Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 19 Nov 1897, p. 4

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alutd aUthe. pet-offioset LibertyvIlie. Illnois. as aeoud-olas.matter. ' £nvaTlsliO ATS KMI11 EIVN 0OAPPLT- of te an ebsns ocrew General declaring oh Weddcrburu, John Wdebi os n h National Recorder b lhe frauuls, and denyiug them the. turtiier use ofthle mals. Wedderbnru b.d previoualy been disberred froni practice before the Patent Office for refrauding cliente. Mevapapers vielh continue to carry Wedderburn & Cos. silvertlsernt viU be In danger of belug abut ont of the One of the thinga that are especlally aurprlsing to those wbo bave beeu -unsufoeeýafuI appllcants for office nader everal adminiraions, la thie nrequey vith hlch the. ex-office holder vauks off vith thle beat things aenithe officiai pie counter. For lu- sans, betore It b.d becoute geuerally knovu thai Jndge Walker Fearu hsd. on ocoonut of iii healthi, about decided te uesigu hie seat onuthe Internation MiXaI Court ai Cairo, Egypi, a lite- Uiai place, practlcslly, vlth eaay vork anda Slary of $7,5001 a year, il vau auuonnoed thst Oeueral Ge+ iS. BatcheUloe, of New York, ex-Minister te Portugal, ex-Asalat. Secretsry of the. -Trsssny, snd ithe holder of! lis .sanie position for about ten yesrs vould b. recommended by the. Presideul to ÉLI Ibis vaoaacy, viien 1h occurred. Tiie appointaient Ia made by the Ehedive of Egypt.________ socli attentions of ai l kindare begia given te Sir Wilfred Laurier, Canadian Premier, aud the party of oZeWias sud lndien viieh .ccompauy hi. by membera ofthei administration. Pues1ident MaKlney tarted the. bal by giving an elaborate dinner lu honor of B!ir Wilfred, wblch vas followed by s dinner sud reeeptious giveu by * Becretary, Sherman, sud suother diuter by ex-Seresry Poster. Tiat la an tu an uhey have gous, but uiiey b avent bemu iu Washington a veek pet. Sir Wilfrsd attends tiie cou- fereucea betveen lise rilian, Canadien sud Anerican "e. experts. but ouly as su Inteiested spectator. Hia princi- pl objeet lu comaiug te Washingtou vas te endeavor te discover viietber it viLiib. possible to negoliate a recipro- etty ireatyunuder the. provisions of th tii. lgey tarir Iav, aud ho la nov holding coferences u hat subjeet, vlth Hou. John A. Iasou, Specisi Commissfion« for tiie negolatlon of re.proeiip treaties. Of course, i. «Muot negotiate a treaty; that iiiuet b. doue bjthie Iritflb goverumeili. Aitanmt aeeetery Roosevelt ulves the. folloviug reasous vby ve need a lawr Nsvy: "W. need a poverful iigbting Navy, a Navy lucludiug an ample nuniber of toreedo buste, an ampe force. of sa-going battleablpe, aud smfo arnaored cruisers, wliici should posace. great coal endurance sud cary su abiiodance of beavy rapdnr. gunsi. W. cannot avoidounr reapoulbliiiles. We biave annouiîeed, again sud &gai, our adhereuce t iiie Monroe Doctrine. Unles v are viii- log Stelhe put ln the. enuteniptibie attitude of tho.. vho binsier witiont boing labie ho baek np Ilicir words vii deeds v. muai prove tint