This man is calling for a plate of cakes "O0ur llome-grown Buckwlieat." Try s Sack and Vou'II have no Other. For pastry use--mâýý SOLD AT . Triggs & Taylor's Libertyville, 111.1 Special Bargains DURING THE NEXT 30 DAYS Piao AND Organs PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. f 41 Local items of Interest to Libertyville Readers. 0 C. M. à ST. P. M. I. TIME TABLE. Lewin Madole, of Evanston, vislted TO OICAGO. bia brother, E. J. Madel iast iiunday. U..a&.Mn.&.m. P.M. I. 6. n..r Fraei IBrowu, ot Chicago, a coin- *34U 'Il5":4si Waiisw,rtiî 0:61 &2U Wwpetent tali.. sàalate addition to Fred G arase 931 629 6.~~~~11Corst.lrn esblbmft Warrstoli9-.146 '::31 : 14 rkratioigetbihet '2awrv.K 63 7:15 12:w0 4:56 Tise Lnouai srvitces wii be cou- dout 6VU 71 12:88 15:»6:21 v rtt 6:44 7:30 2:44 41 w 5 d nted next Huîsday ait ishe Catboiie, peerfieid 6&M 144V:312:6 686 684 emhnervtiiie :"61:0086 912«.64 :00 &:M86 crtbby Be. J. J, O'Mlaboueêy. 'Il Ch]-&odr .ve 40 :b .90 à:" 4 es :66 $,m 1 r. Ive d týA , . .. .....,,t. at 111:30 PRBOU CHICAGO. &.a. r. p.m8. p..ame. LY.Uu.Psss.14t8. 1:n 3:66 6:20 56:20 Lv. Kienie Mt. .80 4.30 hherperville 6:18l1-:lu 6:41 4:11 7:23 6:54 Deerflld 5:34510:22 4:47 6:17 7:27 9*.21 xvereit :42 1W28 4:"6 76:831 9:17 Rondot b:48 5 &O6:3 :40 7:40 r:m Lzamezn.La 10.46 6:66 7:60 6tdi <urnees 91.00 6:16 9:42 Wasvrub 9:10 6:2 6:6 9=Iisoitsrniv"> tîs 8 6:42 lS000 .deotes dali. s denotes unday uir. Wher@ no u& uaPp aea-re trains are daiiY ex. coî't Sunda>'. SUX4DAY TRAINS. Lv.Lisertyvlile, dt6p.fl. Ar. liendont 5:06P.ui. Lv.Lis.rtYviie. 9«10 LUI. Ar.Chie&Zg 1«6231&.M Lv.ijhieo 5:1 ar. Ar. Ubertivite .60L rn Lv.C;hlcSao :46 p.rm. A.Llbtyvlile :lu P.m. No. s>m us ondar unir. goinasauts. viii stop on signal as : o wav:-At 1u 1l 2:07 p. m. Wadowofth 12:17; Giurnee 12:17; Warre- ton 52:20; iondout 1:8; veeti2:1é @llId 56:4; hermre io1:2 rie 4I lêo at 1:41p. 8M. Train No. 44 bas been laisis' ut onfr08 D".rlleld tu (Jisiago. Loaves Befeld 7:00 a. S.hMIseninele 02qMivm OislSO 7:80 am. iNo. U baves <I ao1130 P. M arrive@ Shermervife12:16 a. lu- Deorhel3 12:120 ar. Viilage otflcers. 3Tho.lera, . J. Hoyt. Trust-. . ja.8 cuGegor. E. L. DuBois. Tr't, r C.R.Shenmau. iamueialovai. .Wk...... ........W. . Nateore Treasmr ...................... M. B. Coite' PoIlice MgtrKt ............. W. I. Davis Marahal..................... M. reshosan LIBE1ITYVILLE LODOE. No. 492 F. & A. M. Beguar Coinu uins 2dd & 405 Satunrs utofefflh muts. Viisg bretlsen J.W.Z.uLas.r.SWc. ACMECAMPNo. 174. M. W. ut A.. meet aniitatournia ' t arismuetS ai Woodmena Bail uver Egens hardvare store. VISItug« ne hores vars velcome. C. a. HEIAaMi. V. C. Ceas. KasaaC'ierk. The Farmera ThankSglVlflR. The.- -arthi labrow n aeisies are gra>. And] th.e windy Woods are bare,. And thse lrt White faira t the r sommE un Are aflua le thse froRt>' air. Bulit t-,ssarkts ly ns from tisel.ik'.rv1"69 ()n the- hnsss' road mte 'heaitis. An> the witid',ws sak.'