OFTME TI4ANKFJL. TIME. 0% et Tb"u gVIogaet sedingIltnet of natur oneldn.bdîglme PU tire carlirgrowoin g aaIn 61cef tire bsrvert. ot unýit un itu1 -e, imerlesfull, t Tbfnbsghr'lng lme. lâ t Thentnilvtng ln grosilInte: or. et eters. snd the ulotaigo Imase4ftbiL. eans strens hbands Nftle. vIthnais. .àstafiitb sWeetd 9;su et La bpe le a Iut aublm, kr«e ait aae rouno for tiho ibankful 1116. I0f 'I'bakagoingt tuiarveut tinte: iBlIu% gràlai. goUlden lion bena are f01 ull wtir. Iarvesi fnuOg hanttul day draws ucar. ba Tbauksghving etaint ilnet bempetedila tut a chiure lnt te, l trcfment 0teli cf our yoare. and lb... I t-:a et tic Ring'. kthra> odv tur aoui'a Ttosikugîolr "F nirTItRpE FOR DINNER. Mon = nmere crciminel 00 1 wh I h1conutocdt @on"a years &go, tire incident - BU a% bout te relaie tv. asoof g&bteggtlng ebapîci-, ln My Pro- àiËe. h L bad licou a.toruy Ne- ;. »Duringtiherornng the tain *dîsvnlu torrents. Tourard ceeu b8o tngia éle tmaiilae nes hde- t'unid ail stieruothenîee nevelied X iogand driftlng lun a ver>' un- s we a>. Il gvewr dark ean>-. W r1a, iter-u.eetf bis that I1tde- bout hoe a ot-caIlerthr ~bttat providenceira.] nome' w.3ith nMr'going ont uu le îLe meur1oent. Pamuebng op Evoati- ISdlote iforteeuthti treet te Wiffie eevaet raltroti sationr. WcrorI eneouiero a crowdt "iboyu, lu tire oter etf nieir ,bâte* viti a priacoor. Btand- = te, 1I aavft tire pr.oner .slad viti n arartkbly iran.]- Wip. sd goîatlemaauhi mmcc. A ~I'fen in0 lufer a patrol Wagon. -ausuua an.t.r 1,i rascictithe aipr MB lunocnce amti tyo hco.ty, air. I à" lng cf tihean-w 'am. tnt!;-." 60mi rlgit. yen ýénwreplid. "Ni Wrsteelsaun""&i e elteles ou ifrn Xot Sr-h Inni heu lhe patrol va, kmr aigbttid, aant blialleiop th ies M'*&ain~ oe üà thce vullu. The k-by tfalking napidl Mes bî tie officeve be ileveer street Rnid .in, 1 oison oltalor, Ieail whtrse faceb âue. Wien 1 vr Ssi vrecpag bitierI ' le airsolmte deepair IrIoe t tire patrl Wuueductia."ant it fl et a ltte Mo Il aàlawier; ont aui thint poru muti M it doue te gel y ki> lec'son, irai ebstnie andi hise 111le) sid : "Th' 4t 'Ime viole mâl wilâli-M ý errloot SI edovu onu i te bailanhlm telo - ad comeebhem 0"f.'*. Wiicbils s I-t ia faut>' ur tWdg the brdr1 'w*i1. Once az sI end à ittle ineedetuhil.bel ~*et ho LotiLeë Man*ufacturiez Inteable ringes vo iisesirot coilestatut 'là-brge. Bu Im-me ne eue abol b1cm"1Ises H1t ean. tej Ithfacreour' Mre alieh.wason m lat init aulhh séd.d Frank, "ie et Seslleti me tlogo hi id aebehrs lntie vlN erI oaut. vemie e. = fi lm eii ueu wold bave ou the pel".r "It 1acim b.d fer lme, air epecaBy am an* et " .rians o..uud la my overcot - ike "Thbat luotftact eunta for nothlng," 1 remarked, a.nd acjded: "Te1i me caundly, Orr, have you no tbecry upon xwbich thre thlng can Le tipiained*!", "No air, 1 have nt: it seeavea'y otance; I cn't understand it." he aaid, hi@ volce trembiing irerceptibly, and hia eyes agoin filin1 with Inara. "It la a trille myslerious, my euUDg tnernd," I1aold, rolug. 'But 1 .omehcw believe yoD are flot '(he guilty mrt>'. 1 wilI aak the sergeant lu gte Fou à more comtertablc pince than thia for the night. In thimrnng 1 yl oce yen again." When zhe caue came up at thie Jefferson Mark-et police court neit day 1 aeeured au adjorirninent. Then 1 went to work vigor- onaly tohaunt devnrte (ief. 1 .tarted ont on thre theorp of Frantita innocence. Then, it was cletur tottie janitor could flot hlmself have solleir the gooda. lHe mlgbt bave had nei accompltce, however, who mai have been concealed aomewhea'e ln tb. main, and carrled off the Jewelry whie IFrank tva taking his two-miqnte vlew of thre bonsesln the aIle>'. Thià thlet mlight have da'epped ther ing' lote Fraak's rengbl>' frigit- tl Le Wax pto pocket auf begging lete ia ou'er. Mfy tiomar Ile la s ntaire, tal Ith i rlt;. I aurin- home et Hi qusinle.] n yonng mralai" aî 1 Ieu abyire'lla'an- aime came Il g. Bat mien he itad beet cou tic; don'î Bo'ery astI roecocis sutire>'nanred Tiui Sing. antil ýgon uasiret up, acre 1,'the i ttc boytura" istamet. but pz ufth Lewagon ont; imeta V tLe ereoini i as liêV re lore "Tbry Lu lero vas niece- ft'e banlenu t>' ln tLe dira-n aint iteetit 1 R000 brotugiri ITe fot tien. tiLt-c. as Moter mati, sut an Interview r ne.' cali; Lad oc gveatly solu thttcir 