our , attitude about the. Monroe Doctrine la nolt hau. To provo 11,15 mens lia v. muet bave a powerfuni Savy. If ve aunez Haaii, as every conalderation ef internetlsud ionor bide, ve shall nesi au adequate Navp te enforce our position ou the Pacific. If ve do not aunez Havaii, va siail need a mucii léeger Navy, m aw aaii cannut stand "ioe;nmie otier power muât asssariy liii. il, sud troni that moment menace Our viole Pacifie oset. If vo have a proper Navy it viii net tend tevard var, but tovard The ouly BepreseeutIve of prom. Imena. vho bas lurued up lu Wshinugton viii Ithe positive opinion tisitii. ooming sesion of Congres. vould pesa a Oinancili bill, in Mr. Fovier, of N. J. àameuber of the. Rouas Baaking sud Curreuer Couumitee. ne a only bas liai opinion but lie bu ts courage te exprenss Ilisud te addgbecpropheey that if the republi- canasa1.*0teput Ibrougi a fiunclal %msure, Iiey Wii p. punishedaitthe - Cçssressiomml election of nexi pear, by tesin ecutm of otheb.Houes..lie aveu «M sfnrthsr, sud mye tint il the meaet.ry couference formulai.. a tausealmeaurs liai appears ho ha ma", i.ISlvii haoreed ubrougb 4 - aý bp ithe power o! publie 110w He SLaud Coin. One of lie p*reu f or thse beat corn exiibited et thse siate fair ut BprlnÉ- field Ibis Yse u a arded te E. 8. Furanma, of El Pasao. lie tell& belov boy ha rsised tise prize.vluuing corn, --The land îîpo vich tuis acre of corn vwu grovn uasunr common black prairie oi; lb vas lu choyer pasture lu 11194 sud 1895, sud vas lu cornuInlu 816. Tii. acre liai produceilthie 161) usels vas one 0f a Oiel o1 ten acres, upou vbieb I huit placeil a dozen luada of veil rotted stable maulîre esriy lu the sasou. It vas ploved theliersi veek lu May sud plauheil ou May 12,.utthi. ammue lime thit tii. balance ufthtbielil vuas isted. 1useil a twiborse cou planter sud cbeck-eower, pîîinlg tie bils tire. feet six lucides part, sud dnoppiuîg tbree keruels lu ecst bill. Tbe seed îîsed vas Eaely White natodou--a verp large variehp, but earl ansunuiforni. A soon as lie corn mode its appearauce lu thbills pon Ibis partîcular acre, i eutivated It by band. Tien I veut over tie plot, sud betveeu the. his one vsy 1 piautedi to keruels of iloone Conntp White, pîse. Iug the. kernels elght loches spart sud sixteen Incies tro t hie billrst planteil. When tie corn vas two or tire. lochea ilgi 1 vent over it viii a boe, llgiitlyairriug the. soli ar'sund the plants aud thinilg thie billis ont to two stalku esci. On Map 281 ploveil Il for thie Oirt turne ith s commoun to-liorse cultivator, runuug thie sioveis as deep au 1 could te looseîî uptie soil as deepiy as possible. The second day alter ELOIN DU'UIrR MAK Offeriug sud sales 0 utte oulb Elgin board Moudap ver. larger thsu nanal, 1,111 tubs halng offerad udhei sales belug as foliova; 427 tubs ai 2lc, 47 tubs, et 2ijc, 417 tubs at 23c. -Tii. quotation conînittee deciareil the market shi-ady ait'Jlic. Butter lset veek solil for 23c; a pear ugo for 201li2411-. HAINESVILLE. A. D. R1mb vas a Waukegaii visitor Saturdap. Frank