.andtb.e ratten sring, 1'., ti,'lads'a.dt h' launra irO4.. Don Ciree dey 0 ested dialiy A gi f1ve yo elasti. àt forget tihe 'Ieaebers' Reading ai sbe the cs.obonusenitSatur- ut 1 o'clock. AIl pensons isjter- in resdsig cirele work are cor- lnviieei. ;Ii plate vili returu olUn is eat nai forsattler belng kepf under îne ln a bent condition for twenty- ers. Glass lg the muet perfect je substance su existence. Steel 0nezt. f romer oflative sinagu ac. crompaJefdese PrksanduthF.a.gPrse- copae Lherll.'iiuay, lofsFtA. rge takibegyvplae u:îuc.lay, afternis. ar riai utplais surîiusg ai ,ai Lakithesit' eietery. The followinàg varuiug of s Texas editor may be apprecinted lu tisese part4: "Tise price of this paper vas not increazed by tise Dingley bill, but ve vish te correct tise Impremlon tisai ht vas piaccd on tise free lsi., Tise Bey. Dr. C. E. Miandevilie the nov Prpsidlng Eider viii pr.-ach at Libertyville Mleibodisi cburch on Baturday evoning uai 7.341 He viilscIB conduci an evangelistle service. Love Fouti begins on Sîuday moruinfi ai 9:30 foilowed ai 10:30 1>7 the' preachint eservie, ai vhich Dr. liandeville viil pyoacis. Atter the morning sermon tise Sacramet lof the Lords@ Buppe; viii be.dministered. Evemngservice ai 7 o'clock couducted by pastor, Bev, John Lee. Tha r"oa s'ond 'W uppd Uppi pape u, exac ssud T>:" fsnier5 fa".,lmsfurroved and> v,,rii, d Anbis l loinare- altieand visite. Pal Berst hia baud laesaly. bis voie is1A.-Ar, t Anbis eel~e'.'itucand brigisitn Asu4lie turneatuloU 100ai bis v-t old wit-.. Calil and Examine my Stock Wuitt, th.à,wT5ILif and Ofraýy iI "ise o>'.'Ursi er wcddluugdey. C. R. SlIERIIAN, Libertyville, III,.-ae And tise guet. (bey ame bilent ail *Taetsgvlu. Lord. for th.' mu auetrails.2 - -- - And tihe fruilt :w.nthe. or-!bard waii. ils Fur lise ilser viseat. and tise goldenu'orie. de And tise!ruais of a pescefcl lites- mi The greateet bisaira«t mtison santgis.-a A a usu . ,.ln« ir ef e' i Dit1,s eile baire iv.1Ier lt-nde (o éils, g lier bandusin te trie ut la..'.' And thbe tasled rosesou bier vrietled ek,,i lei~ Wlh a prond and a ':uurtiy mra-.-. eh AndsIaise su'Sftlk un 0th"ise wiis'iOWf5a- AuI 'ltue'-raf terrga l)aio.:', Aied the auge-'naittis tegate idtibol 'lis.- se '.r' .,ut h.-fe r- .vu.- 1'barlie Ausiniust.ed Chicago rela-la tilea thisieek. ( FIED UR KE IAbert Trigga. utf Aurora, made bis T parentsi, Mr. and Marn Sami'inTiggs short viei fuesdaty. 1 No:tice lise piano ns-d uitishe Y T AILO D4P hisstmsas fridal concert. hlit ilb.' e L~UAN> D A P R . loaued by C. B. Sberman. l M liss Jesale Lintuer, ut Bavcus.wood, %Iil i nisg aitise Christmias fond CLEANING coucert oeit Tuetiday bilâit. Dr. Chis. (ialloway returned 'lces- day uigiit font a vcek's viit witis Dr. REPAI R NG. lglisiandI famiiy, ut Waulkegan. Nir. <.ellissge wcal eied te,%%'suite- gasV ~îeIiy by tise iiiuess ufliser LIER YVILEeII lasugiterliWn. Mi izr OVERBAN LIERT VILL , ILI 'aaert Wiieoi, (sf Diamuud Lsake ex- peetats luve fur Seattle, Wasis. nut week, viser,' lie vilii uake is future Bey. G. Di- Heuver v>il presich on 1 -Bevival's' at the Preabyterian cisorcis ni 8uuday moranug. lu tise even- ir>g ou "Tise Objeet ot tise Gospel". You are urgei tr attend. A butter famine tbreateusm Liberty- ville. Tisere ver., ivo daya