1 os uhotin te iaLmld mureti rly. anti appear. trly dee n.i l ometit 1io."R aidti b ce-Ilas oîta. ireughit 1aouldtell.'dlis. "'] oct- about ycnr Oter lewetl I if yen ai'.iut- 1Isaidilucol ot Le. 1 vili soc ing (rom Kg roc oatut ftua aie veste.] lia >ona" -"Tic pro prempti; , a aif Yeuoin -uh sc'wept mier iat'on nil d( 'ia la ver, Jlied once." I adt crombl usiness The wm et a it of tie A th-t te Ler te a de e r-t beitie the punudea eii me ail abont At tie Po Tîngie venu ru Veront. be et their crut rvw York about ed i îet>'o nice« el ld nctmatie, andt sd ta eint t i, Il a. M UionLhe Lad TLsnkslvb mouti ire hllti FrakOrr1 e Inero>te i tulli for mi ep aorel;. For Juat arreet1 On employeti in coing. aud gs Javelerliratieil, tlirv cîreurnâani 9 and»Me ob- ier.. "Ns juet latter te wv. came ti heur tLehert- YOD tvillIi mcli au.]Frankt Lo ynmi carme.] Lereir home lu lim ýt t-daa>Lot-i nu ceem.a k a xo iu tic parte.] "' Ne more wn t the promniés,0--e" n. la thia l aniter." îLhe remait vhicb 1 beci et." -t las, îpot btlueen ticîva Office Jour t mmie lire rear I le alla>." . tet thenueur?" O*O IFrank 0O nte." IThantagiviî tram tic front YoVrt, but i, let leur kncw- jbea hait no bled ever th COct, earnetly; Irua op tic e 1 ran cut tu gruoetd n.] Pathem .Obèen'v4the fip. ' la hB aro emer m ages -for Lelleving fiat cor forefata.a'm <ebra- ted tiroir trot Thankagtylug Dam j with beai.bine domo for a rof et lire rwa uarth fer S a fber. Them Lad - i tsir efforts tofound iromes for lirem-~ tecive Ib the vilder- tinand thir heurta were tînt]of gratitude. In lb. merdies tiry rentembored tirey forget tire fearful hartiahîpe tirciLsbd endured. andi c'Len the ineihcv Indian oaner of 121 came tllcy toit tiremmelvea moved by a fervent tieire te thank Ged publlely lu a generai vuy for their tmpreved pesition anti tie osaure of comfort granteti. "urirarveste being gottela in,", @*y@ the record of Etivard Wmsow, "ont Gev. rner tient four men folilng, ome tiraive1 might, afler s apeelai menner, rejoiceo together. The four lu eue day killeti a, muni fevi, as w'hiaa utile iretp Leaide,1 "" .ayfme~ ring the Baa-Oqe ~aUy l. la e ula Dame t vuteu hoeUa( vâcir as utc lire imdiate direlcon-and charte et Priadifa Mclneu1 ah. vire atterward became t4 irt vforc John Aide-vIrIe a messeuger vas die- patched te invite Massanoit, the chIoet thre frlendly tiLe, te attend lhe celebra.' tien. - "USZIY on the morting etflte applted TiruM&da-about thre irai et Nevetiber- UIf f sa an ad onety et hit varrîccu ar- rivud ou the outsktaeofthtie village. andi wti wîlti yelI. aamouned l.leir roadînea te enjoy lire ircplWaity oet tiruriIe brredaven. Th ire s. ettlement, vhîci 00w conaleteti cf aoven dwellilagaandtoufer puLlie buildings, vas aeen asabrtir thmon, vomen and cblldreo, wirc gave tire In- dians a bearty weicome sa they flIed tata, the large square ln front ocfhelie oer bou».se.auonthei of eta druma snoune. ed tihe ur cf prsîcr.for ne day va. bW tua viaouitItis reition. oervlce. Thon followed a iroiday of feaatlng anft r«e- lIe, wiih outnuneti net oly tiret dar but turing the two aucc.edlng day.. Tire uvala]routine et dnliee va. .u.mîended; the. obStreuarompre.1about in mern'y play; the. yo g men loduiged la athletic Ipori aMt garne la friendly rivalry velti the as to Point ganoicioe tec'ird secryctheIL.cemîany neambi a week. At Indiana; ticehit. Amencan arur>'of whiich lime, ameng chber recreatlona, tva twenîy mon, under ticeiottdcebip et Mile. ry provedt correct. A gaardoal ezerclnee unr arma, mnai;of tic Indiana Standtili, aveni ihmeganrill m1 antimmts- bosure people living riear tLe emlsng amontgun, amrong the rositiroeir cal et arm, te tire great deligirl an.] as- titan, tire janiter, mdc me an- grealet ktng. Massaeevyt. 'ith sours aine- ltultmont tif tireneusUes. virile lie venin' ilir his ciaracler and tabite. t>' mou, c'L fer titres ita>'. ee nterîti on Lsie tiemaeives in tic caretul have- mrer. wasa nucitn hi, eredit. 