Lawson made a lyliig viel to our bnrg Tiursdup. Heury Wells visited relatives iiu Ripou, Win., recently. T. Goîiid, o! Chicago, vas the guet of 1. A. Feulon lest veek. Cieseaud are noie plasteriug ticir bouse gettlug ready for vinter. Henry Wells viii bave au auciion sale Baturilay Nov. 20, commeueiug ai 1 olock. Miss Maie turmau lias relnrned horne after a tiree veeka amp ai Wauconda. Miss Grae, hatterebsl aecoîrpanled ber fatier and look lu the ights of Chiceagol Tîueduîp. NI. sudlire. I. A. Fenion atieuded the. funeral o! Mr. Fenloiî's stepiother nt Waukegau Frlday. Mr. sud lirs. Win. lisible visîteil friend e be.Moudsy. lire. Illblard sccornpauled tisentho Wîîîcouds for a short vit. A fev o!ounr citizeus took the. lask upon tbemiselves sud cieaneil ontthie "htowu veli." People eau lîîîvi good ean vater to drink. ROLLINS. GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. MR§. M. a.»INURMAN, LACU EWlter. lira. Sherman lae auhorized to reelve aubscrlptlonsand advertimmeuîs Sfor the~ INDEI'ENDRXT alsO orders for job prlniing. Cali ou bey for rages. GRAYSLAKÏ SOCHETI1eS. 1BINO NON Lodua No. 1is A. P. & A. M. r"g uiar oma ..ulcatlons ilaturdays eveuiug ou or betore u tll moon. J. J. LoNAnanuoe, M. LrrwlLxa. W.M. SOlROS18 l('halitnr. Nu. 329 Ord.r Eastern itar meltinrt asu d Ti ..ayven . MBs. A. M. Wnîra. .y GRAYSLAE CampNo.i.ilM. W. A. mflt <IsoSos~ioKs. ERETT Y ENVILL% . V.C. COURIT OF II0N0ftmee-tige ltan id ui sauirdais (f ..adbgîith. ~ .Da. E. Y. llAavavy. W. il. Mas. RIA.Baaiec. W il... Oaue ('5ONOliEGATIONAL Chilroh Sînny si.- '.via 10M a. m. sund 7:3U p. m. P,-ay.r me-,t- la Wedue8day evenluga. y. P. iH. C. E. muet 0Suuday eveuings lit f:4 .m Orsysiake Villaire Offloors. Presldîýnt................... E. Bl. Sherman j F. C. Wlîhur. 0. Barron. Triimtlw-s F. D. Batlr8balt, J. Wieke. 10. Iikhardson, C. B. Harv.,y. Treasurir........................5il.Neville Polios Magistral.................. C. Morse Martes, ......................... mMRlen CI.,rk......... ............ _..lDr E 8 hiaffer. plovlng I veut over thie acre vith a tir. BesiIole euh very lîîw. Dr. hckkys bouse le beilig paiuleil one-horse arnoother. Thie implement Ounr acholare enjoyeo a vacation of! sud puliied lu completion. vau maIe hp my8elf ont o! a Ivo-luci vo îlave e lstiveci. A 0" lan, jst ideenogh u pb h- . Manîl Edmuarde viiled the Ursys A umier front ber, ntteuîled lie oake phank, maiTvid eouito esameb-laite ethool lest Frldup. fliuerilOf lirs. Manchester ut (Gages lveed nd h eda.Tu anote m l d Mrs.M. Boyd, o!f(iraydakie, viitei Lake feltweek % Wieddy. love un prasei doîî ii. ousudfrieud e be.test veek. enableil tiegrud lo reisin tie mutl- Mrs. tMolle wîuîeu i., reeoîveeiuig Orson Wasehbunu1lepîîtlng lus lie ure aiter ie deep plowlug. Tise sec. trous ber recent tllnesa. foundallon for a nev lions. ouiilaple ond ploviug wss doue lu the samte vap, Mns. 0. E. Lester bas juget reluirneil Ave. nexi ho Auguet ilz, humte, He viitise exception lisat the culhîvatur froni a viil t i hilty. experts lu go0uviii ltse buiiling vas