titia veeki vison tart a ricandiut butter could be a**.4 1 t,*1 1 q*<114 Iq+14 1-4>4 Ï64 11> Î pnrcbased .utior ..ehauts. Tbey GO didui bhave t and <couid nul getlit. r OTO LOVELL'S DRUG STORE FOR Frank Stevons. of Columbua, Wis., W.sth guesi of Levi Witney ana 'Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, + "'siyiî ro>ute lu larahalltevn, la, where hbelis 1<PERFUMERY. SOAPS, COM BS. negotîatîng for a novapaper propenty. v. ShnidorEveryone le Inviteidtu attend tise Toilet Articles, Books uand Stationery, Dy.e ltuff s, Glasa, Pnty, 11oiodist cisirch, Tuesday oeoing, $ Nov23. integivon murier the PAl NTS, Ol LS, VAR NISH ES. drton u" tMiacac.ltsDvi and Miss Aveiu. PATENT MEDICINES. 1< JusepbîSpocknez, vbo bas fur iisree 014 if years acted as toworman ai Rondout Family Medicines and Pisysicians' P'reueriptions oarefully bhas accepted a poition sas agent for î1l otrîpoulided at &Hl houri. 1<tise E. J. e E. nailroanl ai Laie Zurich, leaving vitb bis family Wednesday for os Carefully Selected. Only the Beat. bis new location. Mr. Specheor sud 11*L-PO r~< 1 .x, amiiy bave reislded in Llbertyviiio for tbe pasit tsreo years and ibeir WHEN VOURE IN NEED 0F Note Heads Statements En v el10pes Cards or Stationery of Any kind Call on departilie, visite ail nuite ln viâbiug ifleu succ.ess in their new home. D)elilqueut subaribera vii conterai favor by notilg tise label On their paper and usquarlng Up." fit cos moe to conduct a paper sucb un the lN12Fi'6NDE14T, and witie your parti. cfliar subscription la but a nominal ausi, tise aggregâto Rincent ovlng ne by delinqueuts ln a very mteriâ] mater. Rindly rensember Ibis and ai your ehie convenience send or cal] and isave aMOunt 01 YOuruireOgSl Well b. pîsasetu6 sieh" auds Witt y7n lt a douaerSMd Sa fll pA e. p cie rou lng aee per paragrais sisn Ung li ewi fepac tpes Imapres- detwle uftactbtony nte's tpe sn whait <Infctho fetter. Cer tise ar hait uft ac lo vus a sieettut or, beiugfcaeflno iti ase apor iy, bii is middle t liste 1011cm yuu ii t oe.middleof thedimcui, pior a v<,rdt. wTheis plafc tse r ovr atho loesiht ,tptisehe )uor vrth et hall tise ino.ea mnhe alet I ollr4e tepara.-t [n, deacriptive of LitertYvilie, it lis .pected wiii be lssue.l about Deeccm- ir li. It viii contai> 48 pages, about 10 of vhieh viii be eeilished vith le isaif-ton@ecut$, r.'prods>cing resi- Inees, business block., Cisurebea. hool, etc. Tbere willb., some good reet vlcws and a fîsîl page eut ut the A wel sulienticated numon te th. offert tisat the Libontyvilie Holel And Paluon han been sold 10 Wm. Dean, of HiatDay, is current ou the streela. Thai lMr. Dean ls negotiating for the purchase et the hotel and saloon te knowu, lbut visetiser or nul a deail han been couisumated we are unable to de- termine. Mtesure. Tillolson & Furuey wiul nut diapose ofthe vholesale beer depot in eveut oft tieir selliug tbe isotel business and bar. Win. Deans ls et preikent conducting a hotel ai Hli Daiy. Should tbe village board con- sent 10 Meusrs. Tilloison & Fnrney transferring tiseir business, nu doui tboy viii dispose of ibeir saloon audÀ botel business, alibongb