1 cd anti teastesi. andl tire;(the Intilana) parution cf tLre excelentimuole, whinb Itu tiosi'sicn of te tact Ihutwnet Crt ant i tule.] ire dcrc, avieticr lry ere eo uintie openu air." an feneu tc itaa ins ight ni a bretugirl to tLe plantatioun an.] bealowoti lou in curpanyt>'sih a tcliow ou ounr loreruer anti ou tLe Captain A Tbankaitvlug Iîmn. gle, mt-lieLad dun nse et ai S lîgIybes Staudisi) andi mirera. Andi ai- W. lhank Tirés, Lord, for dally tend. mite trasn uts'under surveil- bugluil L e net niways où plentiful vItL te r i'clted et dully god; pohir. Imccllu le irlewnFoi' snhirne arum tLe songesofuitbrds ýe olie. wet o te sloo us, yct b>' tiregoodneea ot Qed. c'.are And meloti>'oetlating vanta. il le'trnct (ai lite ma-n Lad aofat- fironanitntauc iten vis o y e w hibnir Tiresfor tire bockssvoretd. li. utradiutscn-er lu patatersofet envplet.',.t ,peplAnd far tae btoka et boous vece.] il iranuecyani aeresuer, Ieiits sîmh a steruly reiginp Foie rhm ofseteaerh on 'ototly Civets. asi o snnryandwer mobr cupoaly te Pihgrima aiment ai repeating And fer iLs bigluer iapeofutboutent. 1er i-tplniinmned. cnt-ca i her in titis sooeirhat preangeil open-air te.- Fer chirIdre'e vole, finitof toé nsointu.inirteMtwnt-t uft lte. utval thre Bililcal FesPeuofthîe Taberna' 'onrlire brlgit eldams ltai fluet ahane: ltaitimhyer oe not npandieg clea. athichILnlcludsire Fouat oethîe And for tc"»tearam e, lenotImea ttiavn e nue btieuee tira if tîucae mec "Hart-est o h I5'ein. t I Frso unmcwa tier taneut r o. yt' thieven ter ind ut vtvniett h ngitig lcaa lunder. Ho t deu'tded uona idntya heori>', lcalîL>' Public Pay- For loves!ono-s beaant it.] n.osnsaga, tiet.Sir ne lie u f ipoli, n - few daoetif nooth-neeed ne- Weait. itu Iee suent.Sectiing th ait]etea o 1 Iît (soInsu ut t cati.gon <lie titliir lureceve ~' oiclng aîud gourd eheer. And stor tire cross tai u-ar al Il oi.în"u.a" Ia'ut u ii- It~ dnmavseticls rit-re for theJusst ttiensea n. Mr. 'ling efitsiute tiotsansd short tumntu s tyc aîe"tee.] cheer." Ir v yni 3utfomrtt oipn"but cren c'o mlght Lave airpreved teir tiidetut tosi'. pnrlstytrrftait- wil .îurkeyx,. ulici tradition tels us lavie5 arr;tint ihat suspicion soetimsea urigircal exty pouîda. There - r - g n pon bn-c itchrtind. trere aise milti Coeerie Ibir *essonsanti )pnt>' la ot .Mr. 'linglesR, and a" ns' ws iter assuresune. 'oven 200 varie- --- lu t sa'ie yoruttIf freintnoule tiretifirh.incindinguttbclhfls." Love for - puir iluop tu titis officer ai te latter serims alerosît'a ift o e oeity Met. c'it Nov Englandera. Tie roliritfor '! tant nrnocl paie an.] boittîci. uyaterio le tîndytus. anti as for clams, tire place lier alnser orrest itronght ule stil prevaila a taheannual clam- niaion, and a panu'eI cottainung batles on tic ceseirore Ibat a toaster muent 'vlsue place.] te et;bhn.]. cat tiI! the pile et emptaidairelle lu front k lice court nest da%- Hogan se.] uf ittinoens hlm entireoli ftcm ve. n cisufronteil wtifthe évidence For severai yeare titrs e veoeccasionai l ne, anti ifraDirOrr'a e. sdonc- nppintmcnta etfespecial dayà te returu F hon the jutige uxprosacsitie- ihueta for certain careruoancehas "a re-' "Wirer are youCoinng. mi Turkey maldr' en serionsa a urltate ha.]titeen treeing rain vblchbLad talico lu lime *"I au geinsg s'alklnr, nit!*" ahe »Id. bold blet Le c'asai liberty. . te revive lie cropa pertirlng ftram "Yen Ledas!rbttem Le cmaetu.,; Turs; uaid, now noumi et the- ua>- efore dnuugb."Coi seine an. viiia ynu. urta." Leoald. ln tus>-the day tward n'iich in 1088 colal reords et Oct. 28 Bgay: lUne'Ephuatu <ilvea Tiranks. La! benroutlLg fovafard loy' "Tire Couvrt tatlng notice o e t egones& 1t'ato de Lavi te' de cropi atm lan;y aeets. But sinise hi@ uni- oret ednlathe coullunane etfcur civil An' de aakla' mart' on de &uov, Le Lâiad irndtoneti a!! hope et anti religion@lilberty, tire gessera e ioali FO de lIte dat t'neit a In e' doe', veina. Es No remah bruns hov. a mesage. Lani brou vincttec'e haro enjoye-tice concelve thet tirese 7e' lits anloir I 1 'auite de Lavmt. anntuin îilet tineépeceetanmd iber tavrr.doese au ll oeusfer 'W airai] vile 'eé aILsqunebref- Ssne veuttipreveut hi. Leins retoraof thankfulnae." Thaen, remein- se i' h~futi.' v.r off for Vermeat," 1isid Oe hurlai;on]; tire mrniesseMud teptdu t Ib'l antopp l ' it ot tic court vottotirer. lie barrer@ esati mrrovu vwieir haveébhut y*, ter d ymaiketilt'. net bave mur-b tinte ta laue, fhuem andthle faise that amieatc tmi~>lu' Ike. mn maite yonr train and rte-tlb. proposaila matie tiat aill nuit ll ihep Am' et' Destin Green ne for dininer icI. Cournse tirte 25tir of