not rmn qui. 80o deeply, and 1 toi. iSquire Bheldon lias jugelcouspleteit sotaasnposeible. lovelthie cultivatour 1h. sanie day vîit un addition Ltobils boîte,. thie amoohher, leavng thie grounu per- lir. bubin, of Atlocli, vlelteil hie The W. c. T. U. iadlî-e met wîti fectlyamoot and mllow.brters acbnul boire ltesWMeduebdayv. tudr Vice Presidlest, Mites. Brown ue f.clpamohi su rellv.A week lir. sud tira. Ueo. Traîner, of Grupa- Tliursdup. The nexl meeting yull be after tis, second pluvlug i veut over luke vielitliMr. and tira. 0. C. DriryP potpîmuedi tu folie veekm rotrîfilesa day tise acre sud pulleil ont ailthe %nigcera. several laps lat veek.suviib-blaiia.LhDe.1) The fauti piovng va4 doue Julp 2, sud Lawreuce aud Ray Lindsay, o n ilb fedeut.Lio',Dc 0 douevlith allitle plauksrnoher. made Waiikegaui, ver. tie glîrsi Of Clarence toire. Aiuiue Robinson Ila makiuig lier o! a fev No. 40 wire epikes driveni ltu iooittle several days lest iveek. bomé viii lMr. sud Mes. Dyrnofo the piaule teeailghtlp atir the soif. Ater OPle Ren-d ellenuîvellitw': f0 oi' LIbertyvilie, eit percent. Si,. corne te the Oield vas taaseled oui, 1 eut 0,1t ail severul peane eîîmmered at htîulins scer little uatglitrwol en experts tu builil a cottage %ou Fiurthbscitr oleî-ig tise Wnerior allîe met above lie ear. Lake. i kept au accoulît o! ail the. extra lalior Lamet Fiiuy ev-îilug abouit tIftp uo! Clubbinu Liat. put upo thie aucre, 'hlnh arnoutel lu tie piluiz tois arou,îii er, gathered l.îwvilefuîna -wlrîi- $3.à, ot iguin th coe o mui ut tihe umne o!flir. and lire. Ed eo milI frna wpou- or3.95, nthegrm leoat1 t nure o-Kappiii asd gave thie Younîgpeolee ltitpulicaetions vliichi wii iluibiiei onbullg tse ani, s idli nu cos-tre.a CliMPîrtU surprise panîp. I itb theIIr MslRvîNVETWill n t ur- ider tbathle monture vals any mgr---[Dancing wvune uoped durlug hile even-i- lid ai riducrd rat-s, as iîîdicatedl. alvaulage tluth. cornuthiefirmet mencs( 1ig tnsnbeln u nusied bp Ivo W li lv olusttpi~ ri-î The roetof thie ld vas piaîî ils Jateis. tue îîstP disperaed at a verp ,laIe bour. tir. sud lrs.Rlapltexpert pour lai-r îioti uîagaziîuî-sftr poi lîu Earlp White MVastodoni, and viliiyiîdi u , ^etulii rapsiake smonî. Tiecuonîî-utîimi it iti iiN111t i i about 10 bubîse luie u cre, as itue vîîulug peule iie lIb. greatly missel l'i),lfsiaî,li 'l. soli ou tic viole ilînlîs tl e vrp rîici. hi-Ce up tiieir hunesi ofl ineiitbey lrP)..fii'i belleve the secret o! lie secense 1hbave Imoidetdîîng Iliir stay a tiîollig. (MI Ans-rnAtu,î sti-.I rMti -XI.1Ai.-iî laa ~îî............... t-a.Art Aniîati-îr itih ui..îN i M t7 lied ih the acre wvtt tbe piamting <s! GîLMER. tiAtisuiti.!- Moîsthiy i.-t... M 4 ô thé. tvu keruels of a diltereul varliety liYaii.ton,,t............M itw buiveen the bills, tise Boulles. 1uiisp)t .fi.rdy. i ut r L n 2 2456sDiiî.a o.N i l I * day1 9.1BIIetry. Y . M taW White being a finîie erdier fiunifie .J. Béem-,. ent lu Chiciago sîti aald i. (ikgo WrxjWeetk-ylyiti.r le, -W i5t7 White MustuoU, wviînlprolouged i e o f buga s te k. -2loù Chaploi 8Xw . SMii 1 5(j1 . Cîril si f< 1N y . :........ e% seigson ot poii.îulzatii.uasd gave tuse Il. Mra.., OfIibertyvii-, calicelont i os î"iiiî,itnN iY .M 45 une perfect eerupun nverp tait. 'Tie! frie,'iilentadaturday. iP o, iir oriw.i.a- 2I,-. i' A 1,7s4, Lterala.r.1... i... M4tIl, deepcutvatiou gaveîise rusaIs acistuce J. Itii le able lu b.clirol tilhie tel.'1sàbai1 Wýr1d. ('lilgO ......... tegtdwnit h nelm ml.adtory et)îsec lii tic vont. sÀi lM uiorati iil tRai'.. N 1i.. M1ii5 toglNou suulirs.lo eîi atîder 1 . I:.iîilr.-r. lituni, .U... .. W i1uM followug th culIrat.rwAllientllMassina» Ltokuthietrin ) li lWry MoisI ,. N Y ..... ...... ..M 1l auofrChu-ugo fum iesilemay. (IEviery he,,lir.,oiyl .... emotier, vits-i irvoeefil le gnîîtlid i 'immesla Casîcule tgvîauîiig 1ev. j 50 ain, iî,t Fni--îIle. Wriî2l IMl sud preeeed it l lgitiy, hoîlding lie! I)10rIz smd faiiîipîf Cica-goi. 1l1 , larite ',uary. ti.. t)M t molattire, Issu ilitic 1( il) vîtishlisni)-ie .o!Wisoie u l 3 M1 i ~ -raxi"< . ..hili Nlm îuiath, o icni, nvstlgtuaiFrank eî., t '~. iy M 41su mena. leid.lier laîiglter, Ire. . 1)t. Cooek. 1 i)y.,Agaai tie.N i1 . M Fred -IAii. e8aI)ippe.îla car lolî of 0 Hurr,. Miuuiî. Mir SPIC UPS hF oîge front irarie Vlew fumel wîek. 4.) îHari-". iui, ad ,Ni Wil .1 îeu u te-î.ltuuiiiitemutîviiîg tii ar > e A IlrI l tc ssuI e tirliIlt la' iltinadelîbia t eut d aiu)rn1l4ctîîry. I . l he -Mlu v auj gI,', M i 75 IAlarge aseeortiiiu-ut ill sîsniîiii.iUnîsc W t1-11,-i.aratl, TI'ilntccu in ai v;bIaeît i-k t.rIoliifotr th'i, il î1itlyeut A. G. Nii wu'rnnu, rBJ adf.. N 1...... .............W tV 57f one vien i îîaeîtes jîlge dîdia .a iiuJasj M tue M ir. andîl trs. Il. Wl---,o!f.Lber-J2'e l.--Ibrr, N 1i.... ... ........... W 315 tveive lurpusen. îy ville, viaisil dthiî-r soitî, A.-1'. %Vufice-île-r a Lia,î, hiul-jîa M i ai s e Llili. .ihtotte M gu.i i .i.. IM 3«s. - rî-euîti. i i itli M-uamà % otI.-i,.l t, î M -i3 liere le au exîract fron is ) ii guie- M r. lIIîîîîî sîndlSous,. -iilîlui-d îîIar 15ti M- eir.sMagasin,- N Y ...M - do Uwjas Meeiîaueoî,tiiy. till... M -i.0 taker's advertlaesruil, a sîutîlin luadi,!li%,-ititigtiIrnli i;liiîr lstationu1 us Metriî,otatn Mgziîr N 1.... M 14te lame w e - i5., Miilitîî,l Monitily. Ieloii-.-M i2s exehlange: t lii Natiouiei Ttroîil1 -Ii îîs-. aliust-,Iî W i24 Everliud vii, lu tri il . Pul)itz's lin,,liasegoe,,fr reco(venelq:, IN tWEîîgand Maealîet. M 390 Our couflue bue hecto deligîtedii ti ti taI liha ni-ttriîe4l lu fils voit lut 3',mNi-:: r WkTy. N , i......1 iai Ot ter N Y vb. N Y M_ coiitmeireîlilrn. 3 1,e, tn l .eîus ......-............:jag liS li'iir EiNuî, 1 ,î...M 2:11, -lililYpouattendl tieliorie"i. otIshow? ve Ia l y iW îetDMeîil2i8L,îi . 4i0 I suN, Postniain N.t, î.I Ni. sNeý le ude'ie vas curen-l îy blaiîîr is eCougi 3.91Plii- lJiiilî. N 1..........W ji.4 Wiat ld dy onisc,- Itmedp. vniti W. Il. Nîrtosu, ofî,t llPtik. N '-.................iWà 7 1 laireatio. N.i.. ..........Mfi aiz '0, lute sud Iota of louotip ,re--ed titter reek, Cul. -This cuotl ltimc s a0Itlepaîlie. St Loiîime N ... 