tbey âssert tbpt Do defluite arrangements bave beenu made for tbe salc ut tise same. SCH-OOL NOTES. Mir. Henry Vuiille was a pleasant calter tlsi Friday. Tise Literature Clans la ai present t tudylng "Cruelty tu Animais", isy 1WilHanI Cooper. The program utoftlsntFriday vusevery goosq. The debate vadocided lu avor of tise ailirmative. The debate wu tbrovn open 10 ttse bouse aud by so do. ing some good opinions vere given. ilcisoolwill ho clused nezl Wednesk- eday evouiug unlil Monday, for tise pur- pose ut letting tise pupils enjoy their Thankofflving Turisoy Thuraday, aud e Friday 10 res ore t ieir thougite bie b .9May have wandered as tia turkey dd t ishe dy before. kt 1 ifil u teaxnounce tu the ladies of Libertyville and victiiY tisi 1 have tise lineat ssortiment ut cloaka and visi- ter milllnerY ever brougbit tolown. ýecal] and aee sue and jon yul l lnd tise nprices mue rigii. Mas. PeRoise. viso are accuatomed tq their habilsecan doubi. They semto knowRa ong lime In adysece vhotben the gluten ituto mild or severe. WbUle tise old stirav isives wlth ivo openings vers usod, thse bosstopped up tishe" enlrnseu early lu Ociober vheneven a Revers vinter vas approacising, lsviiig room only for a minute passae <of air. Beekeeper8 of ail countrtel agree tisai visere tise bos do Uitile or noljliisg tu preserve thom- selves, frum tise coud the yeffl shave been marked by a relaiiveiY mild vinter. some emiflent PhYsicians believe uîany cases ut appendicitis are due 10 abuse of the bicycle. Tisomevho ride bard aud lu improper Positions tOel the airain cblfiY n lise regloil about tise vaistfiltis ati s bcomos ou the nigisl aide %tiiduesthebeiartu. Wben the appendu is iluan enfeebled condiionî, unaccut2med and cou- tinued straiu causses inflammation vhicis somelimsue bringa on decay, pro- ducing 'a conditiou vhicis constitiste tisedisue.)Many, if notthe lflJurlty of sulfonera trom appendicites are yuun persous uviguous ousiitution. The 1danger te bicycle r idera ouly cornes a iien iisey uvardue tise exorcise. ravel pst. Heavy enasbiel 1Psper-- ust artistie cuver viii give tise panspi- Ouor Clsibbflg Liot. et au appoarauce ai unce neai and Note oufr eubbiug liat itluaniscie aborate. Copies vili bu ou sale for colonmn. bon eau save mouey bJy n ominalinsum ai tise Lake Cig:ussty cîubhing .thee oaElIND&NT Wvusany ank vheu tise book ini flulsbed. ufthe papiers useuiuid lu tise liai; At tiseir îieetluîg T.sesday evelsllig and tulutct e eau give yuu tisetiens- te G-l Tesupiarsliistaiied tise fgi-,, it f "pubtisthers' discount"n ' n sy :,vilig (Anvters for tig e dîssssig quarter: Publicateiny:olî ssay desîre, viel Cief 'l'ispiar, Imbieli,' Cianke; VieelIbbed viiiî il>.'INDEPEN IDENT. 4.