lovember aust"A Sol«mne dur l1ed4 de reata..,cloe- eion eo,", i saiti. vien vo et Thantcivine, vith rempl le Qe1d'. lTr«u ' eoerînbasolierantorteLv ti come tmitirite oM; Offie. gootineuinlictheperticulars abeve Tmen-eva ebrri e' ;ok lu a Jeeroî;hop for you, llcned.' Thmempvins. Itie atetch I bave tois!yen et ivg dyoMI: t. ho aoterlepa ATr Biat et faillaPutua taLle clrenmtane iunndet tiliiM9, viren Nov. 26 va, appointe& U. ul. %ift as! 4 raeactInaititeti grileuMy Prom- AIl fee colbratimonsatve olu Pigmcutir r1 a n l Lsd w.r Mlitund.t 'mner. The noat igu ove, eut ooy anti prelabi; lie bitter exusu. Ao'l auta iller varions vLlma nov moiti,: Cln>, vsie leeept ou. OUItoue.."Ah."saisi Le, fl * ~ ~ mecest ta isite tetrugglng aettlessest «J C l'I111alo climiau tue.. maefooting toetheticPlace etfeematng mer ainees l!uirogIvng'. cr.euntooet, LA waON 4& ORE. and] prayera et agoneod entboaty for liehe «batEiî Ite (rglata eu **~* ~ eetety cf livea andi homes noem more &p- ATTTiEYS ~propriale tilon praisse ant rejicing.. Canned melmon. epn mD iett irsI Theakugivtmg Blan,. It la coutietientaI20,000 tees et ug da>-. suce Le came t65ew Th ir rt Thankagtvlng va, appointes! canoet aelMOn amrCMcBnUMet onuaily te ilhi teclares that noe h ave by (ov. Bradftord, et Plirmeui, maae, in eale ceuctry. 0 dlgitul nu lie day Lehomi- lu 1621, tic year folovlng lie amsltingy cfsalà h d te mow-,jadtbillsoretVermont, lb. Pltgriurs, lInondertlima the Celolata 0 OOaI'utith of l ireO' g es hird olti laun oder theapple Irel, in a More epeal> e uit r&Y C d " te- But àM eaete nov tate à bar-klseat; 1Nerot-e aiibsout tamaI oie gtirer &t h.ving ail tiffla MMlu ge ndlesFortbp volces0f lie tnrtem' lrecirous 4a"u hueurut:ina the.deà*-oIt plfttm. wtm COrd ui~t la tinse fer tiInOr-u 901111111oe adis lettelML But 1Iturne frein Adam's ereiandto leSa- uuro'a erciturd. Wit bLia on ondautlie write,, "I made me gadntset andt oc- chat-do." Nul îi»pendlug on the ntutrel fou eof vole, Le irigate.] those emchandi.. Pîcces (if the aquesiet ît atrateve.] Ibea. gandruats1Ihave osu'on, an.] the rosor'oirr are ns perfect nrie t-t fonsaniti et yuenr go the masan'e trowel ameetiL e Mlioer tar ever Ibeir gray surfaces. No ereirard of oldein or modemttime, Irotohi;, erer bat ils lhirai san'ell alkeal. "Soue unact te ride out te ihat ireant hotu-o breaknt it ave 'shlm an aPPelîte -Pdi eometiing te ihitit a alt 'ic hedo>-. Af. ter Bohomon Lad taten 11is mordu1 ride ID fhese luxuriant ocbirds lie veut.] ait tiove sud write thoetictidertînticinl tire Bibla, rtracing bis aillutrtiios rour lie fruitosire Lad ihat ver>' urrung pl uct- ed or ritiden coder, amati mîhlng le praise lie eurlug Christ ha oaya. "Ai lie applo treo onaug tire treen efthle vueti, so la m et;loaed.'t AuJnd ioing te deacrîbe tie love of thîe chcrèi foer mLteo] reb write., "Corfort me vili appîca. for 1 asick aofe lave," an.] csirneg te mnate et- oronce Le aviie tain et tire uctegcun riau.oiland uit uttome htviDg notice.] tint tic bloasmni(.fsthîe ilinon.] inc wérne white, hira eyq ofthîe agaml otan. -"Ticai- mendt re e hahi flonnish." Ti, w munîts anti the pmarganaies Onu tireurandeotes ant tire Ilitsmite*',.!on*,o, rIntingtaa dtunnel; arrainl dfruitbakt,., Religiou a Luxur;,. What muiSolemon'a oeardo antdol .itre'é gardon., fer lhe'y su tmtml*.. OR. TAI.MAOIE'8S ERMON ON THIE FRUITS OF PARADISE. TihemViret Orchurd Iteacribetilu t. l fleauty eud Pe'fecllon-Tire Leesso f lt&Creatiomi ectore Fine sand i Brt.- cicemula'sOrcirarulaantI Gamatea. Our Weekiy Sermon. Dr. Talminge filde the divine bandi ln ail the domincotu f lie cattînlaoriri, anti r tia sermon hirellents religiuonlu Ila moit radliant etttetia-eneua. Theitetit8laten- cola h., Il."'rThe fruit tmcc yieldin" fruit aftr Lis tind." It in Weihncaday morning ln Panodise. The bird. dl.] net aing tem npctiing piee nov the it talle Ibeir liratiirOutil (Ire foitowlng lt'iday. "Te subir and lîmnar lights tiid trot break tLvoungi the Ithirt, cirsolle faofthîe c'iriil*o majintacîre until Thursslay. Beture (iraI ILero usag lght, Lut il c'as 'eetrie ligit or Phan- Phoreeceet liglit. ontithlIightofteu or -nom. But the Lotanîctul andi pomologi- cal Productions camle on Wedueotiay- fraI tLe flouersand tlitet the f molea. Tic Veil cf tes hiftcd, andi îtu'restand the