8W aiM peuple-sud -nulsous,'* vithilscoîigli sud h vas expecturatin g 126Wltsiev o!fllî-î lî-.1,i: M16et ail lie tinie. Tir Rerncdy euredus, u) i Niotîolas. N Y....... ....M t la surve u vsn i I e4'rhbnersu Magainî N Y 4 10ai d wn ail oftp friende wen iiiStandard Des roteri Mia Indiignant Lavyqr -If sme cauilgel ltroîiuild iii s confli or nliote e oTe,ermîIn8, tiît. ,N Y.. . 22il justice lu tuas court, v. asaîl carry the Il, for l vîli do theni guid.- bld bp Times. Kaniïas. City ...........WNVa1se k. B. LoN'ELL, LIugusTvVIuux, J. B.2 T~oiettes. N y.................M i 10 %orld. N1i............. ... r)N%, a24s case up. Y<îir hlosor May mark n isAuEs Gîîe ML .LecliLo :115ie . W3, voRo lckefeller. 1 75 'aculila C-uni,i,,t,("W 111-oi1tW a 7a The Jndge-l have iuarke il leus, sur. Tiep vîli rosie pou heu illars. Thanksgiv ing Dinner. How Lio Cure Baglous Collc. C reba in ! e ao7.1 i ulered for veete vti colle sud Loana ttreofo Lwek@ or yo.itîýrlte. painu np YatomaI caused bp biloue- Logas narge fo hievers s Ri, Iid tîrî.en. Crsîîfs-rgsia. uese sud hall tu take medicine ail thse et the stock shov vas onlp 15)).B 1iîd .oiatoeî..1vwile uîtil h used Chiamberlains Colle, Tisstl reasouable consiilellg tise von, Canae-I ýorn. Sai îîdtolanas,. Cboiera sud Dlarnisoea Remedp vilc du.H okdtewiltoae (elleen mayonotaise. Chem.îu, encred, me. 1 have ainue.recommeuded baadoueBe orkedtis h eole eoufeBenle van-r .ra'lurs. l ho)a goul mauy people. Mrs. F. Apogi le e ple A puddî,îî,ing. Bard a.e ButlerF rae, Conu. Peraousi Illnois. Tialsa considerahle vue, for urieasud bananas. wio are subject ho billons colle eau a !ellov viso vas neeor anu u tntUffue. yard Offthe tietack bp tsklug ibis tfesno bsfte.reueîp as soon tsh iet ssymp)tern ile ono!is atie.AUCTION, SALE. appear. ul bY F. B. LoVELL, . . , Llbsrtpvlhle, J. R. BmacuElt, Guru.., Tise Preelipteelan clergp o! NewYorseThlieunuderelguedlleilahet pulie L. H. LITCUPI'îa.>,Rockefeller. liuretlonlaigisîsrrOuiBoute ilamilendmictionsebis___________2__ailloli are akig vr o Saua Canssudsonliveeit o! Lake Forest sud une mile have lecide Lolt exile fie ldear 051 eat ofEverett III.. on Monday Nov. Executora Notice. salut, vhoae -"litte rouînd belly" sfiatem22, conirenciugua i 1) O'cloci, a. in, Pubîlic Notioe la herein given lialet the uh- van lie laugis -'lkie a bovi tull o!fsîlarh the folloving leacrîbel properîp aericer Exeentor Ofthtie lest Wilhandl'Testa- jely."The sa hola ,a nyt."viz, l30 cuve, 3.1 vhscalves îp tiseir meunt Of Joseph îBoehmn. deeaad wilhl attend aide 4 mringrn, alane netheCuIr yCourt o! Laks CeunIe a aterra jell.~' Theysayie a "snipi." ide 4 plluere balnceBeyinlc; thereo to iÎlebollen t lb. Court Bouse ln Wonderfui diacoverY! sud hu ho la 1u 7 yearliug isefera, ivo pear old buit, lu sidCeuutY, on tb, tireit Mon. ho relegateal tu oblivion sud no tluger ov ou ez, 4 sud 5 peurs old vt. 3000 diley o neaug agautadhers- s e rgto! vay dovu s chslrney. lIn; sarreil arafi more vt. 14)< Ibn.; tl ere ot lavooiedaI rqualted0u'Esn given rugitClyde colt eomlug titre, pears ohd vi. lie maimle lu smuid Court fo adîuuiiatlou. One by une fts lilgisay robberp 1400J Ibn.; sport o! bay tvo peur olîs Exeeutor o! thetest isl El dGeIiOeHo balles froin ns tiheiIse hat gave cillil- sud yearling colt ar.d hp Analyste, suil deusad.e- içod al lItLi@ joy andi mate fle worlbp yearling Cilye colt, drivlug horse Wankegau. Nov, luth, lu»?. living. 