-gder Teisîplur, ltlasu'be Vîssîle; l'at Chi,( tisiosgis un. rempian, Jas. Warrnî; Secretary. lire. stalwi Ssiiitis; Ansit Sec-y, lira. Milii. Civil Marniage Win*S. <islole; Treasurer, Fiant Iteri; Fluait- 51e'.JoiuLoo., ut Llbertyviiie, Chairmas end ecrtac , W lte Da by; Cha - tOtIi.' CO m tt.'" f the Chicago M eibOdIsi lai eer.tae, Water srb; (iap-Minlinter Meetinig on Civil sud Religions sai, Laîsn5 DuNenlssrry; liarsisai, Jas.Liberty for 1Protestante Is Souths Amenica, Cl2arke; Depnty Mardisai, Luiu iRay, addreard a ietter luit Jssne tu Presideint Guard. Leug're' iuti.'ntiel'i; lestinai, MKnb -repetu l>' re: tIn«gtiîe Prs- Walter Havens. Çiiceis ce-r,- sisi led deuiitis e 1îst.d Statea to use the kindli lfl'Su is .ovenhileitustise Goveril- by Lgglge Deputy Jessisie Nurhi. Tbh entoflerg.BivasdKndrl 1Ial bueige is *'isluyilsg s fseaitisiy itia fre ,-igog liberty t0unisasiarles grgvts. tise sîeiisiersilp stes:ily in- wri t tsr, o native Christian" wiiu creaslllg even durng ftiessumndsi st tie Bronan Catholic talts. asid tu s-cure is these Soush Amertes-n Beîubfics isntia v.ilinsuturent lu organizations tise full,-st clvil liberytu Ameris,5n citiiefla. ogf ilis nîatusre gels>'iisiy lagb. ep--îsl Is the legalliatioul ut manrages I:y otheretissu tige clergy ofthtie Roman Tise govenuor te tise etnu itishe Csntisuiic hurcs. lMn. Lee received su Ii- eiectrie igisi plant lunosum Isinuer ,uedlat. m~lY frontishe Executive liansiu gol ontut of"visack" Tuesday nigitst tatitsg tisat his communication isad Inse and the tuvil va lu eankuesfur a, rosght totise attention ut tie IgiRetans' uf State for coisstdenstiul. A tov dais lbten couple ut bours uni1 il couldige re tise.'came w b is' a lettonfront tise Stats' palirefi. These ail tbu frequent s 'siut Deparimeut. Tis a etter n fi ls con-buding dovua" are anythiug but couducive tu eaass4tipbt'natif: the ondtemermnt o ou buine Tie Deparimnt aised Our Legtion at the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e gdteuemitoou buiesLima of ls hop" tisat Penn vouid aduî.t à mn. Tiscy lent tisaicoutinued indul- emarrisiLaw vmore coinionaat vit tise ateeriatice ot modern nations sud gence bas ceased tu bo a virtue. Wisat caireaedlus concera lest thisevil ri hts ot . thâ. ouaote. 'laht hlie i iere aire Gold Mines For people who have found that the roi to wealth is "Right Buying" : : . .i We have bought our Goods And we will seli them oUA.STOAE sS FULL0F-. Clothing. Underwear, Footwear in Leather, WooI and Rubdýý Warm Caps> G loves and Mi!ttei%îs. i Nt OAY.GO0D8 WCHAVÉ A nice new Uine of Suitings. CALL ANDSECTHEM. Our Grocery stock is full and Comptu JUST RECEIVEDI A Fresh Lot of Buckwheat Flour. You Know we Always have the -M corne in and let us supply you -1m what you want. il. B. Colb)y & Co.9 LIBERTY VILLE, - - Getting 'Col We have a few dozen which we must seil beforo 1898. Corne quick dnd guo gain while they Iast. Don1- other fellow get aheadof Y. Have you tried 'a sack of, If not, why not? We always carry the best grade of that can be bought. Corne in and be cônvincei . SMITH & Butler Bldg. service. Other towns bave it, wby illoteiaw. fi wal, furihef stated tis illis Gjovernmellt vouid be giad tuolt t Ile nut Llbortyvile? The ligisis are good aubiceft would be revived at the neit session ai Intervalle and again wurbe thon ,f he ConVie5 and satisaatorit disposedl noue. To depend ou tisem and bc The foilowing ditcbeg sent out by thse suddeniy lefi ln total darkness ta A.eiatud Fusas prove that thse