt o enrtalupasorng.rigu bilaibm, raid lak car- Septtfi. LakeShoreat, s. 2,ite' s,1 l td u ih a b et fr Jh.t a, ee, 6 e 7;et ~ c, fie. Orlehans-Opench M s. Cîsstenlebt" or a g n c 84 i hcavgnta lle p edtraan t healai a c . Th t b e ain Jobneo <lin h t pa emna. If No, -2Bord odHa21e deilu In "re off ilbasestzukevri - irofo-hall anl yeti, mat un1.i soutl teaio nd-ht- itratouthIbaçp-aie . ' J ,tatler 1» lisit B Te" uardd li bas he w t, N. 2. 7e t Wcuc orte N. 2.Aht ouisgooe detie SuIg.Nehok iohd nros mry.thetenealir Ie ee Ni.Odne LIlItyt elo,2e a2c;ttNo hte 0 jd ier"adtiibhepbi ,rner i tImh imt rth leetCi Dlaaao footn.brlatlucnerain H i Ë e %f u .sllieansîali Cue. t ehi mi ofo tiheinaers el, iC of.8300tt8.7 -bti.- *2.50 te-- *4-. .251 inby Wibn mnbae bisathi. Il lbu Orl-v a Gtopeti Cois h lnuo at l enratumii tesee<th girs,.it,