8 peu. obi, 9 bugs,10 dozoeiilhckens, * . hlrotip isy, 45 tous upaul lisp, A prescier salil: 'iumredltors dare not te1lb.he ruthi4or if pîîuî <iii nelier planuor pourpfaper cfunll Ilve-." 'l'hi, editgr replucti: - Yîu rergtit sîiipus ruccies are sutlime Msetx. ifou hild th liii Iti alusut pîîur cinrclî mciii bees, sihveur dead. pinui ild ihuil i obuveulesit tu leve iuvii lx-foae - our lirisermoni vas emded. i'reee and puipi are pîirtusera lus lie vîtvanti lJnslneeiu sd tuigetber vitIs iiiegrave- sitoues are thie great saluntakieg lrlnnsvrte.' The preacher vaIied aff tulplng ils sermon for ohi Botuins faneraLi. vii.the.editor viole up lie cisartas u9 a brida vha vas merlpmas boehems a usa bain. fauss -,a , sqauv0a uaw. 200 bunsuet. uas; il0 acres corts lashootr, 2 lîmaber vagues, buîggy, set îdoublle sarneas, ingle fiariîîeam, v iî,î i-, lIsp rack, W. A. W ouul îuîîver. llai)in uover. îîeerhp ilcv; isp trk sudlJulli-pe, lisp cake, PrairieCity meieîlr. blaindout h ol cultivator, net dra)gs, valting piov, îîlsukur. girden seeder.cure grlider anîd î-nilibra, 20 mut canex, 2 mik vals, palls. traiiîcrm snd otier srtlueles nul niuiliîd. TIsUsai.OF SALE-- Al euîS uR Of10 sud ut une poerviii be given on good bunkable nuls s beaning 6i per cent lusterent. à per cent diluouuit ft u h ea un ail nnis over 1iti. No property removed uunii sttled for., careil for by the e chiIsagreat grand- motiser lira. Fisher every utiier veex. WiII Brever ipeut a veek buntlssg aloug tihe banke of tise Illinois ri ver &sit Frilap. Witt sad Igarne vas pientp but ve failed ho see hlm teteh cep viii hlm.le asiso speut a fev dapo lu Chicago. Arnong ubose vinattended lb, chrpssntbemuirnshow lasi v.ek ver. Mesdames Edvarils, Hiley and White. Tisose vio visited the hors, show ver. li.aud lire. Ueo. 'T'ayer anil daugiuter Jasait'. The. INDE]PENDEYIT liartiiy cou- gratulates the. parents o! thse tvo 11111. clive branches vho arrlved lu Grapy- lai,. asat Moudap, a girl ai the home o! Allen Murrie sud a littie boy ai lise home o! WiI Merrici,. Ail eoicerned are dolug niceip. lirs. E. T. sSafer rehurucil froni ber visit Ibis veek. Si. b.d beau ithe guest o! ber br,tier lu Piqua, Ohio, of lier fatiier sud sieler luliouston, Ohio, sud o! the Doclorsa parents lu Dalevîlle, ild. Slie bad [)een avap seversi veeke. Tiere viiilic a Gospel Temperance meeting iieid lu lie Cougregationai chnreb next Hunday eveuiug under the aspices of tihe W. C. T. Il. Thene viii be gol peukiug sud eiuglug by bomne taleut sud everybodp la lullited to bce presenl. The fauiilp ut John llurgatrold moveil ibeir liousebold goud»ansd other belouigings to their new bomne