or' chanta. Walcb (Le atîdden usinri>' of tic fruit. In Our time peur trIee ust bave lwe yeara Letore theu' iear fruit, an.] tncirtroc, itmco yetnrg, anti appie Irees flereaers, but bore bnis.1luîa' nciipete orchard apringa Db olite, sil tLe tronches beeTng fruit. The inetile forces, n hieah have Leen doing tîneir warst te desîroy lthe fruits for 6.000 reara, hall not yet bcgn their invasion. Trhe enîrcuio tant nul Y 't @Itanttic pinte, nom lthe enlerpilnur hiitltic apple, item huallthe phll-oxera plugnel, urich haldervaxtitpteh e ville- yards of Amefleuaond liran<aî. astalnle. thc gripes, nom lhb.'orer pIrfotralel e Woodi, nierlie apiitriirteth.îe c-herry, non tLe crut, puacitîred lthe netarine'. or the bligLi t st thicet. 'liem, alous tie flrst ercitard, n ith a pr'rfti-.irof rmd. sud on exquîiietieta ut îolor. iii l lugeiooamefe t ante'. andi ait alllnti'o-u if Pvotiunticn'wc'LiI.l îmatle titotimnulai et ycnasmore utfaîIndy ut mi. a-oit-a- tnt fruits ta ertortce. Tie raO.,ia . Vo'IY vue tLe urchirilerentedti tcu îbys befure lie flir an.]bisbiandti tref dayis beforo îLee rilile? Amtung other ikintgm, te ianpveis tlie mcm i.]v. ba 'et~01 t la tOc atoPid tl'alearo-rthai fruit dret la boaltier tian ment lirt, - l- furmer mnts procee îLte latter. Yît itbave tiant ei foitfr breîta thurnoonul iitie. Have Yeun lhrnke. Lim o fr lthe fruits wieb lie mode tLe limâi eonrse utftee.] in lire menu ef tire murld'o lable,-tbe Rc~eftoftIbose frunits ta tocp lic worid'a table front being inalpid, anti their ameets ta t"ei itfront beig tonsanut? WLoi an capenisive thint la sin. Il eont. s tirouandtiimes more thon itlaI vertL. A. .iPOme etiokinal ut qundru- Peda s endail tinta cf atingeti creruture paa.ed before our progecilor îLot lie miglat alineunre àaMne, tram foule toi Lat and frmliai tetimule, ou 1 iirnppo eeIem vera lnanrdis, smpetimens ut oner; Liait et trnit tree. An.]in tuit enormou t.sc- Chard ticre wao uret ccl,- enonngb for titi original faoil>-ofetwuc.tlit enortgh fri tell ripe te lire grnd nti -s eveer p!.uemu edilttt te niccitirwhrsle line o ndvillages. If the> r ad eî'iold. Btintah.'infatutali" counpio turne.] atay treim ai!ltoare tIer tt'co. antitaced ibis t-i-e.and ifrui t o ltai lie; cdll hare tireugb ilcotit em ail pai adixe. As yien poss ihrough lic urchard on tirele automnal da>- andilootnp throngit thte arma oethe tmec. larîron-ilL fruit ;îti hear timping an lthe groundti iat wblith la ftiiy ripe, andti trownng y.,ur arias. ureunth tirolnlnyou cite taa sute Ibat t sonda don-n a cbcaaer c ogi.] suîllire on aIl] chIes etfrent. lile up lu brasket.ancd hormtisand bin anrd.]one helvi-, andttiable's the divitne aupply. But tht-se urrchiurul bave.'Lo tteisr th e aqaulî of ai Icoat suXt>' êciuîries-tLe atarmthîe lruugbia, th ic ter n-, ticinlseclivora. Vbat mnunt tLe firat umehard Lare Iieen? ~And y et ut in ttc expîccers s'ridenim ltaRt on tbe- site eft Iat arehard there linut nu apri- et. or au ipple. tir an olivu'-nutiig lut d~art and tienirioiin. lu tetrî'n ords%, tLot liraI ocharl lea alest oc-arit. Ilo- di] rire prupnieter and ttc pri.pciertvcntof ail thatt intelceumnialion ot frltiltite lutt th ich ii leuder slip tittir iracaeoluen? It c'as, as crac, muaint rLe orecniti creloat -namey,hy anting more. Aii-t-s lther Lad le all thelg iroca, april-ca. s- aintis. alinds, applea-biata-luount~r'i uî u'uce feciiden (Le lose cf oui3- uie Ire.' ili îLe Oct-lant. Nutittitlie i mtIn nIi loi une, tic>' ceai'bed tor tiut and litititih i aaiuie oct-tard. Tire Edente Sien; Repos led. This alec; of Edentii4 rije-te. hy soute as an imprnharUlity. if nul on itiilpoeumitliti. t>-, tutinoltitîtoi cuirît usin'asier for mu' le belicre timon tLe trulli ut Ibis Etlucniu I stnry, ton Ihbuis-cflen theainatit.lingtin1 ibis rear et otir 1ord, 1,"f 7. t cauniti(.;Ili tieur itnni', if ut v. cccpetiîte ant i cîit. t eties le do soe. en '% i , othave curîuî a paraiite on etirlt anttdain a in 1 ieiumtfor ccntit. 