notification aggravating lu the ehtreme. Mr. toel'eru: *"Thîs Oovernmlent wouid bu £154 Burg shuld akeimmeiat sudde-tu lari tiai te subjeut (of the existis È Berg sbold ake mujeiat audde-marriage lavi vould b.' revived aitithe next oisive esieps to avert future trouble wiib session of tise Congreai and saiaseirll tels mac lnery. dia éposed of." ban broughi about tise long deaired for reauli: Tbe evangelistie services ai the Lima. Pore. Nov. 11-A bill viici legoellEes Meiisodist eburcîs conducted by iiev. flon-CatsollCunariflsin Peru and vhluh moakeasleteuai) elvîl oeremoules Performed by Forkel) and Uir. Stuart close io-nigbt. thse mayors of the towns in the preOsenoeo f two witneases vas sanotàoned b>' conuroa These gentlemen loave lmmediately jual hefore jouremeni. forliokfod, II. tobul a erb ot There vasa i eztecitement when the forRocfor, Il.,te ulda arte ofmassure vas te en up for final actiion. Tise meetings, from vhence tbeY go to tise orion sl tried te suistafe a motion t0epot- #-one eonsiderailoi. but on vote tihe Moion BCentenary M. E. cburch, Chicago whene vasloen. Thon the Fresident put thse motion county, who ha lbey expecitoe hold revivai meetings uftet close tbe dehale and tiIs vas dons amlid grea"t applauseg. During a 500ee of aruai x- h. sevra veks urtin.Tise business 'ent iand white protesta voee tnduai discomfortha et avraiwek'sduatin.tise mutsure o snlno»d. bonses vere closed ai 7.30> every Tise paste-of iIs mesaursilaagrt revening durlng tise lani week of tise riumphfrteltriIesasIfo s. he o eservice& to, alloue ailtot attendth gov.ruileni. - iow. They're 9 1meetings, ey. Forel hasniseeu LIBERTYVILLE MARKET. the time, for ti Ir lavored vush good audiences dUrtng Oretdb h ocate8eyTuqty Ir bis meetingssied mueh g..od lias B<>or-reedby .............Sev (14'T 6rs 25 fiers -the b 1 9resuited lu cunsequcuee. None cen iiutw.r-Cieiu trY....... . sé i2 listenlon bisl impassluued apPeais witb- Entré.p.'r doben .............. lu 4 20 h me oui derivlng benetit tiserefronu. The lktatoci. tar bushe'>........ e65L'. 1 Wood-dry. Perocord ........... 3 ut, L4 a 50 prepare youi r inging ban been a feature ef tise Cuai-Hard. pe'r toit............ ' se a pair5o Lumeetings visicisb.ês tended te) nalle CoalJ-sot. 1,r tue.... ........t'e4 ô:%eina par1o tholle peenliarly enthumiastie. Mr. Core. 1pcr busisel eheled ..... (15 1 0 LiaIs. sPr isushel ............. 5Le* 11) S tuart posslessesa a ouderful vulce orou ndet d..............65,0 au ad a facnlity of iuduclng bis entire 1ran. ter;t. ...............6900s 00> o sAngI. 9pecullar to ilmsehf. Mlddllug. er ion........... >60(a o105 SLiisort ville peole bid 111cm farevell ,eot n14I.Ic on....... O120Ou nt with a fervent "Uud speed," and a Prki.reamodperl10o ......415>0 680 desireo ibat thoy may &gaiu vislit our Bef., sattis pr 100 li....... 2160 a 26T Sviliage. Ttenin minisipaioni bore bas Veutcaves. dmosduier lb .. - 110 ,h cotiely been cancisciveofu mucb good. -» Jw LibertY ville, there arm dmanevea bed .ve glad feet mam aEn, Lcorne from wearo i*1 iing f bhey This i elf Our shoem nbberl Wor lie -1 or De V. I-à Libertyv