lu Vesaper, Wood Co., Wis., tiie put veek. Mr. Murgatrolid sud three sous sîsoo eut ont there aithe sarne ime, whîle lira. Murgatruid sud Jonugest sou viii foliow lu a we.ek or tvu. The daughtere Mabie sud Maud viii remain lu Grayalake ut ieast îutii spring te fiish tbtlr mstdes ber.. W. regret lb. lues of this famliy froni our village, but trusot tbep viilbe bleesed viti sguceanîîd bapuiesa lu ue uew: biorne. Mrs. Kate Etter OF uîeaouR. la Oured of Nmurs Dr.Mes New 04eet Oume. lLi . a qu tiere They A re! 19j Ibs. Granulated Sugar S. 10 bars Santa Claus Soap ........ 9 Lenox 69 ...... .... 6 lbs. Cholce New Raisi ns........... Arbuckles Coffee per lb................. . Fine quality Sheeting per yard .......... . 7S tand rd dioPTrea nts.......... .....C 64 Grey s o*.1 .... . 0 TERMS CASH: F. D. BATTERSHALLe- Grayslake - - - - - IIi Something that wiII Interest you-' -.//Now is the tlme to purel your Wlnter Clothing ,~ % ~ You wlsh to save mono buying the best goo ~\the iowest prices, you 7' fot do botter thanAt ~, examine our gooda. 0 have on hand, and are pared ta soul at a greatj rifice, a full lino of i and Boys' Clothing,La Gents' and Childron's' derwear. A lin /Overcoats at $9. and, Cali and examine, no t ble to show voods. - Saturday, Nov. 2oth! I . su& '«e will have vith us an expert! aW.froni Chicago, witis a full line of cliu have a suit mufle. " M PROVE THE OPPORTUNiI i F. H. Kuebker, GRAYSLAKE. ILLMf WATCHES ":--27 f- ,/ RSe. KATZ ETTER veote fm M cwbo.. UnInMarch lest. "Tva yeurs ago i vas severeip troubled ltI, my stomà,h andl tiduep.ail a gesai aRhicti.uasu nnnerved me that My rondition lucarne aiarming. Tbe teieguapit brought a prouineut Physician la a Consultaton wlslch resuit.d luneobenefit. I vent le Wpouoinc fur change ot climat. cîtiont baca toAcbieoa chers Corses wored ciii, me M aiiisud Gay taehsa me alive ta eaci uMy frienedauer. Myipbeat became se bail tbat my blonde gare ap al hope. I hera aklng Dr. Mils. Reet Cure sud N.ris. alter- nately sud w.. reatored te beaitis. h la Dow menthe édace uand Isam perectlp viii." D)r. Uiles,' emeiie are -oid b&Iairoir- tinte under a positive guarantee, fieat botte benoîts or mocey retundeil. Bock on Huai snd Nervis sent Ire. le %il aPPIlcania. DIli.MILES MEIJICAL OW., Eikh&M ,lad F. BAIRSTOW. Manufacturer of Marble Granite M on nunment o. CEMETERY WORK of EVERY DESCRIPTION W. H. APPLEY, .AUCTIONEER.. Libertyville, Illinols. lisTing had mueis experience su Ano- tioueersg lu thse peut seventeen pears, 1 amp preparel te, attend salesluay pat or Lake sud sdjuluing Coute. ai =er. Loy Estes. Sstinfasclo u Q au cd. Uve mesà eil. Want Wood. If pou vaut-to pay pour subseripîlon m bed m ve vaut vood, sud have lh. CLOCKS.. JEWELRY. FINE REPAiRING A SPECIALTY. HAVE VOUR EVES TESTED FREE. E B. Shierman, GRAYSLAKE, ILLIN Sanborn & Co., Leading Tailors luGents Furnisherý Kaiser Block, LIBERTY VILLE, - - - ILL Strike QuickIl IF YOU wANT The Weekly Inter.0 1 ndependent and Inter Ocean one year for,

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