'lheur lîttîlue nt * 'lheir lItîrary- ma-t. Tittir gtactnitane avent.'ltheir fieild cf utsrfuIlic-t s <rat.i Titeir itea1th ettt. Tiheir iettautt ont wn'et. Ma' trienis, lther.' i- lukn sin~ tbin ilt'ir u ciont t ofpirailice if -ott do netqui itI. ltiton' nMliaI il c. Rîtl (lati tnon'nati 3 lui td Li'tler drof i tnt band amnd]anrueliftetis ouurtl thla t b ia'iîti bingi itefore yuukyen- u3tti -ui i riti. Whcn Adam saou.un ti1ilOm.aid loot je hua rigit LbandlIbatnte runnd lieliel or apriu'tor cm ppie. tatititreaciteiltnp lait putilei dorme tht roundî, bonctiful atm. ot our prescut reaidence. Ovemc'uctu. 1 artisi. oermnrought merehant, arohiticnus ! Peliiiciui. saRit4cunsp>,eîninuor, better I tate thut c'arnlng treet Aulama umocbnn m and stop i-afore Yen Put eut fer tint une t tiing moe.i the world ha. iooked spots veligien elleffil as a dire, neSmuity--a lteboat froin th shipwreek, a hilier front the emiofagr tins. a sot hnding place afler dire blay ben iaboyed off 4he pretlplcd cf ti plarlet. A. a conheqî,enve go Marly boyr %ssid. "Wtt yul rdait îprepitration for tir future tîctil lte crlulbetolthe aipwrect natif the conflagration l in t uillblaze until we reacvb îhe brink oethlie precIpice.' No doutbt religion le lnexpr"~lbly lippoi tant for lthe ladexlge.y. îlotwhai & the apples and the fige% nuititre melon. ons te Pomeiroanatoea nd the citron and th, Olivesoft loloa l'oceirard meurn? 1.11% ury.'. Ïlry n'Pau tient or rcllgion la h luscioca, tire aroinalir, lire pangent. tbti arborescent, the efflorescent, thé' foliaged the tflhtrgeotua. Woridly joy tilîed Les X. wbeule heurt] that Milan di'i. cap tamild. Taira dled ef joy wlieu tLe Iom nu accte bonoret]hie, Dagor (lie]d(V jcY ireco use hi* tihre .ois mere ct'ownte ut the OlympIen Rames. Sopheies diet uf joY dover Ilie;literary Ruicees. Ant religious loy ita boeItonutmachrfor banal a Christinand Lia motel ba. operi sw.j on the wiDg out hosanna. 'Th.e Rply of Wellungton. You thlitk religion in.a gond tblng for v fueral. Oh. yeti! uBSletnre'o orehard ujeaio more. Religion in a goond thina nec' whddn roc011e luhe9llL aifriprlespcr ity and the apletite ia:good] for citron.e antd aliples and apricota and lrntceVoO- lt"p. coude in wîttbuîlv.aftlng ny tine lu tolttarg abront the and tilte the lui- tiriedis greligion. liiiipy yiturtlf. thkin Yole van malle others hiappry. Malle jual one perou happy every dldy almr4ln twc'n- ty y t-ara 3yolewill ]lave tiade 7.IM0people haIppy. 1 like ohat W.'lllngtou .satd aftei the lurttle ur Waterloo andi tilen lie wals in puracut rthe u'reneh v. lb lis attiance~ guard tnd Cul. IHarvey mii teluhLm. *(;eni- vral, yentLad belier net go any fartrer. ter' yeoti n-av bie hot antlîy some iatraggler frot the iîsîo" And W'tdlingtoc r.' plieri: "Lr't thymtlre atizîr. The battis' i. c'on anid rMy lire i. of no volise . My friiodes. ie onglet coter telire revis ldea.lliit if, t tiotirrl ie tii' partnng and rî'aîiling frace ur(Christ, yen hlive gaini ieh.-t viî'lry tit tr oina ni il-ot h and hbu. yti ii,fenr n.thing ui tLe "'rte or tender Itii' t'rth. let aLî.'.arpalhoio. Prre of prditionlazre aua ' . Yeu may ride crieiiie juytrîiiciîîhîîrîîit. eligion fe'r the fanerai. Oit. yem! itît religion tir thei wffeddng brenitat. IReligiuon for the brigbîct lring muraille:oitan titmit'o ut gorgeonsia unuiet. Iteligion for tLe diy v.iteu lthe rito-ko a re tl, jutlam nmrichi aa tiben îstack% lart'-îdov. Retligioon wlfie rer-o é~titan i. tour ausv.'l ilra octhe ladt Mgîtn. ire t lit' etar tte-anormalI ia reli e aa hebunit raeit0.-a Il meylIre a Ithntldthing te may, but t rialeitl. tbant if aIl people. wltboot rrripr'tte beller er (-bar- ai-ler. at deati iirteoa'al!ie periladeating Lapîiineds. religion for this serdi lx uci al luzun!Itne Do Mnor areman could let- fard le du witbout il. Wity waa ht that ln tLe liaralle efthe prodigal asuilthe doger ring n..ete rdereti put tipost the' re- torued wandlerer'o band Iretore pje o'a wr're ordered fur Lias tiret rer,t? Arc net edhoc.i more important fer dunr emft thon linger rings? Oh., yen But I it w.. te imprethîe n'oriel wiîL the tact tiret reigitîn is a litry as Weil 0U0N eecaity. SLowtIll e radiant tilh.nt,îot îLe table et Sotl's luove a id1pard nn oi îr ltwlh aIl the truita .itihlthe îrchard* oet(;mi'% loie andi parnltastihelersititeanoouoir lIi>. and ail i uli<'t ine tiantd mit dotiit Il3h tetî or i Ile r triia titth,.- pptt's the Il,,' u tn oato i the îimi-rni et 'Soliir'i. ioni lard. The Itrebord et 1'ilistie. Bult Laviri iitîiîtîr' i olisAdamoi' cri-ha nI anti ia rrie iu - tthile thrtigii Bittrmti' ioclard, itt'alit rt akitl alkai tt Yeuii titriilil1ila n , n-,La otf titi--t'tre<'a ottn l billa.me-t " y ft-et h igit tî' muni-as' ma, aitfrsnt iii c ale tif J i.ru.alî-itî. Aftir Ibaildretilt tirent oser 'îtt.cil f:itliî'r ipuil griot1 -rutiitis ia itodb.îit drid î'd,t i f ild-it' r n aril. 1cmatie'le, tnt' itîicd iiti i thv t5t-sild ut hi île fente] inithtuist wa. 1idt., inyirsefih.t a ien they leda d i"t siaii h ltefritt ort Ihat oneIii' e. atiî t-ri- lituita t lîîre, wroiildliei îrr îîldtnanuti.e tir tire, poisont. Isaid "Vlî.i . tdiii'r cee- tien v t i inde, litsv.merl, ort titt tran? WVher in the utiier titihardt!ieînt an l m- patir lthe sdonragni a're-:iddiiithe lirme tir -mrliiA nil I eusulon untii f1 rondil#ti ort-lia nia nd] tIixtvetter e n no iglty- fer (-oir.' as til une hltldhin fir rîin. îtend se. the une treire i 'tîn' în-tclbail iLi ht'ancitî,lîlncais il the cia!ft-'liît oi-tir. tagt'. and thlitpâlre trtiit tr iîf 11i'ng. Rut [hie spittted frui t ofdi. 3,antthii'd- frtaut:iltîi liliîttît tilîtit, i roundaii n 't ,:te i' tî tr î i irt l t-' i rl i . thtuttt ltrip lie'd ot aittllote il- tui-tii-thctit tir an triO hIudit slois-.am yiiilr sarie. c- r1til'abore tsic,iti-ttfrurit t ha t a a rt-c gt tliî il. Li lit tlie tr-c i ) f t hin -,' ici irurd. hu a miîlainti-iI, iîliiisiimtnil ait rince frîit till i1i. 3. Y. ln v.:iuni iuiiiivi' tii îîî'îî if rut: Ire. antdîlhi. auj l tîîll uti',ii asil iîqtia iti' alri lt'e litsi i-i tatdI utiuorti ttc ttti'r art iiii <utai iîtland. itt-tlesi't lie aîI'j 1h'fruit ,t tht' durit l i, . s l-i- orie tai t ti' baril triit, of,f îiîîrai.y Rîtîl ele îrtiîî'c saihll l it'l,ît'cfruitit crI-ti ooii t ss. l itis -i'ttti'r trî'î' loi tt ii I .r. îîcc't t Ii' iidY t .ietri Itle c it I itîere il aras tîlRlltî' i ' 't tr-rit liit itr,'lardc i 3 il-t ! a.ilt, iti t t du. for lth,. St. Joh n'a.<)m'hcn'd. -Now'.ln this diw-'ucae ut the ptiouiZy fr tue Bitte, out i l a uut itieii'î'ia rda, illi'ing inhuwe y oitAiitit'c it-ticil dn i Solomtot'îiorebttriantI i'iltte'g oci-iaril, 1 noa taite yoleintu Bt. Johntt ra uc-itiim, tnd I wiliattor)tirere, for.,tîttvicg liden tiet, yenc-il! tint to arc îotiring titan'. St. jolehn iitell. ttttaing tetetiLnt or- 'bard. ischargea av. ole volleY oetCllertr'! Comt'! Coule andti hen ironrtinced ili. iemî'dlctioai: "'rie fr01'. of nitr Lord Jesuà Christ lie mith yole tIll. Amen." Tbet, the iranialei evangeliot (-'oats tire book'. an.] tiretilinl donc. Thte ilcr Id. boot opene i wth Adam's orebnt anti cloie's witb St. Johnts ercitard. St. Johnu nent itto thiia orelhard Ibrotittitanatone gesle. eh.ihir L hs... 1.aa hnd4I. iii heven. «- Bi If uebmBtsiy., dWdigitt te fruitselan6&» Yser. Albrt Barla »3 A- laaies.twcive eroeeof tlb.ameé kW, 69 efruit.la n ee icr. ,Net able te deflle a vieL la tierelsecurate tUauaIîtle.1 ýe adopt bath. If It menatiryîelr ifent le krindaetrfiuit, It declares variety la beav'- -' enty loy, aud îLe>- ore bei flrue. Pl Varieli? Oh, yen! Net à& etevuity I.witir iiothitig but iuui.'; that oratorio '- ivould be ten prctractHt. Not an qiteraftî >o ut proettolon un c'hite h9roes: tint voolti il Le tee long lutire atirripu. Notau etcr- n nilty cf c'atr'Iitîthe river; tial vouiti ;-bee acmorcite lilurefqae. Not au e eternilty oet g;icting fruita front li reUeo -e ot lite; ltat would Le tlouech et tic irenrenir orebord. But ail msanuer of Va- rielle., sairai ilull 1 y1jrn et(tf atiiia twelveofe ltose vrites-: Joy'etélIvine c'orabip, iii>' ner tLe victorien ct the If LamLb o n-trisite , loy ovme-bérepent- i ant sinnera, jrîî if veeonunu vOWD i resene, loi of embrac'ing old trice, IciO I at recoguition if patriarche, ajoutte.. Yevangeii.î. acnd marty-rs; joyr et rtneg yiharmonie%, loy et reknlttiug beoken tri&mnl-t. loy aithle. cpimaaice ef lirovldtital mysicrit's, 103- at vathag the aLoulevalllasoetgoiti. joy nrtoillasg t vails 1 green vieili emeêraid, And bloc wiii cp- phIre, anti crinteon v.itiriJapar. and auh -wItiL atttetbyit, t'îtereal ihroutgir lging teR ae.their liroirthebir hinsuesan sd thelr - ianelo ut it-berrilo; loi that: there la luinlt- nuoi ill no ereslea. no ter- minus lunlte tlelt'y. Ail îth mrkes ivoire diîli-rut ju;a tavelve manuor cf tfruits. No irucli for vnrriy. But if Yeni tlle tLe ruILer lirepretatiun and say Il tuines telve crilus a >r'ar. 1 aa vilit 70o1 r tili. for tiiet reanus abondance. That %tIli l telirait lae we<titer gel mbt wberct' iera l. eeiugh ort ee »n'yla enotrgb o ut tlt o n.tirgit ut igUai, cooagis of scîrerriai anxatsol. eacagh cf love. ecoingit oifknowlt'rtetnougîa et joy. ire orn-Lird uoft tiis Icttrr uld Put eut Ail their entergciu' for a ft' a do>.nluaulomn. and titrn. lrnlmng y1ilid ne mecrop, Iheir iranners det tttiige -are droptpei oint of tht' air aa itlt irr titiit in saîloum'cerlun Iil Ilii'le u der ith( titi' cent rad ie.Brut tweint' rop~s ii inte hu'aents orntha'mJdur- ini that v.hieh ,itu etrtht 'se colt a yesvr 7 The l Orcîyii'hrrd.. rWhite thtr -ce a 'tuuit eofthé epîup ot rthe rliy aimenitl lu-s în fir lieane who hle lte cit>yl'tin, i t1int(Codt tere la enougit % n lte Bîile*abotîcountry ucenery lu .Ikeiav.ii i id, tuîl.ItiiotiunDsellte ee lutire unt thet' rnîîry jn idii r »L stoit-n it. iNIiw 3-utnia; bat-e rt'm-t* et gold i l l -' ren. (;i%.- t'OIt'ilit' ri-ittrdm wilh twlveI m enmrner ofu frirlaiiBoit i'lr4icg tirirfruit et-very :1tii'îi. itui lte m'ont-s et the treca 1are for *'tira' ýitting outhîe nations, and tit.relobait I iad, miinort' trwe, but tLe tbroame ut (loti and otifeîLe ara], dalba h Inn Il, isotl iS servants iailait at-vo hlmi, and.] îe>' abolli sa-ehi. ta,-e, and bille mi' sirallidLe lu iheir tr'iartid. snd tmare aiali ire noIl h trrn', anlthty mimd riren- tie, ne-Itber light uf tire@nua. fer' tire[Lord 1 led givetirtt'm lirLI sud ther aboli reigu torever andI nier." Bul Mst thint of s place suilîritiant îLot tire eetie noualboiLereaî'nvv rom li n atie of the zky bedrouat ttL int(ou fible a taper Yet miel et Ail :lii inpreasd i aticth fatsiIibilI ani oeil rttlit fur Ohat pace, sierrai etîhir. Il; the rer'eoarr.dng unitsoi'tf tcgrade rtChriatiOre mcc.] t0 tir' mie ait -,ît',andI let lnas, e geing irtr paut(ritxrts IYif ni' sourS(otelMloto tiraitiitly Att arliy P&apelart a r'ýrsotl nîtalter, tr'iîgcluriv cghÎ or gîctit. Ile ite,î,îor ut humair, eur fo'aîires. irî ail~iu' o.nd ut11)tig e. iCanneot ge-t lntî a fiteifilart IDu3-aur piaispert. ttnr cs InittIl'triltt minei. lKarit cee f ,nu tir e vhiiti-ttitla a divine inaofire. turîtte l' Illrie tairttili'tband et the Boa 'Ir tli..ti. .Id,-. t tit.' lnu'seuly orcbatat, îînnt.r tt'ithe Iîraîtldin, etOf 'ki'b in g..g isiiitt'i'ti iti!me t5 Lar the' Adn&t tit' sta',ii and-iirî t u l. t, Jloohn or lin, lautie-llit. - I.c t. Jiohneror' tri-r'difltLi Ille ,h'iii iitn the 'bout of t 'aIitiI-lI"rc- ' itiiil noyu: "An tLe aptîli'tri', -dIit Itfliii' Incaut tire wood. _ i tacy ,.lt i-ia tîng thLe nom. 1 »t dis t tiaite i'r lt. iiit,ww v. migreseir- ligt. and htttrtilt trait ieet te aiDY tii c ri .lý 7- 'rînt' Ide*vn sii(ilil; he dI nýlarita rity 'r. lt' -:Ir n h-mnitais'ii'elvc- tiai c a vi'rysti 1 l ilii ,z: taie sitaU ied It 80it l'lit tt îîîitithe f ust aCity. ti t- ai-c îiil fier ntirliit 'v. wyul etnure ti-r. Ni. KE Wt gluhti-iudaCorlt lit ltiiiitg otf i.:itr. -orkinz- m-n iÉ.itt , ilit nlis Ilt diii nolt fîtîru ai' tii n I diiigîidiii ci-'iiiitai'y, btfroti andtlttii'tiati,'-ler.. at'. tbc-n Ii. ý It l ti % dritv t if trlt, 'ut iet'car- i ;1-tîl:tti- I. s ilttirttlil en. le titt'r (Iii'lligs %taItlliit Afi lluasvt-n.'ilokfor I rrtlItiu , i.'i ii r' la. l ai-k of t ia : tiiti ctritiui-f-tI if ui bo' liii'oe ilindii' mn.î -îg iilitîtid e tirmaoti.he ittitc.if %tii'se)iiiiit.t 'ay, etf cran aultt iltî;,i(.hlr i. - ttinr i'e.-rii. CatiL- oUi' >.ih -ciSal u'i . I ti. Nouillt " .titia comm! 3yen jwttdly (10to 3'oitriuelt criontilii)hiePt tIre irmeai ts~unhl. taa iIl ttri 'ghI aloug tire C'ospoî Ililnî"i ailrtli-e viole: lRe colii. tutu Iti'etollittu btIIlies iecping lit otitîr rten, trot nover doitai, N1'h11 iii.' Ii tn 'adtY 1) ien, UuvO(lle ovn. litî". lt'ntur NtIaQîten-, UongreguuUoc nîltut, Soiniertilic, Monda. <'tritgu..'rhu'rr Are Reue personns at-lie ee'ur chainnge (hei Indini, and. tirey ' loka epltace ilit e lutelieatual avorlî l xnatly like îWole lu the sOcial womil tu-li go abtout the dentre yea! ryltîoît t rîîglcg lteir "enn. A man iaiglîtlut asat aeh ireProdit o f neyer bnvinrg talten a batir.--tev. là 0. Peu- teccut, Indepetndertt, New YerbClty. lIy ida..t W. nf -h lto îtî to 1,i -l di hua tir *bout Ji ther fiat land 1 I